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  • in reply to: Do you care about the royal baby? #968188

    baby? What royal baby? 🙂

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1183281

    absolutely. And no a herd mentality, empty actions, acting only out of habit, no not good. But thats because yiddishkeit has lost its chiyus, its excitement, its meaning to so so many. There used to be kids at risk, now there are adults at risk, those not understanding what judaism means for them. Its supposed to be an identity, a way of living, the meaning and purpose behind our actions and life. Instead for many, its the rules that restrict us and nothing more. Maybe in the past generation, following w/o asking was enough, but in this generation we need to understand, want and feel. Maybe there’s a different mindset today thats created a void in our understanding its role or significance in our life. where there wasnt in the past. I dont know. But judaism is who we are, it defines us. You are a male by birth, an american by birth, a brunette by birth, a Jew by birth. And all of those are part of our identity. Its not a hair style you can change, not an address you can move away from. Its the fiber of your being.

    Judaism’s not meant to be a herd mentality, and the rainbow of jews, the various types in personality, practice, beliefs, etc shows that. But we all have the same goals. Serve Hashem as best as we can and improve ourselves. The halachos are the guidebook to living productively. A society without laws would be disaster, and a life without direction would be too.

    Why should it be any less of a loss for an adult than a child? Is it less troubling when a 25 yr old starts drugs, hurting himself, or lives on the street than when a 15 yr old does? No, but there’s noone else responsible for his actions, its harder to help and impossible to control. Its only your decision though. But if i can be rude (and you can choose to not answer), why? There are answers to the questions. There is excitement and meaning to be found. There is tremendous return in the meaning and direction and purpose gained. Why throw it away? Why if you were born a prince, would you join the commoners?

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1183279

    does it matter when an independant person or adult goes off the derech? Yes. Immensely.

    You’ve heard the stress made in kiruv how every single person matters and counts? Kal v’chomer for not losing a single person. Every person is a world. A single person turned off, disillusioned (tho i hesitate to use that term, because its no illusion), hurt, uninspired, lost, that’s a loss of a world. For himself. And for his future. And for his generations to come. A single piece missing ruins the entire puzzle. That void cannot be filled. Yes, it does matter. For a parent of a teen, its so hard because they are still responsible for their child, they see the child’s progress and failure and pain, their actions have to be weighed to help and not hurt, hold but not hinder. With an adult, no the family cannot directly impact him, but that loss is a chasm that won’t just fill. If he has family, the pain is just as intense, though the distance, the not seeing the changes, might make it less constant. But it hurts so deeply to know somewhere a mistake was made, somewhere a connection lost, and perhaps the chance to help overlooked. I think about it constantly. I cry for the adults lost, not just the children. Perhaps more, because the hope of it just being a rebellious stage or a push for independance, that with maturity or comprehension, they’ll see where their emotions took front stage, that hope is so weak with an adult. The pain or disenchantment or lack of understanding is much more cemented. Its much much harder to change in adulthood, its a fact. And the realization that the loss of someone as we knew them is something we have to work on accepting as a forever, to come to terms with it while never ever giving up hope, is immensely hard. Their life, their future, their chiyus, their simcha, their having something solid to call their base… What will be? Where will they turn?

    It matters to his family? Yes. But most of all it matters for him, for his sake.

    I’ve gotten lost in a rant, a cry, pain, a loss for words… Because i miss my brother, the brother i don’t feel i know anymore… I don’t know how much sense that made at all… Please, someone articulate, speak up!

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1183277

    does what still matter?

    in reply to: This goes out to all frum gawkers #966049

    hear hear!

    in reply to: Joke: Lakewood Pirkei Avos #973166

    i’ve heard the joke from many who are living like that- they didn’t seem to find it slightly offensive. Interestingly, those who weren’t in that life feared it offensive.

    in reply to: Is it assur to wear a necklace with a symbol on it? #965989

    or a human figure. Hm possibly a yin-yang too?

    in reply to: Sunny side up dilemma #965078

    u put it on a plate, break the yolk, then mop it up with your bread. Mmmm. If you’re going to put it in a sandwich, make it sunny-side down

    in reply to: Sunny side up dilemma #965077

    u put it on a plate, break the yolk, then mop it up with your bread. Mmmm


    lol! Well done! This was impossible to read!! Took an awfully long time to get through it and understand what it was supposed to say

    in reply to: Why don't the Rabbonim enforce Tznius? #967291

    thanks y’all for beating me to it. Pba and jbaldy posted my thoughts.

