Sam Klein

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  • in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2076795
    Sam Klein

    Today’s tragic wake up call message sent directly from Hashem upstairs to klal yisroel that was no coincidence.


    The situation in Eretz Yisroel & in the Diaspora is very bad from Terrorists to the entire Economy going down etc… If anyone should ask why all these Tzaros are Happening to Klal Yisroel he only needs to look at what the Rambam says. Saying that as long as we remain ignorant of the present troubles that we have & what the reasons are that they are happening. The situation can only get worse until Mashiach comes. With the society we are living in today we (sadly) CONSTANTLY need reminders (wake-up calls) from HASHEM for us to do T’shuva & return to HASHEM so all this Tzaros can end & Mashiach comes.

    May we all wake up to serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP before any more tzaros happens to klal yisroel C”V and Hashem can send Mashiach bkarov etc….

    in reply to: shidduch prospects #2076787
    Sam Klein


    If they don’t do their Hishtadlus then there’s no one to blame but themselves for still being single and not finding their shidduch yet. Hashem has their zivug waiting for them and is just waiting for their call out to Hashem from their Hearts with heartfelt tefillos for help

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2074967
    Sam Klein

    Today’s happy wake up call message sent directly from Hashem upstairs to klal yisroel that was no coincidence.


    How is it possible for Tzaddikim to manage to live on only 4 hours of sleep a day? It should be vice versa, they need more sleep then a regular person,-due to age & how busy they are from meeting people & traveling all over the world speaking & going to Simchas etc…-the Message From Hashem is, that Hashem created each day with 24 hours & divided it up into 8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of work & then the remaining 8 hours for family time & chores BUT if you can show Hashem that you can spend your time wisely-& fill it with Ruchnius (spirituality) like Tzaddikim-without the need of work , then Hashem will not need to fill your day with chores, hard work & 8 full hours of sleep. These Tzaddikim/Leaders-that are sent to guide us in every generation-wake up every morning with full strength, ready to learn & serve Hashem although they only slept a few hours. Dovid Hamelech woke up every morning at midnight & sang praises to Hashem without stopping until Sunrise.

    Do you think any of this is just coincidence or just an accident that happened? Did you see this message in any sefer in the world or hear it from a Gadol Hador speaking? It’s not from me a coffee room member but actually a direct shocking message from Hashem.

    May we all wake up to serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP before any more tzaros happens to klal yisroel C”V and Hashem can send Mashiach bkarov etc….

    in reply to: Two Years since Covid #2072844
    Sam Klein

    I would have thought by now being more than 2 years later since the coronavirus pandemic Mageifa started that klal yisroel would have already woken up to Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP together as one nation like we all did in the story of Purim.

    Do YOU even remember what Hashems wake up call of the coronavirus pandemic Mageifa is? That came down on day 1 as soon as the terrible Mageifa started straight from Hashem in Heaven?

    The Shocking wake up Message of the Coronavirus Mageifa Pandemic that has still not ended yet R”L:
    Every tragedy has a wake up call message directly from Hashem that your not going to find in any sefer in the world or read in any newspaper from a Gadol Hador or speaker saying about the tragedy. What is the shocking message of the Coronavirus Epidemic-that shut down the entire world starting January 2020-that has already killed millions of innocent lives of all ages? what does Coronavirus mean? Kara-Na-Aveiros,, call out to your aveiros-my loving children klal yisroel-to wake up & do teshuva. But the message from Hashem doesn’t end there, whats the other name for Coronavirus that everyone calls it? i forgot, Covid, what does that mean? what does Covid/Honor do to a person? what does it say in Pirkei Avos? it removes a person from the world, & thats exactly what Covid is doing right now, its removing millions of people from the world as we are still in the midst of this terrible mageifa effecting the ENTIRE world. Let us all ask ourselves who made it be called these crazy names? where does it come from? the dictionary? is this just coincidence or is it a straight sign & direct message from Hashem that its time for all of klal yisroel to wake up & do teshuva? you think about this.

    MAY we all wake up together for serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP so Hashem can send this terrible Mageifa and send Mashiach to come already.

    in reply to: Segula for parnassah #2071984
    Sam Klein

    It’s a big zchus to be a gabai for a Shul and always make sure that it’s kept clean and organized. The reward is unlimited and unimaginable

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2071377
    Sam Klein

    Today’s tragic wake up call message sent directly from Hashem upstairs to klal yisroel that was no coincidence.


    On March 11 2011, Friday night of Parshas Vayikra. a horrific tragedy hit klal yisroel. The entire vogel family-parents & 3 children-were killed in a home terrorist attack during the night. Exactly 4 years later on Friday night of, Parshas Vayikra, Rosh Chodesh Nissan, March 20 2015, the Sassoon family of Flatbush was hit by a major Shabbos fire while the family was asleep killing 7 young children. (between the ages of 5 & 16) The Father at the Levaya spoke & said I was just Makriv the 7 Korbanos of Rosh Chodesh. What is the message from Hashem? Both tragedies-above-occured on the parsha of Korbanos (sacrifices). When we don’t serve Hashem as we should & do teshuva, then innocent sinless children or Righteous people are Sacrificed and taken away from us, as a replacement for the sins that we need to do teshuva on. The RAMCHAL in Sefer Derech Hashem quotes, when klal yisroel is in a state of Sinning R”L, suffering & pain may be imposed upon a tzaddik as an atonement for his entire generation. In doing so the Tzaddik is raised to a level of leadership in Gan eden.

    Do you think any of this is just coincidence or just an accident that happened? Did you see this message in any sefer in the world or hear it from a Gadol Hador speaking? It’s not from me a coffee room member but actually a direct shocking message from Hashem.

    May we all wake up to serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP before any more tzaros happens to klal yisroel C”V and Hashem can send Mashiach bkarov etc….

