Shticky Guy

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  • in reply to: A poem for ayc #915015
    Shticky Guy

    Yes to see that beautiful poem by ken zayn was real heartening. But I still would have prefered it to have been written by Am Yisrael Chai…

    in reply to: CR Posting Tips #882496
    Shticky Guy

    I need help with a posting issue. I began asking it off the moderators on the “mods? mods?” thread where you can ask things of the mods. But I got nowhere. So I went one higher and tried asking the editors via the ‘Contact Us’ button. No response. So I’ll go one even higher yet again. I will ask the posters!!

    After submitting a post it is editable by you for around 20 mins. But how can you edit a new thread that you just began? It still says edit under it but clicking on edit only brings me to the main cr page, even literally seconds after sending it! Who knows?

    in reply to: Mod 80: Are you still around? #1076163
    Shticky Guy

    I just realised. If Feivel’s revelation is true, then that’s two Kings of their fields who have retired in the same month, and their names look really similar:

    1. M80

    2. MBD


    in reply to: A poem for ayc #915011
    Shticky Guy

    MP Great Talent

    I also enjoyed this one which was posted yesterday on the Welcome Back AYC thread:

    Ken Zayn

    born Kenneth Solomon Zaynestzky

    Am Yisrael Chai

    You have gone, why?

    You are the most wonderful guy

    But now you make many of us cry.

    So now after the Shem Tov you did earn

    Wont you please return

    From you we all did learn

    And you are now our main concern

    For while you have a justifiable irk

    And this site you for now shirk

    Your reaction is only knee-jerk

    And we know you’ll be back with a smirk

    For now our fingers do clench

    We wait for you to our appetites quench

    So dont let your heart wrench

    Because you are the ultimate mentsh!

    Come back with a confident smile

    We are missing your artistic style

    Which is oh so very vesatile

    With a kop that is so fertile

    Posted 1 day ago #

    in reply to: Light Bulb Jokes #943368
    Shticky Guy

    Q: How many armies does it take to change a lightbulb ?

    A: At least five. The Germans to start it, the French to give up really easily after only trying for a little while, the Italians to make a start, get nowhere, and then try again from the other side, the Americans to turn up late and finish it off and take all the credit, and the Swiss to pretend nothing out of the ordinary is happening.

    Q: How many visitors to an art gallery does it take to screw in a light bulb ?

    A: Two, one to do it and one to say “Huh ! My four-year old could’ve done that!”

    Q: How many atheists does it take to screw in a light bulb?

    A: None. Atheists never “see the light” anyway do they?

    Q: How many board meetings does it take to get a light bulb changed?

    A: This topic was resumed from last week’s discussion, but is incomplete pending resolution of some action items. It will be continued next week. Meanwhile…

    Q: How many bureaucrats does it take to screw in a light bulb?

    A1: Two. One to assure everyone that everything possible is being done while the other screws the bulb into the water faucet.

    A2: Five – one to change the light bulb and the other four to fill out the Environmental Impact Statement.

    A3: One to spot the burned-out bulb, his supervisor to authorize a requisition, a requisition typist, twelve clerks to file the requisition copies, a mail clerk to deliver the requisition to the purchasing department, a purchasing agent to order the bulb, a clerk to forward the purchasing order, a clerk to mail-order a receiving clerk to receive the bulb….

    A4: Seven– one to supervise, one to arrange for the electricity to be shut off, one to make sure that safety and quality standards are maintained, one to monitor compliance with local, state, and federal regulations, one to manage personnel relations, one to fill out the paperwork and one to screw the light bulb into the water faucet.

    A5: Two – one to screw it in and one to screw it up.

    A6: None, we contract out for things like that.

    Q: How many Waiters does it take to change a light bulb?

    A: None, even a burned out bulb can’t catch a waiters eye

    Q: How many junkies does it take to screw in a light bulb?

    A1: Oh wow, is it like dark, man?

    A2: Two: One to roll it, and one to light it up.

    Q: How many Federal employees does it take to screw in a light bulb?

    A: Sorry, that item has been cut from the budget!

    Q: How many Fisherman does it take to change a light bulb?

    A: Four, one to change the light bulb, two to brag about how big the old one was and one to talk about the one that they would have changed, but “It got away”

    Q: How many teenage girls does it take to screw in a light bulb?

    A: One, but she’ll be on the phone for five hours telling all her friends about it.

