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Shopping613 πParticipant
It doesn’t matter what the rest said. Avodah Zara is not allowed. Period.
Halacha states it would be better to be KILLED and you are looking for a kula?!Shopping613 πParticipant1. It can well be said that singing βadamah veshamayimβ¦β today has become a Minhag Yisrael and gets that special halachic status, which would mean that it is automatically valid as long as there is ANY legitimate backing for it
Uh, I don’t know how minhag yisroel works. But with that logic, you are saying if enough people do something it’s muttar. So we can make it muttar to do biluy arayos if it’s common? Cuz I think avodah zara and giluy arayos are on the same level, the whole die before you do it type.
April 1, 2019 10:44 am at 10:44 am in reply to: It’s different OOT>>>>>We work together as one community #1705990Shopping613 πParticipant@Amil Zola
No place is perfect. I just want to point out the downfalls of living out of town, and remind people that there needs to be things to be looked into.
March 29, 2019 7:48 am at 7:48 am in reply to: Ice cream called “big gay” certified kosher-what’s your take? #1704604Shopping613 πParticipantThe word gay and the symbol rainbows doesn’t have to mean same sex marriage.
I grew up reading older books that used the word gay quite frequently to the point it was in my vocabulary as a 10 year old when I wrote stories in literature class.If you don’t want to support the company, than don’t!
But if it’s kosher and good, I’ll eat it. Unless the money is going to Gaza or Anti-semitism.March 28, 2019 7:17 pm at 7:17 pm in reply to: It’s different OOT>>>>>We work together as one community #1704430Shopping613 πParticipantIt’s not all sparkles and rainbows.
Living out of town as a kid is basically like “Well you don’t NEED to have actual friends, but you only have 10 girls in your class, so pick 3 who aren’t the worst and spend your time with them”.Believe me, in a class of 10 girls, it was made clear who was modern, who was chassidish and who’s father’s were in kollel.
It was such a nasty environment growing up. I cannot speak for every grade in my school, but most of my siblings had issues in their grades and I know personally the 2 grades above and below me did too.
No place is perfect, just saying.
Shopping613 πParticipantAn orange tree.
But I’m not a bochur so I suppose me answer is worthless.
Shopping613 πParticipantHonestly, I can’t remember.
Shopping613 πParticipantRav Gav
Rabbi Moshe Zeldman.March 8, 2019 7:31 am at 7:31 am in reply to: Setting up a MO girl with a serious Lakewood bochur = good idea or not? #1691492Shopping613 πParticipantThe issue with clashing hashkafos is how will they raise kids?
If one parent allows them to wear pants and another doesn’t?
Like how does that work. I’m pretty sure you can have different opinions but you need to be looking for the same way of life and end goals.Shopping613 πParticipantIt is really so bad if the children of Hasidim and Litvaks and Sefardim sat next to each other?
It isn’t, but when it comes to education the issue is that the school needs to pick a path of chinuch, their values, and minhagim. It’s complicated when children are smaller.
Shopping613 πParticipantujm: They have their own schools, neighborhoods, and keep to themselves.
Also the Rabbanim aren’t for bringing more gashmiyus and shtus to Israel.Shopping613 πParticipantI agree that not integrating is a stupid idea.
I’m 21 and made aliyah as a teen. I know loads of people my age. From those who integrated and haven’t . Grown up here or made aliyah it doesn’t matter.
Even if they manage to marry within their bubble most of these people who dont integrate (Id say 90%) are resentful of the system and are confused on some level.
Whether or not you think the system is right or wrong, its the reality and being resentful of an overarching society is something you should grow out of in your teens. Not something you should be thinking of when you are 40 or 60.I dont think you need to lose every part about society. No one said that. You just have to work with it and live with it.
Shopping613 πParticipantK9 is easy to bypass, I don’t suggest it to kids.
I use rimon.Shopping613 πParticipant@Joseph; knowing how long you are here I’ll assume you are correct.
Even if that’s the case, 2 years is a long time.Whether it’s right or wrong, the issue isn’t with this specific article; it’s with YWN’s policy.
