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  • in reply to: Economic Cooking #626704

    Recipe from my sister:

    Vegetarian Fall Chili

    1 tbsp olive oil

    2 med carrots

    2 med parsnip

    1 med onion

    2 cans red kidney beans rinsed and drained

    4 tsp chili powder

    1 can whole tomatoes in juice

    1/4 c packed fresh cilantro chopped

    Heat oil until hot add carrots, parsnip, and onion. Cook 6 to 8min. On large

    plate mash 1 cup drained beans. Stir chili powder into veggies, cook 1

    min, add tomatoes and juice, whole and mashed beans, 2 c water. Heat until

    boiling high, mash tomatoes with spoon. Reduce heat to medium and cook

    uncovered for 10 min. Stir in cilantro to serve. Serve over a bed of rice.

    in reply to: Tznius Support Group #626834

    The Big One – I “understand” that but how does thatwork? Do you walk in like an AA meeting and say “its been three weeks since I wore something questionable?” or “I almost bought a skirt that was too short because it was beautiful and on sale but I resisted” – how does this work?

    in reply to: A mitzvah for an aveira? or at someone else’s expense? #626787

    Bais Yaakov Maydel – I hope you dont mind if I dont reveal my posek. I feel that given the amount of personal information doled out recently, this piece would be sort of like revealing the final piece. However, I can tell you that he is a mainstream modern orthodox rabbi.

    I do want to clarify something – his saying that I could extend my hand first was in cases where I was sort of required to be the initiator. For example, when I do recruiting, I often have to go over to people and introduce myself first. In cases like that I am allowed to do this. It wasnt a “go ahead and extend your hand when not neccesary.”

    Jent, if there is no chibah involved, many authorities agree that its not an assur. I think you are missing that point. So, if its what you need to do then its ok because its something we avoid but isnt assur.

    in reply to: Starbucks Coffee #626615

    Azi, that is the Starbucks right near Stern. I am sure they are very well versed on kosher because who but college kids (living off their parents money) can actually afford starbucks too often?

    in reply to: Random Questions #1077785

    Jent – jfem was NOT saying that its ok to do those things, just that she accepts what others do.

    There is a list of “acceptable” halacha to break in the orthodox community – this includes stealing (like tax evasion), cheating on your wife (so long as nobody knows), hordes of lashon hara…basically, as long as it can be hidden its ok. People just dont like when people can see what you are doing wrong. So tax evasion is ok, but driving to shul on shabbos is not.

    Now I am NOT saying that any of these things are actually ok. But just because someone does not drive to shul on shabbos doesnt make them a better Jew than someone who does. We dont know what tips the scale.

    in reply to: Tznius Support Group #626830

    Whats the purpose of a tznius support group? (not being facetious, just curious how it would work)

    in reply to: Women Driving #1161765

    The Wolf – I dont understand it either!

    in reply to: Where Do You Live? #626522

    I’ll start even though others won’t share theirs 🙂


    in reply to: A mitzvah for an aveira? or at someone else’s expense? #626776

    Wolf, I LOVE the usage of YMMV!

    in reply to: Random Questions #1077747

    G123 – is it chkas hagoyim if Jew started the trend first? Non Jews have only ercently picked up on it, but I know about 15 years ago it was big in the area I live in.

    in reply to: Kids Following Sports, Something to Worry About?? #626384

    cantoresq, thats kind of where your role as a parent comes into play. You have to explain to them that someone did something wrong. They can learn a valuable lesson about owning up to what they did. Also, you can teach them about teamwork and fair play.

    Also, some kids who have trouble with man can relate to numbers through sports. Its a very helpful way for them to understand all sorts of facts and figures.

    in reply to: Respect For One’s Stepparent? #626455

    intellegent, dont worry about criticizing me! I can handle it 🙂 You are usually respectful even though you disagree. I respect your right to vehemently disagree with me, so long as you respect my right to my opinion (or psak or whatever else we are debating)

    Yoshi, good luck with the family gathering! I know at times it can be difficult and as I dont know your exact situation it would be hard to give good advice. Maybe the best piece of advise is know your audience! Try to avoid the “emotion stirring” and keep the peace. Not always easy (or feasible!) – good luck!

