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@avira no that’s not at all my point. My point is that writing and talking (and thinking) about people not keeping tznius or using smartphones is doing worse than those people your talking about. Even if it would be true. Very simple.
sechel83Participantmy point is that you and others are so obssesed about chabad and internet and tznius, what about lashon hara which is worse. then you went off track and are trying to say not to take chazal literly about lashon hara kineged kulam. and you made a whole cholent of different inyonim.
each sugya has its details i.e. chilul shabbos is not doche pikuach nefesh, but a mumer for chilul shabbos is pusul to shecht, giloy aroyos is the other weay around. see tanya perek 25.
regarding the effect on the nefesh the alter rebbe says lashon hara is the worst.sechel83ParticipantALL the seforim – thats my point all you read was wikipedia. you sure leaened all the seofrim? if you learned tanya you would have the answer
avira – tanya explains different, see and of perek 25.
thats a big difference between a chasid chabad and (some) others. i come to torah without any pre conceptions. im open to whatever it says.
why is someone who lends with ribis have no chelek in olem haba?
see gemara in bava metzia they were making fun of david that he was over eshes ish, he said someone who was over ashes ish has a chelek in olem haba. hamalbim pnai chavoro brabim does not, see tosfos there. gotta go, good shabbossechel83Participant@avira
The discussion was about the damage it does to the neshama, the alter rebbe quotes ghazal that it’s worse. And I brought to Regarding your statement about the damage internet does to the person. Now you change questions (like always) but by the way: Regarding how i would treet him. If I know someone that focuses on the bad in people, If I have hashpaa on him, I would suggest to him to go to therapy, it’s a really bad mida that also disturbs relationships etc .
Someone who kills someone I would probably get far away from him. But why did he kill someone? Because of lashon hara and motzi shem ra.
Just an example I would consider people who wrote publicly about chabad that they daven to the rebbe ch”v, and because of that caused such sins chinam and fights, and who knows what else, I would say they the the worst of the worst. Why is someone who kills someone so bad? I go with torah not logic,
Anyway see Tanya Derek 24-25 every avaira is AZ.sechel83Participant@avira: “Get real. Chazal mean no such thing and you know it” well said you decide what chazal mean?! so i dont see how we can have a discussion, i believe in chazal!
Question to be asked is the following : Do we all agree that habad came up with new stuff in the last 60-70 years ?
Yes or no ? yes, so? (every sect of jews came up with new stuff)
Did habad at anytime in its 250 years plus of existence at any time or location organize a gathering for hachtarat meleh hamashiach ?
Yes or no ? i heard there was meant to be one yud shvat 5753, is that an issue? Whats the problem? Its against halacha?
now in order to understand the reason for it, requires a lot of background, but its based on what i mentioned before that a melech can only become melech thru the nation accepting his malchus. See maamarim for rosh hashana in likutai torah, mitzvas minoi melech in derech mitzvosecha.
Did habad or any of its rebeim , including the other offshoots/branches [like niezin,liadi kapust etc] ever have their rabanim issue a public kol koreh for the public to accept their leader as mashiach ?
Yes or no? I understand your question is why did the rebbe? Simple cuz the time of moshiach came!
Those questions do not pertain to opinions.
They pertain to facts.
Facts are either true or untrue.
So to all of you , honest people , out there – Can we first get an unqualified and simple one word response to those questions ?sechel83Participant@arso
In ALL the seforim avodas habirurim is what is required since sheviras hakeilim, and when that is finished Mashiach arrives IMMEDIATELY. (Surprise, surprise! You can find all this on our erstwhile friend chabadpedia.)
big mekubal! you see one line (not even in the source as you say from Wikipedia) and ask kashos, it reminds me of the joke they say about litvaksSo nice you have nasty litvak jokes. Edited.
sechel83ParticipantI have to say “interesting” thread
One attack one chabad, answered, another, answered another, shown that the attack doesn’t start, another, again ….
This is my message for all critics (of any Jew) Just focus on your shlamos and if you believe in spreading chassidus so spread it, don’t focus on other people’s issues as I mentioned before it’s a mirror, the only other reason why hashem allows you to see it is to rebuke him directly in the way it says in sh”u, not to gossip and speak lashon hara about him. Done.
Hamiskabed bikilyon chavairo… Besides lashon hara as mentioned before is kineged kulom even thinking bad about another Jew is included in this (Tanya igeres hakodesh) and even worse, it destroys the neshama more than speaking (and more than watching the worst stuff on the internet (cuz it’s kineged a”z giloy arroyos and shfichas damim all together)sechel83ParticipantBeing chabad I learned to be Dan likaf schus. Just because someone has internet doesn’t mean he does avairos. 2) one of the reasons of the revealation of chassidus in the later generations is because of the nisyonos, so it’s pretty clear in chabad that the way to keep away from these nisyonos is thru learning and doing the avoda of chassidus. Every person has his mashpia to guide him wether or not he should have internet based on his work, shlichus etc. A few yrs before the asifa in 5772, I remember schools sending letters to parents about the dangers of internet and to get filters. I don’t know any lubavitchers who use internet without a filter.
People also said that the shluchim that went in middle of nowhere with no religious community will not stay frum, we see that b”h the past 70 yrs they raised frum and chassidish kids. This is because they have the koach of the mishaleach – the Rebbe as explained in maamarim and sichos. So they have extra kochos when using the internet for kiruv.
And btw again same as tznius, I personally don’t see internet more common by chabad then in other communitys. Meaning in yeshiva no one has, people involved in chinuch in chabad most don’t have, who have? Business men and shlucchim. By other communitys it’s the same, just i.e. by litvish more go to kolel, so most don’t have there. But the ones that go to business is the same thing.
If you know what the Rebbe would do, maybe you be the Rebbe! If a Rebbe is only someone with common sense, we have plenty of that in chabad.sechel83ParticipantAvaira: at the Citi field event there was a clear peak from rav vosner that it’s Asur to use internet other than for business, and even then not in the home. And more limitations. Seems like the visitors of the yeshiva world are following that psak very well??
Why do we need to go to a statium to hear a simple psak?
The bais din in chabad in crown heights and in eretz yisroel put out their psak. Which I amagine all follow (being Dan likaf zchus)
I have classmates who grew up on shlichus and we’re friends of non religious kids, bh they were mekarev many yidden, and those kids in my opinion became stronger in their yiddishkiet.
This idea that the shluchim and there kids are effected negativity, based on what I see (my classmates in school and yeshiva) is totally made up from beginning to end. I don’t read all the lashon hara and Motzi Shem Ra on the internet, but even if there are some stories, there are also many in frum closed off cumminitiessechel83Participant“It’s like the internet. Other chatzeiros have rules about internet usage that originate from their rebbes. Lubavich only has rules suggested by rabbis and mashpi’im.”
So what’s the problem, lubavitch takes mashpiim very seriously the Rebbe said it’s a bakasha nafshis and even stronger.