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2069010
    Sam Klein

    Today’s tragic wake up call message sent directly from Hashem upstairs to klal yisroel that was no coincidence.


    the pasuk in the Torah that says when the Jews said Na’asa V’nishma (we will do & we will hear) in the desert is 24:7 (chapter 24 the 7th sentence) what can we learn from this? The Torah is a 24-7 job. The Torah is not just a book of 613 laws that Hashem told us to keep. The Torah is not just a book that if we learn it then it keeps yiddishkeit going. The torah is a persons guidebook to life, if a person keeps to the laws of the torah he is guaranteed success directly from Hashem. Now please tell me, who made it be this pasuk? Was it the Anshei Knesses Ha’gedola, Moshe Rabeinu or did it come straight from Hashem?

    We received the Torah already over 3300 Years ago but did you ever see this message in any sefer in the world? Did you ever hear this from a Gadol Hador on Shavuous when we got the Torah or on Parshas Yisro or Mishpotim where it’s mentioned the Passuk? This message was sent down directly from Hashem over 3300 Years ago when Hashem gave us the Torah Directly on Har Sinai through Moshe Rabbeinu.

    May we all wake up to serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP before any more tzaros happens to klal yisroel C”V and Hashem can send Mashiach bkarov etc….

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2068605
    Sam Klein

    Today’s tragic wake up call message sent directly from Hashem upstairs to klal yisroel that was no coincidence.

    In September of 2017 the states of Florida & Texas of the United states was hit by Hurricanes Irma & Harvey followed by a major earthquake in Mexico & the biggest wildfire in LA… With millions of people losing power & over $500 billion dollars worth of damage & many people gripping in fear to see what will happen at the end. Everyone is asking why such shaking hurricanes & earthquakes would be sent by Hashem? The message from Hashem is Obvious: The Ariza”l, the father of Kabbalah, lists the four elements of creation as: “Earth, water, wind and fire. which in hebrew is Afar/Adama, Mayim, Ruach and Aish.” The Kabbalists explain that when man becomes corrupt, the elements of the earth follow suit. This is Hashem’s way of showing man that he must change his ways. The first Hebrew initials of the four elements are aleph, resh, mem and aleph. Guess what they spell – “Irma”. how does that shock you? Who else is speaking if not Hashem? Let’s not forget that all this happened in the month of Elul, the month of Teshuva. The Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh and the Chasam Sofer, osb”m, say that when Moshiach is about to come, calamities will happen one after the other in rapid succession, in order to stimulate people to repent and come back to HaShem. There’s Harvey, Irma, earthquake in Mexico, biggest wildfire in LA. Wind, Water, Earth and Fire.. Again the four elements.. Time for us to do our part with Teshuva, Tikun, & Geula.

    Do you think any of this is just coincidence or just an accident that happened? Did you see this message in any sefer in the world or hear it from a Gadol Hador speaking? It’s not from me a coffee room member but actually a direct shocking message from Hashem.

    May we all wake up to serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP before any more tzaros happens to klal yisroel C”V and Hashem can send Mashiach bkarov etc….

    in reply to: Davening on purim #2067587
    Sam Klein


    You and everyone else alive today has a job and a mission to accomplish in this temporary physical world down here which means we should not be sitting around for even a few minutes or else we are stopping from working on doing our mission in this world towards completing it so we can be accepted by Hashem into the true world above where we all really belong serving Hashem face to face.

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2067557
    Sam Klein

    Now you know from this message thousands of years ago from the days of Parshas Vayishlach that there are boruch Hashem also Happy messages from Hashem and not only horrific and tragic wake up call messages directly from Hashem.

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2067515
    Sam Klein

    Today’s tragic wake up call message sent directly from Hashem upstairs to klal yisroel that was no coincidence.


    A message directly from Hashem from Thousands of Years ago relating to the days of Parshas Vayishlach in history which happened over 3500 years ago. How many days are there in the Jewish calendar year? 354, the word Vayishlach is Gematria 354 how does that shock you? how does that grab you? so what’s the message from Hashem? the message is that every person is sent-Vayishlach-down to this temporary physical world to fullfill a mission hopefully a full 120 years & not shorter. But every tiny step of the Vayishlach-sending-is a landmark of his mission in this temporary physical world to bring him up to the true world above. Not just the big landmarks of making a child’s wedding or buying a home etc… but even the tiny 5 minute stop of driving your child to school is all part of a persons Vayishlach-sending-Mission in this world. Just like Yaakov Avinu who when Parshas Vayishlach happened in History had just left Lavan a multi-millionaire from all the years of working for him. & what did he do? he went back over the river to go get a few small jugs he mistakenly left behind & not to do Baal Tashchis. Do you think he needed those jugs? he was a multi-millionaire, but it was all part of his Vayishlach-mission-sending him down to this temporary physical world to complete it.

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2067107
    Sam Klein


    Please fix my typo mistake I made in the message I just posted

    I accidentally wrote the numbers backwards of world war 2
    I wrote January 9 1939. The correct date of the start of world war 2 was September 1 1939 but the Message from Hashem and Gematria is all the same I just accidentally wrote 1-9 instead of 9-1

    If you can please fix it so there’s no mistakes in the shocking message from Hashem that was just sent down to the world less then 2 weeks ago on February 28 2022

    Thank you

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2067106
    Sam Klein

    Today’s tragic wake up IN ACTION HAPPENING NOW call message sent directly from Hashem upstairs to klal yisroel only 2 weeks ago that was no coincidence.


