Shticky Guy

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  • in reply to: We are so much better than the them. #838438
    Shticky Guy

    Popa 8-15 pounds in total of a new born lamb – but how much of that is edible? Take away the bones, hooves, head etc etc and them see how much or how little is left. This is incomparable to a fully grown turkey of the same weight.

    in reply to: The YWN Coffee Room Welcome Wagon #1064330
    Shticky Guy

    Welcome back mexipal… you havent been visible much recently. Stick around. BTW what did your name mean. I think you once explained in a name thread but I do not remember your answer

    in reply to: We are so much better than the them. #838434
    Shticky Guy

    Popa I fear you made an uncharacteristic error. The lamb at Pesach had to be ‘ben shana’ which means up to a year old (Rashi). Have you ever seen a lamb of that age? They are skinny little things. There was not much chance of having left over. To the contrary, many families did not have enough. There would certainly not have been much chance of having lamb chops left overs for a long period of time!

    in reply to: Screen Names #1176191
    Shticky Guy

    Why did YOU choose YOUR screenname and, if its not obvious, what does it mean? Mine – I worked hard for it and won it.

    in reply to: The Great POTATO LATKE vs DONUT Debate #837911
    Shticky Guy

    I guess none of you have tasted my mother’s latkes. Sigh!

    in reply to: The Great POTATO LATKE vs DONUT Debate #837905
    Shticky Guy

    Let me begin.

    Gashmiyus: I prefer freshly fried latkes any time (although fresh donuts do come in a very close second). Once I’ve had a donut I’m done whereas with latkes I can go thru a whole plate of them!

    With donuts, kids usually eat the jelly and leave most of the rest of the donut so in future we might aswell just put a jar of jelly on the table instead of buying expensive donuts.

    Ruchniyus: There are halachic issues with donuts. In Yoreh Deah 329 is the big machlokes whether or not to take challa from dough intended for frying or cooking. Then is the debate in O.C. 168 whether they are pas haboh b’kisnin or not, so the mishna berura advises that a yarei shamayim should not eat a shiur seuda of donuts outside of a bread meal.

    So I think all things considered, latkes win hands down.

    in reply to: Just a quick �Hello� to� #842200
    Shticky Guy

    Eclipse For sharing her unparalleled wit, insights, life story and level headedness in so many threads and posts. She was the greatest thread starter ever. The cr front page was constantly changing and moving with fantastic new threads until she gave up her laptop. (Does anyone have any news from her since she left?)

    Mod 80 What can I say? How should I begin? There are many mods doing a great, thankless job here and doing it well. But he interacted so much and so well that this made him stand out. And stand out in such an original way with a sharp humor, turning many threads into lols.

    We miss both and would love occasional hellos and updates!

    in reply to: Which are the great subtitles in the coffeeroom? #895082
    Shticky Guy


    Isnt (wasnt?) Mod 80’s subtitle ‘popa’ just the funniest???

    in reply to: Happy First Cranniversary, Goq! #990276
    Shticky Guy

    ??? ??? Happy Cranuka Goq ??? ???

    in reply to: The Coffee Oscars! #992441
    Shticky Guy

    my husband (oops – can’t remember his screen name

    So Gefen, does your subtitle “Comes here for family time!” mean that you come here when you want to talk to your husband and need reminding of his name…??? ?

    in reply to: The Coffee Oscars! #992436
    Shticky Guy

    anyone who doesn’t vote for mod 95 will be banned

    Oh so now I understand that other thread where they said that they wanted ‘The CR Banned’ to be at the party to play music and which instruments could everyone play… ☺

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221761
    Shticky Guy

    If donuts once a year would be our fate

    Then we still would not gain too much weight

    But Blinky you’re mistaken

    For its not just once we’re bakin’

    And we dont only keep 7 days but 8!

    in reply to: Last week #859188
    Shticky Guy

    Onegoal I just opened this thread for the first time and I cant believe it. You’ve been a great part of the coffee room for a while and it is a loss for us not to have you around as much. Sad sniff. But if you want to catch up on the happenings of the coffee room then I’ll give you another cr posting tip. Type in


    etc to see what you have missed. We look forward to seeing you around!

