Shticky Guy

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  • in reply to: Signing Apartment Lease During Omer #942855
    Shticky Guy

    Ask your Rav

    This is definitely the only option. Dont take advice off anyone in a blog, even if they are a great talmid chochom and tremendous outstanding anav such as myself.

    But I do believe you are confusing sefira with the 3 weeks where the aveilus is completely different. There is no problem in sefira eg to make shehechiyanu if you happen to come across a new food that you didnt set out to get. The halachos that we have are more to remind us of rabbi akiva’s talmidim and that these are special days of reflection. There are no issues of sakana or bad mazal in sefira.

    Had it been considered proper aveilus, there would be no heter for someone to attend a chasuna during the half of sefira that they keep. But you ask your Rav.

    in reply to: You Spoke,I Bought… #764525
    Shticky Guy

    Someone in the CR…

    Agreed. I think they should get commission also.

    Ps which half of the sefira do you keep?

    in reply to: Teenage Girls Infiltrating CR? #765108
    Shticky Guy


    Mazeltov for your 3rd birthday. Is that all? It sure seems like you’ve been around much longer. (Queen Kapusta and all that…) I’m just over 4 but didnt do serious posting till a year or two ago. Btw Teenagers are when they’ve reached thirteen years on ywn so you’ve ten years to go, Princess.

    in reply to: Wedding of Price William (U.K)… #765944
    Shticky Guy

    Kate’s gown was gorgeous

    and completely untzniusdik

    in reply to: Real Estate For Sale – Great Price #768497
    Shticky Guy

    Zaidy78 (There’s no mod78 is there…??? Just wondering cos you pop up about once in two months…):

    The whole Bin Laden episode is a tremendous source of embarrassment to the Pakistani authorities and the allegedly all-knowing pakistani secret service, the I-C-NO-I-DONT. Time will tell how much they really knew of Laden Garbage Bin’s hideout. If it turns out that they were completely unawares then there’s no way they will allow that building to remain standing cos it will be the proof and symbol of their largest booboo, and I’m sure they will demolish it.

    So if you were looking for a retirement home, I’m sorry. Anyway, it has cameras sending images half way across the world, not to a cave in Torra Borra but to a white house in the DC area

    in reply to: The Sefiras Ha'Omar game!! #949072
    Shticky Guy

    16 pieces for each player in chess, total 16 pawns in the game.

    16 ounces in a pound

    “Nun” and “n” are the 14th letters of the alphabet

    Yea thats funny how some letters share equal positions in both alphabets and some dont! These are the ones that do:

    ?A ?B ?D ?H ?J ?K ?L ?M ?N

    in reply to: Real Estate For Sale – Great Price #768493
    Shticky Guy

    The garbage will pile up quickly cause are no Bins

    Quite the contrary. I heard the Bins were Laden with garbage.

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221589
    Shticky Guy

    If you go back 6 threads and give a ‘blick’

    You’ll see back there minyan gal’s been sick

    She said back then that she

    Will be back one two three

    After Pesach back to the thread that makes her tick

    But cos posting of limericks now is rotten

    Its been so long since her post that you’ve forgotten

    So post verses that soothe

    No rough edges just smooth

    Like silk, velvet or satin without cotton

    in reply to: im NOT josephs sister #764607
    Shticky Guy

    I’m also not Joseph’s sister

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221587
    Shticky Guy

    This thread it is truly asleep

    To find it I dug down real deep

    Then to get it alive

    Took First Aid to revive

    Cos its lying at the bottom of the heap.

    Over ???? no one had the time

    For composing a limerick or rhyme

    Due to cleaning we were busy

    From 4 ????? we were dizzy

    It was a huge mountain to climb.

