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  • in reply to: uman for Rosh Hashana #1596521

    what are the numbers of people that go?

    what is the percentage of the people who go totaling %100?

    i try to go every year b”H but answers are subjective

    how many go cause they are Breslov? % probably 25 to 35%

    how many go cause they believe in the segula of going? close to 100%. you wouldnt go if you didnt believe in there being some sigificance to going. there s closer, cheaper, more comfortable places to go if you just want to party.

    how many go for the entertainment? % define entertainment. do you mean the concerts? seeing friends ? plenty of both . but not the primary reason for going.

    how many go to get away from home? % definitely a temptation for some depending on their home circumstances. but again, easier places to go, so not the primary reason for going.

    hope that helped.


    in reply to: Feud between Chabad & Breslov #1353354

    There is no feud between Chabad and Breslov, and it is the sitra achra which is suggesting such a feud.
    1) Lots of Chabad people come to Uman for Rosh hashanaha, there is even a chabad house there and chabad minyan on RH.
    2) Lots of people are hasidim of both Chabad and Breslov (heard of |Habakuk hasidim? Habad/Breslov/Rav Kuk? lots in Nahlaot)
    3) The old time Breslovers said if you dont know Tanya you cant be a good Breslover (see seforim by reb Nachman MiTcherin who quoted Tanya at length , see Lashon Hasidim)
    4) there is a lesson Likkutei Moharan which summarises all of Tanya (lessioh 19, first helek)
    from a Breslover in Har Nof who appreciates the good point of both!

    in reply to: Communities to live in outside of Yerushalayim #1280648

    assurnet my friend we are also ‘old school Breslov’ close to Chaim Kramer. can you email me or we can talk. people are suggetsing places where people will look at you like you dropped out of the sky. givat zeev, neve yaakov, the gush, telzstone – all wonderful places but as a Breslov inclined family you will stick out like a sore thumb

    you need places which are Breslov-friendly even if not 100% Breslov. pls listen to me its much more divided here than in chu”l. we have been here 12 years and know the system a little.
    there are Breslov communities in Beitar, Modiin Ilit, ,Tsfas, all the Bet Shemesh’s, various neubghbourhoods in Jerusalem. but you must choose carefully. who are you close to in Breslov who can guide you.

    in reply to: Communities to live in outside of Yerushalayim #1280302

    can i ask which chassidus you belong to. it makes a big difference. we are chasidi and have more or less found our place (har nof). maybe we can help advise you

    in reply to: Do you think Jewish men should start practicing polygamy again? #1190836

    I think it’s a great idea but my wife disagrees- can’t think why—-

    in reply to: men going to mikvah on shabbos #1152699

    here in har nof, yerhushalayim, men toivel every day inc shabbos/yomtov except (1) tisha b’av and (2) yom kippur

    in reply to: El Al Has Flights On Shavuos! #1151662

    I feel your pain.

    Elal sadly is not a ‘frum’ airline, it’s a secular israeli airline.

    It’s naive, unfortunately, to think that Elal deeply respect halacha, just as it’s naive to think all resturants in Israel are kosher or that all shops close in Israel on shabbos. Elal frequently lands just before shabbos, or takes off so soon after Shabbos that you couldn’t get there if you kept shabbbos.

    I stopped flying Elal when i was prevented from davening maariv, privately in a corner, in an Elal lounge at Heathrow while waiting for a flight- ‘we don’t allow praying here’

    oldman- your cynical answer lacks empathy and is unnecessarily sharp. Pinchas is raising a real point here thaT caused him pain and financial loss.

    in reply to: I am having a Euro Obsession at the Moment… #1104579

    British people aren’t Europeans!

    We succesfully prevented that from happening many times in the last 800 years!

    Shana Tova

    in reply to: Tikun Chatzos #861070

    There’s different traditions of when is the right time to recite tikkun chatzot. The Baal Sefer Hamidos states the correct the time as 6 hours after nightfall, whenever nightfall happens, and not necessarily in the middle of the night. (Others go for the middle of the night). If a person finds it difficult to get up then, they would be advised by the same author to start it later such as at 3am. It would seem that if one did not recite it by daybreak then it would be too late. Kol hakavod for wanting to do tikkun chatzot, the seforim explain that all the kedusha of putting on tefillin comes from the avoda one does from chatzot onwards.

    a yerushalmi yid

    in reply to: Kalte Litvaks #741764

    The Baal Shem Tov wrote that the purpose of Chassidus was to rid the world of the ‘baise Lamdan’- talmidei chachamim who would be angry and unpleasant to people.

    The Baal Shem Tov saw that learning and mitsvos was much greater when done with simcha- for everyone, whether learned or ignorant. Especially the kalte Litvak needs fixing, and that is still true today.

    Chassidus was certainly not designed ‘just for the ignorant’. It was to lift up everyone’s avoda. Even the smallest should remember that ‘H-shem is with you wherever you are’- but equally, chassidus it to remind the greatest talmidei chachamim that they have far to go to reach H-shem. In chassidus even if you’re a kalte Litvak, you can became a varme Yid (warm jew)!

    From a Breslov Chassid in Yerushalayim

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