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  • in reply to: Biting Fingernails, Cutting nails, pregnant women Halachot #1035035

    biting nails can be problematic because if its a habit it can be hard to avoid on shabbos/yom tov

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168038

    thanks puppy.

    S2021- so glad u are overcoming that and reaching a safe, comfortable place and feeling. May it continue getting better and better

    in reply to: Dor Yeshorim in Girls High School #1157968

    get a boy to try it in his classroom, then you can compare!

    We had a loose hamster in high school. There were some girls with feet up, some chasing it, and most unfazed watching in amusement.

    btw, would you accept a story from a book as proof of more than one particular case?? 🙂 (joke)

    in reply to: Dor Yeshorim in Girls High School #1157965

    Health- maybe the females you know are just the shrieking type, because you expect it from them and for you to be their ‘savior’.

    I don’t know any women who have called a male neighbor to ‘save’ them. I do know many who have bought poison or traps to put down. And I know of some men who were grossed out by the dead critters and argued which should do it, until the females did it themselves :).

    Don’t stereotype all women! Not any who would not climb on a chair and shriek (I can’t even imagine myself shrieking about a mouse, though perhaps being grossed out about cockroaches) are “Amazon women”

    in reply to: Shidduch #861107

    if you were able to control yourself enough to ask, then please don’t be!

    in reply to: Dor Yeshorim in Girls High School #1157953

    If there are no men home, most women will deal with it themselves. With rats and mice, men just call the exterminator! 🙂

    in reply to: Dor Yeshorim in Girls High School #1157947

    my brothers class in junior high just had hep shots in school. Only 6 kids in the grade took it in my grade, one girl made a scene and the rest of us made the usual fuss then laughed at ourselves after.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168027

    Shticky- my happy poem

    okay, it’s old, i didn’t just make it up. but does that still count?

    a smile

    it brightens her face

    brings a glow from within

    shining, radiating

    her eyes sparkle and dance

    sending forth rays

    of warmth and kindness.

    and then, it captures another

    giving comfort and support.

    the second feels the love

    and her joy begins to spread

    the smile grows

    her eyes too shine

    she seems to rise above the gloom

    she has been touched

    by the small gesture.

    others look and wonder

    at the two now connected as one.

    what has gladdened these hearts

    and let them rejoice

    like stars in a blackened sky,

    illuminating the world,

    lighting a path for other?

    one small smile can make all the difference. anyone is able to five this gift, and everyone needs it. so when you see a saddened or downcast face, spread the love to others.

    in reply to: Al Tira after Aleinu #861364

    i say it! I dont remember who taught me to- either a gerrer or someone who davens nusach sfard

    in reply to: Contact info for Tenli? #860455

    the candy. And although i understand people’s complaints, i don’t think any kid who did enjoy posing or imitating smoking with them actually was more likely to become a smoker, or smoke when younger.

    in reply to: Contact info for Tenli? #860453

    i thought there was a thread on this before… They’ve been around forever! Since my parents were kids!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168023

    nomtw- How are ya? wishing you a gr8 Shabbos and good stuff with your parents this week!

    mp-you’re really positive and encouraging, you know? just casually mentioning a hard time in passing then moving along. Hope the Pesach blues have lightened up for a bit!

    shticky- I will try to post a positive poem this week. It just might be about something random like butterflies or snow!

    s2021,think first– sorry I can’t add to the convo, but davening for good news from all of you + Goq. Have a gr8 shabbos! Hope all is well!

    blabla- we haven’t heard from you since. hows it going with your friends? how are you doing?

    kapusta- ouch :(. Hoping all your friendships only improve this coming week. i’m sorry your having a hard week. ((hug))

    Wishing everyone a good shabbos and an amazing week. I love sunshine!!

    in reply to: Hatzolo Line Down #860303

    718 is an area code in brookly, queens, the bronx and staten island

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168020

    puppy- welcome back!

    What happened to all our other posters, btw? i don’t wanna list a bunch and risk missing someone, but what happened to observanteen?

    in reply to: Dear Cookies #860264

    But really written well. You had me laughing while hearing the deeper messag at the same time!

    in reply to: Dor Yeshorim in Girls High School #1157925

    some people don’t feel weak at all after, some for 5 minutes, as far as i know, maximum half hour. But if you drink some juice after or eat something it makes a big difference. You should be more than fine for a wedding that night!

    in reply to: Dor Yeshorim in Girls High School #1157923

    musicaldignity-i agree with you! Posts here make it sound scary! But i guess those with stories have more to post :D. Everyone does get nervous their first time, and 98% come out saying, i can’t believe i made a big deal about that. Its quick and not a lot and really not a big deal. Don’t worry about it, every year the kids go crazy, and forget abt the whole thing after a day.

