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  • in reply to: How does one define a rasha? #978501

    sidi-it wasnt funny, and it wasnt nice

    in reply to: Kindness and Judgement must go together #894427

    very very nice! thank you for sharing.

    Where did you see this from, may i ask?

    in reply to: Moski and Sidi #1030234

    he must be grabbing his last chance at vacation

    in reply to: Which Threads Do You Ignore? #1005910

    Any that sound like they’ll be all about bashing other yidden or other posters i dont open unless they get big and then i chk the last post to see if its gone off on a safe but interestiing tangent.

    Any thread that i feel starts going off color, or getting mean, or machlokes-y, i stop reading. Threads whose title don’t sound like they’ll have anything for me, like those addressed to tanach knowledgables :), or those dedicated to dark humor like cutting brake lines or putting visine in others drinks, or those filled with back n forth that consists solely of large quotes of hebrew sforim i dont bother with.

    This thread however, has caught my interest! 🙂

    what about you, goq?

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168446

    mazel tov think first!! And amein! May you build a bayis neeman b’yisroel, with brocha and simcha!

    in reply to: Dangerous territory #891632

    Lol! Great title choice :)!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168436


    MP- i think i just got a new favorite from your songs. I really like it! nice job and keep ’em up

    in reply to: Everything But Learning Torah Is Treif! #890704

    mods- point made, i too found it funny. but now it seems to be turning into taunting. is that muttar? can it close before it turns offensive and ppl start taking sides? please?

    in reply to: Kosher food in Niagara Falls #1188933

    Last year we went there, and there was also a kosher hot dog stand. I do NOT know how reliable that was. There were two vendor stands together. Only one was under hashkocha, and the other was selling non-kosher products. We did not buy anything from them after hearing, but jsut to be aware of…

    in reply to: Minyan in family vacation areas for summer 2012 #889978

    Lake George has a very nice sized minyan and some Kosher food available.

    in reply to: What is the right mindset? #889919

    curiosity- thanks. Not taking it the wrong way. And really, the money part was the easiest part for me to accept. I was meant to lose it, ok. But the agmas nefesh, if i can call it that, the frustrations got to me. But putting the money aside, should i have tried a third time? (i didn’t in the end. I had no strength to go through another thing if it were to happen.)

    in reply to: How come I still get tongue tied? #889925

    __ years later you wouldnt give him a chance? not even to say hello? Kids are kids and dont realize the power of their words or actions. He may have been completely wrong then, but you wont let him apologize or turn over a new page?

    in reply to: that will be the day when… #889136

    i can eat raspberries by the handful without bug worries. mmmm

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168415


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168413

    hey everyone!

    tf-no, i didnt make it tho i really wanted to. Still hoping to watch it online though!

    nomtw- how was? how are you feeling? AND everyone else too!!

    luna- ur license joke gets a cornyyyyyyy label from me. i snorted out loud when i read it 🙂

    AND everyone else too!! How are you doing?

    in reply to: Why do people pick their noses while at a traffic light? #887419

    yes, PLEASE delete it?

    in reply to: H-a-s-h-e-m H-e-l-p M-e F-i-n-d A S-h-i-d-d-u-c-h-!-! #888504

    Its not exclusively the reason, agreed. and to say as a broad generalization that these are the reasons any single older girl is not married is 100% unfair and wrong. Cant blame the girl who’s only been suggested 4 dates in 2 yrs! And yes, there has to be a compatability and comfort beyond the ‘list’. But a lot can be built after marriage through work and stretching. But these reasons still are the case often.

    whaleboy- Its a personality and not neccesarily a bad one. I’ve had and heard the same story but almost exclusively with reversed roles, with the boy being shy at first and the girls dismissing them as too quiet.

    in reply to: Interesting conversation #887134

    whether it happened or was made up, it’s a good debate that i highly enjoyed reading. Thanks for sharing!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168404

    Luna- wanna apologize. i have no clue how, but i completely missed your first poem. i just realized now when i saw kapusta’s line “those were great poems”.

    Your story keeps on going, this chapters not yet even done. But life has surprises for us, and you may be approaching an unforeseen high part, and a place where you can heal very quickly and easily, bezras Hashem. I wish you will be given a clarity and internal strength and love to overcome those hurts and sadness…

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168402

    Luna- that was reallly nice! i really really liked it a lot! and hi again!

    slowly everyone’s coming outta hiding, i see….