That was my only point.Shopping613 πParticipantYWN has never avoided posting pictures of women. So that’s not new.
The couple did interviews with the media and have no issue being named.
In addition there was no reporting on right or wrong or opinions, it was telling a story of what happened.March 1, 2019 8:49 am at 8:49 am in reply to: Potential Idea to help create more shidduchim #1688045Shopping613 πParticipantAs someone who is dating I disagree. I think most dates I’ve done a second date and given a fair chance.
But I’ve been out with people who weren’t 100 percent and we weren’t lied to about.
I’ve been out with people who we mutually felt no potential.
I think unless he is crazy, or you mutually don’t see any potential, you spent a 3 hour date is silence, or hashkafically he’s completely off – there’s no reason to NOT do a second date.Shopping613 πParticipantStill looking for prince charming.
Shopping613 πParticipantThe internet is a free place. I’m sure there’s goyim in the CR
Shopping613 πParticipantWhen I think Bochurim I hink like 16, 18, 20. Not 11.
You mean children.February 25, 2019 11:37 am at 11:37 am in reply to: A Solution: Finding Shidduchim (aka “Shidduch Crisis”) #1684952Shopping613 πParticipantSome people were meant to find their bashert later…this just sounds..weird.
February 23, 2019 7:21 pm at 7:21 pm in reply to: why does wearing a white shirt make you more frum in the yeshivish world #1683940Shopping613 πParticipantIs there a “frum police squad”?
Do you always assume people are more frum than others based on their clothing?
I think white shirts represent wanting to be part of a certain sect of frum society; definitely not telling you how much yiras shamayim or emunah a person has.Shopping613 πParticipantNot ALL seminaries are 25,000 dollars.
Remember much of the money is going towards, food, lodgings, and trips.
There’s a few small seminaries that don’t do any trips and use simple lodgings for less.Shopping613 πParticipantUnfortunately the discrimination is real.
It’s disgusting.
I know a friend who was the top girl in my class in high school; in grades, in yiddishkeit, in middos. An amazing girl I was friends with who surrounded herself with other yirei shamayim girls. Every single one of her friends was accepted to the same seminary, she wasn’t even offered an interview based on her sefardi last name.Honestly, why would you WANT your child to go somewhere he isn’t wanted?
Find a school that cares about him, appreciates him, and respects him.February 9, 2019 7:05 pm at 7:05 pm in reply to: Photos & Shidduchim – Appropriate Or Not?πΌοΈπ€΅π° #1676484Shopping613 πParticipant@knaidlach:
My pictures look nice. I look nicer when I go out because I’m a girly girl and enjoy looking pretty, put together, and made up. I’m not quite sure what you’re trying to say.
@LAmother: I’ve done casual first dates.February 9, 2019 7:05 pm at 7:05 pm in reply to: Photos & Shidduchim – Appropriate Or Not?πΌοΈπ€΅π° #1676483Shopping613 πParticipant@Lucy
No one tells the truth these days, also again; for myself I need to see a picture.February 8, 2019 7:37 am at 7:37 am in reply to: Photos & Shidduchim – Appropriate Or Not?πΌοΈπ€΅π° #1676332Shopping613 πParticipantknaidelach: .
Do you think my zivug would not be willing to go out with me based on a picture? I think that’s a lack of emunah. Hashem will send me my zivug even if I was truly ugly. Ugly people get married, bad people, unhealthy people get married. Heck, Hitler was married. I don’t think that giving my picture out will make Hashem decide to withhold my shidduch. I also do not photoshop my pictures at all and I only send headshots mainly, or from the torso and up.
@Joseph, it’s true I’ll see looks when I’ll date, but again; I like to be prepared so I won’t be rude, stare, etc on a date IF someone is overly fat, skinny, ugly, or something. I just like to know what to expect and it helps me feel calmer and have a better date. I’ve dated with and without pictures..February 7, 2019 2:46 pm at 2:46 pm in reply to: Photos & Shidduchim – Appropriate Or Not?πΌοΈπ€΅π° #1676005Shopping613 πParticipantI send pictures out easily. I have nothing to hide, I’d rather you see a picture of me than come stalk me at my work or take your own photos to show people if you see me in the street.
