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  • in reply to: Mods: MIA #900938

    welcome back 95, 42 and 20! And hope you’ll stick around, cuz your absences are noticed :). Btw, are you the only 3 remaining?? (uhoh, was that a breach of rules? Confidential information- beeeep! Beeeeep! Beeeeeep!)

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168557

    np re age :), just found it amusing coming on the heels of an overestimation :). Re dorming. ehmmmmm, so thats not happening. (here’s still wishing this convo cld go private so i cld actually answer not in a public forum…)

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168555

    jmh, nas- thanks

    syag- you know, i often wonder if they present themselves as such, or if its just me who’s blind, dumb, ignorant. Close-minded, narrow-minded, judgemental, sensitive. Cuz it seems to be mostly ;only?) me who feels this way abt some of those people. Well, nothing like a good age underestimation to balance the overestimation i got recently :)! No i’m not in hs. Sem was amaaaazing for me tho. The being surrounded by other girls also looking to grow grow grow, and the fresh start of friends, teachers, etc, did me worlds to my ruchniyus, bein adam lchaveiro, and to my self-esteem. Sadly, i feel like in the years since, i’ve fallen back :-/. I wish i cld do another sem year, but i’m passed that stage and age.

    in reply to: cute wedding gift for my sister? #901001

    perhaps a techinos or a nice tehillim or something along those lines?

    On a totally different track, you could personalize a clock or calendar from a photosite? Very useful, and usually forgotten to buy.

    If she’s not moving after marriage, you could do something personal-fun, like if she’s an ice cream lover, u could get a fun set of those colorful, ice cream cone shape bowls/cups.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168550

    think first -mazel tov!!! May we continue to ‘share’ in simchos!

    Nas- i too love the beach, the waves, the quiet… Thank you for bringing a moment of calm and relaxation into my week.

    Sorry for the dark tone here, but it’s been an awfully hard 2 weeks…

    Looking for sweetness in this bitter bitter world

    looking for care and an ear.

    Searching for answers, a light in the dark

    a way to erase all those fears.

    Wanting to talk, to vent and to shmooze

    wanting a listening face

    Yearning for hugs or a pat on the back

    yearning for a warm embrace

    needing some structure and accomplishment

    needing to be understood

    desire to feel that a difference i make

    and the choice to do so if i could

    to have satisfaction from what i do

    enjoyment from how i spend my day

    to have an excitement to jump out of bed

    not sleep just to waste time away

    give me some space to breathe, to stretch out

    to grow into my very own me

    dont want to be put in a mold not my own

    that pressure’s too much, can’t you see?

    Let me follow my own way, create my own path

    even if it doesnt match yours

    let me follow my heart, help me dont hinder

    you’ll see how my neshama can soar.

    in reply to: Would you marry…? #940960

    thank you syag, i’m honored you think so. I assume my posts wasnt up yet when mimah posted, but i was serious. And thanks for looking out for me ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Would you marry…? #940945

    depending on everything else. That wouldnt neccesarily make it or break it for me. Knowing before dating definitely wld be a con, but thats why rabbonim suggest only revealing s/t like this on a 3-4th date, whne you can make a decision knowing the person better

    in reply to: Post to Post๏ฟฝNOT #1047323

    <HICCUP> it’s not my fault!! <HICCUP>

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168541

    sorry, holiday would be nice. I’m reading occasionally, but no head or time to think out a response or write the poem i want to. Having a very stressful and hard 2 wks, on top of 3 tests and a paper… Back thursday i hope…

    in reply to: yom huledet #901193

    amein, bruchah t’hi! Happy birthday and many more. May it be a year of simcha and nachas!

    in reply to: What is your favorite brand of instant coffee? #902174

    After seeing it used twice here, i gotta ask. Isn’t it called tea essence??

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168536


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168535

    notasheep- then thank you very much and i’m glad someone could enjoy or appreciate it, even in its atypicality!

    Hey, where is everyone else? MP, blabla, puppy, Syag Lchochma, kapusta, think first, luna, nomtw, shopping, and all the rest- hope you”re all ok, and have a good shabbos

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168532

    jmh- not at all offended or thought you harsh. I understand what your saying, even better with your reply. I was just replying n sharing my opinion. Btw loved the visuality (is that a word??) of innocence of youth, and couldnt help but grin at the tomato’s demise :). Good choice notasheep. And thanks for the compliment, tho beautiful (coughcoughcough) might be a weeee bit of a stretch :). (well i guess i just admitted that undeserved compliments can irk me too! Oops :D)

    Sorry for the late reply, i’m just bogged down with procrastinated work and tests, and am going through an awful week.

