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  • in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168155

    no blabla, YOU are awesome! Keep smiling!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168149

    kapusta- thanks. it was exactly what i needed…

    MP- If i can push a point i believe. If you’re not a social person, its more the reason to get out and try. I really think you should try to find a friend too, it can make a world of a difference to have someone IRL to talk to. I’m not social either- actually super shy. But i tried. I used to go to a weekly shiur, and force myself to stay for 5 minutes after, when everyone shmoozes. And i actually caught up with some former classmates like that. My high school class does a once a month get together, and its my only social event i look forward too, though only around 6 ppl show. or volunteer somewhere. whether regularly or on the odd occasion. but most imp would be to try and connect with someone and build a friendship. just one.

    Okay that was rambling at its best :). i’ll stop now! hope todays easier in some small way…

    blabla? NOMTW? how are you two?

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168143

    why why why WHY?!?! :'( It’s a slap on the face, and if thats what u have to offer, then i’ll pass! I am tired of crying myself to sleep! Stop hurting me please????

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168142

    ICOT that poem was AMAZING! I’ve never seen one of that style before and it blew my mind, and the message was really great!

    MP- i must admit i didn’t realize that my simple greeting could carry so far. Just goes to teach me the power of my every word, and remind me to be more careful too! So glad to have you back though, and hope you have an amazing night and tomorrow

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069829

    1.a jelly donut? a mountain?


    3.the sky?

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168135

    Don’t be so hard on yourself! ‘entitled’ to give support? How about you are able to and its a strength you were given. Even though none of us always practices what they preach, we can still say the right words, and know what we should be striving for. Until 3 years ago, I was a closed shell and NEVER opened to or wanted to ask anyone for help. And now i’m a completely different person, though i’m not sure I like how much I changed :). this thread is absolutely not only for poetry any more. Its just one way of expression for me, tho music is my first too. This thread is for venting, sharing, support, and of course poetry too.

    I can only speak for myself, but apology accepted and unneccesary. Mitoch shelo lishma… I also felt like this thread gave me my only purpose in life, and you know what? I don;t think thats a bad thing. If you are feeling down, by focusing outside yourself and giving though in pain, that helps you overcome the low. At least in my opinion. The best thing when hurting is to go do chessed or give to someone else. So if I can speak up, come back, even while you are suffering. You can still help others, and we can try to help you too. Hoping things get brighter and soon!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168133

    bly- amazing how u can repaint ur morning like that, and amazing poem

    nomtw- sorry for the copyright infringement :-/. Signed in to reply and reread ur post, and that just came pouring out of me…

    Think first- belated happy bday and amen, and thanks.

    Its been very quiet. How is everyone? PE, MP-its been a while. How are you doing? Busy with school just? Blabla- how are you doing? How is the person who was hospitalized doing? All the rest-hi!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168131

    who once was strong is now collapsed

    who once was determined has now given up

    who once was focused is now defeated

    who once was warm is now cold

    who once was bright has now gone dull

    who once was a spark is now sizzling out

    who once was energetic is now exhausted

    who once was fighting has now become weary

    who once was clear is now a mess

    who once was sunny is now a stormy sky

    who once had hope is giving up

    who once had support is being left alone

    who once had a smile is left with a frown

    who once had a sparkle is full of tears

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168130


    in reply to: What gives you the chills? #870101

    the sound of scratching ice, like pulling s/t out of a frosty freezer, or spoons or teeth on ices

    the smell of leather disgusts me.

    in reply to: Children fighting… #883953

    check out ‘when children fight’ by miriam levi

    in reply to: who would you say is the most intelligent CR poster? #870156

    ha! Tell me the real answer and i’ll tell u if i was right.

    in reply to: who would you say is the most intelligent CR poster? #870154

    i do have my idea…. but can’t know if i’m right!

    in reply to: who would you say is the most intelligent CR poster? #870143

    i’d like to nominate the Goq (tho i’m still not positive i know what that screen name means)

    in reply to: friendship chazals #869417

    ka’mayim ponim el ponim, kein lev ha’adam l’adam

    knei l’chah chaver

    eizo hee derech tova sheyidbak bah ha’adam… chaver tov

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168120

    bly- where were you a few months ago when i needed to hear that? 🙂

    nomtw- a delayed reply, cuz i just realized i didn’t. That is awesome news!! for that, your family deserves…. more days of the same! I’m so glad for u! teach me????

