Shticky Guy

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  • in reply to: The Pun Thread #1098933
    Shticky Guy

    Oh I so did not want to post here when I saw that am yisrael chai was the last poster. Why remove his name from the last poster column. But here goes:

    I used to think very highly of russian dolls, but now I think they are very full of themselves.

    in reply to: Where is Obelix? (chad gadya chad gadya) #848945
    Shticky Guy

    Crazybrit: my spelling was deliberate. Both my puns were intentional.

    BTGuy: I have a friend who likes european food so he’s always Russian over there when he gets Hungary. Once in a restaurant he Czeched the menu and ordered Turkey. When he was Finnished he said there’s Norway he could eat anything else and he did not remember Havana good meal like that for a long Thaim. He said “had you told me we were in South America I would not have Bolivia. Not since eating in a restaurant in the Tower of Pisa have we had such a lean meal. I’m Ghana make sure Togo and tell all my friends and they are sure to listen to me as they are all very practical and Praguematic. Though one of them is a star gazer and usually finds eating out is astronomical”.

    in reply to: didja miss me #846518
    Shticky Guy

    even from as far back as when you ran for vice-president with humphreydoodle

    not to mention the time you rode into town on a pony with yankydoodle

    BTW soliek I was wrong to remind you of your past and call you a maniac. Sorry

    in reply to: Tanach Trivia (real!) #1159891
    Shticky Guy

    Longarekel why in that rashi that we talked about does he say the makka was for a ‘reva chodesh’ when the pasuk says 7 days? Besides being an unusual expression it is not the same, as months have 29 or 30 days so a quarter of that is more than 7 days.

    in reply to: didja miss me #846514
    Shticky Guy

    Of course we noticed you hadnt posted lately. You were mentioned on one of the missing posters threads. Yet its been a very boring, black and white matzav in your absence and we need someone to spread a little color here. Moski, its all yours now.

    soliek: You dared to mention the great legendary linguist haifagirl on a thread whose title is ‘didja’? What are you… a maniac??? ☺

    in reply to: Where is Obelix? (chad gadya chad gadya) #848942
    Shticky Guy

    I’m sure Obelix is Roman around somewhere. Maybe he found it too boaring here… ☺

    in reply to: 20 Questions #936872
    Shticky Guy

    I love 20 questions. But I dont think its a good idea to play it here for several reasons:

    1. Unless the mods post replies quickly, not with gaps of hours like today.

    2. Only if the OP is available all day to answer posts as soon as they get posted, not leave us waiting for several hours

    3. This particular OP is cinderella so whats the point of beginning when if we havent figured it out by midnight its all gonna disappear

    in reply to: Post of the Week #990987
    Shticky Guy

    Well its Sunday again. Time for new nominations. Does anything you have EVER read on this site come anywhere close to this? I bet not!:

    And Then They Got Two Jerks

    YW Moderator-42

    I gave the problem some serious thought and came up with a solution. First, I had my phone dial Jerk #1. A man answered

    Posted 3 months ago #

    in reply to: loud amen #845636
    Shticky Guy

    ??? ??? ???? ??? needs to be said ??? ???? acc to some ???????, but not a regular ??? which should be said quieter than the ???? itself.

    in reply to: Slow Children ! (Serious people – stay out) #845429
    Shticky Guy

    What about when I passed a sign on the highway that read ‘Delays expected until July 2013’; I was worried. I didnt have a lulav and esrog or matzos with me.

    Hey Mod 80 is back! Hi and so great to see you. How long you sticking around?

    You shouldnt be on this thread. Its not for serious people… ! Please post something on my “” thread. Thanx a lot! You’re the best.

    in reply to: to moderators #847449
    Shticky Guy

    the screenname is too messy looking anyway…

    I agree. Keep it short and simple. Popa will do nicely.

    Is your bumper sticker ‘My other screenname is a YWN Moderator’?