This is me, if someone thinks I’m ugly and won’t date me based on seeing a photo first, than I wouldn’t want to marry him anyway.
Yes I know people can look unflattering in photos, I definitely have gone out with people who looks better in person. But again, really insane looking people usually look pretty insane ib person too.
February 6, 2019 5:03 pm at 5:03 pm in reply to: Photos & Shidduchim – Appropriate Or Not?πΌοΈπ€΅π° #1675552Shopping613 πParticipantI think pictures are a good thing.
True, lots of people who are crazy don’t LOOK crazy, but lots of people who are not so normal…well, look not so normal.
When someone sends you a picture of a myoung bochur who is unkept, shirt tucked half in and half out, wearing all sorts of interesting clothing and a strange look in their eyes…you know something isn’t right.
I could of wasted a date with this person.
I also get anxiety thinking every human is going to pass is possibly my date.
In addition itβs like super awkward when someone comes and theyβre extremely short, tall, fat or anything and it takes a moment to compose yourself and accept that this is what he looks like etc, and not show your surprise, shock, or frustration on your face.I just like knowing whatβs happening and not seeing a picture makes me incredibly nervous. I donβt really care if heβs extremely good looking or really not so when it comes down to whether or not I think heβs my zivug or not.
I donβt see the problem with pictures at all.
February 5, 2019 6:57 pm at 6:57 pm in reply to: Dramatize stories & facts/twisting facts etc #1674730Shopping613 πParticipantIt’s assur to be deceitful.
If you can be dramatic, but not change the facts that’s certainly allowed.
That why you can say “Omg there was A MILLION people there” because you aren’t deceiving anyone, everyone knows that slang for “a lot of people” and no one ACTUALLY thinks there WAS a million people there.Shopping613 πParticipantHaimy: The Virtual World altogether doesn’t “fly” so easily here.
Shopping613 πParticipantI didn’t know you had a second username.
I can never keep track of people’s former and current identities though anyway, but cool to know.
I’m me and always have been.Shopping613 πParticipant@Avram in MD: When grown frum adults straight up lie you and abuse your property for no reason.
Sorry, you triggered me into remembering an incident that took place last summer that I’m not quite over.
Shopping613 πParticipantHahaha I’m an Aries too. Shame I don’t remember her…must of been long ago.
It’s always great to see old faces.February 5, 2019 10:23 am at 10:23 am in reply to: Who else is getting sick of YWN telling us what to think #1674384Shopping613 πParticipantIt’s annoying as heck, but it’s proven for marketing and gets views.
This site IS a business first and foremost.February 5, 2019 10:23 am at 10:23 am in reply to: Does The YWN Coffee Room Need a Mechitza #1674381Shopping613 πParticipant1. How dare you assume people’s genders. Perhaps I identify as a genderless alien.
2. How do you know we ALL aren’t genderless aliens? You can’t prove were not; it’s all anonymous.Shopping613 πParticipantLife, Judaism, and Mitzvot aren’t always easy.
There’s a problem when someone simply states a halacha or an idea and it’s considered bashing.
I know it’s not easy, and if you want maybe we can open a thread on chizuk in this area. I do know that the more I learned about WHY I am doing this and WHERE tzniyut really comes from, it made it easier. Clarity always helps give MORE chizuk.I don’t simply “understand”. I’m a young single woman who is just like you, who has a yetzer hara, wants to be pretty, but also wants to do ratzon hashem.
Shopping613 πParticipant“βShopping613 π Participant
looking Promiscuous is assur.
Itβs a violation of the entire root of tzanua.β“What makes you say that
Do you even understand our challenge?”1. I am female, thank you very much. I definitely do understand the challenge.