    World War 1, World War 2 And the Current War of the Invasion of Russia into Ukraine which can Chas Vshalom bring the world today to another world War 3 if we don’t wake ourselves up to serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP

    All 3 Wars if you put the numbers of the date each war started they all come out to the same Gematria numerical Value number of 68

    World War 1 started on
    July 28 1914
    That’s 7+28+19+14=68

    World War 2 started on
    January 9 1939
    That’s 1+9+19+39=68

    Current Russian invasion to Ukraine War started on
    February 24 2022
    That’s 2+24+20+22=68

    Do you know what’s the Numerical Value of 68? Chaim/Life and what is the Message from Hashem? Hashem runs the entire world from every country to every tiny city to every person and it’s all in the Power and Hands of Hashem the decree of every person like we say on Rosh Hashanah every year Lchaim Vlo Lamavess. (To life and not vice versa to death Chas Vshalom)

    Do you think this is all just coincidence that ALL 3 WARS come to the same gematria numerical Value when you put their starting dates together? Or do we all know the truth in life that “THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS COINCIDENCE” and everything has a direct wake up message from Hashem.

    Do you think you can find this message in any Sefer in the world or any Gadol Hador speaking said this? This War is in middle of happening now and if we don’t wake up from denial and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP who knows what this war can become C”V. we don’t need a world war 3 C”V

    in reply to: Davening on purim #2067099
    Sam Klein

    Turn Directly to Hashem with an open heart in your time of Need and of course in your daily tefillos-and Hashem will be there for you to answer you for what is for your good. As we say 3 times a day in Ashrei, Karov Hashem…..

    All of us have heard, read & seen tons of true stories of people who had their first child at 42 or had a sick child in critical condition, & then the doctor says i’m very sorry but your daughter has only 3 hours to live & then he comes back 2 hours later & says its really a miracle but your child is beginning to recover etc…. Why is it that they finally had a child & the child recovered? There could be tons of answers, but the most common answer Is a Pasuk we say 3 times a day in Davening. Hashem is close to all who call to him, to all who call out truthfully. (Tehillim 145)Because they cried out from their heart, they really meant what they were saying when they davened to H-shem to have a baby or for his daughter to recover etc…. there’s a reason we call Hashem, Avinu She’bashamayim (our father in heaven) Hashem loves us from a father to a son & is waiting to put his Shchina (presence) & his bais hamikdosh back in this world. If we really cried out for the Bais Hamikdosh from our heart with truth & show that we are missing it, then we wouldn’t still be in Golus today.

    Hashem is Waiting to help out his loving children anytime as soon as we are ready and call out WHOLEHEARTEDLY for help and for the bringing of Mashiach bkarov etc…..

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2066973
    Sam Klein

    Today’s tragic wake up call message sent directly from Hashem upstairs to klal yisroel that was no coincidence.


    The holy Zohar states that starting from the beginning of the torah, each posuk relates to a year in the jewish calender-starting from the first pasuk being year 1 etc…-I am just going to mention a few pesukim & they are the pesukim relating to the hebrew year that comes out in the English year from 1939-1945 (WW II). It begins in parshas Netzovim perek 29 pasuk 22. each pasuk relating to that year. 1-1939) Sulphur & salt a conflagration of the entire land, it cannot be sown & it cannot sprout, and no grass shall rise up on it; like the upheaval of sodom & gomorrah, admah & Zeboiim, which Hashem overturned in his anger & wrath 2-1940) And all the nations will say, “for what reason did Hashem do so to this land; why this wrathfulness of great anger?” 3-1941) And they will say, “because they forsook the convenant of Hashem, the god of their forefathers, that he sealed with them when he took them out of the land of Egypt; 4-1942) And they went and served the gods of others and prostrated themselves to the-gods that they knew not and he did not apportion to them. 5-1943) So gods anger flared against that land,to bring upon it the entire curse that is written in this book; 6-1944) And Hashem removed them from upon their soil, with anger, with wrath, and with great fury, and he cast them to another land, as this very day 7-1945) The hidden -sins- are for Hashem, our god, but the revealed-sins- are for us and our children forever, to carry out all the words of this torah. Now if I skip 3 years to 1948 which pasuk comes up? (perek 30 pasuk 3) the 3rd pasuk in Parshas Hateshuva-which i’m sure a lot of us here say every day-what does that pasuk mean? Then Hashem will bring you back from captivity, & he will have mercy on you & he will once again gather you in from all the people that Hashem scattered you around. Now what happened in 1948? Israel became a state of independence & millions were gathered & brought back to Israel. I would now like to move forward to the pasuk that relates to the year that 9/11 happened. What does that pasuk say? Is it to hashem that you do this, O vile & unwise people? Is he not your father, your Master? Has he not created you firmed you? What is this pasuk telling us relating to the generation of todays society & 9/11 happening? In todays society we all depend on others (from Rebbe’s to money etc…) & do not depend on Hashem-turning to him when we need help-causing us to lack in one of the most fundamental parts of Yiddishkeit. The part of Betuchin & Emuna (faith & trust in Hashem). Last but not least I would like to go to the pasuk relating to the year of 2011. What does the pasuk say? They (klal yisroel) would provoke his (Hashem) jealousy with strangers; they would anger him with abominations. What does this pasuk tell us relating to the generation of todays society? The same message as 2001 & that message is that Today-sadly-we turn to other things/people for help lacking our dependance in turning STRAIGHT to Hashem for help-rather its through tefilla or teshuva etc…-& are R”L an abomination to Hashem. Now that everyone knows which pesukim relate to which year-in the Hebrew calender-everyone is now free to look up any pesukim & see what Hashem says for that year. How many years will it be until we all do serious Teshuva together and Mashiach comes?

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2066750
    Sam Klein

    Reb Eliezer

    You just wrote above
    “.We start counting months from Nissan and not from Tishri whereas Jewish years are counted from Tishri and not from Nissan”

    Thus you just contradicted yourself and now you changed your mind and admitted to Hashem that yes we do count Jewish years from Tishrei and that’s when it becomes a new year.

