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  • in reply to: Free Jewish Sheet Music #969631

    if you search the cr for sheet music, there’s a bunch of links and posts already shared

    in reply to: Makeup on Shabbos #956352

    golfer- thank you, yes thats a bad error. MODS can you please change that to ”canNOT use cotton balls”? And golfer, i was so inclined to reread my post, but I had to first come on to the CR, which i am not on all day or even every day.

    Haifagirl and notasheep- boruch Hashem you have clear skin and a face you are comfortable with bare. Not everyone is as lucky, and some people have scars, discoloration, mild to severe acne, etc, that makes them feel insecure or just ugly to go out with bare. I’ve known girls who don’t go out shabbos day because of their appearance when they can’t hide it.

    in reply to: Addicted to Mints #955921

    that’s a pretty good addiction. Doesnt turn your teeth or lungs colors, doesnt hurt your body, doesnt leave you lying around dazed, and even gives you good breath! Spread the addiction! Then you’ll have to share them πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Makeup on Shabbos #956323

    you can use eye makeup remover, but you cannot use cotton balls to apply it. Or tissues. Though you can pour it onto your hand, rub it on, then wipe off with tissues.

    in reply to: y does e/o ignore my posts????????? #955854

    shopping- maybe lotsa posters share ur hobby and like annoying you by ignoring your posts! πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Trolls finish first #954726

    it’s so exciting to become an aunt again! But i didn’t get to visit yet. Points to pba for getting them the pacifier. Maybe it’ll cancel out some of the trouble you’ve caused with previous nephews πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Help finding OB/GYN with flexible hours? #954540

    goq- that was a bit of a quick judgement no?

    in reply to: "I'm sorry…" Are you really? #954445

    if you wanted to be paid, why didn’t you say so? DY +1.

    I dont understand why it needs to be made into a big deal, or why he’d need to defend himself or find a desire to smear your name. Perhaps he will right away write you a check, he just didn’t think about it having his son’s discussion on his mind, etc. If you ask for reimbursement and he then denies it or makes excuses, then you can decide how to proceed from there. Til that happens,give him the benefit of the doubt and be dan l’kaf zchus

    in reply to: Happy Birthday to Me! ^_^ #973073

    happy 2nd!!! Here come the terrible twos!

    in reply to: Drugged Perfume Samples? #1021898

    some guy came u to me today, and shoved a clipboard in front of me. He was collecting for children in Africa, but my first thought before i saw the paper was ”perfume sample!”. He was probably confused why i was grinning while glancing at the ad

    in reply to: Imaginary Friends, Teddy Bears, Dolls #1097872

    but pyromania is so much fun! fires and flames and matches and smoke and sparks, heheh so enticing!

    in reply to: CR goes further to the right. #960210

    heheh, sharp one goq

    in reply to: Drugged Perfume Samples? #1021889

    Uh if someone approached me on the street with a paper sprayed with “perfume” to smell-test, I’d run in any case. in fact if any stranger approached me with an offer, esp to test something, outside a mall or costco, i’d run

    in reply to: How Did He Get My Number #999398

    if you do have time, you can have great fun with these scammers. when they called me last week, i feigned distress and he didnt know how to reply and hung up on ME! “Oh no, that’s terrible! Warning messages? Errors? oh oh oh! Oh. Wait. Is that my web cam giving you issues again? oh, its not? oh no, more errors! Which error is it showing you know? whats the problem?? Whats it say??”

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1224170

    mazel tov yossi z on ALL of the above. continued simchos and the big one should come quickly!

    in reply to: Ten things your teenage babysitter wishes you knew #1098612

    aproudbyg- if you’re looking for a dan l’kaf zchus, perhaps they can’t really afford it but when they get stuck and can’t find a babysitter who will take less, then they have to take someone who charges them more as a last resort. But yasher koach on doing that for them

    in reply to: Everything is great, but I'm not sure if there is chemistry! #953731

    boruch Hashem! Mazel tov!!

    in reply to: Ten things your teenage babysitter wishes you knew #1098607

    oh, one more! If you’re late to pick me up for babysitting, let me know, so i don’t have to sit in my coat for 30 minutes before you call to say you’ll be another 15 minutes. And a halacha pointer, if you cancel on the babysitter last minute, you might have to still pay something.

