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  • in reply to: Shop Local vs Amazon #1007043

    don’t rip you off? 20 instead of 18 is ripping you off?

    in reply to: Giving Tzedaka to Beggars #926717

    this is something to ask your rav

    in reply to: Is This Normal? #925323

    to use so many ????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!s? Nope not normal. That’s only allowed if your sn is gumball.whats wrong with playing in the snow? The other part, good q tho.

    in reply to: How to Stop Nail Biting??? #944471

    its a bad habit, but its just that- an ingrained habit. I dont consciously decide to bite my nails. I am very careful to dispose properly, and i wash my hands netilas yadayim after. For me it’s not a mouth fetish, cuz i pull at them more often than bite. Its a finger fetish?

    in reply to: Canon HS 320 #925304

    amazon isnt the place to check camera reviews. You should look for expert reviews. As far as how or what the wifi does, try searching for a manual for the camera online

    in reply to: How to Stop Nail Biting??? #944465

    yeah those things never worked for me. Not when i was a thumb sucker, and definitely not for nail-biting. I dont actually touch my nails with my tongue at all.

    Actually i think i have a hard time breaking my habit because i pull at my nails stil, though i bite much much less now

    in reply to: Plugging my headphones into my tea #1021408

    bsd, morahrach-lol! Classics.

    A good couple of years back, phone rang as i was sitting down to supper. With my fork in hand, i picked up the receiver and said, Boruch Attah … I was so embarrassed and couldnt even apologize mid bracha. Since then, i dont pick up the phone during supper

    in reply to: Photography Fans, Post Here #970722

    sorry, i’m in my 4 hour photo class! 🙂 i’ve gotta find it, there’s a photo site i visit where i’ve noticed a lot of jewish-sounding posters and contributers, like boruch, shmuel, etc. I’ll try to find and post (if allowed)

    in reply to: How to Stop Nail Biting??? #944459

    not yet, but i’ve come a very very long way. I only bite when stressed and distracted now, aka when doing hard hw. I had tried the traditional. Bandaids do work but only if u dont mind walking around with s/t on ur fingers. Even a piece of tape over your nails. For me, the big advance was buying clear polish. It made my nails stronger and if i began biting, i’d only be biting off the polish and it’d also remind me of what i was doing. For me, once my nails got longer, i found it easier to resist cuz they looked good and were also stronger. I still do polish a few days a week. I cant say it always helps, but often does. Also, if i started biting in stress, i’d stop myself after one finger. I find that i mostly only bite my ring finger nails now, which is still an improvement!I’ve heard others suggest once u get ur nails to a basic length, get a manicure, whic will make ur hands look nice n you’ll be less likely to ruin, and if you do, you’ll only ruin the polish. If you have any other ideas, please let me know!

    in reply to: Plugging my headphones into my tea #1021399

    baalHabooze- lol! Top story so far! What do you do when you show up for hockey with a broom? Curl? 🙂

    i did another oops. Made myself a smoothie, put the yogurt in the pantry and when the cereal box didnt fit in the fridge, i realized why.

    in reply to: Is This Appropiate? #925124

    where was there a thread with ‘who thinks i’m cute’?

    in reply to: Plugging my headphones into my tea #1021387

    ohhh and if you’re eating a lollypop while decorating with markers, be careful which one you lick! Its hard to get green marker off your lips

    in reply to: 20 Questions #937486

    hmm and to think i had the answer from way back when we knocked off plane… Maybe i should post my guesses from now on 🙂

    in reply to: Photography Fans, Post Here #970719

    true true, and yet that dslr is still more expensive! I have a panasonic lumix. It’s major con is the very narrow aperture range. Especially for macro i can use a wide aperture. When i’m alone, i’ll take the time to set the camera better, but with family, i just bracket n rush. I’m taking a photog course so hope to improve my knowledge of working within the limits of my camera. But i still do take too many shots a day!

    in reply to: Engagement #952352

    nope. If you both feel ready and sure of yourselves, don’t wait for no reason!

    in reply to: Photography Fans, Post Here #970716

    i like nature- my favorite pics to shoot are macro flower shots. In general i love close-ups and macros best. I use a camera one up of point-n-shoot but not a dslr- i cant afford anything more for a side hobby. I take too many pics for my family’s patience. On a 3 hr trip to the zoo, i’ll come home with close to 300 shots, tho not many great ones. I know, i’m one of those who just shoot n shoot instead of calculating how to perfect it-requires less brain work! But i’m working on learning how to take better shots.

    in reply to: Plugging my headphones into my tea #1021383

    writing while holding a banana, and taking a big bite outta the pen.