    in reply to: YWN Coffee Room Chanakah Party!!! ☕🕎🎉🍩 #1205640
    Shticky Guy

    It was a great party until bobbie burned the latkes and uncle hymie started singing maoz tzur. What a mistake! Then these trolls kept gate crashing and it took all of Jothar’s security men to keep control. And the drasha was a disaster – it was all Greek to me. I wanna go home now. Goq can i hitch a ride home in the welcome wagon?

    in reply to: Kasha of Beis Yosef #989769
    Shticky Guy

    V’ALCOHOL anachnu modim lach

    BaalHabooze I love it! My first Purim Torah this year and boy oh boy it’s a cracking one! Now if you can think of one to do with chanuka it would be de-light-ful.

    From Lieutenant-Kernel Shticky;

    The corny glutton for pun-ishment

    in reply to: The CR in the Country Yossi?! #866652
    Shticky Guy

    cuz then PBA would really be in the news 😉

    miritchka lol very witty!

    in reply to: Favorite flavor donut #1204675
    Shticky Guy

    Donuts sell like hotcakes. Now there’s a thought!

    I go for all flavor donuts eg caramel, jelly, fresh cream etc but then I enjoy interesting fillings also so I like my wife to make eg pistachio, mint, lime pineapple and any other crazy ideas that I concoct. The kids also like strawberry, cherry etc.

    ?? ??? ????…

    in reply to: The CR in the Country Yossi?! #866640
    Shticky Guy

    I’m confused. What would you be embarrassed to appear there that you were happy to post here in the first place? Its not as if you use your real name. Do you?

    in reply to: let's make the longest thread possible!! #837457
    Shticky Guy
    in reply to: let's make the longest thread possible!! #837456
    Shticky Guy

    let’s make the longest thread possible!!

    Let me do my part to help you. I can lend you my pet tarantula…

    in reply to: Kasha of Beis Yosef #989764
    Shticky Guy

    Flatbush Dude, Flatbush Dude dont fall for BaalHabooze. He’s a one track minded alcoholic. You should have realized when he talks about a 9th day for the yomtov dirabonon chanuka cos of sfeika diyoma that all he really wants is an extra second day on the other yomtov dirabonon of PURIM!! ☺

    in reply to: Kasha of Beis Yosef #989758
    Shticky Guy

    The ???? ??? says that the yevanim wanted to be ???? the ???? so we light 36 lights corresponding to the 36 ?????? ???”? .

    The ??????? says that ????? stands for ?’ ????? ????? ???? ??? that we light 1-8 lights like ???? ??? and not 8-1 like ???? ????? . It must be apparent each day that we are lighting according to ???? ???. So if we would light on only 7 nights, then on the 4th day both ???? ??? and ????? ????? would hold that 4 lights are lit, so we would not be able to tell from walking past menorahs who we pa?s?ken like. (and the ??’ ?????? part would not fit in!)

    in reply to: Kasha of Beis Yosef #989757
    Shticky Guy

    We are commemorating one of many nissim that happened in the beis hamikdosh eg that no yevonim died there which would have made the kohanim and the oil tamei (divrei yoel) which explains ‘????? ??? ‘?????? ; also that the menora was lit from fire from the ???? which suddenely appeared to give them fire from a holy source which was a necessity for the menora ; to remember the ness of Yehudis ; that they used some of the oil for the ner maaravi ; that the heichal was full of idols so they had to light in the ???? and even though it was Fri nite it did not rain and the wind did not blow out the flames.

    in reply to: Cousins at Chanukah Party #910945
    Shticky Guy

    an uncle marrying a niece

    That is a much more extreme case and usually implies that they are of similar age so more like cousins anyway.

    I know of a case where this happened. You can look at it in many ways: the choson who was the youngest of a very large family, married his niece (his oldest brother’s daughter) who was his age. So (a) His brother became his father in law!! (Can he still call him by his first name?) and (b) looking at it from his parents viewpoint, their son married their granddaughter making their oldest son into their mechutan, and when pg the young couple have kids, they are both their grandchildren and great grandchildren simultaneously. The choson’s siblings (kallah’s uncles & aunts) become her brothers/sisters in law, while the kallah’s siblings (choson’s nieces/nephews) become his brothers/sisters in law. What a mess!