In general the Rebbe had a different approach to radio and technology that everything in the world was created for the kovod of hashem. The Rebbe said (I’m pretty sure) that it’s kefirs to say something was created by the Satan. That doesn’t mean everyone should use internet, the Rebbe spoke about this look in the maftachos for more details.
Hashem told Moshe he wants to destroy the yidden and make Moshe into the great nation, Moshe stood up for the yidden. This is chabads way, not to push everyone who doesn’t fit in out box out rather to be mikarev them as it says in Tanya perek 32. (Kedushas Levi in parshas chukas and somewhere else I forgot also says that a manhig is someone who sees the good in Jews, not who rebukes)sechel83ParticipantIn other words you’re saying that you “feel” it’s worse. Al pi Torah for you vlo sasuru there is no difference,
Yes most frum homes and stores to cover themselves but the employees where pants, don’t cover hair which is an erva .
Yes we are proud to accept baalai teshuvah who don’t yet keep every chumra or even halacha. Every mitzvah is a yichud nitzchi with hashem, doesn’t make a difference what the person did or will do later. If a person is 24/7 butal to Hashem – doing Mitzvos, learning Torah, his business Al pi Torah, taking care of himself and family lishem shamayim, and bchol drochecha daehu, he is a complete merkovah to Hashem, if not then at the times he’s not, he’s not. (Tanya perek 6-7, 22-23, 34) I don’t know what’s the makor of the word frum – especially the way people use it today like Talking lashon hara is still considered frum, but dressing not tznius is not frum.
And I made much more points.sechel83ParticipantWhy does chabad focus on moshiach more than anyone else?
Very simple, the alter Rebbe says in Tanya that moshiach is tachlis hakavanah of Brias haolem it’s from a medrash,
Most other Jews stress on gan Eden being the tachlis (which also has makoros in Gemara, and the rambam writes this also that after texhiyas hamasim at a later stage there will be neshamos without bodies – gan Eden.)
While the rambam says moshiach and techiyas hamasim are from the 13 ikrim, it’s a question why if it’s not the tachlis, there are answers, and the chsam sofer says that it’s not an ikar, one must believe because it says in Torah.
Since chabad goes with the medrash and the ramban that moshiach is the tachlis (see why in the sichos) that’s why it’s a bigger focus in chabad.sechel83Participant@Arso demanding moshiach – like we’re going to hashem and threatening him? Like the dor haflaga that’s the accusation? I don’t see how that even makes sense.
Basically everything chabad does, first is criticized, a few decades later is copied, and a little later others claim they started it. Not like I care or anyone in chabad cares, as long as everyone catches on is fine.sechel83ParticipantTznius: would having a live Rebbe fix the issue? You guys have so many compliments on our Rebbe, now you say the issue is we don’t have a live Rebbe?!
1) this is completely lashon hara as mentioned b4 lashon hara is worse than az giloy arroyos and shfichas Domim together.
2) to be milamed zchus. About 90% of chabad today (probably even more) was not chabad 100 yrs ago. So some how the way the rabonim in chabad teach and lead, it brings people to be more shomer Torah and Mitzvos even though they may rely on more lenient views in tznius (or some not keep any opinion but at least they are shomer shabbos etc, instead of being not shomer tznius AND going totally otd and sending their kids to public schools etc)
3) I personally don’t see a bigger issue in tznius in chabad then anywhere else. I try to watch where I look. It’s very hard to notice that a person is religious and not dressing tznius without really starring at them.
Also this idea that tznius effects the whole community that’s rediculos! Do you have a cleaning lady? Do you make sure she dresses tzniusdik – skirt, covers her hair. Also mail women, employees in the kosher stores, no one has an issue!!!!sechel83Participant@arso
Lashon hara is worse than not keeping tznius. It’s kneged a”z giloy arayos and shfichus domin. Can you please stop talking bad about other Jews.
Disclaimer: I don’t think me or chabad are better than any other Jew. As I explained before we follow the Baal Shem tov to spread chasidus, because every Jew can gain from learning it for some it will help then keep basic Torah and Mitzvos – like the thousands of Jews who became from thru doing Mitzvos and learning chassidus. For B’nai Torah it will give them more chayus and help them learn Torah lishmah as explained in eitz chayus
Bh I had the privilege to be born into a chabad family and get a chabad chinuch, I try to share it just like any normal person tries to help others.
Also we know that is is tachlis hakavanah of Brias haolam.
Food for thought about tznius in chabad: 1) who exactly are you criticising? The fact that we don’t have a Rebbe cuz he would fix it, well in chabad we don’t tell the Rebbe what to do, it’s the other way around, this the obviously the kavanah (as hinted in the last maamarim and sichos)
2) the rabonim – they have their reasons why not to scream about it and kick kids out of school – one maybe because it may do worse. (Btw just because everything can seem good on the outside doesn’t say what’s doing in the inside(
3) the people – we have to see good in every Jew, the only reason hashem allows one to see bad is 1) to rebuke him directly – not to make fun of him or her on the internet 2) is bacause seeing bad in another in a mirror, it’s really refecting oneself, thru fixing oneself, it will help the other toosechel83Participant@arso we – chabad – have our derech to spread chassidus chabad to everyone, like the alter rebbe – baal hatanya – said that its for every jew. some of the other talmidim held of different ways of spreading chassidus, to focus on belief in the tzadik, coming to him, etc. but they all were involved in spreading the teachings of chassidus.
are you asking a question? i dont understand.
alot of comments, the rambam says in igeres taimon that nevuah will return before moshiach comes, he says a year (before 5000)
everyone always yeared for moshiach the way chabad does, thats why when chabad started saying “we want moshiach now” a litvish gadol said its kefira because it says im yismamea chake lo.
anyway i doubt the average person outside chabad knows why awaiting moshiach is so important, one of the 13 ikrim. and you you know please answer (aderaba teach your freinds too)
phishing attempts deleted (again)sechel83Participant@arso we – chabad – have our derech to spread chassidus chabad to everyone, like the alter rebbe – baal hatanya – said that its for every jew. some of the other talmidim held of different ways of spreading chassidus, to focus on belief in the tzadik, coming to him, etc. but they all were involved in spreading the teachings of chassidus.
are you asking a question? i dont understand.
alot of comments, the rambam says in igeres taimon that nevuah will return before moshiach comes, he says a year (before 5000)
everyone always yeared for moshiach the way chabad does, thats why when chabad started saying “we want moshiach now” a litvish gadol said its kefira because it says im yismamea chake lo.
anyway i doubt the average person outside chabad knows why awaiting moshiach is so important, one of the 13 ikrim. and you you know please answer (aderaba teach your freinds too)
@arso – you cant say which chassidus If you continue to push someone for identifying info your posts will be deleted.sechel83Participantwhether or not there is or is not a problem, to make sure i dont go there and my kids dont go there, the solution is healthy parenting, correct and healthy relationship with Hashem thru learning chassidus. (proven and recognized by even goyim)
instead of trying to block out drugs, and internet, become healthy people who don’t need to escape lifesechel83ParticipantAll three stages of this process are openly expressed in our Torah reading. The First Tablets refer to the Torah as it transcends the world (and thus they begin with the letter alef). The descent into the context of worldliness is reflected by the sin of the Golden Calf.9 And the giving of the Second Tablets reflect the ultimate elevation that comes after this descent….
