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  • in reply to: Gee thanks, anti-vaxxers #1156177

    I believe that disease rates plummeted with the introduction of the automobile and generally faster means of transportation. You see, as people began to move faster, the various diseases couldn’t keep up with them. The diseases were too slow to infect people. Especially with airplanes and faster trains, disease rates dropped further.

    This is the most terrifying and amusing thing I’ve read all day. The stupidity of this post is astounding. Like, people moving faster sheds the diseases inside them? Can a sprinter cure himself of the plague by running? It’s a good thing that germs can’t move fast enough to keep up with everyone in the enclosed cabin of an airplane.

    in reply to: /rant #1153020

    DY: No they don’t. No one should create or decide a Shidduch based on age. Age can’t be a positive factor. In can be a Psul.

    in reply to: /rant #1153018

    DY: Age in general should never be a positive factor. Too large an age gap can be a negating factor.

    in reply to: Tallis Katan – wool vs. cotton #1152076

    MDG: The Smichus Haparshiyos of Kilayim and Tzitzis does not teach us that only those materials require Tzitzis. It teaches us that Tzitzis is Doche Kilayim. There is a different Limmud (according to Rava, IIRC) as to why only Tzemer and Pishtim have a D’Oraisa status as “Begged”. See Shabbos 26-27, give or take.

    in reply to: Orthodox hats for Shabbos — what do you wear? #1151999

    MDG: Yeah, but it didn’t mean China. (Or, if it did, because Chumash knows everything, it certainly wasn’t used by Chazal to mean China because no one knew that China existed. And, if you want to tell me that Chazal knew everything (a debate that is really not relevant here), the name of the hat still wouldn’t reference China because the general populace didn’t know that China existed and wouldn’t be borrowing styles of hats from there.)

    in reply to: The Torah v. Morals #1152057

    feivel: My “smart aleck examples” were for the purpose of starkly illustrating the dangers of what appeared to be the foundation of your post. That it was mutar to shake hands with women.

    If I may, you misstated. We can talk about whether there is such a Shittah that it’s Muttar and how legitimate that Shittah is and under which circumstances. Even if we would decide that it’s Assur, being Halachically incorrect is not the end of the world nor worthy of derision. Worthy of correction, certainly, but not being rude.

    What you (very correctly, IMO) railed against is the notion that it’s actually Assur, but that we can do it anyway to save face. Such a concept is the beginning of the uprooting of the entire Torah.

    in reply to: Orthodox hats for Shabbos — what do you wear? #1151995

    MDG: Unlikely. Sini didn’t mean Chinese back then because no one knew that China existed.

    in reply to: Selling divrei kedushah #1151930

    It’s Muttar Al Yedei 7 Tovei Ha’ir.

    in reply to: Minahg Lag BaOmer or outdoor fire prohibition #1153367

    People will ignore the rule, some will get arrested, and hopefully no tragedy R”L occurs.

    in reply to: Listening To Non-Live Music On Sefira #1151919

    Contrary to popular belief, R’ Schachter holds that there is no reason to say Hallel on Yom Yerushalayim. He says that HKBH promised us that we’ll never lose Eretz Yisrael again, but there is no such promise about Yerushalayim. Therefore, we can’t say Hallel because it’s not guaranteed to lead towards the Binyan Beis Hamikdash.

    in reply to: Listening To Non-Live Music On Sefira #1151917

    mw: The second one is pretty solid, I think. 5 Iyar was the day that started the move towards the Binyan Beis Hamikdash. Like I said, I don’t know how they get to move it.

    in reply to: Listening To Non-Live Music On Sefira #1151915

    mw: To make a long story short, there are two tracks taken. One is that it’s a Nes that involved the Hatzalah of Klal Yisrael, which necessitates Hallel Mid’rabannan (Gemara in Pesachim).

    The second is that there is a Chiyuv (possibly Min HaTorah) to say Hallel for a Nes that leads to the Binyan Beis Hamikdash. (There’s a Teshuvah in the Chassam Sofer about this re: Channukah and Purim.) R’ Schachter uses this notion and says that because we have a Havtacha from HKBH that we won’t lose Eretz Yisrael a third time (he quotes a Gemara and a Ramban Al HaTorah for this), then we know that Yom Ha’atzma’ut will eventually lead up to a Binyan Beis Hamikdash. And similar to Purim, where it was a holiday even before we reached the eventual Binyan Beis Hamikdash, so too by Yom Ha’atzma’ut we are obligated to give Shevach and say Hallel.

    The Rabbanut felt that avoiding Chillul Shabbos gives them reason to move the day (I think most in the Rabbanut hold of track #2 because of R’ Herzog).

    in reply to: Listening To Non-Live Music On Sefira #1151914

    charlie: There is a decent (I don’t think it’s great, but decent) case to be made for music to be Muttar during Sefira. My point is that the argument of “the Shulchan Aruch doesn’t say it’s Assur in the Siman about Sefiras Ha’Omer” is retarded.

    in reply to: Listening To Non-Live Music On Sefira #1151904

    charlie: If you want to follow the Shulchan Aruch, don’t listen to music all year round.

