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  • in reply to: Another Chocolate Thread #936584

    only chocolate i ever ate with a bad aftertaste was the 75% cocoa one( or was that 80%? Bleeeech).

    I know some people are allergic to chocolate though.

    But the endorphin release, and for me the creamy smoothness of the deliciousness and the sweetness without the sugary candy taste of a good piece of scrumptious milk chocolate… Mmmmmm

    in reply to: Rather than Staring Blankly at the Four Walls, You… #934747

    well then, there’s a use for your spare time! Go out n learn to skip 🙂

    in reply to: Tips for Success in Seminary #934684

    i’d disagree with number one. Yes, some people may know beyond a doubt after 2 weeks that they are in the wrong place. But being unhappy is different. It’s hard to adjust to any new situation and it takes time, and it takes time to get comfortable with new people. I remember one girl in my dorm basically cried on the phone home more than once a week, and she announced not wanting to come back after sukkkos and then chanuka. About 2 weeks after chanuka, she told me how suddenly everyone was more relaxed and comfortable with it so more focused on looking outside themselves, and she LOVED sem and ended up having an amazing year.

    And to #5, no that is definitely not always true. Many seminaries (and yeshivos) are in debt themselves and just trying to cover costs.

    Other advice: dont go just because everyone else is. Go because you want to.

    Come in with a positive attitude.

    Work work work on being mevater. Just be flexible, give of yourself more, put others first. As a side benefit, people will respect you and like you. Make the best of all the situations that come up.

    Try to make friends with everyone at the beginning, even if it’s hard. Bring a group game and arrange a game close to the beginning of the year. Also a great ice breaker.

    in reply to: I want to stay up later #934893

    he’s is!

    I do think a late night snack could give you a boost to stay up but i cant imagine that cutting them out made you now sleepy earlier. What will work is exercise. Even a brisk walk around the block should help. Just remember not to exercise within 3 or 4 hrs of bedtime.

    in reply to: Hair Loss #934759

    shampoo doesnt hurt. It just might not help

    in reply to: Rather than Staring Blankly at the Four Walls, You… #934745

    shnitzy- you have to learn to skip? (blank stare…)

    so how many funny looks did you get????

    And no, i actually don’t have enough free time, so i make good use of those small rare chances i get

    in reply to: Hair Loss #934757

    goq-harharhar 🙂

    in reply to: Rather than Staring Blankly at the Four Walls, You… #934735

    shnitzy- welllll ok all. Though the first only when i was home alone with a younger brother and both bored out of our minds :). It should got us in a fun mood!

    in reply to: Rather than Staring Blankly at the Four Walls, You… #934731

    dance and skip around the room, humming off-key, for 3min, then stop suddenly and sit down as if nothing happened and see how many funny looks i get.

    Stare at people til they look up, then shake my head and look away.

    Write poems, prose, or random nonsense.

    See how many crunches i can do before i collapse exhausted. Or push ups.

    Reread all those emails that go around (also posted in the CR) about what fun, randomness you can do when you’re bored at home, in a store or on the street.

    Turn on the music, pull out a book, learn a skill or hobby. I recommend crochet and coding!

    Whoa did this thread catch me in a funny mood.

    in reply to: Hair Loss #934754

    or low iron. Again :), see ur dr. G’luck!

    in reply to: Some Chizuk in the Koach of Tefillah #934400

    wow. Very nice piece. Thanks for sharing

    in reply to: Rav Millers Ten Commandments of Marriage #1044303

    popa- any females?

    in reply to: Rav Millers Ten Commandments of Marriage #1044298

    popa- sometimes you really make me wonder what kind of person you are irl. They say there’s a grain of truth in every joke. Your sense of humor is really warped at times… Makes me pity the females in your family.

    in reply to: Why things are so complicated. #934526

    sb- i didnt mean it in an accusatory way, i’m sorry if it came across like that. The whole situation is painful and shocking to me. Nonetheless, we are not allowed to pass judgement with only 1 side of the story. We understand your hurt and pain, but cant know why the admin is acting like this, what their thoughts and calculations are. Therefore we cant condemn them, or label them guilty.

    I hope against hopes this can get cleared up and you dont have to endure this pain and struggle. Hoping for the best for you, now and in the future

    in reply to: Post Here to Add/Change Your Subtitle #1199229

    torah- tcj was correct, its the cat in the hat “with a cup and a cake on the top of my hand… i can fan with the fan as i stand on the ball, but that is not all, oh no, that is not all”

    except there’s definitely an error there, because he was jumping when he fanned i think….

    in reply to: Post Here to Add/Change Your Subtitle #1199226

    shnitzy- ???

    in reply to: ? In Concordance #935375

    i dont have one or i’d have checked :). But post which concordantzia you have for others?

    in reply to: Post Here to Add/Change Your Subtitle #1199222

    yep moishy. Well i thought it was a good suggestion anyhow

    in reply to: Post Here to Add/Change Your Subtitle #1199219

    on the ball=”but that is not all, oh no, that is not all” come on, who can place it?

    in reply to: YWN Topic Type and Your Responses #934025

    i skip most threads actually, perhaps opening them when they are started then not again, unless they hit 100 posts when you can be pretty sure its gone off topic

    in reply to: Why I am still frum #969928

    please everyone keep in mind this is only part of one side of the story, before you go putting down others or large groups of others

    in reply to: Politeness�Pet Peeves #934381

    young children dont yet have control over those pragmatics of understanding that ”can you…” is a request and a polite one. ‘Please’ is understood first.

    in reply to: Post Here If You Like Galoshes #933868

    i’m ready for a day of sunny 65 degees!

    in reply to: Why I am still frum #969916

    pba- no

    in reply to: Why things are so complicated. #934517


    bec of tuition alone, they are asking you to leave?

