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  • in reply to: (Girls only discussion) Re: Boys #961463


    in reply to: (Girls only discussion) Re: Boys #961460

    OOM- okay, how do i annoy you just a bit? 😀

    in reply to: Women Shtieging on Shavuos #951678

    i can’t. takes me much longer than that

    in reply to: (Girls only discussion) Re: Boys #961457

    OOM- LOL!!! chocolate??? I’d NEVER throw away my chocolate! i throw soda bottle caps, pencils, paper wads, erasers and that sort when people annoy me, and then when they “heyyyyy”, i stick out my tongue and tell them they deserved it! 😀 So next to me, you’re the sweetest!

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069918


    smile? thats the laffy taffy answer 🙂


    in reply to: Kosher phones and seminary #951237

    vogue-my apologies, i mixed up urs and nanny’s posts. Ignore my last post

    in reply to: Women Shtieging on Shavuos #951671

    wiy- curious how long it takes you to say the whole tehillim

    in reply to: Women wearing pants #952648

    seriously, this thread is getting dangerous

    in reply to: (Girls only discussion) Re: Boys #961453

    gamanit- sure there is! It’s a way to express displeasure or annoyance :). <tosses a handful of pens, erasers, and paper wads WIY’s way>

    in reply to: Kosher phones and seminary #951230

    wait, so now you’re saying you DO want texting/internet, cuz the change will be hard? I dont think ppl are going to tell you it’s okay to go against sem policy. If i’m misunderstanding and you dont want text/internet, then whats the difference to get a kosher phone as opposed to a simple phone with a talk-only plan?

    in reply to: Kosher phones and seminary #951226


    in reply to: Kosher phones and seminary #951222

    i think the kosher phones arent able to get texting/internet, whereas a regular phone, you’d technically have the ability to put them on in sem

    in reply to: Are you still counting #950644

    WIY- i’d hope you didn’t


    in reply to: Emoticons #950420

    :-/ =meh????? In my circles, its worrying, or i’m sorry to hear, or a not-quite 🙁

    in reply to: Emoticons #950415

    i’ve had it defined as that, as a grumble, as anger, as worry, etc etc. I just avoid it unless i wanna confuse s/o or be vague 🙂

    in reply to: Emoticons #950411


    yes, the basic ones at least

    only this one :-S. I’m still not so sure what it means. Or else lotsa ppl i chat with use it differently.

    in reply to: May the Fourth #951278

    and here i sit, knotting friendship-style bracelets for night activity. Humdeedum!

    in reply to: May the Fourth #951272

    oom- sometimes you make me feel so clueless!!(wailing)

    but then google pats me on the hand and tells me it’s okay, we know you and star wars never met

    in reply to: Friends Figuring Out Your Identity #955832

    m(o.o)m <-me peeking over the fence

    in reply to: May the Fourth #951268


    in reply to: Black knitted kippa? #951040

    dullradiance- if you’re gonna ‘knit’pick :), knitting uses 2 needles but either crochet or knitting can use both fine or thick yarn. So yeah, most kippot are crochet, cuz its easy to crochet round, but they can be knit too

    i’ve seen a number of men wearing the black knitted ones. It does seem to be between typical kippa sruga and velvet.

    in reply to: Friends Figuring Out Your Identity #955824

    syag- after you! 😀

    in reply to: What did you think was cool… #1002616

    yay!! Someone agrees with me!

    in reply to: What did you think was cool… #1002613


    in reply to: What did you think was cool… #1002611

    torah613- back in elementary, i thought they were so cool. They were big kids, but still kids, but teaching which was a big person job. But they were the nicer, funner teachers. And they wld laugh! And play ball with us. They were in my mind these luckiest people with the best kinda job (aka not office, but social), and they were cool in my 10-12 year old mind. Who said i was a logical preteen? 🙂

    in reply to: What did you think was cool… #1002609

    people who could jump down more than 3 steps at once.

    Single teachers

    yoyo tricks

    balloon animals

    an electronic stapler i won in a contest

    people playing piano well

    8th graders 🙂

    those sharpeners that were screwed to the desk in school, with the handle to crank

    the Olympics

    polaroid instant cameras (i still think theyre cool actually!)

    in reply to: Friends Figuring Out Your Identity #955795

    when i was still new, 2 of my friends figured me out, though one was my fault for raving about the poetry thread to her. I was quite unhappy, as i was using the cr as an anonymous place to vent and share without ppl learning more than i wanted them to know abt it. It was also uncomfortable to speak to them right after, esp if they’d mention s/t i’d written but not told them.

