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The argument can be made that the reason El Al is more expensive is because they don’t fly on Shabbos. Spending the extra money on El Al might help them to retain their shomer shabbos status. If they don’t make enough money, they may consider lowering their prices and start flying on Shabbos to make up the lost revenue.
Additionally, supporting Jews is always better than supporting non-Jews (though $500 may be too steep a price for this).
I didn’t address your first two points because I agree with them. In other words, if the army can’t be relied upon to meet religious needs or if a person follows those opinions that the Medinah is ma’aseh satan, then I understand why a person would avoid the army even if it means not working and living in poverty. That’s why I started with my two assumptions which addressed your points.
My question was, if (and I’m not saying that that’s the reality) the Medina would meet all of a person’s religous needs, and if a person subscribes to a shitah that attributes no positive or negative significance to the medinah, why is there an issue of going to the army? Why isn’t it treated as a prerequisite to earning a parnassah?
And I know my question doesn’t address all learners because I don’t want to discuss whether learning is more important than army service. That debate has been (and is still) raging on on this site. I am simply asking that if a person would decide to stop full time learning in order to work, why is it problematic for that person to join the army (or some other national service if that option exists) simply in order to enable him to enter the workforce?
I’m not suggesting that serving in the army is more important than Talmud Torah. However, many would agree, that one is allowed to stop learning Torah in order earn a living. For the same reason, I assume one is also allowed to stop learning to take classes in order to be able to earn a living. Why can’t one stop learning in order to serve in the army, not because serving is more important, but because serving enables one to earn a parnassah?
simcha613ParticipantNot do as they please, they just can form the cabinet (and if they want to make deals to give other parties cabinet posts, they can do that too). Other than that, every issue is put to a vote and majority wins. Why do you need a coalition for that? The winning party may not win on every issue, is that such a problem? Do you really need a coalition to run the government?
simcha613ParticipantSometimes there just isn’t anything to say…
simcha613ParticipantDaniela- I’m talking about a case where he doesn’t have an obvious preference and he is asking for your judgment.
simcha613ParticipantI heard that there are two ways of reading “ad delo yada.” Either it means that the chiyuv is to reach the point of ad delo yada. OR the chiyuv only exists until that point, but if you go beyond it, then it is too much. In other words, you are yotzei the chiyuv as long as you drink anywhere between more than usual and ad del yada. If you go beyond ad delo yada, then you have lost out.
simcha613ParticipantZABACHUR- unfortunately, there aren’t too many of those in NY
simcha613ParticipantTo play devil’s advocate- about the oneg Shabbos issue, yes all learning is enjoyable for the Neshoma, but people like learning different areas. For someone who usually learns Chumash because that’s what they enjoy, but is “forced” to study for a Gemara test which he enjoys less… I could see that as lessening oneg Shabbos.
And hachanah- if you would be doing something else, but are only learning this because of the test, why wouldn’t that be hachanah? So, I have heard that if you are taking a nap on Shabbos because you want to stay up late, you are allowed to on Shabbos since it is inherently enjoyable, as long as you don’t say you are taking a nap for after Shabbos purposes. I guess that argument would apply to studying Torah on Shabbos.
February 5, 2013 2:35 pm at 2:35 pm in reply to: Making Sunday an official day off in Israel #927064simcha613ParticipantSheishes yamim ta’avod! Shabbos and only Shabbos is our day off!
February 4, 2013 8:37 pm at 8:37 pm in reply to: Saving A Pets Life – How Much Should I Spend? #926926simcha613ParticipantI don’t think this is a din in tzaar baalei chaim. I don’t think you have any requirement to spend any money to save it (you just can’t cause it more harm). I also don’t think it’s bal tashchis because you’re are getting what you believe is your money’s worth.
In short, I think you should spend however much you want to spend, and if you decide it’s too expensive then you shouldn’t feel guilty.
simcha613ParticipantZK- I disagree completely! The Rambam (and I think the Gemara too) says that a person should not say I don’t want to do something that’s assur (like eat pork) but rather we should say I want to do aveiros! I have a ta’ava for pork! But what can I do? Hashem told me not to and I follow His will.