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221755
    Shticky Guy

    A warm welcome back to BaalHabooze

    I was sorry to hear of your news

    That your son he was ill

    And was in hospital until

    You came back here to share out your views

    During your absence I can say

    That I also have stayed away

    Because I was depicted

    As being addicted

    A title which really doesnt pay

    So for now I just occasionally lurk

    And get on with my life and my work

    It was a great fight

    To keep off this site

    Which brings knowledge and many a smirk

    Now for some limericks, aha

    Apart from the weekly Parsha

    We can write of the glory

    Of the ancient story

    Of the festival we call Chanuka

    It was an amazing battle

    The mighty Greek army did rattle

    Antiyochus the thug

    Overlooked an oil jug

    And of this great Nes we do prattle

    That amongst the great fighting and turmoil

    That did the Beis Hamikdosh embroil

    When the Maccabees did yearn

    For pure shemen to burn

    They discovered a sealed jug of oil

    in reply to: Cousins at Chanukah Party #910930
    Shticky Guy

    If its a family gathering then its fine cause seeing as their fathers will also be there, the daughters will for sure be covering their faces, in which case it makes it beseder for the male cousins to attend…

    Anybody remember ?

    in reply to: Worst Joke Contest #1004713
    Shticky Guy

    Blonde Musician: Did you hear my last recital? Friend: I hope so!

    A blonde guy calls the hospital. You gotta help me he says my wife’s gone into labor. The nurse says calm down calm down, is this her first child? He says no its her husband.

    Did you hear of the blonde who studied for her blood test and failed?

    Why did the blonde put lipstick on her forehead? She wanted to make up her mind.

    What did the blonde do when she missed the last 44 bus? She took the 22 bus twice.

    While waiting at a cross walk for the light to change, a blonde asked why the signal was buzzing. When she was told it was to let blind people know when the light was red she replied “What in the world are blind people doing driving”.

    Did you hear of the near tragedy at the mall? The power went off for 5 hours leaving twelve blondes stranded on their way to the 2nd floor on the escalator.

    in reply to: Jokes #1201990
    Shticky Guy

    Why do they always lock gas station bathrooms? Are they afraid someone will clean them? ☺

    What do smart blondes and UFOs have in common? You always hear about them but nobody has ever actually seen one.

    The top Blonde inventions: solar powered flashlights, mesh umbrellas, braille driving manuals, helicopter ejection seats, wooden barbecues, battery powered battery chargers, left handed pencils, clear correction fluid, waterproof tea bags, fireproof matches, glow in the dark sunglasses.

    Why arent blondes hired for elevator jobs? They keep stopping to ask for directions.

    This blonde returned her new scarf to the store. She said it was too tight.

    Did you hear of the blonde who got an AM radio? It took her a month to realize she could also use it at night.

    in reply to: The Mechalel Shabbos Troll #839262
    Shticky Guy

    IMO Jothar is 100% correct to warn/remind us that we should always bear in mind that some posters are coming from a very different viewpoint or standard of yiddishkeit. That’s if that was what he was doing. But he wasnt. Read the OP again. He was just wondering why such a person would WANT to post on Yeshiva World (and for sure why he posted here on shabbos if that is true). A very innocent question. But one that has lead, yet again, to a thread full of bad feelings and accusations. This is not the place it used to be!

    in reply to: Worst Joke Contest #1004708
    Shticky Guy

    OneOfMany: the way you wrote that binary joke, it looks like you havent understood it. No wonder you posted it in the worst jokes thread when in fact it is a very clever joke. It should read: There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don’t.