The advantage of the Second Tablets is also reflected in the contrast between the First and Second Tablets mentioned above: that the First Tablets were the “work of G‑d,” while the Second Tablets were hewn by Moshe. It is true that the First Tablets represented a higher level of revelation, but the advantage of the Second Tablets lay in that their holiness permeated the realm of worldly existence. Thus the First Tablets could be broken, for worldly existence represents a contrast and even a conflict with their holiness. The Second Tablets, by contrast, are eternal, for they represent the fusion of holiness with material existence.This level is reflected in the ultimate fulfillment to be experienced by the Jewish people, the Redemption, which will follow the teshuvah of the Jewish people. And at that time, it will be revealed how the material dimensions of the world will have become fused with their ultimate spiritual purpose, how they all exist, “for the sake of the Torah.”
see at length ki sissa 5752sechel83Participantif the only issue you have with christians is that they believe yoshke is mossia, i dont know where to start.
the idea of what you call “promoting moshiach” : moshiach told the baal shem tov that moshiach will come when his wellsprings will be spread outside – when all jews will learn chassidus. (see keser shem tov first letter) ושאלתי את פי משיח, אימת אתי מר, והשיב לי, בזאת תדע, בעת שיתפרסם למודך ויתגלה בעולם ויפוצו מעיינותיך חוצה מה שלמדתי אותך והשגת
so chabad who follows the ways of the baal shem tov, try to spread chassidus to bring moshiach.
telling others the rebbe is moshiach, is not clearly from the rebbe. but to explain the approach of the ones who do this: obviously the one teaching toras hachassidus which is a taste of the torah of moshiach – is moshiach. he’s the yechida klalis. now when the rebbe was alive, simply if all jews would accept him as moshiach, we would have been able to build the bais hamikdash, and all move to eretz yisroel. this needs to happen thru jews accepting someone as moshiach. the rambam clearly writes moshiach does not need to do wonders,
now even though we cant see the rebbe, the rebbe has a massive “army” continuing his work, and when all jews are ready, we can build the bais hamikdash and move to isreal. to my knowledge chabad is growing and growing and biderech hateva, the rate chabad chassidus is going now, pretty soon every jew will be learning chassidus.
its also explained in chassidus (derech mitzvosecha and many other places) that a melech can only be thru accepting his malchus by the nation.
i never saw ananswer whether you guys are chassidim, litvish etc?
also can you explain to me how moshaich will be accepted by all jews? mekoros?Also putting aside everything: what is the issue with promoting moshiach? 1 makor that its wrong? Saying it was never done dosent mean its wrong, especially after torah shebal peh was written down. (btw rav bridewitz on youtube says that they once told reb moshe that chabad is “promothing” moshiach, and reb moshe feinstein said so? Whats the problem? You could deny this – no problem, but still rav bridewitz does not think its an issue, (and anyone who speaks bad about any jew – thats called lashon hara and its forbidden to accept))
There are plenty of things jews do today that jews didnt do 100 yrs ago: kolel for everyone, printing seforim especially translations and explanations, women working, late shidduchim, using technology (whatever level), does evey step i take need to have a mesorah?
also you never answered me about reb hillel zaltman?
gut shabbos, go learn chassidus and wake up your neshamasechel83Participant@ aviara and yankel berel: you didnt reply anything logival arguments or proofs just like i said “i heard, against mesorah”
its impossible for someone living in lakewood to know whats going on in yerushaliim unless its from the media, who can make up whatever they want, or by hearing from others – good stuff, great, if its not rechilus. negitive stuff is called lashon hara.
how do you know when moshiach will come he will be automaticlly accepted by everyone? unlike moshe rabeinu who was not – took time. the rambam writes the oppisite.
in general you guys have a major misconception on chabad. as if all we do is promote the rebbe.
chabads actions are very similar to most jews, we keep sh”u (obviously you’ll attack us for shalosh seudos, and i can attack you back for getting married past 20, or shaving), we learn in yeshiva etc. some things we do dif. we learn chassidus, kiruv, focus on davening, have a different way of learning than litvaks. etcsechel83Participantedited
@coffee addict reb nochum of tzenobel held the baal shem was moshiach after his passing, just becaseu it wasnt done before doesnt mean its against mesorah, what will you say when moshiach comes? against the mesorah, he didnt come for the past 2000 yrs. it was never a sugya, people didnt koch in it cuz it wasn’t relevant, (look it the shiurim seforim of sanhedrin, most skipped all the sugyos (r shmuel rosovski i.e.)using the internet is against mesorah. driving a car is also. gitten is also much more commen today. kolel also is against mesorah!
sechel83Participant“are you aware that R’ Moshe Sternbuch has said that Kol Hator is a fraud, and was not actually written by the Gra?”
so i should beleive something you “heard” that rav shternbach “said” over a printed sefer that was around for over 60 yrs.
what about מבוא לחסידות ולדרכה של חב”ד around for over 80 yrs?
youre trying to accuse chabad of something they are doing as wrong and kfira, when we see in gemara (at least according to the simple meaning and many rishonim) it was done. now i brought you more evidance it was done. all you have to reply is rav shterbach said. 1) i dont beleive he said that just because you said so 2) he’s one person he cant create history.
so lets get this clear, i have a gemara, and printed books that it was done, you have “a shmua” that it was never done which still doesnt make it wrong of kefira.
similar to all the other arguments that chabad has evidence – documents, pictures, signed letters (menachem mashiv nafshi which i doubt you ever even bothered looking at) and you just have “i heard, i heard, i heard”!
if you want to argue about history, the only way is with printed and recorded evidence. other then that, people lived in many dif. communities and there is no way of knowing who held of who, and who considered who a gadol or not, besides from listening to the baalai lashon hara. which is an isur, (which answers your complaint about chabad propaganda even according to you that its not true, half truths? you want chabad to spread lashon hara, sinas chinam etc, aderaba, be like the students of aharonsechel83Participant@yankel berel. we cant argue about history but see the book מבוא לחסידות ולדרכה של חב”ד – הלל צייטלין, he writes about chassidim saying there rebbe was moshiach as i wrote. he passed away in 1942. he wrote his articles and books before that obviously.
in sefer קול התור written by a talmid of the vilna gaon – rav hillel rivlin – he writes about the gra gave him tefillos to daven that he – the vilna gaon – be revealed as moshiach.
so apperently it was done by litvaks and chassidim. you say it was not – bring proof!
“chabads propoganda machine the past 50 yrs” better than the info you get from your classmates and newspapers the past 30 yrs. (or the the history books written the past 10 or 20 yrs)
in the above sefer of rav hillel zaltzman he also writes about the attacks of misnagdim – in the time of the alter rebbe – baal hatanya that chassidim were holding to highly of him, accusing chassidim as saying he’s g-d ch”v. sold old stuff as today, nothing new. these articles are from the 1930s.sechel83ParticipantWe all claim what we do is the mesorah.
