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  • in reply to: Signing Out #973122

    popa- but pls see the last thread i started

    in reply to: What motivates sincere prayer? #973237

    some thoughts. 1- if her children aren’t crying and pulling at her skirts in hunger, she can daven.

    2- in a situation as the one described, being supplied with food for a month doesn’t give her any idea where the food will come from in Chesvan or how she will pay the rent, or what to do about her child’s outgrown shoes… There’s enough motivation for prayer even less the worry of hunger for a few weeks. 3- she can go to shul if her kids are fed, as opposed to them not being able to sit in shul, or her needing to spend (part of) her mornings begging or scrounging for food, so there the food would directly contribute to improved tefilla.

    in reply to: I don't like eating silver foil #973375

    parchment ppr turning brown is okay.

    in reply to: How Popa got devoured like an unturned cake #972782

    mod 42- there is an african? airline that is starting to do that actually

    in reply to: I'd like to ask mechila #973092

    if there is any other anonymous poster i owe an apology to, please let me know

    in reply to: I don't like eating silver foil #973355

    use the other side of the foil? Spray/ rub a little oil on the foil first, that should prevent sticking

    in reply to: Announcing Pregnancy #972824

    my sibs generally tell my parents after first trimester or later, but dont tell the siblings til close before they start showing. (and no, my parents don’t tell the other kids!) And with one exception, every single time i’ve known before. Once or twice i even slipped up and said something to the expectant mother, forgetting she hadn’t yet told me about it- oops! By now, when they tell me, they all ask me how long i’ve known. It’s more of a shock for me to find out that others had no idea!

    in reply to: Interviews: Funny answers to trick questions #972497

    writersoul-LOL! I think your answers are great!! Any sem would love a girl with such humor, spunk and bravery 😀

    in reply to: Up Close And Personal #975895

    did popa just give normal, serious, sensitively-worded, good advice?? Please hold while i recover. And agree with him.

    I just heard today about an old-news concept of going completely off all wheat. It’s supposedly controversial and many drs dont agree with the basis, but the dr claims anyone can lose 15lb in 30 days by going off all wheat. You can search frankenwheat for more info, but in summary, that todays genetically engineered wheat is unhealthy, unfilling, spikes blood sugar levels more than a choc bar in one experiment, and is actually addictive. And that includes whole wheat and whole grain. My curiosity was spiked :), and hey maybe i’d even try it for a month just to test it out!

    in reply to: Interviews: Funny answers to trick questions #972490

    taom- which have you done, first!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168712

    think first- welcome back! Or hello on your visit! I know, it’s sad how it died out…

    Taom- maybe lost IS a better word. But i call it pain, and sometimes depression. But you are more right, it having lost ones way, the sight of ones goals, the big picture, the purpose of and meaning in ones life. And it’s a feeling I (and some other poets here) have related to or still do. I’m not someone who can advise. There is some amazing advice and direction on pages past of this thread. All i can offer is understanding, care, and to let you know you’re not alone, and someone feels for you. I hope your life makes a tremendous sudden turn upwards and you see and understand how its all for your good, and grow through the struggle

    in reply to: I'm a Drug Addict #972045

    this is not something to joke about. Mods, can’t this thread be removed?

    in reply to: You Are Cordially Invited #1096170

    oom- not really, my phone just brought me to the top of pg2 n i skimmed down it :). But happy belated in that case!

    in reply to: Why No Michitzah at Chuppa Ceremonies? #971469

    perhaps because everyone is (should be?) focused on the chupa and not the other side of the room? Many chuppas i’ve been at have had no mechitzas, but a rope/ribbon/drapery down 1 side of the aisle to prevent women mixing into the mass of men dancing the chosson n kallah out. That’s something i’d love to see more often

    in reply to: Where is all the good music? #972207

    i can’t actually understand your post.

    in reply to: You Are Cordially Invited #1096167

    happy birthday Goq! (and OOM?)

    in reply to: Best way to break in four-inch stilettos before Yom Tov? #971859

    why on earth are you wearing 4” stilettos? Do you know how much damage that does and can do to your feet?

    in reply to: Is this normal? #970850

    i can relate to the feeling. Its normal, yes, but not neccesarily good always. With s/thing like davening, or helping others, chesed, etc, you should try to work on the feeling, telling yourself that positive actions and mitzvos are not something you should ever be embarrassed of. Dont let others’ presence delay or stop you from doing a good thing. Peer pressure can be a dangerous zone. Work on focusing on what you are doing, and tuning out everyone else around you. We often feel people are going to be looking at us, but in reality, most people are busy with their own things and thoughts and not really looking. And for those who are, you will be a positive role model and a good example!

    in reply to: The difference between Ka'as and Frustration #970501

    situational depression- same concept. You are 100% right. Bottling the stress or containing oneself, until it hits a point and a little bit of all that pain or anger overflows.

    in reply to: Is Lovaza okay according to halacha? #970697

    or if there were a kosher alternative

    in reply to: It can't ALWAYS be "post-nasal drip"! #970194

    try a different doc?? the GI might just give you reflux meds to try b4 endoscopy anyhow. Or he might know better what to be looking at in your throat just at eye level. Gluck n refuah shleima.

