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Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky brought an idea from Rav Simcha Zisel of Kelm who said that there is a machlokes rishonim between the Rambam and the Ramban concerning what is geheniom. The Rambam said like this and the Ramban said like this. However ,we have no understanding of both of their words,but there is a tzad hashava shbenheim – es iz nisht gut( that it is not good).
sam4321ParticipantMasheches Tefillin:
המוצא ספר או תכריך של תפילין נותנם לחבירו וחבירו לחבירו בשבת ואפילו הם מאה אם עמו נוטלו אחד מתוך ארבע אמות ונותנו לתוך ארבע אמות שהיה ר׳ שמעון אומר כל שהוא עומד בפני ב״ד אינו עומד ולא בכתבי הקדש מי שהיה בבית הספר או בבית המדרש בבית הכסא או בבית המרחץ **ושכח לחלוץ את תפילין מכסן בשערו** ויוצא ואם אינו יכול נכנם לבית קרוב וחולצן:
May 14, 2019 9:09 pm at 9:09 pm in reply to: Does Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita prohibit men from shaving their beards? #1727105sam4321ParticipantBava Metziah 84a – Rav Yochanan ,ayin sham.
sam4321ParticipantThe main reason I do not like this story ,is then you have the problem with the Gemara in Chullin 7a.
sam4321ParticipantThis topic is a waste of time . Those who want to believe what they want will not change their mind regardless. If anyone wants to know what Rav Moshe really held let them go speak with Rav Moshe’s relatives. Also the idea that Chalav Yisrael is equal to chalav hacompanies is not true. Chalav hacompanies takes much longer to spoil . It also should be noted that the Pri Chadash heter(used by Jews of Amsterdam and himself) is not the heter of the Rav Moshe. Rav Soloveitchik held of an additional heter as well. Rav Moshe held that yedia is like seeing,plus mirsas. Even if you want to say that the Teshuvos are the end all,Rav Moshe clearly states not consider one who relies on the heter an avrayon. Let everyone follow their Rabbi,and for those who want to know lmaaseh ask around.
sam4321ParticipantIt should be noted that the Ohr Hachaim 6:3 writes that Ruach Hakodesh ceased to exist after the destruction of the BH . However ,some great invidiuals had a chelek of Ruach Hakodesh after the BH was destroyed. Seemingly after the gemar was completed Ruach Hakodesh ceased altogether and not even reiach Hakodesh remained. So actual RH has ceased acc to the Ohr Hachaim,but great Rabbanim still exist and there is ofcourse Siyata Dishmaya which exists . The Ramabam in Moreh Nevuchim explains that the closer one is to HaShem the more hasgacha there is for that person. So it seems that those special invidiuals who are close to HaShem in terms of bitachon and limud HaTorah have divine assistance albeit not in the form of RH,but rather in the colloquial sense. See the Mesoros Moshe 3 pg.374 where Rav Moshe explains that no nevua exists today and if one would read the criteria for nevua from the Rambam one would clearly understand why that is the case. The Ohr Hachaim is a great source to understand how RH ceased to exist ,ayin sham.
sam4321Participant- Just to note Iyun Hadaf basically translated all tosfos in shas. I didn’t check every daf,but I think they have done all of it.
Here is a sample: Sorry, no links
sam4321ParticipantI have not really been here in a while as well,hope all is well. Does Yitayningwut and BaalHabooze still post here?
sam4321ParticipantI am unsure if you are joking or not but for the small chance you aren’t. The Kovetz Halachos(Rav Shmuel Kementsky) perek 4:15[pg.71] writes that it is a davar pashut that one does not need to change their ringtone.
sam4321ParticipantWhat would you like to know about it?
sam4321ParticipantIts a serious place,but at the same time the guys are very normal . As I mentioned before the Rebbeim are real talmidei chachamim who give over a real mehalach in learning. The yeshiva is a big mix of guys,coming from America,and European countries. The yeshiva also has many transfers from other yeshivas who decided they wanted a more serious learning environment.
sam4321ParticipantWhat specifically would you like to know?
sam4321ParticipantIts a very good sefer. I would compare it to a piskei teshuvos just this is on teffilah. It has many sources which makes it grewt for referencing diff shitos.
sam4321ParticipantYeshivas Bais Yisroel is a very fine yeshiva. They have real talmidei chachamim as rebbeim. Its a very solid yeshiva.
sam4321Participant@slominer , everyone can learn how to pick up a sefer and learn it. The question is how much effort one puts into it. When I was in bais medrash I did as I described in my last pist. The lingo is learnable. Most important thing dont make the task too difficult. Thats why I recommend an easy read shalos and teshuvah sefer. Since the Hebrew isnt hard and the topic iss are interesting. You go through one question at a time and you will see that after figuring out the q and a ,you will feel accomplished.