    Happy Thanksgiving! We have a lot to be thankful for, even in times of economic hardship.

    in reply to: What is Your Hashkafic Affiliation? #626896

    Illini – I dont think it promotes sinas chinam. I think its interesting to see how people classify themselves.

    I have a friend who never calls herself “frum” just observant. She says the connotation of “frum” is that you just are more machmir for the sake of it, not for understanding what the halacha is. She is extremely observant and keeps halacha better than anyone I know!!

    in reply to: Women’s mitzvot….or not? #626304

    Tzippi – ideally, there is a man who can say kaddish. One particular woman I know had a brother who was not really going to say kaddish, so she took it upon herself. And yes, she said kaddish with a minyan for 11 months.

    in reply to: Black Friday #1192220

    LOL Anon, I know 🙂

    Zimby, basically CVS has a program called extra bucks. Certain items are on sale for $x with $y back – a coupon prints at the end of your reciept worth $y on almost anything in the store (not prescriptions, alcohol, stamps, gift cards). You match up manufacturers coupons, CVS coupons (they print out on your reciept, are emailed to you or found in stores). You can use a CVS coupon AND a manufacturer coupon per item.

    An example from this week:

    Complete contact solution $8.99 with $8.99 back – use a $2 manufacturer coupon, and make $2.

    Dial soap – $1.99 with $1 back. Use a 30 cents off coupon and pay 69 cents for soap.

    You can combine many items into an order and use a money off coupon from CVS – $3 off an order of $15, $4 off 20 – whatever they email to you.

    Last week was an awesome battery deal – buy $19.98 worth of duracell, get $15 back. There were also $5/2 pack CVS coupon AND $1.50 off any duracell from the paper. So, I bought 2 larges packs at $9.99, used a $5/2, $1.50, $1.50 and a $3 off 15. I paid $8.98 (used previous extra bucks, not cash) and got back $15. Plus I had all the batteries!!

    in reply to: Respect For One’s Stepparent? #626448

    Yoshi, do you have a stepparent? I wonder if any of the previous posters do.

    I have a step father whom I absolutely love. He is a wonderful addition to the family and makes my mother so happy.

    However, he came into our lives at an opportune time. All of us were already out on our own. He didnt try to be a “parent” to us, just my mothers husband. We have great respect for him.

    If your stepparent is interfering with your relationship with your biological parent, I could see how you might want to hurt your step parent. Just keep in mind – you dont want to create a rift between you and your parent OR between your parent and step parent. Its a sticky situation.

    I dont know the halachic answer, but I cannot imagine that hurting your step parent is as severe as your parent. BUT, none of us really know the stakes…

    in reply to: Kids Following Sports, Something to Worry About?? #626370

    Why should you worry about it? Its healthy for kids to have an outlet, and many kids love competition.

    I might be worried about them going to games; what I’ve heard about sports in England is that you have to sit on the right side of the stadium (for the team you are supporting) otherwise you will be beaten. That worries me!

    in reply to: Women’s mitzvot….or not? #626300

    Mrs Beautiful – you are wrong! While it is uncommon for a women to say kaddish, it is NOT forbidden. It would be nice if people stopped deciding that everything other people do is wrong even though its not.

    in reply to: What is Your Hashkafic Affiliation? #626884

    I’m modern orthodox and Ashkenaz.

    Why is everyone so worried about revealing themselves? I can kind of guess many people’s affiliations anyway.

    in reply to: The Kollel Revolution! #627376

    Joseph, you think kollel is winning? Many of the big baalei tzedaka just lost a TON of money and can no longer afford to help support kollels as much if at all.