The gemarah says is sanhedrin the the talmidim all said their rebbe is THE moshiach (of all jews)
So clearly this is not a new thing, (maybe by the litvaks is wasn’t done for many generations, so the question is on them not us, and by chassidim it was done for many generations, in ruzin, tzenabel, chabad etc)
And litvaks do the same thing too. Rav chaim was THE gadol hador, or Rav shach etc.There are many things that litvaks do that i think is not mesorah, like skipping chazaras hashatz in yeshiva. The way they learn “lumdos” before learning kol hatorah kulah biderech kitzara as it says in sh”u. Women going to work, whereas the posuk says kol kvoda bas melech penima, and many other things – davening so fast
sechel83Participantpeople can understand purim 1956 the way they want – out of context,
yankel berel may i know what “type/sect” of jew you are? also everyone else.
in the sefer menachem mashiv nafshi there are plenty of letters (with pictures) of all the gedolim to the rebbe. including rav moshe feinstein, reb shlome zalman aurbach, the brisker rov, the rogetchover, the pnai menachem (who came out against rav shach (together with many chassidishe rebbe’s) when he attacts chabad and the rebbe), rav mordechai gifter, rav yitchok hutner, rav pinchos hirshbrung, the shevet halev, the minchas yitzchok.i.
i agree that there were those that didnt like chabad and the rebbe, those were pretty much all from the misnagdishe yeshivos. (even though rav shach officially claimed he’s only against chabad today, 1) he was close to rav aharon kotler who was a known misnaged, 2) when he came out against chabad (almost) all the chassidishe rebbes didnt join his party, and alot of the big ones signed a machaah against him and distanced from him, like the video on youtube of when he came to Bar Mitzva of R’ Aron Mordchai Belzer Rebbe Son 1989, and tried to say mazal tov to the vitznitzer rebbe (zeide) , he ignored him.
do your reseach, its all availible like i said, unlike all the rumers about chabad, its all just rumers, no documents, pictures etc.sechel83Participant@arso i dont know who you call a gadol. reb chaim zimmerman was a gaon olam. maybe cuz he wasnt a politician he didint get so much attention
sechel83Participantsechel, you quoted a list of anecdotes about R Chaim Zimmerman’s interaction with the LR. I never met or saw the man, but I have heard a little about him. Wouldn’t I be correct in saying that he was not considered a recognized gadol by virtually all of the chareidi world?
it was just one example of one gadol,
who was a gadol recognized by everyone? no one never existed. every gadol had others call them names, even very sharp ones. the satmer rebbe was against reb moshe feinstein others too. brisk was against rav shach together with most chassidim – agudas yisroel.
the whole idea of a gadol who was not a posek (i think) started by rav shachsechel83Participantas well as many other gedolim (for some reason in the books printed about those gedolim it dosent mention it but) in seforim menachem mashiv nafshi, chad bedorah, shemen sason machavarecha, there are hand written letters, pictures, testimony etc. ( in igros moshe there is a letter to the rebbe, he also backed the rebbe about the lag beomer parades after rav shach and the steipler came out against chabad. and he also supported the rebbes mivtzoim, all these you can find in sefer menachem maishiv nafshi)
sechel83Participantwe already discussed ramban elsewhere. learn perek hachelek, hilchos melochim then the ramban and come back , anyway like i said the abarbenal, rashi, rambam (in igeres techiyas hamasim) clearly say moshiach can be from the dead. btw the rambam in igeres tamon says nevuah will return before the year 5000, i forgot exactly the year.
its not kefirah to say like one opinion,
about rav chaim zimmerman (nephew of Rabbi Baruch Ber Lebowitz)בהזדמנויות רבות היה נכנס ל-770 לשוחח עם הרבי בלימוד, כשכל שיחה כזו הייתה מתנהלת בגאונות עצומה ומראי מקומות “עפו” במהירות בחלל האויר. איש מן הצד, למדן ככל שיהיה, לא היה יכול לעמוד על מהלך הדברים, כאשר ר’ חיים היה מציין מראי מקום אחד, והרבי מיד מחזיר לו במראה מקום נגדי, וכן הלאה – תוך שהם עוברים בין כל מסכתות הש”ס ומפרשיהם. משיחות אלו יצא ר’ חיים נרעש[2].
מסופר כי פעם הגיע לרבי ואמר לו, כי הגיע למסקנה שאת כל סדר קדשים אפשר לסכם בשלושה נקודות עיקריות. הרבי הגיב שניתן אפילו בנקודה אחת… ר’ חיים יצא מכליו[3].
כאשר יצא לאור ספרו “אגן הסהר”, הכניס לרבי את ספר הביכורים מהדפוס. הרבי קיבל את הספר, עבר עליו תוך כחצי שעה והוציא תשובה בה הקשה על חלקים עיקריים מהספר[4]. ר’ חיים התפעל מאוד הן לנוכח המהירות בה עבר הרבי על הספר, והן מול השגותיו של הרבי אותן לא הצליח ליישב. הוא עדיין עמד על מסקנותיו[3]. לאחר זמן, הגיע לדון עם הרבי בנדון, ולאחר שקלא וטריא בנדון – שכללה, כמובן, מראי מקומות שנזרקו שוב ושוב במהירות – נעצר, חשב לרגע ואמר כי אין לו כרגע תשובה, אך הוא עדיין נחרץ שהצדק איתו[2].
לאחר אותו דיון, ניגש אליו הרב יואל כהן (שצפה בהשתאות בשיחה, מבלי להבין את פשר הדברים), ושאלו מהו המיוחד בדרך לימודו של הרבי. ר’ חיים סירב להשיב, בטענה שבין כך לא יבין… אך לבסוף הסביר, כי בדרך כלל גם הגאונים הגדולים – בשעת לימוד סוגיא מונחים בה בעומק, מבלי להיות שקועים כל כך בסוגיות אחרות. כך אפשר למצוא אצל גדולי המפרשים, שלעיתים חוזרים בהם או משנים מעט את המסקנות שהגיעו אליהם בסוגיות אחרות. לעומת זאת הרבי, כל חלקי התורה פתוחים לפניו באותו רגע, וכל הסוגיות מתאימות ועולות בקנה אחד[3].
באותה הזדמנות אמר הגאון לר’ יואל: “עיינתי 12 שעות בלקוטי שיחות כרך ד’ (שיצא לאור באותה תקופה) ולא מצאתי משהו אחד שאינו מתאים עם ירושלמי או בבלי”[2]…
עוד מסופר, כי בהזדמנות התקשר למזכיר הרב חודקוב והעיר אותו בשעה ארבע בבוקר. להפתעתו של המזכיר, הסביר ר’ חיים שהוא קיבל כעת מכתב מהרבי בנושא תורני, ולאחר שעבר עליו הוא מוכרח לומר: “הליובאוויטשער רבי הינו גאון עולם!”.
