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  • in reply to: Painful Shoes/Bruised Heel? (Shidduchim) #931644

    i gotta wonder and ask. Mods aside, how come any males are reading this thread passed the OP? 🙂

    in reply to: For the Mods #929063

    oom- i’ll back you up on it! It’s more than okay to write like that :). And thanks

    in reply to: For the Mods #929061

    what the mod on duty said 🙂

    but Certainly we can all read those posts that are in text language, but that’s not the point.

    why is that not the point? this is only a forum. if you wrote in pig latin because it was easiest for you, most wouldnt complain. and again, not all the posts are actually written for all. I can name a few posters who’d rather some readers skipped their posts than tried and commented only on the spelling :). just skip the posts that bother you. I skip most threads here because their content bothers me. i can’t say i understand all the text posts but i just skip that. yes, some basic legibility is necessary, but if it can be read in less than triple time, why not?

    in reply to: For the Mods #929060

    dy- phew! Thanks 😀

    in reply to: Painful Shoes/Bruised Heel? (Shidduchim) #931639

    42- would you care if she was taller than you? How about 10” shorter? 🙂

    dont worry though, not all girls wear uncomfortable shoes and not all girls wear high heels; not all high heels are uncomfortable, nor are all flats comfortable

    in reply to: For the Mods #929056

    haifa- you’re a fan of P-Language. But thats not the used language. The e-language is what is used by the general populace. Maybe i just lean towards sociolinguistics over the ideal pure language standards, or maybe as (at the risk of exposing myself…) a language major, i’ve just learned that the standard based on the politically and economically powerful and the stigmatization that comes with deviation is unfair and unbased. what is stigmatized today becomes tomorrow’s standard, for example the verbs text, blog, email.

    also, there are varieties of language used in different circumstances. the way one speaks to his friends differs from how he speak to the president, how he writes an essay from a letter to a cousin (and both from speech), etc.

    I dont think its fair to be setting a standard at the p-language level because it will be cutting off and blocking out some posters. that is a decision only the ywn editor could make, alone. to request no text talk is one thing, to pull up every typo another. and even within that, if the mods can understand a text-like post, it may be directed to a specific other poster who also understands it, and i dont see reason to interfere with that. it may not be understandable for all the posters, but neither do i understand all the halacha debates or discworld discussions. so i will skip the posts i can’t or dont want to read, and go on to the next. if you cannot understand a post, you can ask the poster to repost. but if despite the errors, it is understandable, why interfere, unless it is in jest and taken that way. (yes, anyone who would like to find my grammar and spelling errors in this post has my permission 🙂 )

    in reply to: Should Proper Grammar Be Required in the CR? #929418


    in reply to: Painful Shoes/Bruised Heel? (Shidduchim) #931633

    that helps for blisters from stiff or tight shoes for sure. But a bruise i’ve never gotten on the back of my ankle, and 4 weeks sounds a bit much. The only shoe bruising i’ve experienced was on top of my big toe from a bump inside my shoe. And that ended up turning into a bunion, so definitely not worth risking.

    in reply to: Painful Shoes/Bruised Heel? (Shidduchim) #931629

    t613- no, that’s not usual, and doesnt sound good. Especially the 4 week bruise. i’d definitely suggest not wearing them again as is. maybe all you need is an insert/ sticky cushion for the back. but you should not be getting bruises from your shoes. dont take shoe pain lightly. you can really be damaging your feet, possibly permanently

    in reply to: Some Snow #940745

    ohoh! I want snow on hills for sledding! I wana go sledding! I need to convince a friend to come sledding!

    in reply to: What would you do…? #928455

    t613- i’d assume for advice and support and hotline numbers. there used to be a lot of simple support on this site. search for the “attn poetry people” thread

    in reply to: What would you do…? #928453

    “forgive others not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace”

    in reply to: Most Capable Minds in Klal Yisroel #929017

    find the ones who are merely benchwarmers jobs they can do

    in reply to: Some Snow #940727

    snort is a noun? 🙂

    in reply to: Preparing for the storm #927911

    purple- sorry to be confusing, but i was here first! :)! Here’s how to differentiate: i have capital letters in my sn, i dont label myself super :), and i think i’m the only non-highschooler. Hope that helps!