    Kollel is unsustainable in its current form.

    in reply to: What to Bake For Vort? #626157

    Pesto is a sauce made with basil, pine nuts and olive oil. Its so yummy! You basically jsut throw the ingredients in a blender.

    in reply to: A mitzvah for an aveira? or at someone else’s expense? #626760

    feivel, you have a cold for all the years you work at the company? I have been here for 3 years already. Boy thats a long cold!

    in reply to: The Latest Happenings at YWN #634902

    jfem – it would still be moderated. While that post would immediately be removed from the screen, a moderator (at a later point, having been notified) would review the post to make sure it was against site rules. If someone abuses this privelege, they would lose it, so they would have to make sure it was against policy. For things that people arent sure of, they would press “alert moderator” so the moderator could make a decision. I think it could work nicely if coded properly.

    in reply to: The Kollel Revolution! #627367

    I wonder if everyone would be for taking advantage of services if you either had to:

    1) repay the services (kind of like an interest free loan)

    2) Do community service for your services (pledged per year or something)

    What if the community service couldnt be done for Jewish organizations, only non-affiliated ones?

    in reply to: Random Questions #1077727

    Intellegent, I have no problem with people being more machmir. I respect their desire to become more strict with their observance. However, when they preach about certain things being 100% assur, when they are NOT, but just held by a more machmir group – that irks me. Also, looking down on me for being not tzanua irks me – I may not have the standards YOU do, but that doesnt mean my standards are not halachically acceptable.

    I had a teacher in 8th grade (a very impressionable time in my life) who used to yell at us that long skirts were 100% assur. She also yelled at me for wearing ankle bracelets under my tights. She would assur everything that didnt fit into her narrow view of Judaism, even if most other people held differently.

    It really took me four years of high school to understand how she went wrong. Unfortuantely, this is a problem plaguing the Jewish community today – we assur things that are mutar, and then kids get fed up and do actual assurim because they really dont understand the difference. If everything is assur, kids wont want to keep anything. One of the beautiful things about Judaism is that there is rarely one right answer. But when we teach that there is only one, we lose a lot of understanding of the Torah.

    As for Joseph’s comment – there is a BIG difference between varying halachic psaks vs something that is 100% assur. So yes, my rabbi might hold differently than yours, but its still within the valid lanes of halacha. Being mechalel shabbos is totally different.

    I dont condone anyone driving to shul on shabbos, but if they did, I would hope it was because they were trying to get closer to Judaism. And maybe driving to shul (since they would be doing other mechalel shabbos things during the day anyway) will bring them closer to true Torah judaism.

    Mrs Beautiful – the problem is, everything like “slingbacks” is subjective. My coworker told me he loves to walk through Boro Park (he lives nearby) because he finds the idea of a woman completely covered very enticing – it leads to him wondering about whats underneath. He also told me that he loves knowing their hair is covered because he imagines the hair is solely for him. So, do we make women wear less because of him? NO! He is just creepy. Everyone has their own vices, but that doesnt mean all women should stop because of it. I dont even think my husband would know WHAT slingbacks are.

    in reply to: A mitzvah for an aveira? or at someone else’s expense? #626757

    has anyone else discussed this with their Rabbi besides for me? Just curious. I have an actual psak, but some of you are going by “feelings.”

    in reply to: Women Driving #1161755

    intellegent, out of real curiosity – what do you understand about women not driving? I really dont get the issue. I would think being in your private car would be much better than in public transportation. Its not an issue I can even understand the other side, and I would like to.

    in reply to: How old are you? #870231

    I’m 26.

    BTW wolf, I like your blog. You sound like a grounded indivual from what you write.

    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083602

    notpashut – did they really? where? I like that quote and would love to quote the original source.

    in reply to: Cholov Akum #772511

    JFem, babies cant drink soy/rice milk because the nutrients/calories arent balanced for their needs. My neice is allergic to dairy and soy so she drinks rice, but its not ideal.

    in reply to: Black Friday #1192214

    Zimby – I’ve spent about $100 at CVS and got $4,000 worth of merchandise. What do you call a “good deal”? Drugstores also have FREE or MONEYMAKING items on Black Friday. How good of a deal are you looking for?

    in reply to: A mitzvah for an aveira? or at someone else’s expense? #626754

    Bogen, you mean people who dont have cash businesses and cheat the government? Hmm…I wonder which sect of Judaism has more tax evasion than other…

    in reply to: Women’s mitzvot….or not? #626282

    I know women who have said kaddish for their parents. They said it out loud, the same way a man would.