    Have a good shabbos, one and all!

    in reply to: The funny things Goyters can do #899952

    haha, and here i come in, expecting a medical discussion with a typo about thyroid glands!

    How about the one who would sit and watch the dryer go round and round, and couldnt do anything else meanwhile because she was busy doing the laundry.

    in reply to: Sefer for a Couple to Learn? #900282

    nesivos shalom al hachinuch or al haparshah perhaps

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168526

    jmh-hmmm k, here i go!

    So yes, it did quickly become more about the support, care n friendship. And actually it still is :). Then talented poets also add to the content. Its true not all (alot) of the poetry here is quality stuff, or grammatical, and often contains spelling errors and doesnt flow. But, and i am only speaking abt my own poetic ‘abilities’ which i publicly laugh at and recognize their amateur level, stimes its just the ability to express and portay emotions so clearly, when i can read s/o’s piece and laugh or cry, that is a different kind of talent i see here so often. The ability to express. Its not s/t everyone has. For me, i have a more than impossible time expressing m/s in person, even thoughts and debates, all the more so emotions, pain,and feeling. And on paper is the only way it comes out (or text, emailetc). And stimes only thru a poem attempt can i say what i’d never otherwise say, and i dont think abt the quality, flow, or even rhyme as long as it is flowing out of fingers. Its when i have a writing block that i’m down. So as the perfect eg, my last poem, which made even me wince when i reread now, was a horrible pc of poetry hands down. But it was an expression and that is always more than accepted on this thread, and answers more often than not come too,and let the poster know they are not alone, or are understood, or are acknowledged at least. No, its not about the poetic level, its about the care and accceptance of all pieces and posts, regardless of their quality or if they are even poetry or just writing.

    Its 100% true that not eveeryone who enjoys writin poetry has talent. In fact, some ppl who dont enjoy it are very talented too. (i’m gonna join the leagues who say u are very talented tho ๐Ÿ™‚ ). Myself, not quite there in the talent dept. And i cannot for the life of me figure out how to write a poem that flows no matter who is reading it. Mine lines tend to only share beat in ‘my’ head. Oh well! Yes, sometimes i am breaking my teeth to find a compliment or reply to poems i cant relate to at all, and dont think are quality-commendable, tho my exposure and thus expectations are much lower than yours considering personal talent n appreciation. But often i answer more cuz i know i’d want responses. To be kind and let them know someone read it and was glad they posted. To show i care. To show they matter. Or many other interconnected reasons outside of awe. But thats just me. Different strokes for different folks!

    Btw, if you’re only at pg 10, you’re still at the beginning of the solidifying of the regulars and the sharing and caring that this thread brought out and brought about. And THAT is the poetic beauty i see ๐Ÿ™‚

    (posting from my phone, so i have no clue how long this post is, but apologies for its length and typos!)

    in reply to: Do you have separate glasses for dairy? #900538

    akuperma- most the frum families with lil kids i know DO use glass cups actually. And have plastic for the ones under 2 or 3 or 4 depending on the family and on the kid!

    We have both separate glasses and mugs for meat and dairy

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168523

    jmh- as a matter of it did :). How DO you come up with such ‘stuff and nonsense’?? I should try an illogical poem like that one day…. Glad u’ve moved onto greener pastures. If you’re boed one day, it’s worth readin this thread fro, start to pg 20 ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168521

    jmh- :-/ I wish you wouldn’t be able to relate. But thanks for the encouragement. It is tough to ignore when a response is demanded. or a defense is a better choice of word… But i try!

    btw, re personal or emotional posts, I’d guess you haven’t read through the old posts here :). This thread to me at least seems to have 2 aspects, which overlap many times. There’s the poetry part, and there’s the supportive, caring, encouraging part, where people are comf with sharing n venting pain or emotions. And the combo makes it my favorite thread ever!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168519

    mp-thanks, 2nd days were an improvement over first, b”h

    puppy- amein! Thanks. How are you doing?

    in reply to: That Four-letter Word.. #899193

    well put, f**f un! ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: I don't know how to simcha dance #899179

    there are ppl who actually teach simcha dancing, and even some simcha-dance exercise groups. I cant suggest any, but they are around. Ask around irl, or maybe call simcha coordinators for #s

    in reply to: That Four-letter Word.. #899184

    saw the thread title, and got the right word. In my world, the bad word is h***k. (ok, technically h******k, but thats too long to bother with when there’s so much of it to do)

    in reply to: OK…so what's the trick? #898736

    we do what gotbeer does with his aravos, and works beautifully. But on zahavasdad’s idea, we did grow an aravos bush, and they grew quickly and nicely, very easy upkeep (just dump a big bucket of water on them once a week on hot weather). Just plant some fresher aravos from sukkos, and some may take root. Thats how we started bushes twice. Also at the end of summer is when they shoot up. With rain/water, they can grow 4” a day at least. My bro has 10 foot hoshanos, and is wuite proud

