Forum Replies Created
November 18, 2023 11:52 pm at 11:52 pm in reply to: Bli Neder no music until all hostages are free #2240665Sam KleinParticipant
Your showing Hashem that your taking part of the important middah of being nosei b’ol your brethren suffering in klal yisroel and this is a very high level of care and showing Hashem our loving father and king of Kings.
May it be a zchus for you and also for all of klal yisroel to show Hashem that we should be deserving of the coming of Mashiach already bkarov and openly confess with love to Hashem our doing of serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP like one loving nation
November 15, 2023 9:45 pm at 9:45 pm in reply to: This Gaza war could be over in minutes, if #2240122Sam KleinParticipantThis Israel Gaza war could be over in minutes if:
Klal yisroel -yes myself included-would stop living in denial and FACE REALITY and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP on all levels from frum to frei to chassidish etc…. with making a time for Teshuva kinnus and taanis like we did in the story of Purim. We all know the honest truth and famous line “there’s no such a thing as coincidence” and that everything that happens around the world and to each person privately also has a direct wake up call message directly from Hashem and right now Hashem is waiting to see klal yisroel return to complete Achdus together ASAP as one loving nation and beg for an end to this Israel Gaza war and to be deserving of the coming of Mashiach already bkarov.
Let’s take it up on ourselves now immediately for serious Teshuva and Achdus together and complete removal from all Sinas chinam (baseless hatred) amongst our loving brethren in klal yisroel and show Hashem our loving father that we are deserving of the coming of Mashiach already bkarov
Sam KleinParticipantA nation doing serious Teshuva in the midst of
Achdus together like in the days of Achav immediately skips the speakers and goes straight to the microphone of Hashem directly like Eliyahu Hanavi or Mashiach himself if we can show Hashem in timeSam KleinParticipantObama is a %100 Bnei Yishmael and believes he has a Mitzvah to hate Jews and was actually supposed to be Hashems shliach to put even America which is a Christian country into the hands of the Bnei Yishmael cause Hashem said that before Mashiach comes the entire world is going to be against klal yisroel and the Bnei Yishmael are going to be the last nation to fight klal yisroel before Mashiach comes so Hashem took America away from Bush before Obama and made Obama the Shliach and president of the United States to run the country but we didn’t take Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation and failed the test while Obama was president and now we are still in golus rachmana litzlan.
May we finally stop living in denial and immediately accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov
Sam KleinParticipantCause Hashem said that IN EVERY GENERATION other nations will rise up and fight against the Jewish Nation. And as we all honestly know the truth that the nation of eisav rose before the nation of Yishmael set etc….. there will never be a generation with no nation at all fighting against klal yisroel and this is what Hashem said already thousands of years ago when the Torah was written……
When all of klal yisroel gathers together as one loving nation on all levels from frum to frei to reform and chassidish etc…. and we Hashem our love for one another no matter what kind of Yid each person is then we will be able to show Hashem that finally finally the Sinas chinam in klal yisroel has completely been removed from the entire nation and we are ready and deserving of the coming of Mashiach already bkarov.
Boruch Hashem We have tzaddikim in every generation, these tzaddikim live a life of torah & know the entire shas & poskim backwards & forwards. Why is it that they are able to remember everything-from Shas to poskim & Shulchan aruch etc…- but we are not? If i ask 1000 people, everyone will give the same answer, of course Harav Chaim Kanievsky ZT”L made a siyum hashas every erev pesach & this Tzaddik learns Shulchan aruch 4 times a year etc… YES that is true BUT that is only the truth from this world (the olam Hasheker) what the truth from the olam Haemes? What’s Hashems Cheshban? Hashem created each person with a brain & a memory, he also created something called forgetfulness, the only problem is if there was no such a thing as forgetfulness then everyone would say i learnt the entire Mishna Brura from beginning to end, so there’s no need for me to review the Halachos of Pesach before Yom Tov. (or any other halachic situation) But when it comes to Tzaddikim-who learn Torah day & night even though they remember it from last time-they don’t learn it once Be’eyun (seriously) & the next 50 times be’kiyus (lightly). Every time they learn it, its with the same Ahavas Hatorah as the first time they learned it (if they’re not reviewing it then they’re learning it in a whole new way) so there’s no need for forgetfulness & why shouldn’t Hashem give them Hatzlacha to remember everything? (do you think Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky ZT”L or any other Rosh Yeshiva or Mashgiach learn any less because they know the entire shas & shulchan aruch from beginning to end by heart?) Going from Torah to Ahavas Hatorah is not going from level 1 to 2, it’s actually going from level 1 to level 40, there are so many steps & levels between these 2 classes until a person can reach this high level of a Gadol Hador, where this is their Simchas Ha’chaim (happiness in life). While one persons Simchas Ha’chaim is a million dollars, anothers is a vacation or a fancy car etc… Torah is what gives these Tzaddikim a Simchas Ha’chaim. Now YOU can also become a gadol Hador & grow in Torah-with the proper work & effort-it’s never too late (even Rabbi Akiva started at 40 & look what a tzaddik he became)
Sam KleinParticipantdid you go to the doctor the other day John?