    in reply to: Getting Married and Getting Fatter #868151

    all my siblings lost weight after marriage, some a nice amount too! Even after pregnancy, though some gained a few pounds back, they’re still much thinner than when single. One sister actually loses weight with every birth, lucky her!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168118

    kapusta- you said hi, and i pushed for something more :). Sorry for your frustration and hope it passes fast

    think first- glad it was so nice! I love walking, even just in quiet neighbourhoods that have some treesand birds around! It’s my escape

    blabla- that is so hard, and wishing a refuah shleima. Iy”H we should hear good news. Yes, it is soo difficult and challenging when someone close to you is suffering too. But if Hashem did this to you, it means He believes in you, even if you question yourself!! And if He brought you to it, He will bring you through it. If it seems to much any time, try to let go of the need to control and tell Hashem, it’s overwhelming me. And i am turning it over to You. Help me because its too heavy for me to carry alone. And mean it, and try to truly loosen your grip on things that are really out of your control. Let go of the map and daven for Hashem to guide you, because He knows the directions best.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168111

    bly- wow! No other words describe it. Just wow! That was amazing. Described the emotions, the back n forth, the knowing but not feeling, the ups and downs… You really captured the struggle in words. And it gives hope to hear that repeating the message inside does make a difference. And your words to blabla, so understanding, and so encouraging even while you admit to still struggling. Thank u for joining the poetry thread

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168108

    hi! Doing well, and how are you???

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168106

    why, blabla? What went on or caused that? What was the fighting about?

    in reply to: I'm New! #871103

    they include me! 🙂

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168103

    Hello all! Hope you had a great Pesach and are getting back into everyday life easily!

    blabla- how was the yomtov part of yomtov? was it enjoyable? How did it go?

    NOMTW- how was your out of town experience? 😀

    MP- how did it work out? Sorry again… Thinking abt you

    kapusta, PE, shticky, theGoq, think first, and all the rest- How was?? How are you?

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168102

    welcome too cool and bly! bly- i really like the puppet! so well written, message so true. too cool- the rhyme and flow of your piece is great! keep them coming!

    blabla- sry for the slow reply. i wasnt posting on chol hamoed. but i was reading. Wanted to compliment you on your bris poem! read it after i went to a bris and really captured the moment…

    As for the other one, I’m sorry you’re struggling with that. Been there, done that. and yet, as impossible as it seems, escapable! I wish i knew what or when it just clicked, but i dont. But keep fighting it! every cry and tefillah you send up, every regret you feel, every time you hold back for 1 minute, it all builds up your defense and makes you stronger against it. I feel for you, and know the pain of feeling like ur dirtying your neshama. But that’s what teshuva is all about- the special gift to erase like it was never ever there before… Thinking of you :(. Be strong! you can overcome!

    in reply to: SEDER MINHAGIM? #1148848

    seems i share some minhagim with BaalHabooze! we also dip our pinky, all the kids say Mah Nishtana from youngest up, including the married ones, and we greet Eliyahu hanavi with Boruch Habba. we also dip egg in salt water, either as a zecher l’kurban chagiga or as a siman aveilus for the bhm”k

    in reply to: I'm New! #871098

    mitzvahgirl613- some of us had an inkling 🙂

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168088

    just wanted to send special greetings your way blabla: wishing you a chag kasher v’sameiach, an enjoyable, relaxed, happy, amazing pesach full of only easy, sunny days! Keep strong and keep smiling!

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157850

    ohh maybe thats what happened! Last time i had a blood test i got a really painful nasty bruise abt 2*3 inches above my elbow. I have another blood test in a couple weeks. Any free advice, health?

    in reply to: Come And Join The NEW CR!!! #866495

    i did understand, but if you think u need to know abt poetry…you don”t. Come check us out just once!

    in reply to: Come And Join The NEW CR!!! #866492

    am i invited? Your invited to check out the poetry thread family

    in reply to: WHAT?!!?? No Shalom Zachor??? #867687

    nonetheless, at least one father i know’s rav said no shalom zachor

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168086

    nomtw- amein! And i hope you have an enjoyable, relaxing pesach!!

    in reply to: I'm gone. #873714

    wondering the same zk. And why these posts are going up…

    in reply to: WHAT?!!?? No Shalom Zachor??? #867678

    uhoh, do i know you?? 🙂

    in reply to: Why dont high school girls no how to spell and right ? #866139

    i actually think its an elementary school problem. In my high school you cld clearly see a difference between elementaries by spelling


    if it will open her eyes, you definitely should. Some ppl will get defensive or upset though, just be prepared for that.


    why does mistreating mean abusing??


    if you can, why not? You can at least broach it once, bringing it to her attention. Or if there’s a sibling closer to her who can better speak to her?

