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Mod- I also think you’re being harsh. You’re allowed to question psak (though you still must follow it), and so far I haven’t heard a good answer to the question (and it’s one that’s been bothering me for a long time).
It seems the shape of the legs argument only applies to tight pants, but loose pants (and I think they are beginning to lose their status as beged ish) should be just as tzniyus as pants.
I heard people give the slippery slope argument (loose pants lead to tight pants), but according to that logic, women shouldn’t wear skirts because it may lead to tight or short skirts, they shouldn’t wear shirts because it mau lead to short sleeves or worse, maybe they shouldn’t leave the house at all! It’s all a slippery slope!
simcha613ParticipantShlishi, I think that’s because in the old world, most girls didn’t have an interest in learning Gemara. Nowadays, women have the opportunity to go to college and get a very intense secular education. Many girls feel that they are selling their spiritual side short by going so in depth in the secular world, and not as much in depth in the Torah world. This is very much lishmah, they want they’re Torah education to at least match their secular, and therefore the demand for women learning Gemara is much higher. Granted there are also more women who want to do it for feminist reasons as well, which is a problem, but I don’t really have a solution to that.
July 5, 2011 4:40 pm at 4:40 pm in reply to: Two points from this weeks Yated – Kollel & Agudah #787349simcha613ParticipantAnother suggestion to number one is not having so many people learn in kollel. The Gemara in Chagigah says that Hashem cries for those who don’t learn Torah and should, and for those who learn Torah and shouldn’t. Full time kollel is not for most people, it is for the individuals. Too many people use kollel as an excuse for not working, and too many people feel entitled to support from their parents and in-laws. The kavod of Torah has gone down because of the way people abuse kollelim. People need to take life more seriously or else there will be no more money for future generations.
simcha613ParticipantHealth- the mitzvah could be “al ta’amod al dam rei’echa” “hochei’ach tochi’ach es amitecha” or simply “kol Yisro’el areivim zeh la(ba) zeh.”
simcha613ParticipantThe same question can be asked “if you were FFB and you had the opportunity to leave Yiddishkeit, would you?”
I imagine most of us would say no, but it could for one of at least two reasons. “I wouldn’t leave because I know I have the truth,” so for these people, if they can be convinced of the truth if they weren’t frum in the same way that they are convinced now, I imagine they would change their lives for the sake of truth.
But if the answer is “I don’t have the guts to leave” then maybe they have some serious introspection to do, and they probably wouldn’t be fazed religious Judaism to change their lives.
May 15, 2011 5:50 am at 5:50 am in reply to: Maccabeats hit "Candlelight" wasnt original music. Isnt it illegal? #766633simcha613ParticipantDid they even sell it? I’m not even sure if it’s put on their CD to make money (though I could be wrong). I imagine, if it is illegal to take someone’s tune while changing the words, it’s only illegal if you sell it and make money, not if you just put it on Youtube for everyone’s free enjoyment.
April 29, 2011 12:32 pm at 12:32 pm in reply to: Yom Hashoah…why do charaidim/right wing orthodox not "celebrate"? #762646simcha613ParticipantThe two answers which I heard (which I’ve seen multiple times here) is that Nissan is happy, and Tishab Be’Av is the national day of mourning.
But don’t we also observe mourning during sefirah on the national level in addition to Tishah BeAv, and it also falls out during Nissan?
April 29, 2011 12:12 am at 12:12 am in reply to: Yom Hashoah…why do charaidim/right wing orthodox not "celebrate"? #762631simcha613ParticipantThe two answers which I heard (which I’ve seen multiple times here) is that Nissan is happy, and Tishab Be’Av is the national day of mourning.
But don’t we also observe sefirah which is a national time for mourning in addition to Tishah BeAv, and it also falls out during Nissan?
simcha613ParticipantI’m happy that there are so many frum Jews, but are we supposed to be celebrating that many of them are content to live in chutz la’aretz? kein yirbu beEretz Yisroel!
simcha613ParticipantI heard one limud zechus is that people wear it more as a form of jewelery than as a tool to tell time. If it’s jewelery, then it’s permitted to wear in the reshus harabim as it is similar to clothing. If it’s a tool, then it would problematic because of carrying. Since most people have a special watch for Shabbos, that might be enough for it to qualify as a jewelery. Though I heard a Rav once say that it’s hard to tell whether it’s more jewelery or tool, and one way to answer up the safek is if the person would be willing to wear his nice Shabbos watch even if it broken and is of no use to tell time.
simcha613ParticipantI also saw in that article about people who need jobs turning down security guard positions. I think this is a terrible trend. The Mesilas Yesharim writes at the end of the midah of nekiyus that one negative midah that we all have to work on is desire for kavod/honor. He explains that one way it manifests itself is people turning down jobs because it is “beneath them.” Iy”H our society will heed the holy words of the Ramchal and not let kavod stand in the way of parnassah.
simcha613ParticipantThe great HJS:
Just because I don’t care doesn’t mean I don’t understand.
