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  • in reply to: R' Chaim Kanievski Women Wearing Tefillin #1046877

    I personally think it’s not a good idea for girls to wear tefillin. yes maybe some righteous women in the past were able to do it, like Rashi’s daughters, but this generation is not on their level of kedusha.

    Some girls feel that it enhances their prayers. While that may be, you need to weight the pro and con. There are a lot of conditions that need to be met. If we can do it perfectly, that’s good. But if we mess up, then it becomes an aveira instead of a mitzvah. Why, because it’s Not our obligation to do it. Men are obligated to do it, and so if they mess up, it’s still a mitzvah because they were told to do it.

    What people need to understand is that Hashem knows what people need. And so if men are told to wear tefillin and women are not, then it’s because we don’t spiritually need it. We should focus on the mitzvos that Hashem wants us to do. 🙂

    in reply to: Son's best friend otd #1035909

    Whether or not he should stay friends, let him know to be careful. People can sometimes say things that poison emunah G-d forbid. He should know that if he wants to be a good friendly influence, he needs to be careful to not be sucked in. If he finds he is, he needs to stop immediately

    Kol tov

    in reply to: Deep Question. #1035107

    I think maybe find someone that can help you. When something is very difficult it helps to have guidance. Also pray for strength and clarity . Remember, we don’know the future. What happened before might or might not happen again.

    in reply to: shaving for a chol hamoed date #1035865

    i prefer beards 🙂

    in reply to: I'm not a kid #1036410

    I think the idea is since it’s a job that’s given to kids, we don’t want to do what is like their job, even though it’s very important. It’s like when I was in high school(went to a small school near an elementary school) and the teacher suggested joining the younger students for an activity that i felt was too young, like making our own shofar. I refused because it was their project.

    I think it’s sad though that Gelila is viewed negatively, when it’s an important job. I understand though about not wanting to viewed as a kid

    in reply to: Deep Question. #1035103

    i would say either A or C

    btw, this is a great idea for a story, can i use it?

    in reply to: Do you still get childish impulses to do silly things? #1060090

    my bro and i wanted to call the operator and order a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich.

    I saw a video of a social experiment where someone was standing backwards in an elevator. At first, people didn’t know what he was doing. Then one by one, other people started doing it. That’s how trends start

    in reply to: Why do the moderators delete all the posts? #1034544

    while it’s good to have freedom of speech, we also need to consider shemiras halashon and keeping this place a nice place to chat. Of course things can get a bit heated. But we should keep it a nice place

    in reply to: Avimelech's household (pshat-in-Chumash question) #1040925

    the one about the father scares me, but on a positive note, Baruch Hashem i have gathered zechusim by helping people

    in reply to: Caring of Jews for each other #1033457

    I actually had a situation where I needed to help both my family and my neighbor for Yom tov

    in reply to: Rosh Hashana Poem #1033566

    Great poem 🙂

    It’s hard, but every effort counts. We don’t need to be perfect, just keep moving forward.


    i agree that we should keep the joke thread for pure jokes.

    in reply to: Orthodox Jews and Psychology #1121091

    Actually, CBT can actually fit very well with emunah involved therapy. For example, helping someone to think more productively and also working on positive thinking and faith ect

    in reply to: Happy Times Are Coming! #1032818

    bump and shana tovah 🙂

    in reply to: Just One Shabbos #1035934

    you can also join to be a host

    in reply to: How do I contact Rabbi Bablul the mekubal? #1030966

    I’m sorry you’re have a hard time –

    I had a hard time a while ago too. What helped was talking to a friend/therapist. Plus, talking to Hashem helped a lot too. I read in the Garden of Emunah by Rabbi Arush and Brody, that when we are having a hard time, we should say thank you Hashem for this too, for i know that this is for my benefit. Then ask Hashem for assistance with your situation. I was desperate for advice and so I tried it. A few days later, things were better than before. I don’t know your situation, but definitely talk to a friend or someone and pray. It might take time, but may you have hatzlacha and feel better

    in reply to: Happy Times Are Coming! #1032816

    The reason it’s sometimes difficult to accomplish something is because we put too much on our self. From what I learned from diff shiurim, we should just pick one thing to work on. Mr. Charley Harary mentioned that changing one small habit can help you achieve your goal. And he gave an example of a person that decided to go bike riding once a week, which inspired the person to eat healthier, which helped him lose weight. One small thing leads to another.

    Whether it’s saying Good Shabbos, or concentrating on a bracha, or remembering to not talk in shul, everything counts

    in reply to: Frum Hachnasas Orchim in L.A? #1030840

    Try Rabbi Yona/Jonas Landau in Los Angeles also the Jewish Learning Exchange in Los Angeles

    in reply to: Ice Bucket Challenge #1030424

    I saw a really funny one where this guy was going to just pour a bucket on his head. Then his kids take a hose and squirt him all over. lol

    in reply to: Take The Opportunity #1093482

    Another thing that we should be aware of is how the satan challenges people. He does so where the person is. If the person is at a low level, the satan tests him at that level. And if the person is at a higher level, the person is tested there. We see for example, when someone wants to be very lenient, the satan entices him to go further that way.

    But what about when someone who wants to go higher? The satan uses that unfortunately to confuse us. One might come across something that seems like Torah, but is not. Truth and falsehood get mingled up.

