Shticky Guy

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Never did I eat anything as delicious as Bamba hazelnut filling #806512
    Shticky Guy

    You’ve obviously never tried the halva filled bamba. (Or maybe you dont like halva).

    in reply to: Wierd, Great or Interesting Names #799992
    Shticky Guy

    Someone I know got engaged to a guy from a family called Price. I wanted my wife to set up a date for his brother with a girl we know called Fisher only so that it would be a magical Fisher Price wedding!

    in reply to: Jokes #1201862
    Shticky Guy

    After 12 years of therapy, my psychiatrist said something that brought tears to my eyes. He said “No hables Ingles”.

    in reply to: The Drunk Thread #800039
    Shticky Guy

    oy vey kids these days: sorry for guessing your gender incorrectly. I was not sure but I figured (a) its more of a feminine name that you have chosen, and (b) I KNEW that while a woman will not mind to be suspected of being a man, no man can remain silent if accused of being a woman. So I twice made reference to you being of the Bina Yeseira gender, and I stood back and waited to see what would happen.

    Thank you for proving my point!!

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221711
    Shticky Guy

    I really dont mean to be picky

    And I know limerick writing is tricky

    But come on you posters

    I’m not one of the boasters

    Dont leave them to just Min Gal, Ursula and Shticky

    in reply to: The Drunk Thread #800021
    Shticky Guy

    Bar Shattya dont fall for oy vey’s posts she’s winding you up. Cant you tell… She got so drunk over purim that it took her 4 months to respond to you! ☺ ☺ ☺

    Anyways, with initials like the ones you have, dont let anyone accuse you of speaking baloney…

    in reply to: Oxymorons #797847
    Shticky Guy

    Fighting for Peace

    in reply to: Worst Joke Contest #1004697
    Shticky Guy

    Did you hear about the astronaut who stepped onto a piece of gum on the moon? He got stuck in Orbit.

    in reply to: Worst Joke Contest #1004696
    Shticky Guy

    BPG LOL!

    This guy was a fantastic composer of music. His songs were great. But if was terribly absent minded. Once his wife sent him out to the food store but he was back two minutes later. He said to his wife “Please dont fly off the Handel at me but I cant find where you are Haydn the Chopin Lyszt”

    in reply to: I need to get this rant off my chest! #799060
    Shticky Guy

    This bothers me to no end also. Its bad enough when it happens in a frum neighbourhood. But out in a place where this stuff is never seen then we come and ‘invade’ and behave as if we own the place… I cant take it. Happens unfortunately in too many places all over the world. Then those who wont give out apartments to jews are accused of being anti semitic!

    Wake up guys!

    in reply to: Wierd, Great or Interesting Names #799977
    Shticky Guy

    What’s really weird is “wierd”

    Yes ‘wierd’ really is weird because my english teacher always taught us that the rule is: I before E except after C. That’s why I sometimes misspell weird.

    in reply to: How Did You Break Your (Musical) Fast #796964
    Shticky Guy

    My brain doesnt know from the 3 weeks

    stop baiting haifagirl…

    I took out my violin…

    remember there’s 8 notes in an octave, not 7 ☺

    Coming back on topic, my kids banged on the NYBC cd as soon as they realised it was chatzos

    in reply to: YWN meeting #796527
    Shticky Guy

    I would love to come and would venture to suggest that everyone should wear a name tag with their coffeeroom name on. I hope some ex posters come too!

    BTW I’m glad the mods have a secure facility… I’m a little worried about some of them… ☺

    in reply to: What do you break your fast on? #796597
    Shticky Guy

    I couldnt bring myself to drink a fresh orange juice. Too acidic. I settled for apple juice. Easier on the stomach. With fresh rogalach! Yum. Then main but not heavy meal a little later (with a decaffeinated coffee of course).

    in reply to: Kashrus issue #795184
    Shticky Guy

    Yoreh Yadin smicha a year ago

    Hey so its really Rabbi Poppa. Wow, I never knew. I must stand every time you enter a discussion. I just love my Rabbi to be a little over the top (and sometimes way over…)

    in reply to: How Well Do You Know Your Own Body? #794976
    Shticky Guy

    Ursula my point is why cant you make your hand go one way and your foot the other way without difficulty. I know that if you do the 6 the other way ie also clockwise then its ok. But why cant most people do one clockwise and one anticlockwise? Maybe Health can tell us.

    in reply to: does ur screen name represent a/t bout u? #875807
    Shticky Guy

    bortezomib wow what a name! What does it mean?

