Sam Klein

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  • in reply to: Stem or not? #2125682
    Sam Klein

    Chanukah oil use Yes versus candles due to the miracle happening with oil on Chanukah lasting 8 days

    Pesach Seder 3 matzos needed halachically and not only for kohein Levi and Yisroel but for all the steps of the Pesach Seder to make it through while the rest of Pesach only 2 at a time for lechem Mishna are needed

    Rest on the list I have no opinion on but everyone has their own minhag of what they grew up with their family holding like halachically. Esrog With pitum or without. Open or closed lulav etc…. And the many other examples you mentioned. Sefardim use Sefer Torah standing up while leining from it so do sefardim say selichos for the entire month of Elul including through Yom kippur.

    in reply to: The best white shirt. #2125296
    Sam Klein


    I don’t think you need to keep any more pens in your shirt pockets. And worry about covering their points. You make enough points daily in the YWN coffee room and on your license.

    Keep up your great work.

    in reply to: Russia is losing the war in Ukraine #2124733
    Sam Klein

    Do any of us remember from day one when this horrific war started or even know in the first place what the direct shocking message from Hashem is of this current war that is shaking the world and effecting the entire economy and inflation of the entire world is?

    The shocking message sent directly from Hashem the minute the war started on February 24 2022. That you will not find in any sefer in the world or hear from any gadol Hador speaking neither is it from me a businessman so it only comes Directly from Hashem and the Kisei Hakavod above in Shomayim.

    World War 1, World War 2 And the Current War of the Invasion of Russia into Ukraine which can Chas Vshalom bring the world today to another world War 3 if we don’t wake ourselves up to serious Teshuva and Achdus together As soon as possible
    All 3 Wars if you put the numbers of the date each war started they all come out to the same Gematria numerical Value number of 68
    World War 1 started on July 28 1914
    That’s 7+28+19+14=68
    World War 2 started on September 1 1939
    That’s 9+1+19+39=68
    Current Russian invasion to Ukraine War started on February 24 2022
    That’s 2+24+20+22=68
    Do you know what’s the Numerical Value of 68? Chaim/Life and what is the Message from Hashem? Hashem runs the entire world from every country to every tiny city to every person’s life and it’s all in the Power and Hands of Hashem the decree of every person like we say on Rosh Hashanah every year Lchaim Vlo Lamavess. (To life and not vice versa to death Chas Vshalom) When Klal yisroel is not doing Teshuva and forgets who really runs the entire world then Hashem has to remind us who is the real ruler of the world by making world wars happen R”L with millions of lives being killed.

    Now we’re in the month of Elul the month of Teshuva. I think we really all need to wake ourselves up and face reality and beg Hashem our beloved father forgiveness and beg Hashem to please bring the Geula shleima bkarov with Mashiach already and end this current Russian Ukraine war taking place near Rav Nachman of Breslov

    in reply to: Shidduchem in 2022 #2124695
    Sam Klein


    Hashem who is the master marriage counselor mezaveg zivvugim….. Already has every human being matched up 40 days before they are even born and sent down to this temporary physical world saying son of so and so with marry the daughter of so and so….. Forget about the fact that now in the stage of dating in the parsha of Shidduchim it is now 18 or 20 years later since born and Hashem already said who they will be married to.

    The question YOU in the parsha of Shidduchim Mr Seminary girl or learning boy need to ask yourself is are you doing your RUCHNIUS HISHTADLUS…. Not your gashmius hishtadlus of dating and phone calls etc…. But your RUCHNIUS HISHTADLUS of Bitachon and Emunah (Faith and trust in Hashem) and Tefillah (Davening directly to Hashem for help) in sending you your Zivug bkarov. This is what YOU need to ask yourself HONESTLY.

    Hashem our loving father is waiting to send every person every single need and desire that they need as soon as they call out wholeheartedly for help directly to Hashem. This includes all of klal yisroel calling out together wholeheartedly for Mashiach to come already bkarov so we can serve Hashem in the Bais hamikdosh.

    in reply to: Sukkah – Olam Haboh, Working Towards the Next World to Come #2124424
    Sam Klein

    Why don’t we all remind ourselves that the temporary physical world we are all currently in is only temporary and physical with a mission for each person to complete and accomplish and the real world is above and if we all remember this and keep this in mind then we will be more focused on completing our mission so we can serve Hashem face to face in the true world above.