בספריית אגו”ח שמור אחד הספרים ששלח לרבי, ועליו ההקדשה: “לגאון ישראל חד בדרא ממש, מהר”ר מנחם מענדיל שניאורסון שליט”א האדמו”ר מליובאוויטש. בברכה והוקרה. אהרן חיים הלוי צימרמן”.
the above mentioned sefer with the hakdasha is printed and available in the sefer חד בדרא.
you can say its forged or he didnt mean it, you can also say that anything any gadol said or wrote he didn’t mean. so i guess whoever is the one who really decides what the gadol meant and didnt mean is the real gadol.
in my world, a gadol dosent lie, do chanifa, (those groups are not able to be mikabel pnai shchinah)sechel83Participantthe tanya’s approach to lashon hara igeres 22
ועוד זאת אדרוש ממעל’ שלא להשליך דברי אחריכם אשר ערכתי שיח להיות כל איש ישר והולך בתומו כאשר עשה האלקי’ את האדם ישר ולא לבקש חשבונות רבים מעלילות מצעדי גבר ומחשבות אדם ותחבולותיו. כי זו מלאכת שמים היא ולא מלאכת ב”ו. ולהאמין באמונה שלימה במצות חז”ל והוי שפל רוח בפני כל אדם בכלל כי יציבא מלתא ותקין פתגמא שכ”א מתוקן מחבירו. וכתיב כל [איש] ישראל כאיש אחד חברים. כמו שאיש א’ מחובר מאברים רבים ובהפרדם נוגע בלב כי ממנו תוצאות חיים. אם כן אנחנו היות כולנו כאיש א’ ממש תיכון העבודה בלב ומכלל הן כו’. וע”כ נאמר ולעבדו שכם אחד דוקא.וע”כ אהוביי ידידיי נא ונא לטרוח בכל לב ונפש לתקוע אהבת רעהו בלבו. ואיש את רעת רעהו אל תחשבו בלבבכם כתיב ולא תעלה על לב לעולם ואם תעלה יהדפנה מלבו כהנדוף עשן וכמו מחשבת על זה ממש. כי גדולה לה”ר כנגד ע”ז וג”ע וש”ד. ואם בדבור כך כו’ וכבר נודע לכל חכם לב יתרון הכשר המח’ על הדבור הן לטוב והן למוטב. וה’ הטוב המברך את עמו בשלום ישים עליכם שלום וחיים עד העולם כנפש או”נ מלו”נ:
sechel83Participantoh now i understand cs is a women thats how this thread got into gemarah.
well actually i have to say she learns gemarah much better than you guys. (and she has a heter to be on this site even writng dvarim bitalim unlike men who have a isur ro talk and write dvarim bitalim – see shulchan aruch masa umatan and hilchos t”t)
@arso When faced with the Ramban who wrote that we reject yoshke because he died, – the ramban never wrote that. as discussed elsewhere. yoshke was killed for convincing yidden to serve a”z. he was a rahsa, there was never a thought that he is moshiach, the ramban is reffering to a differnt point and was talking to christians, go learn the sugya.
could be rashi dosent hold moshiach can be from the dead – according to the way some learn but the aberbenel learns he can, and (i think) learns rashi that way too. see sefer shmoi shel moshiach, its a website too.
you cant call someone is wrong for following one pshat over an other. just like i dont call the chassidim wrong and a mumar for following r”t shkia and tzais and they dont call us mumarim to be michalel shabbossechel83Participant@yankel berel im not arguing who was a bigger gadal and said bigger chidushim in niglah. i was just saying that in my opinion and many others including many (not all) other gedolim – the rebbe was the greatest talmid chacham since after the war. i go by what it says in tanya perek 2 what a rosh bnai yisroel is – a neshama diatzilus, his mission is to strengthen the emunah of yidden as it says in zohar brought in tanya perek 42, maamer viateh titzave 5741 at length.
btw i beleive based on the way the rebbe was midaek in the frierdiker rebbe’s maamarim and they way he was batul to him, that he considered him a even greater talmid chacham even though there is very little printer from him on niglah.
@yankel berel I learnt some of your rebbi’s hidushim , You get an understanding of his approach. thats bologna. there are many diffrent volumes on many different types of torah. its like learning kol ram of reb moshe and saying you get his approach on niglah. or deroshos chasam sofer and saying you get his approach on niglah or learning tanya and saying you get his approach on niglah. i.e. likutai sichos 1-4 is chassidus said very simple made for people outside chabad. 5- 14 are mostlr deep rashi sichos. then another 200 seforim. maamarim i guess you consider drush, and you made up some idea that ain meshivin al hadrush. the alter rebbe – who you agree is a great gadol in niglah – became a chasid of the magid to learn chassidus. after he printed the shulchan aruch in his 20’s he devoted most of his whole life to learn, teach, and spread chassidussechel83Participanta point about shiduchim: no one is perfect and no one should expect someone to be perfect. peopel who think they will mary the perfect girl or boy, will be very angry a month after their wedding. or they will never get married. when i make a shiduch call i want to hear about this person how people look at him in general and also more detailed, but i dont need to hear that once in a while he’s nasty to someone, or wakes up late etc. many older buchurim without structure may not be at their best, when the person called feels it his duty to say all his issues, even serious ones, thats for the boy and girl to discuss after they met. i dont think that is litoeles. also some times this causes the boy or girl to hide more, because of the knowledge that if people know certain things about me, they will turn me down, so he dosent tell anyone, doesn’t get help, dosent tell the girl hes dating. if people mind their own business and stop judging people, he will be ablt to talk about it, not feel isolated, and get the help he needs and live a normal life.
sechel83Participant“They wrote on areas where there is clear responsibility , areas where you cannot say hidushim which merely SOUND nice .
In those areas you can be confronted with clear proofs against you , which you will have to answer to , which will hold you to account .
This is the stuff real Gdolei Yisrael are made of”amazing idea, i would say the oppisite. the rebbe’s way of learning was to answer many questions (some times 5 some times 15) with a deeper explanation of the sugya, that prooves the truth to the answer whereas when you have one question and one answer you can always ask another question. the rebbes derech was also to explain the lishitasahu of taanayim, amoraim, rishonim, and show how thru shas they follow that way of looking at the sugyos. (see Otsar Likkutei Sichos – Leshitasayhu)
seems like you really learned alot of sichos of the rebbe?
sechel83Participant@seforim of the rebbe: yesterday you thought the rebbe wrote only 1 sefer, after just being told the rebbe has 223, somehow you managed to read all them and decide its mostly drush?! genius!
there is alot of drush, the rebbe has over 1000 explanations on rambam (collected in rambam pardes hamelech) many on halacha – collected in shulchan menachem – i think 8 volumes. many on shas – collected in chidushim al hashas, chidushim ubiurim rabosainu nisienu on diferent mesechtos. and much more, do your reseach.
and what are you trying to say by Ein Meshivin Al HaDrush?
yankel berel: btw i learned the entire shulchan aruch harav, and many parts of other seforim you mentioned, how much of the rebbe’s seforim did you learn? ok youre point? so after the ketzos, there is no more gedolim youre trying to say?
