Sam Klein

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  • in reply to: Are you allowed to give Tzeddakah/charity to Non-Jews #1991787
    Sam Klein

    Find out if it’s going to only be used for family food and clothing etc… But from a halachic standpoint if it’s going to be used for any religious reason then it’s against halacha of supporting yoshko and avoda zara

    in reply to: Judgemental people #1990244
    Sam Klein


    YOU wrote
    “I learnt how much there is for me, by looking inside for the truth, by feeling what I wanted for myself, understanding that if I don’t like pain, it’s not possible that our creator wants me in pain either.”

    sometimes Hashem Punishes the righteous people while living in yhis temporary physical world so that they can be completely righteous when they come up to the true world above and that punishment is for their benefit. There are other reasons why people go through hard times in life besides for being tested in their faith and trust in Hashem. Upon which when passing the test it brings you closer to Hashem and brings you higher to another test of a higher level of faith so you can keep on getting closer and closer to Hashem.

    May Hashem always be there for you when you call out to him for help.

    in reply to: Judgemental people #1990214
    Sam Klein

    Cause there’s also a Jewish halacha law to prevent another Jew from sinning and stop him before he sins.

    There’s also a Jewish halacha law of giving mussar to your loving brother-yes of course nicely with love. The Torah says we are all responsible for one another. Hocheach tocheich es amisecha….. And if you don’t stop and prevent someone from sinning then it is on your account and the person who watched the person sin and didn’t stop him is held responsible.

    So at the end of the day all yidden love one another and when they see you they can’t just walk by and say nothing but there’s even Jewish laws responsible to stop and say something or else be punished for the sinners sins.

    May Hashem give you lots of Hatzlacha in all your needs.

    in reply to: cost of living #1989995
    Sam Klein

    Lots of things in life are expensive.

    Make your life more affordable today by starting immediately today with making a budget with your spouse of keeping an account of ALL you expenses AND YOUR INCOME TOO so you can see at the end of the month and year etc… If you’re just making ends meet or are you even boruch Hashem able to put away money towards future savings of your children’s Shidduchim or college etc…. Or vice versa C”V spending too much on extras and going into dept….

    You can avoid going into dept by living with one sentence
    i.e. sure we all need a vacation and a date night out to the restaurant but there’s lots of local affordable vacations versus flying out to Florida or Israel etc…… With your entire family and paying the large bill. We call all use a restaurant date but to go out just to grab a bite us called crazy.

    May Hashem give you lots of Hatzlacha

    in reply to: Helping people learn how to learn #1988936
    Sam Klein

    There are programs for it with learning a amud a day and also reviewing the amud of the day before and it comes with tests monthly and at the end of the perek and entire masechta of the Gemara of amud yomi.

    The name of the program which runs worldwide in many towns is called the ORAYSA learning program. Check it out and be matzliach

    in reply to: growing up #1988784
    Sam Klein

    I work for Peter pan whose my father so I will always stay young and never grow up.

    Have fun growing up without me or my dad Peter pan

    in reply to: Men wear black and white? #1987639
    Sam Klein

    To remind us what is written in the Torah and seforim saying “ALL THE DAYS OF YOUR LIFE SHOULD BE WHITE” I.e. meaning pure and sin free.

    in reply to: Covid Forever #1986234
    Sam Klein

    If we don’t ever wake ourselves up from Denial and FACE REALITY with starting to admit to Hashems Wake up call for serious teshuva and achdus ASAP then you have your answer correct that this Coronavirus pandemic mageifa will keep going on forever C”V. “ain poranius baolam Ela b’shvil Yisroel”
    Nothing just happens by coincidence. Everything that happens has a direct message from Hashem for klal yisroel.

    in reply to: preparing for future pandemics c”v #1985739
    Sam Klein

    Ren Eliezer

    When someone is C”V Hit privately by Hashem with a wake up call of a serious sickness or a child loss in the family C”V he is supposed to immediately stop everything and make an accounting of his life to why Hashem would do this to him.
    (Example: if his foot was injured C”V what did he do wrong with his feet? perhaps hut someone or go somewhere not permitted to go using his feet to get there and take the foot sickness as an immediate wake up message from Hashem for serious teshuva so Hashem sends him a refuah shleima ASAP for his foot)

    However when a PUBLIC tzara strikes the world like a public coronavirus mageifa striking everyone to take precautions or a hurricane etc…. This is a direct message from Hashem directly to klal yisroel as a nation even if some people don’t live in the location where the hurricane hit land. As I mentioned previously we all know the true famous line in yiddishkeit and can’t deny the truth of “ain poranius baolam Ela b’shvil Yisroel”