    Hashem is waiting for each and every single one of us to complete our mission in this temporary physical world so we can be personally greeted with spiritual love and welcomed into the true world above.

    in reply to: Bring some Kedusha #2124420
    Sam Klein

    Maybe now we’re in the month of Elul. Perhaps it’s time for serious Teshuva topics and focus on the upcoming yomim noraim and let’s do serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so that this upcoming year we can all spend it together in Yerushalayim with Mashiach and the Bais hamikdosh rebuilt and Dovid Hamelech as our king but Hashem ad our real king of kings ruler of the entire world.

    in reply to: The best white shirt. #2124418
    Sam Klein

    Don’t judge a person or anything for that matter by its cover and it actually works both ways to be clear. To explain someone can be wearing a white shirt and be a completely unlearned and unorthodox person etc…. And vise versa someone can be dressed in shorts and a t shirt and in truth be a very learned person just dressed plain and simple to keep a low profile etc….. There’s no need to dress fancy and look rich when in truth Hashem loves and treasures the humble person who lives a simple life……. A person doesn’t need to live a rich and fancy life to be a happy person.

    Sam Klein


    Now during this time of non stop horrific tragedies hitting klal yisroel R”L in all different ways from infants NIFTAR R”L to Gedolim in klal yisroel tragically NIFTAR young R”L etc… And many other horrific tragedies shaking klal yisroel. There’s no more serious wake up call directly from Hashem for serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP together so Hashem can send us the Geula and Mashiach bkarov.

    Besides for also being in the month of Elul of Teshuva.

    in reply to: The Significance of Chodash Elul #2120881
    Sam Klein

    Why are we sleeping when klal yisroel is currently in the midst of non stop horrific tragedies R”L that are direct wake up messages coming straight from Hashem waiting for us to come together as one loving nation for serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP to prevent any more from hitting klal yisroel C”V and to bring the Geula with Mashiach already bkarov?

    There’s no one to blame except ourselves when we could’ve avoided all these thousands of frum Yidden and Tzaddikim that were NIFTAR in the coronavirus pandemic Mageifa deaths and it still hasn’t stopped R”L cause we think we can fool Hashem and just live in denial like we don’t see Hashems shocking wake up messages coming directly from Hashem and costing us hundreds of thousands of deaths R”L


    may we all wake ourselves up from denial and FACE REALITY immediately and start doing Teshuva ASAP together as one loving nation like we did in the story of Purim.

    in reply to: Solution to the Shidduch Crisis #2120879
    Sam Klein

    there is no Shidduch crises Hashem already has every persons zivug setup for them 40 days before they are even born forget about the fact that now in the age of dating they are already 20 years later. So the question YOU Mr Dating boy Or MRS. SEMINARY GIRL need to ask yourselves is if you’re doing your RUCHNIUS hishtadlus of tefillos (davening to Hashem) and Bitachon and Emunah (faith and trust in Hashem)

    Make a daily learning Seder in sefer Chovos Halevovos (duties of the Heart) and start working on your faith with Hashem and nay Hashem answer all your prayers

    in reply to: Not Happy #2119627
    Sam Klein

    The secret to a life of happiness is living with Bitachon and Emunah (Faith and trust in Hashem) when a person lives with this full time then he gets to be the happiest person in the world cause nothing in the entire world can effect him. Even if a robber steals from him or someone injures him he doesn’t say let it be a forgiveness cause he can’t run after the thief or person who injured him but he says it cause he truly believes that it’s for his good and directly sent from Hashem. Such a person is allergic to one word and that is daaga/worry that man has no worries and is the happiest man in the world knowing that everything Hashem does is for his benefit and ultimate good.

    Make for yourself a daily learning Seder of the Sefer chovos halevovos (duties of the heart) which they have in English too and change yourself over to the happiest person and say goodbye to all stress and depression forever

    I wish you lots of Hatzlacha ahead

    in reply to: Goodbye Fauci, Democrat Operative, Destroyer of America #2119624
    Sam Klein

    Let’s all remind ourselves of the shocking Coronavirus wake up message directly from Hashem that came down straight from Hashem as soon as the coronavirus pandemic Mageifa started.

    The shocking message:
    Every tragedy has a wake up call message directly from Hashem that your not going to find in any sefer in the world or read in any newspaper from a Gadol Hador or speaker saying about the tragedy. What is the shocking message of the Coronavirus Epidemic-that shut down the entire world starting January 2020-that has already killed millions of innocent lives of all ages? what does Coronavirus mean? Kara-Na-Aveiros,, call out to your aveiros-my loving children klal yisroel-to wake up & do teshuva. But the message from Hashem doesn’t end there, whats the other name for Coronavirus that everyone calls it? i forgot, Covid, what does that mean? what does Covid/Honor do to a person? what does it say in Pirkei Avos? it removes a person from the world, & thats exactly what Covid is doing right now, its removing millions of people from the world as we are still in the midst of this terrible mageifa effecting the ENTIRE world. Let us all ask ourselves who made it be called these crazy names? where does it come from? the dictionary? is this just coincidence or is it a straight sign & direct message from Hashem that its time for all of klal yisroel to wake up & do teshuva? you think about this.

