Forum Replies Created
Shticky GuyParticipant
Gefen I wish you a year filled with goodness as in your initials
Shticky GuyParticipantBut that really is darchei emori. Obviously satire but still I’m suprised it got thru the mods.
We Jews have a far more powerful and certain way to make it rain. It never fails. Never. Its Foolproof. Doltproof, even. You can depend on it to make it rain whenever you set it up… Its called a sukka.
Shticky GuyParticipantMods Anything doing on reopening
Shticky GuyParticipantSorry the correct url of the books thread is
Shticky GuyParticipant20: thanks for your offer but $2,000,000 is still a little high.
Any other mod wanna try to come in with a better offer?
Btw the url of the threads are
Shticky GuyParticipant2 other songs that give me goosebumps are “A little bird is calling”, and “Al tomar lichishe’efneh eshneh…cause maybe, just maybe, you’ll never have the time…” by Country Yossi
Shticky GuyParticipant42: Which classic slow Mo Oshiv do you mean? Is it the very very very old classic? That’s just traditional. You probably mean the one from the MBD album Hallel?
Toi: I remember going to an MBD concert as a child only a few months after he lost his mother (he was still in the year) and he said he’s written a new song about her called Memories and he sang it to us for the first time ever. You can bet it was hartzig. He cried as he sang it and many people cried with him.
It all depends on knowing the background to a song. Eg the famous ani maamin composed in the cattle train to Auschwitz. Or Lo Amus Ki Echye, knowing MBD sang it at the bedside of a kid with cancer.
Shticky GuyParticipantSend the mod a box of chocolates
Or a good book…
Shticky GuyParticipantI thought this thread was about your visit to the dentist!
Shticky GuyParticipantI am suprised that mods do not document or keep notes on what they do where other mods and editors can see so they can refer to it when the first mod is off duty. Anyway, what is the appeals procedure?
Shticky GuyParticipantOk, I made it up. -95
Nu, so then please reopen the good novels thread
I didn’t close it. I won’t undo what another mod did for reasons I don’t know.
Shticky GuyParticipantMods please explain why both threads on books to read were deleted. One is entitled ‘books’ and the other ‘good novels’. Both were innocent, harmless and fun. Thank you.
the publishers threatened a lawsuit
October 11, 2011 4:33 pm at 4:33 pm in reply to: ??????? ?????? ????? ????? ??????; But do we know what ???? is? #822051Shticky GuyParticipantI’m suprised nobody of the entire coffee room can help me with my observation. I was sure that someone like Chanie T or doodle jump or sam or am yisrael chai or any number of other learned posters could come up with a solution. Or that poppa could make something up for me…
Shticky GuyParticipantgiggle girl have you considered how anyone would be able to find and meet up with you at the airport? Your picture on your YWN profile is a little unclear…
Also would you explain your subtitle? Its an interesting one. I mean, if after Giggle it said chassidish internet search engine I would understand it! Thanx
Shticky GuyParticipantWell it seems nobody has the answer to my serious question so I’ll attempt to inject a frivolous one to see if I get a better reaction… What is the best way to communicate with a fish? Drop him a line!
October 10, 2011 10:13 am at 10:13 am in reply to: ??????? ?????? ????? ????? ??????; But do we know what ???? is? #822050Shticky GuyParticipantMy main question is not whether ???? is the whole country of ??? ????? or not. That was a side point. My main question is whether ???? is the city we call ??????? or the ?? ????/??? ????? and which ??????? was. The city is called both names and the ??? ????? /???? ????? also by both. They are both refered to one after the other in various ??????, but what are they and why the changes?
(Another example in “????? ???? ???? ???? ???? “???? ???????? we distinctly refer to both as separate entities.)
Shticky GuyParticipantFeif: Kudos to you for doing as your rav paskened. It must have been hard for you at the time though now you reap dividends for your emunas chachamim! Thanx for publicizing and encouraging others to follow!
MODS you should rename this thread – Listen to your Rav and Hashem will look after you
Shticky GuyParticipantI recall onegoal explaining his subtitle a looong while back. On the lines of a family joke
Shticky GuyParticipantImanonov & Kapusta: *Like*
Shticky GuyParticipantI love getting yummy stuff for yum tov. Especially coming just after the yom tough of yom kippur
Shticky GuyParticipantI dont eat there. The pasuk says 7 days not 8.
Let me ask you, if you do eat there because of s’feika d’yoma that shmini atzeres could be the 7th day of sukkos then why do you not make a bracha when you eat there? And why dont you shake arba minim on shmini atzeres for the same reason?
Shticky GuyParticipantdoes she look like salt and blood and dead animal juice?