    Now 3 more friends know who i am, but i don’t mind it. I do thhink i gave myself away to someone last week, and i’m not so comfortable or happy with them reading some of my older posts. The anonymity was what brought me here and made the cr a good and safe outlet for my emotions.

    in reply to: I can relate #948544

    nechomah- yoish 🙂

    texting the wrong person is a huge fear of mine since i texted a long personal rant to the wrong persoon. Eeek

    in reply to: Very interesting video about meaning and motivation #947837

    WIY- well, i finally watched it. and i did enjoy it, thanks for sharing. He explained it well and its an important lesson for employers, parents, and even siblings or friends. Useful not just in business, but in any relationship

    in reply to: Your Report Card Comments #1030927

    haifagirl- did you ever edit your report cards? 🙂

    in reply to: Weird, but I don't know if this has any halachic implication #1146927

    i know some people who actually only use chalav yisrael milk, but cholov stam butter and cheese. I never exactly understood it. The butter heter i heard. Is cheese the same?

    Also, the cows in america are usually injected to increase milk production. Maybe thats what you’re sensitive too. I think i’ve heard of that happening before. In ice cream, perhaps the other ingredients or processing make it bother you less.

    in reply to: I can relate #948531

    when you do the laundry and totally forget you put a load in the wash and it’s just sitting there wet, waiting to get put in the dryer. Yep, i did that yesterday. And i hope i’m not the only one who has!

    in reply to: Random Question of the Day #947588

    syag- i wasnt joking! My father told me that once but we checked the rates and it wasn’t anywhere close to the price diifference on the books. And right now, it’s almost at par i see. Cool

    in reply to: Random Question of the Day #947586

    ha, i’ve noticed that and wondered about it too!

    in reply to: Weird, but I don't know if this has any halachic implication #1146897

    vogue- to answer your q, no you don’t have to now only use chalava yisroel everything

    in reply to: Weird, but I don't know if this has any halachic implication #1146885

    halachic implications to what? To drinking only chalav yisroel milk?

    in reply to: Bread Theory of the Shidduch Crisis #1142300

    but anyhow, i liked your mashal 🙂

    in reply to: Bread Theory of the Shidduch Crisis #1142296

    ”all girls from all seminaries enter shidduchim at 18/19 the latest.”

    not true. Yes a larger subset than the amount of boys doing the freezer, but not close to all.

    in reply to: No more college? #947223

    t613- i’m sorry you feel that way about me. i opened this thread because i haven’t made up my mind, and i can argue it both ways. I am very much appreciating and thinking about the posts here, and am not making any decisions alone or spontaneously. Thank you for your previous posts.

    in reply to: Would you eat salmon tonight that was cooked last Thursday? #947314

    your nose is above your mouth for a reason! smell it.

    in reply to: No more college? #947220

    t613- of struggles? Ehm no

    squeak- that sound about right. Silly though. And yeah, i def understand about gov’t or job with that specific BA requirement. That part makes sense at least!

    in reply to: Trespassing #946761

    you should do nothing. If your mother wants to do something though, its her property

    in reply to: No more college? #947208

    rationalfrummie- i hear that, and it’s part of my uncertainty. But in yiddishkeit, the end doesn’t really justify the means.

    Squeak- hmm. Not that you’ll have THE answer, but why on earth do employers want a BA that was gotten as an end goal?? Whats the point of it? So now everyone needs a BA to do anything, and it just loses its worth. that concept of just a BA for a job in a different field just seems irrational to me. And for that, i’m sure most people would do those online programs you finish in a year, but that’s not really the equivalent of anything… Yeah i know that didnt come out in a logical sentence.

    Syag- awwww come on. How about a summary in point form?

    T613- yes there is i guess :). The fact that i never wanted to go to college and was against it hashkafically. But my parents ‘made’ me go, and i did. And i spoke to a psych/rav then who unintentionally gave me the mindset to make the most of it, try to succeed and feel good about it while not trying too much. And i didnt have to work too hard to get the As, so it all worked well. Then i saw myself being affected and it made it into a struggle to go to school, and gave the whole thing an acrid taste, but i pushed myself. And eventually i was pushed over the edge? The difficulty jumped a lot this year and the work got overwhelming. That stress and timedrain affected my ruchniyus too i’m sure. I failed a course this semester. I wanted more than ever before (which was always a lot) to get out of college. Got over the past year too many comments from old friends about how i disappeared and only ever saw or spoke to friends at weddings, with the exception of a handful who i had a bit more contact with. My regular shiur i went to conflicted with a neccesary class, so that one weekly outing was out of my schedule. Seeing my ruchni losses killed me. I’ve changed. Etc etc etc?

    Oh, and in the field i’m aiming for, marks do count. Above anything else.

    in reply to: No more college? #947194

    frumnotyeshivish- something like that. the q is if i stop college to find myself, or keep going.

    zahavasdad- right, i hear that. re handling stress- we all need to learn to handle stress better, dont we? and i’ve dealt with plenty of stress in my life. college doesn’t seem to let up or give recovery though. also, its a different kind of stress…

    squeak- even if it’s a degree in tennis and i’m applying to a dental office job?

