Sam Klein

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  • in reply to: Today Kherson has been liberated #2140896
    Sam Klein


    Did you read the shocking message posted a while ago relating to this current Russian Ukraine war that the message was sent down directly from Hashem the minute the war started back in February 24 2022? If not you should go back and read it. And be prepared for a shocking message directly from Hashem that is no coincidence or accident that just happened to be by mistake.

    But for replying back to what you wrote. There is another shocking message directly from Hashem that your not going to find in any sefer in the world or hear from any gadol Hador speaking or read it in the newspaper from a tzaddik speaking and neither is it from me a coffee room writer on the internet.

    Today’s shocking message:

    Every Country has a meaning & a destiny to its name when its read in Hebrew. Yisroel reads “Yashar & El” & its meaning of Klal yisroel is telling us that Hashem made the Jews to be his chosen nation & to go in the right ways of Hashem & his Torah. Libya Reads “Lev-Ka” the heart of Hashem & the country being sent to do Hashem will (rather it looks bad or good). Syria reads “Sar-Ka” the Angel of Hashem & being sent as another country (middleman agent) to do whatever Hashem send it to do. Mitzrayim (Egypt) reads “Metzar-Yam” from the pains of the sea, Mitzrayim did not start to be called by that name only after the miracle of the Dead sea splitting & the Egyptians drowning… it was already called that from hundreds of years before (the first time it says it in the Torah is when Avraham Avinu went down to Mitzrayim to get food during a hunger). The country of Russia means “Wicked” & was chosen by Hashem with its name to be the most wicked country for many centuries (from Czar Russia to Communist Russia etc…) & not letting anyone do anything with their lives but feel like prisoners. Europe reads “Yireh-Pe” the Fear of talking, for many centuries the entire Europe was under pure fear of the government talking & not knowing what was going to happen the next hour or day… Iraq reads “ie-rak” meaning Hashem only, & being a country sent by Hashem as an agent to remind everyone that everything comes through Hashem & everyone else is agents. The same thing is read for America reading “amar-ika” meaning this is what is said-by Hashem-& everything that happens is a decree straight from Hashem (like Iraq above)

    May we all wake ourselves up from living in Denial and FACE REALITY IMMEDIATELY and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov

    in reply to: How smart are u? #2140493
    Sam Klein


    I’ve seen many families who have this minhag doing it with pouring water from the cois into the wine bottle.

    in reply to: Moving to EY #2139946
    Sam Klein

    Go take a trip to Israel for a few weeks and literally move into the Lakewood community to see what it feels like to live there as if your thinking about moving there. Even if you end up going back home and not moving there, it’s still worth the experience.

    in reply to: Moving to EY #2139685
    Sam Klein


    That’s correct what I was talking about and just started being advertise maybe a year ago or so

    in reply to: Rigged Election #2139320
    Sam Klein

    Welcome to the corrupt generation we are living in today all over the world R”L. Officially it’s supposed to be only the politicians as the famous saying goes “there’s no such thing as an honest politician ” but sadly now we all know what they say about living in America….. It’s called living in Sedom.

    Hope we remove ourselves from living around dishonesty and corruption and bring ourselves back to Hashem with serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP to be deserving of Hashem sending Mashiach already bkarov. But first we need to show Hashem wholeheartedly directly from our hearts how serious we feel in doing Teshuva together as one loving nation like we all did in the story of Purim.

    in reply to: Moving to EY #2138947
    Sam Klein

    Don’t you know that there’s a Lakewood East starting this moment now in Eretz yisroel? So you actually can go to Eretz yisroel and be in Lakewood at the same time and still be learning Torah and doing Teshuva in Eretz yisroel as we beg Hashem seriously for the coming of Mashiach already bkarov

    in reply to: Before You Get Excited About DeSantis Running #2138902
    Sam Klein

    No matter what happens let’s make sure we all get a few facts straight before we move our corrupted mind any closer to the presidential election race closing winner for 2024 president.

    1)MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL that we all need to remind ourselves cause lately it seems from the way everyone has been chatting that we’ve been forgetting the most important truth. HASHEM KING OF KINGS RUNS THE ENTIRE WORLD and has already decided who will be the elected presidential winner for 2024 race. Yes there is something called doing our hishtadlus and there’s something else called Ain somchin al Haneis-we don’t just sit back and watch and depend on Miracles….. And all the kings, rulers, prime ministers in the entire world are just messengers agents of Hashem acting as rulers but Hashem runs THE ENTIRE WORLD and already decided who will win the elections for the 2024 presidential race and ALL OTHER FUTURE ELECTIONS.