    May we all start doing Teshuva ASAP so this terrible pandemic Mageifa comes to a complete stop immediately and Hashem can send Mashiach already

    in reply to: WHY DO WE KEEP FIGHTING? #2119623
    Sam Klein

    Sadly because everyone THINKS THEIR RIGHT and they won’t be mavater they won’t give in and admit they’re actually wrong or even if they really are right but just for the sake of peace let the other person who your in a fight with get the pleasure of feeling like he won and get the fight or argument over with and move on with your life and in that merit Hashem will send Mashiach and rebuild the 3rd Bais hamikdosh.

    May it happen very soon

    in reply to: Goodbye Fauci, Democrat Operative, Destroyer of America #2119354
    Sam Klein

    Gadol hatorah

    Look up the records of just the united states country of number of people who sadly have passed away due to COVID-19 and it’s repeated many times in newsletters about COVID mentioning Millions of Americans have passed away due to it since the beginning of the pandemic-sadly thousands of them were Yidden and also Gedolim leaders of klal yisroel.

    Hoping we can stop living in denial and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so this terrible horrific pandemic Mageifa can come to a complete stop ASAP and Hashem can send us Mashiach already bkarov

    in reply to: what advice do u wish you’d have received when you were younger? #2118345
    Sam Klein

    Stop depending on human beings and depend directly on Hashem for help in every situation from physical issues to spiritual issues etc…. Cause Hashem runs the entire world and is in charge of everything and also knows what is the best for every person in the situation they are currently standing in.

    If I would’ve known this when I was younger my entire life would’ve been a much happier life knowing Hashem is watching over me and only giving me what is for my good and benefit and there’s absolutely no need at all to turn to or depend on any physical person for help as we say at the end end of bentching vdorshei Hashem….. For one who seeks out and turns directly to Hashem for help in any and all his situations lacks nothing that is good.

    Example: only a foolish beggar in need of $1000 would go to a simple crowd and collect $1 each from 1000 people when he can really seek out a charity donor that loves to help anyone in need with love for his complete $1000 that he needs which is a small amount of being a rich multi millionaire donor….. Hashem can help anyone out at anytime with anything a person needs and the person just needs to call out to his beloved father and king Hashem WHOLEHEARTEDLY for help (rather it’s for a livelihood or a healing recovery or a shidduch etc….) And Hashem is ready to answer those who beg and call out for help wholeheartedly.

    When we all start calling out with begging wholeheartedly for Mashiach together with serious Teshuva and Achdus I’m sure Hashem would never turn down his loving children klal yisroel unanswered. May it be very soon bkarov

    Sam Klein

    Hashem is not a physical person human being and correct that Hashem doesn’t have feelings but how do you think Hashem feels when Hashem is watching his loving nation klal yisroel down in this temporary physical world going after all our physical desires and pleasures and not taking his wake up call messages for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP?

    How would YOU feel if you were a doctor and you know that your critical suck patient could’ve avoided his entire life threatening situation if he had only listened to his doctor and taken his daily medicine like you directed him?

    in reply to: Waze #2112844
    Sam Klein

    Waze guidance and planning with the talking is much better than Google maps but on the con side it does take alot of phone battery usage up even if your phone is plugged in to charge while your driving using waze.

    Sam Klein

    They drank a hot tea to warm them up. That was already heated from before Shabbos started.

    in reply to: Waze #2112721
    Sam Klein

    There’s a button to press that takes a split second that as your passing by the cop on the road to click on it to let Waze know that there’s a cop on the side of the road there now

    in reply to: 1914/1939 2.0 #2112573
    Sam Klein

    Reb Eliezer

    Anyone could come up with words relating to the year and make up what it stands for like you wrote.

    But these shocking messages that were written above and many more others all come directly from Hashem on the day that it shook the world as the buildings of 9/11 we’re still on fire Hashem already sent the wake up message relating to it down to this world to klal yisroel tragically that we needed such a wake up call. Do you think now over 20 years later you can find Written in any sefer in the world? Did you ever hear a tzaddik speaking or read it in a newspaper from 20 years of memorials repeated each year? Do you think that i could have just wrote it myself when im a businessman? These messages are too shocking to be written by any human being and come directly from Hashem each on tge day they happened with lots of them before any of us here in the coffee room were even born unless anyone here is a Holocaust survivor.

    May we all stop living in denial and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP cause we can’t fool Hashem and Hashem knows that we got his tragic wake up call R”L now we all have to do our hishtadlus of preventing any future tragedies from hitting klal yisroel by immediately waking ourselves up together to serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP.

    Sam Klein

    It’s tragic that we still need to spend another Tisha Bav in mourning since a year ago as we still remain in golus due to many reasons R”L. it pains the Shchina to see Hashems loving children still suffering in exile and going through such times of non stop horrific tragedies R”L. Rochel imeinu is crying every day for her loving children suffering in exile begging Hashem to redeem us already and bring the Geula and Mashiach.

