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  • in reply to: More Torah being Learned than ever, yet more Troubles #2235777

    from the chazon ish (who’s yartzeit is today) on how to treat todays kofrim r”l
    חזון איש יורה דעה סימן ב אות טז
    ונראה דאין דין מורידין אלא בזמן שהשגחתו יתברך גלויה כמו בזמן שהיו נסים מצויים ומשמש בת קול, וצדיקי הדור תחת השגחה
    פרטית הנראית לעין כל, והכופרין אז הוא בנליזות מיוחדת בהטיית היצר לתאוות והפקרות, ואז היה ביעור רשעים גדרו של עולם
    שהכל ידעו כי הדחת הדור מביא פורעניות לעולם ומביא דבר וחרב ורעב בעולם. אבל בזמן ההעלם שנכרתה האמונה מן דלת העם
    אין במעשה הורדה גדר הפרצה אלא הוספת הפרצה שיהיה בעיניהם כמעשה השחתה ואלמות חס ושלום וכיון שכל עצמנו לתקן
    אין הדין נוהג בשעה שאין בו תיקון ועלינו להחזירם בעבותות אהבה ולהעמידם בקרן אורה במה שידינו מגעת”.
    חזון איש יורה דעה סימן ב סעיף קטן כח
    “ובהגהות מיימוניות פרק ו מהלכות דעות כתב דאין רשאין לשנאתו אלא אחר שאינו מקבל תוכחה ובסוף ספר אהבת חסד כתב
    בשם הגר”י מולין דמצוה לאהוב את הרשעים מהאי טעמא והביא כן מתשובת מהר”ם לובלין כי אצלנו הוא קדם תוכחה שאין
    אנו יודעין להוכיח, ודיינינן להו כאנוסין ולכן אי אפשר לנו לדון בזה לפטור מן היבום, וכן לענין שאר הלכות”.

    in reply to: More Torah being Learned than ever, yet more Troubles #2235481

    i dont understand the basis of the question:
    אמר רבא רבותא למבעי בעיי בשני דרב יהודה כולי תנויי בנזיקין ואנן קא מתנינן טובא בעוקצין וכי הוה מטי רב יהודה אשה שכובשת ירק בקדירה ואמרי לה זיתים שכבשן בטרפיהן טהורים אמר הויות דרב ושמואל קא חזינא הכא ואנן קא מתנינן בעוקצין תלת סרי מתיבתא ורב יהודה שליף מסאני ואתא מטרא ואנן צוחינן וליכא דמשגח בן אלא הקב”ה ליבא בעי דכתיב (שמואל א טז, ז) וה’ יראה ללבב
    (Sanhedrin 106b)
    anyway we cant know reasons for everything
    The Talmud paints a picture of G‑d revealing to Moses every generation and its teachers. Moses sees the greatness of Rabbi Akiva and his colleagues. Then he sees how Rabbi Akiva screams “Shema Yisrael” as the Romans flay him alive with metal combs. Moses protests, “This is Torah and this is its reward?!”

    G‑d’s retort? “Quiet! This is what I have decided.”

    in reply to: The Israel Pogram of 2023 Jewish Massacre #2234883

    @ujm and whoever
    my point is that rather than blaming others we should all look at ourselves at add in torah and mitzvos,
    the gedolim who said reasons for tragedies like the tosfos yom tov, had a point, to teach people the importance of not talking in shul, and they did it out of love like it clearly says in torah.
    i dont see how blaming anyone on this forum can be with a point to teach anyone to change their ways.
    here’s a wrote from the tzemach tzedek in derech mitzvosecha mitzvas ahavas yisroel וזהו מה דסני לך גילוי זה, לחברך לא תעביד שלא תראה חובותיו ופשעיו, הן במילי דעלמא בדברים שבין אדם לחבירו והן במילי דשמיא, ליש ודבר מה אלא יהי’ האהבה שלך לו גדולה כ”כ עד שתכסה על הפשעים….ולכן זהו כל התורה כולה שע”י התכללות נשמות ישראל אלו …באלו והיו לאחדים ממש כאילו היא קומה א’ לבד עי”ז גורם למעלה ענין נפלא שהוא יסוד ותכלית כל התורה כולה
    וכשמתכללים נשמות ישראל והיו לאחדים עי”ז נעשה אחד באחד שה’ ית’ מתייחד עם הישראל והיו לאחדים ואין האדם דלעילא רואה חוב לעצמו ואז הוא עובר על כל פשע של הישראל

    in reply to: I Need Chizuk Please #2234879

    Let’s start with the archetype of Jewish tragedy, the background for the seminal event of our history, the Exodus. What sin did the Jewish people commit to deserve slavery in Egypt? Even Moses demands of G‑d, “Why have You done evil to this people?” The Midrash describes Moses’ complaint in poignant terms:

    “I took the Book of Genesis. I read it. I saw the deeds of the generation of the Deluge, and how they were judged. This was justice. I saw the generation that built the Tower of Babel, and the Sodomites, and how they were judged. This was justice. But this nation, what have they done to be oppressed more than any generation before them?”

    When Moses arrived on the scene in Egypt, did he say to the people, “You are being punished for your sins. Repent and you will be redeemed!”? No—first he risked his own life to redeem them by confronting Pharaoh, and risked even more by challenging G‑d; he put up with all their kvetching for forty years and only then, in his last days, finally tells them off. But nowhere do we see him justifying G‑d for their enslavement.
    In our Yom Kippur prayers we describe the ten great sages who were tortured to death by the Romans nearly 2,000 years ago. The Talmud paints a picture of G‑d revealing to Moses every generation and its teachers. Moses sees the greatness of Rabbi Akiva and his colleagues. Then he sees how Rabbi Akiva screams “Shema Yisrael” as the Romans flay him alive with metal combs. Moses protests, “This is Torah and this is its reward?!”

    G‑d’s retort? “Quiet! This is what I have decided.”

    Obviously, if there were sins that could explain the punishment, G‑d would not have withheld that explanation from Moses. Certainly G‑d has reasons for all that He does. But not necessarily reasons that we can understand or swallow.

    It’s true that we say in our prayers, “Because of our sins we were exiled from our land.” It’s also true that the Torah and the prophets include calamities that come (or are threatened to come) as Divine retribution, and that Maimonides exhorts us that when tragedy strikes we should search our deeds and repent our failings.

    But many centuries before political correctness, the sages of Israel insisted that something much deeper than punishment is going on here. Time and again, they reiterate that not everything can be explained under the narrow lens of reward and retribution.

