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  • in reply to: Post to Post๏ฟฝNOT #1047649

    stick youw fork into da pickle on da light!

    in reply to: Forged $100 Bill #933546

    i remember having read one of those handouts from shul with a halachik discussion about receiving a forged bill, and if you could demand to be repaid…but not the conclusion.

    The storekeeper actually is legally supposed to take the bill away from you if it’s forged, i think. Someone i know once took it back though and brought it to a bank where they told him it WAS real but looked like it had gone through a washer n dryer, so had shrunk a bit and looked off. He exchanged it for a fresh bill.

    in reply to: Weight Gain #933539

    i thought apples make you hungry…

    in reply to: Age of Learning to Read #933640

    a lot of people are focused on the positivity of early reading. Just to keep in mind, if a child learns to read at home, he may find himself bored in class- which can lead to misbehaving, not enjoying school, etc.

    in reply to: Weight Gain #933535

    eggs, humus, nuts, peanut butter, yogurt, cheese, avocado, meat, fish, whole grains too i believe (check your cereal boxes!). Start your day with protein- that’ll keep your full and kickstart your metabolism. Someone mentioned thirst presenting itself as hunger-i’ve definitely heard this and been told to have a cup or 2 of water 30 minutes before eating. If you find yourself eating a big dinner, take a 20 minute break halfway through and you may find yourself fuller.

    in reply to: Advice dealing with morning Chavrusah #933315

    there are things that make people feel worst in the morning but ok later on in the day. Maybe he’s not sleeping well and really feels not well in the morning. Maybe he’s suffering from a bout of IBS which is worse in the morning. Why not be dan l’kaf zchus? If it goes on, just ask him what he would like to do about your seder- if he wants to cancel or wait til he’s better.

    in reply to: Why Are We Here? #933444

    those who come for #1 have problems with 2,3,4… Those who come for 3,4 have problems with 1 and 2. Those who come to troll are #5. Ah, the beauty of a machlokes ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Possible Sleeping Disorder? #936350

    hey sb- i found the article! In the last spot i could think of :P. I have to read it again to summarize it, but its called the CBT methods, and is suppposed to start making a difference in a week. I’ll let you know what it says

    in reply to: Torah – Where Do You Start? #933757

    pirkei avos

    in reply to: Found myself in a rotten mood #933205

    purple- sorry to confuse. B”H i’m healthy. re studying, i mean i cant always do that, because i sometimes have to do my homework

    in reply to: Found myself in a rotten mood #933203

    golfer- thank you for saying itjust like it feels. And yes, i 100% agree its ok to sometimes cry, lie in bed, be sad. And its healthy. Not good to be in denial, you gotta acknowledge and accept emotions. Thank you for giving support to my approach!!!! The trouble starts when i dont wanna get up again.

    Purple- i hear, and it does work, and i did it tonight, and it helped somewhat. But when you have to study and dont have time for both studying n chilling…

    Wiy- yes, thanks. I meant, i’m struggling with my nisyonos, and yes i am for sure better off than so many. But then again, its the nisayon on my level. The tests i get are the ones at the edge of my tolerance zone. Others have harder nisyonos but are stronger for it and from it. So no i’m not struggling with being b’simcha while in the hospital, but i’m struggling to be b’simcha with my nisyonos

    in reply to: Possible Sleeping Disorder? #936339

    yeah instead of buttered toast, try warm milk. Same effect, said to work, and heealthier. Or chamomile tea

    in reply to: Why things are so complicated. #934493

    ditto that for me…

    in reply to: Why things are so complicated. #934490


    i dont think most people think you are making up excuses. And nobody can judge. Life is tough… But the challenges are what life’s about. You sound like you are rising to the occasion and overcoming ,any of the challenges that you face. You ace your tests! Don’t overlook it, not everyone does so well. Keep it up, you are inspiring! May Hashem help you in continuing to come out of your nisyonos successfully and stronger

    in reply to: Problem with Alcoholic Relative #933501

    snowbunny- if you leave here, let it be from your own decision and desire, not someone’s criticism. I love reading your posts for one! And if you get anything from cr, stay!

    in reply to: Found myself in a rotten mood #933198

    thanks everyone for ur replies. I’m gonna reread them all tomorrow again.