Could be worse. She could look like a goat.
Shticky GuyParticipantAYC What a nice post to read. Thank you. I appreciate your ‘appreciativity’ ☺ (sorry haifagirl).
The truth is, there is no poster as helpful or as caring as you. I could easily embarrass you by pasting many, many of your posts where you continually acknowledge other posts, help out where needed, and show unlimited genuine concern. One of the many instances is the ‘I am very sick’ thread.
You display true ahavas yisrael as a second nature and the name “am yisrael chai” is truly a fitting one for you. You also have very informative, learned posts and a great wit also. If there were other posters like you I would post much more often. Everyone likes to be acknowledged. So I thank you again and please keep it up and I look forward to your first YWN birthday in half a year! Have a wonderful yontif and with ppl like you we’ll go forward to Moshiach real soon! KIT. Shalom Chaver.
Shticky GuyParticipantAYC The mods should be really grateful to you. That is their job to do (according to the YWN rules) but you’ve done it for them many times I noticed. Any day now you should get a hallowed application moderator form in the mail. Poppa also did!
Shticky GuyParticipantMany yeshivos have banned cellphones for bochurim period. BMG seem to be allowing them for bochurim to make calls with.
Shticky GuyParticipantWas it metrodriver or baalhabooze who said they like puns? Cos on Yom Kippur I make a point of only davening at a fast minyan. It’s the halacha. We fast all day.
Shticky GuyParticipantDont know about moshiach coming when the cup is full. Thats a new one on me. But the concept of Hashem keeping our tears comes from tehillim 56:9 and is mentioned in selichos of “Hashem Hashem”.
Shticky GuyParticipantIt is a real pity that we come to shul in order to come closer to Hashem, and the first thing we sacrifice is Korbonos!!
Shticky GuyParticipantBTW I’m very puzzled why ppl think the fish is flushed down the toilet after kapporos. Why cant it be donated to poor people the same way that the chickens are?
October 7, 2011 8:15 am at 8:15 am in reply to: What is the most important thing on Yom Kippur? #975046Shticky GuyParticipantYes there are already yom kippur threads but this one is trying to highlight the most important aspect of YK, not general discussions and vertlach etc.
The most important thing on YK may be teshuva and coming closer to Hashem. But although it is the most important thing, it is not the number one on the list. It’s the most important yet only number two. Why? Because Hashem doesnt give kappora ‘ad sheyiratzeh es chavero’. So number 1 is asking everyone for mechilla and only then can we be ready for the real number 1 of teshuva!
Shticky GuyParticipantdoodle may I suggest you jump to
BTW MODS Why was that thread closed? I dont see anything untoward in it. To the contrary it is informative and entertaining. Please reply so that we do not repeat whatever you have found to be wrong with it. Thanks
Shticky GuyParticipantI’m listening right now to that vsimloch of zevi krausher. Yes i just had to go buy my own copy! Very uplifting for this time of year! I was thinking of it during rosh hashana shmoneh esray as I said the words. Hope he brings out another album!
Shticky GuyParticipantGoq *like*
Chicken in a bag sounds great! Some guy’s gonna come out now with specially designed chicken kapporas bags available in 5 colors and 8 different sizes, with different ones for lefties and righties, and the same options again but with a different look for women (because of lo silbash of course, though women anyway need extra protection). They will be called ‘fowl protection bags’ and you heard about it first here on yeshiva world news!! By the way I saw a guy doing it and the chicken had a diaper on! ☺
Shticky GuyParticipantIts very sad. He was the apple of many people’s eye and now that he has died so young has shaken many to the core sending some to the pits and leaving a huge slice of opportunity open. He apeeled to many in the technology world, leaving his competitors no option but to try to stalk him to copy his secrets.
“If we should ever witness apple falling it would lead to consequences of utmost gravity” says leading expert Issac Newton. He continued “The only person to successfully succeed in shooting apple down was William Tell.”
Shticky GuyParticipantI once heard a great question on the well known chazal that there are 3 books open on rosh hashana. Tzadikim gemurim are inscribed for life. Reshaim for the opposite. And for beinonim who have the same amount of mitzvos as aveiros they wait until yom kippur and are reassessed; if they’ve done teshuva they get life otherwise cv not.
But why is the only option given to them that they must do teshuva? Surely if they have the same number of mitzvos as aveiros then there is another option open to them: to do one mitzva! They will then have more mitzvos than aveiros and will be called tzadikim. This way is not brought down. Why?