    in reply to: Anyone know why some Chassidim do this? #794441
    Shticky Guy

    nishtdayngesheft: Better reception

    LOL!!! ? <Like!>

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221706
    Shticky Guy

    To find something rhyming with russia

    IS hard, gal, so I would not go crush her

    But to complete the ‘lim’

    Just find a synonym

    Then your poetry would be much plusher

    Had you instead written ‘Soviet’

    (The ones who play russian roulette)

    You would easier have found

    A word with matching sound

    While enjoying their great string quartet

    They’re a nation with problems beset

    But nothing like our national debt

    Should they want to impress

    It wont be with their dress

    Rather with their champions at the chess set

    So do not break out in a sweat

    When encountering a russian cadet

    Try to sweet talk

    Not trying to balk

    At a soldier with a vodka and cigarette

    There are many, many more words yet

    That I can rhyme with Soviet

    But pray MG tell us

    Would that make you jealous

    Could you do better? You bet!

    in reply to: Can I ask a very stupid question? #793357
    Shticky Guy

    Well Informed what an amazing chizuk! There’s nothing in the OP that is not absolutely obvious but how I needed that slap in the face to sit up and think! Thank you.

    I think I should start a new website for myself eg where I should choose many things to learn for my own neshama. I hope to finish them by ?? ??? ??? ???? ????? as the mishna says in ???? ????.


    (thanx 95)

    in reply to: Jokes #1201825
    Shticky Guy

    A wily fox deep in the jungle suddenely noticed a lion about to pounce on him. ‘I’ve had it now’ he thought. Quick as a flash he picked up some old bones lying on the floor and while chewing on them said aloud ‘That was a tasty lion. I wonder where I can find another one because I’m still a little hungry’. When the lion heard that he froze and then ran away trembling. That fox must be a mighty strong fox he thought.

    High up in a tree, a monkey saw what had taken place and raced after the lion to tell him, figuring that the lion would then owe him a favor. But the fox saw him and realised what the monkey was doing. Knowing that he could not outrun a lion, he stayed still.

    Before long, sure enough, he saw the lion come racing back thru the jungle with the monkey riding on his back. The fox simply turned his back and waited until the lion was really close. Then he called out in an annoyed voice…


    in reply to: Limericks! #1221698
    Shticky Guy

    Ursula you have a great style

    Though we didnt hear from you for a while

    But when you do post

    You’re more talented than most

    And are often ahead by a mile

    Without dear Opening Poster Blinq

    Our numbers here they will shrink

    Without a computer

    It just does not suit ‘er

    The limerickers will be out of sync

    We still have good old minyan gal

    Who’s our most reliable pen pal

    She always supplies

    Its not a suprise

    She’s a great boost to our morale

    A certain other poster will clamor

    To highlight our errors in grammar

    While showing my kishroinos

    If she gives me bizyoinos

    I may then be tempted to slam ‘er

    As for the one called Joseph

    I think now enough is enough

    His guile is well known

    But we will him disown

    There’s no limit how much he can bluff

    in reply to: Jokes #1201812
    Shticky Guy

    Subject: The Irish

    ======== =================================

    The Irish have solved their own fuel problems.

    They imported 50 million tonnes of sand from the Arabs and they’re going to drill for their own oil.

    ======== =================================

    The police came to my front door last night holding a picture of my mother in law.

    They said, “Is this your mother in law, sir?”

    Shocked, I answered, ” Yes.”

    They said, “I’m afraid it looks like she’s been hit by a bus.”

    I said, “I know, but she has a lovely personality.”

    ================================== =============

    Two Irishmen find a mirror in the road.

    The first one picks it up & says, “Blow me I know this face but I cant put a name to it.”

    The second picks it up & says, “You daft idiot it’s me!”


    Paddy’s in jail. The Guard looks in his cell and see’s him hanging by his feet.

    “What are you doing?” he asks.

    “Hanging myself,” Paddy replies.

    “It should be round your neck,” says the guard.

    “I tried that,” says Paddy, “but I couldn’t breathe.”


    Two lrishmen are hammering floorboards down in a house.

    Paddy picks up a nail, looks at it, then throws it away.

    He carries on doing this until Murphy says, “Why are you throwing them away?”

    “Because they’re upside down,” says Paddy.

    “You daft idiot,” replies Murphy, “save them for the ceiling!!”


    Man sitting at home on the veranda with his wife and he says, “I love you.”