    But how can Hashem bring us the Geula and Mashiach if the reason the second Bais hamikdosh was destroyed for Sinas Chinam (baseless hatred) is worse today then in the days when it was destroyed? There’s many other reasons why our loving father Hashem can’t send us Mashiach already like Hashem would love to and make a complete stop to all suffering in klal yisroel.

    May we all wake ourselves up from living in denial and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP

    in reply to: 1914/1939 2.0 #2112498
    Sam Klein

    Reb Eliezer

    When klal yisroel starts to live with the Jewish calendar 24-7 in everything from their paperwork to their yomim tovim schedule etc…. Then Hashem will send the wake up call messages directly in the Hebrew calendar like Hashem did with the tragic Gush Katif Gaza Disengagement which actually happened ON TISHA BAV 2005 IN THE HEBREW CALENDAR. do you just think that was coincidence or will we wake up from our lives in denial and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so this Tisha Bav can be a Yom tov?

    But currently we are living our lives relating to the English year so Hashem sends us tragic wake up calls relating through the dates we live by.

    I’m hoping we will finally wake ourselves up from living in denial and think we can fool Hashem the king of kings ruler of the entire world that we don’t get his direct message from Hashem to wake up already to prevent future tragedies from hitting klal yisroel C”V

    in reply to: 1914/1939 2.0 #2112392
    Sam Klein

    Reb Eliezer

    You made a big misunderstanding mistake. And misread the shocking message from Hashem
    These years go from breishis being year 1 of the Jewish calendar not of the goyish calendar like you wrote. Do the math and add up each sefer total and you will see the direct message from Hashem relating to these pesukim relating to the Holocaust and other dates mentioned.

    in reply to: 1914/1939 2.0 #2112374
    Sam Klein


    YOu asked about the Holocaust. Why Hashem would place such a destruction on klal yisroel tragically.

    SHOCKING MESSAGES From Years ago Directly from Hashem not from any sefer or Rabbi Speaking relating to the Holocaust.

    1)Before the 2 בתי מקדש were destroyed there were only 2 choices what to do (& one of them wasn’t to put a hunger in the land) either kill out all jews or destroy the בית המקדש that was the only makeup for the sins we did then, if Hashem destroyed all the jews then Israel is not full of uncleanliness anymore, if the בית המקדש is destroyed then the holiness left the land & the jews can live (either both holy=no jews or both uncleanliness=no בית המקדש) Hashem had to destroy it we were too low in spirits & couldn’t be with it anymore.

    2)The holy Zohar states that starting from the beginning of the torah, each posuk relates to a year in the jewish calender-starting from the first pasuk being year 1 etc…-I am just going to mention a few pesukim & they are the pesukim relating to the hebrew year that comes out in the English year from 1939-1945 (WW II). It begins in parshas Netzovim perek 29 pasuk 22. each pasuk relating to that year. 1-1939) Sulphur & salt a conflagration of the entire land, it cannot be sown & it cannot sprout, and no grass shall rise up on it; like the upheaval of sodom & gomorrah, admah & Zeboiim, which Hashem overturned in his anger & wrath 2-1940) And all the nations will say, “for what reason did Hashem do so to this land; why this wrathfulness of great anger?” 3-1941) And they will say, “because they forsook the convenant of Hashem, the god of their forefathers, that he sealed with them when he took them out of the land of Egypt; 4-1942) And they went and served the gods of others and prostrated themselves to the-gods that they knew not and he did not apportion to them. 5-1943) So gods anger flared against that land,to bring upon it the entire curse that is written in this book; 6-1944) And Hashem removed them from upon their soil, with anger, with wrath, and with great fury, and he cast them to another land, as this very day 7-1945) The hidden -sins- are for Hashem, our god, but the revealed-sins- are for us and our children forever, to carry out all the words of this torah. Now if I skip 3 years to 1948 which pasuk comes up? (perek 30 pasuk 3) the 3rd pasuk in Parshas Hateshuva-which i’m sure a lot of us here say every day-what does that pasuk mean? Then Hashem will bring you back from captivity, & he will have mercy on you & he will once again gather you in from all the people that Hashem scattered you around. Now what happened in 1948? Israel became a state of independence & millions were gathered & brought back to Israel. I would now like to move forward to the pasuk that relates to the year that 9/11 happened. What does that pasuk say? Is it to hashem that you do this, O vile & unwise people? Is he not your father, your Master? Has he not created you firmed you? What is this pasuk telling us relating to the generation of todays society & 9/11 happening? In todays society we all depend on others (from Rebbe’s to money etc…) & do not depend on Hashem-turning to him when we need help-causing us to lack in one of the most fundamental parts of Yiddishkeit. The part of Betuchin & Emuna (faith & trust in Hashem). Last but not least I would like to go to the pasuk relating to the year of 2011. What does the pasuk say? They (klal yisroel) would provoke his (Hashem) jealousy with strangers; they would anger him with abominations. What does this pasuk tell us relating to the generation of todays society? The same message as 2001 & that message is that Today-sadly-we turn to other things/people for help lacking our dependance in turning STRAIGHT to Hashem for help-rather its through tefilla or teshuva etc…-& are R”L an abomination to Hashem. Now that everyone knows which pesukim relate to which year-in the Hebrew calender-everyone is now free to look up any pesukim & see what Hashem says for that year. How many years will it be until Mashiach comes?

    in reply to: 1914/1939 2.0 #2112323
    Sam Klein

    So what do the years of 1914, 1939 and this current Russian Ukraine war have in common? To do with each other?

