shragi schiff

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  • in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1634532
    shragi schiff

    Nowhere in the toira are vaccines said to be muttar and it is completely illogical to believe that taking in a disease (along with mercury!) will protect you from it. Their effectiveness is highly doubtful given that the first vaccine was invented in 1796 and measles wasn’t declared eradicated in the US until over 200 years later! We look at the doctors of old who used leaches as foolish and counterproductive and the ‘doctors’ of today will be seen the same. Yet so many people blindly inject themselves with substances whose contents they completely aren’t aware of. And the consequences are horrifying. More students than ever have problems now that children are being vaccinated with such alarming regularity. There are very clear statistics showing that the MMR vaccine has a 10% chance of causing autism.. People have such trust for their doctors but a diploma on the wall doesn’t make you less likely to be paid off by the big pharmaceutical companies. Further evidence of how little it means to be a doctor is how the great Andrew Wakefield who bravely informed the world of these dangers was soon after punished and taken off the UK medical register. Vaxers like to think that opposition to their cause is a new fad but from the beginning, cautious sceptics wisely distrusted the fraudulent ‘medicine’.  Vaxers have been hoping for a measles breakout like this to prove them right, wanting our children’s sickness just to prove a point. I think it is likely that as the sceptics grew in number it was necessary to start an infection to make us back down. They blow it out of proportion to seem like a massive epidemic and misinform the public.

    I can’t believe I am even approving this post with these last lines…

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