Son, if you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now quiet! They’re about to announce the lottery numbers.
If something goes wrong at the plant, blame the guy who can’t speak English.
I think Smithers picked me because of my motivational skills. Everyone says they have to work a lot harder when I’m around.
simcha613Participantehhh… that’s a weak diyuk. All that means is that there isn’t necessarily a national mitzvah to inherit the land (I haven’t seen this inside, I’m just commenting on what you wrote). In no way does it imply that there’s an issur. If the Rambam really accepted it lehalachah he would have wrote it loud and clear. My diyuk is that since he didn’t write it, he doesn’t hold of it (at least in the halchic sense, not necessarily the hashkafic sense).
simcha613Participantsonei matanos yichyeh- one who hates gifts will live. I don’t think this is as easy as many people in the cr are making it out to be. Talmud Torah keneged kulam and the beis medrash is the real life, but being supported is not an ideal. I don’t mean if a kollel is paying someone because those are the wages for a job not a gift. But being supported by parents is a gift and is not necessarily the ideal way to live life. It’s a big clash and it’s something that I struggle with, and it’s something that I feel not enough people struggle with. Taking money is never ideal.
January 8, 2011 5:06 pm at 5:06 pm in reply to: Interviews: Funny answers to trick questions #972483simcha613ParticipantSem- What do you feel is the most difficult mitzvah for you to keep?
girl- ummm… i don’t know… parah adumah?
simcha613ParticipantI too am bothered by the change, I have asked many people about it and yet I have not been given a good answer. At the end of the day, in terms of authenticity, I find it hard to believe that one is more correct than the other. I think if any of us heard Moshe Rabeinu speak Hebrew it would sound very different. But on the other hand, I think it is important to preserve our mesorah, Ashkenazis for Ashkenazim and Sepharadit for Sepharadim. However, one benefit that havara Sepharadit has is that it doesn’t sound weird to speak with proper havarah (meaning, for most words, emphasis on the final syllable). For all those in here who are devoted to proper pronunciation (at least for Ashkenazim), I say we throw away haVArah AshkeNAzis and start speaking havaRAH AshkenaZIS. Who wants to join the club of speaking AshkenaZIS properly?
simcha613ParticipantI don’t know many details about global warming and I certainly don’t understand why whether it exists is subject to political or philosophical debate. However, I do notice that people tend to focus only on the evidence that seems to support them. While many on this site seem to laugh at global warming because of the blizzard in New York, I’m sitting here in E”Y in probably one of the hottest and driest December’s that E”Y has seen in a long time.
simcha613ParticipantI don’t know much about Torah im Derech Eretz, but I can explain (at least what I think based on my experience in YU) what Torah uMadda is. To be truthful, I don’t think there’s one clear definition of Torah uMadda because I think each YU Rosh Yeshivah shlita has a slightly different definition of what Torah uMadda means, but I’ll give you my opinion what I think it means.
Torah uMadda is the creed of Modern Orthodoxy (I think). Some people think Modern Orthodoxy is about being as much like the Goyim as possible while staying faithful to Halachah. I think that is completely false. I think Modern Orthodoxy/Torah uMadda, at least in its ideal form, is recognizing that while Torah is the absolute ikar, there is what to gain from secular society to enhance the Torah. There’s science, math, music, art, etc… Torah uMadda is about utilizing the positives of secular society to enhance our own Torah and relationship with HKB”H while keeping our identity as Jews (and not trying to mimic the Goyim), keeping the Torah ikar, and rejecting all that is treif in secular society. This is in contrast to the more Charedi perspective which is not to use secular society at all, whether for positive or negative (because the dangers are too great and it’s not worth the risk), unless one needs to use secular society (like for parnassah).
simcha613ParticipantIn addition, just because a person is able to live in near poverty to learn, doesn’t mean he should. If his wife and/or kids cannot handle that either, he should rethink being a full time kollel guy.
