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  • in reply to: signed … ? #881941

    :)M(: gets my vote!

    in reply to: Ike You #884766

    um my forks only have 4 tines!:)

    in reply to: Ike You #884757

    7) 13 stripes in the US flag

    8) 18 Holes on a golf course

    12) 3 blind mice- see how they run!

    16) 100 cents in a roll?

    19) 13 is unlucky for some

    27) 23 pairs of chromasome in human ___?

    in reply to: Jokes #1202235

    Haha, love the last one! a good yiddishe kup!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168371

    Syag Lchochma- thanks so much for ur kind words! its really encouraging to hear that i sound like i’m getting somewhere! Esp since someone inreal life this week didnt think so :-/. i do feel like i’m getting places tho, with some parallel falls…

    that relationship is still going, but sad to see it dwindling more of late :(. we do speak maybe once a week or twice in 3 weeks? but she’s moving next week, and then???? then i guess we’ll see :(. not excited but thats life, no?

    wow, talk abt a double hit. i can’t even imagine standing through such pain :'(. You are obviously a very strong person with a real, deep kesher to Hashem. And i’m so so glad to have ‘met’ such an inspiring person and amazing mother too! You are clearly a really special woman, and one in touch with her real role in life. Yasher kochacha!

    And thanks for the compliment, i’m truly flattered. and undeserving! but i hope you are right abt pulling m/s out. not quite there yet! but i do think that struggles and pain clearly give a sensitivity to ppl.

    in reply to: Frum women doctors #880894

    please can this argument be dropped, or ended on a peasceful note? either?? thanks in advance!

    in reply to: Yeshiva World Editor #880639

    and mayyyyyyyyyybe not!

    in reply to: Yeshiva World Editor #880636

    or roam flatbush and ask around for ********* 🙂

    in reply to: Is it possible to be happy in a job you hate #880743

    someone i know has this theory that if you become good at your job, even if you hate the field, you’ll end up liking it, because you’ll feel successful and accomplished. so they say to trying to be great at what you do and then what you do will be great. (not sure if i agree, but can’t say i’ve tried that path either…)

    in reply to: Heat Wave!!!!! #884340

    you can still call the cops in case its still there

    in reply to: BaalHabooze…?? Where Are You??? #881470

    maybe he became a mod

    in reply to: Popa on parenting #971317

    you always let them win the games? chess and bowling too?

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168364

    sorry all for the too long posts that dont even have spaces between paragraphs to ease readability. and they’re not poems either :-/. ooops. have to get one of those up soon.

    MP- B”H! and i hope it all goes smoothly and well with both! keep up that attitude, as i know u will!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168363

    oh right! palpable! thats the word i couldnt think of 🙂

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168361

    not only sad topics are painful. i’msurprised you havent heard this topic discussed though,because i have many times. i just read an article from aish last week called Raising Teenage Daughters- check it out.

    this is all going to be subjective, but its all the opinion i can have.

    “They call and they share and they listen and talk.

    They ask me questions and they share their dilemmas”- if you have this, you are lucky and your kids are luckier. Many teens, in their desire and need to learn independance, lose their relationship. Treasure what you have and try to hold on to that connection you have!

    its hard to want independance and yet fear it, want to let go of the apron strings and yet know the risks that come with it. its a difficult balance and very stressful and nervewracking, and hormones dont help. i dont think any teen enjoys the tension, the arguments, the ‘coldness’ and yet, i wonder if it may be neccesary to grow independant. the conflict of wanting your children to let go and yet come back is an internal conflict they also struggle with.

    their quiet and nonresponsiveness are often not rejection, but uncertainty. not knowing themselves, what they want, wanting to talk and not wanting the dependance of needing to. the blinding emotions that yell that you cant or dont understand. its a tough time. what they want most is your love and care, even when they say they dont. especially then.

    your feeling that not being needed means not being loved is one i can strongly relate to, because thats exactly what i was (and am) strugglign with my newly married friends. we both needed the other, but then… she doesnt need me anymore, tho i stil need her and even more, i want her to need me! too emotional right now to elaborate on that.