    Also, why leave e”y? Or was she giving you her own personal advice given what she knows about you. I hope you were able to hear her, if so, there might have been something small to consider in her talk. Did you speak to your rabbi yet about what she said?

    in reply to: Best Chocolate #952565

    mmmmmmm i am so agreeing with syag on that!!

    in reply to: Politeness�Pet Peeves #934374

    dy- 😀

    funnybone- yes, some adults forget to use their manners, or have mastered other forms of requests that work in place of please. But when you are teaching a child a new concept, its different is it not? I dont think purple will be letting her kids ignore spelling because she likes text talk, nor that its hypocritical to. (no offense meant in the slightest purple! Keep up ur stuf! Thx 4 bein a gr8 ex 🙂 )

    in reply to: Do GPSs cause people to go OTD? #933774

    snort. Good title though

    in reply to: ? In Concordance #935372

    heh check your subtitle :). It should say on the first or last page of your concordantzia what those stand for and mean

    in reply to: Best Chocolate #952562

    this debate is cracking me up 🙂

    i dont remember being awed by haagen dasz chocolate ice cream bar coating though

    in reply to: How can one judge favorably for this? #934128

    and welcome back

    in reply to: How can one judge favorably for this? #934127

    perhaps her emotions, her almost at tears made the rabbi uncomfortable. Perhaps he didn’t feel it’d be tznius for her to cry in front of him, whether that she’d regret it, or that he didn’t want to feel emotional sympathy. So he took out his phone to break the tension and build-up of the moment. To keep her from crying. Or maybe he was texting for a better answer to give her, not knowing himself how to best respond.

    in reply to: Being Thrifty #933698


    in reply to: Cocoa Room Request #933826

    bad idea. Invites trolls and creeps, with less adults to call them out

    on the other hand, look up seminaryandbeyond

    in reply to: Hair Loss with Yeshiva Guys #1170610

    wanderingchana- yes, some have. And many haven’t. And its a good way to weed out the girls they wouldnt want

    in reply to: Being Thrifty #933694

    my father reuses his teabags twice :). I save those sporks from instant soup cups for when i have packed lunch. I make my own duct tape wallet and change purse. I reuse gatorade bottles. I darn my socks and tights. I rebind old siddurim with mesh and booktape. Hmmm what else? I am a big fix-it-yourself person

    in reply to: Hair Loss with Yeshiva Guys #1170604

    purple- no, definitely not all. And for a bunch, its genetic factors, like in my family, 2 diff hair losses for 2 different reasons. But quite a few boys have receding hair lines. I’m not sure how much more prevalent it is in yeshivish circles though. Could just be due to less hair care as opposed to those who condition, blow dry or style their ‘chup’ or more

    in reply to: Politeness�Pet Peeves #934360

    gamanit- yes there are those type :P. But its become a habit, and people often don’t really realize what they are doing. I had a conversation about this with a group of girls once and was surprised how many didn’t notice themselves doing it.

    in reply to: Politeness�Pet Peeves #934358

    shnitzy- of course it’s been done to me plenty, and i’ve seen it done to others. I try redirecting the convo back for others, but when its moved on to another topic, it doesnt always work.

    in reply to: Hair Loss with Yeshiva Guys #1170594

    not for those who wear theirs tipped back :), or who dont wear them (often). Besides, then these guys would only lose some hair at the front and have a higher overall hair line, not male balding pattern receding hairline

    in reply to: Stupid Inventions #1028063

    purple- what a chill pill?

    Dumbest- banana slicer

    smartest- the snooze button!

    in reply to: Hair Loss with Yeshiva Guys #1170592

    no. But it could very likely be a lack of some vitamin/mineral.

    in reply to: Post Here If You Like Galoshes #933866

    (i can’t believe i just complimented a pair of Wellies!! :P)

    in reply to: Politeness�Pet Peeves #934356

    it bothers me when someone is telling over a story etc, and someone else interrupts, be it with her own related story or a comment about something going on around them, and then the conversation is redirected and the first never gets to finish what s/he had begun

    in reply to: Best Chocolate #952538

    from the guy who makes fun of girls dieting and fasting…

    in reply to: What to Eat Tongue With #933703

    honey mustard

    in reply to: Post Here If You Like Galoshes #933864

    hey, those are pretty cool. Fun-looking :). Enjoy dem!

    in reply to: Post to Post�NOT #1047651

    why can’t she understand?

    in reply to: Possible Sleeping Disorder? #936355


    in reply to: Post Here If You Like Galoshes #933862

    what color and pattern??

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