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  • in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168294

    nono, not real singing! just for fun! that time was to teach a group a song for a shabbos choir in HS. i wish i could sing, but don’t quite have the voice for it, tho it passes for a good kumzitz or shabbos zmiros- not completely tone deaf :), but i’m a big fan of harmonies

    NOMTW- Hatzlacha rabba!! Hope the stresses pass right over you!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168291

    It IS alright! i was just curious :). Thought i was the only one who ever did that- my friends laugh abt it

    in reply to: Here we go again #914138

    and of all ppl, ZK?? Pullease. Sweet, innocent, fun-having ZK? I think not.

    I so wish those posts would never have gone up, and i hope they will quickly come down! And that apologies are made, tho i know they won’t be. Its onaas dvorim and nothing but! Grrrrrr!

    in reply to: I have a problem with internet filters.(And I'm frum) #878395

    health- i was waiting for u to comment on my post. Knew you would! Re:home births: so ask midwives and doulas! But yes, i agree with ur argument abt doctors not neccesarily having as much abt homebirth, tho they hopefully know one’s particular health concerns and of any birth issues that are likely, etc.

    And drs as computers? Wld u question my wording if i’d said to consult a psychologist abt relevant n researched pros cons n info of a therapy? 🙂 Don’t worry, there are drs in my family too, and i know medical proffesionals are ppl too. Just more knowledgable in their particular field than a mother probably, just like most professionals in their particular fields.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168289

    MP- Very nice!!! Congrats on finishing. sounds great! U def have music talent Q: Are you harmonizing with yourself?

    in reply to: I have a problem with internet filters.(And I'm frum) #878381

    you do raise an interesting point. And though i wont opine, i do want to say that self-diagnosing and looking up medical info on the net is usually not the nest idea. If someone wants to find out abt homebirth, etc, they should speak to their doctor who can give them the relevant and researched pros, cons and info. So maybe this limit of filters IS good 🙂

    in reply to: men only coffee room! #875507

    not all the others had subtitles, but yes i felt the same way

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168285

    luna- re:you and i- (sorry i titled it in my mind)- thats a lot of pain you are enduring, and you are clearly a strong person who wants to see everyone just a big, happy family. I really hope your needs, wants, and your strengths are recognized very soon by those who matter to you, and that you can come out and grow and shine with all the strength you are carrying inside. You want the good and the simcha and iy”H you will be able to achieve that, at least in yourself soon. Keep praying and keep strong!

    re:chess- wow, thats a really powerful piece! Really insightful too, how u related roles to chess pieces! That was a very smart piece and idea and you put it together really beautifully. Who are you today? Froom your descriptions i’m leaning to rook for myself…

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168279

    icot- that was awesome! You really got the rhythm going there, and truly brought a smile to my face- and a big one at that! Keep ’em coming!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168276

    wishing everyone a wonderful shabbos and that its menucha reaches you all.

    in reply to: Text messages #875032

    and to be careful not to get addicted to texting, and the need for an immediate response or access to others all the time

    in reply to: Post Here If You Like Galoshes #933850

    ugh i dread that. also happens often when i get stuck in the rain.

    in reply to: Googling Your Date #1075015

    spooky and just wrong IMO

    in reply to: Text messages #875026

    ooh, rednails those are realllly bad stories. Hope you recovered from your embarrassment :). Those stories are ones that cld be used to teach lessons abt dangers of texting!

    in reply to: Text messages #875018

    writersoul- youch 🙂

    i sent a heartfelt text of tears to the wrong person. BIG oops. i also email chatted my bro instead of my friend. Quite the awkward moment, heh heh. Yeahhhhh

    in reply to: worry brings problems or problems bring worry? #875252

    “Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles – it takes away today’s peace.”

    “Worry is defined as interest paid in advance on a debt which often times never comes due.”

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168270

    +10000000000000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!

    in reply to: Moving out of Parents' Home #876448

    some people will ask qs and some won’t. and if you’re better off out of home, then you limit yourself in that way. Pros and cons in each choice

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168268

    blabla-ow, quite vivid descriptions there. But you are so right. No one knows your personal struggles and what you overcome and therefore to call you a failure is not only unfair and wrong, its totally coming out of nowhere and no knowledge and you can completely dismiss it for only Hashem can judge you. And i’m very sorry if someone did call you that :(. Hope today brings sunshine.

    Mp- looking forward!! And hatzlocha on that last bit of school

    in reply to: Posting from my Blackberry #991740


    in reply to: Peyos #874113

    um, i’m not sure the reason, but i dont think thats it. From the people i know with peyos behind the ear, its until about the bottom of the ear, where its attached to the head, not the lobe. and from that length and on. One of my relatives doesnt cut his peyos but is not chassidish to curl them, and doesnt either tuck them under his kippa, but wraps them around his ears. Just saw him recently- must be 10 inches long

    in reply to: Peyos #874109

    site’s not working yet actually

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168264

    Kapusta- hope things are getting better, and keep getting so more n more

    PE- hi busy girl! How are you doing?

