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  • in reply to: Aries? #939331

    WIY-i’m very glad to hear SOMEONE agrees with me in that, thank you. but i’m gonna stay away, at least for a bit. Someone off site didn’t like my approach, and let me know

    in reply to: Nice Person, ethics, being frum, discombobulated #939625

    talmud- sorry, i thought you were being sarcastic. my apologies

    in reply to: Nice Person, ethics, being frum, discombobulated #939620

    talmud- as opposed to?

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168675

    HIIIIII think first!! Have a wonderful Pesach with your new wife! and thanks for dropping in!

    in reply to: Nice Person, ethics, being frum, discombobulated #939615

    once the homework is handed back, they might get over it quick, and even respect you for it. Good for you for standing up for the correct thing

    in reply to: Get those drunk drivers off the road! #939204

    i was just practicing my sharp turns! Did i hit any cars? Nooo. I’m good at knowing how much space i have around me. And you gotta be ready for ANYthing on the FDR

    in reply to: Anyone With An Original Voicemail Message? #1193513

    hello u’ve reached me. Please leave a beep after the message.

    Hi this is —-. What’s your name?

    in reply to: Aries? #939327

    i left, it’s okay, everyone can carry on pushing mentor, rav and documentation, quicker, sooner, now.

    in reply to: To the Parents of Teens #939474

    survivor- i know some people are like that. I just didnt know if aproudbyg’s situation was like that, or if we were jumping ahead and painting her a bleaker picture than actually was. That was my fear

    in reply to: Elal VS. Swiss #939589

    is swiss air different from aerosvit? Maybe thats what i’m mixing up

    in reply to: To the Parents of Teens #939469

    k, thanks for letting me know. I’ll sha now 🙂

    in reply to: 20 Questions�Round 2! #1165510


    in reply to: Question for "The Wolf" #939160
    in reply to: To the Parents of Teens #939467

    sw33t- People used to say the same things to me all the time: “why dont you call the police?” ” you have to go to therapy right now !!”

    and i remember feeling like “why dont you live 5 minutes in my life, and then go back to telling me what to do!”

    thanks for putting my niggling discomfort into words.

    aproudbyg- feel free to disagree with me here

    but i also felt that way sw33t. That people make assumptions. think the worst. tell me i’m destroying myself. But they don’t really know my life. the details. the way i react, and my personality. my interactions with my mother. how bad or how often things may happen.

    aproudbyg mentioned the shirt and throat incidents. i am NOT justifying it even if it was only once, but from some of the reactions here, it seems people are saying that if she doesn’t get help, be it mentor or police,or get out of her house by the end of the week, she is being suicidal, or it may be “too late”. she didn’t say how often outbursts occur, but people assume every time she sees her mother, her mother yells at her. that her entire pesach is going to be misery with not a moment of peace. That it’s imperative that she records incidents (is there any legal issue there btw?), because of the ‘likelihood’ that she’ll need it in the future.

    perhaps we should all take a step back, including myself. aproudbyg said she knows the next step and is working on implementing it. she doesn’t want to get the police involved (B”H!) or go to a rav yet(speaking to myself here), so we can stop pushing those. She knows who she wants to approach, and will as soon as she can. perhaps we can encourage a positive outlook to pesach? perhaps it will be overall more good than bad? I feel like we’re pushing a fearful and negative attitude, when the positive emuna and outlook she already has are the best ones she CAN have.

    aproudbyg seems quite smart, clearheaded, and ready to act. Let’s show some trust in her, and give her the space to get her thoughts and emotions together to make that step, without criticizing her decision of when and how to act next.

    in reply to: To the Parents of Teens #939466

    torah613- it’s not necessarily healthy for people to just take multivitamins. and it really shouldnt be done without a doctor’s ok.


    Keeping a low profile should help,(for now)keep in mind that you will not get her approval by offering more help around the house, on the contrary. It will most likely irritate her even more and will probably backfire. Many girls in your situation think that if they help more, etc then things will be better for them. This usually doesn’t work. When she asks for help, try not engaging in conversation with her and don’t overwork.

    Where do you get this from? It may apply to some girls, and the opposite may be true for others, that by offering help, by having casual conversation, the mood is improved and calmed and made positive. Perhaps her starting discussion on a safe topic can lead to a shared laugh, a positive moment together. By acting like a servant, who only helped when and what asked and avoiding conversation, this can actually cause a blowup, anger, or resentment.

    in reply to: Shadchan speaks #946387

    he’s a man, ready for marriage. You should have spoken directly to the boy, NOT to his mother, unless that had already failed and you knew he’d listen from his mother. Hilchos loshon hora still apply. That all said, as an experienced shadchan and coach, this is the first time you had constructive criticism to give back, that you’re unsure how you should have acted??

    in reply to: Stuffing Your Face w/ Marror, Red as a Tomato #940609

    We use both, but we’re short (last year one container got soggy and brown), i’ll use only horseradish. Yes, its sharp, but i actually don’t mind it, and have yet to cry from it! I also prefer the sharpest chrain on my fish

    in reply to: Elal VS. Swiss #939567

    doesnt swiss let you take an extra bag?