    Now I’ll put this thread back to bed

    It seems enough limericks have been said

    I’ll go join the debate

    On sefira or William & Kate

    But if YOU want to post here – go ahead!


    in reply to: The Sefiras Ha'Omar game!! #949069
    Shticky Guy


    If you’ll allow me to build on your reply…

    No I dont. You must use your own initiative and not steal the points I was going to post today (jk). Yea I was hoping nobody would just post the next in the list of everything I posted 🙂

    By the way your lechem hapanim would still have been fresh after 3 days so we’ll accept it no probs.

    in reply to: Torah Riddles #960089
    Shticky Guy

    So why dont you try to get hold of them and post them here, then I’ll be a fan of fan of pd

    in reply to: True or False Game!!! #766719
    Shticky Guy

    you CAN NOT only write true or false, you have to write more than that…

    brotherofurs: you’re not following the new rules. Please reply as my post above yours.

    in reply to: True or False Game!!! #766717
    Shticky Guy

    True. More than that…

    in reply to: The Sefiras Ha'Omar game!! #949064
    Shticky Guy

    14 Generations from Avrohom Avinu to Dovid Hamelech

    Menashe was the 14th King of Yehuda

    Zecharyahu was the 14th King of Yisroel

    Achiya Hashiloni was the 14th Navi

    Ruth is the 14th sefer of Tanach

    Pesachim is the 14th masechta

    Niputz (combing) is the 14th Melacha forbidden on Shabbos

    in reply to: Torah Riddles #960086
    Shticky Guy

    No they werent given ALL the halachos but the basic principle of resting. Dont forget, the 39 melachos of shabbos are learnt out from the mileches hamishkon which at that time had yet to be built (though it wasnt built by moroh either, I hear you say).

    Shticky Guy

    Shticky Guy

    Shticky Guy

    (I love editing my posts).

    in reply to: Torah Riddles #960084
    Shticky Guy

    but I dont think you can say that “kept shabbos”.

    You’re 100% correct. I cant say that that’s called keeping shabbos. But the meforshim can and do. Thats how they explain the piyut.

    And that remains true no matter how many times you put your name at the end of your post 🙂 lol

    in reply to: BARUCH DAYAN HAEMES!!! #763676
    Shticky Guy


    With great apologies to all, we inform you of an unfortunate typing error in President Obama’s speech.

    The President should have announced “Osama Bin Laden is a dad”.

    Please disregard all other news speculation.

    The White House Press Officer.

    (PS I heard unconfirmed reports that he may have died during childbirth… Shticky Guy. Pps Thinking about his multitude of poor wives, nebach, whom are all now back on the market, one can just imagine the shiduch crisis now going on in Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia…)

    in reply to: Torah Riddles #960082
    Shticky Guy

    In the beginning of ?????? ???? ????? it says ????? ???? ??? ??? that Hashem retrospectively brought forward the gift of ???. The ?????? explain this to mean that Moshe arranged with Paraoh to davka be given shabbos off, even before ???, in spite of the fact that a lot of ????? had yet to be given.


    The answer to the mon is from rashi in shmos 16:1 who says on the pasuk that they arrived in midbar sin on 15th of the second month: that this stop in the desert was because the food that they had brought with them from mitzraim ended and they now needed mon, which teaches us that they ate remains of the dough for 61 meals.

    And the Ramban says they now complained of lack of food, and it was a miracle that they were all fed on relatively small amounts of food for so long.

    in reply to: Dear Niece #764155
    Shticky Guy

    When we are together they huddle together and exclude me altogether

    What a sad situation. We all really feel for you. Whatever the reasons, and remember we dont know all the details, you are hurting and understandably so. Its not even as if you are spaced out any longer…:-)

    But seriously, if your siblings do treat you as the baby and huddle together without you then is it any wonder that your niece has picked up on this and avoids you also? She’s only copying them. They could be the problem here. You’re lucky your other nieces and nephews dont act likewise.

    Let me ask a very important question. Do live near or far from this niece? Meaning does she see you often or rarely? Does she see the huddle against you often or rarely? Do her parents talk about you in her presence? Is there anyone that could act as a go between to speak to her briefly, cos if you send the letter it could make her embarrassed and much more distant, but she does need to know of your discomfort with her behaviour.