    in reply to: Beware The Ides of March #860250

    i’ll make that some two. hence my comment above 🙂

    in reply to: Beware The Ides of March #860245


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168018

    blabla- to continue from MPs post, if you realize that they can’t really understand fully, it could help you to deflect some of that hurt. It sounds like they are just frustrated with trying to get together and doing the project and are so caught up in that, they are acting insensitively. Of course yoi can’t compare, but realize they are frustrated and short on patience, and therefore snapping at you. No relationship never has its bumps and hurts, but i think after this project is done, they may realize how they acted, and you can then tell them how you felt and why it was hard for you and if you make up, your friendship can become even stronger. I’m sorry for your hurt :(. Hatzlocha!

    in reply to: Why Isn't There A Single Coffee Shop In Boro Park? #860165

    maybe you should have a coffee corner in your computer store!

    in reply to: just came by to say hi,,,did you miss me? #865276

    B”H i’m so glad you were able to make that decision and are seeing positive changes! Thanks for letting us know how you are- we’ve been worried

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168011

    nomtw-oh no, yours too?? And here i thought we were the only ones! 🙂

    yuck, sorry it wasn’t so fun :(. I know how that can ruin the atmosphere… This year i did things different and am glad it worked this time!

    in reply to: Name My Store :D #860141

    Around the click


    in reply to: CoreyToTheTroll #860825

    Mods, please? Do we have to go through these accusations yet again? Isn’t it the mods job alone to deal with ‘trolls’ if they are damaging?

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168004

    just read over what i wrote- it was 3 am after all. Hope it didn’t make anyone else wince too much! Thanks Goq and MP- didn’t even start out as a poem about how i was feeling, and it wasn’t completely… I hope too that i can find someone in RL who can be here for me. And soon.

    And MP thanks for verbalizing the positivity of the venting side of the poetry thread!

    in reply to: Name My Store :D #860132

    tech talk?

    the computer corner

    the work station

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167999

    the rain is falling steadily

    it drums a constant beat

    keeping time with my teardops

    of feelings of defeat

    my heart it pounding loudly

    echoing in my ears

    as violent shivers rack my body

    hoping noone hears

    my sobs or moans of sadness

    my cries for help, for love

    to feel connected to my Father

    and His watching from above

    the loneliness envelopes me

    apart from G-d and man

    long to feel anothers care

    a hug, a squeeze, a hand

    oh what would i give

    for a shoulder to cry on

    someone to hush me, crush me

    in embrace, to point out dawn

    to give me empathy,

    then show me there is light

    to have the time to talk to me

    when i feel down at night.

    For me to GIVE to, care about

    we’d both vent to the other

    to be supportive when i can

    a friend closer than brother

    to share my day, to hear of yours

    to problem solve together

    encourage, uplift, motivate

    a connection for forever

    i want a friend, but even more

    to be a friend, connect

    i want better relationships

    work and try to perfect

    i want to once more to feel

    the warmth of His embrace

    to daven and feel connection

    not ashamed to lift my face

    i want to grow and rise

    to mend and fix my ways

    i want the help, the gentle push

    to burst forth in heartfelt praise

    i want the void i feel or make

    of relationships weak or lacking

    to reignite, burst forth in warmth

    send cold depression packing

    in reply to: Divorced Girls Remarriage Prospects #860327

    and what was the point of this post? A lot of what u said is harsh, unfairly judging, stereotyping, lumping wrongly, and just wrong and mean. IMO of course.

    in reply to: cant get the guys to give a yes :( #859445

    my apologies to you DaasYochid

    in reply to: Walking behind a woman #860269

    i can only answer for myself. Yes i know the halacha. I have asked my Rav a shaila on this too. What i do is to generally let men walk ahead of me, especially through doors. You can hold the door open behind you after you pass through. I have heard of girls dropping shidduchim when boys walked behind them, or waited for them to get in to close a car door. And i have heard of girls who dropped shidduchim because they found it rude and insulting when the boys did not. Many or most of those did not know the halacha. Personally, i wouldn’t think too hard :). If a boy knew the halacha, i’d prefer he went ahead. If he waited for me, i’d assume he didn’t know it, or didn’t know what to do, like you.

    in reply to: cant get the guys to give a yes :( #859442

    i think the confusion here may be on how different posters are interpretting ‘getting a yes’- if thats as far as an engagement, a second date, or a first date. Let’s not make this an insult party, let!s just see where the misunderstanding’s stemming from! Thanks!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167992

    nomtw- scroll up, i posted after purim :). Thanks so much for asking. Itturned out really nice in the end though it had a slow, late start. If i’m still here next yr, i wanna go visit that someone earlier and longer to get that geshmak for longer. How was yours???

    Rednails-welcome :)!

    MP-i’m sorry for your pain :(. And i hope you find your zivug very soon! (btw, i DO know a lot of girls……) If there’s one thing i’ve been trying to intenalize this yr, its that worrying about things before they happen only adds to the dread/hurt. Its unproductive and just gets me stuck on something longer, and often on something that might not be as bad as i think, or my worrying can even make it worse sometimes…. I’m working on approaching things positively and hoping for the best. Or at least pushing off worrying til it gets close!

    Think first- hazlacha rabba!!