    Certainly there is justice in the world—a Higher Power that rewards the righteous and punishes the wicked (indeed, this is one of the 13 fundamental principles of Judaism). And there are many instances throughout the era of the judges and the kings where prophets told the Jews clearly, “Because of all your sins, these things have come upon you!” And certainly, it is a good idea to repent when bad things befall you.

    But to stand up and pronounce judgment on someone else—and especially to say that I know G‑d’s will and G‑d’s mind, and I know that this happened because of this, or that if you people continue this way such-and-such will, G‑d forbid, befall you—that’s something only a prophet can do. And even then, only as part of an explicit mission from Above.

    In fact, the sages tell us, even Isaiah was punished when he said to G‑d, “I live among a people whose lips are impure.” Here the sages describe G‑d’s response:

    “Isaiah, you are permitted to say ‘I am a man of impure lips.’ But when you say, ‘I live among a people of impure lips’—that I will not tolerate!”

    And so, immediately an angel came with a coal and burnt his lips. G‑d said, “Burn the lips of this person who speaks accusations against My children!”

    in reply to: Daas Torah in gemora #2234383

    i think different people have different ideas what daas torah is, but the fact is that torah tells us how to live our lives 100%, torah is the blueprint for the world so obviously torah has a teaching for everything. now one may wonder that seemingly learning the lomdishe sugyos of shas dont direct him in his marriage dor example, but learning agadah and medrash, kabalah and chassidus will give him a clear picture on every detail of his life. because not everyone can be baki in kol hatorah kulah, torah says make for yourself a rav.

    in reply to: The Israel Pogram of 2023 Jewish Massacre #2234223

    btw, if you actually read the satmer rebbe’s sefer vayoel moshe, you will probably conclude that his attacks on zionism are long over or have changed alot, todays eretz yisroel is extremly different than then.
    anyway i “love” when people just blame all the tragedies that happen on anything but their own problems. zionism, shaitels, tznius, smartphones, internet, lashon hara, bitul torah, zilzul tamidai chachamim, sinas chinam, (the baal hasulam actually writes in his hakdama that all tragedies are because people dont learn kabala) etc etc.

    in reply to: YWN Coffee Room Nightly D’Var Torah #2234218

    וַיִּבֶן שָׁם מִזְבֵּחַ לַה’: (בראשית יג:יח)
    He built an altar to G‑d. Genesis 13:18
    The three altars that Abraham built express the three levels through which we can ascend in our relationship with G‑d. Abraham built his first altar to thank G‑d for the promise of sustenance, children, and a land in which they could live. This corresponds to observing G‑d’s commandments, which gives life to the soul and sustains its connection to the body.

    Abraham built his second altar to acknowledge the Divine gift of repentance. This altar expresses how we deepen our relationship with G‑d in order to restore it after having sinned.

    Abraham built his third altar purely for the sake of glorifying G‑d. This altar expresses our ability to abandon our sense of independent selfhood and fuse with Him. All reality will fully attain this level of Divine consciousness only in the Messianic Era, but our awareness of this fact fuels our yearning for the Messianic Era, and G‑d will hasten its arrival commensurate with our yearning for it.1

    in reply to: Starting the Torah from Hachodash Hazeh #2234120

    the ramban writes we needed brashis, its the source of emunah?! see gur aryeh that even if the torah would start with hachodesh hazah, we would know from the eseres hadibros that hashem created the world- ki shashes yomim etc, many more questions. see likutai sichos vol 5 parshas brashis

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2233902

    @qwerty the rebbe has thousends of sichos. there are almost 200 volumes printed of the sichos he said. you are right he said many many times that ALL jews will be redeemed. in his printed sichos there are sources for everything. check there. anyway in 1943 ר’ דוד שטוקהאמער sent a letter to the rebbe with the following question: שמעתי אומרים אשר, ע”פ המבואר בדא”ח, כל אחד מישראל, יהי’ מי שיהי’, ואפילו רשע גמור כל ימיו, ר”ל, יש לו תקוה. וסוף סוף, אם ברצונו או על ידי כפי’ מלמעלה, בחייו או לאחר מותו, מעלין אותו משערי הטומאה אשר נשקע בהם, מעבירין אותו דרך כמה ענינים של טהרה וזיכוך, עד אשר גם הוא דבק ומתאחד בשרשו ומקורו אוא”ס ב”ה.
    ולכאורה תמוהה שמועה זו ביותר, וכמה סתירות ע”ז מן הכתוב וממרז”ל.
    the rebbe responded with a 13 page letter (printed in igros kodesh vol 1 letter #85) going thru all the gemaras and other sources and explaining them
    (in those days people had the decency to ask if they had a question rather than attack, as the rebbe was knows by all to be one of the greatest gedolim alive. for example rav hutner wondered about the rebbe’s idea to put tefillin on jews, so he wrote to the rebbe to explain some questions he had about it (find it in מנחם משיב נפשי) (even R shach sent someone to ask a question to the rebbe about something in kabala because he didn’t know, and knew the rebbe would know – i thing yeshiva wold wrote an article about it)

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2233673

    the maharal explains on that gemara of 1/300k that it means from all the jews who lived in all the generations, many died or were killed. so what will be left when moshiach comes will be 1/300k. nothing to do with only some jews being redeemed. so by techiyas hamasim the jews will multiply 300k times. because all the jews from all generations will come back
    about differences between jews, i dont know where you came up with those things that some jews are not jews ch”v or that hashem does not love some jews?!?!
    here’s what the baal shem tov said – 1 example, for more, check the indexes of his seforim.
    דער בעש”ט האָט גאָר ברייט אַרומגערעדט און קלאָר דייטליך ערקלערט די הייליגע ג-טליכע ליבשאַפט פון ג-ט ב”ה צו אידן, די ליבשאַפט פון ג-ט ב”ה צו די אידן איז ניט נאָר צו דער אידישער נשמה נאָר אויך דעם אידישן קערפּער, און די ג-טליכע ליבשאַפט איז צו אַלע געבאָרענע אידן אָן אונטערשייד, פון דעם גאון הגאונים ביז דעם פּשוט שבפּשוטים. דער גאון הגאונים האָט ג-ט ב”ה ניט מער
    ליב ווי דעם פּשוט שבפּשוטים, און דעם אידישן פּשוט שבפּשוטים האָט ג-ט ב”ה ניט ווייניגער ליב ח”ו ווי דעם גאון הגאונים

    ספרי הבעל שם טוב > כתר שם טוב > הוספות > פח

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2233581

    oh so your saying when you have 2 opinions in gemara and someone quotes one he’s regecting a gemara? a kofer?
    g-d does not hate jews. its a pusuk, your regecting a pusuk?? ahavti eschem amar hashem, viohev es yaakov!!!