    Snowbunny- i was avoiding those ppl…

    Purple- i do believe in crying, ur right. And if i had a friend i cld do that with…

    Icot, jmh- thanks so much. You both know me n poetry. Thanks for it

    wiy- ur right, but its hard. These are my nisyonos and believe me, for me they are Hard

    oom- u didnt miss it… I shall have to check that out!

    Torah- it works its true. Chesed is the best mood fix. If u can get ur emotions under control enough to get there.

    Popa- yeahhhhhh

    in reply to: Possible Sleeping Disorder? #936337

    dont get into the habit of pulling all nighters :(. Go walk up and down steps til ur tired n go back to bed

    in reply to: Found myself in a rotten mood #933189

    my kitchen is currently being occupied by others and i dont want a confrontation about why i’m home and why i’m crying now

    in reply to: Found myself in a rotten mood #933187

    i played piano. i talked to Him and cried, and now am curled up in bed instead of working. Exercise is so not happening now. I feel so lonely

    in reply to: Found myself in a rotten mood #933185

    no friends available. Its too cold for a walk when you’re in a bad mood… Eating candy is not a good solution! Thanks for the suggestions

    in reply to: Dog Tags on Purim #932750

    you don’t have to be transfixed to see something and not be able to get it out of your head. Simchas torah last year, while waiting for some people outside shul, i was unlucly enough to see some man emptying the contents of his stomach. I quickly turned away and crossed the street, unfortunately still had to hear him as he continued retching, until some men helped him walk off. Disgusting scene haunts me- NO alcohol on simchas torah besides a cup of wine/grapejuice for kiddush as far as i’m concerned!!

    in reply to: Possible Sleeping Disorder? #936331

    i assumed as much :). I found a reference in my emails. I just have to try to find the magazine now. If any other poster has old mishpachas and can look it up, please do! I cant guarantee i still have it

    in reply to: Possible Sleeping Disorder? #936329

    mishpacha march 21. Now i got to find it ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Avoiding Secular Music #933976

    yes you can put shiurim including from torahanytime on your ipod or mp3, just plug it into your computer and drag those shiurim into the music folder or the like on your player. Music too if you have! I listen to music or shiurim while traveling every day. When i need to study and the music is disrupting my concentration, i turn it off but keep in my headphones to block out the outside music and noise

    in reply to: Why is it that drunks gravitate to each other? #932112

    everyone tries to avoid drunks, but they’re too wobbly and slow to get out of each other’s way

    in reply to: Possible Sleeping Disorder? #936327

    get a reference, so ur not wasting any money. Hope it helps!!

    in reply to: Dog Tags on Purim #932738

    now THAT is a good idea

    in reply to: Possible Sleeping Disorder? #936325

    sb- massage therapy or physiotherapy? How about chiropractor? (yep, i’m a believer!). If not though, you can get an hour session of massage therapy (not massage) for $50-$80. In e”y, if you can find one of the massage school there, you can get a student massage for $25. If you’re interested ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1182960

    first purim since my brother moved himself out… And no he won’t be joining us for the seuda, thanks. Sighhh ๐Ÿ™

    in reply to: Possible Sleeping Disorder? #936323

    did you tell him all his advice was worthless and he should keep looking for solutions/diagnoses??

    Sometimes insurance will cover (part of) massage therapy.