    Wishing you only a happy life and may you find your Bashert soon which I’m sure will help both of you!

    in reply to: True or False Game!!! #766710
    Shticky Guy


    You lost weight over Pesach.

    in reply to: True or False Game!!! #766694
    Shticky Guy

    U live in Jerusalem!! False.

    You went to sleep real late last night cos you were catching up on the news reports of bin laden’s death.

    in reply to: Shticky Gozers and Moderators Mekayeim #763194
    Shticky Guy

    Clever thread title about cute poster

    in reply to: Torah Riddles #960079
    Shticky Guy

    OK Here’s the answer:

    The first time they kept ??? en masse (as brought down in the ??????) was in ????? , when ??? asked ???? for a day off each week for the Yidden so that they would be more productive and be able to work better, and when ???? agreed they got ??? off.

    in reply to: Best Yeshiva Coffee Room in the World #763315
    Shticky Guy

    Beis Medrash Gavoah, Lakewood have a great coffee room

    in reply to: Jokes #1201628
    Shticky Guy

    It’s 2012 and it’s the Olympics in London. A Scotsman, an Englishman and an Irishman want to get in, but they haven’t got tickets. The Scotsman picks up a manhole cover, tucks it under his arm and walks to the gate. “McTavish, Scotland ” he says, “Discus Team” and in he walks. The Englishman picks up a length of scaffolding and slings it over his shoulder. “Waddington-Smythe, England” he says, “Pole vault” and in he walks. The Irishman looks around and picks up a roll of barbed wire and tucks it under his arm. “O’Malley, Ireland ” he says, “Fencing.”

    in reply to: Sefiras HaOmer Issues #763201
    Shticky Guy

    I also have the minhag to keep ‘the whole sefira’ from Pesach to Shavuos from the arizal as do many nusach sefard people. The reasoning is simple. There are 33 days between Pesach and Shavuos to mourn on if you exclude days on which there is no aveilus such as yomtov, shabbos and rosh chodesh. Check it!

    in reply to: BARUCH DAYAN HAEMES!!! #763639
    Shticky Guy

    I just heard that they have buried him at sea in accordance with Islamic law and traditions so as not to further antagonise muslims by not burying him within 24 hours of death, which would not have been possible on land as it would have taken too long to decide where to bury him.

    Personally I think they buried him at sea so that there can be no shrine made at his grave. It would have attracted fanatics for centuries to come.

    And the details and newsroom commentaries continue to trickle in. I just heard an international expert say that the troops would have been instructed not to capture him alive because a trial and subsequent lifetime imprisonment would prove too complicated and problematic.

    in reply to: BARUCH DAYAN HAEMES!!! #763635
    Shticky Guy

    Great news! While the killing of Bin Laden is obviously a momentous occasion, his capture to stand trial would have been even better. I’m sure they tried this and it didnt prove possible so, as the saying goes, Dead or Alive! Boruch Hashem and well done!

    in reply to: The Sefiras Ha'Omar game!! #949044
    Shticky Guy

    13 Ani Maamins

    13 Middos of Attributes of Mercy (Hashem Hashem Kel Rachum…)

    13 Principles of Faith of Rambam

    13 rules by which Torah is expounded by Reb Yishmael Omer

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? #1107986
    Shticky Guy


    in reply to: Mods? Mods? #1107985
    Shticky Guy

    Which one is the former

    Oh, so you’ve appeared from outer space to speak to several poster. What about answering my earlier post. I’d love a comment on it please. Thanx.

    FYI The former means the earlier/first. So because they wrote “-95 I couldnt tell whether or not you were serious”, the former is obviously “whether” as opposed to “not”. Unless it was refering to “Sorry Zees. I didnt have you in mind”.

    Hows that for an immature comment?

    the answer to your question, is that we do try, but sometimes they slip through.

    in reply to: UNREAL: Has Eye-Popping Story #983622
    Shticky Guy

    Thank you, thank you. You never know, I may grow up one day.