    Toi- if you are sober, please do rewrite that post cuz i lost you midpoint. Interjection summed it up nicely re level of nisayon (thanks!). And if you think the number of untznius isn’t so high, good for you and your success in shmiras ainayim :). And when i find a group of men willing to honestly admit how often they are nichshol…

    Jf2- for sure. Contributes i’m sure to many females i know hating the new tight skinny pants that are in style. Frum women don’t want to have to see men’s curves. And there are lesser known hilchos tznius of men’s dress for that reason.

    in reply to: Why don't the Rabbonim enforce Tznius? #967277

    sam2- +1, thank you.

    Toi- then perhaps your research is subjective or biased. Gimme a break, you’re comparing levels of nisyonos?? Everyone has their peckel and the challenge is on their own level. What sounds easy for one is near impossible for another. How could you know

    wiy- it’s very arrogant of you to think you can know that your nisayon is harder than the 2 inches for all those women you encounter. They can’t understand your nisayon? You can’t understand theirs either. To the same degree. Try looking above instead of at the ground if it’s a pain for you. And yes, i actually have avoided looking at all men to see how difficult it would be, though of course that’s without the taava. No i didn’t keep my eyes pinned to my shoes. But when i saw a man, i looked the other way until we passed. And it wasnt so hard! But i wldn’t even think that my experience is what it’s like for a man, that i cld understand. Because i cant understand yours. And you cant understand mine. Fact of life.

    in reply to: Why them, not me? #964717

    pixelate- a thought and feeling i’ve struggled with many times… And still do. I know the feeling, the way it seems so backwards, so incomprehensible why it doesn’t follow our logic, why they, those good, strong, full ones, are taken away… And there is no answer, for that’s the world we live in, one of confusion, shadow, distortion, seemingly lacking logic. May Hashem bring you comfort, direction, help you come to peace with the lack of understanding, and perhaps understand an inkling of His hidden ways. And may I be zoche to that too

    in reply to: Why don't the Rabbonim enforce Tznius? #967237

    the little i know +1

    writersoul +1

    sg- ”Something tells me that the people… Correct me if I’m wrong”. You’re wrong.

    Find something that applies to yourself to work on, since women’s tzniyus doesn’t seem to be something you understand so well. also, tzniyus affects the dressed and those seeing her. Loshon hora affects the speaker and those in hearing distance. Talking in shul affects the speaker, the listeneners, those disturbed, the level of the tefillah. And there is a concept of tzniyus for men too. And tzniyus is not only in dress, perhaps more so in action. Ditto for men.

    in reply to: My steering wheel is BURNING my hands! #964986

    buy a hot pink fuzzy steering wheel cover- save your hands and good convo piece too!

    in reply to: Is it proper for an adult to drink from a water fountain? #964780

    nope, too many germs. I’ve watched too many dog owners let their dogs drink from water fountains to ever want to drink from one again

    in reply to: Why don't the Rabbonim enforce Tznius? #967215

    i believe this thread is beyond ridiculous and should be closed.

    I believe women should be banned from shopping at certain stores if their husbands don’t learn 2 hours a day. (yes, read the sarcasm)

    in reply to: About The Skin You're In #964248

    great piece! Thanks for sharing

    in reply to: Cheery on top is ZEES???????? (MYBE?????) #963563

    even if they are one and the same, why do we need to find out? Leave em be

    in reply to: Cheery on top is ZEES???????? (MYBE?????) #963562


    in reply to: What's your favorite thing about summer? #963389

    vacation and the mindset of relaxation that comes with summer. A chance to rejuvinate and recharge.

    Sitting on the rocks or sand, listening to the waves. Ah! Total serenity!

    Being able to enjoy nature and the beauty of the briyah in bloom, without freezing my fingers. The birds, the flowers, the bright colors…

    Fresh apricots and mandarin oranges. And apple- and other fruit/veggie-picking.


    haha, you’re good! These are wacky

    in reply to: Pshat with all the rain? #963332

    simple. Imagine how hot it would be if it hadn’t been raining this often. Death Valley temperatures in Flatbush anyone?

    in reply to: How to get rid of a fly #962784

    turn off all the lights except one. The flies will likely head to it, and then you can whap them

    in reply to: Locking bedroom door when lending apartment #963109

    it helped you find the right room easily, didn’t it?