    If you dont get the difference you dont know what binary is.

    in reply to: Minhag of not saying Tachnun issue #1140311
    Shticky Guy

    We daven in a nusach sefard shul and once after shacharis a guy asked us why we had not said tachnun. My father in law replied “hello, it is thursday!”

    in reply to: The YWN Coffee Room Welcome Wagon #1064319
    Shticky Guy

    And of course we are all still awaiting to unleash the Mother of all Welcomes to dear Am Yisrael Chai. He may be peeping in from time to time so lets keep up the pressure! Come on AYC. All is forgiven even if never forgotten. You were absolutely vindicated. Exonerated. And we need you back. In your own name. So come. We’ll have the biggest ywn party ever! Drinks on me! The ball’s in your court now and we’ve been much poorer in your extended absence. In fact its the lack of posters like AYC and Mod 80 who helped me kick my cr habit, but now we need to get you re-addicted! Just come back! Wont you?

    in reply to: The YWN Coffee Room Welcome Wagon #1064302
    Shticky Guy

    Welcome Back Derech Hamelech and Daas Yochid!!! Two of the greatest posters ever

    in reply to: How to fight CR addiction #834465
    Shticky Guy

    How to fight CR addiction

    It needs just willpower. I’ve fought CR addiction for two weeks now – I have not been here at all for two weeks (has anyone noticed) besides to say happy cranniversary to goq. I’ll come back when I no longer get cravings. And I can feel that coming soon so maybe I’ll be back this or next week. Looking forward!

    in reply to: Happy First Cranniversary, Goq! #990263
    Shticky Guy

    Goq? First anniversary? I agree. There must be a mistake. But I just checked your profile and there isnt. I thought you’d been here for years. Well mazeltov and congratulations!! Many happy returns (which is what many large stores get the first trading day after xmas).

    Truth is you should be honored. I decided to take a coffee break and have not posted all week. Then I decided to take a peek to see what I was missing and between my fingers I could make out this title. So how can I not post here. Well done Goq! May you pass many milestones IRL also iyh!

    Who is the oldest active member?

    Well Goq keeps complaining that he’s old (though we’d never tell from his humor) but he’s not very active so that rules him out. Shame. But there are several grandparents here so they will do. Maybe OldMan?

    Where’s Baal Habooze?

    Oh there he goes again. You have your Dolt hat on, dont you 42. There’s no such poster as Baal Habooze. It’s BaalHabooze. And do you know the difference? One is spaced out and one is not. Which is why you davka should not have made this error on Goq’s thread…

    in reply to: Who is the most frequent poster? #830399
    Shticky Guy

    Who remembers Dr Monis Q Jefferson OBM?

    in reply to: Paging Shticky Shtickerson the wagon man needs your help #900833
    Shticky Guy

    Goq you’ve been here for too long not to know this but I will answer it anyway.

    Go to

    replace xxxx with required name and any spaces in the name with “-“

    This is assuming they have not changed their username since joining otherwise you will not find it. EG Goq yours is

    with no space between ‘the’ and ‘goq’ as that is how you joined, otherwise it would be

    as it appears now

    in reply to: Who is the most frequent poster? #830387
    Shticky Guy

    No way. I’m more of a long time lurker. The most frequent: only cr oldies will get this. Has a Q as a middle name and used to be a doctor…

    But thanks for the warning. I have been here too much. Apart from cr shomrim there should be a cr addiction squad. I should really take a break. I may meet old friends outside like mod 80 and AYC. Now if I could only remember the way out…

    in reply to: My New Subtitle #993432
    Shticky Guy

    Mods my previous post was misunderstood. I put my point in a shticky and therefore unclear way. Goq asked to be founder and president of the cr WELCOME wagon, and you awarded him founder and wheels of the cr wagon. Although he is one of the long standing posters here, he is not founder of the cr wagon but of the cr welcome wagon. So I wrote that his subtitle was ‘unwelcoming’. Never mind.

    Oh my Shticky! Thanks for pointing that out. I originally thought you interpreted wheels as a fifth wheel kind of thing!

    in reply to: My New Subtitle #993430
    Shticky Guy

    The Goq

    Mods can u change my subtitle to Founder and President of the Coffee Room Welcome Wagon thank you.

    The founder and wheels of the CR wagon!