    2)Trump has done a lot for klal yisroel and there’s something called hakoras hatov for everything he continues to do for klal yisroel and not just having himself in mind

    3) Desantis is a great politicians and Governor and would be great to run this country if Trump couldn’t do it. And if all republicans voting in half for Trump and rest for Desantis then better everyone vote together as one cause then we’re asking for corrupt democratic party to win false elections numbers and claim winning of elections for 2024 presidential election race.

    3)Biden going for Presidential Race of 2024 is completely hopeless from the minute he stole the election from Trump in 2020 and listening to others telling him what to do. The only place that he honestly can be helped is in the cemetery cause really even the hospital or nursing home can’t help him. And then from the cemetery all the Democrats including the Dead ones can all vote for him to become president from the cemetery.

    May we all wake up to serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so that Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov before this presidential election race happens

    in reply to: Democrats secret weapon #2138426
    Sam Klein

    Even a lowlife in Florida can beat her Michelle Obama in the 2024 presidential election race.

    If you think she even has a chance to win a presidential election race then you should seek immediate help and assistance. Unless she wins by corrupting the voting system machines like Biden did in the 2020 Biden Trump election race for president.

    Let’s make sure to remind ourselves most important thing of all who really runs THE ENTIRE WORLD and every tiny city and state and country Hashem the king of kings ruler of the entire world…..
    Has already decided and sealed chosen who will be the final results presidential election race winner for 2024 new president

    in reply to: Cold #2138419
    Sam Klein

    Look at it from the positive side
    Cool is much better than boiling hot due to going inside and your warmed up in a moment. Try it vice versa on a hot boiling summer day sweating but it can take you a full hour and lots of drinking to cool a person off

    Now which one do you prefer?

    in reply to: Foaming at the Mouth #2137765
    Sam Klein

    Why don’t we just do something better and ship Biden off to the Cemetery? Cause that’s the only place he can currently go. No nursing home or hospital can help him and neither can his wife Dr. Jill help him. Only the cemetery is where he belongs and everyone can vote for him in the cemetery like all the dead ones did in 2020 false elections

    in reply to: Today Kherson has been liberated #2137648
    Sam Klein

    Reb Eliezer

    If klal yisroel all together today went completely with the Hebrew calendar even in the diaspora all over the world then Hashem would send the shocking messages directly relating to the Hebrew dates they happened on R”L.

    but sadly today in Golus we all live and go by the goyish dates and calendar except for the yomim tovim and Rosh Chodesh etc . .. so Hashem sends these horrific tragedies hitting klal yisroel R”L Relating through the English calendar.

    I beg you not to test Hashem and start living 100 percent of the time with the Jewish calendar only and see what happens C”V on those Hebrew dates if we don’t speedily wake ourselves up together as one loving nation to serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP and instead beg Hashem forgiveness and to send a complete stop to all suffering and tragedies in the world and send Mashiach already bkarov to redeem klal yisroel.

    May it happen very soon if we wake ourselves up from living in Denial and FACE REALITY IMMEDIATELY.

    in reply to: Today Kherson has been liberated #2137624
    Sam Klein

    Hashem runs THE ENTIRE WORLD and has an account for every person and country including these two countries currently at war with each other and the Shocking message directly from Hashem that Hashem sent down the minute the war started on February 24 2022

    Today’s tragic wake up IN ACTION HAPPENING NOW call message sent directly from Hashem upstairs to klal yisroel that was no coincidence.


    World War 1, World War 2 And the Current War of the Invasion of Russia into Ukraine which can Chas Vshalom bring the world today to another world War 3 if we don’t wake ourselves up to serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP

    All 3 Wars if you put the numbers of the date each war started they all come out to the same Gematria numerical Value number of 68

    World War 1 started on
    July 28 1914
    That’s 7+28+19+14=68

    World War 2 started on
    September 1 1939
    That’s 9+1+19+39=68

    Current Russian invasion to Ukraine War started on
    February 24 2022
    That’s 2+24+20+22=68

    Do you know what’s the Numerical Value of 68? Chaim/Life and what is the Message from Hashem? Hashem runs the entire world from every country to every tiny city to every person and it’s all in the Power and Hands of Hashem the decree of every person like we say on Rosh Hashanah every year Lchaim Vlo Lamavess. (To life and not vice versa to death Chas Vshalom)

    Do you think this is all just coincidence that ALL 3 WARS come to the same gematria numerical Value when you put their starting dates together? Or do we all know the truth in life that “THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS COINCIDENCE” and everything has a direct wake up message from Hashem.