A: We are all judged from rosh hashana to rosh hashana. So doing another mitzva after rosh hashana will not help as that will only be added to the new year’s count. It cant change last year’s cheshbon of equal mitzvos to aveiros. The only thing to change that is teshuva with charata on the aveiros of the past year. This will pardon and annul some of the aveiros leaving the past year’s balance with more mitzvos than aveiros!
Shticky GuyParticipantbpt but then you’ll arrive late for your appointment and somebody else will be having their nails done instead of you
Shticky GuyParticipantThis thread is quite apt for this time of year, asseres yimei tshuva, as it teaches us how precious time is and how a minute here and there can make such a tremendous difference in so many ways. Utilize your time wisely because every second we have should be treasured! See what we can accomplish in such a short time period of those extra few minutes and use it as a musar haskel of how important and valued time really is. The goyim say time=money, but we know time=life!
Shticky GuyParticipantSam4321 and emunas itecha: Amazing posts both of you. Thank you so much! Any more?
Shticky GuyParticipantMy dear poster am yisrael chai
I love your limerick that starts ‘why’
Where you thought blinky fumbled
By getting all jumbled
You’ve a great sense of rhyme for a guy
I’m sorry your bubble to burst
Cos even though Yom Kippur comes first
There’s so much to tackle
Before Tabernacle
Is this the best esrog or the worst?
Will we have more sunshine or rain
Weather forecasts we try to obtain
Will our Sukka roof
Crash down or stay aloof
It just drives us completely insane
Should I let the fruit soup thicken
Or will it make our meal stricken
When we sit with jubilation
I need some inspiration
Are we better with shnitzel or chicken
What did we serve when these guests last came
I must ensure not to have the same
If we do repeat
Any salad or meat
It’ll look like our cooking skills are lame
And I will be standing and quaking
When the kids my arba minim are shaking
Will I need to get
A replacement set
Its enough money the dealer is making
And so our sukkos preparation
For arba minim, sukka, food and decoration
We for sure do find
That they occupy our mind
Constantly without cessation
But the truth is Yom Kippur needs more thought
So dont in the Yetzer Hora’s trap be caught
To break our sentence
We need acts of repentance
Else all will chas v’shalom count for naught
So get our priorities straight
And do it right now, do not wait
Keep your head steady
For Yom Kippur get ready
Do it now or it may be too late
Shticky GuyParticipantAYC: A veteran poster such as myself (of over four and a half years, kein yirbu) surely knows how to see the number of posts in a thread. It was tongue in cheek. You see, my post was in fact post number 100 which is why I wrote about 100 ppl visiting. Not post 101. And yours was 102 not 103. Because when you are logged in, the blank message box in which you post counts already as a post. Try it. Check the posts of any thread then log out and look again. Its a confusing quirk of the CR.
Shticky GuyParticipantI guess its time again to revive this thread. Nu? Has anyone heard the new MBD album Kissufim yet? Come on. You know you can tell me here in total confidence! Whadaya think? Isnt it just great? He’s the undisputed King!
Shticky GuyParticipantChazal tell us that each visitor to a choleh takes away a hundredth of his illness. So if he gets 100 visitors he should be cured. Maybe we can reach 100 posts on this thread (even if some are made by the choleh himself) then yehuda tzvi will get a 100% refuah. Lets see… can someone tell me what post number this is on this thread?
October 4, 2011 9:18 pm at 9:18 pm in reply to: I've got a twin on here… Can anyone guess who it is… #816066Shticky GuyParticipantNobody blocks a queen bee… Definitely not at Rosh Hashana time anyway…☺
Talking about twins, a chosson said that he was engaged to a twin. When asked if it was easy to tell them apart he said “For sure. Her twin has a beard!”
Shticky GuyParticipantronrsr: <like> lol.
seashells: of course hashem is listening to you and keeping all of your tears in a special place. Things will happen at a time He knows is best for you. You dont have the full picture as He does! So keep smiling!
Shticky GuyParticipantWhy dont you get outa here and go spend some $$$ and time on your ‘twin’…
Shticky GuyParticipantCoffee pls remind me where that gemara is. If yehudis was only karka olam then why is it considered an aveira on her part at all?
Shticky GuyParticipantolive and peas- “we should ALL LIVE IN PEACE”
I like that one!
Ps The way many men’s shirts look tight and bursting today is a sure siman of a 3-day Yomtov…!
Shticky GuyParticipantChofetzchaim since you updated this thread last month, when I attempt a search it just brings me to the regular google search page. It was far better before. Anybody else find the same?
Shticky GuyParticipantThe lomdisher shaylo goes like this: Was E=mc squared said ??????? or ???????
Shticky GuyParticipantYogurt = Gut Yohr
Chicken Livers (leberlach) = Leb Ehrlich