    Want to explain yourself or just confess to Hashem for all Hashems direct shocking wake up calls sent down straight to klal yisroel to prevent future tragic wake up calls from being needed ahead if we would just stop living in denial and start facing reality already

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2066613
    Sam Klein

    Today’s generation and for the last thousands of years we change the year number to a new year in Tishrei with the new Year starting and counting Rosh Hashanah as the start of the new year and the day of Teshuva Yom Kippur-the holiest day of the year that is set aside for a day of Teshuva and personal repentance between each man and Hashem privately-versus now Hashem waiting for public national and serious Teshuva and Achdus together like we all did in the story of Purim. No one in today’s generation and already for thousands of years says on Rosh Chodesh Nissan that today were starting a new year and changing the year number. Actually that was already done 6 months ago on Rosh Hashanah.

    May we all wake up and admit to Hashem that we accept his wake up calls for Teshuva instead of looking for excuses and reasons for a way out and then we wonder why we’re still in Golus today living in a time of non stop Horrific tragedies R”L

    It’s very sad that we have stooped to such a low level and then at the same time we still want and expect Mashiach to come one day.

    What Hishtadlus exactly are we all doing together as a nation in today’s generation to be deserving of the coming of Mashiach bkarov? and to help bring Mashiach sooner what are we doing together as one loving nation?

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2066447
    Sam Klein

    Today’s tragic wake up call message sent directly from Hashem upstairs to klal yisroel that was no coincidence.


    Every Country has a meaning & a destiny to its name when its read in Hebrew. Yisroel reads “Yashar & El” & its meaning of Klal yisroel is telling us that Hashem made the Jews to be his chosen nation & to go in the right ways of Hashem & his Torah. Libya Reads “Lev-Ka” the heart of Hashem & the country being sent to do Hashem will (rather it looks bad or good). Syria reads “Sar-Ka” the Angel of Hashem & being sent as another country (middleman agent) to do whatever Hashem send it to do. Mitzrayim (Egypt) reads “Metzar-Yam” from the pains of the sea, Mitzrayim did not start to be called by that name only after the miracle of the Dead sea splitting & the Egyptians drowning… it was already called that from hundreds of years before (the first time it says it in the Torah is when Avraham Avinu went down to Mitzrayim to get food during a hunger). The country of Russia means “Wicked” & was chosen by Hashem with its name to be the most wicked country for many centuries (from Czar Russia to Communist Russia etc…) & not letting anyone do anything with their lives but feel like prisoners. Europe reads “Yireh-Pe” the Fear of talking, for many centuries the entire Europe was under pure fear of the government talking & not knowing what was going to happen the next hour or day… Iraq reads “ie-rak” meaning Hashem only, & being a country sent by Hashem as an agent to remind everyone that everything comes through Hashem & everyone else is agents. The same thing is read for America reading “amar-ika” meaning this is what is said-by Hashem-& everything that happens is a decree straight from Hashem (like Iraq above)

    Do you think the names of every country listed above are just coincidence? Who decided on the names of these countries? We all know that there’s no such a thing as coincidence and this entire message came directly from Hashem hundreds of years ago when the countries started the names weren’t just made up and your not going to find this direct wake up message from Hashem in any sefer in the world or hear it from any Gadol Hador speaking or written in any newspaper and neither does it come from me a YWN coffee room member and businessman. The only answer is that it comes straight from Hashem in Heaven

    May we all start doing serious Teshuva very soon so Mashiach can come already

    in reply to: Easy Money #2066252
    Sam Klein

    you hit the nail on the button and what you wrote is exactly the point.

    What is the secret to success in business? A person came to me for some חיזוק (encouragement). He told me he was a Rebbe & was not having a lot of Hatzlacha with his students. He then asked me if i had any advice for him. I then told him don’t be a rebbe for the $40,000 paycheck, do it for the sake of Hashem (not for the sake of money)& then you are guaranteed to be successful by Hashem Himself. He got back to me a few weeks later & told me he was doing much better Boruch Hashem based on that now he was doing his job from a complete different perspective. This can apply to ANY livelihood. (ex. 1) A contractor-if you build a house with the intention for a Jewish family to move in & raise a jewish family then you are guaranteed success from Hashem. 2)A plumber- before you came to your customers house there was a mess & a lot of screaming with Shalom Bayis problems. But now you fixed the bathroom & there’s peace in the house) Bottom line: When a person does his job for the sake of Hashem then he is guaranteed success & he still gets the same paycheck.

    in reply to: Easy Money #2066239
    Sam Klein

    We all have to do it Hishtadlus in life and especially in Parnassa to support our families but if a person can show Hashem their true high level of Bitachon and Emunah (faith and trust) in Hashem in their natural life without depending on miracles. Then Hashem will take care of the rest of them rather through winning the lottery or a rich father in law or someone making a Yissocher-Zevulun deal with him etc….

    Klal yisroel while in the Desert was on such a high level of Holiness and Bitachon and Emunah in Hashem after just receiving the Torah Directly from Hashem and while in the Desert they were completely taken care of directly and openly by Hashem by being fed with the daily Mann falling from Heaven to feed Everyone.

    May we all start to improve and work on our Bitachon and Emunah in Hashem so that if any of us are ever in need of anything we should turn directly to Hashem. As we say at the end of Birchas Hamazon,vidirshei Hashem lo Yachsiru kol tuv. Meaning for one that seeks out and calls out to Hashem directly (versus going to messengers and middlemen etc….) Lacks nothing that is good for him.

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2066140
    Sam Klein

    Sam Klein

    Wow these messages are really shocking. Im still trying to take them in as i never before read or heard such direct messages from Hashem for our generation today. Of course I wish these tragedies would have never been necessary for Hashem to send to klal yisroel to bring us to return to Hashem together.

    You should write a Sefer of all these shocking messages so it’s never forgotten and saved for others in future generations but i agree with you that hopefully these shocking messages won’t apply to future generations due to the doing of serious teshuva of the entire klal yisroel together and the coming of Mashiach bkarov.