    May all of klal yisroel come together as soon as possible for serious teshuva and achdus ASAP so all tzaros can come to a complete stop and Mashiach can come immediately.

    in reply to: Woke Towns #1985656
    Sam Klein

    What about the city of Geula? Or is that really just the business section of Jerusalem? Is that pretty wake like the Manhattan of Israel or is Tel Aviv the Manhattan in Israel?

    in reply to: preparing for future pandemics c”v #1985534
    Sam Klein

    Klal yisroel needs to do serious teshuva ASAP together as a nation before the next pandemic mageifa hits the world C”V

    1) Nothing just happens by coincidence let’s all confess and admit openly to Hashem the famous line me know of “Ain poranius baolam Ela b’shvil Yisroel” which means no tragedy befalls the world other than on the account of klal yisroel.
    So at the end of the day with us still in the midst of the coronavirus mageifa and millions already dead, there’s no one to blame but ourselves and it could have all been avoided if we had just woken up like in the story of Purim to serious teshuva and achdus ASAP together to return to Hashem as one loving nation.

    2)a person is not supposed to prepare for a sudden tragedy to come or else he is putting a ayin hara and curse upon himself. Hishtadlus us responsible by everyone for NATURAL things that happen daily in the world but not for Volcanoes, Hurricanes or Pandemics etc…. When these kind of these are upcoming C”V it’s supposed to immediately awaken the nation to serious accounting of why Hashem would be about to bring such a horrific tragedy upon his nation and immediately get them to return to Hashem with serious teshuva and achdus before any tragedy befalls or strikes the world.

    in reply to: Democrats and Far Left #1985081
    Sam Klein

    With this being the current situation and returning us back to thousands of years ago to the days of Noach and the flood destroying the world. How much time do we have left before the world is destroyed in a different way this time C”V if we don’t immediately wake up to serious teshuva and stop this from being the norm in these countries of ours and all over the world?

    in reply to: Figuring out our purpose in life #1983917
    Sam Klein

    Hashem cannot reveal to a person what his purpose is in this temporary physical world. Mostly due to the fact that if a person’s purpose in this world were to be revealed to him/her then either he would do his purpose ASAP so he can accomplish his mission immediately to have the merit of coming up to the true world above and getting to serve Hashem in his holy presence.

    Or vice versa if the person would know what his mission is in this temporary physical world then he would delay doing it forever so he can keep staying in this temporary physical world and enjoying all the temporary physical pleasures-which is nothing compared to the real pleasures of the true world above-

    May we all look forward to completing our mission in this temporary physical world so we can have the merit and benefit of serving Hashem in the true world above.

    in reply to: Its impossible to make a living in Israel #1982678
    Sam Klein

    Nothing is impossible. Even with such expensive housing and living in Israel. As long as you do your Hishtadlus and also work on maintaining your complete faith and trust in Hashem. Then Hashem will take care of the rest of your livelihood and life issues for you.

    Make for yourself a daily learning Seder of the defer Chovos halevovos. (Duties of the heart)

    in reply to: So does anyone play WOW here? #1981676
    Sam Klein

    There’s more important things in life to do then sit around playing games. Even if it is only after a long hard day at work or learning. There are better things to do for relaxing then sitting around playing games. In life there’s no time to play games. Life is no joking matter or game, “U’vacharta Bachaim” you should choose life, i.e. don’t take life for granted. Hashem doesn’t say on each person this person will live until 98 and this one until 107 but actually in truth Every day and hour is a decree that you should live another day. Don’t just take it for granted and instead appreciate every moment of life. Maybe use your time of relaxing to make a learning Seder daily.

    in reply to: Best shabbos leftovers #1981226
    Sam Klein

    Chicken and vegetables

    in reply to: The future of the democracy of the U.S. government #1980693
    Sam Klein

    Which American law or amendment says that if a black person is a legal registered American citizen he’s still not allowed to vote?

    From my knowledge he’s now a full American citizen and registered to vote every year

    in reply to: The future of the democracy of the U.S. government #1980698
    Sam Klein

    How much time do YOU think or feel this country has left to breathe before a civil war breaks out C”V?

    in reply to: The future of the democracy of the U.S. government #1980571
    Sam Klein

    sure there is a requirement to vote. You need to register to vote and also be a legal USA citizen for your vote to count. You can’t just be a visitor and vote as a citizen for elections

    If a person is not a citizen and his check he just cashed bounces how will the bank ever be able to track him down to get their money back from the bounced check? So they require your full ID and information

    in reply to: COVID VACCINE FOR CHILDREN #1979332
    Sam Klein

    It’s bad for their health and also on a separate note totally unnecessary.