    Q: How many philosophers does it take to change a lightbulb ?

    A: Hmmm… well there’s an interesting question isn’t it ?

    A: Three. One to change it and two to stand around arguing over whether or not the lightbulb exists.

    A: Define “lightbulb”…..

    Q: How many philosophers does it take to change a lightbulb ?

    A1: Hmmm… well there’s an interesting question isn’t it ?

    A2: Three. One to change it and two to stand around arguing over whether or not the lightbulb exists.

    A3: Define “lightbulb”…..

    Q: How many men does it take to screw in a lightbulb ?

    A: Only one, but you have to nag him for two weeks first.

    in reply to: know of any jobs? #830366
    Shticky Guy

    Click the “contact us” link, forward the mods your resume, and I will forward it to some contacts.

    Is this the nearest Jothar has come to admitting how close he is able to get to the mods office? Or is it a bluff? Hmm. Jothar=Mod??? Popa=80??? Feivel=80??? 80=gone??? AYC=coming back??? There sure is a lot to think about.

    in reply to: EVERYTHING appears in the Torah – even the whole sad AYC saga! #829545
    Shticky Guy

    I was gone???????

    Sure. You just said that you must have been sleeping and so you missed the whole story. So welcome back. You must have been away for about 3 weeks then. Wonder who ghosted your posts while you were sleeping. Maybe one of your granddaughters has the same name as you. They were pretty good!

    Oh AYC where are you? Now you are in (understandable but) self imposed exile, similar to Joseph when 2 years were added onto his jail sentence. But we will never forget you!

    in reply to: know of any jobs? #830362
    Shticky Guy

    an opening for a half day job

    ??? ??????? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ???

    Sob. I hate posting this, but, sniff, according to feivel there is a vacancy in the mod office. I cant bring myself to name the mod he thinks has retired. Sob. But anyway if its money you’re after, this isnt for you because apparently there’s no Pay in any modding job at the moment. That’s if you think feivel is in a position to know. I am still awaiting confirmation. After all, he’s only a??? ??? , so it depends whether he’s a ??? ????? ???? or a ??? ??????? ?????? …

    in reply to: Jothar #829487
    Shticky Guy

    Oh yeah. Pull the other one! ?

    in reply to: Please don't put me on hold #829532
    Shticky Guy

    Hold on a minute – I’ll comment on that when I get back.

    K- I’m back. Oh wait! Hold on again.

    Gefen LOL. Keep it up – it suits you.

    I hate it when my kids friends call. They are from an instant generation (that WE raised and educated) who need what they want right away or sooner. They email then go crazy after 3 minutes if there’s no reply when we as kids used to mail letters and wait weeks for a response.

    Please tell me if this sounds familiar: …so there I am on the (malafa) phone which I do very occasionally because it is not usually available, (yeah, that’s another parsha) and there’s a click. I see its a friend of one of my kids who they have just been a whole day with and been on the phone already 5 times since. So I ignore it as I am on an important call. Do they get the hint? No siree. They call again and again and again and again and again. It is so annoying. And when I’m off the phone, my daughter calls them back. They say “oh do you know your phone is broken, the clicks do not work”!!!

    in reply to: Suggest a new suitable subtitle for AYC #829451
    Shticky Guy

    dandy/joseph havent you caused enough damage in this site?

    in reply to: Jothar #829482
    Shticky Guy

    popa, how are you privy to such inside information? Are you a moderator?

    in reply to: Colored Shirts #985495
    Shticky Guy

    Mods: Thanx for bringing this thread down onto the main page. Sticky colored shirts are for sure unsuitable for anyone to wear.

    in reply to: Please don't put me on hold #829521
    Shticky Guy

    RB Why dont you do what I do? Simply hang up and call right back. Chances are they will often then take my click and then I continue the conversation as if nothing had happened… And next time they wont take someone else’s click, cause they will have taken the subtle hint!!!

    in reply to: Google Voice #942234
    Shticky Guy

    aidel_maidel_who_loves_to_eat_knaidel: According to my logic, if you call from Israel to the US there should be a 7 hour delay

    in reply to: Mod 80: Are you still around? #1076152
    Shticky Guy

    Feivel=80=popa??? Or maybe not? Well, popa’s still here so that’s something. But 80 you cant go! Noooooo Way!!! That would be losing the two best posters ever within about a week of each other! Can you ‘Modereightor 80’ yourself please post in on this! Occupy guys: Get set! Bring your tents!