    When I turned 12, my uncle asked if I wanted to take over saying kaddish on my fathers yartzeit. I tried it once, but it wasnt really for me. I agree with oomis about worrying about the things I have to first. I told this to my friend who wears tefillin (as to why I dont 😉 and she went on a rampage 🙂

    in reply to: Random Questions #1077713

    Joseph…the others have said responded well for me. That post was ridiculous. There is a big difference between basic halacha and opinion based halacha. Feel free to jump down my throat, but I am sure you understand what I mean.

    noitall – read the posts of 000646 and oomis. Then read what I wrote just above.

    in reply to: A mitzvah for an aveira? or at someone else’s expense? #626743

    noitall, I beg to differ with you. I work in a company of 14,000 people. I personally have dealt with about 1/3. Its been hard enough explaing and re-explaining kosher, shabbos and yom tovim. Why would I add the hardship of something that my rabbi said is ok?

    You may not agree with the psak, but thats probably because you are used to 1,000 gedarim placed around everything. I am not fragile, and shaking a man’s hand will not make me stray.

    My sister is a nurse and has to touch men daily – do you have a problem with that? Its not always for life saving measures. Sometimes, its just to take their blood pressure or help them sit on the table. Would you like all Jewish women to stop being nurses so they dont have to touch men?

    in reply to: Women Driving #1161733

    Mrs. Beautiful: ROFL = rolling on the floor laughing. Its not literal 🙂

    Joseph, I am not 100% sure you are right on the chumrah thing (but I could be wrong). Isnt the point of a chumrah to be extra strict for yourself? A rav can ask his congregation to take it on, but if you are adding a chumrah there would seem to be a need for an explanation. After all, its an addition to halacha. But then again, I could be 100% wrong. Feel free to clarify.

    in reply to: Black Friday #1192210

    Your Wags doesnt take ANY internet coupons? Wow thats rough! That deal was HUGE. I thought about just going for the free items and use a $5 off coupon but it seems like too much of a hassle to wait for the money. CVS is instant!

    I get the paper weekly and my family/friends bring over their inserts. I usually end up with 4-6 inserts a week. I havent resorted to buying from clipper services yet, but I may if a really good deal comes around. What about you?

    in reply to: What to Bake For Vort? #626152

    smartcookie – make pesto chicken!! make a pesto recipe (its easy, look online for one), pour it over chicken cutlets and bake. Turn the cutles halfway through. It takes about 30 minutes total I think. (I’m not a precise cook so…)

    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083599

    in reply to: Cholov Akum #772500

    shindy – yeah I dont currently buy much milk for me and my husband, so we dont buy organic yet. I read that article too! My son is 10 months old, so in two months, we start buying only organic. We already do only organic yogurt (stoneyfield farms is so good and they have coupons online!)We are slowly trying to move towards all organic and I make all my sons fruits/veggies organic if possible.

    Do you know of any organic kosher meat/chicken?

    in reply to: Black Friday #1192208

    havesomeseichel – its a place to earn “free” gift cards. They send you emails with advertising – you click on the email and earn 5 points or so. If you follow up with the offer you earn more (based on the offer). When you accumulate enough points, you can get free gift cards! Its fantastic. It takes about 2 minutes a day (to open and click) and I dont usually use the offers. You dont earn cards that quickly, but I usually get about $75/year worth.

    in reply to: A mitzvah for an aveira? or at someone else’s expense? #626735

    RabbiofBerlin – thank you! I dont always know the sources for things (except for my rabbi’s psak)

    Jent – I’m not sure what your last comment meant – can you please expand on it?