    in reply to: Why am I in the CR instead of… #942224

    the way i read it on the main cr page was:

    why am i in the cr instead of… Just having fun!

    in reply to: To the Parents of Teens #939440

    aproudbyg- you are a very special person. And you make bais yaakov and klal yisrael proud

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168670

    aproudbyg- welcome to this thread. That is a powerful emunah, and a great piece of poetry, and a moving message, esp knowing its coming from you. Thanks for sharing it

    in reply to: Books: Recs and Where To Buy Hebrew Softcover #1004981

    i haven’t read it but have hear people rave about dual discovery by z. Hoffman

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168669

    b”h glad things are going well. But yeah, this time. And of all times of year, its stressful from cleaning n preparations.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168667

    black clouds are approaching

    they bring a foreboding air

    blotting out the sun’s warm rays

    the light is not seen there

    theyre rolling towards me steadily

    with warning thunder calls

    shadow approaching on the ground

    a hush begins to fall

    one by one, they turn their face

    and look up at the sky

    the gloomy dark, it quiets them

    from bird to beast to fly

    the rumbling seems threatening

    a masked but fearsome thing

    i just sit still, silent, waiting

    see what it will bring

    the darkness is still nearing

    the clouds are overhead

    afraid, i want to run and hide

    ‘neath the blanket of my bed

    and then the cold comes reaching

    its fingers towards my heart

    but dread has frozen me, made me numb

    i can’t seem to depart

    its icy tendrils wrap their touch

    ’round my hurt and pain

    the cares seem to depart with speed

    but sadness does remain

    in reply to: New Fresh Joke Thread #1027330

    yw fan- cute 🙂

    in reply to: New Fresh Joke Thread #1027329

    talmud- no pun intended= no pun in ten did

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168664

    🙂 it’s nice! Eye-catching, easier to read with the right flow.

    Long time, no speak. Hope you’re doing well!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168662

    puppy- i juuuust signed in expressly to revive this thread. Thanks!

    I love your piece, so heart breaking :'( but such a beautiful view on it. I like how you layout your poems always

    in reply to: 200,000,000 Spent Yearly by Patrons on Pesach Hotel Programs #938960

    wiy- your being a little harsh on judging wealthy people as a group and stereotyping.

    But if one shul can rasie 200 000, there aren’t 500 shuls across america that can do the same? There arent 2000 shuls that can raise 50 000?

    in reply to: Boss Taking Advantage Erev Pesach? #940882

    i don’t see giving pesach off a matter of the boss being generous. He is giving it as their paid legal holiday days, which he has to do, he just changed around the dates to benefit them more. Sunday has nothing to do with the fact that they get off pesach.

    On another point, why don’t you get paid for sunday work??

    in reply to: 20 Questions�Round 2! #1165501

    shnitzy- no actually, i wasn’t being serious, hence the 🙂

    in reply to: To the Parents of Teens #939414

    most people dont. Its takes an older mind to put it all together an full comprehend. And a rebbi i spoke to said it should be that way, and its a bad idea to show a kid the full picture, because when younger, they need that security etc. You can speak to a rav from a different small community perhaps. The pro of your rav is that he knows your family and parents somewhat, and he can actively help and can speak to your parents. Its a big pro… But you have to be comfortable. I understand what you are saying though. (if i am guessing at your community though, i know who the rav is, and know he does work with some of the high school girls one on one and really has helped a number.)

    You WERE able to just deal with and dismiss it for many years. But with age comes changes in understanding it, maturity, comprehension, ability and in how you deal with things. And your perpective on it will likely continue to shift and change. You are at the stage of wanting changes to happen now. You are ready to do something about it. And asking for advice and wanting to vent is a step forward. It helps many a LOT (like me 🙂 ), others less, but is a regular change most teens hit, to talk things out rather than keeping them held in. And can be healthy and beneficial. It is NOT however called making it into a big deal!! K?? Good, glad we got that part clear 🙂

    in reply to: To the Parents of Teens #939412

    fkelly- thanks :-/. Like i said, i relate to a lot of these points. Sorry to make you cry though…

    I gotta say aproudbyg, ur doing a lot better in a worse situation and you’re amazing for it! It is a lot harder after high school/sem though, when the structure of being away from home and with girls disappears. So the sooner the better. I wish i could just invite you over, and give you a hug. I hear what you mean about your rebbetzin. Re rav, i do agree with you totally. But i also know not everyone does, and many rabbanim i know are the same. But when i was in contact with 2 of those on different occasions, i saw how different they act to help n direct.

    Btw if you want phone numbers for ohel or other help lines, etc, just let us know. I see your slowly cautiously adding details. Ugh the soap one. Hearing that one always shook me up a lot. But was not rare a generation back, so some erased the emotions they had enduring it and falsely remembered it as a valid form of chinuch. Sigh, what a world we live in.