    Do you think you can find this message in any Sefer in the world or any Gadol Hador speaking said this? This War is in middle of happening now and if we don’t wake up from denial and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP who knows what this war can become C”V. we don’t need a world war 3 C”V

    in reply to: ‏תשובה #2137625
    Sam Klein

    Today’s tragic wake up IN ACTION HAPPENING NOW call message sent directly from Hashem upstairs to klal yisroel only 2 weeks ago that was no coincidence.


    World War 1, World War 2 And the Current War of the Invasion of Russia into Ukraine which can Chas Vshalom bring the world today to another world War 3 if we don’t wake ourselves up to serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP

    All 3 Wars if you put the numbers of the date each war started they all come out to the same Gematria numerical Value number of 68

    World War 1 started on
    July 28 1914
    That’s 7+28+19+14=68

    World War 2 started on
    September 1 1939
    That’s 9+1+19+39=68

    Current Russian invasion to Ukraine War started on
    February 24 2022
    That’s 2+24+20+22=68

    Do you know what’s the Numerical Value of 68? Chaim/Life and what is the Message from Hashem? Hashem runs the entire world from every country to every tiny city to every person and it’s all in the Power and Hands of Hashem the decree of every person like we say on Rosh Hashanah every year Lchaim Vlo Lamavess. (To life and not vice versa to death Chas Vshalom)

    Do you think this is all just coincidence that ALL 3 WARS come to the same gematria numerical Value when you put their starting dates together? Or do we all know the truth in life that “THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS COINCIDENCE” and everything has a direct wake up message from Hashem.

    Do you think you can find this message in any Sefer in the world or any Gadol Hador speaking said this? This War is in middle of happening now and if we don’t wake up from denial and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP who knows what this war can become C”V. we don’t need a world war 3 C”V

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2137160
    Sam Klein

    Today’s tragic wake up call message sent directly from Hashem upstairs to klal yisroel that was no coincidence.


    During the month of june 2011-over the time of 2 weeks-3 tzaddikim, from 3 different corners of the world left to the Olam Haemes (true world) & they’re names were Harav Yitzchok Dov Koppelman ZT”L from Europe, Harav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz ZT”L from Eretz Yisroel & Harav Chaim Stein ZT”L from the U.S.A. When a tragedy like this strikes the world everyone is asking what is the message from Hashem?. The RAMCHAL in Sefer Derech Hashem quotes, when klal yisroel is in a state of Sinning R”L, suffering & pain may be imposed upon a tzaddik as an atonement for his entire generation. In doing so the Tzaddik is raised to a level of leadership in Gan eden. When THREE tzaddikim are niftar in a matter of two weeks, Hashem is already on the level of begging klal yisroel to just start תשובה & show a sign of remorse & repentance so that it does not need to continue Chas V’shalom on to a fourth tzaddik. Then These 3 Tzaddikim (above) were not enough. so this time Hashem sent a DIFFERENT KIND of tzaddik-a boy at the age of 8 R”L who has not sinned yet-to wake us all up to come to תשובה & STOP KEEP ON PUSHING IT OFF. This tragic event-of Leiby Kletzky- brought Achdus (unity) to klal yisroel but it was not enough to bring klal yisroel to confess & start doing תשובה so Hashem took 3 more tzaddikim away to the olam Haemes to wake us up to teshuva- Rabbi Dunner from England, The spinka rebbe of Yerushalyim at the early age of 79 & the next day the Baba Sali’s grandson Rav Elazar Abuchatzeirah was Stabbed to Death by another yid-just like Leiby Kletzky was killed by another yid & american yidden think Israel’s tragic wake-up calls don’t apply to them & the same with Israel not seeing American wake-up calls from Hashem- that makes 7 Tzaddikim niftar in a matter of 5 weeks. will this be enough or will it need to continue? that is up to all of us.

    Do you think any of these tragedies were just coincidence or just an accident that happened? Did you see this message in any sefer in the world or hear it from a Gadol Hador speaking? It’s not from me a coffee room member but actually a direct shocking message from Hashem.