    And what should we do if you disagree with each other? Put another way, “divrei ha-‘mod’ v’divrei ha-‘talmid’, divrei mi shomim”… ??

    in reply to: Is anyone buying Ami Magazine this week? #914724
    Shticky Guy

    For those of us who have not seen it yet, what was the mistake?

    in reply to: Those bumper stickers that say "My Kid Is An Honor Student…? #847230
    Shticky Guy

    I have a bumper sticker that says My Kid Is A Talmid Chacham

    I’ve gotta make one that says ‘My Kid Is A Ben Talmid Chacham’ ?

    Or hows about the one that says ‘Previous Owner Had Honor Student’!

    BTW Gefen thats a nice theory but in practice guys are just showing off that they are parents. Otherwise explain eg little princess on board or mr small on board etc.

    Anyways dont you LOL at cars that have Baby On Board and there’s only the driver in the car!!!

    in reply to: E-mail for AYC #844973
    Shticky Guy

    To my (our) dear friend AYC. With what should I begin? How should i start? To say its not the same here any more, besides being the understatement of the year, also appears a little selfish because that seems to show I’m only thinking about us and not you. But its praise to you when I say in what way its not the same here. The first thing that hit me about you was that it was always Am Yisrael Chai who answered queries that posters asked. It was always Am Yisrael Chai who provided links to other threads that posters asked for. It was always Am Yisrael Chai who sympathized with posters. Thats the human side, which shows character. On the other side is intellect which is g-d given so not really praiseworthy, but oh how we miss you on so many topics where you provided answers to riddles, puzzles, tanach and halachic queries etc. If I were you, I would stay away for quite a while and then return under a new name to begin afresh. Sure we might realize it was you but I (we) would not say anything, and the mods wont let any reference to AYC thru. Hatzlocha whatever you decide! 3rd time lucky…

    in reply to: Real Brisker – The Captain Of The Troll Patrol #845113
    Shticky Guy

    Thanx to brisk’s brisker svaros, some trolls have found out that they have gone under a bridge too far

    in reply to: Its Official: many Price Tag attacks were carried out by Arabs! #844647
    Shticky Guy

    Maybe ???? ???? ??? ?

    Shticky Guy

    Switzerland did not care about the inhumanity which was going on during WWII, but they are meeting over what to do with a second.

    Whatever they come up with, I hope the second does not cooperate. Seconds are known to be the more rascally of the time measurements

    And, of course, I second that.

    in reply to: You are missed! #844679
    Shticky Guy

    We should start a thread, and each member will write to AYC a note, or comment on how much they miss him, or await his return, or apology or whatever it is. And you will foward it to him. Maybe like this it can help out his long awaited return.

    But also forward to him the many threads already written on this very topic. These threads contain compliment after compliment for him. Even if he does not plan to return soonthey could be nice for him to read. If I have missed any, please add them below:

    Od AYC Chai – Apology and Explanation

    A poem for ayc

    AYC: AYeCo?

    Half-year Anniversary

    The Coffee Oscars!

    Suggest a new suitable subtitle for AYC

    EVERYTHING appears in the Torah – even the whole sad AYC saga!

    in reply to: Its Official: many Price Tag attacks were carried out by Arabs! #844646
    Shticky Guy

    Who knows how to write price tag in arabic?

    in reply to: Tanach Trivia (real!) #1159882
    Shticky Guy

    Longarekel: the rashi that says each makka was a quarter of a month is not in shemos 8, 25 but in shemos 7,25 which is based on that pasuk that says 7 days.

    NEW QUESTION: From where do we know that one getting married should check out the kalla’s brothers? You must bring a source! (Clue: Its not Lavan – unless you find a source. I couldnt find the source with lavan but found the source someplace else).

    in reply to: Why have I never seen an overweight horse? #849200
    Shticky Guy

    Lol. This guy went to his doctor and complained that he eats like a horse, drinks like a fish, works like a dog, is as blind as a bat, as busy as a beaver, as gentle as a lamb, as quiet as a mouse, as stubon as a mule and sweats like a pig. The doctor replied that he should go and see a vet!

    in reply to: Where is Baal Habooze? #844613
    Shticky Guy


    Which geek remembers what this stands for? Its baalhabooze’s own abbreviation on the thread, standing for “hi long time no see, good to see you here again, come by more often”.