We’re not supposed to ignore that which is frustrating, we’re supposed to embrace it and say even though it’s frustrating, Ill still do it because that is the ratzon Hashem.
simcha613ParticipantIf a coalitions is formed, which means they have the majority, they can pass any laws they want? Does the opposition have any power at all?
simcha613ParticipantYUTorah has many daily iyun shiurim on their website. R’ Schachter, R’ Sobolofsky,R’ Simon, R’ Willig, and R’ Rosensweig are some of the Roshei Yeshiva that try and put every single one of their iyun shiurim on the website daily. This year they’re doing Bava Metziah and the past few years they did Yevamos, Pesachim, Bava Basra, Gittin, and Berachos.
simcha613ParticipantI’ve asked that question before and I never received an answer that satisfied me. The only thing I can think of that differentiates those 5 seforim is that they are the only seforim in Kesuvim that are read publicly on a holiday.
simcha613ParticipantDerech- the same cutoff that exists for working. When a person can’t learn full time, even if he can learn part time, still it is expected of him to sacrifice learning and get a job. We don’t expect that a part time learner should be supported by the community, even if working full time means sacrificing more learning. So too, if he can’t learn full time, then he has to follow the rules of the society even if it means sacrificing more learning. It’s irrelevant what is more important. An hour of learning is more important than a full time job, but I don’t think it’s acceptable for a person not to work, be a burden on the community so he can learn that extra hour.
simcha613Participantavhaben- I disagree with some of your points.
1. If that’s the attitude, then government funding shouldn’t be taken either. That’s like taking goods from a store but because you oppose its existence then you refuse to pay for it. If you are benefiting from the State, then you also have to pay for it whatever they charge, be it taxes and/or service. If you oppose its existence to the point that you won’t follow its rules, then you can’t take the benefits either.
2a. A desire is not enough. You also have to be willing to put in the time an effort. Many guys genuinely want to sit in Kollel, but they waste time when they shouldn’t be… either by missing sedorim or not learning as hard as they can when they are in seder. The people who should be in kollel are not necessarily the strongest learners, but those who want to be there and are willing to put in as much effort in their learning as they can for all the required amount of time.
2b. There is a concept of “yagata umatzata ta’amin, yagata velo matzata al ta’amin.” Basically translated as if a person says they put in effort (in Torah) and were successful then you should believe them, but if they say they put in effort but didn’t succeed then don’t believe them (that they put in effort). There is a havtachah that a person who puts in effort in learning will be successful (though I admit, I do not know how to define success). While it is true that even a poor learner has the right to sit in Kollel, if he doesn’t succeed in his learning, it implies that he is not trying so hard.
3. I don’t know the metzius, but assuming the medinah will expand Nachal Charedi (which I don’t know if they plan on doing that), then it should be fine. And even if it doesn’t, the army lichorah is no more pritzusdik than your average job in Israel or America. Yeshiva should prepare Benei Torah to be able to work in the real world and to overcome these challenges. If the army will turn frum draftees into chilonim, then our parents and yeshivos have failed us. Are you saying that no frum person should be allowed to work because the secular world is inherently a pritzusdik environment?
4. Even in the times of Moshe and Yeshoshua they had armies. The soldiers were the talmidei chachamim. Hashem told Gidon specifically to take the best people for the army. Learning Torah is the true protection, but not to the exclusion of derech hateva. In fact, it’s probably even better protection if the Talmidei Chachamim bring their zechusim to the battle field.
5. I don’t know if that’s true. If the government wants them to serve then that implies they need them. Maybe I’m wrong. I guess I’m still naive and believe that the secular government is not “anti-frum” they’re just not frum and I don’t believe that the government of Israel is trying to get rid of the Chareidim and Kollel.
simcha613Participantsnowbunny- so how to you understand the halachah that says you should dress for davening as if you were standing in front of a king? It just means don’t dress sloppily but it doesn’t necessarily mean dress nicely?
simcha613Participant“I am guessing that you are a baal teshuva.”
Aren’t we all? 🙂
simcha613ParticipantR.T. that question exists even without the targum. A Cohen can’t remarry his divorced wife even if she didn’t marry someone in between.
simcha613ParticipantI agree with the Goq. It’s like if someone stole $100 from you and then asks for forgiveness but refuses to give the money back.
simcha613Participantzahavasdad- well according to R’ Schachter, sheidim has nothing to do with ayin hara.
simcha613ParticipantR’ Schachter from YU understands the concept of ayin hara in a much more rational way. He explains based on the pesukim that talk about if someone takes advantage of a widow or an orphan and they pray to G-d, then G-d will avenge them. I think Rashi asked why is it necessary for them to pray for G-d to act with justice? Rashi explains that G-d will punish the sinner anyways, but he is quicker to respond when there is tefilah.
Based on this, R’ Schachter explains that an ayin hara is simply a tefilah that someone shouldn’t have something. For example, if a person sees someone who has a nice house and complains (even in his heart) that he doesn’t think this person deserves that house, then if he truly doesn’t deserve the house, Hashem will take it away. It could be that Hashem was going to give this person time to “earn” the house, but He is quick to respond to tefilah. However, if the person truly deserves the house, then no amount of tefilah or ayin hara can take that away from him.