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2233254

    @qwerty “You said that if one speaks Loshon hora he lises his Chelek in Olsm Habo But in a different post you said thst every Jew including the worst Roshoim go to Olam Habo. Finally I didn’t call the Rebbe a kofer you did by saying that snyone who rejects a Gemsra is s Kofer and the Rebbe rejected 1/30000.”
    you just answered your own question, i meant according to you who think hashem is so strict about olam haba.
    (btw side point, olam haba and techiyas hamasim dont always refer to the same thing. olam haba actually has many conditions not olam haba. also olam haba is after – a diffrent stage – the coming of moshiach. see likutai sichos vol 29 bechukosai, maamer kol yisroel from the rebbe, etc.)

    here’s another gemara (the same page that says 2 in 600k -111a):
    With regard to the verse: “For I have taken you to Myself: And I will take out one of a city, and two of a family” (Jeremiah 3:14), Reish Lakish says: The meaning of this statement is as it is written, that only individuals will be spared and the rest will be destroyed. Rabbi Yoḥanan said to him: It is not satisfactory to God, their Master, that you said this about them. Rather, the merit of one from the city causes the entire city to benefit, and the merit of two from a family causes the entire family to benefit and be redeemed. Likewise, the Gemara relates that Rav Kahana sat before Rav, and sat and said: The meaning of this statement is as it is written. Rav said to him: It is not satisfactory to God, their Master, that you said this about them. Rather, the merit of one from the city causes the entire city to benefit, and the merit of two from a family causes the entire family to benefit and be redeemed.
    100% i have one rebbe. if i would try to follow everyone well: according to the satmer rebbe – anyone who votes is a kofer and serves a”z. according to other gedolim you need to vote. according to some gedolim – the baal shem tov never existed. its impossible to follow everyone. b”h i was raised chabad!

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2233093

    im not accusing you of speaking lashon hara on what you just said, im just bringing a point that you and some accuse some chabad of avoda zara, or kefira,
    which if you speak lashon hara you are worse ולשון הרע כנגד כולם. ועוד אמרו חכמים כל המספר בלשון הרע כאילו כופר בעיקר
    and anyone who talks bad against the rebbe or chabad or any other jew is speaking lashon hara.
    your arguments are absurd, based on one statement that you heard, you reject the rebbes statement that you didint bother looking at the sorce, and you say the rebbe has no justification. i brought you arizal, מדרש תל תלפיאות, עמק המלך, ramban who say that every jew will have a chelek in techiyas hamasim. go learn.
    about your attack on the rebbe for talking about the immanent arrival of moshiach, why dont you attack eliyanu havavi he told reb yehoshua ben levi that moshiach is coming today (the day he asked him) (senhedrin perek chelek) many gedolim gave kitzim for moshiach, go learn! (the rebbe did not give a ketz)
    one קץ was תרח, the rebbe maharash asked the tzemach tzedek what happened, why didn’t moshiach come, and he answered that likutai torah was printed, – meaning thru likutai torah one can see g-dliness which is the revelation of moshiach. the frierdiker rebbe said the same for the קץ of תרסו and תרעב, thrue learning these and contemplating on them, one can actually have the revelation of moshiach, (see the sichos for more explanation, and start learning chassidus and recognising g-dliness, actually todays tanya – igeres 26 talks about this)
    so the rebbe brought this revelation down to the physical world, its availible for everyone to learn, its explained for anyone on any level, there are shiurim availible in any place in the world thru internet, so thats moshiach, its availible to anyone who wants.
    but in the above story the rebbe maharash answered that we want it in actuality. which moshiach told the baal shem tov will happen when everyone actually learns chassidus in a way of understanding in depth. (רעיא מהימנא also says this – tanya ibid.) we hope it will come sooner, achishna, but thats the way al pi teva. (this is my our opinion)

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2232505

    i finally proved my sources??? this is not something i should need to prove. its a clear gemara. so now you want to make a difference between those who had a lengthy stay and those not. only the yerushalmi mentions the lengthy stay in gehenom. what about the bavli? that says כולן – meaning all that the mishna and gemarah there say dont – see the gemarah there
    what about the medrtash shmuel? ramban? emak hamelech
    why dont you learn the whole sugya, then ask all your questions at once?!
    but here is a clear ari zal בליקוטי הש”ס להאריז”ל מס’ אבות, וז”ל: כל ישראל יש להם חלק לעוה”ב כו’ רק שזה יתקן עצמו בזמן מועט וזה בזמן מרובה אבל סופם הוא להמנות עם הצדיקים ומשום זה שהקב”ה כביכול מטריח את עצמו עם רשעים כאלו לתקנם כו’ ולמה כן בשביל שהם נצר מטעי שהוא נצחיי והם רושם אור עצמותו וכל הנופח מעצמו הוא נופח. עכ”ל.
    see also מדרש תלפיות ענף חלק לעוה”ב, בשם ר’ בחיי והריקנטי, וז”ל: מה ששנינו ואלו שאין להם חלק לעוה”ב פירוש אין להם חלק ידוע בפני עצמן, אבל הם נהנים וניזונים מכמה אוצרות של צדקה הגנוזים לאותם שלא זכו.

    עמה”מ בשער קרית ארבע פקנ”ב מוסיף ביאור וז”ל: אחר ימות המשיח יחדש הק’ עולמו וגם מקום הגיהנם יטוהר ויתקדש ויהי’נוסף על גבולי הג”ע עם הרשעים פושעי ישראל שבתוכה כו’ חצי הגיהנם כלים ויתטהר בקדושת הגן ויהי’ שם מחול הק’ עם הצדיקים.

    but let me ask you a question back, the rambam writes אמרו חכמים שלש עבירות נפרעין מן האדם בעולם הזה ואין לו חלק לעולם הבא. עבודת כוכבים וגילוי עריות ושפיכות דמים ולשון הרע כנגד כולם. ועוד אמרו חכמים כל המספר בלשון הרע כאילו כופר בעיקר. שנאמר אשר אמרו ללשוננו נגביר שפתינו אתנו מי אדון לנו. ועוד אמרו חכמים שלשה לשון הרע הורגת. האומרו. והמקבלו. וזה שאומר עליו. והמקבלו יותר מן האומרו:
    so he says clearly lashon hara is worse than avoda zara, so before spreaking lashon hara about someone (thinking you have a heter because he’s a kofer or oved avoda zara) you must be very sure becasue your’re risking your chelek of olam haba!!!!!
    i dont know who trotsky is, but the gemarah in kidushin talks about jews who serve a”z, the gemarah also talks about oso haish in giten.
    time for you to learn chassidus, or at least medrash, agadah, ein yaakov, learn what a jew is. (you can even look in nefesh hachayim)
    a jew is one with hashem no matter what, nothing can be higher than being one with g-d, so there can not be levels.