simcha613ParticipantAnyone can learn full time if they want to and it’s a beautiful thing. But they should expect to live according to very low standards. Anyone who is a frum Jew who values Torah should want to learn all day. If you don’t, it’s a chisaron in how you value Torah. Why doesn’t everyone do it? Because not everyone (in fact most people) cannot handle that life style. Too many people demand to learn all day and expect to be paid like an accountant, etc… They demand money from their parents or in laws, they do things that aren’t yashar (like not legally getting married so they can stay on their parents insurance, selling american products from their back room without paying taxes, etc…), and many are just learning because they don’t want to be looked down on by their friends. There’s a reason why many tried to learn all day like R’ Shimon Bar Yochai said and it didn’t work. Because they couldn’t handle that lifestyle. And THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. Not everyone is cut out to live in near poverty to learn, and those who are… ashrecha.
simcha613Participantmdd… i disagree with you. Kollel is not a normal job. If you want to live normal standards then you go into the career world. Kollel are for those individuals who want to live below normal standards in order to learn… aka moser nefesh. The only people who should be living normally in kollel are those whose parents are willing (and not pressured) to give it to them out of the goodness of their heart. Most people cannot have their cake and eat it too.
simcha613ParticipantI think it’s wonderful when a boy or girl’s parents wants to support them financially to learn. The problem is when avreichim think that they are entitled to support from their parents or in laws to learn. No parent has an achrayus to support their married children learning, it’s a chesed if they decide to do it. People don’t understand that every dollar (or shekel) that they receive for learning is a dollar out of the pocket of someone else who worked very hard to earn it.
simcha613Participantmyfriend- i don’t think you could compare zionism to either to’eivah or abortion. Many if not all gedolim are opposed to to’eivah and abortion however there are many gedolim who believe in zionism (as well as many gedolim who do not)
simcha613ParticipantI don’t know what this whole obsession is with Zionism vs. anti-Zionism. It doesn’t seem to me that there’s a nafka mina. The medinah exists and I think that’s a reality that we have to accept. Arguments about whether it’s a mitzvah to live in Eretz Yisro’el or not have nothing to do with Zionism. Basically, what I’m saying is, all who outwardly bash the medinah, whether your arguments are emes or not, what’s the point? What’s the to’eles? There’s no nafka mina whether you like the medinah or not. It’s here. Deal with it. Why fight for the sake of fighting? (I know this is probably my fault for starting the thread, I should have used my seichel and realized that this would become of forum for fighting… which is not necesarily a bad thing, fighting for the emes, but too many people are affected by this issue on a very personal level and I think there is more loss than gain coming from this machlokes)
simcha613ParticipantI guess it’s a little late to post this but it seems like a married man should sleep in the sukkah unless he is particularly uncomfortable about not sleeping in the same room as his wife (I’m assuming the din is the same if the man is okay sleeping in the sukkah without his wife but the wife is uncomfortable sleeping in a room without her husband) (the din of mitzta’er- that’s how the Vilna Ga’on rules as brought down by the Mishnah Berurah). It seems very strange that there would be a whole din about sleeping in the sukkah, to the point that even a temporary sleep outside the sukkah is forbidden (which is much more strict than the halachah is by food where temporary eating is permitted) and the Gemara doesn’t mention that it’s only for the minority of Klal Yisro’el, only for the men who are not married. When the Rama says that a married man doesn’t have to sleep in the sukkah because of teishvu ka’ein taduru (one should live in the sukkah as if he lives in his house, and therefore since one sleeps in the same room as his wife in his house, it should be the same idea for the sukkah), it seems he is only rationalizing for the many married people who don’t sleep in the sukkah, but that’s not necessarily the din lechatchilah.
simcha613ParticipantQuick question… is there something unique about ??? ????? ????? that it was written with ??? ????? or were all the ??????? (like ??”?, ???”?, ??? ????, etc…) also written with ??? ??????