    She asks, “Is that you or the beer talking?”

    He replies, “It’s me… talking to the beer.”

    in reply to: sdn? ???p #990417
    Shticky Guy

    This is a olam hafuch, leading to an am k’shei oref… ☺

    in reply to: sdn? ???p #990411
    Shticky Guy

    Yes this is real cool. I cant wait to see how this post ‘turns out’ upside down and back to front.

    Oh no! My post flipped twice so its back to normal. What a flipping shame and waste of time. What a drei kup! ???? ??????

    I’m sure that this is how zeeskite would have written this post. Remember her?

    in reply to: Searching CR For Old Threads #938228
    Shticky Guy

    I dont think there is one. What makes you so sure that there is? Have you ever posted on it? Then look thru your posting history to check the spelling. It was probably spelled wrong. Anyway look on the bright side… There’s only 149 pages of threads to look thru if you cant find it ☺

    in reply to: Searching CR For Old Threads #938226
    Shticky Guy
    in reply to: #789549
    Shticky Guy

    NEW AREA OF LEARNING: To say Perek Shira (takes about 15 mins).

    So there really is something for everyone’s level on this pioneering phenomenal site. Were you moved by the Leiby story? Do something everlasting for his neshama. Whether you have only a one-off 3 minute slot or you have a few minutes once a week/day or you have plenty time every day, you can find something to say or learn L’ilui Nishmaso.

    What greater thing can we do as ahavas chinom, especially now in the 3 weeks, than to learn for someone most of us didnt know.

    in reply to: Page 2 #1023526
    Shticky Guy

    Its very interesting to be told how many pages there are here since this site opened just over 5 years ago. Will you tell us more YWN facts and trivia. We find it fascinating. Eg how many posters are registered here? (I see there are 2588 followers of YWN on Twitter at the moment)

    in reply to: Why burn Yummy Snacks? #789509
    Shticky Guy

    ItcheSrulik *LIKE!*

    skiaddict you should know from skiing that if you see a ‘heap’ in front of you then you must avoid it by going round it and coming out the other side of it. If you dont avoid it, then although you may initially feel that you are going up, it’s inevitable that real soon you’re gonna come crashing down…

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221685
    Shticky Guy

    Blinky where have you been hiding

    In who are you now confiding

    A poster revered

    You have disappeared

    After so much you’ve been here providing

    in reply to: Searching CR For Old Threads #938224
    Shticky Guy

    Er mod…

    ??? ???? ???? ????? ??? ?????

    in reply to: Mothers' Names on Wedding Invitations #788669
    Shticky Guy

    For those who put Chaim & Esther Grossbergman on the invitation, do they address every invitation that way??

    Hopefully not otherwise they’d be inviting that couple a few hundred times to the Simcha and nobody else!

    in reply to: Today's YW Coffee Room feature: A page full of closed threads #800667
    Shticky Guy

    bpt lol. Its good nobody realises your name is short for beautifully painted toes otherwise you’d never get any posts thru… 🙂

    in reply to: How can I view the profile of another YWN user? #787430
    Shticky Guy

    Leave your message on the Contact Us form and ask the mods to forward. This doesnt always work,depends how busy they are and if you’re the same gender etc. Or start a thread only for that poster and write that nobody else should read it. Come on, you know we wont look…

    in reply to: Worst Joke Contest #1004668
    Shticky Guy

    After Rupert Murdoch called today the most humble of his life, he was forced to eat ‘humble pie’ after getting hit in the face by a bowl of shaving cream, in what could be called a foam-hacking incident!

    in reply to: Worst Joke Contest #1004667
    Shticky Guy

    Doesnt the absolute winner of any ‘worst joke’ contest have to go to president obama for last night’s pizza joke to the astronauts…

    in reply to: Jokes #1201795
    Shticky Guy

    Patient: “Doctor, doctor I’m obsessed with Twitter”

    Doctor: “Sorry I don’t follow you”

    in reply to: #789548
    Shticky Guy

    Current Completions on the site:

    2X Chumash

    3X Nach

    4X Shas Mishnayos

    50% of Shas Gemarah

    35X Pirkei Avos

    1X Cheylek Alef Mishnah Berurah

    12X Sefer Tehillim

    5X Mesilas Yesharim

    94X Iggeres Haramban

    50X Hafrashas Challah

    550+ Hours of No Loshan Hara

    New Areas of Learning:

    Kitzur Shulchan Aruch

    Concise Book of Mitzvos

    Lets do much,much more!!!