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2232195

    here is the gemara is senhedrin as well as other sources. yes evert jew is a peice of g-d. no diference between jews. 100% correct. basics of chassidus, see tanya chapter 2. the essence of every jew is a peice of g-d. there is one g-d not made up of parts ch”v, achdus hashem 101. the only differences is jews it in how much his neshama is revealved. the essence of moshiach is the revelation of achdus hashem and every jews neshama will be revealed 100%.
    בסנה’ (קד, ב) דורשי רשומות היו אומרים כולן (אפילו ירבעם וחבריו) באים לעוה”ב
    בירושלמי (כלאים פ״ט ה׳׳ג) דאפילו ירבעם
    וחבריו שמנו באותן שאין לחם חלק לעוה״ב, הנה ע״י אשר – שנים
    רבות אחרי מיתתן – נשרף גופן נעשית בה ם מדת הדין ובצירוף זכו ת
    הארץ יזכו ל ת חי ”.
    ובמדרש שמואל ריש מס’ אבות בפי’ משנת כל ישראל כתב וז”ל: עולם הבא הנזכר כאן הוא עולם התחי’ ולא ישא אלקים את נפש הרשע עד כי ברוב הימים ימצאנה מטוהרה ואז נגנזת במחיצת הצדיקים כו’ וכן ע”ז הדרך לכל הנשמות עד שיתוקנו כולם כו’ וז”ש הכתוב ועמך כולם צדיקים כלומר בהכרח יהיו כולם צדיקים לפי שהוא ית’ חשב מחשבות לבלתי ידח ממנו נדח, עכ”ל.
    עמק המלך (בתחלתו ש’ תקוני התשובה ספ”ג) וז”ל: ועתה בנים שמעו לי יראת ד’ אלמדכם ואהבתו הק’ עמנו בני א-ל חי, למה לו כולי האי לטרוח עצמו ברשעים האלו המכעיסים אותו בכל עת ובכל רגע, ב’ תשובות בדבר התשובה הא’ כו’ אע”פ שהם רשעים גמורים כו’ ניצוצי קדושה בהם כו’ שהם נצר מטעי כו’ והיא חלק אלקה היא נצחי כו’ והנשמות הם רושם אור עצמותו וכל (אולי צ”ל “דכל”) הנופח מעצמותו הוא נופח כו’ ועוד טעם שני מעשה ידי להתפאר כו’ הק’ הוא ומעשה ידיו חיים וקיימים לעד ולעולמי עולמים ואי אפשר שתתבטל כו’
    ויעוין ג”כ ברמב”ן בש’ הגמול (הובאו דבריו לקמן) שכתב: הנפש שהיא עליונה אי אפשר שתהי’ בטלה ואובדת כו’.

    in reply to: Starting the Torah from Hachodash Hazeh #2232186

    see likutai sichos vol 5. its the first rashi sicha the rebbe said. amazing. see also maamer birashis 5738. based on hemshach 5666 (its a very deep and amazing concept) הי’ צריך להתחיל את התורה מהחודש הזה לכם – המשכת סוכ”ע בממכ”ע, ופתח בבראשית – המשכת אור חדש שלמעלה מהאור שלפני הצמצום, ע”י ש”נתנה להם” ואח”כ “נתנה לנו”.

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2231011

    @qwerty. on a different thread i quoted more. its all in igros kodesh vol 1 letter #85
    bottom line every jew is a jew no matter what. see gemara kidushin 36a

    בשו”ת הרשב”א [א, קצ”ד] דן אם מומר לעכו”ם מטמא באוהל למ”ד קברי עכו”ם אינו מטמא באוהל, או שדינו כישראל שמטמא באוהל. וכתב שהלכה כרבי מאיר שבין ובין כך קרוין בנים, ולכן אף מומר לעכו”ם הרי הוא בכלל אדם כי ימות באהל שקברו מטמא באוהל.

    see the gra in sh”u on this halacha. see maharal also on the gemara

    וכתורת הבעש”ט שאהבת הקב”ה
    לכאו”א מישראל היא גדולה יותר
    מאהבת הורים זקנים לבנם יחידם שנולד
    להם לעת זקנתם – אינו סובל דיבורים
    שהם היפך שבח בניו, ולא עוד אלא
    שהדיבור היפך שבח בניו פוגע בו (בהקב”ה) כביכול
    כמ”ש ברור ומפורש הנוגע בכם נוגע בבת עינו

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2230593

    oh btw ywn posted how 20k jews prayed to hashem in front of 770, for all those people who think they daven to the rebbe ch”v

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2229614

    there is nothing wrong with pointing to someone and saying he is moshiach, i beleive the rebbe was the moshiach in the generation when he was alive (many rabbanim/ gedolim beleived the same edited)
    rabbi yitzckok breitowitz of aish hatorah says a story that people came to rabbi moshe feinstein and reported that in lubavitch they are saying the rebbe is moshiach, and reb moshe answered “so? whats the problem? (there is a video of him saying the story on youtube)
    im saying that, the rebbe was clearly a person fit to be moshiach, since 1994, no one ever pointed to someone as moshiach because no one fits the description as the rebbe did.
    there were very few rabbonim who opposed pointing to the rebbe being moshiach, there are botul bielef (in a 1000) to the rest of rabbonim. and they were from the litvish/ misnagdim who dont beleive in the baal shem tov

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2229055

    from keser shem tov:
    ועליתי מדריגה אחר מדריגה, עד שנכנסתי להיכל משיח ששם לומד משיח תורה עם כל התנאים והצדיקים וגם עם שבעה רועים, ושם ראיתי שמחה גדולה עד מאד, ואיני יודע לשמחה זו מה הוא עושה, והייתי סובר שהשמחה הזו ח”ו על פטירתי מהעוה”ז, והודיעו לי אח”כ שאיני נפטר עדיין כי הנאה להם למעלה כשאני מייחד יחודים למטה ע”י <תורתם> [תורותיהם] הקדושה, אבל מהות השמחה איני יודע עד היום הזה.