    in reply to: Job for a Hebrew-speaking woman? #961371

    she should A- find Israeli women to befriend! Meet them at shiurim, volunteering at bikur cholim/tomchei shabbos, etc, amein groups… B- learn english! There are many programs, teachers, self-teaching books n audio. Also, perhaps she can get a job as a dikduk or other limudei kodesh teacher.

    in reply to: Sidewalk chalk #963395

    seriously? Defacement? No. Eyesore? No. Bad chinuch?? Yoish. You clearly never had little siblings.

    in reply to: Question about Sternberg application? #963360

    um why don’t you call them?

    in reply to: Night Freakouts #961191

    night time is definitely when my mind goes into high speed. It’s when i rehash, thing deeply into miscellaneous thoughts, contemplate life, think over things i didn’t have time or need to consider when they came up, etc etc etc. Sometimes its amusing, sometimes sad, sometimes contemplative and curious, sometimes philosophical!

    in reply to: Funny Analogies #1015158

    haha thanks for sharing!

    Mods- might want to edit a word there in the green icing flowers one

    in reply to: Why do we fast? #961342

    i asked my grandfather about fasting. He said, in the ‘olden days’ people didn’t have food like today, and didn’t eat like today. Fasting wasn’t a big deal physically. The purpose was to be able to daven, learn, do hisbodedus without stopping to go have a meal. The not eating meant no hefsek from the purpose of the day. He bemoaned the fact that nowadays people are focused on the food aspect and miss the tachlis of the day, and wondered if the purpose of fastinng has been lost in this generation.

    in reply to: Coffee Room #960262

    new youngest member?

    in reply to: Kibbud Av Ve'Eim #960199

    left to right +1

    in reply to: Accutane Side Effects #960011

    other than them starting together, why do you think Accutaine is to blame?

    in reply to: Accutane Side Effects #960007

    t613- googling medical symptoms is just as risky or worse. Self-diagnosing and the such, and people posting made up stuff too.

    1st timer- not accutaine related, but i also get muscle/joint aches n pains, in my lower legs mainly, especially when it rains or is damp/humid out. Also ruled out rheumatoid arthritis etc. Hot showers help me. (its that mid-range of moisture in the air that attacks my legs. Too long showers or hot tubs dont help for me) Rest makes it worse. Exercise or walking might help. If you come up with anything else to relieve the aches, besides ibuprofen, share it please!

    in reply to: Greatest Frum Jewish Philanthropists #1029932

    this sounds like ayin-hora material… Bad idea

    in reply to: Greatest Frum Jewish Philanthropists #1029931

    this sounds like ayin-hora material…

    in reply to: Hey Haifagirl! #960870

    sheesh 🙂

    in reply to: Hey Haifagirl! #960865

    why do people bump the most random old posts by replying to something usually not applicable anymore or to someone who hasn’t posted in months??

    in reply to: Do you fold your slice? #958904

    nopes i dont, tastes better when the cheese and toppings aren’t buried in dough!

    in reply to: Frum women singing #957860

    she’s not the only frum singer who puts out CDs! Look on mostlymusic or the like, under female singers

    in reply to: Struggles with guys #957511

    so well said!thanks for sharing!

    in reply to: Free Jewish Sheet Music #969647

    ki hirbeisa was in the last post in the link i reposted

    in reply to: Free Jewish Sheet Music #969640
    in reply to: Makeup on Shabbos #956393

    yes, but no quick fix and not guaranteed success. And sometimes it is just appearance related self-image issues, and improved appearance can majorly boost self-esteem too

    in reply to: Today's grammar lesson #956530

    putting the only right before the price is used to imply it’s a cheap price (or, if used sarcastically, expensive). The way it was used was grammatically acceptable, though yes it IS an ambiguous sentence.

    In other news, the first letter of every word besides determiners and conjunctions (anything else?) should be capitalized in a title- AKA Title Case :). Yes, i’m teasing

    in reply to: Makeup on Shabbos #956391

    goq- what’s pshat that fighting during the rest of the week is allowed? 🙂

    in reply to: Makeup on Shabbos #956389

    notasheep- you are right. I should have written:boruch Hashem you have clear skin OR a face you are comfortable with bare. I did say though that its not because of their skin but because it makes them feel insecure. Of course if someone has a good self-image, they very likely won’t let appearance stop them from going out and about.

    in reply to: Best prank calls #956288

    ”Hello Mr/s Blank. I am calling from Microsoft. Your computer is sending us an error message…”

    in reply to: Makeup on Shabbos #956353

    thank you, mod!

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