    Thanks parents and babysitters present and past and all others for dropping in with your pointers, tips and advice. This thread is useful for all! And this is the kinda thread that makes the CR a good thing, not just another ‘chat room’. Keep up the good stuff!

    in reply to: Why do they teach girls to sound like Harrys? #1144960

    depends what school the girl went to. And because baalei kriyah sound like harrys when they want to lein properly

    in reply to: Ten things your teenage babysitter wishes you knew #1098584

    goq- yep, you’re wrong πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Ten things your teenage babysitter wishes you knew #1098582

    i really hope some of these were jokes.

    I haven’t babysat for some years now, but some of those horror stories i had or heard stick with me.

    -If its a long babysitting job, offer/put out something to snack on.

    -it’s been posted, but needs repeating. Aim to come home when you say you will be! 15 minutes is a normal delay, more than that, let us know. If you decide to enjoy your night another hour, first call and ask if we can babysit that much longer! If not, call someone else to take over.

    -if you have a tenant, let us know! I totally panicked once when a man suddenly came to the back door right by the window i was sitting by. I actually made my father come over and confront the man.

    -if someone is going to be coming and knocking, and we’re supposed to let them in, please let us know?? The visiting grandparent, the cleaning lady, the delivery… My nerves have been needlessly strained many times

    -if you dont have any books at all for us, let us know to bring our own form of entertainment. At one job, i read alllll the baby books. Twice.

    -looks like this isn’t true for all from the posts here, but at least some of us will NOT go rummaging or searching around your house, for food, entertainment, or suntan lotion, without your direction or permission, so be so kind as to show us where anything we’ll need is.

    -leave us your contact info, and then don’t go turning off your cell!

    -oh! And if your kid’s been horrible, and we tell you s/he’s been difficult, or is evidenced in the fact that they’re still up, don’t give them a treat in our faces!!!

    in reply to: Staying up tonight #953492

    wolf-ouch, that lil critic came back :(. I think thats a great idea, and i’m glad you found a simple solution that works to let you learn so much!

    Damoshe-b”H, good to hear

    in reply to: The Goq #953329

    chill kid

    in reply to: Friend in shidduchim with an eating disorder #953972

    thank you for sharing with us, morahrach

    in reply to: Friend in shidduchim with an eating disorder #953966

    i’m surprised at sam’s answer, and think you’d need to ask a shaila before telling her mother even.

    It’s not always a good idea to tell her to eat, and there’s that risk of her getting upset with you over it. Encourage her to tell her parents and/or doctor. If she’s nervous to, show her the benefits, alleviate her fears if you can. She likely won’t be able to stick to a diet with a therapist and nutritionist’s help

    in reply to: Friend in shidduchim with an eating disorder #953961

    sounds like she needs a new therapist. I wouldnt recommend going to her mother off the bat. You should be there for her and support her, and you should definitely strongly encourage her to tell her mother herself asap. The sooner detected, the easier to stop an ED.

    in reply to: Who Runs YWN #953256

    shopping- i do agree with your post, but you can only give your input, requests and suggestions, but (unfortunately?) as only a poster, not a mod, or in some cases as only a mod, not the editor/owner, you can’t control what is or isn’t ultimately done

    in reply to: What do you do in this common social situation #953205

    i’d say ”hello, hold on” to friend #2, then turn back to #1, finish up the topic, say nice to see you/thanks for the shmooze/etc, then excuse myself n say goodbye before launching into convo with #2.