    …when your boss posts on YWN to ask when something will be done 🙂

    in reply to: Screen Names #1175389

    noitall, it was just a joke 🙂

    in reply to: Elegant Dinner #626411

    How about duck?? Its expensive but really yummy. You can find some really good recipes (catered to your liking) online.

    So maybe duck, mushroom risotto and grilled asparagus?

    If you are heartier people, you could do a good brisket with roasted root vegetables and wild rice.

    in reply to: Random Questions #1077704

    Nobody – I don’t need an excuse to wear a slit because I don’t hold that its wrong to wear one. If someone is trying to excuse it, it means they think its wrong and are trying to convince themselves.

    As for wearing a shorter skirt if you need a slit – in the winter, I prefer to wear long skirts because its cold. I generally wear tights underneath, but frequently need a slit in the skirt to be able to walk comfortably. Not a problem for me, because my Rabbi doesnt hold its assur. If you hold its assur, please do not wear a slit. You would be violating your psak.

    in reply to: Black Friday #1192206


    I always wanted to do Walgreens and RiteAid, but I dont have enough time (nor coupons!!) Did you get in on the robitussin deal? I was soooo tempted but didnt have time. It was awesome and a HUGE money maker. I know people that were able to donate hundreds of bottles of robitussin!

    For organization this is what I do – I look at the product and decide how often I use it. For example, we use a lot of tissues in this house, so I leave a ton in my linen closet and the rest in the basement. This way, no one is far from tissues 🙂 With my other things, I put enough for a 3 month supply in the bathroom closet. The rest I store, sorted by type, in plastic bins. This way, its nice and organized. I also have a long row of closets in my basement, so I utilize those to the fullest!

    A&P triples I think but I never go there because they are so expensive. Stop and Shop is also more expensive (of course its my closest!) but sometimes they have great Catalina deals. They had one recently with get $4 catalina with the purchase of glad plug ins ($3.99) – with BOGO coupons it made it a huge money maker. Unfortuantely, I couldnt participate much because I was working 80 hours a week (and it was around yom tovim time!), but those deals can be great.

    I use my mypoints for “luxuries” like barnes and noble so I can buy books. I love buying books but dont want to pay for them! I figure its my reward for doing deals 🙂

    in reply to: A mitzvah for an aveira? or at someone else’s expense? #626728

    Noitall and Jent – I hate to break this to you, but I trust my Rabbi a lot more than random strangers posting on YWN.

    In my line of work, its expected that you shake hands when you meet someone. Its tantamount to spitting on them to not do it. Since its not derech chibah, my rabbi told me it actually wasnt an issue. Many people are more stringent on this and I accept that, but it doesnt mean I have to hold by it. To be honest, I’ve seen all the religious men I work with shake hands with women also – even extending their own. I do not, however, hug anyone even though many people around here do that! People kept trying to hug me when I changed positions and that I did not allow. That was crossing a line.

    As for working in a workforce thats mostly male – what is the issue? Yichud? I am never alone with any men. Why would that even be a problem?

    in reply to: Women Driving #1161725

    Joseph – is this considered a minhag or a chumrah? I would call this a chumrah. If its a chumrah, it means there is a reason to be extra strict – one which I dont understand. Chumrah’s need logic – they arent halacha and you get to choose if you want to take on extra stringencies.

    in reply to: The Kollel Revolution! #627346

    Joseph, I personally disagree that most are tzadikim. The men I know in kollel range from the people I know with the worst middos to tzadikim. They are no better or worse than the general frum population, they just get their salary from the rest of us.

    I have no trouble supporting really special learners. I have a problem supporting people who either 1) are not particularly great learners and should not be learning full time or 2) people who dont internalize Torah. Its great to learn well, but when you have zero middos it shows me that all that learning is doing nothing for them. They dont understand a word of Torah really if their middos are that bad.

    And yes, I get to make a judgement because they are asking for MY money.

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