    MP- we’re all wishing the best for you! Dont feel obligated to reply when you can’t. Focus on lifting your own spirits first, and the poets and posters here, we’ll try to help! Just keep heading up and looking forward!

    in reply to: H-a-s-h-e-m H-e-l-p M-e F-i-n-d A S-h-i-d-d-u-c-h-!-! #888472

    wasnt trying to push a point. sry if i came across agressively. Just to say that though I also read the post like you did, i realized if you dont read it word for word, literally, but look for the general msg, its the same as the books. I still strongly disagree with some things she wrote (nothing personal dora, just have a diff view on it) but i understand the overall idea as to not be nitpicky about the extraneous demands we need, and to prioritize and then be happy to stretch, which is what marriage is about i think….

    in reply to: H-a-s-h-e-m H-e-l-p M-e F-i-n-d A S-h-i-d-d-u-c-h-!-! #888469

    so doesnt that explain dora’s msg, about ‘wanting’ to get married? replace ‘lower expectations’ with prioritizing and dropping the unessential demands?

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168399

    Syag- that was an amazing answer. and even if not perfect for nomtw, its beneficial for so many, myself included, to hear. Thanks so much for sharing, and with such clarity.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168397

    thx Syag. I can put up a pretty good facade some times 🙂

    in reply to: H-a-s-h-e-m H-e-l-p M-e F-i-n-d A S-h-i-d-d-u-c-h-!-! #888466

    yummy cupcake- have u ever read the book “Dating Secrets” aka “Shidduch Secrets”? There’s more than one section that addresses this, the most relevant about those who want to get married but subconsciously are avoiding it, be from fear, commitment issues, underlying issues, close-mindednes…. Its a very good book for all, and explains dorafelder’s idea but maybe more clearly, with examples and such. I highly recommend it

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168394

    oops. The danger of typing a reply in word then copying is you dont realize how long your reply really is. Sry!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168393

    mp- Having faith does not mean denying your feelings. It doesnt mean suppressing pain, hurt or upset. Its a life-long work, but to the point where it is instinct to realize your emotions may be misplaced.

    It is expected to hit bumps, and bigger ones as life goes on. That is the purpose of life. Life is about the hurdles and stumbles and challenges, and between them we are given breaks to rest, and recharge. Just like that miracle and rescue was so clearly designed and orchestrated just for you, that rock in the road that made you fall was shaped just so and placed just there just for you, but with the utmost love and care, so you can stand up and become stronger and more clearly see Him in retrospect. Like the mother may let her child ignore her call for supper so that he will learn for himself that supper is for his sake, to feed him, though it seemed a hindrance. Like the teacher steps back and lets the 2 kids argue it out themselves, so that they can learn problem-solving on their own. And she may even be the one to purposely pair those two up! The pain and suffering are not nothing but precisely what is drawing you higher up. Its those that will have the greatest reward. They are brochos in disguise.

    Nomtw- hey! Sadly gotta hafta nod and say I know what you’re saying with school…. Do you have a good friend who recognizes your uncertainty in yourself? Who can pump you up and point out your strengths, accomplishments, sensitivities, achievements? It can make a world of a difference if its coming from a sincere place. Its easy to be blinded to your own worth and good. Its a very easy trap for the yetzer hora to entangle us in. And a hard one to climb out of. If you feel you are making a difference, doing s/t for others, its the best thing you can do for yourself. Try to find yourself a feel-good job or volunteer program for the summer? Or help out in a chessed org? Wish I had the right words to open your eyes to all that you are….

    in reply to: Tailgating by the Siyum HaShas #886510

    In the United States, a tailgate party is a social event held on and around the open tailgate of a vehicle. Tailgating often involves consuming alcoholic beverages and grilling food. Tailgate parties usually occur in the parking lots at stadiums and arenas, before and occasionally after games and concerts. People attending such a party are said to be tailgating. Many people participate even if their vehicles do not have tailgates.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168389

    wow, from ur first poems, its clear your friend is dear to you and that u really treasure it. Your family poem is beautiful :). You seem to have a really great and positive approach in your relationships and that will help them endure time, distance and challenge.

    i like your last one! i really like how the topic change flows from one to the other, related yet new, and heading to a new topic again!

    in reply to: ??? ?? ??? ??? #885644

    ummmmmmmm yeahhhhhhh okayyyyyyyy. but yes, frum

    in reply to: I am sorry! #886422

    am i off schedule or does someone else also have a tanis on their calender next sunday like SIDI?

    in reply to: Happy Birthday! #1122485

    happy bday!

    in reply to: A Thought I had Today #884852

    Someone said a dvar Torah on this at my shabbos table. i dont remember the source offhand tho. The answer he said was that at the beginning of the machlokes, the wives of the men involved in the machlokes did not approve or want to participate. Their husbands were suspicious of this, and accused their wives of znus with Moshe. They went through the process of Isha Sotah, and were found innocent. The bnos Tzlofchad were backing up their claim by saying that their father wasnt involved in adas korach, or else their mother wld have gone through sota and been given a bracha of sons. being that there were no sons, he wasnt part of adas korach.

    i personally still wasnt completely satisfied with this, because it was still repetitious, but we came up with the comparison to Chana, who ‘challenged’ Hashem to give her a son, or else she’d put herself in the position of sota and go through the process to be proven innocent and been bentched with a child….