    Do the proper research and see for yourself.

    in reply to: stuff that don’t have a place #1979184
    Sam Klein

    Ever heard of a storage room? Made for long term storage of hardly used items like seasonal items of your sukkah supplies and other holiday supplies each n a separate box or bag.

    In regards to important papers and receipts too valuable to discard I think you can find just one draw in your office desk or even a shoe box to store all these papers and tiny items sitting around your pockets and furniture loose

    in reply to: The 5% Prime Minister #1979183
    Sam Klein

    Hashem runs the state of Israel and the entire world. These prime minister or king rulers of the country are just messengers of Hashem to ACT as rulers but we all know the honest truth who really runs the world.

    May we all wake ourselves up to reality And turn directly to Hashem the ruler of the entire world to continue ruling the state of Israel and keep everyone safe. If we all do our Hishtadlus and put our faith and trust directly in Hashem the king of kings ruler of the world

    in reply to: Halachah of sharpening pencils. #1978721
    Sam Klein

    Little Froggie and Baltimore Maven

    So I guess according to you. A person is not allowed to ever invest in the future, rather it means in the stock market long term or just saving long term for your child’s college or Wedding in 20 years from now cause then it must be a lack of Emunah.

    Did I get that correctly from what you wrote?

    in reply to: Kid names #1978016
    Sam Klein

    Can you at least beva little bit more specific if it was a boy or a girl so we can think of the best names.

    in reply to: President Biden the new Regan #1978007
    Sam Klein

    First edit your topic to spell president Ronald Reagan correctly then we can talk more about the topic

    in reply to: why should i take the the vacccine if i had the virus already ? #1974332
    Sam Klein

    In life in everything we all have to do our Hishtadlus. But as an example when it comes to sickness if a gadol hador C”V became sick and he didn’t go to the doctor he would not be called as not doing his Hishtadlus due to the fact that on his high level of kedusha and faith etc… He doesn’t just know that only Hashem can heal him but on such a high level the medicine and doctor is like Avoda Zara to him. And such a tzaddik 80 levels higher then us physical people still living a life of physical pleasure and running after our desires and pleasures etc….. Is almost already with Hashem in the Olam Haemes.

    May we all work on ourselves to become tzaddikim who turn directly to Hashem for help in anything we need from speedy recovery from sickness to livelihood to blessed children etc…..

    in reply to: why should i take the the vacccine if i had the virus already ? #1974006
    Sam Klein

    Ren Eliezer

    Sure we can go and still should go to the doctor and take medicine for the person who is C”V sick but only on condition that he completely knows with complete faith that these are all just messengers and in truth ONLY HASHEM CAN HEAL HIM FROM HIS SICKNESS. and when he does recover from his sickness he remembers that it was really Hashem who healed him. No matter how many months of operations and doctors he went through and years of medicine prescriptions. Hashem is the master healer of sickness all over the world and can heal everyone immediately from this terrible coronavirus mageifa that millions have already died if we are just all ready to OPENLY CONFESS TO HASHEM AND COME TOGETHER AS A NATION FOR SERIOUS TESHUVA AND ACHDUS ASAP

    in reply to: Pro-Palestinians Nearly Killed a Jew today in Manhattan #1973951
    Sam Klein

    This will always happen worldwide. What are you so surprised about? Have you ever heard of the famous line EISAV SONEI ES YAAKOV? This will continue and never stop until we do serious teshuva and Mashiach comes

    in reply to: why should i take the the vacccine if i had the virus already ? #1973940
    Sam Klein

    To protect yourself from C”V Getting the virus again, and that’s what I think you forgot. THERE ARE ALOT OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE HAD CORONAVIRUS AND THEN AFTER THEY BORUCH HASHEM RECOVERED they got the virus AGAIN.

    of course with truth and honesty we all know that everyone’s health is directly in the hands of Hashem and the real secret to a complete speedy recovery from any sickness is to daven for a complete speedy recovery and have faith in Hashem. Yes we still all need to do our Hishtadlus an take medicine if someone is C”V sick but in truth we know that the only thing/one that can heal a person from sickness is Hashem directly

    May we all stay safe from all kinds of sicknesses and turn directly to Hashem when a person needs a speedy recovery from sickness. Versus turning to fake messengers of Hashem of pill, vitamins and doctors etc….

    in reply to: Thank Biden for Helping Hamas #1972777
    Sam Klein

    Everything, from the Meron Tragedy R”L to the shooting from Hamas today to the terrible holocaust R”L that our grandparents experienced etc….. Is ALL COMING DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM. Hashem runs the entire world-behind the scenes-and all rulers are just acting middlemen agents of Hashem to run that country or big company etc….