    May we all wake up to serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP before any more tzaros happens to klal yisroel C”V and Hashem can send Mashiach bkarov etc….

    in reply to: Predictions: Democrat Rout 2022 #2136353
    Sam Klein

    No one besides a Navi Holy and direct messenger from Hashem can predict the future of this country or who will win the elections which actually yes Hashem already has chosen and knows who the winners are even before anyone has started to vote yet.

    We have not had any Neviim prophets of Hashem for thousands of years already since the last ones who were knows as Chagai, Zechariah and Malachi.

    Perhaps once we all get together as one loving nation and do serious Teshuva then Hashem will restore prophecy and the bringing of Mashiach with the rebuilding of the Bais hamikdosh bkarov and then we will get to personally meet Hashems Neviim prophets who for thousands of years gave over the devar Hashem directly from Hashem to klal yisroel whenever Hashem sent them to give it

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2136326
    Sam Klein

    The saddest part about all these shocking messages directly from Hashem is that Hashem has to tragically keep on sending them to klal yisroel rachmana ltzlan. But why don’t we ever wake ourselves up from living in Denial and FACE REALITY IMMEDIATELY and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP?

    Then Hashem will not need to send anymore horrific tragedies hitting klal yisroel chas vshalom to wake us up to accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP like we did in the story of Purim etc…..

    in reply to: Has it Been that Bad(Midterm Edition)? #2136325
    Sam Klein

    As bad as Biden has been since the minute he stepped into the white House as president. I honestly can’t think of anything positive and good that he’s done for this country to help it improve and fix up from many issues including the bad economy to the COVID Coronavirus pandemic shutting down the entire country.

    But let’s all make sure we’re on the same page here and don’t forget the most important thing we all need to know even when a person is C”V going through a very tough time and situation. We all know the fact that EVERYTHING HASHEM DOES IS FOR THE GOOD OF A PERSON OR COUNTRY ETC … And Hashem is currently the one who is really running this country and entire world not this old and corrupt man Biden……

    Let’s all wake ourselves up to this realization ASAP so we can start heading towards a major fixup for this country DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM when Hashem sees that we openly realize that everything in life comes directly from Hashem….

    Hakol byidei Shomayim chutz miyiras Shomayim…….
    Yes literally everything from tiny bugs to big planes etc….

    in reply to: Meikil=Less Religious? #2135670
    Sam Klein


    of course Rav Chaim Kanievsky ZTL and all the Torah he learned is on a much higher level and REWARD then the MO or kollel man learning and will be rewarded much more then them and be on a much higher level in gan Eden then them also.

    But someone who was born a MO person is not expected to be on the same level as a gadol Hador living and his learning and in truth guess what for a MO or reform jew to keep Shabbos it takes them more mesiras nefesh and giving things up their a regular frum yid who grew up keeping Shabbos with his family so the MO keeping Shabbos with mesiras nefesh his reward is bigger in the future world. a person is rewarded by how hard he worked for it to do the mitzvah. Ex. Building his sukkah himself versus paying a bochur to build it for him etc……

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2135475
    Sam Klein

    Today’s tragic wake up call message sent directly from Hashem upstairs to klal yisroel that was no coincidence.
    Relating to this week and last week’s parsha and happened on that date sadly

    In October of 2011, on the week of Parshas Noach. The country of Turkey was hit by a major-7.2-Earthquake that resulted in hundreds of deaths, thousands injured & hundreds of buildings destroyed. It happened in the region of Turkey known as the Ararat Province, which research says, is where the taiva of Noach came to rest as the mabul (flood) subsided. In this part through many generations thousands of jews thrived in Turkey, with shuls, of which almost nothing remains today. Some shuls remain empty, standing isolated in the city of the Van region, which is the city of Charan, where Terach lived with Avraham until he moved to Eretz Yisroel. What is the message from Hashem? Todays judaism in Turkey is totally isolated, if we don’t do תשובה as soon as possible, other countries will be destroyed of jews C”V & become isolated.

    Do YOU think this horrific tragedy just happened by coincidence? We all know that everything that happens around us daily has a direct wake up call from Hashem straight to his loving children klal yisroel that Hashem is waiting to send Mashiach already bkarov as soon as we show Hashem our loving father our yearning for Mashiach with serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP .

    May it happen very soon

    in reply to: Can we please fix the Coffee Room? #2134884
    Sam Klein

    Cause Rav Yisroel Salanter ZT”L the founder and starter of the Mussar movement. Loved and cared about every yid in klal yisroel and couldn’t just sit there thinking about himself while his loving brothers in klal yisroel we’re suffering and needed to change their ways towards improvement thus starting the worldwide Mussar movement still going on today.