Based on this, the way to get rid of an ayin hara is to do teshuvah, daven, and learn Torah.
December 18, 2012 4:00 am at 4:00 am in reply to: WAKE UP!! Our Yeshivas & Schools Are Open To The Public!! #913742simcha613ParticipantFor those who so ready to slash Rebbe’s salaries for more security, why don’t you suggest raising tuition instead? It’s okay for a Rebbe to sacrifice money for security but not the parents?
simcha613ParticipantThere’s also a Mincha at around shkiah at the Einstein Shul (1925 Eastchester Road, 10461)
simcha613ParticipantI saw one a few weeks ago that really bothered me. A person wrote that she was reading a sports book that she thought her nephew would appreciate so she gave him a copy. She hadn’t finished the book yet, and as she continued reading she came to a story of an athlete who was in a same gender relationship. Knowing that her nephew comes from a religious family and that his parents would not approve, she felt guilty that she gave him the book. She asked if she should tell his parents about the book.
The response was that censorship is usually unacceptable. She should not feel guilty and she should not tell the parents because the child should be free to explore new ideas without interference from his parents. In fact, the ethicist writes, it’s probably a good idea to lechatchilah expose him to areas that his parents would otherwise censor and again, there is no reason to feel guilty that she accidentally exposed him to new ideas.
simcha613ParticipantAccording to some turkey is assur year round. I think we paskin that we do not rely on simanim for the kashrus of birds, but rather we rely on Mesorah. Since turkey is not native to Europe, there was never a Mesorah for the kashrus of turkey. I guess this is similar to why many people don’t wear techeiles.
simcha613ParticipantPBA- one benefit of mixed seating is if man is invited to a chasuna of a friend and his wife won’t know anyone there, or vice versa. In such a situation either the wife wouldn’t go, or she would be stuck with people she doesn’t know. If the husband would want to go with his wife to such a wedding, mixed seating would make it a lot easier for her.
simcha613ParticipantI’m not sure if this has properly been addressed, but what is the halachic difference between dancing and walking? IMHO, it seems that the outer circle on the women’s side is very similar to the outer circle on the men’s side, in other words, walking around in a circle. That’s dancing? Why? Because there’s music? There’s a beat? No one is jumping up and down on the outside circle. No one is running. No one is doing wedding shtik and shaking wildly. Everyone is just walking around in a circle to music. And anything within the outer circle can’t really be seen.
What is the halachic definition of dancing that is assur for men to watch women doing?
simcha613ParticipantSam- I know what the Rambam said, but I’m sure that there are exceptions even according to his shittah. There’s a machlokes if the words Kodesh Lashem were on one line on the Tzitz or on two lines. There is a machlokes where the broken luchos were in the Aron Haeidus (I think the machlokes is if it was actually inside the Aron next to the non-broken luchos or in a separate compartment on the side). This must be a machlokes due to the breakdown of Mesorah. I can think of no other explanation.
simcha613ParticipantSometimes yes and sometimes no. Somestimes there is a machlokes Amora’im about R’ Gamliel said. R’ Gamliel only said one thing. Sometimes they argue on what did certain keilim in the Beis Hamikdash look like (like what was written on the Tzitz or where the broken luchos were by the Aron Haeidus). While I agree with you that that’s true in many cases, I don’t think it’s all cases.
simcha613ParticipantThis is getting a bit off topic, please start a new topic called “definition of frum.” For all those who answered my question- thank you so much. I just wanted to comment on one of the answers I saw by funnybone-
” I believe that it’s okay to tell children that grandma and grandpa aren’t as religious as we are. You can explain why you feel religion is important and that you live in a community where you and your children can have friends with similar religious values. Grandma and grandpa grew up in a different environment, went to different schools, didn’t have such a great community etc., but cared very much that their children should be more religious than them.”