    ושאלתי את פי משיח, אימת אתי מר, והשיב לי, בזאת תדע, בעת שיתפרסם למודך ויתגלה בעולם ויפוצו מעיינותיך חוצה מה שלמדתי אותך והשגת, ויוכלו גם המה לעשות יחודים ועליות כמוך, ואז יכלו כל הקליפות ויהיה עת רצון וישועה.

    ותמהתי ע”ז, והי’ לי צער גדול באריכות הזמן כל כך מתי זה אפשר להיות. אך ממה שלמדתי בהיותי שם שלשה דברים סגולות ושלשה שמות הקדושים, והם בנקל ללמוד ולפרש, ונתקרר דעתי, וחשבתי אפשר שעי”ז יוכלו גם אנשי גילי לבוא למדרגה ובחינה כמותי, דהיינו בהיותם יכולים לעליות נשמות וילמדו וישיגו כמו אני. ולא נתנה רשות כל ימי חיי לגלות זאת. ובקשתי עבורך ללמד אותך ולא הורשיתי כלל, ומושבע ועומד אני על זה.

    אך זאת אני מודיעך והשם יהיה בעזרך לנכח ה’ דרכך ואל יליזו, [ובפרט בארץ הקדושה], בעת תפלתך ולימודך וכל דיבור ודיבור ומוצא שפתיך תכוין לייחד שם, כי בכל אות ואות יש עולמות ונשמות ואלהות, ועולים ומתקשרים ומתייחדים זה עם זה, ואח”כ מתקשרים ומתייחדים האותיות <ונעשה> [ונעשים] תיבה ומתייחדים יחוד אמיתי באלהות, ותכלול נשמתך עמהם בכל בחינה ובחינה מהנ”ל, ומתייחדים כל העולמות כאחד ועולים, <ונעשה> [ונעשים] שמחה ותענוג גדול לאין שיעור, בהבינך בשמחת חתן וכלה בקטנות וגשמיות, וכ”ש במעלה העליונה כזאת. ובודאי ה’ יהיה בעזרך ובכל אשר תפנה תצליח ותשכיל, תן לחכם ויחכם עוד.

    here you see a bit what moshiach and toraso shel moshiach is about, there is an explained keser shem tov (can be found on otzar hachachma) that may explain a bit more. and all the books of chassidus is full of these concepts see there.

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2229052

    i believe there is someone alive today who is fit to be moshiach, based on what i learned about moshiach in chassidus, i dont have any candidate, no one alive that i know of comes close to such a character. so either there is someone who i dont know of, or there is someone who i heard of, and he hides his real qualities (cant think of a better word). i guess if moshiach will be from those alive today, he looks something like the rebbe or will look like that when he redeems us (obviously looks means his neshama, hashkafa, tzidkus etc) see keser shem tov first letter.
    but moshiach can still be the rebbe just like moshiach was always able to be from the dead.

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2228853

    @qwerty 613 about one in 300k – you already asked this question, and i already answered it, see other thread there are gemaros, medrashim, zohar, kisvai ari zal etc that say different than that gemara. (like many machlokesim in gemara)
    see igros kodesh vol 1 letter #85. one source brought there example ועיין בסנה’ (קד, ב) דורשי רשומות היו אומרים כולן (אפילו ירבעם וחבריו) באים לעוה”ב
    the rambam clearly writes in igeres techiyas hamasim that moshiach can be from the dead.
    if you say moshiach can not be from the dead, you will need to find at least one makor in chazal, then you will have a machlokes!

    if you look into the sugya you will be there are 2 ways for moshiach to come, if we merit or not, if we merit there will be miricles from the start, if not the miricles will only happen later, so the rambam in hilchos melachim is explaing al pi halacha the natrual way for moshiach to come, thats why the chasam sofer and others write that in every genaration there is someone fit to be moshiach who is alive, so that natrually moshiach can come every day. but moshiach can still come from the dead like the rambam writes in igeres techiyas hamasim. and like the gemara says. look in the safer dvar malchus, over 600 pages explaining hilchos melech hamoshiach in rambam.
    look at wikipedia and the footnotes about reb shach, moshiach, chabad when he went against chabad

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2228317

    no lubavitchers were talking about if moshiach can be from the dead before gimel tamuz, it wasn’t relevant, actually i heard the oppisite that the misnagdim said about chabad “how can you say someone alive today will be moshiach, and if you do your’re reseach, youll find that when chabad said openly that the rebbe is moshiach, when he was alive, r’ shach said they are kofrim.
    anyway why do these misnagdim care what we think, go learn gemerah! get a life. stop focusing on others “problems” especially if youre claims against it are really am haaratzusdik and stupid (if not kfira – for saying moshiach cant be from the dead against a clear gemara)

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2228329

    @qwerty613 actually if you go to any chabad comunity, no one cares to justify to the misnagdim their beliefs, no one cares what the litvish rabbonim think, most chabad chassidim dont even know the names of the big litvishe rabbonim or roshai yeshivos.
    on this thread some try to have fun. thats it.

    in reply to: Thought on Chabad #2226907

    this argument of spending time on chassidus, actually chabad finishes rambam – the halachos of kol hatorah kulah every year, the alter rebbe speaks about this is sh”u, (unlike litvaks who spends most of the day on “lumdus” and maybe finish shas at age 25 or 30, and never learn the rest of kol hatorah kulah. so……
    (and as mentioned before chassidus is a explanation of medrash like
    the medrash that hashem created the world because he wanted a dirah bitachtonim for example, or leolem hashem divarcha nitzav bashamayim etc, so if you have a issue spending time of chassidus, you should also have an issue learning gemarah in depth before you finish kol hatorah kulah)
    as mentioned, people with these complaints never learned chassidus, if they said they did, usually they mean they read thru tanya if your lukky. its like someone who read a few mesechtos of gemarah from artscroll, and thinks he knows gemarah like a rav or rosh yeshiva who spent 20 yrs learning gemara,
    chassidus is very deap, and there are currently probobly over 150 seforim of chassidus printed from the chabad rabaim, someone who didn’t learn the maamarim of the rebbe rashab, simply does not understand chassidus, hes like learning chumash or gemara without rashi.
    torah or, likutai torah, these seforim need the rebbe rashabs maamarim, (the alter rebbe said these maamarim for chassidim who knew kisvai ari zal)
    the rebbe explains alot of conceps of chassidus in likutai sichos vol 1-4 for those honestly interested in learning chassidus (btw the frierdiker rebbe said that the rebbe knew 300 sifrai kabala)

    in reply to: Thought on Chabad #2226901

    all his things he claims the rebbe changed, were all answered many times on this forum, actually the only thing that changed in the last 70 yrs since the rebbe became rebbe, is that being mixed with other jews, some misnagdim learned a lot of things about chassidim that he didn’t know before, and decided that they are new, just open up a keser shem tov, likutai diburim etc. (shalosh seudos? youre kidding? the alter rebbe paskened you dont need to wash even for the day seuda, his brother the maharil writes about this!)