    May we all think like such a tzaddik and not only live in Sedom thinking about ourselves but care about everyone else in klal yisroel

    in reply to: Incredible! (Israeli election) #2134838
    Sam Klein

    Let’s make sure that we don’t forget the real truth of who really runs THE ENTIRE WORLD and every tiny city and state Hashem the king of kings ruler of the world and these politicians are just messengers agents of Hashem to act as leaders.

    “Lev melochim vsorim byad Hashem”……

    all election results were already decided and sealed in Heaven by Hashem before even the first person voted but yes we all have to do our hishtadlus and there’s also something called “ain somchin al Haneis”…. We don’t just sit back and depend on Miracles

    in reply to: chashivus #2134606
    Sam Klein

    Why don’t you work more on your middos personally and actually try to become a more simple and humble person which actually brings a person up to greatness as the famous line we know says “metoch shein lishmah yeyeh bah lishmah”……

    No better way for a person to bring themselves to greatness then to work on their middos personally and it brings them up to greatness

    May Hashem give you lots of Hatzlacha and may you become a big Tzaddik like Rebbe Akiva who first started working on bringing himself up to greatness at the age of 40 and look what a tzaddik he became with thousands of talmidim

    in reply to: world Safety #2134196
    Sam Klein


    Then why don’t we all accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP when such large tragedies strike klal yisroel tragically C”V?

    Why do we just keep living in denial and instead wake up and FACE REALITY IMMEDIATELY? when a serious issue like this arises it calls for immediate wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP like we did in the story of Purim etc ….

    Hashem loves his loving children klal yisroel and is waiting to send Mashiach already bkarov but first we need to do our hishtadlus and beg our loving father Hashem forgiveness and return with serious Teshuva ASAP TOGETHER.

    no parents would ever let their children suffer or punish them but sometimes they have no choice the child won’t listen to do his homework or go to sleep etc….. What de we all call this? A potch of LOVE that we know is for the child’s benefit and ultimate good and in years from now when he grows up he might even thank his parents for the punishment and waking him up for the mistake he made

    Let’s all wake ourselves up from living in denial and FACE REALITY IMMEDIATELY and beg Hashem to bring Mashiach already with our serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP

    in reply to: Game Room In Yeshiva #2134195
    Sam Klein

    Life is not a game neither is it a time to play games.

    Life is a time for each person coming down to a temporary physical world to accomplish a specific mission and then be returned to the true world above so YOU can serve Hashem our beloved father and King of kings ruler of the world face to face. Moshe Rabbeinu was the only Navi Holy and so humble enough to serve Hashem face to face already down here in this temporary physical world.

    Other Neviim got their messages directly from Hashem in a vision and had to be in a state of happiness in order to be a prophet of Hashem.

    Guess what?. Anyone blessed from Hashem with a Down syndrome child (which everyone thinks is a curse and a pain) is so blessed and fortunate and lucky to be chosen from Hashem to be the parents of these special neshamos cause actually they holy down syndrome children are more holier than Neviim/prophets and between prophets and Hashems angels in the world above in Kedusha and I stand up for these special neshamos how holy they are.

    in reply to: Game Room In Yeshiva #2134106
    Sam Klein

    All humans need a break to breathe and relax and socialize with your friends is a good thing to do with your free time

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2134108
    Sam Klein

    Gas has gone up so high the last few years that sometimes my soda bottles from coke came flat without any gas in them.

    I’m thinking about suing Coke for it.

    in reply to: world Safety #2133961
    Sam Klein

    The best way to feel safe is do your hishtadlus in safety and put your complete faith and trust in Hashem in all situations in life that a person goes through. From your livelihood to family Shidduchim to children and health etc…. Turn directly to Hashem for the best results and best safety in all locations worldwide. Yes Hashem watches his loving children klal yisroel even in Europe still and in Muslim countries.

    in reply to: The future of the democracy of the U.S. government #2133952
    Sam Klein

    Midterm elections are just a few days away. Will this at least be the start of the American recovery from the democratic destruction and corruption of destroying this beautiful country or will it take until Biden is removed and placed in the cemetery?

    in reply to: Noach – Tzadik or Not #2133802
    Sam Klein

    Reb Eliezer

    Your absolutely right

    And this is why a person needs to separate themselves from bad surroundings and attach themselves to Hashem alone with Dveikus and Hisbodedus to Hashem direct mitzvos from the Torah and no one for a person to attach themselves to better than Hashem himself directly the king of kings ruler of the entire world.