simcha613ParticipantOne of my Rebbeim gave a shiur on wearing hats for davening. He quoted R’ Moshe Shternbuch who said that hats are still choshuv nowadays. When JFK took his off, he wasn’t saying you don’t need a hat to look choshuv, he was saying you don’t need to look choshuv because I’m not a king, I’m one of you guys. Similar to Obama taking off his jacket in the oval office, he wasn’t saying you don’t need a jacket to look choshuv, he was saying I’m not really a king, I’m a regular guy like you, and you don’t need to dress choshuv in front of me. R’ Shternbuch said if there really was a king you would be wearing hats and jackets, therefore you have to wear it for davening, it’s just that nowadays there are no kings. My rebbe said that works well for jackets (and presumably ties also), but hats… even if there was a realy king no one would wear hats, it’s no longer a choshuv way of dress, it’s out of style (I’m assuming my rebbe would extend that to walking in the street… and he happens to wear a hat for davening, but for purposes of atifah [based on the psak of R’ Herschel Shachtar] not for the purposes of chashivus)
“The current style of yeshivish dress hearkens back to the Alter of Slabodka, who encouraged his students to dress like middle class European business men; a hat, jacket, pressed trousers and a waistcoat. He felt that if his students dressed and looked dignified, they would act dignified and their characters would be refined in the process. “
Why did the Alter of Slobodka say this? Is it because:
a) hats and jackets are inherently choshuv and it just so happens that European businessmen of the 19th century had the greatest sense of style in history?
b) He just happened to live in that time period and that was the choshuv dress of that time. Had he lived in the 12th or 21st century the Yeshivish dress code of today would have been much different?
c) He saw some special quality in the goyish businessmen of the 19th century and allowed them to set the dress code of yeshivah bochurim from that time onward?
simcha613Participantgood job on most of the answers! A hint to question one is that it’s in a possuk we say every day in davening
simcha613ParticipantThere are two shi’urim on YU Torah ( that discuss techeiles. One is a shi’ur on if the techeiles is real techeiles or not. The second shi’ur is on the topic even if it’s only a safek, should we wear it anyways. It’s by R’ Aryeh Lebowitz in a category called “ten minute halacha” (each shi’ur is about 10 minutes). He brings arguments both ways but he is a talmid of R’ Schachter shlita and wears techeiles (R’ Schachter shlita wears techeiles also) so it might be a little biased towards wearing it.
simcha613ParticipantI would like to try and take this topic back to the original questions, in what public situations (shi’urim, concerts, buses, smachos, etc..) is mixed seating allowed and not allowed and what is the mekor if it’s not allowed?
But, on the topic of weddings, I have been to many mixed weddings. At most of the mixed weddings I’ve been to, the single boys and girls sat on opposite sides of the dance floor (boys on the choson side and girls on the kalah side). The only mixed seatings are for married couples who want to eat with their spouses, and the cousins sit together because they don’t really know the friends. Is that really much worse than a Shabbos table, or should a Shabbos table not be mixed too?
And with regard to dancing, I’ll be honest, I’ve never seen women dancing at a wedding, even when I was on the women’s side. All I have seen is a bunch of women walking around slowly the outside circle. That’s about as exciting as the women hanging around at the after shul kiddush on Shabbos morning. I understand men should not be staring at women, but assuming that the singles are not mixing with each other because they are on separate sides, are women walking around slowly the outer circle a reason to separate men from their wives? If that’s the case, maybe men shouldn’t be allowed in most shopping areas on Erev Shabbos because you see just as many women walking just as fast.
simcha613Participant“Going back to Mitzrayim and ending up selling yourself on a flooded slave market (which, in the tochacha is the ultimate punishment/consequence) sounds far better to me.”
Obviously this is not Rashi’s pshat, but I always understood this on a more psychological level. The Jews began their collective destiny as slaves, the ultimate punishment is not only going back to where you started, not only the knowledge that you accomplished nothing in life, but they won’t even want you as slaves. Your life went completely backwards. You end off even more degraded and worthless than you started. In some ways, thats the ultimate punishment.
simcha613ParticipantI don’t mean to criticize those who learn. I am just talking about people who cannot fulfill the responsibilities of their jobs. I don’t know who violates geneivah on a general level more, the workers or the learners (I would hope the workers as you said). However, I believe those who violate geneievah while learning in kollel are people who want to learn but physically and mentally cannot. Those are the people I’m referring to who shouldn’t be in kollel. Those who violate geneivah while working though, I assume can do their job but it’s their apathy that causes them to vioate geneivah. I am not talking about those people because they SHOULD be working, they just need a lesson in halachah and derech eretz. If there are people who are working and physically and mentally can’t fulfill their responsibilities, then they should not be working either (at least in the job that their in) and should look for other options.
simcha613ParticipantDerech- I was always under the impression that learning in kollel is a Yisachar-Zevulon arrangement. A person pays for learning and he receives a portion (half or a quarter… I don’t really know) of that sechar limud, even though he (the one paying) hasn’t learned a word. Therefore, any time wasted is less sechar for the supporter and a misuse of his money.
simcha613Participantso we agree, a person cannot work or learn in an environment where he can not handle the responsibilities and will succumb to geneivah.