When I say I don’t want to give an answer that makes the grandparents look like resha’im, it’s not only because I want the children to respect them (which is also very important). It’s also because, to put it bluntly, kids have big mouths. And things you say to the kids about grandparents may end up getting back to them. I wouldn’t want the grandparents to be insulted by things that are said to the kids. Implying that the grandparents aren’t so religious, when they think they are, may be hurtful to them, even if you could say it in a way that the children understand.
simcha613ParticipantBubka- you did not answer my question. My question is, how does it make sense that they knew science better than Torah? In the world of Torah there are machloksim for various reasons. But in the world of science, there was no machlokes? They get Halachah from the Torah, and science from the Torah, yet they argue about Halachah and they agree about science? Chazal were better at extracting science from the Torah than Halachah?
simcha613ParticipantWhat’s pshat with the rakia separating the upper waters and the lower waters? Poshut pshat and the way Rashi seems to understand it is that the lower waters are the oceans and rivers and the upper waters is this (presumably floating) storehouse of water in the sky which is where rain comes from. From a scientific perspective this is not true. There is no storehouse of water in the sky. Rain is recycled from the oceans via the clouds. I’m okay with Rashi being incorrect about science, but how else can we understand this passage in the Torah?
simcha613ParticipantI thought about it more, and it seems that the takanah, if I may say, is a bit outdated. I am not saying that’s a reason to stop listening to it, we have to listen to takanos Chazal even the reason no longer applies, but here is my logic.
In the days of Chazal, most people probably had beards and even those who shaved probably didn’t shave so often. I wouldn’t be surprised if people shaved (or trimmed) every 4 to 6 weeks. Chazal were afraid that people would push off their monthly shave to Chol Hamoed which would be disrespectful to Yom Tov, and therefore forbade it. In addition, since people shaved once a month, it wasn’t really disrespectful to enter the second days with a weeks worth of stubble.
Nowadays however many people shave every day, at the very least for Shabbos, so it’s unlikely that people would push off their shave to Chol Hamoed. In addition, since people shave so often, it is disrespectful to enter the second days with a weeks worth of stubble.
Like I said, we have to listen to takanos even if the reason no longer applies (unless you want to argue that being machmir in this issue is actually being meikil in kavod Yom Tov), but I am rather sure that if Chazal were around nowadays, they wouldn’t have made this takanah.
simcha613ParticipantI never said it’s too much and I don’t think it’s a bad thing. I agree with the conservative approach. When I said more regulations I meant more than the liberals. Which, as I pointed out, is ironic because liberals want more regulations in economic issues.
simcha613ParticipantFor the record, I never said that a person who follows halachah is a slob. I never said an aveil or a person who doesn’t shave during Chol Hamoed is a slob. I said that a person who doesn’t shave, whether it’s because of halachah or any other reason, looks like a slob which I equate with looking unkempt or messy. I didn’t meant to characterize followers of halachah as slobs or lazy people. I meant that sometimes halachah requires us to look messy and it bothers me that we are supposed to look messy for the second days of Yom Tov (and Shabbos Chol Hamoed) when it seems antithetical to the concept of kavod Shabbos and kavod Yom Tov.
simcha613Participantbubka- Just because someone is following halachah doesn’t mean that they can’t look like a slob. An aveil looks like a slob even though he is following halachah. 30 days without shaving makes one look like a slob. In addition, 6 days without shaving makes men look like slobs. Just because one is following halachah doesn’t change that reality. Most men (who don’t have beards) would not go to work with that messy stubble. Most of those same men wouldn’t enter Shabbos with that messy stubble. We aren’t supposed to shave during Chol HaMoed so people do not enter the first days with that messy stubble. So we enter the last days with that messy stubble making us look like slobs. Following halachah may be the right thing to do, but that doesn’t change the fact that 6 days without shaving is a slobby and messy look.
simcha613Participantpoppa bar abba- I don’t know the topic so well, but wouldn’t dina demalchusa dina apply even if every single detail of a law doesn’t make sense? Wouldn’t that make every white collar illegal act assur even if we can’t fit it in to the halachic lo tignov/lo tigzol?
simcha613Participant147- I have heard shittos that said that the S”A meant pas Yisroel specifically. He didn’t mean every single chumra. And even though chalav stam that was kosher didn’t exist back then, it’s unclear if he would have extended that minhag to chalav yisroel and chalav stam.
simcha613ParticipantI’m assuming MORIS was being sarcastic, because out of all the words he could have used to argue with Sam, I feel that narrow minded is not the correct one. I don’t think Sam was being narrow minded.
simcha613Participantgavra- don’t know where that Gemara is, would love to see it, but it is possible “so that her husband can learn Torah” is not the same thing as “so that her husband can learn Torah full time.” It’s possible that Gemara is talking about a situation where the husband would have no time to learn if the wife wouldn’t help out financially.
simcha613Participanticed- it seems that there are two reasons that a woman should be at home and not working. 1. she is the best person to raise her children and if she is not at home to raise them, then they will struggle. 2. kol kevudah bas melech penimah- it’s not really so tznius for a woman to out in the workforce.