2. I’m not sure where you live but in Israel that in the most accepted definition of tzniyus. We say in hebrew Mechubad, this goes back to the first time the word Tzanua is mentioned in the Tanach and that is how it’s defined. Mechubad can loosely be translated as respectful, appropriate, honored, and in the context is talking about how we are a level of these tings higher than non-jews, and there stems the idea of us dressing like a bas melech.The definitions I see online of promiscuous range from words I would not dare use on this site to: Someone who has many romantic partners. However, the word can also be used in a general sense to mean “not limited, restrained, or restricted.” or indulging in casual romantic relationships.
Do ANY of those things some REMOTELY tzanua?!
I’m not saying it’s easy, but it’s not just a bein adam limakom mitzvah, it’s bein adam lechavero.
Shopping613 πParticipantGadolHadorah: Don’t get me onto the topic of signs.
I agree, they’re not right.
But it’s not worth fighting over, within hours a new one is up. If you don’t like it just ignore it.Shopping613 πParticipant“βShopping613 π Participant
looking Promiscuous is assur.
Itβs a violation of the entire root of tzanua.β“What makes you say that
Do you even understand our challenge?”1. I am female, thank you very much. I definitely do understand the challenge.
2. I’m not sure where you live but in Israel that in the most accepted definition of tzniyus. We say in hebrew Mechubad, this goes back to the first time the word Tzanua is mentioned in the Tanach and that is how it’s defined. Mechubad can loosely be translated as respectful, appropriate, honored, and in the context is talking about how we are a level of these tings higher than non-jews, and there stems the idea of us dressing like a bas melech.The definitions I see online of promiscuous range from words I would not dare use on this site to: Someone who has many romantic partners. However, the word can also be used in a general sense to mean “not limited, restrained, or restricted.” or indulging in casual romantic relationships.
Do ANY of those things some REMOTELY tzanua?!
I’m not saying it’s easy, but it’s not just a bein adam limakom mitzvah, it’s bein adam lechavero.
February 2, 2019 6:53 pm at 6:53 pm in reply to: the demise of a normal sleeping scheduleβ°οΈπποΈ #1672539Shopping613 πParticipantHigh Schools also started later, people worked less hours.
People used to care about their health more?
Not sure.Shopping613 πParticipantlooking Promiscuous is assur.
It’s a violation of the entire root of tzanua.Shopping613 πParticipantHave you tried talking to Hashem?
He knows a lot of peopleFebruary 2, 2019 6:53 pm at 6:53 pm in reply to: Is it healthy for yehiva bochurim to learn from a artscroll? #1672536Shopping613 πParticipantI don’t think it will cause him physical long term damage.
Shopping613 πParticipantYou can’t judge one another for sure, but we definitely need to speak about things that affect other people in the community, whether it’s an issue of bullying in schools or przitus on the street. No I can’t take people aside and force them to do things, but we must think as a community, as a klal what we can do to improve the general atmosphere and makes things easier for people.
Shopping613 πParticipant@cofee addict
I don’t, but when you say something isn’t tzniyus to a secular person there’s no way to argue otherwise since they don’t really know much about tzniyus. It’s kinda like “Well, if you say so” and they’ll shrug their shoulders. “If you need more help, or tell me more about what I can give you, let me know”.
To a frum person there’s what to argue about.
Shopping613 πParticipantI enjoy my job. It isn’t always easy, but I find the time passes quickly and the job is good for me.
Shopping613 πParticipant@coffee addict. I think they’re just trying to make sales.
Shopping613 πParticipant@Modesty
Why do you say that we girls are trying very hard. In life challenges we take small steps. all because you see not tznius remember you donβt see our struggleWhat? Can you use proper grammar?
On the topic of clothing stores, I prefer to go to non-religious stores over frum stores.
Secular store workers or owners here me say “Yeah, I can’t wear that” or “It’s not tzniyus” or “Too short” and accept it.
Many frum people try to rationalize with me that it’s really fine and tzniyus.
I’m like…”Hello, who are you to tell me what I think I is tzniyus and what Hashem wants me to do?!”Shopping613 πParticipantJust meet people through what you’re doing.
At school, at your fitness program.
I feel you, most of my friends are married already and yeah..Shopping613 πParticipant@Daas Yochid +1. Funniest comment I’ve seen in a while.