    I’m still searching for that magazine, no luck yet. After only sleeping 2 hrs last night, i was trying to think up what sometimes helps me, though nothing yet works always. Here’s some i came up with. -Focusing on my breathing. Your breathing is deeper and slower at night. Sometimes consciously doing it makes my body relax. -cooler temperature in the room. This is a biggie for sure! Cooler temperature will also slow your body down. – usually what keeps me up, if i analyze it, is my mind is wide awake and rushing. Clearing my mind is my best bet always, but it takes effort. Either just dismissin any stressful thoughts or schedule planning, or by focusing on something plain, like imagining myself on a beach or a walk, and thinking up all the details and not allowing stray thought in. Or, this is hard to describe, but really blanking my mind. Imagining just blackness, or a hole, or white, and nothing else, focusing on it, again not letting in stray thoughts, then shutting off my imaginations drawing so i only see the dark behind my eyes… I know, that made no sense to anyone but me :). But it works for me pretty well and quickly too.

    in reply to: Disturbed by Knight and Castle Guard Costumes #933157

    abcd2- yes, i think the cross is a problem, and other religious symbols. I am also disturbed by the nun costume. But the knight costume, that may have been when they were at their height, during crusades, but there were knights of other times and kinds, etc.

    in reply to: The Bais Yaakov System #932332


    in reply to: Good Shabbos! #1135906

    and to you and all of the CR!

    in reply to: Why Do Girls Have to Cover Their Legs? #952066

    wiy- some are translucent, some are pretty or completely opaque. They are just skin colored so you might not know that

    in reply to: Disturbed by Knight and Castle Guard Costumes #933147

    whaaaa? Similarly noone should dress as a king with a cape and crown, because almost all the kings of the past were anti-Semites, promoted pogroms and crusades, were advised by the church, and exiled or murdered countless Jews.

    in reply to: The Bais Yaakov System #932330

    so we have 3 different definitions of bais yaakov schools so far. No wonder we all disagree :). For the 4th, i was defining bais yaakov by the schools that call themselves a bais yaakov school

    in reply to: I'm Bored #932726

    evidently :). Are you trying to fill the cr page with your sn???

    in reply to: shhhhhhhhhh #932861

    and i thought only popa bumps shooooo many threads when bored ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Oscar the Grouch #931743

    wouldn’t you be if you lived in a garbage can and ate sardines all the time? ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Possible Sleeping Disorder? #936294

    another all nighter? that can’t be healthy :-/

    in reply to: How many nicknames can you think of for Snowbunny3318? #931760

    almost all my friends and frequent acquaintances give me nicknames. it doesn’t bother me, BECAUSE they know not to use them in public settings where i would mind, such as at a wedding while talking with a former teacher, etc :). but if you mind the nicknames, it may be ossur for them to call you by them, and you should say something. there’s no less affection when using your real name. the fact that they tried it does show a comfort level tho.

    now nicknames for you…. ๐Ÿ˜€









    yep, that’s all i’d come up with!

    in reply to: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? #931774

    a woodchuck would chuck a chuck of wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

    in reply to: Who wants to be a Tzadaikes like Rus? #1180235


    in reply to: Subtitles #990245

    ๐Ÿ™‚ haifa’s getting an awful lotta attention here lately!

    can you not change them after the first 5 posts or so? It’s confusing.

    I don’t mod every start-of-topic post, so I can only change them as soon as I see them. And I try not to change them too much. I’m sorry that it bothers you.

    in reply to: Turning 13, 20, 30, 40, etc.๏ฟฝShas Ratzon? #961047

    some mod’s been having fun with purim shtick, adjusting many thread titles, not just this one

    in reply to: Chords for "Daddy Come Home" by YBC #931750

    purple, you see the letters above the notes? Those are the chords. The words of the song start from the A.

    in reply to: Possible Sleeping Disorder? #936291

    snowbunny- no, it’s likely not neurological. But a sleep test could be helpful, though if your issue is insomnia, i’m not sure it’d help. I’m waiting to go for a sleep test myself :P. Glad you got a long night’s sleep though! Maybe it’s the boost you needed to remind your body to sleep more.

    in reply to: In lieu of… #931702

    and obviously very bored, by the number of your own threads that you’re bumping

    in reply to: Subtitles #990244

    which mod has been playing around with the thread titles and why? o.O

    it’s actually kinds confusing when you’ve been following a thread for a few hours/days/weeks and it’s suddenly not there

    Also 73. I was just trying to neaten things up (and maybe make haifagirl hate us a little less).

    in reply to: Food Gifts on a Fast Day #931468

    ari-free- but no different that receiving milk chocolate after a hamburger

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