    This is not against you, Charlie, but this is an important point that many, many people miss. It is incredibly stupid for those who claim that the Shulchan Aruch doesn’t Asser music during Sefirah. Of course he did! He just had no need to write it because it’s always Assur. The analogous case (ad absurdum) would be claiming that Giluy Arayos is Muttar on Shabbos because you won’t find any mention of it being Assur in Chelek Gimmel or Dalet in the Mishnah Berurah. It is a ridiculous claim. As is the claim that music is Muttar during Sefirah because the Shulchan Aruch doesn’t say it’s Assur. Ad’raba, it would be idiotic to expect the Shulchan Aruch to call something Assur during Sefirah that is already Assur. Do people want him to have made it “double Assur”?

    in reply to: Listening To Non-Live Music On Sefira #1151900

    ubiq: You are wrong about Shmini Atzeres. You’re against an explicit Gemara that was dealing with your issue.

    in reply to: Listening To Non-Live Music On Sefira #1151892

    DY: Depends why you say Hallel. Don’t pretend that those who say Hallel don’t have what to rely on.

    in reply to: Listening To Non-Live Music On Sefira #1151890

    DY: It’s not a false Heter. It makes perfect sense to say that restrictions of Sefira are eased if you say Hallel. Not doing so could be a bit of a Stirah.

    147: It only makes sense to ease the restrictions on the day you say Hallel.

    in reply to: Chief Rabbi: Could we sit and study Torah without soldiers? #1151820

    LF: Talmidei Chachamim are Davka not supposed to be soldiers. See Rashi Al HaTorah by Avraham and Eliezer.

    in reply to: Here's My Appreciation #1151746

    I thought Joseph was Meramez that Kinas Sofrim Tarbeh Chochmah. It’s a beautiful thing to be jealous of.

    in reply to: Tachanun #1151735

    mw13: Of course. That’s why it’s a joke.

    in reply to: Chief Rabbi: Could we sit and study Torah without soldiers? #1151814

    NCB: It makes sense. There is a trend in Mekubalim in Eretz Yisrael to explain the secular Zionists based on an Arizal (I haven’t seen this inside, but have heard it independently from 3 Talmidim of R’ Kaduri). The Arizal said that the Meraglim would have to come back and be Metaken their Aveirah. They would not accomplish a single Mitzvah in their lives other than Yishuv Eretz Yisrael. Mekubalim wondered how it could possibly be that someone only does one Mitzvah in their entire lives. But when you look at some of the early founders of the State, it makes shocking sense. I don’t know if R’ Yosef said it either, but it would not surprise me and it would be explained in this vein.

    in reply to: Tachanun #1151732

    Meno: That is said as a joke, usually, to represent an opinion that there is enough Simcha to nullify Tachanun but that Hallel is inappropriate. Ben Gurion didn’t have an actual “Shittah”.

    in reply to: Kol Isha re non-Jews #1151619

    I think that’s good enough.

    in reply to: Sefira game #1154988

    HIR: Sefira is a time of happiness. And a separate sadness.

    in reply to: Vote third parties #1152359

    CTL: Correct. It is illegal discrimination to refuse to sell someone a cake, no matter what the grounds. The case in Oregon was that a bakery refused to make a cake specially for a wedding. And that is a tremendous difference.

    in reply to: Could there be a State of Israel Without the Lomdei Torah? #1151760

    DY: Both, in different ways. I don’t pretend to know the Cheshbonos of HKBH or what matters more to him, any individual soldier or Jew. They’re different. And appreciation gets shown differently.

    in reply to: Chief Rabbi: Could we sit and study Torah without soldiers? #1151810

    DY: Yeah, I should have said “to anyone Frum who celebrates Yom Ha’atma’ut”.

    LF: Yes. The British Mandate expired on Friday night at midnight. They declared independence hours earlier to avoid Chillul Shabbos. I think that’s a pretty good thing, honestly.

    mw13: There were Frum people also involved in founding the State. Some wanted to end Frumkeit. Others saw this as a way to revitalize Frumkeit, which (as the Rav famously said) was floundering due to depression in response to teh Holocaust. I heard a Chareidi Rov (who is not pro the Medinah in the slightest) say that the reason HKBH created the State was to revitalize Yiddishkeit, which had lost tons of motivation after the horrors of the Holocaust. In 1948, everyone except for certain relatively small groups saw it as an amazing thing, warts and all. And yes, the warts are often a big deal.

    in reply to: Kol Isha re non-Jews #1151618

    DY: Avi K’s point is irrelevant. Goyim are not Muzharim on Hirhurei Aveirah and therefore there is no violation of Lifnei Iver to not be Tznius in front of them.

    Mods: R’ Schachter’s point was Davka. It’s not just Stam un-Tznius. I understand why it was edited, but I would appreciate if it could be fixed in a way to properly present the sentiment, because the way it reads now it is far less strong than it should be.

    How’s that?

    in reply to: Chief Rabbi: Could we sit and study Torah without soldiers? #1151798

    akuperma: There has not been Talmud Torah in Klal Yisrael on a scale this massive since before the Galus started.