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168078

    blabla i’m so sorry. I hope that your week ends on a higher note than today. i’ll be thinking of you.

    Pesach is a time of geulah, yeshuah and freedom. Seder night or pick a day of pesach, try to capture the inspiration. Focus on Dayeinu- from the lowest madreiga, Hashem did more and more chessed and brought us up so high. From complete devastation and hopelessness we were lifted. Believe in it. Dont let any negative thoughts in, not during that time. Deflect the taunts and sadness, drown out the whispers, say no, not now! for this little while, i’m going to try to only be positive. Act it, but dont tell yourself its an act. walk around with a smile, hum to yourself, and for that hour, night, day, ignore any sadness or negativity. And hopefully that little time will stretch further and your Pesach will be a bit more than it was.

    as an aside that was the most amazing, powerful, flowing poem with such a positive twist that I can remember with my short term memory you writing! Recognizing the struggles, but that they’re only sometimes, and things are hard, discouraging, but not impossible, and the belief you will overcome.

    you are an amazing person, and you will pass this too. I believe in you. wishing you an uplifting Pesach will more smiles than not! Be strong!!

    in reply to: How do i say ___ in hebrew? #866997

    how abt a small hebrew englis dictionary? You’d get answers quicker than waiting for posts to go through here.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168073

    sighhhhhhhhh, I miss my friend. I really needed that phone call last night, but alas…silence.

    I SHOULD be studying, but I’m short on sleep and patience, so i’m here entertaining my unclear mind :).

    Can’t wait for the school year to end. Whoever decided there can be finals on chol hamoed should try experiencing Pesach with guests and then he can have a say :P. I’m so gonna be stressed out majorly tonight and on, but I guess that’s whaat happens with Pesach, guests, finals, and a birth in the family coinciding! Can’t wait for summer vacation! (If i have one….)

    How are you, MP? Hatzlocha to you and NOMTW on your finals, if they’re nowish. NOMTW how’s life? Pesach plans? Home?

    PE, long time, no post 🙂

    blabla- where are you? its been too long… No vacation yet?

    kapusta- busy with pesach cleaning?? how are you doing?

    goq, s2021, puppy- you are invited to post again!!

    And in case you or I don’t come on after, wishing all an amazing, uplifting, reconnecting, inspiring, happy, enjoyable Pesach!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168071

    hope you slept well and woke up refreshed!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168069

    Shticky- a belated thank you for the compliment. Its a special, different way of expression for me… when it comes.

    write or wrong- Welcome! and thumbs up on your song! 😀

    in reply to: April Fools Day #903261

    that was one april fools joke i did not find amusing, but coffee addict, that ain’t am yisrael chai

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168063

    sg- 😀 that was really great! I got

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168062

    sg- 😀 that was really great! I gotta read that out at supper one night! Thanks for the pesach cheer

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168059

    omein! Thank you. It is an ongoing battle of emotions, but we’re trying one minute at a time…

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168057

    That was such a hard time

    And a very hard task

    And she bentched me for koach

    Until it would pass

    And Hashem gave me strength

    When she walked through the door

    And I davened for her

    Like never before

    With my tears freely streaming

    Soaking tehillim and dress

    My emotions so raw

    Clear to all to impress

    The difficult feelings

    I was going through

    As she walked down the aisle

    To a life fresh and new

    I poured out my soul

    To our Father above

    To remove my sadness

    Make me only feel love

    To rejoice in her simcha

    With a full, complete heart

    To dance and to show her

    But was so overjoyed

    And wishing her the best

    With her chosson, her husband

    In building their nest

    I hoped she could see

    My happiness inside

    Behind the wet tears

    That I could not hide

    Her brocha to me

    Touched me deep and hit hard

    She knows just what I need

    Where I have been scarred

    And I cried as I pleaded

    That her tefilla be heard

    For a kallah so pure

    Has koach in her word

    And I hope that my thoughts

    Could reach out to touch her

    With the feelings they stir

    in reply to: Biting Fingernails, Cutting nails, pregnant women Halachot #1035042

    If its a bad habit, it can be done consciously too. Having a jagged nail or hangnail-thats not painful or a chatzitza, etc- can be much harder for someone with the habit to avoid, knowing even they shouldn’t.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168044

    i dunno, this school load is getting to me. I need to pesach clean and am short on time! And my bf’s wedding is before pesach too!! Too much to do and wayyyyyyy too little time

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