    Blabla- yay!! B”H!! I’m so glad you connected! And i’m yearning for the days i’ll feel that again too. And for more than an hour. I hope that feeling will last for you,and continue only to get stronger! Hold on to that hope and warmth!!

    Kapusta- how are you?? :-/…

    in reply to: CoreyToTheTroll #860809

    mods? can this thread be closed before it gets worse?

    in reply to: Mommy Dearest #859073

    i’m so happy for you that thats made a difference!! Continued hatzlocha! I really believe a good talk is a good idea. Unfortunately, not possible for everyone, but if you can have a heart-to-heart, try to do so before things sour more? Wishing you all the best!

    in reply to: Hiccuping means someone is talking about you? #859256

    i just asked someone about this last week, and they never heard of it, tho i did as a child all the time

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167985

    Wow, that was really something. Thank you for the encouraging reminder PE. And 🙂 for bringing it back in rhyme.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167981

    there went the last bit of that happiness and resilience. That didn’t last as long as i hoped… And out w a bang-or a pool of tears at least 🙁

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167978

    Think First- Yasher koach!

    MiddlePath- hope ur okay and that today was better. I’m sorry your Purim had a hard twist in it :(.

    PE- thanks for that. my purim b”H actually turned out very well considering my expectations! Started out with me rushed, but a quiet day, then later i went delivering and enjoyed myself a lot. Later on i went to visit someone and the geshmak there really uplifted me a lot, and i truly felt myself hit simcha on Purim. I even saw myself more resilient and calm to negative parts afterwards, able to deflect them more. I am so so thankful that Hashem gave me this chance to reconnect with myself and in tefilla, in this long dark stretch. IY”H it sshould be the first step back in the right direction. Thank you all for your support, especially this week. I couldn’t have gotten there without each of you! Have a great shabbos!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167973

    with such a heartfelt, beautiful tefillah and poem, so clearly emanating from a place deep inside that resounds with ur inner kedushah, i know you have much more left than a skeleton. Your neshoma shines so brightly, waiting to beak through and brighten ur world in a way that u will see. Though words and looks may dim ur light, you immediately grow and shine ever brighter than before. You will come out so much greater than u imagined u would be, and will be able to illuminate others lives with ur sensitivity, care, and understanding. A freilichen purim and may Hashem answer your tefillos l’tovah, bimheira!!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167970

    think first- amen! and thanks for the smile i got :). I wanted to tell you you are an eloquent speaker/writer, but after your purim post….? 😀

    A Freilichen Purim to all, and may Hashem answer all your tefillos l’tova!

    in reply to: WHAT makes you CRINGE….??? #858358

    goq +1!!!!!!! Thats drives me crazy!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167966

    anyone care to join me for a cocoa with tears?

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167964

    Shticky- 🙂 thanks for that

    kapusta- Then i’m first in line to send one back.

    Sending a ((((((((warm, tight hug)))))))))) ur way, and many more where that came from!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167957

    You guys are all so AMAZING!! really and truly! And i appreciate the support and advice so much. I just wish i knew WHY i was down today so i could try changing my thought process. Its just a combo of lots of very little things… I feel like such a kvetch on here this week :-P. Sorry about that.

    No One Mourns The Wicked- thanks for the encouragement and practical advice!

    kapusta- thanks for the hugs. even if they are virtual. And all the rest. My request is pending, so i’m staying hopeful!

    MiddlePath- thanks for all those things i said, and being so inspiring.

    And the same to Goq.

    Think first-for your amazing and POSITIVE poetry

    Syag- for being a special person and giving us a glimpse

    bygirl93- welcome back, and thanks for reminding me what this thread was for 🙂

    ICOT- for ‘The Club’

    blabla- for staying strong and showing me how to be too. For overcoming the pain to find that positive twist. How are you??

    PE- I did! coming soon maybe.You’re right, i’m going to go blast some music and relax for a bit. Writing’s still out of my mood’s realm, unless i get a sudden inspiration. Meaning and purpose is definitely what i need right now. i really should find myself a chesed or place to help for an hour. It’s coming with my mood i fear. Babysitting i do all the time tho :).

    Thanks for your encouragement, advice, support, and ideas!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167953

    i know but i feel like my heads stuck in a storm cloud and everythings so dark those little things are immediately blown away. And i WANT to have a happy, positive, smile-filled purim.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167951

    sighhhh, why am i in such a bad mood??? It’s adar. Its almost purim! And i am just feeling sad and not excited even a bit :(. Mishenichnas adar marbim b’simcha? Well, i’m not doing very good this year. Not very good at all… I want a happiness boost!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167948

    Thank you kapusta and PrincessEagle. Wasn’t ‘directed’, just wanted to see if the offer stood from anyone. Just thought i’d recheck, and if the answers were fresh and standing, maybe a mod would acquiesce 🙂

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167944

    Lost my cool today in frustration and anger and blew my top :(. And i don’t even really care! so there!

    Sorry no details. Being known here complicates things sometimes. No apologies neccesary ppl who know me!

    I did request email addresses but was turned down. Any of those offers still stand?

    in reply to: Energy #857357

    green apples

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