    in reply to: Preparing for the storm #927909

    tell it to my wife. She started it.

    maybe if you offered her some brew, she’d start sharing too

    in reply to: Preparing for the storm #927901

    isnt the food in your freezer yours too? and your kids :)?

    in reply to: Preparing for the storm #927896

    you don’t share?

    in reply to: Help Choosing New Cell Phone #927536

    first line was abt t359. It should have good battery life. But you need to check reviews from people who have used it, probably on the site you’re looking to buy it from. Cuz the venture had an ok battery life from the tech specs, but users said it was a bad battery.

    in reply to: Why You Shouldn't "Unsubscribe" From Spam #927919

    pba- snort

    in reply to: Why You Shouldn't "Unsubscribe" From Spam #927916

    oomis- it’s actually the clicking on the unsubscribe (or any other) link in the email that is traced. So even unsubscribing and not entering an email address is a bad idea.

    If someone gets a bunch of spam on the same product, eg free cigars, its simple to put up a filter through your email program that will automatically delete emails containing the phrase ‘free cigars’. Another point, if you have the option of labeling spam vs deleting, if you label it spam, your email will learn to identify those an similar emails as spam and keep them out of your inbox.

    in reply to: Dealing with Work-Related Stress #929408

    yserbius- playing violent video games?? Thats a healthy outlet for overwhelming stress?

    in reply to: Help Choosing New Cell Phone #927534

    thats good battery in theory. how it runs is another story.

    on that link it says the venture has BATTERY

    Talking Time: 4 hours

    Standby Time: 12.5 days

    but if you look at the reviews, they are really not so great, and it has a 1.8/5 for battery, so i’d avoid. i dont know how the smiley matches up in reviews- check the site you’re looking at it on.

    i have a nokia e73, doubt its still available, but its a qwerty, not touch screen, and its got a pretty good battery life.

    in reply to: Help Choosing New Cell Phone #927531

    there’s a great website for tech specs reviews on cell phones if you’re concerned about battery life and keyboard etc, good for comparing phones. GSMarena -give it a look.

    Battery life tho: t359 aka smiley- 5.5 hr talk, 300 standby(whistles!)

    venture i cant either find

    in reply to: What would you do…? #928450

    if he yells at you again for something you didnt do, raise your hand, wait til he stops yelling (even if he doesnt ‘pick’ you, just dont interrupt) and say, i’d like to learn, i’d like to attend class, but it is becoming very painful for me and more difficult, and i would really appreciate a chance”. dont say you, focus on yourself in how you word it. and i would go back to your parents and principal if he is still yelling at you now after this all, when you do nothing. you shouldnt have to endure this anymore.

    in reply to: Unfriend or never friend? #927506

    ignore the request, don’t accept it. Also, if they ARE finding you by searching, you can change your security settings so that you are not searchable in the first place.

    in reply to: What would you do…? #928446

    what’s he doing? are you still not going to his classes? or you are, and that’s how he’s still upsetting you?

    in reply to: Your Favorite Liqueur #928195

    my brother just bought the shmerlings a few weeks ago and labeled it disgusting…

    in reply to: Dressing up as a Nun, Munk,or Santa Claus for Purim #927326

    It is time in these forums people start to see the good in others and not all this negativeness…… Torah Yidden try always to look for the good in other Yidden So in conclusion if it is okay with you please raise the bar here a notch or two or three.