    Nothing is coincidence and everything actually has a direct message from Hashem up above. That your not going to find written in any Sefer or Hear any Tzaddikim speaking about it. Neither is it from me a working business man.

    SHOCKING MESSAGE: From February 24 2022 day Ukraine wqr started with Russia.

    World War 1, World War 2 And the Current War of the Invasion of Russia into Ukraine which can Chas Vshalom bring the world today to another world War 3 if we don’t wake ourselves up to serious Teshuva and Achdus together As soon as possible
    All 3 Wars if you put the numbers of the date each war started they all come out to the same Gematria numerical Value number of 68
    World War 1 started on July 28 1914
    That’s 7+28+19+14=68
    World War 2 started on September 1 1939
    That’s 9+1+19+39=68
    Current Russian invasion to Ukraine War started on February 24 2022
    That’s 2+24+20+22=68
    Do you know what’s the Numerical Value of 68? Chaim/Life and what is the Message from Hashem? Hashem runs the entire world from every country to every tiny city to every person’s life and it’s all in the Power and Hands of Hashem the decree of every person like we say on Rosh Hashanah every year Lchaim Vlo Lamavess. (To life and not vice versa to death Chas Vshalom) When Klal yisroel is not doing Teshuva and forgets who really runs the entire world then Hashem has to remind us who is the real ruler of the world by making world wars happen R”L with millions of lives being killed.

    May we all wake up from living in denial and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so this Tisha Bav can be a Yom tov

    in reply to: Humor in Torah #2105986
    Sam Klein


    So now we see how we don’t make jokes on Torah like Yungermans said and the joke ended up being on the brothers of Yosef when he became a leader in Egypt.

    in reply to: The solution to the shidduch crisis in one easy step! #2102401
    Sam Klein

    Take one step of working on YOUR FAITH AND TRUST DIRECTLY IN HASHEM and know sincerely and wholeheartedly that everything comes directly from Hashem and in the Hands of Hashem as the famous line says “Hakol bidei shomayim chutz m’yirei shomayim”

    May we all start to realize that Hashem runs the entire world 24/7 from every angle to everything that happens to every single person in the entire world

    in reply to: Peer pressure is not just about people feeling pressured. #2100831
    Sam Klein

    Don’t let people pressure you or feel pressure about what they do or have that you don’t have or do and you can feel good about yourself that you can hold yourself in from buying those fancy things or going to those expensive places

    in reply to: RECESSION 2022 #2098456
    Sam Klein

    ONLY Hashem knows the answer to that due to many reasons including: Hashem runs the entire world down to the schedule of every minute of every person’s life-even if true we are all blessed with the gift of free-will-plus Hashem has a plan and account for every situation and for every person.

    May we start trusting more directly in Hashem and not in others

    in reply to: Gedolim #2098281
    Sam Klein

    There are lots of Gedolim all over the world to help and support our needs in klal yisroel but the best way to get help is to turn directly to our loving father Hashem the king of kings ruler of the entire world.

    Hashem is always waiting and reading to help his loving children in their time of need and is just waiting for us to call out to him WHOLEHEARTEDLY from our hearts

    in reply to: Learning Before Shavuos #2093058
    Sam Klein

    How is learning Torah all Shavuous night beneficial or extra when in truth we all know that it just gets replaced with us sleeping in the afternoon instead.

    For a Yom tov like Shavuous when we got the Torah we should be learning EXTRA and not just changing it from daytime learning to at night. Cause we slept on the night before kabbalas Hatorah.

    in reply to: MAJOR MISTAKE – DEGEL VS. OIS #2091560
    Sam Klein

    So at the end of the day with all jokes aside which degel are you from?

    in reply to: Solution to the Shidduch Crisis #2087683
    Sam Klein

    Your absolutely correct.

    If we don’t listen to Hashem the king of kings ruler of the entire world. Then there’s no one to blame but ourselves and we are all guilty of this. When Hashem tells us directly in the Torah the reward and Punishment in next weeks parsha bechukosei. There’s no one to blame but ourselves for this and it could’ve all been avoided if we would have just listened to Hashem.