    you miss your children. and they miss you. they miss the relationship of past, but they strive in hopes of reaching a new higher plateau in your relationship, even if it means a hard, painful climb. and maybe keeping that plateau in your mind’s eye can help too? once they reach that, once they are past this stage of struggle, they will be able to look back and see what you endured, and then appreciate and need you even more, and their love for you will grow. and its why it is so important to try all you can to keep a warm, loving relationship open to them, so they always see and feel your love and care, not just know it. sorry, end rant.

    i absolutely love your last paragraph . it just shows that you get it all. knowing it doesnt make it any easier or less painful, but its the most important part. i wish there was a way to lessen the struggles and pain that are inevitable, but i have no answers. i dont think it’d be a bad idea to have an open, honest talk abt how you both feel, when you are both not on defense, and both open and willing. it’d bring clarity to both sides and can only help, no? wishing you an easy time through this difficult and painful time!

    luna- that was beautiful! the peace and calm radiate out of your words in a tangible way! thank you for sharing the calm! i am so happy you have a place to refresh and renew and i hope you are really there, recharging, and creating fresh memories to call up in harder times. its always hard to come back from a high, a happy calm, to ‘real life’ and its challenges, but i hope it will help you come back stronger and energized to face them with a new strength.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168358

    not sorry i asked for a millisecond.

    first of all, yasher koach on cancelling your internet and on your goals of cutting back! showing your kids your rules apply equally to you and you are too trying will hopefully show them all how much you care and give them the conviction of how imp this is. esp your sem girl, who sees how you avoid usign your phone when she’s around.

    i’m so sorry for what you are strugglign through :(. a simcha without a relative has got to be one of the biggest emotional rollercoasters. brought to mind a memory of my grandfather at the first wedding after my grandmother passed away, walking down to tthe chupa, crying and yet trying not to, trying to focus on the happiness… impossible and yet not a bad thing. to be b’simcha and yet think of those who arent there, and daven to be reunited soon.

    oh the protective mode :(. i call it my closed mood. to freeze myself of all emotions. both a lifesaver and a horrible feeling. i cant even imagine how painful the thought of that day is for you, and i can only hope it will turn out easier than u imagine.

    you sound like such an amazing mother though, who shows her kids how much she cares for them, and is so concerned for their good.your children are lucky to have you for their mother. your friends sound truly amazing and supportive. and they obviously understand and dont hold it against you at all. the fact that they are reaching out to help shows that there is a deep 2-way kesher. even if u havent attended their simchos, you have clearly been there for them in a deeper way and they sound more than glad to give something back. it may be hard to take when u feel bad abt missing theirs, but it doesnt sound like they hold it against u, but rather want to give! ok enough rambling from me, and i really hope i havent said anything hurtful or thoughtless. please forgive me if i have. i am very sad to hear the pain that you’re going through, esp tough bec of the bar mitzva. iy”H you should keep getting farther and farther away from the abysses i’ve experienced and have much much simcha! i hope the bar mitzva turns out beautifully and that you can truly enjoy it. and may it bring nachas to your sisters neshoma.

    i’m sure it wasnt easy to share this all, but thank you for opening your heart to your poetry thread family. we care for you.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168356

    think first- sry, my net’s limited this week, but i listened now. Nice stuff! i wish i could learn to play guitar that well- sounds so good!! Like the flow of the first one esp. and glad abt shabbos 🙂

    MP-B”H for your resilience and emotional strength! so happy your doing bit better and i hope things get better too. i’m doing half decent, thanks for asking :). and i too hope things work out openly good for you.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168350

    we almost fell off the page! where did everyone go?

    MP- how’s it going? :-/

    blabla- how are you?

    kapusta- 😉 how are you? hope you had a restful shabbos!

    Luna, NOMTW, ICOT, think first, Too Cool, Syag Lchochma, PE, puppy… who else? HI!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168349

    Too Cool- 🙁 I know that cant be true but i dont have the answers you need. I only hope that you do have lots of loving family and friends.

    MP- that is NOT fun. Will keep you in mind. Your attitude is praiseworthy and more tho! Hatzlacha Rabba!