    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2225757

    שטייענדיק אין דעם יום סגולה פון ערב ראש השנה ה’תשנ”ב, הי’ תהא שנת נפלאות בכל — וואָס ער איז אויך דער יום הולדת פון דעם צמח­צדק — ובסיום וחותם פון חודש אלול ר”ת “אני לדודי ודודי לי”86, מיט די אַלע פינף ראשי תיבות פון אלול כנגד די ג’ קוים ועמודים פון תורה עבודה וגמילות חסדים, און תשובה וגאולה87 — איז אַ זיכערע זאַך אַז שטייענדיק אין אַ מצב פון “ודודי לי” בענטשט דער אויבערשטער יעדער איד און אַלע אידן נאָך אין חודש אלול מיט “בכל מכל כל”, “מידו המלאה הפתוחה הקדושה והרחבה”88, סיי ברוחניות און סיי בגשמיות, און סיי שניהם יחד, ביז אין אַן אופן אַז זיי ווערן איין זאַך.

    וע”פ פס”ד הטור הנ”ל אַז שוין בערב ראש השנה זיינען אידן “לובשים לבנים ומתעטפים לבנים” — איז מובן אַז נאָך בערב ראש השנה באַקומט מען שוין די התחלה פון אַלע המשכות והשפעות ואורות, ועאכו”כ — אַלע כחות, סיי ….
    ברוחניות סיי בגשמיות……

    ……ובפרט אַז יעדערער וועט זיכער אויסנוצן דעם טאָג אויף מוסיף זיין אין עניני צדקה און אין כמה ענינים טובים, ובמיוחד — אין דעם ענין שהזמן גרמא — יום הולדת פון צמח­צדק — דורך לערנען מתורתו און מקיים זיין הוראותיו.

    וכאמור — ביום זה עצמו זאָל קומען די גאולה האמיתית והשלימה ע”י משיח צדקנו, תיכף ומיד ממש..

    in reply to: Thought on Chabad #2225769

    @avaira funny you bring in sh”u harav, yes medrash, look at any maamer chassidus, thats what it is usually, an explanation on medrash. (and pilpul/raid – comes later according to sh”u)

    in reply to: Thought on Chabad #2225167

    the previous lubavitcher rebbe said, (not quoting exactly) although there is no measurement, but earlier chassidim said when they leaned a maamer 10-15 times, then contemplated on it 20-30 times, they felt a chayus penimi.
    point it chassidus chabad needs to be learned in depth and contemplated many times to see the results.

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2224727

    @qwerty 613
    thanks for explaining me, i was not at all trying to tell non lubavitchers to believe that the rebbe is moshe rabainu, and moshiach and alive, i was just trying to point out someone who explains alot of chabad’s opinion, and how its logical, and an accepted view

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2223889

    if anyone wants to understand why chabad says that the rebbe is moshiach, and not previous tzadikim, and wants a makor in rambam igeres techiyas hamasim that moshiach can be from the dead, why some chabad says the rebbe is still alive, and what that means, and more… search “the rebbe shlita melech hamoshiach” on you tube. there is a series of shiurim from a litvak – rabbi yosef gavriel bechhover – on this topic.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2223217

    ראה גם קדושת לוי פ’ בראשית (ד”ה
    רבותינו ז”ל אמרו) בפירוש מארז”ל (ב”ר ספ”ב)
    “במעשיהן של צדיקים חפץ ואינו חפץ במעשיהן
    של רשעים”, ש”מעשיהן של רשעים” רומז על
    עבודת ה’ בשנאה וכעס על עוברי רצונו ית’,
    ואעפ”כ, “חפץ יותר במעשיהם של צדיקים שיקרבו
    כל העולם כולו לעבוד את הבורא ע”י דברי  נועם
    . .  ולא ע”י כעס . . כי דרכו ומדתו של השי”ת הוא טוב
      וחפץ שהכל יקרבו אליו ע”י טוב   . ושם פ
    חוקת (ד”ה ודברתם אל הסלע): “יש בני בחינות
    במוכיח . . אחד שמוכיח בדברים טובים, דהיינו,
    שאומר לכל איש ישראל גודל מעלתו ומקום מקור
    מחצב נשמתו . . וגודל הנחת רוח להבורא יתברך
    ממצות כל איש ישראל . . ויש שמוכיח . . בדברים
    קשים ובדברי ביושים . . והחילוק שביניהם, זה
    שמוכיח . . בטוב מעלה את נשמת ישראל למעלה
    מעלה ומספר תמיד בצדקת ובגדלות ישראל כמה
    גדול כחם למעלה, וראוי הוא להיות מנהיג על
    ישראל, וזה שמוכיח את ישראל בדברים קשים אינו
    בבחי’ הזאת”.
    i would encourage everyone to learn the sicha of ויחי תנשא find it in ספר השיחות
    but if you dont and have a weird way – היפך הכבוד היפך האמת – to look at hashem and jews, i guess torah – hashem – would consider you a tinok shenishba and youre mitzvos are still very precious in the eyes of hashem

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2221474

    b”h i grew up chabad, and beleive the rebbe is moshe rabainu of the generation, and a navi, etc. etc.
    cuz if i grew up in any other community, i would be really confused, not know who to follow,
    i encourage all to start learning chassidus and you wont feel the need anymore to fight or hate in order to feel fulfilled in life, you’ll live for something higher.
    im not saying its 123 easy, it takes time and effort but its worth it.
    finding faults in others is like spoken out against in almost every perek in shas, etc, you say it countless times in davening, etc