    Just my opinion, what you say that your mother would tell you yes she did ____ but it was nothing and noone you would tell would react- she’s not telling you the truth. She’s causing doubt so that you would never go to someone and tell them. Noone would dismiss it as nothing. They’d see it as something to be concerned about, look further into, or more.

    in reply to: To the Parents of Teens #939397

    adams- interestingly, all of us here who have mothers like this are suggesting avoiding the police though, and to rather find a mentor, rav, coach, psyc… I do think that says something.

    byg- rabbonim do do that sometimes to avoid starting a shmooze with a girl. If you’d call him on the phone, even anonymously, i think you’d find him acting differently in that setting. If you are comfortable with how the convo goes, you can later say who you are. Also, how about his wife? btw, after the reaction you said your principal gave about bullying, i wouldnt go to her with your home situation even if she did have time.

    in reply to: Boss Taking Advantage Erev Pesach? #940874

    well, if you worked last sunday, then its reasonable for him to expect this sunday too. if you won’t have work though…

    but it has nothing to do with the fact that you’ll have the rest of the week off. thats your legal holiday vacation that’s paid, it’s not a “favor” he’s giving you that should affect your decision about wokring on sunday

    in reply to: To the Parents of Teens #939389

    i knew someone was bound to say it sooner or later. Sighhhh

    in reply to: Boss Taking Advantage Erev Pesach? #940866

    is the paid pesach instaed of getting off for legal holidays? Cuz then he doesnt have the right to change his mind. But why should he be able to ask sunday? During a regular week would he ask you to come in on a sunday and would you?

    in reply to: Going To The Dentist #937885

    actually, my gums rarely get inflamed ever.

    in reply to: 20 Questions�Round 2! #1165494

    is it shnitzel? 🙂

    in reply to: Is It Not Annoying When… #938128

    an evil teehee also sounds kind of pathetic

    in reply to: Is Popa Cynical? #938155

    g’job talmud n shnitzy, loving the new sn

    in reply to: To the Parents of Teens #939382

    aproudbyg- did u say poetry :)? If poems speak to you, go to the thread ‘att poetry people’. Read it from the beginning (really pg 3 maybe? But i cant remember). Maybe it’ll even get revived. Used to be a chevra of us, who all were in or knew pain, expressed through poems and not, giving support, listening, caring, understanding… It helped me through some tough patches. Many of those posters left, but i wish they were still here and the thread was still going. It was amazing. It’s long, but use it as distraction from the yelling perhaps. It’s a very emotional and powerful thread, it’s witnessed posters ups and downs, and contains both support, similar feelings, and ideas. Perhaps it can also speak to you

    in reply to: To the Parents of Teens #939379

    what’s painfully shocking is the number of us on here with the similar stories. Even in the small current cr population, too many relate. At least let it be an eye-opener for those who deny the pain and problems that go on in our community even. May Hashem speedily erase ALL the pain and suffering of all forms from all.

    in reply to: Going To The Dentist #937883

    rabbi_dr- either all 3 dentists i’ve been through have been incompetent or thats not true. i used to not brush often at all, but very well the morning of, and ALWAYS got the comments of, wow looks like you take good care of your teeth. you brush daily or twice daily? and i see you must floss often too! and i’d nod and laugh evilly inside

    in reply to: New Fresh Joke Thread #1027294

    this thread should be renamed “the corny jokes thread”

    in reply to: To the Parents of Teens #939375

    maybe he needs a different one….

    there are ppl who care about you, and don’t you forget it!

    KIT if you have any more questions, want support, or just want to vent. hatzlocha rabba!!

    in reply to: What to pack and what not� #937825

    oh i almost forgot. (sniffle sniffle) cold meds

    in reply to: Giving Pet to non-Jew over Pesach #937775

    i would imagine not… got me wondering though. ask your LOR and let us know?

    in reply to: To the Parents of Teens #939373

    when you get to the point of college, you’ll deal with that. Whether going out of town, or living alone, or dorming, etc. But don’t worry about it now.

    Your father should be going to a psyc and on meds, and your mother should be getting couselling for it, and for her own issues. And you should be getting the support you need, and care too.

    Re rav, call him or his wife if you prefer, say you have to discuss an issue and when is a good time. Tell them all that’s going on. They are in a position to speak to your parents and try to get them to go for help, and they won’t for sure need to let them know you even spoke to them. This is in addition to a mentor, not instead of. Your parents cant be happy with how things are. The rav can help them change it, and a mentor can help for you. It’s doing them a favor, taking the step they’re afraid to.

    Re divorce- it does NOT have to make you scared and begging for it to not happen! You are all unhappy as is, don’t feel bad about hoping change could bring improvement.

    Like morahrach mentioned, for some reason, in

    many of these situations, the relationships changes with marriage. I cannot understand how it makes sense, but it happens. Suddenly mothers who were hated by their daughters are suddenly close. Seems illogical, and noone thinks it will happen, but it does. Something to hope for…

    in reply to: 20 Questions�Round 2! #1165487

    jmh- since when is plastic edible?

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