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2065932
    Sam Klein

    Today’s tragic wake up call message sent directly from Hashem upstairs to klal yisroel that was no coincidence.


    During the month of june 2011-over the time of 2 weeks-3 tzaddikim, from 3 different corners of the world left to the Olam Haemes (true world) & they’re names were Harav Yitzchok Dov Koppelman ZT”L from Europe, Harav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz ZT”L from Eretz Yisroel & Harav Chaim Stein ZT”L from the U.S.A. When a tragedy like this strikes the world everyone is asking what is the message from Hashem?. The RAMCHAL in Sefer Derech Hashem quotes, when klal yisroel is in a state of Sinning R”L, suffering & pain may be imposed upon a tzaddik as an atonement for his entire generation. In doing so the Tzaddik is raised to a level of leadership in Gan eden. When THREE tzaddikim are niftar in a matter of two weeks, Hashem is already on the level of begging klal yisroel to just start תשובה & show a sign of remorse & repentance so that it does not need to continue Chas V’shalom on to a fourth tzaddik. Then These 3 Tzaddikim (above) were not enough. so this time Hashem sent a DIFFERENT KIND of tzaddik-a boy at the age of 8 R”L who has not sinned yet-to wake us all up to come to תשובה & STOP KEEP ON PUSHING IT OFF. This tragic event-of Leiby Kletzky- brought Achdus (unity) to klal yisroel but it was not enough to bring klal yisroel to confess & start doing תשובה so Hashem took 3 more tzaddikim away to the olam Haemes to wake us up to teshuva- Rabbi Dunner from England, The spinka rebbe of Yerushalyim at the early age of 79 & the next day the Baba Sali’s grandson Rav Elazar Abuchatzeirah was Stabbed to Death by another yid-just like Leiby Kletzky was killed by another yid & american yidden think Israel’s tragic wake-up calls don’t apply to them & the same with Israel not seeing American wake-up calls from Hashem- that makes 7 Tzaddikim niftar in a matter of 5 weeks. will this be enough or will it need to continue? that is up to all of us if we are ready to start doing serious Teshuva.

    What is your opinion to this tragic wake up call sent directly from Hashem? Do you think this was all just coincidence besides for the major tragedy and loss to klal yisroel and all of klal yisroel shaking?

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2065931
    Sam Klein

    Reb Eliezer

    Thank you for showing Hashem that your not ready to accept his direct wake up call for serious Teshuva when it’s staring at us right in our faces in so many messages all relating to klal yisroel saddest day in history of Tisha B’av for thousands of years already. And this is the main reason why we are still in golus today because we are not ready to admit to Hashem that we-myself included-are guilty of living in denial and not facing reality when it’s staring at us right in front of our eyes. (A physical example is no doctor or therapist can help anyone if the patient is not ready to listen to the doctors advice and take the medicine prescribed for his sickness to be cured)


    TISHA B’AV=THE saddest day of the year in klal yisroel for thousands of years with tons of tragedies happening on that day R”L to wake us up and bring us to Teshuva. Nothing is just coincidence

    Tisha in English=9
    B”Av is the 11 month of the year from how we follow for the last thousands of years starting from Rosh Hashanah as Tishrei as the first month. Cause if we would all go from Nissan then Hashem would have made it Happen 9/11 from Nissan to wake klal yisroel up to return with Serious Teshuva

    May we all start to wake up and face reality ASAP before anything gets worse C”V what are we waiting for.

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2065772
    Sam Klein

    Reb Eliezer

    I think your a little confused and misunderstood the message that was written that was sent tragically directly from Hashem down to this world.

    Let me help you understand the message more clearly and then maybe you will start to openly see the hand of Hashem in every situation-including the Russian Ukraine war happening now that happens in life.

    You replied that the tragedy of September 11 where thousands of lives were lost was not Tisha B’av

    Below is the direct message from Hashem that was sent down to wake up klal yisroel in the midst of the tragedy over 20 years ago on September 11 2001

    The Shocking Message:

    Do you know that 9/11 is our sad day for over 2000 years? Tisha B’av is 9/11 Tisha means 9 and Av is the 11th months of the year while Elul is the 12th month & Tishrei is the 1st month of the new year , how does that grab you? How does that shock you? Yes The date of the September 11 Tragedy when read in Hebrew is actually Tisha B’av. what about the emergency phone number 911? that’s also Tisha B’av. that’s Americas emergency number for a minimum of 50 to 100 years, why didn’t they pick 111? Wouldn’t that have been a better number? are you going to tell me cause a baby might press 111 by mistake? These 2 tragedies-above-were only hint’s to tisha b’av, but it wasn’t enough to bring klal yisroel to start doing teshuva. So what happened ON tisha b’av 2005, i.e. no more hints to tisha b’av? Gush Katif/the Gaza Disengagement, it was supposed to happen on tisha b’av but they waited until Motzei tisha b’av, they did not even wait till the next morning, which means it was still tisha b’av in Chutz La’aretz (diaspora). Now let me ask you something, are these 3 tragedies-relating to tisha b’av-coincidence or is it a straight message from Hashem that its time for klal yisroel to wake up & do Teshuva? You think about it, this is not between people, this is between each person & Hashem.

    May we all wake up from denial and face reality ASAP before Hashem has to C”V send us anymore horrific wake up calls as we are in the midst of 2 big ones R”L (the coronavirus pandemic Mageifa and the Russian Ukraine war, these are no coincidence)

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2065443
    Sam Klein

    Reb Eliezer

    Do you this this message directly from Hashem from thousands of years ago is just coincidence or will you admit to Hashem and accept Hashems wake up call?