@ arso so he said most of it (by farbrengens spoke for 4-12 hours without any seforim or notes, not getting up to use the bathroom btw (most on recording, many on video) and chassidim wrote it up, whats the difference?
(i’m sorry for what i wrote, it was too harsh, the source is a old nigun of chassidim not chabad, today b”h things changed with the spread of chassidus and musar)sechel83ParticipantThis was not even postable. If someone taught you that, than shame on you both.
sechel83Participantseforim of the rebbe:
: Torat Menachem transcripts of talks in Hebrew, 1950–1975. (80 volumes)
: Torat Menachem Hitvaduyot – transcripts of talks in Hebrew, 1982–1992 (63 volumes)
: Reshimot – Schneerson’s personal journal discovered after his death. Includes notes for his public talks before 1950, letters to Jewish scholars, notes on the Tanya, and thoughts on a wide range of Jewish subjects penned between 1928 and 1950 (10 volumes)
: Likkutei Sichot – Schneerson’s discourses on the weekly Torah portions, Jewish Holidays, and other issues (40 volumes) – these are not included in torat menachem
: Igrot Kodesh – Schneerson’s Hebrew and Yiddish letters (33 volumes)
Haggadah Im Likkutei Ta’amim U’minhagim – The Haggadah with a commentary written by Schneerson
total 223 seforim. non of the above are adaptions, they are either he wrote himself – reshimos, igrot kodesh, heggadah, or others wrote down what he said by farbrengens – toras menachem, likutai sichos he said and after others wrote it up, he edited. same with maamarim melukat – 6 volumes – but its included in toras menachem
there are more seforim but they are adaptions i.e. Heichal Menachem – Shaarei – talks arranged by topic and holiday (34 volumes)
or sichos kodesh is the same as toras menachem just in yiddish (50 vol)im not saying whoever gave more shiurim is a bigger gadol but 1) whatever other gedolim did, the rebbe did (in many areas much more) like 1000s of hours of teaching torah by farbrengens – 223 volumes!!.
kiruv everyone knows no one can compare to the rebbe.
today many many jews outside chabad learn the rebbes torah either directly or thrue rabbi yy jacobson, rabbi shais taub and many more. no other gadol’s techings are studied by som many jews (that lived after the war, obviously going back hundreds of yrs, there is gemarah rishonim, and gedolai achronim, sh”usechel83Participantarso “And I have a question. If the Lubavicher rebbe was atzmus melubash beguf, and thus all-powerful, why wasn’t he able to avoid having a stroke, and avoid dying?”
great question so instead of the possibility of whoever told you that chabad said this misquoted something, you ask chabad why…?
see igeres hakodesh (in tanya) chapter 25. also likutai amarim perek 2In reply to sechel’s question as to who can be considered a gadol if the Lubavicher rebbe isn’t, coffee addict replied: Rav Shach.
rav shach was a gadol i agree he gave many shiurim and has around 10-15 seforim printed of his torah on talmud bavli and specificly the yeshiva mesechtos. the rebbe has about 200 sefrim on bavli yerushalmi, kabalah zohar and everything else so thats my point, if the rebbe isint than who is
btw how many people can tell you a torah of rav shach?sechel83Participant@ yankel berel so you heard from your close relative something that makes no sence (i dont want to repeat such apikorsos)edited–ironic but motzei shem rah
this rabbi wrote up his personal encounter.
you can choose which one to believe.Rabbah declared: “I, for example, am a beinoni.” Said Abbaye to him, “Master, you make it impossible for any creature to live….”
Abbaye argued thus: “If you are a beinoni, then all those on a lower level than you fall into the category of the wicked, concerning whom our Sages say:9 ‘The wicked, even while alive, are considered dead.’ By calling yourself a beinoni, you thus make it impossible for anyone to live.”if the rebbe wasn’t a gadal, who was?
sechel83ParticipantWhy Our Sanctuaries Remain Pure
The conclusion of the tractate of Chagigah and the entire Order of Mo’ed (Festivals) records a difference of opinion between Rabbi Eliezer and the Sages as to why the Golden Altar and the Copper Altar of the Sanctuary1 were not susceptible to ritual impurity.
Rabbi Eliezer explains that the altars are considered as earth.2 Just as earth cannot contract ritual impurity, so too, these altars. Our Sages, by contrast, state that the reason is that the gold or copper coverings were merely an overlay. As such, they were subordinate to (and considered an extension of) the altars’ inner material, which was not susceptible to ritual impurity.3
The Torah, which was given by an infinite G‑d, is itself infinite. Its lessons are equally relevant at all times and in all places. It has the same strength now, in the darkness of exile, as when it was given to Moshe on Mount Sinai.
One hallmark of the Torah’s infinity is that every concept in it has endless interpretations. In general, these are divided into four categories: pshat the simple meaning, remez an extended meaning or allusion, derush a homily, and sod the underlying mystic concept.4
An allusion derived from the teaching mentioned above provides us with lessons relevant to our daily lives, for in his own place, every person serves as a “sanctuary in microcosm” in which the Divine Presence rests.
There were several sacred articles in the Sanctuary and the Beis HaMikdash. Similarly, within our individual “sanctuaries” there are “sacred articles”: our intellect, our feelings, and the like. In these matters, there is the possibility for “ritual impurity;” selfish intent, secular influence, or an unholy thought may creep in. There is even the possibility of sin, doing the opposite of G‑d’s will, and acting in conflict with the directives of the Torah and its mitzvos.
Continuing the analogy, sin makes a person’s “sacred articles” his thoughts or feelings impure. It thus becomes necessary to devise a means whereby that “sacred article” can be returned to G‑d’s sanctuary. For G‑d’s sanctuary every Jewish man, woman, and child must be pure.
With regard to material matters, and similarly with regard to spiritual potential, mankind is divided into the rich and the poor. Gold serves as an analogy for the rich,5 while the poor are associated with copper.6
The core of every Jew’s Jewishness, the pintele Yid, remains intact, regardless of the inner or outer dimensions of his personality. And this aspect of his being has one desire: to fulfill G‑d’s will. As my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, would say:7 “No Jew desires to nor can he sever his bond with G‑d.”
Accordingly, every Jew can be considered an altar for G‑d. For what is an altar? A place where one slaughters one’s yetzer hora and brings a sacrifice for G‑d.
This concept is relevant to all Jews: both the rich (who can be compared to the Golden Altar), and the poor (who are likened to the Copper Altar). The true desire of every one is to slaughter the yetzer hora and fulfill G‑d’s will.
As mentioned, the altars are not susceptible to ritual impurity. The two rationales given can also be interpreted in the context of our Divine service. The first rationale holds that the altars are considered like the earth. This refers to the quality of humility, as we say in our prayers:8 “May my soul be as dust to all.” Just as everyone treads on the earth, so too a humble person has no self-concern, and no desire other than to fulfill G‑d’s will as expressed in the Torah and its mitzvos.