In addition, all things being equal, learning is a much better “career” than working. Working takes you through this world, learning to the next. But that only works if learning can take you (and your family) through this world. A husband is obligated to support his wife and family on their level. Unfortunately (or fortunately) learning in kollel pays extremely little. It doesn’t matter how much you love learning, or how much time you’re willing to spend on it, or the fact that learning is objectively the most productive career. If your wife and kids are physically and psychologically suffering (chas veshalom), you cannot do it. You must find yourself a job that pays more (obviously one that you can do and will not violate geneivah while doing it)
simcha613Participant“Working is only shayach for people who can work every minute of all working hours that they are supposed to (any minute during working hours not working is geneivah.)”
That is true… a person is not allowed to work in a place where it is inevitable he will violate geneivah. However, there is much more flexibility when it comes to careers. Some have longer hours, some have shorter hours. Some don’t have hours requirements but you have to make a certain amount sales or money, or have to produce a certain amount of goods. Sometimes a person is self employed, or the management monitors how he uses his time and any time he wastes is his lost money and is not geneivah. I’m sure there are many other situations as well. A person must choose a job or career in which it’s realistic that he will not violate geneivah.
Kollel is usually a lot more straightforward. It’s 2 or 3 sedarim of a few hours each, and a person must learn that entire time… no breaks, that’s what bein hasedarim is for (obviously once in a while for something extraordinary is not (in my opinion) geneivah, though it should be discussed with the people giving him the paycheck). Additionally, sechar is based on effort so no matter how much or how little one learns, if one is being supported, he must learn the entire time on a regular basis. If a person cannot do that, just like any other job, if one cannot fulfill his duties, should not choose that profession.
simcha613ParticipantJust to clarify, my comment about not learning being geneivah is only when one is being supported by a kollel. If one is being supported independently, then obviously every minute wasted is bitul Torah, but it’s just as much bitul Torah as a person who works and wouldn’t qualify as geneivah.
simcha613ParticipantLearning is better than working. If one can learn all day, then college is bitul Torah. However, learning is only shayach for people who can do the following: 1) learn every minute of every seder that they are supposed to (any minute in seder not learning is geneivah) 2) they must be able to support the family at their level with the money they bring in (whether that’s in addition to the wife working, having a wealthy father or father in law, or a family with really really low physical standards- a person should not learn full time at the expense of the physical and psychological well-being of his family). Once you have to get a job, then one should put in the hishtadlus that he needs to be prepared in such a way that he has time to learn and enough money to support his family at their level. If you can do that without college… great! If you need college, that’s also great!
Additionally, I assume being a wordly person is a positive thing (as long as this worldly knowledge comes at the expense of time that would be wasted, not Talmud Torah). Understanding G-d’s wisdom in science, math, and history, understanding how the world works in terms of politics and economics, and knowing skills to succeed in general like how to write and speak are positive things to know.
simcha613ParticipantCollege is definitely appropriate for those who need a parnassah (which is most of Benei Yisro’el according to Berachos 35b). Learning full time is only for the top of the top. People are supporting kollel and they expect to receive sechar Talmud Torah in return (it’s a Yisachar Zevulon relationship). If a person is learning full time and is being supported by a kollel and other Jews, any minute that is wasted that he should be learning, and anytime he is not learning to full capacity is geneivah (I personally believe that all kollelim should have time cards and bechinos, and those who don’t live up to their responsibilities shouldn’t get paid). Learning full time is a wonderful thing, but again, it’s only for the best of the best. Everyone of course should be learning every day (each according to what he is able to), but there is nothing wrong with learning a trade and getting a job (nowadays that usually entails college), that’s what most Jews are supposed to be doing.
simcha613ParticipantAlso, with regard to the medinah being created against halachah, I don’t know if that’s a reason not to give hakaras hatov. If a person steals money and gives it to you, you’re probably not allowed to use it. But if you are allowed to a use it, you probably have to thank him for it. The fact that he broke halachah is between him and HaShem and that has nothing to do with your hakaras hatov.
So too here, if the medinah’s breaking of halachah affects you, then don’t learn in Eretz Yisro’el, don’t daven there, in fact don’t go there at all. But if you are allowed to benefit from the “sins” that they did, then you have to show hakaras hatov. HaShem will deal with the halachos that they violated, that’s not your job.
simcha613ParticipantI really really don’t want to get into another Emmanuel discussion, I’m just interested in a general hashkafic discussion about Medinas Yisro’el. However, to respond to the Emmanuel point (though I’m probably getting it wrong) we’re talking about public schools and not private schools. There are only a certain amount of resources in each public school and I don’t think the USA either would allow and entire district to move all or most of its students into an already existing public school, it would be too much. And if a parent refuses to send their child to school in the USA, I imagine that’s an arrestable offense also.