    Fine n dandy.: I nominate you for a coffee oscar for somehow (?) being the best informed newbie that I have ever come across…

    in reply to: EVERYTHING appears in the Torah – even the whole sad AYC saga! #829541
    Shticky Guy

    Mishna La-Mod: BH +1 Luv it! You ‘rock’!

    Oomis: You’re not serious?!! Even in my Yeshiva days I couldnt sleep for 3 weeks solid. Wow! (Welcome back BTW).

    in reply to: Suggest a new suitable subtitle for AYC #829449
    Shticky Guy

    I was not initiating changing anything. His subtitle has just been changed from ‘od avinu chai’ to ‘well meaning’, obviously to reflect the last few weeks. I was merely saying that if they’re already giving him a new subtitle, I dont like the new one and was looking for an alternative. Personally my favorite is ‘Innocent until proven Innocent’. But I was certainly not having fun.

    The link requested to the alleged happy ending is

    in reply to: Mod 80: Are you still around? #1076146
    Shticky Guy

    it is the gematria of the first letter of his name

    You mean his names. Because assuming you are really him, he has two names beginning with Pei: Feivel, and of course Popa. But you’re not him and he hasnt resigned. Is this a November Fools joke?

    Soliek: thanks. And how long did it take you to come up with your screenname?

    in reply to: What does OP stand for? #829349
    Shticky Guy

    I thought OP stood for Opening Poster but its all the same thing. (You have sure been asking lots of questions recently, mik5…)

    SG in the absence of AYC

    in reply to: how do i make a link to another post?? #830035
    Shticky Guy

    For a thread, click on URL on top of page in question then copy and paste it. For a post, click on # at end of the post then continue as above.

    From SG in the absence of AYC.

    in reply to: What's going on here? #829190
    Shticky Guy

    The mods have a list of at least 10 sn’s who were stalked/harassed. Don’t believe the Joseph sn’s. Feel free to click the “contact us” and confirm.

    Jothar you know too much. Anyway the contact us does not work…

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? #1108018
    Shticky Guy

    RB It doesnt mater who the Contact Us goes to. It for sure goes somewhere and that person should answer. I know they cant answer every email they get, but at least one or two would be a start…

    in reply to: Which are the great subtitles in the coffeeroom? #895081
    Shticky Guy

    Mysterious GOG: Lol. Try it and see!

    hockaroundtheclock: I love your new one “Hock n roll!”

    in reply to: AYC: AYeCo? #829155
    Shticky Guy

    Just look at some of the comments on this thread:

    We want you back, AYC! I want to see your name appearing on some threads NOW!

    Lets hear it for AYC’s return! Come on guys!!!

    +1 No question about it we need him back now!!


    yeah my friend, this place just isn’t the same without you

    COOOOME BAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    AYC we’re waiting for you and want to see you back



    If ayc is really gone, the coffeeroom will definitely not be the same! Please come back!! Please!!!!!!

    Let’s hear it for AYC. He’s a true mensch

    AYC – The CR won’t be the same – you can’t seriously leave!!!!! You’ve had your little break, time to return now!

    I agree with everyone. ayc, we desperately need you here. No one can replace the amount of sensitivity, kindness, intuitiveness, and perception that you possess. Please come back and continue posting so we all can gain more from you and learn from you.

    AYC, if you’re reading this, (and I hope you are), you should know that you added so much around here and it isn’t the same without you. I could probably pull up any of your posts at random and anyone seeing them for the first time would understand right away why you’re so missed. Aside from the help, (from pulling up old threads to giving chizuk and everything in between) you’re comments were (are?) always so pleasant to read. Never judgmental, always calm… I, (and as you can see) many others want you back posting

    please come back and give it another shot. Don’t let one person ruin something that could be really great. You have so many friends here.

    Please come back!

    Come on AYC!!

    AM Yisrael,

    I too hope that you will return.

    Your kindness and wisdom is valued and very much needed here. You are one of those calm voices of reason that helps us think straight and know that someone out there cares.

    Know, that you are valued, and when you are ready, we look forward to your return.