sam4321ParticipantI would recommend buying a sefer such as kitzur shulchan aruch with a Hebrew-English dictionary. Try going through a few halachos using the dictionary. Another sefer which may help you pick up basic Hebrew necessary to learn is Shaalos Rav ,questions of asked to Rav Chaim Kaniefsky. Each question is very short and is easy enough to pick up key words that are used in all seforim. You are correct that many seforim are translated but there are many amazing seforim which arent translated which are amazing. So it is worth the effort to try picking up basic Hebrew.
sam4321ParticipantA good sefer is called Mishpetei HaTorah by Rav Tzvi Spitz.Its a 3 vol set in Hebrew. However, there is an English version callwd “Cases In Monetary Halachah”. Very good stuff.
sam4321ParticipantOn a side note: Regarding the title of this post I remember a guy making a joke that Yom Haztmaut is gmetaria bitul Torah. If one does the math they indeed do equal each other ??? ??????? – ????? ???? both equal 668. Does this prove anything, I believe not.
November 19, 2015 4:00 pm at 4:00 pm in reply to: DO WE REALLY HAVE A GOOD EXCUSE TO LIVE IN CHUTZ LA'ARETZ? #1113013sam4321ParticipantYou should see the Igros inside which discusses the Ramban. My point was that there is broad shoulders (Rav Moshe) to rely on for ppl who live outside of EY today and shouldn’t be deemed sinners.
sam4321ParticipantTwisted: you were probably thinking of the Mishna in Pesachim daf 64a which discusses this. Here is how Rashi(and how Twisted explained it) explains the process:
??? ??????? ?????? ?????. ???? ???? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ?????? ????? ?????? ??????? ?? ?????? ??????? ?? ?? ????? ????? ?? ??? ???? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? ??????? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ??? ????? ?????:
November 19, 2015 4:15 am at 4:15 am in reply to: DO WE REALLY HAVE A GOOD EXCUSE TO LIVE IN CHUTZ LA'ARETZ? #1113002sam4321ParticipantSimple answer based on Igros Moshe EH 1:102 is it a mitzvah kiyumas? Yes,is it a chyiuv? No. He basis this off Rav Chaim one of the balei Tosfos(kesuvos 110).
sam4321ParticipantI believe Rav Shlomo Zalman held its a minhag not to use electricity.
sam4321ParticipantIf one reads Emunos vedeios (Rav Saadia Gaon) he mentions 4 refutations concerning gilgulim. He acknowledges that some Jews belive in it but he felt it wasnt logical and it didn’t fit with pessukim. He also mentions the suffering of the young and refers back to an earlier treatise in his sefer to refute gilgulim. However,many great Rabannim hold of such an idea and both sides should not be dismissed,elu velu…
March 9, 2015 2:56 am at 2:56 am in reply to: do i get an aveirah if i don't do shnayim mikra? #1064226sam4321ParticipantSee this Raavan :
and see this Shubulei Haleket and notice the first word :
Then see the Shulchan Aruch
October 15, 2014 6:19 pm at 6:19 pm in reply to: Halachot of the Ben Ish Chai books – question #1035349sam4321ParticipantNot sure what you are referring to,never saw a 4 volume one,it may contain Od Yosef Chai with the drashos.
sam4321ParticipantThe Darkei Moshe( the Rama on the Tur) writes that the minhag is like Tosfos . I find it interesting that the Rama is silent on the whole siman of Mayim Achronim in the Shulchan Aruch.
August 14, 2014 4:36 pm at 4:36 pm in reply to: Forgetting to close the fridge light before Shabbos #1039230sam4321ParticipantThis is a complicated shaila which not everyone agrees on(some more machmir some more maikel) its an ask your Rov question. However the sefer Avnei Yashefei 1:63 explains the problems well and he comes out that using a katan to open the fridge to get something for himself and then you can take your stuff out,using a goy is more problematic ,see the tshuva inside.Regarding closing it is also a whole discussion .
sam4321ParticipantPatur Aval Assur: An interesting gematria from the Gra which shows the importance of both the Yerushalmi and bavli,and its connection to redemption.We actually just read this passuk last week(last passuk of Chazon).
??????? ???????????? ????????? ?????????? ??????????. When breaking it up into ??????? ???????????? ????????? which = 1076 and ?????????? ?????????? equals 524. ????? ??????? equals 1076 and ????? ???? equals 524, they match the idea in the passuk,Tzion is Yerushalmi,and the exiled is bavali .
sam4321ParticipantBy your name can’t tell if you are sarcastic or not. If you know the topics (melicha,basar bchalav ,taruvos,scheitah and treifos,last two are not always on every program) then there are Rabbaniom who will test you.However, if you don’t know the topics yet then it takes time to learn ,but all depends o, the person. Rav Nechemia Goldberg gives simcha(different tests for different levels).
sam4321ParticipantPaa: Its not only tamcha ,but even chazeres is debatable,not every lettuce your yotzei with and even romaine nowadays if its not grown natural some hold its a problem. My point everything is a machlokes.