    Think first- Thats great abt ur job! b”H!! i’m gonna sneak over to sound cloud for curiosity’s sake 😀

    kapusta- thanks for asking. having a tough week. 3 incidents. 1 painful for the whole family, 1 HURTS!!! and plucked at a thread of trust no matter the good intentions, and 1 is B”H worked through but gave me 24 hrs of headache. But how are you??? Why the :(? I hope Shabbos brings you menucha! I actually had an email idea…. gonna find out.

    Syag Lchochma- hi! you still read here?

    in reply to: Color War! #879867

    i never did get why they had to scare kids… worst color war breakout, or most traumatizing at least. On field day/sports day, at the end of the day of competition, the counselors were scheduled to have a short competition- jumpin rope, jumbo (long jump). During jumbo, one head councelor ‘tripped’ and fell hard. Some counselors ran to her and s/o yelled to call Hatzola. In that 3 minute wait, half the camp was crying hysterically, many called home crying and traumatized. 2 men from Hatzolah came in, looked her over and loaded her into a neck brace n stretcher. As they were leaving, she yelled hold on, i need to tell the other head counselor something. 2nd ran over and said what is it? And she yelled: its color war! It was NOT a fun breakout. I do not get the fear factor in the breakouts.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168341

    sounds so simple, and yet not as easy as it sounds, if you’ve been doing it for a while.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168339

    ICOT- you have talent. amazing mashal and imagery. now to work on bringing it home…… thanks for sharing!

    in reply to: was YWN hacked? #879440

    am i the only one who had this purim shtick pop up for them today? I thought purim was over, but maybe i’m wrong!

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1224047

    mazel tov!!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168332

    soso truly glad for you who are having a great week and/or vacation! Blabla- enjoy and drink in the beautiful ‘nature’ and gorgeous surroundings. Keep that smile strong and you’ll see all your friends, new and old, come out from behind the palm trees to join you on that beach. For the really lonely moments, avraham fried has a powerful song, ”You’re Never Alone”. For all those having sunny weeks, please enjoy for me, cuz i can’t seem to find the sunshine in my week so far. Such a tough one and its barely started :(. Big, unhappy for me, change happening that i dont know how to verbally respond to, and was warned of a very unpleasant breach of trust that may happen tomorrow. No matter the intention, it hurts so deeply to have someone go behind your back when they know you dont let. I’ve got such a pit in my stomach since hearing, i just want to cry. But i am trying with all my might to heed the warning without believing it is neccesarily true- NOT easy….

    Hope your loneliness quickly disappears blabla! Luna, NOMTW- that ur sunshine continues! MP- how are you? Kapusta- how are you doing????? (ps i still wish i coulda got ur email). iCOT, Think first-hi!

    in reply to: The YWN Coffee Room Welcome Wagon #1064553

    welcome back to blabla! You were missed!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168326

    NOMTW- yup u are :). But thanks nonetheless. Just not sure how much i wanna say yet, so starting small.

    And I’m all for taking summer easy!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168324

    congrats NOMTW!

    thanks for the shout out, MiddlePath. I was gonna post but busy busy friday and then my amazing mood turned upside down motzei shabbos with worrisome news. i’m in a quandary, unsure how to react or what to say to the bearer of news…. it can be bad if i speak up and be bad if i dont. pressure’s building so i’m just avoiding it temporarily. but yeahhhhh.

    So how is everyone! NOMTW- enjoying ur vacation?? how about the rest of our posters?

    in reply to: OU kashrus is not reliable? #1214245

    Chofetz Chaim-A Lesson a Day. See today’s lesson

    in reply to: Midas HaRachamim vs. Midas HaDin #878670

    here’s the sources from Halacha For Today:

    According to Kabballah (Zohar Parshas Vayikra 24), it is never good to interlace the fingers into each other as doing so can bring bad Mazel as well as harsh heavenly judgement. (See Piskei Teshuvos Siman 95:5 for more details) Halachically, in times of peace and calm it should not be done, but in difficult times (I am not sure exactly how to determine what is considered difficult times) it is an acceptable, and perhaps even an adviseable, way to hold the hands during Tefilah. (See Aruch HaShulchan Siman 91:7 and Be’er Heitev Siman 95:3)

    in reply to: Midas HaRachamim vs. Midas HaDin #878667

    mommamia- the hand lacing is from zohar i believe

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168320

    Is it wednesday night? How was NOMTW??