    And so May Hashem help us to see what is True and what is not. Please protect us so we have true Yiras Hashem, Ahavas Hashem and Ahavas Yisrael

    in reply to: Everyone Must Answer: Your Favorite Song #1032960

    Sameach by Shalsheles among their other songs

    Naya Nigun Ari Goldwag

    Chai the Chevra among others

    in reply to: What's going on with YWN site? #1026484

    last night that kept happening where i couldn’t open the threads. But now it’s okay. I thought it just mine

    in reply to: acapella in the 9 days #1026856

    There are some acapella that is very solemn, like Kol Barama acapella version by Maccabeats. Ana Bechiya by Goldwag. Im eshchachiech. Shomer Yisrael by Lev Tahor and other songs

    in reply to: Lets All Make Non-Nasty Comments About Other Posters! #1037548

    i remember that, Meh

    by the way, it’s interesting how we can be so many things in different threads, like rude, then funny, then nice and encouraging.

    Gives you a picture of the whole person

    in reply to: Lets All Make Non-Nasty Comments About Other Posters! #1037537

    For the Coffee Room, funny and sweet when you want to be

    in reply to: I'm very nervous #1024838

    This week there is a worldwide Shema said at the same time for protection for Israel and all of us —-

    In Israel it’s 7pm and so 12pm in NY

    in reply to: Shemiras Halashon #1023990

    It would be ideal for people to improve all year round. People get busy and then we focus on different tasks instead of taking to think about what to improve on and how. That’s why there are certain times like the 3 weeks and Elul that remind us to stop and think

    in reply to: Shemiras Halashon #1023987

    lol we should always try to improve our selves. these days are just reminders

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1183419

    Thanks for sharing, and baruch Hashem for his return to Torah so his neshema can be nourished again.

    We need to remember that even though we want so much to help them, what they need from us is love, understanding, and patience

    in reply to: Zechuyos for Israeli soldiers #1023830

    It’s a good idea for people who look at shtus to cut down on it. But I like to spread good article and messages to inspire personal growth and unity

    in reply to: Doesn't anyone care about Israel? #1023688

    I think he meant that we should think of how to help, but as i mention above, we do have a thread about it

    in reply to: Doesn't anyone care about Israel? #1023685

    We care, there’s a thread here about how we can help

    in reply to: Alternative versions of songs #1023637

    i mean he does techno

    in reply to: You know you're on the CR too long when… #1023619

    everything is old and is going to slow, you need to step away and wait 🙂

    in reply to: Alternative versions of songs #1023633

    I looked up 8 bit music. It’s synthesized or electronic. I like that.

    I heard some from DJ Raidz.

    in reply to: Friendless #1057126

    So sorry about your situation. That must be very difficult to go through. I remember when i was in school and didn’t have many friends. It’s hard to not have that interaction. I’m sure you’ve tried many times to kindle a friendship and haven’t been successful, but don’t give up, keep trying. Do you think maybe you might be able to find someone similar that you can relate to and give each other support? Anyway, I wish you success in finding a good friendship

    in reply to: Receiving Rachamim #1023206

    of course, with the average Non-Jew, we should respect them too.

    in reply to: Receiving Rachamim #1023204

    Good question, I was thinking more about average Jews. We should focus on seeing others in a good light. Even when someone is not doing what we know they should be doing, we can say, maybe they don’t know any better. Or, okay they don’t do this, but they do something else that’s good like charity. The main thing is not to have negative feelings towards fellow Jews, but positive feelings. maybe, if we show them that we see their good qualities and potential, that will inspire them to grow, G-d willing

    in reply to: How can we help? #1022969

    That’s what I pray for. Not just quiet, but an stop to terrorism all together.

    It’s frustrating to keep going in circles. I was wondering how long we have to wait for Geula. Then I prayed, please help us to do what we need to do so the Geula can come already

    in reply to: Please sign pro-Israel petition #1023263

    If anything, we’ll show the government we mean business. Lets keep up the good work

    in reply to: Please sign pro-Israel petition #1023244

    A good thing about a petition is that it shows the solidarity and support of the Jewish people. It doesn’t do much physically however, being that the president doesn’t care. We basically stand alone.

    But we have each other and Hashem and that’s what counts. Lets continue to do what we can to help our brothers and sisters – We can bring redemption, may it come soon

    in reply to: Farewell, my friends #1022633

    I’ll miss you. It’s true that when we look back, we want to have spent time wisely. I watched a video where these friends were hooked on the phones instead of focusing on each other. It’s something this generation needs to work on ..

    in reply to: haschnasses orchim in los Angeles ????? #1022123

    Rabbi Landau in Los Angeles does it

    in reply to: 3 Israeli teens were an eye opener #1022134

    He doesn’t care about the Jewish kids, just the Pal kids

    That’s we should protest and make Aliya

    in reply to: Camp YWN-CR! Who would you love to see there? #1022751

    kumzitz 🙂

    in reply to: Learning L'ilui Nishmas the 3 Boys #1021982


    in reply to: Learning L'ilui Nishmas the 3 Boys #1021978

    may their souls have an aliya, and may Moshiach come very soon

    in reply to: My Close Encounter #1028557

    Pixelate, I miss your encounters

    in reply to: PLEASE JOIN NOW: Online Tehillim for the Captive Youths #1021573

    sadly, the US doesn’t care about our plight. Which is why we need to stick together

    in reply to: Nothing More to Add.. #1021698

    I think you’re awesome, especially the post about complimenting each other

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