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168515

    all the other adults

    ’round here seem to hate me

    wish i’d up and marry

    wish i’d change or leave

    my acting only goes

    so far til i come through

    but they clearly detest it

    from the faces i receive

    the looks of disdain i get

    the sneers and the scorn

    burn deeply into my soul

    break through to my heart

    my armor thats erected

    around my emotions

    cant withstand the looks they give

    the tears beg to depart

    when theres a lack of compliments

    a soul can become dull

    no warmth to let the color shine

    nor support to help it grow

    but when replaced with insult

    then i begin to fail

    to shrivel up, and curl right in

    nothing good to show

    it hurts! It does! So very much!

    What do u have against me?

    What have i done to hurt you,

    that venom will spill out?

    I try so hard to be kind

    and helpful to you

    but my efforts seem in vain

    no change do they bring about.

    Sukkos, they say, be happy!

    Its a chiyuv too, y’know

    but when enduring put downs

    its so hard to truly smile

    i cannot do this any more

    i retreat inside my shell

    i will not offer you my help

    not for the next short while

    i will act civil and polite

    like i always try

    but will not go beyond that line

    cant take the degradation

    so enjoy your sukkos break

    and i’ll suffer through mine

    and i hope next year there will be change

    and it’ll be a mutual celebration

    yeah, i know it doesnt flow, or rhyme, or anything, and i’m not rereading it at all so it might not even make sense. Just had to get out the words i wish i could say….

    in reply to: A Very Funny Joke #898544

    spare us the distastefulness

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168510

    nas, jmh- twas my attempt at humor :). You two just seemed to be having a lotta fun outdoing each other! I’m not quite even close to your level of poetry. U both really are amazing. Your poems flow and rhyme so well!

    Have a good yomtov all! Hope everyone feels the simcha!

    in reply to: Need more comfortable Yom Kippur shoes #898142


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168505

    if there was a way to tell u privately…

    Its a complicated situation, like i’ve said. She said it in my face to… Motivate (?) me. She seems to be clueless as to why she shouldnt have said it in front of others, cuz she has said this same thing to at least one other, but in private. It just embarrassed me a lot, and really, it does real damage too. She had TOLD me it did damage but doesnt seem to get that her telling the world it is how that damage comes about, and if it was kept quiet, it wouldnt harm me.

    I definitely gave her a cold shoulder and walked away, so not so sure about that zchus. I’m not very impressed with myself…

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168503

    syag lchochma- just wanted to update you. Tried very hard to forgive, and over yom kippur i think i got past and forgave parts but not all the hurt. And in shul after maariv motzei yom kippur, as everyone is piling out, she embarressed me. She said s/t embarrassing about me to s/o who’d approached me, and said it loud, in the crowded room, and a bunch of ppl turned to stare, and i blushed bright red. Motzei yom kippur!! I didnt even know what to do with my emotions. Just minutes after neilah??

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168499

    sorry to interrupt the private convo ๐Ÿ™‚ but you two are good!

    MP- thank you so much, thats really nice of you. and amein!

    hi all!

    in reply to: Need more comfortable Yom Kippur shoes #898140

    definitely is the feet together aspect that hurts. After a painful rosh hashana, i brought a pair of slippers/sandals with reflexology insoles and wow what a mechayah!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168490

    syag- thank u for replying. It may be generic but even that i havent heard enough of lately. Its cuz i’m just too hurt and not ready to just forgive it all. At the same time i hurt x too and am not ready o truly ask mechila meaning it, because of the hurt they caused me. And its eating me. True if they knew and realized etc they wouldnt have as much as they did. But some they knew full well n did anyhow. Its really really tough :(. And i’m doing bad overall so makin everything harder n worse.

    Though i dont know if i’m really having trouble with forgiving x or with forgiving myself…

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168487

    jmh- u are right in theory, and i have done it before, but when i’m down the words just dont come ay all. Poet’s block :). But thanks for the reply and advice!

    Notasheep- welcome! Amazing pieces u got there! I’m a fan :). And messages so real, so true, so beautiful. Keep them coming!

    Mp- thank u so much, and amein

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168483

    Ok time to do a bit of venting. Sorry for getting off the poetry theme, but as i’ve mentioned b4, when i’m down i cant write. That also explains why i havent posted a poem, or much at all lately. I’m doing pretty badly, feeling very down. Unmotivated and not coping so well at all. There’s a hopelessness, a gloomy mood, a lack of drive. Jmh put the feeling into words though with different specifics. And for those who saw my other posts, that person i’m not ready to forgive… So much i need to do, to work on, to change, to rise above, and yet dont have the energy or push to even face one… Its hard. Very hard. And makes life so much more dismal and lonely. So lonely… Its been a tough coupla months…

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168481

    ym613- welcome and beautiful poem!