    Let’s all wake up and start to listen to our loving father Hashem and then we won’t see anymore tons of single girls waiting around for their zivug when in truth we all know it’s ready for the since before they were even born….. If we wake up now then we also won’t need anymore shocking wake up calls of horrific tragedies hitting klal yisroel like this current coronavirus pandemic Mageifa that has still not ended with thousands of innocent yidden and tzzaddikim among the niftar from it that could’ve all been avoided if we just woke up from denial already and started to do Teshuva.

    in reply to: Solution to the Shidduch Crisis #2087648
    Sam Klein


    there is no Shidduch crises Hashem already has every persons zivug setup for them 40 days before they are even born forget about the fact that now in the age of dating they are already 20 years later. So the question YOU Mr Dating boy Or MRS. SEMINARY GIRL need to ask yourselves is if you’re doing your RUCHNIUS hishtadlus of tefillos (davening to Hashem) and Bitachon and Emunah (faith and trust in Hashem)

    Make a daily learning Seder in sefer Chovos Halevovos (duties of the Heart) and start working on your faith with Hashem and nay Hashem answer all your prayers

    Sam Klein

    He will get a much bigger and eternal reward in the next world. The the true world above where Hashem is waiting.

    in reply to: Why isn’t Mashiach here yet? #2086738
    Sam Klein


    I would have thought with klal yisroel in galus since the destruction of the second Bais hamikdosh in 70 CE (Means 1952 and not over 2000 years ago like you said) i would have thought klal yisroel would have already woken up from living in denial and done Teshuva to be worthy of the coming of Mashiach and the rebuilding of the 3rd bais Hamikdosh which will IYH be forever and never destroyed.


    may we be the brave generation to show Hashem that we will be the ones to bring kal yisroel worthy of Mashiach bkarov

    in reply to: Movies and Noshim. #2086736
    Sam Klein

    Boruch Hashem his life was saved due to his smart answering and directly from the help of Hashem-who has a plan and account for every single person living in the world today rather a yid or not orca Bnei yishmael etc…..

    in reply to: eretz yisreal #2084596
    Sam Klein

    Let’s be honest and stop living our lives in denial…… Thinking we can fool Hashem the king of kings ruler of the entire world.

    We know the honest truth-as we are reading this- why we are still sadly sitting in exile and watching our loving brethren suffer all over the world R”L. We can’t fool Hashem. A person is a fool if he thinks he can fool Hashem.

    Hashem DAILY R”L has been sending us horrific tragic wake up calls for all of us as one loving nation-on all levels from from to frei to Chassidish etc….-to come together and do serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP like we all did in the story of Purim as soon as Mordechai and Esther said we should all go into our shuls and start begging Hashem forgiveness and to cancel the bitter decree of Haman who was trying to destroy the entire nation of klal yisroel C”V.

    BUT WHAT IS HAPPENING TO US TODAY? we are all living 8n denial and not ready to accept the truth that we are all guilty and all these horrific tragedies could have all been avoided including this terrible coronavirus Mageifa Pandemic that still continues R”L and it’s the biggest pain to the person who knows that it could’ve all been avoided (ex. if he had just listened to the doctor and taken the prescribed medicine to cure his serious illness of life threatening cancer. It’s the biggest pain to the doctor-over anyone else including family-when he knows he could’ve still been alive and healed if he would’ve just listened to his advice and prescription) today we are all asking ourselves what does Hashem want from me? This coronavirus pandemic Mageifa is not my fault I have nothing to do with it etc….. But in the back of oyr heads we all know the truth and see Hashems direct wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP were just not ready to FACE REALITY AND ADMIT IT to Hashem. Thus we leave our loving father Hashem no choice but to keep on sending us shocking wake up calls for Teshuva. Do you know any parents that likes to punish his child? Sometimes the child doesn’t listen and needs to be punished what is this called? A potch of love and we know it’s for the child’s benefit and years later the child will thank the parent for the punishment which was needed to learn from his mistakes. Hashem loves his loving children and nation klal yisroel and is waiting to send Mashiach bkarov and the geula shleima bkarov as soon as we show Hashem that we are ready to do our Hishtadlus and wake up as a loving nation together for serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP

    May it happen very soon

    in reply to: enough of trump #2084160
    Sam Klein

    So in which way in the world so you think Biden is any better than Trump to talk about him more? Or for him to even be worthy of the presidential seat when now even the Democratic party is admitting that he can’t function as a president

    in reply to: Why isn’t Mashiach here yet? #2082684
    Sam Klein


    Good point.
    That’s exactly what we need to prevent. Open up your eyes. We don’t C”V need another Shoah in order to complete our Teshuva to get us to be worthy[of Mashiach to come. That would be the worse

    There are many honest and serious reasons directly from Hashem why the Holocaust had to R”L happen and also why Mashiach is not here yet R”L. Some of the reasons include:

    1)Why did WWII happen?all of us would be reform today, don’t start telling me these stories my grandfather learnt in ponovetz yeshiva hes still a צדיק today. We would all be reform today it was just a matter of time Hashem had no choice but to do it. Before the 2 בתי מקדש were destroyed there were only 2 choices what to do (& one of them wasn’t to put a hunger in the land) either kill out all jews or destroy the בית המקדש that was the only makeup for the sins we did then, if Hashem destroyed all the jews then Israel is not full of uncleanliness anymore, if the בית המקדש is destroyed then the holiness left the land & the jews can live (either both holy=no jews or both uncleanliness=no בית המקדש) Hashem had to destroy it we were too low in spirits & couldn’t be with it anymore.