This is the rationale taught by Rabbi Eliezer ben Horkenus. Rabbi Eliezer was referred to as “Rabbi Eliezer the Great,” and was considered “equivalent to all the other Sages of Israel.”9 Nevertheless, he remained so humble that he “never mentioned a teaching that [he] had not heard from [his] teachers.”10
This approach enabled him to see the inner dimension of every Jew’s character, appreciating the level of which it is said:11 “Israel, the Torah, and the Holy One, blessed be He, are all one,” i.e., a Jew’s entire life consists of the observance of Torah and mitzvos. Rabbi Eliezer taught his students that intellect and bittul (self-transcendence) are not opposites, and indeed complement each other, as reflected in his own Divine service: “never mention[ing] a teaching that [he] had not heard from [his] teachers.”
The Sages offer a second rationale, for they feel that Rabbi Eliezer’s approach is too difficult for the general public. They instead thought about a Jew’s external dimension. For it may happen that a person will stumble within his path of Divine service. This is particularly true with regard to a Jew who can be compared to a Golden Altar. Since he is involved with matters concerning gold, he may be distracted, and for a brief time may ignore the fulfillment of G‑d’s will. Similarly, a Jew who can be compared to a Copper Altar may be confronted by financial straits that cause him to violate G‑d’s will. Nevertheless, our Sages maintain that these occasional transgressions cause neither the rich Jew nor the poor Jew to become impure.
The reasoning is that both the gold and the copper are superficial coverings. The inner dimension of every Jew remains immune to impurity. Moreover, this inner dimension is so powerful that the external dimension becomes subordinate to it. In other words: every person will ultimately turn to G‑d in teshuvah and appreciate the Truth. He will grasp that a Jew’s life is solely G‑dliness, and that this G‑dliness can be tapped only through the study of the Torah, and observance of the mitzvos.
Moreover, such conduct is the medium which enables us to receive the blessings which G‑d promises, as it is written:12 “And if you walk in My statutes and observe My commandments… the land will provide its yield, and the trees of the field will give their fruit.”
In contrast, the Altars are associated with the middle vector (see also Likkutei Torah, Bamidbar, p. 51a and 60a), and the middle vector “ascends to the inner dimensions of Kesser. ”
This also relates to the Ark, located in the Holy of Holies, which contained the Tablets of the Ten Commandments. The ark was entombed because it is not possible that gentiles would attain power over it.
Nevertheless, a reason must be given why the altars cannot contract impurity. For although they are represented by the middle vector, they are represented by attributes which are limited in nature.
The reason given by Rabbi Eliezer is that they are considered like earth, i.e., they reflect the utter selflessness that characterizes the quality of Kesser (Hosafos l’Torah Or, the beginning of Megillas Esther). There is indeed an explicit verse which identifies the external altar with earth, as it is written: “You shall make an altar of earth for Me.” This is stated explicitly only with regard to the external altar, the level of Malchus, because “the end is rooted at the beginning, and the beginning at the end (Sefer Yetzirah 1:7).” Therefore, in the destruction of the vessels of the World of Tohu, “the earth (alone) became nullified.”
With regard to the altars themselves, the inner altar is identified with Tiferes d’Zaer Anpin, and is thus considered “rich” when compared to the external altar identified with Malchus, of which it is said (Zohar I, 33b): “It has nothing of its own.”
The reason that the altars did not require tevilah (טבילה), which is identified [Siddur Im Dach, p. 159d] with bittul (הביטול), is because they themselves are expressions of bittul. Two reasons are given for this: they are considered like earth, and their surface is subordinate to their inner substance.
Rabbi Eliezer refers to the essence of G‑d, as reflected by the association (Bamidbar Rabbah 19:7) of his name with the verse (Shmos 18:4): אלה-י אבי בעזרי “The G‑d of my father provided assistance for me.” He is called “the Great,” and it is said (Megillah 31a): “In the place of His greatness, there you find His humility.” While looking at the external dimensions of existence, he was able to perceive the inner dimension. Thus the fact that the external substance of the altar was subservient to its inner substance was not significant for him, so he gave another rationale. For according to his conception, the external substance was always batel, for “There is nothing, [but Him] (Devarim 4:39, see the explanation in Tanya, Shaar HaYichud, ch. 6).”
The Sages differ, and the halachah follows their opinion, for “[Torah law] is not in the heavens (cf. Devarim 30:12),” but rather is determined according to the principles which prevail within the spiritual cosmos (Seder HaHishtalshelus). On this level, the external surface of the altar could be susceptible to ritual impurity, except that since it is batel to its inner substance, it is not. This is not the place for further elaboration concerning this matter.
“And if you walk in My statutes and observe My commandments… the land will provide its yield, and the trees of the field will give their fruit.”
https://www.chabad .org/therebbe/article_cdo/aid/70531/jewish/Likkutei-Sichot-Tetzaveh.htm
1 The connection of this concept to the weekly portion is reflected in the fact that the conclusion of Parshas Tetzaveh speaks about the Golden Altar, while the conclusion of the previous Torah reading, Parshas Terumah, speaks about the Copper Altar. The sichah to follow is adapted from a letter from the Rebbe to a Society [for the Study] of Mishnayos whose members had concluded their study of the Order of Mo’ed. [The final mishnah of that Order deals with these subjects.] In the letter, the Rebbe emphasizes the spiritual contrasts between these two altars.
2 It is written (Shmos 20:21): “You shall make an altar of earth for Me.” On this basis, Rabbi Eliezer establishes a comparison between the altar and earth. And on the basis of another verse (Bamidbar 3:31), an equivalence is established between both altars (Chagigah 27a).
3 For the inner substance of the altars was wood, and an oversized wooden vessel is not susceptible to ritual impurity (Rashi, Chagigah, ibid.).
4 See Shaar HaGilgulim, preface 17.
5 See Bava Basra 25b, which cites Iyov 37:22 “Gold will be brought from the north,” and which says that a person who wants to become rich should face north (the direction of the Golden Table) when he prays.
6 See the interpretation of the Mishnah (Bava Metzia 4:1).
7 Igros Kodesh of the Rebbe Rayatz, Vol. IV, p. 547; HaYom Yom entry 21 Sivan, 25 Tammuz.
8 The passage E-lohai Netzor, recited at the conclusion of the Shemoneh Esreh, Siddur Tehillat HaShem, p. 61.
9 Avos 2:9.
10 Sukkah 27b, 28a.
11 See Zohar, Vol. III, p. 73a.
12 Vayikra 26:3-4.
To briefly explain the above on a deeper level: As stated in the Tzemach Tzedek’s, Sefer HaMitzvos, Mitzvas Binyan HaMikdash, ch. 2, there were four sacred articles of fundamental importance in the Beis HaMikdash : the Menorah, the Golden Table, and the two Altars. These articles correspond to the attributes Chesed, Gevurah, Tiferes, and Malchus. The Menorah and the Golden Table, corresponding to Chesed and Gevurah, were susceptible to ritual impurity, as stated in the first clause of the mishnah.- This reply was modified 1 year ago by YW Moderator-29 👨💻.