    Yes even better than attaching yourself to your wife or friends or Rav there’s nothing better than having a direct relationship with Hashem himself directly waiting to help YOU out in anything a person cries out for wholeheartedly as we say daily in Ashrei. Karov Hashem lchol korav….. Which means Hashem is close to all call out to all who call out wholeheartedly.

    May we all call out wholeheartedly directly to Hashem very soon for the Geula shleima bkarov and the shofar of Mashiach already
    With doing serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP bkarov

    in reply to: Noach – Tzadik or Not #2133575
    Sam Klein

    So Adam still lived long until 930 years
    And Noach lived until either 900 or 950 I forgot exactly plus other who lives in the 800s or 900s before going down in years and not only meshushelach like you wrote

    in reply to: Congressional elections 2022 #2133569
    Sam Klein

    Hashem has already decided on who will win in every single upcoming election worldwide from local township to country presidents to Israel prime minister etc….. So what’s the need to go out and vote if Hashem already decided who the winners are? Ever heard of every person doing their HISHTADLUS? And showing Hashem they care? Plus for the fact called “we don’t depend on Miracles”

    May we all start to realize and open our eyes to see Hashem the king of kings ruler of the entire world running every tiny little big to every big country

    in reply to: ‏תשובה #2133570
    Sam Klein

    In October of 2011, on the week of Parshas Noach. The country of Turkey was hit by a major-7.2-Earthquake that resulted in hundreds of deaths, thousands injured & hundreds of buildings destroyed. It happened in the region of Turkey known as the Ararat Province, which research says, is where the taiva of Noach came to rest as the mabul (flood) subsided. In this part through many generations thousands of jews thrived in Turkey, with shuls, of which almost nothing remains today. Some shuls remain empty, standing isolated in the city of the Van region, which is the city of Charan, where Terach lived with Avraham until he moved to Eretz Yisroel. What is the message from Hashem? Todays judaism in Turkey is totally isolated, if we don’t do תשובה as soon as possible, other countries will be destroyed of jews C”V & become isolated.

    in reply to: Have you ever received a traffic ticket that you did not deserve? #2133565
    Sam Klein

    If you ever C”V did get a ticket that you feel was completely undeserving for you to get consider it a punishment directly from Hashem perhaps of the amount of the ticket is same amount of charging a customer more than supposed to in your business etc….. Many other examples of why Hashem has to take away people’s money as a favor and gift in this temporary physical world to get punished in this world.


    NO ONE IS MAKING EVEN A PENNY MORE THEN SAID BY HASHEM ON ROSH HASHANAH. Except we all have the gift of FREE WILL and free choice which means a person can make 40,0000 honestly or C”V 50,000 dishonestly and get 10,000 of damage to their house or car C”V and still walks away ending up with the same 40,000 plus the stress and pain he went through. I personally don’t know anyone who would choose the second choice.

    Let’s all be %100 honest in all departments in our life. It’s not worth the stress and pain added as punishment C”V

    in reply to: Sense of Humor #2133566
    Sam Klein

    Rashi holds if you drink his wine on Purim it will keep you wining until Purim comes back around the next year.

    in reply to: Is every Yid a big tzaddik? #2133562
    Sam Klein

    “But is it possible to say Every yid is a big tzaddik?”

    Every person in his/her gift of FREE WILL given by Hashem only to Human beings is only responsible for his level between righteousness versus C”V Vice versa wickedness and only rewarded or punished for his/her level of life lives from beginning to end rather a big tzaddik or a simple person.

    May me all try to always be righteous and sin free but we all know the truth and so does Hashem take it into account that we all make mistakes in life done by accident and Hashem before even creating the world first created this amazing gift called Teshuva/ Repentance for any sins done by mistake or accident can always be asked forgiveness from Hashem directly or a friend hurt by mistake

    in reply to: Sense of Humor #2133553
    Sam Klein

    Try to change over from a sense of humor to the dollars of humor a)to make more money as a comedian and b)to help you in this inflation economy you can make a living with a sense of humor.
    LoL 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    in reply to: Congressional elections 2022 #2132902
    Sam Klein


    You have a good question

    The answer to your question all depends on how soon klal yisroel stops living in Denial and starts FACING REALITY. do you think Hashem wants to C”V destroy and take away from klal yisroel this beautiful Medina shel chessed Hashem gave us of the USA that was actually discovered by a Jewish messenger? Yes actually discovered by accident but nothing just happens by mistake or coincidence.