    We all know everything above is the honest truth “Lev melochim byad Hashem etc….” When a Tragedy R”L hits klal yisroel there’s no one to blame but ourselves mostly for not waking up to Hashems call for serious teshuva BEFORE the Tragedy hit klal yisroel cause we all know the true fact of “Ain poranius baolam Ela b’shvil Yisroel” which means there are no tragedies that hit the world other than on behalf of klal yisroel account and we are all held responsible for not doing serious teshuva together and preventing the tragedy from happening.

    Let us all gather together tomorrow on the day of erev rosh chodesh Sivan when our gedolim said should be a day of tefilla and serious teshuva but let’s do more then that an add something so Hashem should see we are serious. Take upon yourself to make it a fast day also or a half day fast, say extra Tehillim and learn extra as a zchus for klal yisroel towards the bringing of Mashiach

    in reply to: Confession #1970325
    Sam Klein

    I feel your situation and feeling of the exact pain you feel of the tragedy in meron versus how others in klal yisroel are feeling about this horrific tragedy that hit klal yisroel in a shock it of no where. Totally unexpectedly.

    Time for all of us to get together at the same time for serious teshuva and achdus with fasting ASAP like we did in the days of the Miracle of Purim and the people of Ninveh did and boruch Hashem their lives were saved. Let’s not wait any longer. WE DON’T C”V NEED ANY MORE HORRIFIC TRAGEDIES TO HIT KLAL YISROEL in order for us to return to Hashem with serious teshuva and achdus ASAP together as a loving nation.

    Let’s start now so we can bring the korban chagiga this Shavuous in the Bais hamikdosh

    in reply to: LONGEST THREAD EVER!! #1968887
    Sam Klein

    Sure the topic is

    “when will klal yisroel as a nation wake up and do serious teshuva and achdus ASAP together to help towards the bringing of Mashiach”? This is a serious honest question

    I.e. just how bad does a situation have to get for us to wake ourselves up to FACE REALITY and admit that we need to do serious teshuva like we did in the story of Purim and the people of Ninveh did when Hashem send Yonah Hanavi to them and their lives were boruch Hashem saved because of that.

    Otherwise how can we ever expect Mashiach to come if we don’t wake up and do Teshuva ASAP together as a nation?

    in reply to: “It’s A 3rd Intifada” Time for Achdus #1968600
    Sam Klein

    We need to come together as one loving nation to do serious teshuva and achdus ASAP together if we ever want or expect Mashiach to come.

    I.e. how can we expect Mashiach to come when the Sinas chinam (baseless hatred) today is worse then in the days of the second Bais hamikdosh which we destroyed because of Sinas chinam?

    Lets all start doing teshuva ASAP so we can bring the korban chagiga this Shavuous in the Bais hamikdosh

    in reply to: LONGEST THREAD EVER!! #1967577
    Sam Klein

    No comment

    in reply to: Lefties are discriminated against! #1966183
    Sam Klein



    And what about when you write in Hebrew? Do you also smudge your words or this time the hillary Leftists win and the righties smudge their writing. How about that?

    So at the end of the day lefties are not always the losers and you should instead count your blessings cause hey actually say that lots of doctors And artists are Lefties so you may still one day become a rich Doctor if you stop complaining and instead count your blessings

    in reply to: Learning lomdas #1965841
    Sam Klein

    Sure why can’t a person also just sit back and say I won’t go to work but I’ll put my faith and trust in Hashem that Hashem will somehow send me money to support my family? Ever heard of Hishtadlus in life? Doing your part in something? It works with lots of things not just with a person going out to support his family when in truth we know that all the money actually comes from Hashem no matter how hard a person works at his job for his livelihood.

    in reply to: Car Leasing #1965309
    Sam Klein

    Best leasing advice I can give you is that it’s not worth it to lease a car and pay thousands of dollars and end up with nothing when you can save up money or even get a payment plan or loan to buy a used car that will be yours to keep forever.

    Other than the fact that it won’t be a brand new car like the 2021 leased car but most used cars are still in great shape and working condition otherwise they wouldn’t be for sale and instead be heading for the garbage.

    May Hashem give you Hatzlacha and help you make the right decision in everything in life

    in reply to: WHATS A TROLL?? #1964694
    Sam Klein

    For first answers why don’t you just look it up in a dictionary to see what a troll is?