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2221052

    some words about elul from the rebbe.
    ומראה פנים שוחקות לכולם, דהחילוק בין מקבל (בסבר פנים יפות) למראה (פנים שוחקות) הוא, דלשון מקבל נופל על דבר שישנו מקודם (לפני שקיבל) והוא מקבל את הדבר, ומראה פנים שוחקות הוא שהפנים שוחקות שלו (שישנם גם לפני שמראה) הוא מראה ומגלה אותם לזולתו. וזהו דלאחרי שאומר שהמלך מקבל את כולם בסבר פנים יפות מוסיף שהוא מראה פנים שוחקות לכולם, דזה שהוא מקבלם בסבר פנים יפות הוא שהרצון דהעם (להקביל את פני המלך) מתקבל אצל המלך בסבר פנים יפות, וההוספה דמראה פנים שוחקות הוא דכשמתעורר ברצון לעשות תשובה נמשך לו הגילוי דפנים שוחקות דלמעלה, התענוג (שחוק) דהמלך עצמו. דתענוג זה הוא למעלה מהתענוג (דבחינת פנים יפות) שמהתעוררות התשובה, וכמבואר במק”א20, דשורש השחוק (פנים שוחקות) הוא בעצמות התענוג (תענוג עצמי הבלתי מורכב) שלמעלה מתענוג הבא ע”י דבר (תענוג המורכב).

    וישלומר, דענין פנים שוחקות בהנמשל הוא התענוג דלמעלה שבישראל עצמם21 (שלמעלה מהתענוג שמקיום התורה ומצוות דישראל, ולמעלה גם מהתענוג שמעבודת התשובה) דתענוג זה הוא בהעצמות. וע”י שמראה להם פנים שוחקות, שתענוג זה מתגלה להאדם (המתעורר ברצון לתשובה), זה מעורר אצלו (כמים הפנים לפנים22) התענוג באלקות ועד שהתענוג באלקות הוא עצם התענוג שלו, וזה נותן לו הכח עוד יותר להתגבר על המניעות ועיכובים ולשוב בתשובה שלימה.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2218519

    In the month of elul , the king – g-d comes to the field and is available to be approached – get closer to him, ask their needs- more than the rest of the year, when more preparation is needed. We say ברכנו אבינו כלנו כאחד, and many similar ideas say in torah that hashem likes when his children are one and love each other, and he blesses them, answers their requests etc .
    A simple example: when your child comes to you and asks to buy him a toy, so if he’s coming straight from beeting up his brother and calling him derogatory names, you may not be as exited to fulfill his request vs if he is acting nicely with his brother and helping him out, giving him compliments and also inside really looking at the good in him and loving him
    Just reminding everyone of the famous Torah of the baal shem tov (mentioned in בעל שם טוב על התורה פרשת מצורע ובכ”מ) that any bad one sees in another, hes just looking at a miror – himself)
    P.s. as i wrote before, i backed off of this stupid argument. So im not answering any attacks. This post i feel is better.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216780

    Time for elul .

    הקב”ה אומר לישראל:

    אני נותן לכם עשרים ותשעה, שלשים יום, אשר במשך הימים האלו, אם תנתקו עצמכם מהרגילות והנהגות הלא טובות שנהגתם עד עתה – ונס שמה. תנוסו לתוך הסדר והנהגה של אלול להשתקע שם – אזי תוכלו לתקן כל מה שלא הי’ כדבעי למיהוי עד עתה, ובמילא יהי’ למקלט מגואל הדם מכל הקטרוגים.

    וע”י תשובה,

    בתחלה תשובה מיראה, שנעשו לו כשגגות, ואח”כ תשובה מאהבה, שנעשו לו כזכיות –

    תכתבו ותחתמו – לאלתר בספרן של צדיקים

    ל ש נ ה ט ו ב ה ו מ ת ו ק ה.
    תורת מנחם חלק ג עמוד 290
    I consider my arguing a not good הנהגה. So…

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216697

    Ill try to make a summary of the past 14 pages:
    Disclaimer im just doing this for fun, im not trying to convince anyone, and i think about 99% of rabbonim today consider 99% of chabad totally frum yiden.
    Basically some claim its a christian idea to beleive moshiach can come from the dead, the ramban writes about this, and others answered its a gemara, abarbanel, sdai chedem etc, so at most its a machlokes
    Some argued that a lot of chabad prays to the rebbe and think he’s g-d, and others simply say its hallucination
    Some referred to a sicha where they claim the rebbe says that the previous rebbe was g-d and therefore one can pray to him
    Others answered that they simply twisted the words, the rebbe is talking about asking for brachos and tikunim (which when the rebbe said this sicha in 1950, it was not as accepted as now to ask for brachos from a tzadik, some considered this a ממוצע), and the rebbe says that all jews are one with g-d (zahar) and also chassidim and the rebbe are one thing, so it comes out there is no ממוצע because its atzmus umehus how he enclothed himself in a body and brings a zohar and yerushalmi to compare it to, so 1) its not even clear to me that the body the rebbe is referring to is the previous rebbe, in fact the rebbe was speaking after the frierdiker rebbe passed away 2) the rebbe clearly compares it too a zohar and yerushalmi and clearly wants it to be understood the same as you would understand those sources. (the sicha is printed in likutai sichos vol 2 page 509 and on)
    They also brought many other sources niglah and kabala that say this same idea,
    The anti chabad continued to argue that the niglah and kabbalah seforim dont mean it literally but the rebbe meant it literally, and for that reason one should not learn kabala.
    Chabad answered: well first why do you assume the rebbe meant it different then all the other seforim? 2) one of the things chassidus came to do was to explain kabala so everyone can learn it (including this idea is explained at length in many places in chassidus), and its not only kabbalah, its also niglah as mentioned, in fast one reading chumash sees the idea of a body terms for hashem which you end up with the same issue to explain. 3) if so, how come almost all the gedolim didn’t talk out against it, the sicha was said in 1950, printed in 1962, and it took decades for (all the big gedolim to pass away) someone (a professor) to come out against it (he did get some endorsement from a few real misnagdishe rabbanim)
    The anti chabad say, that none of the gedolim ever heard of this sicha, if they would have, they would have definitely came out against the rebbe. And really many gedolim even who endorsed the rebbe only did it to be more accepted, they wrote things they didn’t mean, but told one person what they really held.
    chabad answered: i see how much you hold of your gedolim, such a big problem happening in the world that chabad is openly serving a”z ch”v and bringing more and more jews to do so, and none of the gedolim cared, spoke up? Look in gemerah shabbos about the churban that the gedolim were punished for not speaking up. It also talks there about chanifa, how bad it is, so i would make a machaa for accusing reb moshe of that and also writing sheker.
    Sorry if i missed any important issues, i didn’t have so much time to look thru everything, but i think i covered the main points.
    I will add that i myself IF i would see anyone referring to the rebbe as g-d or praying to him, i would consider him to be serving a”z, but i to date (living in chabad communities all my life, learning in 770 for yrs, going to many many shluchim) never heard of this idea till i heard it from litvaks