    DY: To anyone Frum, Yom Ha’atzma’ut is about thanking HKBH for giving control of Eretz Yisrael back to us.

    in reply to: Tachanun #1151728

    I started learning 8 Perakim of Tehillim a day a few weeks ago so that today’s Perakim were included in Hallel and I had Kavanah that if the Halachah is like those who don’t say Hallel then I was just doing it L’shem Talmud Torah.

    in reply to: Tachanun #1151725

    I said Tachanun, half Hallel without a Brachah, full Hallel without a Brachah, full Hallel with a Bracha, Kinnos, Selichos, Eichah, and Shir Hashirim twice just to be Yotzei Kol Hadei’os.

    in reply to: Kol Isha re non-Jews #1151615

    R’ Schachter might in theory agree with Charlie, but he adds an important caveat. The Gemara calls it an Ervah. So he says a Jewish woman should be as uncomfortable singing in front of non-Jewish men as she would be standing untznius* in front of them (of which there might technically be no Issur either, but the vast majority of Frum women would obviously, and correctly, be very uncomfortable doing so).

    *Edited – Sam means as untznius as possible.

    in reply to: Vote third parties #1152351

    Avi K: It’s their jobs. There is no law that they have to show up or vote or do anything, other than the fact that they are obligated to do their jobs.


    Wolf: Confusion between Brooklyn and Brookline, Mass.


    Because everyone has read the famous Paysach Krohn story and will worry that their Tefillin will get sent to the wrong state if they put their address in it.

    in reply to: Sefira game #1154984


    in reply to: The Zionist Independence Day Is A Day Of Mourning And Fasting #1151606

    Mods: Good, we have kj’s opinion and we have yichusdik’s response. This conversation has been had a million ways. Can we just link a previous (closed) Zionism discussion then close this one too?

    in reply to: Convert Becoming A Rabbi #1151564

    mw13: That is an ironic reversal of the point of R’ Moshe’s position.

    in reply to: Vote third parties #1152333

    CTLawyer: Incorrect. The baker is a participant in the wedding, not the marriage. Many are religiously against participating in such a wedding, for good reason.

    SDD: The difference between assault and same-sex marriage is that someone gets (directly) hurt by the assault.

    in reply to: What's Wrong with WhatsApp? #1152177

    yehudayona: That was 5-10 years ago. “Kosher” phones now do have texting.

    in reply to: L'mashumadim vs l'malanshinim #1151621

    Are you referring to the fact that the actual first word of the Bracha is “LaMinim”?

    in reply to: Why is Donald Trump orange? #1151438

    feivel: I think others disagree (haven’t seen explicitly, but the average person assumes not like that so presumably there is some Makor), but the Pnei Yehoshua makes sense and I have heard several Roshei Yeshivah (one from YU and a few others from more “Yeshivish” institutions, if that matters to you) use it to reject Gematria-based Kashas.

    in reply to: Why is Donald Trump orange? #1151435

    Dave Hirsch: Wait, Hameshuga=Mashiach Ben David? So Islam really is the true religion!

    in reply to: Why is Donald Trump orange? #1151434

    TrueBT and feivel: The Pnei Yehoshua quotes the Gemara that Gematrios are Parpara’os L’Chachma and says that means that they can never be used to Darshan an actual Halacha (he has to deal with the Yershalmi in Shekalim on Zeh Yitnu and that Stam Nezirus Sheloshim Yom is 30 days from Yihyeh, but he has answers for those). Gematria is not a way to Darshan. It is a way to find Remazim to things we otherwise know and/or to use as a memory device for what we already know. It is never in the realm of Pshat or Drash, only Remez.

    in reply to: Vote third parties #1152294

    Joseph: Sure. If you live in Utah a Libertarian vote might not be wasted. Gary Johnson may very well carry that state.

    in reply to: being Niftar Al Kiddush Hashem #1180790

    Joseph: R’ Akiva was hoping that when the opportunity came, he would be able to fulfill this Mitzvah. Also, the Gemara doesn’t say he Davened for it, just that he hoped for it to come. We don’t Daven for death. We hope than when it comes, HKBH gives us the opportunity for it to be as meaningful as possible, it whatever way that is. And it is certainly disgusting to say that someone died because of the Chafetz Chaim’s Tefillos.

    in reply to: being Niftar Al Kiddush Hashem #1180780

    “The Chofetz Chaim davened that he should be zoche to die al Kiddush Hashem. He was never zoche to this, but in the merit of his prayers his primary talmid Reb Elchonon Wasserman, may G-d avenge his blood, was.”

    This might be the most disturbing and disgusting thing I have seen all day. Wow.

    in reply to: El Al Has Flights On Shavuos! #1151690

    Geordie: As has been discussed in this thread, that is not necessarily true.

    in reply to: Convert Becoming A Rabbi #1151560

    writersoul: Some are connected to Serarah, some have other bases.

    in reply to: The Torah v. Morals #1152044

    Joseph: You correctly quote R’ Moshe. However, you incorrectly made up that he doesn’t usually say things are “Pashut”. That is his style.

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