    Luna- i’m sorry for all the unknown and uncertainty you are feeling. May Hashem grant you clarity to do the right thing and go the right way, and lessen the pain you feel.

    Syag Lchochma- I’m so sorry for the pain you carry. May the zchus of the readers here who follow your encouragement be an aliyah for her neshoma. And i’m trying to internalize your message, been thinking about it all day. Thank you for once again reaching out to give while in pain. ((hug))

    MP- your individual responses, and how you reword each posters message shows your care, and never stops to amaze me. Yasher koach! How are you?

    think first- very smart line and so true. Thanks for sharing!

    in reply to: What's Your Patronus? #1020041

    try the second google result

    in reply to: are you crazy? #874002

    i get told i’m crazy by my friends on average twice a day. so i guess i am!

    pba- when are you gonna drop it?

    in reply to: Wearing a jacket off the shoulder #874047

    really? i heard it WAS beged ish

    in reply to: Posting from my Blackberry #991724

    hatzlocha in your busy endeavors

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168254

    mp- you know how sometimes you need the right words to articulate something right and cant find then? 🙂

    he compared it to money. Said: of course you should look for a good job, and if an offer comes your way grab it, and you can always be working to make an income. But you shouldn’t be looking how others have more, but be content with where you are, while still keeping your eyes open for gaining, and making the most of your olam hazeh. So too, always look and strive to grow, but still, be content with your current place, dont compare yourself, and definitely dont despair that you are ‘poor’ in ruchniyus.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168251

    i went to a pirkei avos shiur this week, and the speaker threw in a side point off topic that was a meassage meant for me, and maybe someone else can get chizuk from it too. He said that being mesameach b’chelko does not only apply to physical things but also means to be happy with one’s current ruchniyus level. He explained, everyone is given unique and individual cicumstances in life, those he’s born with, his family, events, strengths and weaknesses. And not everyone is able to be on he same ruchniyus level, not everyone can connect as easily, not everyone has easy circumstances in life. And therefore to look at someone else and think, why cant i do chessed like him, why cant i daven like her, i wish i had such a easy time relating to Hashem would not make sense, because our inidivual lives affect our ruchniyus too. Of course we should strive and work to do our best and to always want to improve our ruchniyus but realize our level and connection right now is as individual as we are and dont compare your level to others. Work to grow, but dont put yourself down for where you are. Youre lower than u think u should be so grow but u are there, because thats where your life brought you and be content with that, while always yearnin to grow. Dont look down on yourself or see yourself as lacking.

    i’m sure i’m not wordin this well, cuz it even sounds wrong to me, but the way he said it, the points he brought out, hit me strongly. I hope the message comes through, though my post isnt really so clear.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168250

    Luna- I’m so so sorry for your pain and struggles. Your poetry is first of all truly amazing, rhythmic, emotional and meaningful. And your yearning will iy”H bring about changes in your life and soon! i’m sorry i havent really been replying to your poems. a lot of your descriptions of attitudes etc at home strike really close to home for me (no pun intended) and i really dont know what to say, cuz i’m stuck without ideas… Trying, but slowly

    in reply to: subway seats #873224

    todah. And it was a good q!

    in reply to: subway seats #873220

    okay goq i’ll post something just cuz :).

    I’m female and not over 60 (not to say thats a cut off age or anything!) and not pregnant, and i do take the subway all the time. i am always super happy to be offered a seat, though i won’t ask, because 1- i am a bad traveler and get less nauseas sitting, 2- i have terrible balance and am one of those who goes flying on short stops (though i have not yet landed in anyone’s lap!), and 3- i have knee issues so its nice to be able to sit instead of locking my knees and hurting them more. -end rant

    in reply to: Random ;) Stuffed cabbage recipe #873069

    and to think that til yesterday i didn’t know what a kapusta was! we call them chaluptcha!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168240

    ICOT- i like!!!!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168234

    MP- wow, thats a really nice nimshal, and thanks so much for sharing it. It is usually difficult to know how to word to others and ourselves how what some would call damaged is actually what adds strength and beauty… I love how you’ve made the idea concrete!

    Blabla- the poetry thread misses your works of art!

    Kapusta-:( i’m sorry. Just one more day til we can all blast music long and loud!!!!! And on a random side note, i was thinking today about how i wish i woulda been able to get ur email back then… Nope, not sure why i shared that either, but anyhow.

    How i wish there was a way

    to bring warmth to each of those

    who shiver in the loneliness

    who hurt or feel so cold

    how i wish there was a way

    to send a smile to those who lack

    to turn their frowns right upside down

    paint white what now seems black

    how i wish there was a way

    to turn my ((hugs)) to real

    to send to those whose hearts can use

    an embrace they can feel

    how i wish there was a way

    to wipe away their tears

    to lend a shoulder for support

    and help to banish fears

    how i wish there was a way

    to be there for each of you

    in a way more real, more meaningful

    so your souls brightly shine through

    how i wish there was a way

    to support throughout tough times

    a hand upon a shoulder

    to find the goodness in the crimes

    how i wish there was a way

    but alas, it cannot be

    and yet the power of this thread’s

    made a tremendous difference to me

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168223

    Luna- a very belated welcome. Your poems express such pain and frustration, and i’m so sorry for what you’re going through at home. I wish families would not fight, and the blame game IS often worst.