    The wise king Shlomo Hamelech (Solomon) relates in Koheles (Proverbs), there is a time & place for everything & then lists over 25 instances, from a time to be born to a time to die & then from a time to be rich & vice versa etc…. he then continues & reaches the passuk relating the instance “for a time of Calamity comes to them all”. Do you know which Pasuk this is in Koheles? It is the Passuk of 9-11 (the 9th Chapter & 11th sentence), relating to Tisha B’av. The day set aside by Hashem to be a day of mourning. Is this coincidence? Is this not shocking? Look at the list of so many calamities & tragedies that has occurred in the past relating to 9-11. (from the ones which I have already mentioned to some which I may mention soon) How many thousands of years ago was the book of Koheles written? Who made it come out to be this Passuk of 9-11? was it Shlomo Hamelech or was it Hashem? This is another message from Hashem for us to stop our way of life we are living in today’s generation….-Which we think is perfect & Sinless-immediately & start doing Teshuva.

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2065363
    Sam Klein

    There’s no such a thing as coincidence

    And everything the happens in the world has a direct wake up call message from Hashem talking to his loving children klal yisroel.

    From the terrible coronavirus pandemic Mageifa calling out exactly what the word means KARA NA AVEIROS call out to your aveiros klal yisroel to wake up and do Teshuva. To many other direct messages from Hashem

    To the year of 1948 in the Jewish calendar which was the year Avraham Avinu was born and was the starter of the Jewish nation bringing people to yiddishkeit and being exactly the same as 1948 in the English calendar when Israel became a State of independence. Do you think these direct wake up call messages from Hashem are just coincidence?

    There’s many other messages but too long to post now if you want more messages let me know

    in reply to: I feel bad for Putin #2063162
    Sam Klein

    I’m waiting to hear Biden speak up and put REAL pressure on those leaders to stop this war between Russia and Ukraine which can Chas Vshalom be the start of world war 3 if we klal yisroel don’t do our Hishtadlus and do our part and take Hashems serious wake up call for all of us together to wake up now before Purim for serious Teshuva and Achdus together like we all did in the story of Purim to be deserving of being saved. You think because we’re far away from the Ukraine we’re safe? Far from safe especially if we don’t immediately take Hashems serious wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP

    in reply to: Ki Siso – Counting Jews Directly #2063144
    Sam Klein

    Instead of just counting your way up towards a person supposed to make 100 blessings a day, why don’t we take it up a notch and really count our blessings? Meaning look at everything Hashem has blessed and continues to bless us with non stop. From a beautiful family to great Health to a beautiful amazing world of technology that no one ever thought these technologies would exist if you asked them just 100 years ago….. I could go on and on but each tiny thing Hashem blesses us with us so amazing we just need to STOP TAKING EVERYTHING FOR GRANTED. Of course it’s not our fault cause it’s completely human nature to take things for granted and get used to things for free etc…..
    Even a disposable plastic cup that cost less then a penny is made with wisdom, from the lines to help you have grip so it doesn’t slip from your hand to the rounded rim on top so you don’t cut your lips etc….


    in reply to: Easy Money #2063143
    Sam Klein

    Who is the one that is ready to be an Employer? Why should i deserve to be an employer more then a employee? The one that his money & business won’t effect his relationship with Hashem i.e. he is still going to daven in a minyan every day & have a learning סדר every day. While an employee only works from 9:00AM to 5:00PM this time of work is his fence between him & Hashem telling him its time to go Daven & learn. But the person that realizes this does not need this fence as a reminder to go daven & learn. Hashem sees he gives צדקה, he Davens & learns everyday so why shouldn’t he be a multi-millionaire? he knows how to spend it right & appreciates that Hashem picked him to be an employer more then an employee. Why don’t jews run the biggest businesses in the world? Because if we do it will effect the relationship between him & Hashem (he will forget to daven & not be שומר שבת etc…) while on the other hand the phone company of IDT is owned by a jew by the name of Howard Jonas. Why is he the owner of such a big company? Why did Hashem pick him? Hashem saw in the future that this man has the potential to be rich & not forget Hashem that put him in this position & still do his מצות (Howard Jonas even has a book he made, the name is I’M NOT THE BOSS.)

    in reply to: Is this it? #2063069
    Sam Klein

    If we start doing serious Teshuva as one loving nation together then Hashem can answer our tefillos and IYH accept our Teshuva to be worthy of the coming of Mashiach bkarov

    Let us all start doing Teshuva together now and not wait any longer if it can bring Mashiach to come faster

    in reply to: Best and Worst inventions in the world #2061974
    Sam Klein

    The smartphone

    Best invention for many reasons

    And worst invention for other reasons including the tumah that it’s all filled with and much more

    in reply to: Fancy Trip Statuses #2060540
    Sam Klein

    Let us all stop looking at each other and what each person has or does that we don’t have or don’t do and instead count our blessings for everything Hashem has blessed us with. From beautiful children to a parnassa to Health etc….. And everything else between.

    No need or use for causing yourself pain by being jealous about anything cause Hashem has already decreed on Rosh Hashanah what will IYH be for you and your family for this year.

    in reply to: Why Biden is the president #2060516
    Sam Klein

    Cause Hashem sent him as a direct Shliach to run this country bit we all know the truth of who really runs this country and the entire world……

    Everything has already been decreed…. From when Mashiach will come IYH bkarov to what will happen in the Russian Ukraine war etc…. And everything between that. Only our tefillos can stop or change these things

    May we all turn directly to Hashem for help and do Teshuva so this Coronavirus Mageifa Pandemic comes to a complete halt ASAP

    in reply to: How should we address public issues without airing our dirty laundry? #2058539
    Sam Klein

    Realize that every public issue-and private personal issues too-are all coming directly from Hashem and stop to make a cheshbon Hanefesh and ask yourself why would Hashem make such a mageifa crises like the coronavirus pandemic or a tragedy like 9/11? Hopefully no one should have any personal issues in Life but if C”V yes then make an accounting and ask yourself why would Hashem do this to you?