    I do these multitask mistakes a LOT just gotta think of them now 🙂

    in reply to: What would you do…? #928412

    Any rav you trust. Your family rav, another teacher, email thru aish to teen qs… If they can’t help they’ll direct you to someone who can.

    in reply to: Getting lost #924398

    shiraTobala- try getting lost

    in reply to: Needs advice #930555

    first number is the business halacha institute. second one is Halacha hotline of five towns

    in reply to: What would you do…? #928403

    shiratobala-seriously? Run into a problem and u gotta switch schools or u’re destined to go otd? Do u not realize the potential damage you can cause?

    Superme- ur fine, stay with ur friends. Don’t let this one person, who we all feel should not be teaching, or has his own problem, get between you and G-d. You’re above him. If you have qs, find s/o to ask them to, but dont make it his fault, dont let him have that control over you.

    in reply to: Needs advice #930553

    dy did post 2 numbers for you

    in reply to: Gastritis #925274

    superme-please dont ask for a diagnosis from cr. Ask your doctor who you’ve seen!

    in reply to: Frequent Posters and Personality #925376

    because you posted that you dont know why anyone wld care to have ppl here know their name. So he’s saying, if so, then just post your name. He is not serious. You should not post personal info.

    in reply to: Gastritis #925272

    well, i wish you the best of luck in working things through on your phone call. Keep your chin up and hope for the best always!

    in reply to: What would you do…? #928398

    superme- this is a month later?? Ok thats nuts. Definitely ask a rav for advice, and still preferably the one who overheard. I do agree with you that someone who can bash someone and still keep you out a month later is not right, and should not be teaching. He hurt someone badly, and made a chilul Hashem being a rav- his image is one he has to act to. I wish you could tell him how hurt you are, how you feel so let down on who rabbanim are. It doesnt sound like he’ll apologize sadly. But still i dont know if or what you are allowed to believe from what you were told. Everything is subjective, your friend could have taken it worse that it was said, bec she’s close to you etc. Its important to tell whoever you speak to that you heard it through someone. I think this may be beyond your actions and should be left for ur parents to work out together with the teacher and principal together at a meeting. Or it may be completely out of your control and u should try viewing it as a challenge to accept and work on getting over and forgiving. For your benefit. It may give u some peace of mind to view him with pity and not be focused on the painful incident anymore.

    in reply to: Gastritis #925270

    sb- i’m sorry for all the struggles you’re going through. You’re really strong to tought it all out. I hope things can turn around, physically, emotionally, socially… Can relate to missing school for stomach issues 😛 i agree its frustrating, painful, annoying. Yuck. Sending you best wishes for good luck in whatever you decide to do in the next few weeks. And for whatever its worth, a ((hug)).

    in reply to: NEW CR RULE: Typing Words In Normal English #928469

    see, then you get all the posters with their individual levels of acceptability all arguing whats proper english and what isn’t… Just comment on the posts you cant read for them to please rewrite it; dont make a public debate

    in reply to: Needs advice #930545

    i don’t think you’d have to look, but the principal should, and should privately try to get the $ back then return it to you. Although i’d assume the cameras overwrite and that day’s videoing is no longer available…

    in reply to: What would you do…? #928393

    superme- i’m sorry if i came across harshly. I feel for you. I’ve seen these things happen and experienced them, and i am not thinking you did anything wrong or didnt respect him! Only that he might feel that way even if not at all true. I do think he was incorrect, but as other posters explained he may be insecure or had a bad day, etc. I agree that an apology to you is in order, but you cant force him to say it or feel it. You are allowed to be upset and hurt. My point was to go back after the situation has blown over n calmed down on both sides, and then apologize calmly, again if it be. Its terrible that he insulted you when you came to apologize, he was obviously still upset about whatever had upset him, or else on defence realizing his error. But try again.

    Abt your friends telling, even if you asked or dragged it out of them, its actually rechilus, and here the effect was seen- you are angry and bearing a grudge :(.