    You have a talent in expressing yourself in poetry, and there is also such depth that you have that comes through. you seem to understand the little thigns that go wrong and cause hurt. I am sure you have gained great sensitivity in relationships that will create deep bonds in the future. I’m so sorry for all the pain you are going through, and i hope this thread can be of some support. Is there noone you can try talking to in real life? A hand on your shoulder can’t be duplicated. Is there a teacher or a friend you have that you can speak with?

    i hope you have a better day tomorrow!

    MP- wow, that was really a beautiful song. i dont know which parts are from the original, but you’ve really made something! and shows how much this thread means to you and to others…

    nitpicker- 🙂 you sure can do poetry! and well at that! and you bring up ur msg nicely!

    puppy-touching piece. may your efforts be blessed with success

    Rhyme Time- welcome and very nice poetry! what a nice dream that’d be 🙂

    Parent- pls just be aware that not all the posts in this thread are poetry only, and not all are of sunny days. Its as much a caring, supportive group in hard times, just so you know.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168198

    good shabbos all! Hope i can post more next week, and wishing everyone an amazing, relaxing and uplifting shabbos!!!

    in reply to: Vanishing posters. Who do you miss? Lets get them back #872640

    really? i’m more than honored, tho i never actually disappeared! and MiddlePath’s definitely been around. I’m sure i saw yossi z here this week too.

    what abt queen bee, Aries, observanteen, s2021…

    and you’ve been absent from the Poetry thread!

    in reply to: email? #871974

    there isnt anything u can really do besides ask. It is an anonymous forum, and emails won’t be posted. I tried once also *blush*, and it was not allowed.

    in reply to: email? #871965

    not easily, and sometimes impossible completely.

    in reply to: shoavei mayim toronto #871585

    and what does the reason matter? Sounds like it might be loshon hora for anyone who knew to answer. Whats the purpose of finding out?

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168184

    ICOT- thanks, its a major vent for me sometimes :). Walk is exactly whats on my daily schedule this week- my favorite way of relaxing.

    Kapusta- thank you. If ohr naava were closer to me, it might just be my thing! I’m thinking abt joining a gym, so we’ll see.

    MP- Thanks and amen

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168178

    let’s see. Pain,an awful lot of anger, hurt, feeling deserted or lonely, learned my words are not believable, my personality causes hurt, my privacy of feelings is my own downfall, my summer dreams are gone, my mentors turned off her emotions to me, wondering if she just wants me to accept it and let go or if her words are sincere, my bf booked her tickets to move away, i’m still moody and supersensitive but now without 3 of my former vents- b”h i have one amazing friend whose ears are always open, whenever i’m willing to open up-which takes me baby steps. My parents r frustrated and at wits end, my ruchniyus is in the dumps, i dont even know if i have or what my short term goals or dreams are. I am just facing each day at a time, and have no plans or schedule. And my thirst for excitement, fun, exercise, goals, trips, growth has grown dim for i’ve no friend to pursuethem with and am not self-motivated. In a nutshell, right? A big nutshell

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168176

    well kapusta, best outlet is still a long phone convo with a best friend, to vent, cry, let it all out and have someone who knows u so well listen, understand and care. They may be few and apart, but still the most important and neccesary and meaningful thing to me, and i miss the days when they were more, and dread the coming days when they’ll be even less.

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069839

    13) catfish

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069835

    writersoul- it isn’t one! 🙂 i liked it tho

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168169

    kapusta, luna, blabla- sorry for ur struggles. Hope some smiles come ur way.

    Kapusta- cuz i can, ((hug!!!))

    blabla- hope more ups days than down then. And yasher koach on ur optimism in this!

    mp- how r u doing this week? How was shabbos?

    yes, what outlets are music fans using this month (or 2)?

    So far, i’ve been doing an awful lot of walking alone, listening to nature, and sitting in quiet parks even. And i’ve got a ball game and swimming in mind, tho i’d need a friend for those. Also tried crocheting but quickly lost interest (max 10 min at a time). Last year absorbed myself in puzzles, but need to buy one still this year. Any other ideas?

    in reply to: why are u shy?? #871049

    y aren’t you?

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168162

    blabla- :(. Pls don’t let urself go from much better to a lot worse. Focus on the positive beginning of the week, and try overlooking the sad parts a bit? I hope shabbos brings u its special menucha and u have a fresh start. Thinking of you! If theres any way i cld help…

    in reply to: The smell of yogurt #873977

    tell him outright. Politely.

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