- This reply was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by YW Moderator-29 👨💻.
sechel83Participant@yankel moshe and damoshe: i posted the storah on this thread if you can read hebrew. yes rav shach sent a talmid who had a question in kabala to the rebbe. the letter and the name of the talmid is there.
you know r’ shach was againsts shaving, he said buchurim and kolel yungerleit should be learning at least 2 blatt a week instead of hacking in lomdus. many things, why do people focus of one argument?sechel83Participantfinally another topic, good point differnent opinions if women can learn gemarah. so too there are differnt opinions if moshiach can be from the dead. and differnt opinions if you can shave your beard and if you need to sleep in the suckah if its too big of a shlep to bring your bed there. and if one can be yotze shalosh seudos with fruits or you need to wash. or if you can eat before davening. all have diffeerent opinions, for some reason some call others kofrim if they hold like the other opinion?!
sechel83Participantתגלית מרעישה: בז’ תמוז תשמ”ב כתב כ”ק מרן האדמו”ר מליובאוויטש זי”ע מכתב ארוך ומקיף ב’פרי עץ חיים’ והגרסאות השונות, המפתיע שהמכתב של הרבי מליובאוויטש נכתב להרב מרדכי יצחק צוקר מלייקוואוד תלמיד ישיבת פוניבז’ ותלמיד מובהק להגרא”מ שך – הרב צוקר הוא נכדו של הגאון האדיר החסיד הרב מרדכי רוטנברג זצ”ל הי”ד שהיה רבה של אנטוורפן למעלה משלושים שנה עד פרוץ השואה וערך את הספר על סבו שנקרא ‘יד מרדכי’.
מדוע פנה הרב צוקר תלמיד פוניבז’ לרבי מליובאוויטש? מדובר היה בשאלה סבוכה בעץ חיים שעלה לו מתוך ספרו של סבו יד מרדכי. מאחורי המכתב כך מתברר טמון תגלית מרעישה ומדהימה כאחת שהשבוע קבלנו את הסיפור המלא לאחר תחקיר מקיף מאלו שהיו בסוד העניינים בספר יד מרדכי.
ובכן הסיפור שהיה לפני 38 שנים, הרב מרדכי יצחק צוקר ערך את ספרו של סבו הרב רוטנברג זצ”ל. בשעת העריכה התגלה בתשובה המודפסת בסימן נ”ב בספר יד מרדכי, קושיא גדולה אודות דברים שהביא הרב רוטנברג מר’ חיים ויטאל אודות עניין הנסירה מהאריז”ל.
העורך כתלמיד ישיבת פוניבז’ החליט לעלות את השאלה בפני ראש ישיבת פוניבז’ הגרא”מ שך. הרב שך אמר לרב צוקר: “וואס פרעגט איר ביי מיר, איך טו ניט אין די זאכן, דאס פרעגט מען ביי ליובאוויטש ער” [=מה אתה שואל אותי בדברים הללו שאין לי הבנה בזה? מי שיכול לענות לך על זה הוא האדמו”ר מליובאוויטש, תפנה אליו]
הרב מרדכי יצחק צוקר לא התמהמה ולמרות השיוך הליטאי החליט לכתוב מכתב לכ”ק מרן הגה”ק האדמו”ר מליובאוויטש והעלה את הקושיה מתוך הספר. להפתעת הרב צוקר הוא קיבל מכתב עמוק עם היקף מדהים על כל העניין מכל הזויות האמורות. דבר חסר תקדים שהאדמו”ר מליובאוויטש בשנים אלו יתייחס בפרוטרוט לשאלה מסוג זה. במכתב כותב להם האדמו”ר מליובאוויטש שמדובר בטעות סופר וממליץ להם להוסיף בדברים העץ חיים את תיבת עילאין שנשמט. בהמשך מאריך האדמו”ר מליובאוויטש לדון בגוף העניין של העץ חיים בביאור עמוק בקבלה.
ואכן בעקבות התשובה הנדירה של הרבי מליובאוויטש העירו העורכים בספר יד מרדכי לפי הגהת הדפוס שהאדמו”ר מליובאוויטש ציין להם במכתב.
ואכן הספר יד מרדכי יצא לאור בשנת תשמ”ג חודשים ספורים לאחר קבלת מכתבו של האדמו”ר מליובאוויטש לעורך הספר הרב מרדכי יצחק צוקר, ובעמוד קי”ט כתבו עורכי הספר “כפי הנראה יש כאן טעות המעתיק והגהנו לפי מה שנדפס בכמה דפוסי העץ חיים וכן נראה גם מהמשך התשובה”
אנו מפרסמים לראשונה בפרסום ראשון את המכתב שקבלו עורכי הספר יד מרדכי מהאדמו”ר מליובאוויטש וכן צילום של הספר יד מרדכי עם העמוד בו שונתה הגירסא לאור המכתב של מרן האדמו”ר מליובאוויטש
from https://archive. .il/breakingnews/1416853/sechel83Participant@arso i forgot to mention, how many sichos did you learn? how many maamarim? of the rebbe
sechel83Participant@arso “sechel, I have never made any claim that could even be interpreted to mean such a thing. I claim to know nothing more than any gadol, just I don’t believe that your rebbe was a gadol.” exactly my point, you know better than everyone! (yes every other gadol considered the rebbe either THE GADOL or a gadal (even r shach according to an article written by the yeshiva world (i think) interviewing his son and a story of r shah’s talmid asked him a question in kabala, and he sent him to the rebbe, its interesting how some of his “followers” only know of him of being against chabad nothing else, they dont care about torah, middos tovos etc. im sure he’s “very proud” of you/them. and even if this is not true, he’s one vs everyone)
the focus of chassidim on davening is to internalize achdus hashem, to look at the world the way chassidus looks at it, the main focus is not the bakashos. thats the difference between a chassidishe davening and litvish. see at length.sechel83Participanti think arso and da moshe should become a rebbe. they seem to claim to know more than the baal shem tov, and every other gadol
sechel83Participantthe arizal writes the main avoda now adays is davening . we see what happens to people who learn and dont daven properly.
sechel83Participanti think instead of finding issues with chassidus, you guys should start learning it. i guarantee you the gra would rather you learn tanya then spend time on yw coffee room, especially writing ridiculous comments.
the baal shem tov being a talmid chacham is almost like the people who say the rebbe wasn’t and dont bother opening any of his 200+ seforim or listening to any of his thousends of hours of sichos speaking for hours straight with no notes etc.
(i say almost cuz there are not many seforim and recordings of the baal shem tov, but even open keser shem tov, its beyond any sefer printed the last 50 yrs.)sechel83Participantno reason to answer all the stupid ideas of comparing chassidus to Christianity. over and over again.
“The last Lubavicher rebbe totally changed the direction of Lubavich and led his enthralled followers on a path to ruchnius self-destruction.” anyone who says such a statement never learned tanya! learn thru tanya then tell me which part the rebbe changed. -