    2)I see no reason why Hashem should give us back the בית המקדש. Hashem goes to one person sitting in this corner, he has beautiful children he already bought his house he has a car, he’s so happy hes not grieving over my בית המקדש that’s 1 less person for my בית המקדש. The next person sitting at this corner has beautiful children he loves to learn & has a rich Father-in-law supporting him he’s so happy hes not grieving over my בית המקדש thats 1 less person for my בית המקדש. what is Hashem saying to his Malachim? just look at my children down there look how happy they are i gave them everything cars, planes, computers, Electricity & phones Etc… forget if they are Makir Tov (Grateful) for everything i give them that is not today’s lesson, Let me leave my בית המקדש up in heaven with me when my children cry for it i will give it back to them, but right now look how happy they are. A perfect Mashal would be if a Principal in a Cheder took away a ball from a boy, because he was hitting people with it. If he went to the Principal & said i’m sorry i just want to have fun i won’t hit anyone with it. I give you my word he will give him his ball back. Do you think the Principal needs it? He already has a whole basket sitting in his office. Hashem is waiting for Klal Yisroel to wake up & do תשובה, the gates of תשובה are never closed, the worst kings of Klal Yisroel did תשובה at the end of their life yes, Achav & Menashe look at them, after 30 years of avoda zora Menashe cried & wept out all the way from his heart for teshuva from Hashem & Hashem accepted it WHY? Because he really meant it. Hashem is waiting for Klal Yisroel to do תשובה. Hashem is waiting for the day to put his presence back in this world & bring us back the Bais Hamikdosh but we just don’t seem to be ready.

    3) in yiddishkeit, if a person wants something (be it a livlihood, shidduch or child etc…) a person needs to do more then just daven & say tehillim, the person needs to also YEARN for it.-sadly- in today’s society we are living in, we are not YEARNING for the Bais Hamikdosh, we have everything from planes to cars & computers etc… even the gift of Shabbos for Gashmius to sleep & relax etc… HASHEM SAYS to klal yisroel, come back to me when your ready & ask me for something from your HEART & i will give you whatever you want (i’m sure if your child came to you for something you would get it, why wouldn’t you? the love between a parent & child is unlimited…. & that’s the way Hashem loves EACH & EVERY ONE OF US)

    All of us have heard, read & seen tons of true stories of people who had their first child at 42 or had a sick child in critical condition, & then the doctor says i’m very sorry but your daughter has only 3 hours to live & then he comes back 2 hours later & says its really a miracle but your child is beginning to recover etc…. Why is it that they finally had a child & the child recovered? There could be tons of answers, but the most common answer Is a Pasuk we say 3 times a day in Davening. Hashem is close to all who call to him, to all who call out truthfully. (Tehillim 145) Because they cried out from their heart, they really meant what they were saying when they davened to H-shem to have a baby or for his daughter to recover etc…. there’s a reason we call Hashem, Avinu She’bashamayim (our father in heaven) Hashem loves us from a father to a son & is waiting to put his Shchina (presence) & his bais hamikdosh back in this world. If we really cried out for the Bais Hamikdosh from our heart with truth & show that we are missing it, then we wouldn’t still be in Golus today.

    May we all wake up from our denial sleep as one loving nation together for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so Mashiach can come already bkarov

    in reply to: Gas Prices #2082611
    Sam Klein

    So buy a Tesla car instead and you won’t have to spend any money on Gas and instead just sit there charging up your car all day

    in reply to: Why isn’t Mashiach here yet? #2081365
    Sam Klein

    TS Baum

    Mashiach has always been ready to come already for almost 2000 years. But klal yisroel first has to do their Hishtadlus together as one loving nation to be worthy of the ultimate redemption and the coming of Mashiach. This Hishtadlus to make us worthy is including serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP together as one loving nation and also remove all the sinas chinam (baseless hatred-which is what caused the destruction of the second Bais hamikdosh) that still exists between our loving brethren on all levels from from to frei to Chassidish to MO etc….