    So baalhabooze, please do what your LOR does when he goes thru his speech before he gives a drasha, and PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH ☺!!!

    in reply to: You are missed! #844670
    Shticky Guy

    goq and tzaddiq: hey thanx for the honorable mention, menschen!

    I still try to check in when I can although sometimes I’m busy and am anyways making sure I dont get too addicted again. Unfortunately sometimes lately there are no threads that take my interest. So, as Syag will for sure tell you, if you do not have anything to say you can still show your cleverness… by keeping shtum.

    in reply to: GIANT UPSET!!!! #921115
    Shticky Guy

    but after that welcome, i’m not so sure…..

    Hi iBump 2.0. iWas puzzled when you went last time. iDidnt notice anything particularly wrong on your part. iWas only saying that iWas suprised to see you again so hi to you and welcome back iBump! iHope you last longer than last time and iLook forward to seeing many more old posts bumped but also some new posts and ideas from you. Did iExplain myself clearly or should iRepeat myself? My grandmother always said to be cautious of things that go bump in the night. But iDont know if she ever met you. See you around!

    in reply to: GIANT UPSET!!!! #921094
    Shticky Guy

    Didnt the last Bump get bumped off here???

    in reply to: Post of the Week #990983
    Shticky Guy

    DY As usual a very logical post. I maivin the havana that both the maivins and non maivins should have had havana for. I had had the havana before but questioned whether the non maivins had had their havana or not.

    OK back on topic now… Its Sunday so lets have some fresh nominations for Post Of The Week

    in reply to: Post of the Week #990981
    Shticky Guy

    Apparently, “ein mikra yotzi midei p’shuto” applies here as well

    Correct, judging by the posts. Most of them ARE on the p’shuto ie stating which beverage they prefer. This is what I imagined so I hinted in the OP that there was more to this title/topic that first mets the eye. Many posters would not yet have realized that there are two rbs albeit with slightly different subs – especially as several posters have said they dont even look at who posted what but only read the posts themselves (

    So rb now has an extra chance of winning your competition…

    in reply to: The YWN Coffee Room Welcome Wagon #1064360
    Shticky Guy

    My sincerest apologies yoya ive been called away on a personal matter and wont be on the coffee room for the next several days when i get back we will reschedule the party.

    The Goq

    Founder and president of the CR welcome wagon!

    Welcome back president. Missed you. OK, where’s that party?

    in reply to: Can you explain to me how YOU read a thread, in general, please? #843753
    Shticky Guy

    They were all very funny. The tree for sale was both funny and clever. Right down my alley. But the OP was the funniest – I can well imagine you or me doing the same! I’m just suprised at saying boo to your husband cos it doesnt fit in with that other thread you had about him. Whats news there?

    in reply to: General Shmooze # 6 #1217315
    Shticky Guy

    Trivia threads are no fun, because people just make things up.

    Which people, exactly?

    Ignore him, kapusta. Its just poppa making things up…

    in reply to: strange English words #843347
    Shticky Guy


    in reply to: Iced Coffee or Iced Tea? #843375
    Shticky Guy

    Syag: not a health issue but a Health issue. At meivina?

    in reply to: Iced Coffee or Iced Tea? #843374
    Shticky Guy

    Hameivin yavin is used to let people know that things should not be taken at face value, ie that it was not about what drink people prefered but something else (the poster with subtitle real coffee or the poster with subtitle real tea). All tongue-in-cheek light-hearted stuff

    in reply to: Jokes #1202017
    Shticky Guy

    The Small shtetl had a shortage of men of marriageable age. So when the Choson’s horse and wagon arrived from a distant town, there were two mothers-in-law waiting for him, each claiming him as their own. The Rabbi was called and he heard vociferous and heated arguments from both sides. After contemplating what to do, he smiled and said “You cannot agree on this so we will cut him in half and you will have to share him.” The first woman said “That is a wonderful idea. I agree wholeheartedly”. The second woman said “No, give him to the other lady”. The Rabbi stood up and announced, “The lady willing to cut him up she is the real mother-in-law!” ☺

    in reply to: Jokes #1202016
    Shticky Guy

    Gonif al pi halacha:

    Sammy stole the Rabbi’s gold watch. Feeling bad, he approached the Rabbi the next day and said ‘Rabbi I stole somebody’s watch’.

    ‘But that is assur. Return it immediately’ said the Rabbi.

    ‘Do you want it’ asked Sammy.

    ‘No of course I dont’ retorted the Rabbi.

    ‘But Rabbi, the owner said he does not want it’ replied Sammy.

    ‘In that case you may keep it’ answered the Rabbi

    in reply to: Shmuely Boteach 'Cross's Line #849527
    Shticky Guy

    Q – Why does Shmuelly Boteach think J-esus was Jewish?

    A – He lived at home until he was 30.

    He went into his father’s business.

    His mother thought he was G-d.

    in reply to: Light Bulb Jokes #943378
    Shticky Guy

    Q: How many Jewish mother does it take the change a light bulb?

    A: (Sigh) Don’t bother, I’ll sit in the dark, I don’t want to be a nuisance to anybody . . .

    in reply to: Jokes #1202014
    Shticky Guy

    The Jewish Olympics

    After reading through the list of this year’s Olympic events, it was found that the Olympic Committee has made some significant changes. Some of the less-publicized events of particular interest to the world’s Jewish communities, that you may have missed, may be the following:

    Oyga Vault:

    A sound-enhanced Pole Vault competition, the vaulter must clear the bar then yell “Oy” upon hitting the foam pad below. Any heights cleared without an “Oy” will be considered a fault. Points will be added for more enthusiastic exclamations of “Oy,” such as “Oy vay iz mir”

    Synchronized Swimming:

    Taking place in an Olympic sized mikvah, this event is sure to make a splash.

    Team Handball:

    The goal here is simple: to create the ideal matzah ball. Each team will cook a two liter bowl of matzah ball soup, from scratch. The three winning batches will be fed to the athletes recovering in the infirmary. The toughest matzah balls will be used in the shot put competition.


    This year’s Triathlon will involve one pound of shnitzel and a serving of tsimmes. The athlete must cook the shnitzel and tsimmes (first part), say a bruchah before eating this kosher meal (second part), and then run a marathon (third part). If the contender forgets to say the bruchah, he/she will be disqualified, but will still be required to run the marathon.

    In addition to the aforementioned events, this year’s Games will feature some experimental, non-medal competition:

    Bagel Toss:

    A kosher version of horseshoes, the winner is he/she that first lands a bagel on each of the seven branches of the chanukiah.

    Balance Beam:

    The accountant or bookkeeper that balances my mother’s checkbook in the shortest amount of time will be declared winner.

    Challah Chap:

    How long does it take you to remove all the chometz from your house before Pesach? In this competition, each participant must rid a miniature shul of all of its challot, and replace them with matzot.


    Commonly referred to as the world’s greatest athlete, this year’s decathlete is actually a minyan of ten daveners. Each member of the group will begin davening with ten volumes of Mishnah on his back. Every minute, another volume will be added until a team member can no longer angle the body enough for a complete daven. While yeshiva buchers in Jerusalem are favored to win this event, other teams have promised not to bow down to the opposition – which could be a problem for this particular event.

    Dream Team:

    This year’s Dream Team will not consist of the USA’s highly favored men’s basketball team, but rather, an overpriced team of psychoanalysts that will have three, one hour office visits to analyze and interpret the dreams of this year’s Olympic hopefuls.