    in reply to: #789546
    Shticky Guy

    I did too. Its a brilliant idea and a great website. Thanks to elik for telling us about it. There’s something for everyone on it, whatever your level, ability or time restraints. Let everyone do something for leiby!

    in reply to: what's your favorite.. #868128
    Shticky Guy

    My favorite at the moment: a friend lent me a cd by a guy called zevi krausher. There’s some phenomenal songs on it. I’m really into the 2nd song Visimloch Atoh Hu Hashem, a slow song but very hartzig. Anyone know of this cd? It must have slipped by me. I highly recommend it.

    in reply to: Jokes #1201783
    Shticky Guy


    #1. You accidentally enter your password on the microwave.

    #2. You haven’t played solitaire with real cards in years.

    #3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of 3.

    #4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you.

    #5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don’t have e-mail addresses.

    #6. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home to help you carry in the groceries.

    #7. Leaving the house without your cell phone, which you didn’t have the first 20 or 30 (or 60) years of your life, is now a cause for panic and you turn around to go and get it.

    #10. You get up in the morning and go on line before getting your coffee.

    #11. You start tilting your head sideways to smile. : )

    #12. You’re reading this and nodding and laughing.

    #13. Even worse, you know exactly to whom you are going to forward this message.

    #14. You are too busy to notice there was no # 8&9 on this list.

    #15. You actually scrolled back up to check that there wasn’t a #8&9 on this list.

    And now you are laughing at yourself.

    So go on, forward this to your friends that you want to be laughing at themselves!

    in reply to: cant make decisions…. #791989
    Shticky Guy

    I used to be indecisive also. I’m not sure if I still am or not…

    in reply to: popa_bar_abba = mod 80 ? #813030
    Shticky Guy

    adorable what I’m trying to work out is what is YOUR other username. Because how did you dig this thread up after 5 months unless its on your history? Unless you are a mod too… ? ?

    Actually you’ve been reviving other long forgotten threads also. While it’s fun to see them again, what’s your motive?

    And should this award you a new subtitle? Eg EMT (Emerger of Moth-eaten Threads)

    in reply to: Sefer Tehillim: Zechus For Leiby Kletsky #785380
    Shticky Guy

    I’ll take 20-30

    in reply to: easy fast pills #785041
    Shticky Guy

    I know many people who use the tzom kal tablets and they say it helps them greatly in fasting better and easier. It makes no difference to me whether this is physical or psychological, if they feel better for taking them then it’s worthwhile and they work.

    in reply to: Queensite? Bronxer? Lakewoodian? #785034
    Shticky Guy

    Thanks for starting this fascinating thread, oh Goqite. And did you hear the one about the swede who met a danish, a viennese and a hamburger in a european bakery? Or the guy who went bathing in a river in France and found himself in Seinne? By the way is someone from Paris known as a parasite?

    in reply to: egged puts passengers convenience before their safety? #784245
    Shticky Guy

    Could anyone who CURRENTLY lives in EY update those of us who dont as to the situation now with wifi and fare ticketing system? Or any other interesting pieces of information. Thanx.

    in reply to: eating while driving vs texting while driving #784323
    Shticky Guy

    Eating is fine if you are careful. Talking on a phone takes your mind off the road. Texting takes your eyes off the road aswell. What neighbourhood do you live in? I want to avoid it!Eating is fine if you are careful. Talking on a phone takes your mind off the road. Texting takes your eyes off the road aswell. What neighbourhood do you live in? I want to avoid it!Eating is fine if you are careful. Talking on a phone takes your mind off the road. Texting takes your eyes off the road aswell. What neighbourhood do you live in? I want to avoid it!Eating is fine if you are careful. Talking on a phone takes your mind off the road. Texting takes your eyes off the road aswell. What neighbourhood do you live in? I want to avoid it!

    And seriously, sneezing is highly dangerous while driving. If you have a cold or suffer from the pollen you will know that an unexpected sneeze will make you close your eyes and lose concentration for a good few seconds. May Hashem protect us all.

    in reply to: The Importance of Never Missing Tefillin #782105
    Shticky Guy

    To miss putting on tefillin is a bittul mitzvas asei, r”l. This carries a chiyuv korban!

    If you’ve gotten yourself into a rut and missed, then change from TODAY! If you find it difficult to go to shul then at least put on at home and at least say the minimum with them on eg maybe just shema? Not paskening. Check with your LOR. And just remember: you are not doing Hashem the favor; its the other way round!

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