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? #1107980
    Shticky Guy

    Re. the Rules of the Coffeeroom thread by YW Editor:

    Allow me to quote from the above stickied YWN Rules thread:

    “We established a set of rules that all posters must follow… 4. Before starting a new topic, do a quick check to see if the topic already exists”.

    This rule is being completely ignored. Surely you Mods should lead by example and not approve threads before checking if that topic exists!

    There are now on the main page 4 threads on the British Royal Wedding. That is no fairy tale story. There is also 2 threads on shlissel challos which can only be the fault of the key editor.

    Several repeat threads have been closed after the 1st post with a message directing the OP to the existing thread(s) on the same topic. Please continue to do this as a matter of practice in order to keep a standard of posting and stop the CR becoming random and haphazard.

    Thank You.

    in reply to: a problem with tefillah #780076
    Shticky Guy

    my problem is that i find it EXTREMELY difficult to daven well. i am always in a rush to get out to work…

    Is this the problem perhaps? If you are “always in a rush to go to work while you are davening” then how can you expect to be able to concentrate on davening when you cannot be focused on it properly. Try getting up half an hour earlier and leave yourself plenty time for everything, which you do not appear to be doing at the moment. Then you wont just love the holy land. You’ll love davening also.

    Finding a ???? ????, concentrating on small parts of davening at a time and getting an interlinear siddur are very good ideas. But if you are too pressed for time then nothing will help.

    in reply to: Sampling Bias (in Royal Marriage Statistics) #763356
    Shticky Guy

    Wolf you seen to be very interested and knowledgeable in the British Royal’s history on this and other threads. Any connection to the UK or is it just something you enjoy following.

    in reply to: UNREAL: Has Eye-Popping Story #983618
    Shticky Guy

    Goq: Your meowel joke was for sure up to scratch. It was the best post on this thread by a whisker, and other posts just couldnt cat-ch it . But why shouldnt the cat come in to shul anyway; they didnt have any claws in their agreement to stop it? Just because it was a good-fur-nothing? If it became a member of the shul would make hisssstory. But it went away eventually and thats a purrrfect ending to the tail. So I’ll wish you all a kitten voch.

    in reply to: Suggestion for YWN #764575
    Shticky Guy

    MODS: I couldnt find the mods thread or suggestions/comments so I’m posting here instead.

    One of the rules here is before beginning a thread, make sure there isnt already one on the same topic! This is being blatantly ignored. Surely you Mods should lead by example and not allow thru a new thread if there are already several on that topic ON THE HOME PAGE! It gets boring and haphazard!

    Look at the home page now. There’s 3 threads on the British Royal Wedding. Now that’s no fairy tale. There’s also 2 threads on shlissel challas. That responsibility surely lies with the key editor.

    You guys used to allow the OP then direct him to the earlier thread and close the new thread. Why has this changed?

    in reply to: UNREAL: Has Eye-Popping Story #983602
    Shticky Guy

    There’s a famous story of a pigeon that flew into a yeshiva in England and refused to leave despite all the efforts of the bochurim. Someone went to the Rosh Yeshiva and said “Efsher it’s a gilgul ?”. The Rosh Yeshiva replied “Efsher it’s a foigel (bird) ?”.

    in reply to: Anyone here into details of tomorrow's Royal Wedding? #762678
    Shticky Guy

    The chief rabbi being frum would have asked a shaileh whether to accept or decline a Royal invitation.

    It is highly fascinating whenever the royal guards with all their splendor and traditions do any ceremony, especially one as fancy as this. I also love the Changing of the Guards and also for the Queen’s birthday they do this whole fancy marching and dancing with full military bands etc. There are plenty of clips online to view. Do a search on Buckingham Palace.

    in reply to: The Sefiras Ha'Omar game!! #949005
    Shticky Guy

    10 ma’amaros to create the world.

    In my house too, it takes 10 dibros before anything gets done

    in reply to: royal wedding #762525
    Shticky Guy

    I’ve got better things to be doing at 4am!

    Wow! So being a queen really is a full-time job then… !!!