    Let’s hope we all wake ourselves up from living in Denial and FACE REALITY IMMEDIATELY and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov.

    in reply to: History is History #2132546
    Sam Klein

    Every human being was given the gift of FREE WILL which makes 3ach person responsible for their righteousness and God forbid vice versa their wicked sins which every person is punished for Directly from Hashem and even if sent directly by Hashem to do a wicked act c”v a person is still punished for his sins due to the gift of FREE WILL.

    May we all wake up already and do serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov.

    in reply to: Noach – Tzadik or Not #2132548
    Sam Klein


    it became a curse after the flood that Hashem changed the amount of years of a person’s life to become the maximum of 120 years like Moshe Rabbeinu our most humble leader in klal yisroel. Before the mabul they used to live until 800 or even 950 etc….

    in reply to: Congressional elections 2022 #2132551
    Sam Klein

    Hashem runs THE ENTIRE WORLD and all these politicians from big presidents and kings to small mayor’s and senators etc…. Are honestly and truthfully just actors and direct messengers from Hashem to act as rulers but really Hashem is running every tiny city to state and all countries in the entire world.

    Turn directly to Hashem for help in your time of need…. Much better than going through a messenger rather a Rabbi or political leader etc…..

    As we say in the end of bentching-from Tehillim-vdorshei Hashem lo yachseru kol tuv which means for one who seeks out Hashem directly lacks nothing that is good

    in reply to: yeridas hadoirois #2130300
    Sam Klein

    Your absolutely right but unfortunately today’s generation of children and teen’s demands on their parents are so high with also a lack of respect from making these demands on their own loving parents BUT
    if we as their parents don’t give in to their demands and give each child the proper TLC time they each need one on one, then C”V they can start heading downward OTD and parents feel this has to be prevented at all prices even if it means a) giving in to their children’s demands b) buying them an expensive and tumah unkosher smartphone c) together with a car they can take anywhere with anyone C”V and many other examples and situations that today’s parent’s are giving to their frum orthodox Torah children that just ladt generation would never do such a thing to put our children’s yiddishkeit at risk.

    May we all wake up and make sure we as parents are making the best and correct decisions and when needed ask your LOR what the correct way to go is in this situation cause each child is a personal and different situation then another child.

    in reply to: Esrug – Forgiveness for the First Sin #2129841
    Sam Klein

    If we realized that the holy schchina is directly in front of us and watching us and our actions all the time 24-7 then we would never ever commit a sin God forbid. But Hashem doesn’t and can’t let us realize and remember this fact all the time even though it’s absolutely true cause then it would take away our gift only given to humanity of FREE WILL

    may we all wake ourselves up immediately to serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP together and realize that Hashem is all over and always closely watching our actions and we are all responsible for our actions rather good or God forbid the opposite of sins and bad actions like Adam Harishon did that caused major damage to mankind forever for something that only took a short time to happen and brought death to the world R”L


    in reply to: ‏תשובה #2128849
    Sam Klein


    Beautiful written letter you wrote special for the coffee room

    May Hashem give you lots of Hatzlacha and may everyone reading this have a gmar chasima tova directly from Hashem.

    in reply to: Respecting Differences #2128848
    Sam Klein


    perhaps he feels it doesn’t work on these other out of town communities cause they are more modern Orthodox and not totah focused communities and don’t live on such a frum high standard of Judaism frumkeit although these out of town communities are still frum orthodox Yidden who keep the Torah JUST NOT ON SUCH A HIGH LEVEL like keeping Shabbos until 72 or 90 minutes after sunset but they still keep Shabbos until 60 or at least 45 minutes after sunset and many other examples

    in reply to: Respecting Differences #2128825
    Sam Klein

    Best way for everyone to have mutual respect for each other and all jews is invest in eternal charity mutual funds that last forever and are mutual….

    in reply to: Russia is losing the war in Ukraine #2128215
    Sam Klein

    Yes that’s correct. We could all be heading towards a major WWIII if we don’t wake ourselves up NOW ASAP to serious Teshuva and Achdus together. Don’t tell Hashem that Hashem the ruler of the entire world didn’t send us a warning with enough time for us to wake ourselves up from living in Denial and think we can fool Hashem that we don’t see his direct message and tragic wake up calls sent straight to klal yisroel for us to wake up to serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP.