    in reply to: How do YOU pronounce…. #970807

    1. neesh

    2. nay

    3. awl bee-it

    4. grand pree

    5. the french way -zhwa(thx for sp oomis!) d veeevr(with the rolling r)

    in reply to: Should I get help from my teacher? #969766

    if you think she may be able to help, it doesnt hurt to call and ask (unless she’s someone who’d spread the news, which i doubt). Teachers are usually happy to help if they’re capable. If she can’t, i’d hope she’d let you know and help direct you to someone who can. The fact that she was your teacher 2 yrs ago shouldnt be a veto factor. Many times girls go to past teachers. Gluck!

    in reply to: How Crazy Dangerous Is This? #972418

    i wouldnt show, but i’d want to know who did!

    in reply to: You're so vain… #969580

    wiy- that was my point. People may have heard of the name even if they havent heard her sing (or eben known that she was a singer- yay me) so i don’t think it was such a big deal to just mention her name in passing. If a discussion started about some non-Jewish celeb, i’d also ask for it to be censored out. In passing, come and gone, not such a big deal imo. It’s more the threads that start about unposted news in the Jewish community that tempts me to google. And those also tend to at the best, border on loshon hora. Those are the threads i’m a lot more concerned about.

    in reply to: Free Jewish Sheet Music #969686

    nm, thats a different one. submit it on the emesmusic site

    in reply to: Free Jewish Sheet Music #969685

    rebdoniel- i wasnt being sarcastic! thank you

    chani- dovid gabay has one

    in reply to: Free Jewish Sheet Music #969682

    chani- which one?

    Emesmusic guy- where are you getting those sheets from?

    Rebdoniel- interesting

    in reply to: Is Laboratory-Grown Hamburger Kosher? #969833

    hmm i didn’t even think about kashrus. I just asked if it’d be fleishigs. The answer i got was a probably yes based off… Hm now i can’t even remember the example. Something with does yeast derived from

    make chometz… I’ll have to ask about kosher n ask for a refresher on fleishigs.

    in reply to: An interesting Shabbos guest, and thoughts on Rosh Hashanah #969523

    thank you for phrasing it so well

    in reply to: Older Bachur in the parsha #1009476

    being real- they may be few and far between but theyre out there and it makes it easier to find the one for you if you have a specific hashkafa you’re looking for. I know girls looking for that.

    I’m wondering. Are you looking to learn while in college only because you dont think the type of girl you want would go out with s/o in college full time?

    in reply to: Older Bachur in the parsha #1009464

    being real- yasher koach on point b. It is dangerous

    in reply to: Older Bachur in the parsha #1009457

    unless those were chofetz chaim’s dorms?….

    in reply to: Older Bachur in the parsha #1009455

    nope, but i have relatives there. Pretty sure they have a row of dorm houses for those who want to. It’s also very close to chofetz chaim

    in reply to: Potential yichud situation at work #970502

    i thought non-Jews affect yichud differently than Jews…? Also isnt it still yichud with 1 man and 2 women? I need to pull out my books

    in reply to: You're so vain… #969573

    WIY- How do you know who Taylor Swift is? 🙂 Maybe she’s a giyores who speaks! 🙂 come on, you can’t censor other posters like that. Why is one thing okay and another not? Taylor Swift, discworld, harry potter, savage, politics, music by different jewish composers/singers even. its all a matter of personal levels and choices and stuff. cant draw that line for others. if they’d posted a link it’d be one thing, but a name in passing? eh

    in reply to: Older Bachur in the parsha #1009450

    landers in queens seems to get a number of past-BMG full timers

    in reply to: Tehillim request #968380

    he should have a refuah shleima b’karov

    in reply to: So many crashes�what's going on? #968538

    curiosity- I agree about testing! But from age 50

    in reply to: Oh, it's the middle of the knight again #968832

    ”the belly button” lol

    in reply to: Oh, it's the middle of the knight again #968826

    what’s midnight? Isn’t that mid-night, as in middle of the night?

    in reply to: Round Challah #968126

    so interesting! I never knew the difference either. Thanks!

    in reply to: Free Jewish Sheet Music #969673

    for those we’re confusing, the weebly site will soon have a bunch more sheet music added! Yay!

    in reply to: Free Jewish Sheet Music #969672

    i just realized the numbers jumped so tried it out, and i was right. No idea why there are gaps or start late! Cant understand why they hid them once they already had them either. But now thanks to you, they’ll be accessible!! 🙂

    in reply to: Free Jewish Sheet Music #969670

    thank YOU for the site

    in reply to: Photography Fans, Post Here #970725

    ooh i can’t believe i never followed up on that, tsk on me.

    digital-photography-school dotcom

    in reply to: Free Jewish Sheet Music #969666

    thx jf02, yes 3 or 4 songs that i didn’t have yet.

    in reply to: Post to Post�NOT #1047780


    in reply to: Free Jewish Sheet Music #969663

    This name is already taken- is that your site? thanks for it. it had 3 or 4 i didn’t

    in reply to: Fire-eating/breathing #967072

    yeahhhhhhhh don’t learn through directions from a post on the cr, in case anyone didn’t realize that!

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