    May we all way up from just sitting around and help bring Mashiach to come much quicker

    in reply to: Segula for parnassah #2080531
    Sam Klein

    Make sure to say Parshas Haman after davening every day including shabbos (just without the additional tefillos taken out for shabbos and Yom tov)

    in reply to: 2 Luchos on Shovuos? #2079900
    Sam Klein

    You might be correct that the luchos were not brought down and then broken on 17 Tammuz BUT on Shavuous when we accepted the entire Torah and were given the 10 commandments-which is what is written on the Luchos-with the first few directly from Hashem.

    in reply to: Elon Musk Buying Twitter #2079811
    Sam Klein

    Trump will be back in business on Twitter and the Democratic party will hate it

    in reply to: Why isn’t Mashiach here yet? #2078970
    Sam Klein


    I think you forgot or were never aware of Hashems direct shocking wake up call message of the Coronavirus Mageifa Pandemic that was sent down to the world on day one when the mageifa started and is R”L still in middle as I write this:

    The Shocking Message directly from Hashem:
    Every tragedy has a wake up call message directly from Hashem that your not going to find in any sefer in the world or read in any newspaper from a Gadol Hador or speaker saying about the tragedy. What is the shocking message of the Coronavirus Epidemic-that shut down the entire world starting January 2020-that has already killed millions of innocent lives of all ages? what does Coronavirus mean? Kara-Na-Aveiros,, call out to your aveiros-my loving children klal yisroel-to wake up & do teshuva. But the message from Hashem doesn’t end there, whats the other name for Coronavirus that everyone calls it? i forgot, Covid, what does that mean? what does Covid/Honor do to a person? what does it say in Pirkei Avos? it removes a person from the world, & thats exactly what Covid is doing right now, its removing millions of people from the world as we are still in the midst of this terrible mageifa effecting the ENTIRE world. Let us all ask ourselves who made it be called these crazy names? where does it come from? the dictionary? is this just coincidence or is it a straight sign & direct message from Hashem that its time for all of klal yisroel to wake up & do teshuva? you think about this.

    in reply to: Looking for Sefarim #2078908
    Sam Klein


    Yes It explains each Mitzvah and it’s laws but as a separate note there’s also a certain kind of mitzvah in the Torah called a CHOK which means a Mitzvah that has no meaning and is done only cause we were commanded by Hashem to do it. An example of such a Mitzvah is the Mitzvah of Para Aduma/the Red Cow to purify the unpure person.

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2077930
    Sam Klein

    Today’s tragic wake up call message sent directly from Hashem upstairs to klal yisroel that was no coincidence.


    The Rambam says אין פוראניות בא בעולם אלא בשביל ישראל, “there are no Tragedies in the world except because of “כלל ישראל . From the year 2001 until the year 2009 what happened in the world? First we had September 11 2001. where over 3000 people died in one day (only one other day was there that 3000 people died in one day & that was during the Civil War) what happened then? Everyone was effected with loss of family & jobs, & we each ask ourselves as we say in Yiddish “Vos Vil De Eibishter Fun Mir” (what does Hashem want from me) for a short while we feel it & then it leaves us & we all forget about it. What happened in September of 2005? the Tsunami hit from the Indian Ocean. Where over 110,000 people died & another 1,000,000 people became homeless & lost their jobs & their lives were destroyed & again we say “Vos Vil De Eibishter Fun Mir”. & the same thing happens (we feel it for a while & then forget about it). What happened in 2006? Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans [here in America] where thousand more AGAIN lost their lives & thousands of others lost family & jobs. & then what happened in 2008? the Market crashed & people lost millions & billions of dollars, with thousands of other people losing their jobs . With the Lehman Brothers Market Crashing & General Motors Going Bankrupt etc… Each time we say the same thing to ourselves “Vos Vil De Eibishter Fun Mir” (what does Hashem want from me) & then after a short while we just forget about it like it never happened. We all think that the Riches that i have are because of ME & the work i did for my Business, we forget that Hashem sent us all this money & everything in the world he is watching every day. We have to remember that all this is Happening because of אין פוראניות בעולם אלא בשביל ישראל, all this is because we don’t take these messages from Hashem for us to return to him. Hopefully now we can take these signs & prevent other tragedies from happening.

    Do you think any of these tragedies were just coincidence or just an accident that happened? Did you see this message in any sefer in the world or hear it from a Gadol Hador speaking? It’s not from me a coffee room member but actually a direct shocking message from Hashem.

    May we all wake up to serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP before any more tzaros happens to klal yisroel C”V and Hashem can send Mashiach bkarov etc….

    in reply to: Lakewood safety patrol #2077929
    Sam Klein


    Of course we know that your just joking but from the truth perspective if you were serious. on another reason why they couldn’t do that is because we are all responsible to do our Hishtadlus in life rather it’s in making a living to support our families or in our family Hishtadlus etc…

    in reply to: Lakewood safety patrol #2077810
    Sam Klein

    Hashem is our shomer Yisroel and always watching every single one of us. The question we all need to ask ourselves honestly is AM I WATCHING MY GUARD FOR HASHEM AND KEEPING ALL THE MITZVOS? FOR ALL HASHEM DOES FOR US 24-7 AND HOW MUCH WE EACH OWE HASHEM KING OF KINGS RULER OF THE WORLD

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