    in reply to: Post to Post�NOT #1047262

    I love snow. Its so pretty and clean. Like a fresh coat of paint, hiding all the dirt and mess below it. Everything looks white and pure, with only bumps letting you know of something hidden below. Whenever it snows 2 inches overnight, i wake up from the quiet it creates and the yellow sky. And i will sit there, at 3am, absorbed as i watch the individual and unique flakes melding into one, powerful, united blanket. Did you know that you can actually hear snowflakes as they hit the ground? Its a truly amazing thing.

    in reply to: Your Favorite Cake/Cookie/Danish #884701

    sponge cake!!! My grandmothers recipe at least! Especially the top crust, mmmmm….

    in reply to: Free Slurpees!!! #884547

    got mine! Just make sure not to drink yours in front of your mother, like i did, who will yelp: Ah! stop drinking it! its just a cup full of sugar!!

    Nor to laugh in reply when your mouth is full of slurpee 😀

    in reply to: Ike You #884777

    all 3 of those were oldies! any new ones anyone?

    in reply to: Why Do Threads ALWAYS Change Direction? #883612

    on the other hand tho, u gotta consider!

    in reply to: Anxiety #883002
    in reply to: Jew on Americas got Talent #885377

    ain’t this more than bordering on loshon hora and even motzi shem ra? is there a good purpose to letting this go on?

    in reply to: Frum Jews and animals: why can't they get along together? #1014822

    in my family, we’re all animal lovers except one who was bitten by a dog at age 2. We’ve had gerbils, a turtle, fish, and birds. i’ve always wanted a bunny :). my mother wants a cat, my father a dog, but neither of those is happening.the female terror is beyond my comprehension, but i know quite a few girls who like animals, and even more women 40+. though i have only seen 1 person really freeze in fear when a dog jumped on her skirt. others just scream and run.i admit big dogs i’ll avoid unless i know the owner, only because i’ve seen too many jump up on ppl and i dont want that experience, esp since i’d likely get knocked down :). Seems to me its becomng more and more common to fear pets though, because while little kids arent naturally afraid, when you see how the mothers grab their kids and run when they see a dog, its expectable for the kids to learn to run too. Why more now? Two/three generations ago, many lived on farms, or at least bought their chicken and fish live. so there was no fear to teach their kids. but nowadays…

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1224065

    Mazel tov Syag Lchochma 🙂


    Ken Zayn- “I was memorized!” 🙂 hmm…

    in reply to: Non religious siblings #881373

    kapusta +1!

    in reply to: Frum Jews and animals: why can't they get along together? #1014805

    Shticky Guy- haha!! 🙂

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168378

    music is a pathway

    an entrance to my heart

    it holds a key to reach inside

    when i feel falling apart

    music holds the code

    to opening locked doors

    emotions flood out, eyes aglow

    awakened, spirit soars

    whether i’m filled with sadness

    or fears keep me awake

    the music calms me, warms my soul

    direction i can take

    and when i’m full of joy

    and smiles light my face

    the music helps to elevate

    with its upbeat pace

    the music touches deep

    its tune can touch my heart

    the tears that so long have been stemmed

    now break the walls apart

    the words, if you will listen

    can pierce you and hit hard

    and tefilla pours like waters forth

    as i let down my guard

    and whether its in thankfulness

    or begging ad mosai

    i know my words will rise up high

    Hashem will hear my cry

    so when i’m cold and broken

    or feeling numb and dulled

    i turn to hartzige music

    the void soon will be full

    i’ll focus on the lyrics

    let the melody inside

    let it connect me once again

    for i don’t want to hide

    and as i turn my face

    to my Father up above

    i feel assured He’s holding me

    I’m enveloped in His love

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168377

    Syag- sry, didnt mean to call u to post- thats y i just waved silently! thanks for sharing that message. veryyyy much appreciated, and has got me thinking. so glad you are coming out proud and victorious!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168375

    i knew i was gonna miss names. Sorry think first! hope you’re doign well!!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168373

    Hello all! time for a bump!

    Hope everyones doing well. its been quiet…. but i’m hoping no news is good news in this case!

    Syag Lchochma-back in hiding, so just a wave! i hope you’re doing ok and things are only getting easier. thinking of you!

    PE- its been a while so hoping u’ll pop in soon! hi!!!

    MP- hope those things and everything are going uphill

    luna- hoping that beautiful scene is still with you!

    NOMTW, kapusta, blabla- (wave!)

    how is everyone doing??

    in reply to: Mashing tuna help? #881033

    i prefer the fork method. putting it on a flat plate as opposed to in a bowl makes it easier as theres less to mush at a time, and u can separate mushed from unmushed :). Alternatively, put on a plastic glove and dig in :)!

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