    For my honest reply to your question.
    A troll is a bored person just trying to hock up some conversation with others so he writes crazy things on the topic to get others to reply and wastes their time on nothing cause he’s not really being serious and just trolling around the coffee room. The person needs to get a life and a job so he stops wasting his time doing nothing but trolling

    in reply to: Sof Zman Tefillah #1963176
    Sam Klein

    Woman as potur from all mitzvas asei shehazeman grama which applies to davening so woman are not chayiv to make the zeman tefilla when they daven but it’s definitely better to try to make it.
    men and bochrim etc… Who are chayiv in zman tefilla need to make sure to make it a top priority to put Hashem first before anything else in life and daven before the zeman tefilla before running to do anything else in life

    in reply to: CAN THERE BE ALIENS?? #1963175
    Sam Klein

    So where exactly do you place aliens honestly? Somewhere between animals and Demons? Or more between demons and angels versus humans?

    in reply to: Hodu Lashem key tov #1962365
    Sam Klein

    Common Saychel
    Count your blessings

    People are crying to Hashem for children no matter what the condition they are…. People are crying to Hashem for their shidduch zivvug to be sent to them already. Boruch Hashem your married with a family of children to praise Hashem and be thankful for them forever no matter what their conditions are.

    May Hashem help you start to count your blessings immediately and see all the amazing things Hashem has blessed you with and continues to give you more.

    in reply to: Hodu Lashem key tov #1961700
    Sam Klein

    Learn the powerful secret to be thankful to Hashem for everything. In as little as 1 hour.

    Take anything away from yourself at a time when you need it-from your car or cell phone in middle of the busy work day or close your eyes for just 1 hour-and open it up or start using your phone an hour later. Your thanks to Hashem will be unlimited and you will not stop seeing the amazing beauty of each product that Hashem has created…..

    Try it out and see how it changes you into a completely new person

    in reply to: Can Yeshivish families make aliyah with school age children? #1959136
    Sam Klein

    Absolutely they can

    Nefesh B’nefesh has programs to help a family making Aliya to Israel for ALL ISSUES from education to home buying to government support etc…. To finding you a job although we know in truth that all financial support is actually coming directly from Hashem and not from the government or the rich father in law etc…..

    in reply to: Real estate #1957928
    Sam Klein

    Ujm is correct.

    Investing in Olam Haba is an eternal investment that always goes up and can’t go bad and you get to keep forever. Now can you think of a better investment than that?

    in reply to: Who is the Real President? #1955419
    Sam Klein

    Hashem runs the white house and the entire world in every country. These rulers are just messengers to act like rulers but we all know the truth…..

    in reply to: Shabbos clothing #1954574
    Sam Klein


    Ever heard of wearing nice shabbos clothing for
    A)a family Simcha
    B)Yom tov etc….
    where both you’re allowed to carry and might have left and forgotten items in their pockets when you came home and put your clothing away. Now that it’s before shabbos we are all asked and reminded to check our clothing to make sure that were not carrying anything inside them

    in reply to: Downfall of Cuomo #1954138
    Sam Klein

    Don’t fool yourself
    Nothing is just interesting or just coincidence. We all see the direct message from Hashem and know that everything comes directly from Hashem with a reason for everything happening.

    WAKE YOURSELF FROM A LIFE OF LIVING IN DENIAL AND START TO FACE REALITY. Don’t wait for a situation to get bad before you wake up

    in reply to: A freilachan purim!-happy anniversary #1953973
    Sam Klein

    A full year since this terrible coronavirus pandemic mageifa started. And we still haven’t worked on ourselves to figure out what the message from Hashem is to stop this horrific tragedy from hitting the world with non stop deaths.

    ARE WE SERIOUSLY STILL IN THE SAME SITUATION A FULL YEAR LATER R”L? how much longer will it take us to wake up to reality and openly see the wake up call directly from Hashem for serious teshuva and achdus ASAP together as a nation so This Mageifa can come to a complete stop and Hashem can bring Mashiach already?


    in reply to: Anti Semitism Within #1953662
    Sam Klein

    How can we expect Mashiach to come when the Sinas chinam today is worse then in the days when the Bais hamikdosh was destroyed for this very reason of baseless hatred????

    We need to start working on ourselves and bringing ourselves back together as one loving nation on all levels of religion so we can show Hashem that we have fixed the major issue of baseless hatred within our hearts from among our loving brethren in klal yisroel and we’re really ready for Mashiach to come wholeheartedly ASAP.

    in reply to: How do airlines ban customers? #1953667
    Sam Klein

    Ever heard of being banned and removed from your flight from your seat on the plane without any names or announcement needed?

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