Many parents in the U.S. home school. So, in fact, they do not send their children to school. -77
simcha613Participantcheck out post “Heimish Tours in E”Y”
simcha613ParticipantOut of curiosity, is the claim of the Chareidim that the Medinah is not allowed to interfere with the chinuch of their children, specifically for the Chareidim, or applicable to everyone? In other words, the Medinah has the responsibility to support many types of schools, like Chareidi, Religious Zionist, secular, Arab, etc… Do those denominations have the right to accept Medinah funding for their schools (because they do pay taxes) and demand that the Medinah not interfere whatsoever? Or since they are being supported by the Medinah, then they must function according to the standards of the Medinah (except for the Chareidim who are allowed to take the money, since they also pay taxes, but who demand that the Medinah should not interfere at all in their Chinuch)?
simcha613ParticipantWhat about saying thank you?
simcha613ParticipantIt’s very easy to blame the government for everything they do wrong, and anything that they do right (like support Torah), to brush it away with claims of “they have to do it, they shouldn’t recieve credit.” We learn from Moshe Rabeinu that we show hakaras hatov even when it was a result of natural course (a river is supposed to cause things to float and yet Mosheh Rabeinu showed it hakaras hatov… kal vachomer for peope with bechira chofshis). So the fact that the chareidim are “entitled” to funding for the government is not a reason not to show due hakaras hatov. I’m not saying ignore what they do wrong and what they do that’s anti-Torah, but charedim have a serious lack of hakaras hatov when they are learning because of government stipends.
simcha613ParticipantI know this is a little bit off topic, but I think this incident is a huge example of the prevalent attitude towards the medinah. Obviously, the medinah is not as frum as I would like it to be, and there are major issues between the religous in Eretz Yisro’el and the secular of the government. But there is a reason why there are more Jews living in Eretz Yisro’el nowadays then there were for a very long time. There’s a reason why there is more Torah in Eretz Yisro’el nowadays since possibly the fall of Beitar. There’s a reason why Eretz Yisro’el is the only place in the world where taxpayers money goes to support religious (including charedi) institutions. Aside from siyada diShmaya, much of this is because of the medinah. Obviously frum Jews must stand up for Torah values, but there is not enough hakaras hatov going around for all the good that the medinah does.
simcha613ParticipantTaxes are because the government needs funding, but citizens don’t have a say to where it goes. In America, taxes still go to the public school system and yeshivos are privately funded. American citizens can’t tell America what to do with their tax money, and demand that they support the yeshiva system also. The same thing with Eretz Yisro’el. A government needs funding to run, and they use that to support a public school system which they control. The fact that they use that money to support Yeshivos and Beis Ya’akov is a tremendous chesed that no other country does with the frum’s taxes. But just because chareidim are required to pay taxes does not give them the right to demand where it goes. If the charedim want a school that is completely free from medinah interference then the charedim should pay for their own private schools… and they still have to pay taxes!
simcha613ParticipantI’m still very confused. The fact is the medinah has different values than the chareidi world. I don’t think they can be blamed for that, they were brought up not appreciating the things that chareidim appreciate.
At the end of the day, they are supporting the school! So, obviously they are going to impose their values on their school. If the chareidim were sponsoring a school, would they run a school with conservative or reform values? Of course not! So a state is running a school with it’s own money, why shouldn’t they be allowed to run a school according to their own values?
At the end of the day they ARE supporting many yeshivos and Beis Ya’akovs’s across the country. There is a reason why there is no tuition crisis in Eretz Yisro’el as in Amercia. It’s because the charedi institutions have GOVERNMENT FUNDING. They are doing the chareidim a tremendous favor! If the chareidim cannot accept the favors that the governemnt are doing, don’t take their money!
I cannot understand how halachically you can take the governement’s money, and expect and demand them to give in to all of your wishes?
simcha613ParticipantI was under the impression that there is only one school in Emmanuel. Therefore, if it’s a publicly funded school, and there are girls who are left without a school because they don’t live up to those standards, isn’t it the medinah’s responsibility to make sure that its public schools serve the entire community? Therefore, since the Emmanuel Beis Yaakov is a public school, isn’t it the medinah’s responsibility to make sure that it serves those in the community who need it?