    What happened the minute Yonah Hanavi came to Nineveh and told the King the dvar Hashem? The king immediately shut the entire city down to serious Teshuva so their lives can be saved hopefully with sincere Teshuva…..

    We can’t fool Hashem the king of kings. Let’s not be fools and then ask ourselves why there’s so much non stop tzaros in klal yisroel when we all know that it could’ve been avoided from the very beginning if we only woke up and FACED REALITY IMMEDIATELY and accepted Hashems call for serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP together like in the story of Purim…..

    Let’s wake up now in the aseres yemei Teshuva and beg Hashem to forgive us and accept our sincere Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation

    May Hashem deem us worthy to send Mashiach immediately so the kohein gadol does the yom kippur avodah this year in just a few days from now.

    in reply to: Non Jewish Funerals #2128108
    Sam Klein

    Where does it say that all Yidden at the time attended Eisav funeral?

    in reply to: Pruzbul Time #2128102
    Sam Klein

    Now your too late to fill one out for this past shmita year for Pruzbul. No better late than never when it comes to Pruzbul.

    in reply to: 84 years-old Shulamit Ovadia just went shopping for Yom Tov… #2127250
    Sam Klein

    Let’s all wake ourselves up finally from living in Denial and FACE REALITY. we all know the honest truth that with Hashem “there’s no such a thing as coincidence” and everything was already carefully planned out directly by Hashem long before this terrible tragedy happened.

    Let’s all start waking up now and return to Hashem for Rosh Hashanah with serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so these tragedies don’t ever need to happen again C”V

    in reply to: Elul lessons from the Queen #2125683
    Sam Klein

    Powerful messages and for the perfect time of Elul coming up to Rosh Hashanah

    1)This is the only lesson i realized that takes us a life time to learn (we never learn it ) although it gets revealed to us so many times each year. HOW LIFE GOES BY IN AN INSTANT. One second, father just made הבדלה from שבת & Mother is already lighting the candles, something is wrong here something has to be wrong 6 days just flew by .this is how every year goes by we go from חנוכה & Before you know it its time to order משלוח מנות for פורים Then its exactly 30 days to פסח we then count exactly 7 weeks until שבועות then its exactly 4 weeks until שבעה עשר בתמוז then comes the 3 weeks & then 3 weeks of summer & Before you know it its time to blow the שופר already YES A YEAR JUST FLEW BY & IS GONE FOREVER.

    2)What can we learn from Birthday’s? Why did Hashem invent a day to celebrate a persons birth? There’s nothing wrong or goyish with having a birthday cake or party. The lesson we can learn is, that last year on this day i was 39, today i became 40. A complete year has just gone by. What have i accomplished during this time? Was my time spent wisely? (Wisely does not need to mean Learning & Davening etc.., going shopping & spending family quality time is also considered time spent wisely & actually very important to raise a happy & healthy family) Can I actually face Hashem now & say truthfully that I spent this past year wisely? Maybe we can learn that every minute counts & is so precious & now another full year is gone forever.

    3)I don’t know about everyone else here, how often we think about our life, most people make an account of their life once a year-before Yom Kippur- Tzaddikim make an account once a month-before Yom kippur Kotton. I know a person that makes a account of his life almost everyday of his life. He told me this is the final last thing he thinks about almost every night AFTER saying Krias Shma al Hamita he makes an account thinking did i learn today, daven, give tzedaka, help another yid etc… is Hashem going to say to his Malachim i have Charata (pity) i gave this yid an extra day to live. How precious life is. Hashem doesn’t just say this yid will live to 98 this one to 108 & this one to 110, every day & hour is a gift from Hashem, U’vacharta B’chaim-you should choose life-lets learn this now while we are still young.

    4)the age of 60 is the year when a person starts to look back at his 40 years of Adulthood (from 20 to 60). Statistics say that 90 percent of people feel bad that they’re time was not spent wisely-a person promises Hashem, if you turn me back into a twenty year old (if he gets back his 40 years) i promise i will spend my time more wisely-NOW THATS BAD NEWS. How precious life is & every hour is a gift from Hashem. (how lucky i am that i got this message already when I was Young) LET US WAKE UP NOW & START TO LIVE A REAL LIFE BEFORE ITS TOO LATE. A day gone is gone forever & cannot be made up. Anything pushed away or delayed because of laziness is too late to make up for.

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