    in reply to: questions about the yeshivish world #2216447

    @avirah , ok so I guess you should agree with me not to attack the rebbe’s sichos and instead to speak to one of his close talmidim. You can call rabbi sholom charitonov, or many other chabad rabbi’s.
    Btw look in mesilas yeshorim about emes. Also in addition to emes there would be many other issues to call the Rebbe tzaddik yesod elem, like chanifa which the Gemara says אין מקבלים פני שכינה
    So for me it’s much simpler to say reb Moshe was a smart man and was able to understand the rebbe’s sichos properly and meant what he wrote
    G-d in a body just needs the basics – Tanya perek 2, חסידות מבוארת does a great job explaining.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216446

    Ok how many circles do you want to go in. The Rebbe quotes a Zohar very simple, some accuse the Rebbe of explaining the Zohar in a way that they consider a”z. To me the Rebbe is very clearly just saying the same thing that it says in Zohar, anyone who says otherwise is motzi shem ra, choshed bichsharim, etc. etc.
    The Rebbe never said g-d is inclothed in a body, maybe berger said that.
    He never said you can pray to the Rebbe.
    Simply never happened. People who can’t read, or maybe have schizophrenia say thats what the Rebbe said.
    I was just trying to explain to their schizophreniac mind that they will also run into questioning all the other gedolim according to their hallucination

    in reply to: Whys ChatGPT allowed in the coffee room?? #2216406

    @square root, how is this thread connected to moshiach. And being that you appently hold that anything christians took from Judaism, we need to throw out , do they read the Torah in your shul? Do they pray to g-d, do you have a shul at all? These are all things that christians copied.

    in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2216378

    @5783 smart comment. Rav shach was against learning rambam for this reason, people read it, don’t learn the mekoros,and think they know everything , and can pasken

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216371

    @mdd1 you agree it’s a misunderstanding in sifrai kabala, ao the question is why you assume chabad or the Rebbe ch”v had this misunderstanding, it’s much more rational to say Dr berger had this misunderstanding or you have this misunderstanding then to say the Rebbe or chabad does.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216361

    @qwerty613, that’s exactly my point, that reb Moshe and all the rest of the gedolim didn’t have an issue with the statement because they knew Gemara , Zohar etc, so from 1962 (when it was printed) no one had an issue till some am haaratzim that don’t know the above seforim saw the sicha and think it’s a”z ch”v

    if you know what rav Moshe would say, why don’t you take his place as a gadol hador. You’re trying to say that rav Moshe being the “unquestioned gadol hador” till he passed away would let such a big movement as chabad start serving a”z and be mikarev thousands and thousands of Jews to this beleife, and he was afraid to speak up? He didn’t know of the sicha? He definitely knew about it, there were misnagdim then also who spoke about it and definitely people brought it to him. And if not well being the gadol hador, it’s definitely his achrayos to know what’s going on in chabad. So my conclusion is that he knew and had no issue (cuz as the Rebbe brings it’s a clear yerushalmi and a Zohar) and later on people like berger who don’t know yerushalmi and Zohar decided it’s kefira. Btw even today who even accepts the anti chabad movement, seems like it’s only some talmidim of rav shach, and even those, it doesn’t seem like they really care because if they thought chabad was a”z, they have a mitzvah to uproot it, I think it’s just politics.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216296

    @qwerty613, that’s exactly my point, that reb Moshe and all the rest of the gedolim didn’t have an issue with the statement because they knew Gemara , Zohar etc, so from 1962 (when it was printed) no one had an issue till some am haaratzim that don’t know the above seforim saw the sicha and think it’s a”z ch”v

    in reply to: questions about the yeshivish world #2216301

    @avira what reb Moshe wrote means nothing, maybe also his tshuvos he didn’t really mean, so you don’t hold of rav Moshe as ish emes?! Pretty disrespectful to think so of a gadol, where’s the limit? Who can decide what he really held of what he did to be accepted? Someone who knows nothing compared to him? Even if rav belsky told you, well I hold of rav Moshe more than rav belsky,and definitely more than you, as far as I know rav belsky never said it

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216298

    @arsa. Great point, but think more a second, the teams job was to figure the mekoros for everything the Rebbe said, so what does that mean?
    You think the Rebbe read out of a toras Menachem?

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216081

    @Qwerty. To reemphasize my question, some claim that there is an issue ch”v with the rebbe’s statement, it was already mentioned that the same statement exists in Gemara, Zohar, rishonim, kabala, kedushas Levi etc.
    Some still claim there is a difference,
    So my question is that if it’s a”z why were all the gedolim of the privious generation quiet. I would assume reb Moshe would speak out if he thought it was an issue, but we see that he kept encouraging the rebbe’s mivtzoim etc.

    in reply to: questions about the yeshivish world #2216030

    So I guess I have my answer, thanks, so what is the idea of a gadol hador like r chaim kanievski, etc? Just wondering?
    And @avira is that true that Mishna brura and mesilas yeshorim are universely accepted? Why is that? Who decided to accept these seforim and why?

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216008

    What about using this forum on internet, pretty sure all gedolim came out against using internet unless litzorech parnasa, besides for chabad

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2216005

    @the claim that the Rebbe said that hashem and the Rebbe are one
    לקוטי שיחות חלק ב was printed in תשכב, 1962,
    Almost all the gedolim and rebbe’s had no issue, till rav shach started attacking chabad in the 80’s
    Then they claim it’s based on that sicha.
    Can someone please explain.
    @ why do I claim the Rebbe was Baki in almost every Sefer printed before the war? Listen to his sichos, and look at them printed with מראה מקומות,
    An average farbrengen the Rebbe quotes 2-300 m”m no hesitation, no seforim, no notes, and this was on a weekly basis alot of years, and from נגלה,קבלה,חסידות everything, nothing to argue about, just open a תורת מנחם, לקוטי שיחות שיחות קודש

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