    I will watch it bln but wont be so crazy as to watch it live. Its not a Yankees game. Its not like I cant predict the ceremonies, the processions, the outcome even now. We all know what the ??? ???? will be. So there will be nothing detracted from it for me by watching it a few hours late or even only on ????? ??? or sunday.

    What interests YOU about the whole wedding of two people you dont know and will never meet? I’ll be honest with you. I’m a boy. For me its the soldiers, the horses, the marching, the carriages, the MUSIC. That’s what I love. So I could well enjoy watching a replay of one of the previous royal weddings instead just as much. None of which lasted too long, incidentally. The marriage, that is. Yes, in England, Royal Wedding seems to be an oxymoron!

    Mrs Shticky is, as usual, on a far higher ?????? than me. She put it sweetly and simply like this; she’ll be far too busy preparing for the ??? ????? to watch the wedding! Thats ????? ????? for you. Put me right in my place!

    in reply to: ?? ?????? ???? ???? #1103228
    Shticky Guy

    Dont be such a reactionary! The sefira game reminds posters to count sefira, tells them which day we are on for, and anyways if you are worried about ????? ???? then dont blog here. This is where we chill in our spare time. It may be called a ?????? world site, but we dont come here as an aid to ???? ?????!

    in reply to: The Sefiras Ha'Omar game!! #948989
    Shticky Guy


    Days of yomtov at sukkos (from day 1 until simchas torah).

    Number of letters in the longest English palindrome (redivider).

    Number of players in basketball, and number of innings per game.

    Number of Judges in US Supreme Court.

    Atomic number of flourine.

    Number of symphonies written by Beethoven (I hope this musical fact will not be disputed, unlike yesterday’s…)

    Number of today’s sefira!

    in reply to: The Sefiras Ha'Omar game!! #948965
    Shticky Guy

    MotherinIsrael and Zeeskite: Sorry for making it ‘sound’ confusing, but Avram in MD and Am Yisrael Chai both explained it well.

    There are in fact EIGHT notes in an octave. Otherwise it would be called a septave had there been only seven notes in it.

    ‘Oct’ is 8 as in octagon or octogenarian etc.

    An octave is the interval between two notes where the higher note has twice the frequency of the lower note. On a piano keyboard, this corresponds to an interval of 8 white notes eg C D E F G A B C.

    We do not say that a week has 8 days cos it starts and ends on a ??? or a Sunday, so to be logical the music scale seems to have only 7 notes. But when you come to play a musical scale, it sounds incomplete unless you play all 8 notes starting with the lower note and ending with the higher one, as AYC correctly pointed out from do-re-mi- ending again with –do.

    in reply to: Searching CR For Old Threads #938204
    Shticky Guy

    Yossi z I cant see what you find difficult. Searching a word or phrase will bring up several threads. Look thru them until you find the one you want.

    Bina Thank you! It was a suprise to me too! Hopefully the mods can add the number of posts as a feature to everyone’s history page.

    MODS You must have on your system how many approved posts we all have. Is is possible to put this information on our profile page? It would be great and very interesting to be able to see how many posts we have by clicking on our username. THANK YOU!

    in reply to: Chometz on motzei pesach!!!! #761970
    Shticky Guy

    I wasnt busy running for chometz at all last night… until someone brought hot pizza and fresh bread rolls into the house. When the smell began wafting around the house… Yum! It was too much to resist! Definitely NOT overrated. No way!

    in reply to: The Sefiras Ha'Omar game!! #948939
    Shticky Guy

    For those heimishe cooks out there who dont like following cook books but prefer to use their own measures: there are said to be 8 pinches to a teaspoon!

    A great sefira fact about number 8: There are 8 white notes on a keyboard or piano in an octave!

    in reply to: Torah Riddles #960078
    Shticky Guy

    Any answer on the 1st time klal yisroel kept shabbos en masse?

    in reply to: So, How Does It Feel Like.. #760687
    Shticky Guy

    … not to mention walking off all those pounds gained over yomtov…

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