Why would learning in Kollel be a “worthy tradeoff” to allow her to work if it is detrimental to her children, and forces her to compromise on tzniyus?
simcha613ParticipantCorrect me if I’m wrong but I think this is an accurate summary of the arguements:
Argument 1 for Zionism- Having a Jewish run government in Eretz Yisroel is the beginning of the final geulah.
Argument 2 for Zionism- Since the founding of the medinah, there is been more Jews and Torah in Eretz Yisroel since around the destruction of the 2nd Beis Mikdash and we owe the medinah our hakaras hatov and support.
Argument 1 against Zionism- It is assur to have a Jewish run government in Eretz Yisroel until Mashiach comes. We are in golus and it is not our place to decide when it ends.
Argument 2 against Zionsim- Most of the government is not religious and some of the government is even anti religious. The government of Israel has an agenda to create a secular state in Israel and is prejudiced against Charedim and Frum Jews. We should not support such a government.
simcha613ParticipantRavhamachshir- I have heard that mehalech, but I’ve heard the other perspective as well. I think I remember hearing R’ Paysach Krohn say that the fact that Yitzchak Avinu had an OTD son in Eisav shows that even the best parents can have OTD children. It’s not always in the parent’s control and sometimes the best eitzah is tefilah.
August 14, 2012 4:24 pm at 4:24 pm in reply to: Its time to address this important question: #891264simcha613ParticipantThere is one basic difference between the Yeshivish/Charedi world and Modern Orthodoxy. The difference between the two has nothing to do with being meikil or machmir in halachah or interperting halachah to conform with secular society. It happens to be that many people who claim to be Modern Orthodox are more meikil in an effort to be more like modern society, but that’s not real Modern Orthodoxy. That’s an unfortunate result of what true Modern Orthodoxy was meant to be.
Basically everyone agrees that there are positive and negative things about secular society. The Charedi/Yeshivish world believes that the negative aspects of secular society are too great and therefore we should shut ourselves out to secular society unless it is absolutely necessary. Modern Orthodoxy believes that there is tremendous positive that exists in secular society and we should try our best to take advantage of those positives while keeping away from the negatives. Basically, an ideal Modern Orthox Jew is as shomer Halacha as a Charedi, values Torah as much as a Charedi, but feels a greater involvement in the secular world is a positive thing.
In terms of leaders- I guess the main leaders are the Roshei Yeshiva of YU like R’ Schachter and R’ Willig. Though, to be honest, while the Charedi world in general aren’t machshiv the Rabbanim of the Modern Orthodox world, the ideal Modern Orthodox Jews have tremendous respect and are influenced greatly by the Charedi Gedolim like R’ Elyashiv zatzal and R’ Kanievsky shlita. For example, in YU and many other Modern Orthodox yeshivos and shuls, there were hespedim this year for R’ Scheinberg zatzal, R’ Elyashiv zatzal and R’ Nosson Tzvi zatzal. I am not sure if the main Rabbanim of YU would get that same respect in a Charedi or Yeshivish yeshiva or shul.
simcha613ParticipantHelath I already responded to your “teiretz” over there.
See the topic called –
“Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron”!
August 3, 2012 1:50 pm at 1:50 pm in reply to: Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron #1163274simcha613ParticipantHealth- I don’t think that’s what the S”A meant. The Rama is clear that a woman is obligated to learn the practical things. The S”A however opens up that they get sechar for learning, but they don’t get as much sechar as a man because they aren’t obligated to do it! Obviously he is not talking about the practical areas, because they are obligated to learn those things and would get the same sechar as a man! The S”A meant she gets sechar for those areas of Torah where she isn’t obligated to learn like the non practical areas of Torah Sheba’al Peh, but it’s not allowed to be taught to her. How do we reconcile these two statements? I stand by what I said before. It can’t be imposed on women in general but a woman who is lishmah can learn and will receive sechar.
simcha613ParticipantHealth and Choppy- why would they receive reward for doing something that is clearly assur? Can you give me another example of something that is clearly assur but the violater actually receives reward instead of punishment? If the Shulchan Aruch doesn’t want women to learn, why would the Shulchan Aruch tell us that they receive sechar for doing it (this is the first line in that halachah that Health conveniently forgot to quote)?
simcha613ParticipantI heard a shiur a long time ago, so I don’t remember who said what- but I think it’s a machlokes- is it something that the Goyim do that’s based on something idolatrous? Or is it anything that the Goyim do that wouldn’t have been done in a shielded Jewish community? Nafka minos could be a male wearing a wedding ring or a momenet of silence after a tragedy. I think we (at least Ashkenazim) paskin like the former.