    Perhaps if we all did this together it would help us to wake up to face reality and return to Hashem with serious Teshuva and Achdus so Mashiach can come already Bkarov

    in reply to: Not thanking God #2054427
    Sam Klein

    I thank Hashem daily during davening with LOVE for giving me strength and freedom and many other things in life that come directly from Hashem.

    Reminds me of a true story i heard from a friend tell over to me many years ago:

    I was once approached by 3 people-at 3 different occasions-with the same question, Each person asked me, how he can learn to stop taking things for granted & instead appreciate them? I then replied to each one with a different answer. The first person that approached me was in a shul, before starting Shachris. I told him, most lessons a person learns in life take weeks & months to learn but this lesson takes only one hour to learn. I then opened up a siddur to birchas Hashachar. & showed him boruch… pokeach Ivrim (blessed be Hashem for giving sight to the blind) & told him why don’t you close your eyes for one hour, just one hour & then open it up to, the world to color & beauty etc… you will not know how to thank Hashem enough. I then gave him 2 other examples. Boruch… Matir Asurim (blessed be Hashem for releasing the prisoner) & told him why don’t you lock yourself in a empty room for 1 hour?-it doesn’t need to be a prison cell it could even have a little furniture, & then come out an hour later to freedom & the world etc…. Boruch… Zokeif Kefufim (blessed be Hashem for straightening the bent) & told him why don’t you stand straight for one hour, no knuckles, elbows or knees, & then loosen yourself free. You will not know how to thank Hashem enough for giving you so much… how would a person eat & put food in his mouth without using his elbows? These are just a few examples. The second person approached me & I replied to him from a different perspective, I Told him if a company of 1000 employees had a policy that all employees must hand in their cell phone from 9:00am-when they arrive-until 5:00pm-when they leave-when he would get it back (at 5:00pm upon leaving) the person would not just look at his missed calls & text messages but would actually start to see the beauty of “the cell phone” & everything that it does…. upon the Third person approaching me-in the midst of a major snowstorm on a friday night-& asked me how will he ever make it home in such deep snow & darkness? I asked him if he knew what I think of when I see snow at night? He replied no, so I told him of the pesukim we say during maariv & in the morning of, Hashem takes light from darkness & dark from lightness. i.e. what else could light up the entire ground in the midst of darkness like snow? With Hashem deciding on each storm how big it will be & each snowflake if it will stick-to the ground-or become water in mid-air etc… BOTTOM LINE: there is always a way to look at every situation in the positive way (from a big water bill in the mail to other sad situations or any other situation a person is in.)

    Sam Klein

    Ever heard of something called embarrassment?

    You sound like someone asking why aren’t poor people open about their EXACT situation of poorness if it will help them get more Tzedaka from people?

    No one should ever need to be in either of these situations or tests of faith directly from Hashem.

    in reply to: YWN mod who approves my posts you dropped this #2034853
    Sam Klein

    If he is king Then what is Hashem? King of kings?
    King of YWN?

    in reply to: It can’t be Chanukah already??? #2032529
    Sam Klein

    This is the only lesson i realized that takes us a life time to learn (we never learn it ) although it gets revealed to us so many times each year. HOW LIFE GOES BY IN AN INSTANT. One second, father just made הבדלה from שבת & Mother is already lighting the candles, something is wrong here something has to be wrong 6 days just flew by .this is how every year goes by we go from חנוכה & Before you know it its time to order משלוח מנות for פורים Then its exactly 30 days to פסח we then count exactly 7 weeks until שבועות then its exactly 4 weeks until שבעה עשר בתמוז then comes the 3 weeks & then 3 weeks of summer & Before you know it its time to blow the שופר already YES A YEAR JUST FLEW BY & IS GONE FOREVER.

    in reply to: It can’t be Chanukah already??? #2032337
    Sam Klein

    What can we learn from Birthday’s? Why did Hashem invent a day to celebrate a persons birth? There’s nothing wrong or goyish with having a birthday cake or party. The lesson we can learn is, that last year on this day i was 39, today i became 40. A complete year has just gone by. What have i accomplished during this time? Was my time spent wisely? (Wisely does not need to mean Learning & Davening etc.., going shopping & spending family quality time is also considered time spent wisely & actually very important to raise a happy & healthy family) Can I actually face Hashem now & say truthfully that I spent this past year wisely? Maybe we can learn that every minute counts & is so precious & now another full year is gone forever.

    in reply to: Shtender Angle #2026908
    Sam Klein

    Why don’t you just buy an adjustable level shtender for your son? They come with 5 or more levels to choose which is best and can always be changed to a different level if someone else taller or older is using it instead. Their also made by a few companies and not just 1 choice kind to pick from and they are also strong enough to be able to keep a big heavy Gemara on them.

    Hatzlacha rabba

    in reply to: How many active people are on cofferoom? #2013566
    Sam Klein

    High and drunk at the same time

    in reply to: what is the meaning of life #2013565
    Sam Klein

    As human beings we are the luckiest people to be the only ones with the gift of free-will to choose between good and bad. No one else in the entire world from animals to demons to even Angels have the gift of free-will as human beings were given as a gift.

    As a priceless gift, don’t take it for granted and choose wisely between doing only what’s for your good and not vice versa C”V sinning.

    Every human being is sent down to this temporary physical world with a mission to accomplish to complete and be ready for the true world above. As it says “this temporary physical world is just a sidewalk to the real world above”

    Think about these things and prepare yourself NOW for the true world above. How many of us are even half ready for the true world when a person’s neshama is removed from him and he is unexpectedly removed from this temporary physical world below? MILLIONS of lives have already been unexpectedly removed immediately from this temporary physical world due to
    COVID-19 this is besides for many other tragic sicknesses people have unexpectedly passed away from.