    I want you to know how appreciative I am for all your kindness in the past, your taking the time to write and try to help. Your caring helped. I’m sorry that the gift you offered me (of caring with words) I failed to offer you in return. If there’s anything I can give you at this time, it’s just to tell you how much your caring to take the time to respond and give support has helped and I wish you only comfort and goodness

    Rabbosai, efsher a zemer’l

    Everyone together now,

    “am yisroel chai

    am yisroel chai

    am yisroel, am yisroel, am yisroel chai”

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


    in reply to: Od AYC Chai – Apology and Explanation #839853
    Shticky Guy

    Our Dear Am Yisrael Chai: I have tears in my eyes as I write this. AYC you probably have not been reading the coffeeroom while you were blocked. But I tell you, it was a very boring place. For two reasons. Firstly and foremostly because you were missing. There was nobody helping posters like you always did. Nobody was posting rhymes and puzzles in the way only you know how. And we were missing your unique way and sense of humor and sharpness. Secondly it was a VERY boring place because… most of the posts at the top of the cr page were all about you! We couldnt get off the topic! And apart from two or three posters with doubts, everyone else was CONVINCED of your innocence and were just waiting for this thread to arrive!

    Besides for a couple of posters, NOBODY doubted your innocence. We only couldnt understand why your complete vindication was taking so long. Even the mods did not suspect AYC. They only suspected Joseph and thought that your sweet helpful nature was a cover for his nefarious methods.

    So PLEASE come back to us! Hashiveinu eilecha… Chadesh yameinu kikedem! AYC – AYeCo? Begin a thread saying “I AM BACK”!

    Mods Please email this post to him in case he’s not visiting here at the moment. Thank you.

    in reply to: Screen Name Subtitle #978247
    Shticky Guy

    Great subtitle BH ☺. After writing your autobiography, the least I could do was leave you with this. Now you’ve gotta post it on my ‘great subtitles of the coffeeroom’ thread. lol

    Shticky Guy

    I concur to Shticky Guy’s warning

    Wow. That must be one of the smartest posts ever. You’re a Tzaddiq.

    in reply to: Most Common Surname Among Torah Observant Jews #828993
    Shticky Guy

    The most common forenames I know of are Hey! and Howyadoin?

    Well around here the most common forenames I know of is, of course, Joseph.

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? #1108016
    Shticky Guy

    Why coffee have you had the same lack of response? I suppose if any of the mods were coffee addict addicts they would answer you… ?

    in reply to: Screen Name Subtitle #978242
    Shticky Guy

    BaalHabooze, just read your post – LOL. You’re hysterical!

    Hey M-ods give this guy a subtittle and a drink.

    Yeah mods he sure deserves one. How about “on the rocks” or “whisky makes the world go round” or “Under the Maggid’s table”? BH would you like any of these?

    in reply to: Any good segulah for helping the childless? #829305
    Shticky Guy

    Two women I know joined together to give Chai Rottel for Lag Baomer (or Lag Laomer… Sorry I’m harping back to a thread I once began) for 2 relatives of theirs to get engaged; one of whom has since married. Around half a year after Lag Baomer, one of the women told the other that she was expecting a baby. She replied that she was also! And they both gave birth within days of each other… ten months after Lag Baomer!!!

    in reply to: Is Lakewood Looking At A School Shortage For Next Year? #892438
    Shticky Guy

    Today, Avraham would not have been accepted into a School, cause he’s the son of Terach. But Yishmoel would cause he’s Avrohom Avinu’s son! Sad but probably true!

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? #1108014
    Shticky Guy

    Lets see if I get my first ever response to the Contact Us form despite having used it several times

    Not seen any email back from YWN yet. A response would be appreciated if possible. Thank you.

    Shticky Guy

    What’s wrong with a support group?

    Nothing. But unfortunately, with stalkers and trolls around, this is the type of thread that they would live off. It provides endless personal information.

    I dont know the solution how to negate the efforts of stalkers and at the same time safely hold support groups online. Maybe create a new SN just for that thread? Whadya think?

    in reply to: Which are the great subtitles in the coffeeroom? #895071
    Shticky Guy

    toi’s ‘Shruikin’ made me smile, too. Mechaber please?

    in reply to: od Avenu Chai #829034
    Shticky Guy

    I would like some reaction to my post

    Moi aussi ☺.

    in reply to: Which are the great subtitles in the coffeeroom? #895068
    Shticky Guy

    42: They really are among the greats. Come on, which other ones have you done. Would you mind sharing a few of the names with the subtitles that you came up with. Thanx. By the way, who came up with yours?

    in reply to: What's going on here? #829163
    Shticky Guy

    And what about posters who are able to put up links to threads and even individual posts from years ago on a regular basis with apparent ease?

    in reply to: New And Returning Members! #856371
    Shticky Guy


    Feif Un?

