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  • in reply to: I am the youngest on the CR anyone nearly 13 and a half?? #811345

    Exactly how you understood it was not what I meant.What I meant was everyone comes from different backgrounds and for some, one thing might be appropriate and for another inappropriate.Some people are more sheltered and some not it is neither good or bad the key word is different. If parents allow it how can someone come along and say your way is wrong.There are two sides to a coin.

    in reply to: ???? ????? #825084

    The Rambam brings down in Hilchos Bikkurim that bikkurim has no shuir, but the Rabbanim say to give 1/60.

    The Yo’ir Kino brings proofs for this number of 1/60.There is a gemara in kesubos(111b)which says even a barren tree in eretz yisroel will produce two donkey loads of produce.We then have a gemar in B.M(80a) which says a donkey load is 15 sa’ehs.The mishna in Bikkurim(1:11) says even if one has only one tree they are obligated to bring bikkurim.Lastly, we have a mishnah in keliem (12:3) that says a tenneh(basket)has a capacity of 1/2 of a sa’eh.

    So if one has only one tree the minium amount of produce he will have is 30 sa’eh (two loads of 15).Then when the Torah says to bring a tenneh which is a half a sa’eh the amount comes out to be 1/60.

    The Baal Hatturim says the pasuk alludes to 1/60:1)the word tenneh equls 60.2)samech =(60) is the only letter missing from the parsha of bikkurim .

    in reply to: I am the youngest on the CR anyone nearly 13 and a half?? #811343

    I understand your reasoning,but I believe that is more of sheltered view(not saying that is a bad thing).

    in reply to: I am the youngest on the CR anyone nearly 13 and a half?? #811341

    Kid,or adult this is yeshiva world not new york times.

    in reply to: I am the youngest on the CR anyone nearly 13 and a half?? #811338

    Divorce is mentioned in the Torah and nobody would question yeshivas which teach meschats gittin,kidushin,kesubos at a young age. It is hard to imagine that anthying on this site would be bad for young adults.

    in reply to: Why learn inapplicable halachas? #810368

    Do not forget there are four layers Pshat,remez ,drush and sod.In one realm one may think it is inapplicable,but in essence it has extreme importance.

    in reply to: I am the youngest on the CR anyone nearly 13 and a half?? #811335

    Where are all these adult discussions? What is defined as an adult topic? If a topic is inappropriate it shouldn’t be mentioned in the first place ,and everything on this site is heavily kashered.

    in reply to: YWN Coffee Room Nightly D’Var Torah #1125097

    In this weeks parsha there is a pasuk which at first glance seems to be out of order, but with Rashi and Targum Yonason’s explanation there is no misplacement.The pasuk says when I will bring you to mokem zeh(Rashi says this means the Bais HaMikdash)and then says I will give you the land of Eretz Yisroel.The question that could be asked is that Klal Yisroel entered Eretz Yisroel and then got the Bais HaMikdash later why then is the Bais HaMikdash mentioned first? If one goes back to Sefer Shemos to the pasrsha of Korban Peasach one will see a fascinating Targum Yonason. He brings down that Klal Yisroel flew on kanfei nesharim to the mokem HaMikdash to do the mitzvah of Korban Peasach and then went back to mitzrayim.Since Klal Yisroel was at the sit of the Bais HaMikdash first that is why it is mentioned first.

    As a side note, one can say that Moshe Rabbeniu entered Eretz Yisroel before his ban on entering Eretz Yisroel.(There is another source for this concept in the parsha of the Meraglim)

    in reply to: I am the youngest on the CR anyone nearly 13 and a half?? #811324

    Rebbi(Meir) says:”Do not look at the jar but its contents;There may be a new jar full with old wine,and an old jar which does not even contain new wine.”Pirkei Avos 4:20

    One can learn from anyone whether young or old.

    in reply to: OOT vs. NY #810622

    I find oot people to be more relaxed and not on edge.People from New York are always on the move.That being said,everyone is different and no generalization can be made(just from my experience).

    in reply to: Avodah Zaroh in Nail Salons #810584

    The cats are called maneki neko, the Japanese and Chinese believe them to be good luck charms and nothing more.

    in reply to: Girl wearing tallis and teffilin #809031

    I meant Targum Yonason my mistake,sry.

    in reply to: Avodah Zaroh in Nail Salons #810577

    Sam: I agree with you that buddhism does not worship buddah,but hindus do. I think we are saying the same thing.

    in reply to: Girl wearing tallis and teffilin #809029

    The baal Haturim holds that if a woman wears a tallis or teffilin they are oiver on kli gever al haisha.If one asks how about michal,the Levush brings down that a bas melech is excluded from kli gever.

    in reply to: Avodah Zaroh in Nail Salons #810572

    Buddah is worshiped by many,and forsure by hindus.Do some research.

    in reply to: Avodah Zaroh in Nail Salons #810565

    Just to be clear the buddah is not worshiped by everyone(buddhsim).I believe hinduism worships buddah. Also if you walk into a store and it has a cross does it mean you have to walk out.In most places these symbols are only used as decoration and not worship.

    in reply to: Ain Shliach L'Davar Avera Question #808258

    There is a shita that explains ain shliach ldvar aveira is on by jews.Why was Moav punished(cant marry jews) if Bilam was the one who cursed? Marafsin igri brings down that by goyim yaish shliach ldvar avaira.

    in reply to: Girls learning Gemorah?? #810328

    Interestingly,the Baal Haturim explains that the words kli gever al isha = Kli Torah (remez shelo yilmod adom l’bito Torah)

    in reply to: ???? ????? #825076

    Forgot to mention the Bal Haturim gives a gematria for the word sorer = zeh Avshalom ben dovid.

    In this weeks parsha there is a pasuk which at first glance seems to be out of order, but with Rashi and Targum Yonason’s explanation there is no misplacement.The pasuk says when I will bring you to mokem zeh(Rashi says this means the Bais HaMikdash)and then says I will give you the land of Eretz Yisroel.The question that could be asked is that Klal Yisroel entered Eretz Yisroel and then got the Bais HaMikdash later why then is the Bais HaMikdash mentioned first? If one goes back to Sefer Shemos to the pasrsha of Korban Peasach one will see a fascinating Targum Yonason. He brings down that Klal Yisroel flew on kanfei nesharim to the mokem HaMikdash to do the mitzvah of Korban Peasach and then went back to mitzrayim.Since Klal Yisroel was at the sit of the Bais HaMikdash first that is why it is mentioned first.

    in reply to: ???? ????? #825075

    R’Yonatan said he saw and sat on the matzevah of a ben sorer umoreh.The question is how is it possible if the Tanna Kama said it will never happen? One answer is that he was referring to Avshalom who had a din of a ben sorer umoreh( according to the medrash) and R’Yonatan was explaining that this is what happens if one does not kill a ben sorer umoreh as a child.Another answer given is that the Tanna Kamma agrees that a child was killed, but it was a mistake because it was impossible for all the pratim of a ben sorer umoreh to happen all at once.(sefer Mrafsin igri). As a side note the word get(divorce document) is never mentioned in the Torah.Furthermore the letters of the word get, a gimmel and a tet never touch each other throughout the Torah because the essence of the word is to separate.(Vilna Gaon)

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