    Prepare yourself now for the true world above by spending your time wisely serving Hashem and preparing for the true world above.

    in reply to: The secret to finding your beshert? #2000576
    Sam Klein

    The secret to finding your bashert Zivvug IN TODAY’S GENERATION is making sure your doing your RUCHNIUS Hishtadlus of tefilla with bitachon and Emunah (faith and trust in Hashem) besides for your gashmius Hishtadlus after of dating and keeping in touch with Shadchanim etc…..

    May Hashem help everyone find their Zivvug bkarov at the right time. Cause in truth let’s all stop the garbage already about the shidduch crises. I.e. THERE IS NO CRISES we all know the honest famous truth HASHEM HAS ALREADY CHOSEN A PERSON’S ZIVVUG 40 DAYS BEFORE HE OR SHE WAS EVEN BORN AND FORGET ABOUT THAT NOW IS MORE THEN 20 YEARS LATER OR SO. Hashem is just waiting for your call out to him which is your RUCHNIUS Hishtadlus ad written above.

    Hope this helps many singles wake up quick to find their Zivvug bkarov ASAP

    in reply to: Approach to Covid-19 #2000181
    Sam Klein

    Reb Eliezer

    The Teshuva that Hashem is Waiting for desperately from all of klal yisroel together as a nation to end this terrible coronavirus pandemic mageifa is the teshuva of Being Adam Lachaverio and Achdus where klal yisroel returns to love each other on all levels from frum to Frei to Chassidish etc…. And Hashem is not waiting for each person’s personal teshuva-that each person can do by themselves on Yom Kippur between each person and Hashem-but now during this terrible coronavirus pandemic mageifa with millions of lives already lost and gone forever Hashem is waiting for a PUBLIC NATIONAL TESHUVA like we did in the story of Purim and fasted all together for 3 days and nights and involved ourselves in serious teshuva kinnus and Tanis begging Hashem forgiveness and to make this terrible coronavirus mageifa come to a screeching halt.

    The shocking coronavirus message from Hashem:
    Every tragedy has a wake up call message directly from Hashem that your not going to find in any sefer in the world or read in any newspaper from a Gadol Hador or speaker saying about the tragedy. What is the shocking message of the Coronavirus Epidemic-that shut down the entire world starting January 2020-that has already killed millions of innocent lives of all ages? what does Coronavirus mean? Kara-Na-Aveiros,, call out to your aveiros-my loving children klal yisroel-to wake up & do teshuva. But the message from Hashem doesn’t end there, whats the other name for Coronavirus that everyone calls it? i forgot, Covid, what does that mean? what does Covid/Honor do to a person? what does it say in Pirkei Avos? it removes a person from the world, & thats exactly what Covid is doing right now, its removing millions of people from the world as we are still in the midst of this terrible mageifa effecting the ENTIRE world. Let us all ask ourselves who made it be called these crazy names? where does it come from? the dictionary? is this just coincidence or is it a straight sign & direct message from Hashem that its time for all of klal yisroel to wake up & do teshuva? you think about this.

    May we all take this direct message from Hashem and wake up to do serious teshuva and achdus ASAP together so Mashiach can come already

    in reply to: Approach to Covid-19 #1999869
    Sam Klein

    This COVID-19 epidemic calls for all jokes aside and for only serious teshuva and achdus ASAP together as a nation to put a halt to the endless deaths happened on a daily and hourly basis costing millions of lives and tragedies with millions of others effected forever. Nothing will stop it until we all wake ourselves up from Denial and openly face and confess to Hashem and admit to Hashems Wake up call for serious teshuva and achdus ASAP. We all know that there’s no such a thing as coincidence and Hashem has a direct reason and message for every horrific tragedy that hits the world.

    BOTTOM LINE: we could’ve woken up to serious teshuva a long time ago when the coronavirus mageifa epidemic was just starting and avoided millions of deaths from happening and Hashem knows that we know this. We can’t fool Hashem or your just fooling yourself for thinking you can fool Hashem the king of kings ruler of the world.

    But we can still wake up now. IT’S NEVER TOO LATE and immediately make a full stop to this terrible coronavirus mageifa pandemic striking and killing millions worldwide. Now when we are starting the month of ELUL the month of Teshuva there couldn’t be a better time for all of us as a nation to come together as a loving nation and beg Hashem to stop this Terrible mageifa and bring the coming of Mashiach ASAP

    in reply to: extended car warranty call #1995176
    Sam Klein

    Most important

    there’s just a limit how much Hashem expects from a person regarding Hishtadlus versus bitachon and Emunah etc….

    Example: Hashem doesn’t expect a person as part of Hishtadlus to buy his wife another $10,000 diamond ring for her birthday EACH YEAR. Just something to make her birthday special to be considered doing your Hishtadlus and making her feel special.

    in reply to: Social Destruction #1994622
    Sam Klein

    Turn it into a Tea Room or a cappuccino room to attract more people to join

    in reply to: Shabbos Nachmu #1994068
    Sam Klein

    These words of consolation should never have been needed in the first place as klal yisroel as a nation-yes myself included-should never have done the many sins relating to the days of theany tragedies that happened on both-the 17th of tamuz AND on the 9th of Av from OVER THOUSANDS OF YEARS-and don’t just relate to the destruction of both Bais hamikdosh
    destroyed on Tisha Bav

    May we all do Teshuva ASAP together so that the Bais hamikdosh can be rebuilt ASAP

    in reply to: Lakewood asifa #1991853
    Sam Klein

    Wednesday, July 14, 2021
    Second Asifa for Kiryas Lakewood – Akko
     A second follow up asifa is scheduled in Lakewood tomorrow evening for American Youngeleit looking to establish a Torah community in Eretz Yisrael in the city of Acco. See video below of the first meeting in Lakewood

    in reply to: Lakewood asifa #1991788
    Sam Klein

    Their having another Asifa tomorrow Thursday July 15th at the same location as last time for the same topic of those interested in moving to EY

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