    And there’s 2-3 more I’ve noticed whose names escape me at the moment.

    And welcome back (again) to floating poster Mazal77. I see you’ve been posting for a couple of weeks now but kept forgetting to say hi so I’d better do it now before you disappear yet again! You bring good luck to the cr.

    Shticky Guy


    Look at how much personal information is being asked, prompted and volunteered in threads such as this one. And look at the unfamiliar or even one-off names. Never reply to such threads. Especially when the OP doesnt give but only wants to take and has no valid reason to justify it. Yes, maybe we have all been too trusting and naive until now. Things MUST change!

    in reply to: Don't Feed the Trolls #1120495
    Shticky Guy

    Yeah it sure is zeiyer foncusing times that we now live in. In times of old, trolls used to hide under bridges and frighten the crossing people or billy goats. Now they’re in our homes.

    So yes dont feed any trolls including this troll. Dont post any more on this thread!! And dont answer stupid threads or posts that seem out of place or obvious such as which order to cut our nails or how to stop your shel rosh slipping down etc from last night! I’m sure the mods are looking into him also. Are they?

    in reply to: Which are the great subtitles in the coffeeroom? #895065
    Shticky Guy

    And of course we must NEVER forget dear Goq’s *classic* line on one of the many, many subtitle request threads when he warns the moderators to think long and hard before they dismember anyone…

    in reply to: Dear Mods, How Many Approved Pots do I Currently Have? #828104
    Shticky Guy

    ca +1 ☺

    95: Wow I did not realize that this was something not easily available on your Mod screens. No wonder my suggestion to add the totals as a feature to our profile page was not taken up. So I’m very grateful to 42 for posting my totals here. Thank you. Anyone else wanting to know their stats will have to either get friendly with a mod (or with popa) otherwise you will have to do it Jothar’s way… You know, get friendly with a cr maintainance guy…

    in reply to: cutting fingernails #829361
    Shticky Guy

    Hock +1 Like!

    in reply to: Non-Slip Taleisim #880245
    Shticky Guy

    frumguy I have one and highly recommend it. Its a talitania and this is the secret… Regular taleisim are simply that bit too wide! I didnt realize until I got a non slip which are narrower meaning there’s less excess tallis on your shoulders so there’s less to slip down. Try one on and you’ll see immediately what I mean! Mine used to drive me crazy but now BH I can daven in peace, slip free.

    mik5 your knot needs tightening. It takes between 10-30 seconds and most sofrim will happily do it for free.

    Anybody else have any problems? Uncle Shticky will endeavor to resolve them. Only $100 a time.

    in reply to: How Many Seconds After Havdalah Did YOU Check In? #879054
    Shticky Guy

    coffee addict: ha ha ha. It had to be you didnt it! You sure are living up to your name! Do you wear a coffee patch on shabbos?

    in reply to: How Many Seconds After Havdalah Did YOU Check In? #879052
    Shticky Guy

    Bump. How many seconds after havdalla / motzei shabbos was it when you checked in??? (OP where are you?)

    in reply to: 11-11-11-11-11-11 #827708
    Shticky Guy

    Nobody has answered my question 🙁 even after passfan’s prompt (thank you).

    Someone in shul told me that its along the lines that Eretz yisrael should start when we begin geshem but we give time for the oleh regalim to get home across the country. Whereas chutz laaretz give much longer to get home so they begin at the traditionally rainy reason. Can anyone improve or comment on this?

    in reply to: Dear Mods, How Many Approved Pots do I Currently Have? #828101
    Shticky Guy

    To the dear, benevolent, generous and kind mods. (There must be some who fit this description):

    What is the reason why you are not responding? Posters above requested to know their totals. Would there be any breach of security for you to answer them? No there cant be because a while back on another thread everyone was answered. (I think possibly on the mods? mods? thread. Cant be bothered looking now then typing this post all over again. ICOT or squeak or haleivi will post a link i’m sure. Zees – my memory full light is showing…)

    Mostly because it takes about a minute to look it up, and I am not hired nor paid by anyone to mod, and do it when I’m bored and want to read new posts. If I do look up your totals in response to a request, it is because I want to do you a favor. And maybe I’m not in the mood to do that favor right now. Gut voch, 95

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