    Jmh-so true, and with such flowing poetry! I guess i need to stat ‘traveling’ cuz i got stuck after hitting all the landmarks in the first half of ur piece… Really hit the mark tho! And welcome.

    Keep them coming, all!

    Mp- thanks, yes it is hard now, especially with all the yamin tovim. Not just schoolwork causing the hard time though….

    Nomtw- hey how r u? Hope ur schoolworks coming along better, cuz u sound diligent :)! Amein n thanks to your bracha!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168475

    i hate school but i hate homework more! /end rant

    sorry about that, having a tough time.

    Blabla- i really really liked that second poem. A lot. Thanks for sharing.

    Wishing all a good shabbos!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168473


    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168471

    (waving) hi everyone who is coming out of hiding! It’s nice to hear from all of you again. Welcome back to the poetry thread, and hope you’ll stick around here.

    in reply to: what do you NOT eat during these days #897203

    nuts, pickles, olives, chrain, anything vinegary including non-schmaltz herring, strong vinagrettes and the like, and i’m sure there are more ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Dear Brothers #897084


    May this letter and this year bring you peace, comfort and strength

    in reply to: Forgive and Forget? #896969

    the last time i tried having a convo about our hurts it quickly soured. But i do like the letter idea. Maybe if i’d just write it out, not neccesarily even send it, it’d help me. It’s a complicated situation this one. They know i am hurting, but i dont think they know how much. I doubt i know how much they are hurting either. But at the same time, i dont feel right telling them how deeply i am hurting. Theres also a fear that the tables will just be turned on me and i’ll leave more frustrated, like that last time i tried having that convo.

    I hope the letter and exchange will make a difference for you and change things. Hatzlocha!

    in reply to: Simanim Issue #897023

    and the same if you have dates. However my rav said that since apple n honey should go first, the rimon etc should just not be brought out until after eating the apple with a ha’eitz.

    in reply to: Amazing video before Rosh Hashana #896973

    thank you so much for sharing. amazingly powerful

    in reply to: Forgive and Forget? #896967

    they will ask i think tomorrow. But i’m not ready to forgive. They dont really know or acknowledge maybe how much they’ve hurt me. But even what they do know…

    in reply to: Forgive and Forget? #896965

    i usually do, though it can be veeeeeeery hard sometimes and require days of working through it til i am able to forgive. Not forget always, but move on, not hold the anger or pain against them really anymore. Turns anger to sadness and then i work on letting that go. I try to not let new pain build up on old ones.

    This year i’m stuck. I’m not ready to forgive s/o who has hurt me repeatedly and deeply this year, and not ready to ask mechila for my actions to them. And i dont know what to do with those emotions now, coming in to rosh hashana. ๐Ÿ™ advice appreciated, but please dont bash me, i dont need any more of that right now, and it wont help me.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168466

    hello, fellow posters of tpt (the poetry thread)! Sorry i’ve been following silently. I want to post, and want to write a poem too, but havent yet been able to sit down and focus. My apologies for the late and concise replies, but my minds been busy.

    Puppy- really liked the ‘picking you’ poem. Its so sweet and touching! Hope you’re well.

    Smile E. Face- right on! That was great and so true. Just need a reminder some days to switch our perspective around. Your reminder came perfectly timed for me.

    Luna- you are so right. Laughter is amazing and so powerful. And the lack of laughter, leaves such a dark hole… May we all have much laughter in the coming year!

    MP-always reliable to keep this place running and respond to all! ๐Ÿ™‚

    kapusta- looks like it! Slowly but surely. Welcome back to u too

    icot- ๐Ÿ˜€ i’m counting down!

    yiddishemeidel- nice poem! Keep it up!

    Wanna wish all my fellow posters a gut gebentched zees yahr, a shana tova u’mesuka, a happy, healthy new year. May it be one filled with clarity, happiness, health, simchos, closeness and connection, may all our tefillos be answered for our best, and may we all continue to grow, become stronger, and feel Hashem’s embrace.

    Have a good shabbos and yom tov!

    in reply to: A Halachic problem you likely never thought of #913839

    i’ll claim #2 on having thought of it before ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168454

    welcome back puppy!! How are you? oh no, you too with Emily Dickinson :D? My mother’s fav, and she knows a whole bunch by heart! i still think i like your original poems better though. any chance? ๐Ÿ™‚

    thanks for bumping MP. Its back to school, and not so thrilled about that. But yomtov is coming!!

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