Dk: I believe Rav Solavaitck(don’t know how to spell in English) ate both.
sam4321ParticipantAnd I know the machlokes if it is good or not,or even if tamcha in gemara is horseradish.My point is it has been established by many poskim as being good.There is certainly those to rely on.This is a very old machlokes just like many other halachos.
sam4321ParticipantI don’t understand how one can say one is not yotzei Maror with horseradish when the gemara says tamcha is good and the Shulchan Aruch codifies it and the Mishna Brurah writes that if lettuce is hard to clean than certainly one should use horseradish.Furthermore the Mishna Brurah writes that if one is sick or sensitive they can pick any one they choose.I understand that chazeres is preferred,but to say one is not yotzei?!
sam4321ParticipantSam2: you are aware that there were big poskim who at horseradish,right?
sam4321ParticipantDavar Katan : Tshuvos in other languages is definitely not problematic,in fact there is the tshuvos HaRambam which is in Arabic and there are other seforim written in other languages from 1000 years ago until now,its the content that matters and who wrote it.
sam4321ParticipantPatur: Rav Nebontzol quotes Rav Shlomo Zalman who held the matzah has to be as thin as possible.
sam4321ParticipantAccording to the Ben Ish Chai from Moshe Rabbeinu to the Geonim everyone wore two pairs.
sam4321ParticipantThe Tosfos HaRid I believe in masheches sukkah 44 brings the minhag to read it without a bracha.
sam4321ParticipantSam2:what here is considered tzidduki talk here I didn’t catch it.
sam4321ParticipantSam2: its in taanis 24b(4:5) it is either znus or playing ball,Pnei Moshe they played on shabbas.Korban Haeidah,they played on shabbas or they played ball and didn’t learn Torah.
sam4321ParticipantI believe the Be’er Moshe held not to play ping pong.Tge whole bike issue is discussed by the Ben Ish Chai in his Rav Pa’alim where he says its mutar,however his Talmud the Kaf Hachaim assurs it.
where is that Yerushalmi about ball playing Taanis or Megilah I don’t remember.
There is also that Mishna Brurah who Quotes Rav Sasson who holds chess is assur to play and shabbas and even during the week if I am remembering correctly.
sam4321ParticipantI recommend you read the Noam Elimelch at the end of his sefer in one of the letters,it is a very powerful message on nusach sefard.Rav Moshe holds that to switch to ashkanaz is never a problem,but he does mention that those who daven sefard must be allowed to and not assur.Rav Henkin discusses this un Gevuros Eliyahu,will look it up.
sam4321ParticipantThe Igros Moshe YD 3:86 says that the Chachamim commanded that women should not be taught Mishna since it is oral Torah and it is like teaching them tiflos(promiscuity) and it should be avoided. However, they can be taught Pirkei Avos since it has Mussar and has hanhagos tovas.
In The Sefer VaYoel Moshe(Satmer Rebbe) Maimer Lashon Hakodesh 33(page 436) says teaching Rashi to girls falls into the category of teaching tiflos and is an issur chamer Meod.
sam4321ParticipantThe Kaf Hachaim siman 155:12 writes ,it is assur to learn sifrei kabbalah if he he is empty of limud bposkim,and one has to be married and 20. See inside for more info.
sam4321ParticipantSam2: it is not mentioned in The Ben Ish Chai unless it is in a different area besides krias HaTorah .
The Sefer Hachaim says to point with the index finger,the pinky is brought by the Meam Loez Ki Tova.
The Ben Ish Chai does bring the opinion of the Shulchan Aruch which is to bow during hagbah,and the Ben Ish Chai adds that on shabbas one bows seven times kenged the aliyos.I have not seen many follow the practice of the Shulchan Aruch to bow during hagbah ,I wonder why this is so.
sam4321ParticipantChacham,Sam2: Biur HaGra YD 179:13
sam4321ParticipantSam2: where did you see these opinions,Piskei Tshuvos(I Remember seeing that he brings a shitta who assurs it wondering if it was them)?
July 15, 2013 4:05 am at 4:05 am in reply to: Is it assur to wear a necklace with a symbol on it? #966018sam4321ParticipantThe Mishna Brurah 161:19 writes that women who are makpid to take off her ring before doing work holds she needs to take it off before washing.He then writes but men who don’t take their rings off don’t have to since they leave them on unless it has an expensive stone which he would take off.From here it seems like it was normal to wear a ring.
Regarding wearing jewelry in a reshus harabim see Tosfos and the halacha lmaaseh very surprising.
sam4321ParticipantThe minhag seems to be to have one but recently it has become common to name using two names.See Igros Moshe OC 5:10 who discuses this topic. He does note that one of the Tosfos had two names, Rav Yaakov Yisroel(chullin 112,hani mili).