    Naches Shlep:

    Designed for bubbies and zaydehs, the proud grandparents will have two minutes to boast about their einiklach.

    in reply to: Whats Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? #1194519
    Shticky Guy

    writersoul – sure I figured you were refering to arsenic and lace but I hoped we could share a private joke and pretend it was about huckleberry finn. I never even saw the movie on hf but the story, when I read it eons ago, was amazing. Now you’ve outed that you were talking about arsenic+lace which kinda poisoned my idea.

    But after looking at some of the daft flavors on this thread, its time to propose a few more. Who would try…:

    charcoal & chilli pepper

    garlic & soybean

    seaweed & spinach

    wasabi & yogurt

    coconut & curry

    cholent, sausage & steak

    mint & mayo

    or for those who prefer sharp flavors, how about my favorite:

    cactus & noodle

    in reply to: Petition to get real-brisker unblocked #843081
    Shticky Guy

    Oh wow. It looks like iced tea has come back into fashion after a hundred year sleep. Which mod was it that kissed you?

    in reply to: Iced Coffee or Iced Tea? #843367
    Shticky Guy

    real-brisker/real-brisker: the hebrew says v’hameivin yavin.

    HaLeiVi: so obviously you’re not the meivin I was refering to.

    OneOfMany: thanx. so pls recommend me on

    OK so now that you know that I did not mean any of this literally at face value, who besides the 3 muskateers understood what I meant in my 2nd post ending “should we just block them all out, all 3 of them?”

    in reply to: Can you explain to me how YOU read a thread, in general, please? #843751
    Shticky Guy

    Scissors you ARE funny. Very funny. How can I possibly forget – the thread that had me literally rolling on the floor the most was ken zayn’s

    Do you still get childish impulses to do silly things?

    in which you showed your true nature! You are such a panic its unreal. You should be in the circus. Tell us more!

    in reply to: Whats Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? #1194515
    Shticky Guy

    Wow! Havent seen this thread in awhile (thanx shticky!)

    Wow! Havent seen this poster in awhile (thanx blinky!)

    in reply to: Iced Coffee or Iced Tea? #843360
    Shticky Guy

    my message appears to have gotten thru to its intended target ☺. So let’s continue with his accomplices and co-conspirators…

    It seems that most posters prefer ice coffee while some posters prefer ice tea. (I hope he’s not insulted…) And one poster/s prefers both. This means that as with most topics here there is diverse opinions on this matter and not just a daas yochid. And my next question has to be: Are either of them good for your Health? Or should we just block them all out, all 3 of them?

    in reply to: Thread for Those who Cannot Read #851362
    Shticky Guy
    in reply to: Can you explain to me how YOU read a thread, in general, please? #843743
    Shticky Guy

    BTGuy: “Reading threads….. sewing confusion “

    lol. You should join the CR sewing/knitting club as proposed on

    looking to start Boro Park knitting group

    arwsf I’m a geek. I used to have a mental image of posters and their views. But now I’m too busy BH and there’s too many posters. But I know you have a mischievous streak and a difficult life from your posts.

    in reply to: Whats Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? #1194510
    Shticky Guy

    Oh, I love that movie!… I bet I’m the youngest person to get the reference!

    You are. And the oldest too. Because you’re the only poster who has commented on my invention. Huckelberry for sure the berry that gives ME the most pleasure. The ice cream is best enjoyed with (may I say this?) dark chocolate, down the Mississippi River!

    in reply to: General Shmooze # 6 #1217308
    Shticky Guy

    For the old-timers (and newish-timers) here, a CR trivia thread would be fun.


    Your wish is my command, kapusta!

    in reply to: strange English words #843321
    Shticky Guy

    How about the hill in New Zealand called Taumatawhakatangihangakoauawotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu

    Or try these official words:














    or this word for the day before yesterday: nudiustertian

    in reply to: I had to share this joke #1064045
    Shticky Guy

    Imma613 it is translated in the above post. It means start at the beginning. It just sounds a little chinese. The other phrazes are also translated. Check out the Favorite Yiddish Words thread for some more great sounding words!

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