    Speaking to that other rav is still a good idea. If anything, he wll respect you for wanting to fiz this up in a proper way. Gluck!!

    in reply to: What would you do…? #928376

    ouch, that sounds hard, and i’m sorry you’re going through this. Just so you know though, your friend wasnt allowed to tell you what had happened, and you can’t take her words at face value n believe them. What would i do… Try to view it from the rabbi’s point of view, being frustrated at disturbances, not having control of the class, or even his feeling he or his topic is not getting the respect it should be. Block out your view for these few minutes and try to not be as upset. When you know your not too worked up, you should go to the rabbi and apologize sincerely. Even if you feel he was 100% wrong! Apologize anyhow. It will cool the tension he has to you and also he may respect you for it. If he doesnt respond, just say you wanted him to know you were sorry if you disturbed class n leave it at that. He may discuss what bothered him;try not to ataack him, he’s just sharing his point of view. After you can ask if you can share yours. This may be all he is waiting for to let you back in. Even if not, you did your part. Leave it up to the principal to try and speak to him when he calms down after that. gluck!

    in reply to: Toronto? #924161

    torono:1, toronto:1 (plus my sis-in-law) chorono:1 and a full mouth 🙂

    RT- i’ve heard chorono from torontonians before.

    There are more Canadians on this site. Come on people, input?

    in reply to: Toronto? #924157

    chorono as the t in train is usually pronounced chrain (no, not khrain!)

    in reply to: Good Shabbos! #1135896

    shabbat shalom u’mevorach!

    in reply to: Looking for info on Montreal #925103

    i guess i stand corrected 🙂 though my sib-in-law is still saying toronto!

    in reply to: What to Bring for Shabbos #924960

    sounds very nice. Don’t need more than that!

    in reply to: Needs advice #930533

    one comment on spelling was enough people!

    in reply to: What to do on Motzei Shabbos #923793

    family game nite over melava malka, be it sandwiches, full meal, (homemade) pizza or cereal.

    in reply to: Must a boy who is in Shidduchim always be shaven? #924204

    i thinj torah613 is dancing around the concept of minhag hamakom. But it has its limits. As oom used, if they prefer black and u wear green, thats totally fine. But so go sockless in meah she’arim would not be

    in reply to: Needs advice #930519

    you should ask a shaila just to double check if you have to make it up, or all or part, etc

    in reply to: Looking for info on Montreal #925095

    health- common myth supposedly! some do, most don’t. More common for brooklyners to call it torono i’m told!

    in reply to: Must a boy who is in Shidduchim always be shaven? #924197

    whooo! oom agreed with me! i’m honored!

    in reply to: Looking for info on Montreal #925091

    health-pretty sure its Toronto; i have a sib there

    in reply to: Must a boy who is in Shidduchim always be shaven? #924193

    postsemgirl +1

    baalhabooze- i’m ‘in the parshah’ but dont wear makeup everyday. Or iron my hair. For me, i see it as having become the equivalent of wearing the latest fashion or designer labels, neither of which i do either. No that doesnt mean i’m a shlump or walk around looking like i just rolled out of bed. And thats where the line gets blurred. Shaving how often, makeup when, sweatshirts… Which is too casual and by whose standards, and which are just part of looking put together.

    in reply to: Must a boy who is in Shidduchim always be shaven? #924170

    oom +1!

    in reply to: Girls in Shidduchim wearing sweatshirts ? #922968

    i’m pretty sure hudi was using ch”v sarcastically

    in reply to: The Most UNDERrated Things in Life #924869

    baalhabooze- so thats morahrach, her hubby, and i’ll be #3 :D, i dont like shabbos napping. Well, now we know shabbos naps ARE underrated!

    in reply to: Break Time #921385

    enjoy your break. Your logic, sense and cheer will be missed til your return!

    in reply to: Girls in Shidduchim wearing sweatshirts ? #922953

    going back to the OP. No, sweatshirts/hoodies are not classy. They are casual, comfy wear. And imo, ok to wear for casual, comfy days. I’m against the idea of dressing up for theexclusive reason of being in shidduchim, even older teens and adults have off days, days when they’re not up to dressing up and putting on makeup. Sweatshirts work for that. Imo! However, those emblazened with logos across the back, i often dislike and hear has a less adult look. And logos on the front… Please noone attack me, but i’ve learned is a tznius issue.(cowers)

    in reply to: SHIDDUCH CONCERN #923244

    sincere thanks all around for the numerous laughs you brought to my day 😀

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