    Mods: Your new subtitle for The Goq is unwelcoming…

    ok I changed it. I meant it in a good way- as in he keeps the CR rolling along!

    in reply to: The YWN Coffee Room Welcome Wagon #1064283
    Shticky Guy

    A warm welcome to Minyan Gal. Was it lack of time or your back that kept you away for a while?

    in reply to: Mod 80: Are you still around? #1076171
    Shticky Guy

    ICOT What a great idea. lets all post here the comments or posts that set mod 80 aside from the rest of us. If you remember a comment but do not remember exactly where it is, check his profile

    BTW the last post of mod 80 is on his thread called The Inseparable Connection! I wish he was refering to the Coffeeroom!!!! (

    I will begin:

    Elter Zeida & Elter Bubbe; Uncle's & Aunt's


    The Bed-Stuy Account (Remember our warning)

    What should the kinderlach call their elter zeida and bubbe’s? Simply Zeidy and Bubby? How will they differentiate between all the Elter Zeidy’s and the regular Zeidy’s?


    The Wolf

    Does it really matter?

    FWIW, my kids refer to their great-grandmothers as “Grandma” and have no problem differentiating them from their actual grandmothers.

    The Wolf


    The Bed-Stuy Account (Remember our warning)

    Wolf: When they talk to you about “Grandma”, how do you know which grandma or great-grandma they are speaking of?



    no one mentions grandma to the wolf anymore, not after that unfortunate incident with the girl in the red hood.

    in reply to: Takes ages!! #830232
    Shticky Guy

    skiaddict: The editor is looking for sponsors to pay for 10 full time moderators to be on 24/6. Until he finds them, be happy with the ones now doing it for no pay who do their best and get complaints aplenty in return. If you dont like this, go ski.

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221742
    Shticky Guy

    BaalHabooze welcome to Limericks

    You fellow full of liqor and tricks

    Its a great thread although

    Of late its been real slow

    So come here and your name we’ll affix

    “We express EACH DAY in prostration”?

    That was a puzzling revelation

    We prostrate just a smidgen

    Unlike another religion

    Boy, I’m real glad for this limitation

    Unless you were thinking of ‘bow’

    More than that my back wont allow

    Without some exercise

    I will agonize

    My body will protest, and how

    Minyan Gal, Smartcookie and Blinky

    Without you this thread it did shrinky

    If I give you a poke

    Will you think it’s a joke

    Or will you come turn this page from a dinky

    in reply to: Give Thanks To The YWN Staff, Editors And Moderators Today #1034451
    Shticky Guy

    Mod 66: how could you let yoin’s post thu? You’ve blown my ID. When I’m logged in next I will have to delete it. (I think 66 was on according to the schedule or was popa covering you AGAIN?)

    in reply to: I am back, after 2 weeks or more, Did anybody miss me? #830080
    Shticky Guy

    I will be honest that until I saw this thread I had not realised. I would have eventually. Glad you are back. Your personality sure has a cutting edge to it

    in reply to: Random Acts of Kindness In Honor of AYC #1023210
    Shticky Guy

    Well, the person who loves doing acts of kindness the most is ayc himself. Look how many kindnesses he has done here in the coffeeroom!

    So I will say this LOUD AND CLEAR: AYC if you really are reading this, please do us the ultimate act of kindness and POST IN!

    The mod did say when he temporarily blocked you that he was sure it was a mistake and that by the next week we would all be laughing about it. So make us laugh… POST IN!

    in reply to: Where is Gumball?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #936722
    Shticky Guy

    Maybe she was really Joseph or another middle age stalker and has been blocked?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Come on, gummy, prove me wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: CR Posting Tips #882500
    Shticky Guy

    I knew it! I got a reply after asking the posters! Thanks RB, its a gr8 svara, a real brisk one, baby. And it may even be true. We dont know. Would someone pls contact duvys and find out if this is the accurate reason and whether it can be rectified… Thx. (I am asking this of all editors, mooderators and jothar ☺.)

    in reply to: Mod 80: Are you still around? #1076170
    Shticky Guy

    I’ve never read any harry potters! Oops I shouldnt have said that. I’ve just almost given away my identity. Almost because there are two of us who still have not read harry potter. So I’m still 50% safe! In fact, I tried reading the first book but gave up after a while. His magic did not rub off onto me. I dont know why. Should I try again? Who considers it as a childs book and who an adult book?

    Jo do you realise that by discussing feivel we are giving away our cr age. I always felt bad for him, posting so many amazing nature topics and getting poor response. But his wisdom and fun are +1.

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