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T-Fusion Steakhouse in Brooklyn. Dave and Busters. ESPN used to be a great place, but im pretty sure they closed down in Manhattan. for more comfortable dates, there’s always Toys R us in times square, make sure to get on the Ferris wheel 🙂 The Marriott Marquis 48th Fl, called the View, its a revolving floor, great place to go.
Go to for more info.
sem20MemberMazel Tov to the midwesterner and Interjection families on the wedding last night!!
sem20MemberTotally true. I know the guys in the car and heard the story first hand!!
sem20MemberVery simple, if you dont wear a pink tie and light charcoal suit (boxed) your behind the times!!! :)…..
sem20MemberMazel Tov Midwesterners!!!
sem20MemberWhats cookie dough ice cream??
sem20MemberHey, guess what?! Mine is also tomorrow (hebrew) 🙂
sem20MemberWhat number date? Where do you live? Where have you gone on previous dates??
sem20MemberHey Gefen, something i hear about you guys roadtripping to NY??
sem20MemberI got that someone’s email, will get back to that someone today 🙂
sem20Memberdepends which plates?
sem20Memberanyone wanna buy my horse and buggy??
January 26, 2012 2:52 am at 2:52 am in reply to: Stories-tribute to Habachur R' Dovid Robbins ZT'L #847303sem20MemberDovid A’h was a person who was caring, always had a great story or joke to tell. Not to sound like a user but Dovid was the perfect person to talk to when you needed to kill time, or to cheer yourself up. He was always smiling even when he was going thru hard times. He was a living example of V’ahavta L’rayacha kamocha. He remembered every single person that he met and was a great friend to all that knew him. May he be a meilitz yosher for all of klal yisroel.
Umacha Hashem dima me’al kal panim!
sem20MemberMedicaid covers it as well as most insurances. There are also many organizations in the NY/NJ area that could help, such as Brooklyn community center, Ahava Medical center, Tikva at Ohel, Dekogan Organization (private) and many more… shouldn’t be difficult.
sem20MemberThe only great part of last nights show was Journeys! No offense to the rest of the performers but ive heard them all alot better.
sem20MemberMy routine for almost every fast day:
I go to sleep “very early” the night (or day) before and then work at night. Eat a late Lunch/snack at supper then a regular supper at breakfast time. After Shachris, go to sleep. wake up at noon’ish and get a late start at work. Depending on the fast, especially tomorrow, by the time you get home you its mincha time…then your ready for lunch 🙂 Have an easy fast!
sem20MemberEmail Avremi G. at A Notable Idea, [email protected]
he should have it.
sem20MemberGreat place. Be more specific.
sem20Memberkeep em coming, im bound to use one of them!!
sem20MemberThanx CA.
Nobody else has any creative ideas?
sem20MemberBTGuy: Hurry, Pesach’s around the corner.
sem20MemberHow did it manage to go from getting a good doughnut to a heated conversation?? the 2 dont go together!
Mrs. K was telling everyone that your wife made the cakes.
You’re hired!
sem20Memberbetter, video!
sem20MemberSo we got the keyboard, drums, guitar, trumpet, violin and percussions. I guess ill take conductor. 🙂
sem20MemberIts composed and sung by Simcha Leiner,
sem20MemberWhats his bank account # gonna do for him?? 🙂
sem20Memberymhtb1 Happy Birthday!!!
Gefen, i know his age, whats my prize?
sem20Memberme neither
sem20MemberOldest of 11
sem20MemberGefen, you? Shy? 🙂
sem20Memberim tempted to come to shallots tomorrow night, just to see who the famous PBA is, but its terrible timing!!!
sem20MemberMrs. Midwesterner, thanx for the recognition that i actually work 🙂 Btw, were you there last night? Was anyone else in the CR by the Gesher dinner last night?
sem20Membershallots? greatch? nah skip the food, im on a diet. Dave and buster? Navy pair? Time 8ish
sem20MemberHow about we hold a Chicago (or visitors)coffee room reunion tonight??
dont all answer at once 🙂
sem20Memberok, sitting here and reading this i just cant just keep quiet.
Gefen, im glad you enjoyed the cake.
Midwesterner, Doesn’t Yedidim have a name?? BTW, thanx for coming by tonight!
PBA, i too live south of peterson and im deff. not a telsher, though when im not crazy busy with work i usually learn there during 2nd seder
sem20Memberwas really looking forward to going to the wedding and then got swamped with work…glad you enjoyed it! 🙂
sem20Membernot in NY
sem20MemberGive her the stupid ride, she’s waiting outside the car for your answer 🙂
sem20MemberCleft Palate Foundation
The Cleft Palate Foundation (CPF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to optimizing the quality of life for individuals affected by facial birth defects.
sem20MemberIts mine also
sem20Memberwhat about in brooklyn??
sem20MemberI heard about it, crazy story…NOT realistic!!
sem20Membereclipse, dont worry, know one is throwing anything at you. and if they did…it should be the worst thing that happened to you!!! lol 🙂
sem20Membergo to i think they’ll sell you one song
December 30, 2010 12:24 am at 12:24 am in reply to: Do you feel you are fulfilling your purpose here? #723021sem20Memberyou cant know if you fulfilled your purpose on this world because only Hashem knows what that is, but its your job to do your hishtadlus and to what your suppose to…Davening, learning, chesed, just doing mitzvos and things were supposed to do and leave the rest up to Hashem to tell you what to do! I hope i answered you question.