    If you’ve ever been friend #1, you know how awkward it could be, and that discomfort of not knowing if your convo is over and you should leave, or if it’ll continue in just a minute, or if you should be joining in the new convo or what!

    in reply to: Who Runs YWN #953255

    syag- i know, and i understand. But please don’t. It probably won’t help, so don’t bring up old mistakes?


    yes, anyone who errs should admit to and apologize for their errors, though it takes a lot of strength and courage to sometimes. But noone (with exception of other gedolim/those in place and right to give mussar) can push another to apologize or take back his words. Artchill did bring up a good point though, perhaps it happened but didn’t spread. Perhaps a direct apology and amends were made, and the hurt ones didn’t want their name and story to once again go public, so were content with the private one. And perhaps we just can’t understand the thoughts, understanding or cheshbonos of those that much greater than us. And don’t forget how media plays a broken telephone- we arent even allowed to believe 3rd hand information

    in reply to: Staying up tonight #953479

    better to sleep and get up for neitz or regular minyan and learn during the day. There’s no chiyuv to stay up, it’s a minhag

    in reply to: Give a good thing… #953078

    quickest thread to go off topic ever? πŸ™‚

    in reply to: ??????? ?? #957742

    can i bump it if i’m getting the henpecking, and it stopping would be the solution, but i’m not a man?

    in reply to: Awesome Stuff Yeshivish People Say #956041


    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1183258

    oh shrek- i agree with ur view on respecting vs criticizin rabbonim, and you’re right i am wrong to bash. But it was the mother who called this rabbi to see if he or someone could make contact, and for more info to pass along. Ending the conversation with that line above was not helpful in any way

    in reply to: Maaser on wedding money when being supported #952003

    Do you have to give maaser on gifts? Same as birthday money?

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1183256

    some things you’d think were common sense, but then you find out they just may not be. What is a rabbi thinking to tell the mother of a child going off the derech who moved out to live on his own, ‘I don’t want to worry you, but your child is in a bad makom’. Right, NOW she definitely won’t worry.

    in reply to: Chas veshalom poo poo poo #951843

    LOL winnie the pooh. It’s instead of actually spitting 3 times. Where the spitting comes from I dont know though

    in reply to: Best Chocolate #952598

    someone sounds excited πŸ™‚

    did anyone mention toblerone yet?

    in reply to: Cute Quotes #1046934

    ”Age doesn’t matter, unless you are a cheese.”- R’ Noach Weinberg

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069927

    shticky- empty??? That doesnt work so nicely either. mpty? mty? mt? Is as much [mmt] as isl is [izl]. I fail to see how you can remove more than the p.

    in reply to: Post to PostοΏ½NOT #1047723

    Growl! Just leave me BE!

    in reply to: Poor Baal Tzedaka vs. Rich Baal Tzedaka #951845

    3) We don’t know Hashem’s cheshbonos or whose schar mitzva is greater, and can’t and shouldn’t try comparing people?

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069925

    icot- hmm interesting, i hadn’t thought of isl as an abbreviation. Most the google results seem to say it’s an abbreviation of island though. But i hear

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069923

    nice ICOT! yep that TOTALLY stumped me. Thanks for sharing shticky.

    Though i think you have to order it as taking away first, then middle then last. Not that it would have helped me get it πŸ™‚

    in reply to: A Good Word to Somebody #951783

    syag- people said that??? sheesh. but what a great, positive, humorous response πŸ™‚

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069920

    shticky- 5 letter word?? I’m stumped so far…

    in reply to: (Girls only discussion) Re: Boys #961469

    t613- i dont wanna risk hurting my back for someone i’m annoyed at πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Upscale tznius Skirts #963908

    i really can’t believe this is happening, but i agree with popa

    in reply to: Women Shtieging on Shavuos #951681

    wiy- was asking re”Or just say the whole Tehillim and then go to sleep”. Last year, tehillim took me 4.5hours because i did most with reading along the English. It’s a full-night endeavor for me, though i know i’m not a fast reader

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