    +2 for a friend!

    in reply to: Saving A Pets Life – How Much Should I Spend? #926929

    achosid- stop doomsdaying the bird’s life. Your thoughts on it’s fate weren’t requested and arent being appreciated

    in reply to: Saving A Pets Life – How Much Should I Spend? #926919

    i don’t have a response, but this is a very interesting question! Intriguing and debatable. Hope your pet recovers quickly!

    in reply to: Changing the social dynamic on child abuse #926025

    pba- why didnt you say s/t to him then?

    in reply to: In Witch He Snorted #1115463


    in reply to: In Witch He Snorted #1115460

    oom- i’m afraid you no longer have the longest subtitle :-/. at least u got ur grin back!

    in reply to: Wedding dancing #925943

    thanks for the compliment golfer (blushing). I’m not actually so new around here though, i just tend to be quieter. Nice to officially be introduced tho!

    in reply to: Condolences To A Non Jewish Professor? #925937

    DY- thanks. Dont let yourself get pulled into this one tho! Not worth it

    in reply to: Wedding dancing #925941

    my sister in law never danced with me, but i blame it on the ‘blur’ not her

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168656


    in reply to: Condolences To A Non Jewish Professor? #925932

    it was a rhetorical question. Why is 30 the cut off?

    in reply to: What would you do…? #928442

    superme- what was thudded before spellcheck? You are right, he may have done much worse, but 2 wrongs don’t make a right. He insulted you, dont insult him back. Be above that behaviour. I’m so sorry its so hard :(. (hugs!)

    in reply to: Condolences To A Non Jewish Professor? #925930

    how old do you think i am?? I dont quite think i need my parents permission to blog here. I just sincerely hope you don’t/won’t criticize your teen kids the way you sometimes put down the younger generation of posters here.

    in reply to: What Not to Share With Your Spouse #1000254

    loshon hora or rechilus

    in reply to: Saying Good Shabbos To Passerbys #1010740

    zk- i’ll second that. I wish women in boro park good shabbos and have gotten some silence, and many wishes back.

    But no, dont wish gut shabbos to the opposite gender in bp. I think this is a safe example of where minhag hamakom may come into play 🙂

    in reply to: Giving Tzedaka to Beggars #926756

    DR- i meant ask a rav whether it matters, what to do in safek, and abt e”y vs your city. Those were all questions you posed also in your OP.

    Veltz meshugener- well, sooo sorry to be a cause of embarassment to you. Glad you feel we should all know better than our rabbanim who to give tzedaka to first

    Rav Avigdor Miller said to do like Ms Critique did actually. That when the non-jew comes collecting on the train, you should give a penny or a nickel and make a kiddish Hashem, but not to give more, for there are Jews who need the tzedaka as desperately.

    in reply to: Son Wants To Go Collecting In Limo On Purim #926110

    not all those limos are full of kids at risk. You should talk to him about drinking/ saying no etc, then let him go if you think he’ll level headed enough to not send himself to the hospital drunk. Find out who he is going with. You may be surprised to find out its a good group

    in reply to: Condolences To A Non Jewish Professor? #925926

    health- why oh why do you need to include an insult?? Just answer if you’d wish and keep the insults and degradations in your head. Please!

    in reply to: What would you do…? #928439

    superme- you are 100% allowed to be upset, but please watch how you speak, there is going to far by insulting or cursing out someone. Ask the person you’re speaking to if you should speak to the principal and tell her you’ll be calling maybe. I don’t know how much anyone can do to try and make the rav apologize and i dont know if anyone can succeed if he doesnt want to apologize. Even while you work on fixing the situation, you should work on accepting it and realizing you may never get that apology. If it comes, good. If it doesnt though, you’ll be a step ahead in being past it.

    in reply to: Saying Good Shabbos To Passerbys #1010712

    luna- ”it is plain rude to ignore someone when they speak to you.” i do not greet men with good shabbos personally. However, if he initiates the greeting, i do respond in kind though!

    Feel free to take me to task on this part, but i dont greet strangers during the week, whether male or female. I will sometimes smile or nod, but thats it. Shabbos is my exception in ‘don’t talk to strangers’, so i greet females, but not males or non-jews. Maybe thats just my comfort level though.

    in reply to: Condolences To A Non Jewish Professor? #925917

    ”i am sorry for your loss”?

    in reply to: What would you do…? #928436

    no, it’s not a realistic solution. Did you call any of the numbers? They should be able to advise you or give you some ideas. Try it, you have nothing to lose and so much to gain. G’luck!

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