    in reply to: watch where you walk #878127

    first consider if that would be tzaar baalei chayim. And/or possibly illegal

    in reply to: descriptions on shidduch resume? #879581

    mp- u’ve convinced me! I got it now, thanks

    in reply to: descriptions on shidduch resume? #879573

    MP- if i can disagree with your last bit. Do you know anyone who wants a girl who is sour, negative or uncaring? (close-minded i can actually hear maybe… though she’s got to be open-minded enough to a guy’s POV) 🙂

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168317

    Halfway there! Keep going! G’luck!! hope ur thesis and other final went well!

    in reply to: descriptions on shidduch resume? #879570

    having seen quite a few resumes from all corners of north america (okay, not mexico yet) i can tell you there is no ‘usual’ in resumes. some have just very basic info- generally those of people looking for suggestions from people who knew of them before getting the resume. some have more info, but still just that. Some have a paragraph describing self, some describing what they’re looking for, and some both. some have these in point form of character traits instead of a paragraph. some people include pictures, some dont, and some include a picture for only the shadchan’s eyes. its true that the descriptions can help someone get a feel for you, and its also true that sometimes that picture can be completely wrong. its a personal choice

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168314

    that was beautiful Luna, and your message should shine through to all. Keep spreading your powerful poetry and you can begin to change the world!

    Have a good shabbos and start that chain of sweetness today!

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1224026

    MAZEL TOV cofeefan!!!

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1224021

    Happy bday tzaddiq and yummy!

    Amein Yummy!!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168310

    thx kapusta. yeah, it was a temporary major letdown, and i was angry at someone but more at Hashem, if i can say that without being labeled apikores. i was hurting an awful lot, but i’m ok now

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168307

    G’luck with those!

    in reply to: I'm sure it was an oversight #877996

    “to mention each employee by name in the journal one person wasn’t named, me”

    Ugh, that just disgusts me. Of course its vexing, and more. I wish someone else in the office would take note and say something!

    it doesnt sound normal to not invite you just because you’re single though. If he has s/t against you, its wrong, but at least coming from somewhere. For no other reason is just nonsensical.

    in reply to: I'm sure it was an oversight #877992

    or your address is still wrong in his simcha spreadsheet list.

    So sorry for the pain of exclusion. It feels really bad being excluded from a group. Last time round, you felt he had a reason to not want you there. Do you still feel a barrier between you two?

    in reply to: Yiddish word question #877325

    if u spell it in hebrew letters, i can look it up in my handy dandy yiddish dictionary

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168305

    hi all! thanks for the shoutout, kapusta and NOMTW. actually overall, yomtov was much better than i expected, and i was granted a special dose of positive attitude. I had fun, learned a bit, ate ate ate- but only overate a bit :), and played family games- YAY! i had one reallllllllly hard morning when i couldnt control and pretty much cried for an hr straight- thats what my other post was abt- but halfway through the day i had mostly bounced back, thanks to a looooooooooong walk in the hot weather. B”H it didnt rain, cuz i needed that!

    luna- i didnt make any cheesecake this year, and we only had 1 that i didnt like 😛 so cant say i did! but i’m gonna make yummy cookies today to make up for that :D. Did u have any really yum ones to share? how are you?

    MP- 🙂 emotionally AND spiritually is the best combo

    kapusta- so glad it was nice! and iy”H shabbos and yomtov should continue to exceed your expectations!

    NOMTW- so besides for food, how was shavuos?? 🙂

    ICOT, Syag Lchochma, think first, blabla, PE- hope you had a nice yom tov!

    in reply to: My Shavuous Roundup #877884

    and i know many ppl say the same thing about. and they may be right. and they may be wrong.

    in reply to: My Shavuous Roundup #877882

    well then, i guess i didn’t ‘keep’ yomtov either.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168298

    AMEIN! And gut shabbos and gut yomtov to all! Those who have posted recently and those hidign out- hope everyone is doing well! If not, post and get whatever you can off your chest and then enjoy your 3 day yom tov and relax! Hope its enjoyable to all!

    in reply to: How many people are actually doing the Kosher things online? #876433

    besides for gmail, abt 90% of my time

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