    Torah613Torah- thanks. it IS hard. this past while, my marks are plummeting, including a fail (:( I was an A student!!) so that loses money too… I am already this term being satisfied with my Cs even. but the fail i got… yeah. And yeah, while i’m accepting my Cs, i really need the As for grad school. if i hadnt planned on grad school at the beginning, i dont think i ever would have started college at all. but anyhow.

    i will NOT do summer classes because i NEED the break. it’s not even a choice if i want to be mentally healthy. ruchniyus pursuits, but don’t immunize. On your thread about brainwashing? yeah that stuff. and the words i hear, things i see- i’ve lost my sensitivity to too much of it. thanks for the advice.

    pba- thank you for saying it. i sometimes wonder if its just me, and people are right when they tell me i’m not doing hishtadlus by believing it deeply.

    wiy- no hard feelings here! but i still wont say :), sorry

    gamanit- i actually think in the secular world, only the brains or people with specific goals consider college a must. a lot just do certificate programs etc. I am a hard worker, and have quite a bit of office work experience at least. in fact, my biggest work complaints has always been sitting around doing nothing, because i work too quickly for what they expect. I hate wasting time when i’m being paid to work.

    swiet- um. no. if you were even serious. which i hope you weren’t. i’ll stick to honestly thanks. for that deal, i could just pay to get my hw and papers written for me

    morahRach- fyi, i’m probably close to your age. not a steerable teen :), just looking to hear. but thanks for your concern and for your advice and the details you provide.

    in reply to: No more college? #947162

    thanks all. i think i’m just hoping hashing this out and hearing people will show me where i’m really leaning. it’s really helpful to have a wide forum.

    charliehall- so your answer to any struggle is gird your loins and deal with it? i know what hard work is. and i’ve been in college for 3 years. And i’ve been in the non-frum environment in other circumstances, like for work. Schooling doesn’t compare

    commonsense- it’s actually encouraging to hear people have done that successfully! Perhaps a break would give me perspective too…

    DY- i don’t know (or remember) if you frequented the poetry thread, but the pressure is intense. if I do stay, it will still need adjustment, and probably a much lighter load (=more time), cuz i will crack.

    As far as other credits, they will accept some, but the majority of the credits I need are in my major, so not really available elsewhere that they’d accept.

    -and sw33t- I do attend shiurim when i can find time (and evenwhen i can’t. one on one is not my thing. I have discussed this thoroughly with mentors, but will again. the lack of time was again an issue for any regular chesed opportunities.

    wiy- I’m a sensitive soul. Doesn’t mean others would be affected like i was. I know some girls who did it at this school, and were totally fine with it, and others who advised me on which classes to not take. and still won’t say where-yes it will help identify me.

    talmud- thanks for the backing!

    mercury- you’ve got my arguments. My father disagrees. My sister also has a degree and chose to be a stay at home mother. But to play devil’s advocate, if the need came, she’d have a better chance at a higher paying job.

    Good for you with your schooling! and i hope you find a job very soon, and get rid of those loans quick.

    your points are really good and helpful, thank you. You’re right, i can always go back at a later point, even though it might be harder practically then. And focus, it’s so so true. how long would i be content doing small office jobs, and what will i hope to do short term and long term if i quit.

    DY- it’s the debate about the usefulness of a BA. Is there any benefit?? Originally i planned on going straight through to my masters, so I could actually have something to do with my schooling, full education, ability and training in the profession i chose, or a better chance at a related field. but that brings schooling back up to 3+ more years to go.

    Can anyone tell me? What does a BA alone do for me? besides being able to write it on a resume.

    in reply to: No more college? #947153

    wiy- i do, sorry

    talmud- i regretted ignoring my mentors’ advice and listening to someone else and going to college 🙂

    DY- 1.5 years to BA

    MorahRach- i actually also think it’s overrated in some ways :). but not in the sense you’re saying. Overrated for those who get a BA and think that will help them get better pay when they take an unrelated job. The student loans and tuition alone sometimes can be the killer for people. Many girls take the short courses like graphic design with a BA then are shocked to find the market is flooded and they can’t get a job. Or to discover that a nursery assistant often gets paid more than their office job…

    in reply to: No more college? #947148

    wiy- not touro

    in reply to: No more college? #947147

    talmud-thank you? how do you crack pressure? 🙂

    yserbius- its suffering, and i see i’ve changed negatively already. Is it worse now than it could be with little income- who knows? does that matter? Is it okay for someone to let their ruchniyus suffer now to prevent possible struggles in the future? i doubt it. night courses arent available in my major, part time is doable if i want to be in school for that many more years :P. I’ll take it as a compliment, but i ain’t a guy :), no sedarim for me! But if i was, no, i wouldn’t have been able to learn 4 hours a day every day without interruption.

    in reply to: I can relate #948518

    wiy- when you reflexively pull away, you don’t know if it was because it was hot, cold, or a shock. Only when you retouch it do you realize it was moronic to 🙂

    in reply to: Telling Teenagers They Are Teenagers #946813

    also, to a 2 yr old- you’re such a baby!

    Or to a 5-8 yr old- you’re just a little kid.

    To a teen- you’re acting like a teen

    to a serious person- you’re so serious!

    To a sensitive soul- why are you so sensitive!?

    To a 50+ -‘it was an older lady, yeah like your age’

    etc etc etc

Viewing 50 posts - 401 through 450 (of 1,532 total)