Yes I did.
And did he find out what you had?
Very nearly.
What do you mean very nearly?
Well I had $3.40 and he charged me $3.00!Sam KleinParticipantYoung doc.- Why do you always ask your patients what they have for dinner?
Old doc.- It’s a most important question for according to their menus I make out my bills.
Sam KleinParticipantAmalek is eisav’s grandson
All the Muslim countries are all Bnei Yishmael not at all related to amalek unless you go all the way back to our forfathers where amaleks grandfather eisav’s uncle was Yishmael which is where all the Muslims come from but not from Amalek.May we all wake up immediately and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together so Hashem can stop this terrible Israel-Hamas war and send Mashiach already bkarov
Sam KleinParticipantWhat kind of lights did Noach have in the teiva? Flood lights
What type of cake did he eat? Mahbul cake
Sam KleinParticipantwho is your family doctor?
I can’t tell you
Why not? Don’t you know his name?Yes. Dr. Smith used to be our family doctor but nowadays mother goes to an eye specialist, father goes to a stomach specialist my sister goes to a throat specialist, my brother is in the care of a lung specialist and I’m taking treatments from an osteopath.
Sam KleinParticipantThey each have different services they provide that makes them different than both being the same although they might both offer safety and security for their community one might offer for home residential areas while the other might do community areas like shuls and shopping areas etc….
Same with the other volunteer services even if they do the same class of services they still have their differences in extras they offer or different categories etc …
Sam KleinParticipantHashem the king of kings and ruler of the entire world is running this entire Israeli -Gaza War scene from beginning to end and has a clear plan already what is going to happen during the war and when the war will come to an end and what the end result will be.
The final results are all in the hands of all of klal yisroel -myself included -when we all wake ourselves up from living in denial and FACE REALITY by openly speaking to Hashem with serious Teshuva and Achdus together that we get Hashems wake up call and we’re ready to accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus like the people of Nineveh did immediately as soon as Yonah Hanavi arrived with the message from Hashem for them to do serious Teshuva. And what did the goyish king do as soon as Yonah Hanavi gave him over Hashems message? He immediately shut the city of Nineveh down completely to doing serious Teshuva and fasting for everyone.
May we all accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov and end this terrible Israel- Gaza war killing hundreds of innocent people R”L already
Sam KleinParticipantA patient complained to the doctor that his hair was coming out.
Won’t you give me something to keep it in? he begged
“Take this” the doctor said and handed the patient a pill box.Sam KleinParticipantAll shuls now are adding in additional prayers for our brethren in Israel in the midst of a war of the bnei Yishmael fighting against them. Begging Hashem to end this war and not let more people C”V get hurt
Sam KleinParticipantDoes anyone even know what Hashems wake up call message is that was sent to klal yisroel the minute the Russian Ukraine war started?
World War 1, World War 2 And the Current War of the Invasion of Russia into Ukraine which can Chas Vshalom bring the world today to another world War 3 if we don’t wake ourselves up to serious Teshuva and Achdus together As soon as possible
All 3 Wars if you put the numbers of the date each war started they all come out to the same Gematria numerical Value number of 68World War 1 started on July 28 1914
That’s 7+28+19+14=68World War 2 started on September 1 1939
That’s 9+1+19+39=68Current Russian invasion to Ukraine War started on February 24 2022
That’s 2+24+20+22=68Do you know what’s the Numerical Value of 68? Chaim/Life and what is the Message from Hashem? Hashem runs the entire world from every country to every tiny city to every person’s life and it’s all in the Power and Hands of Hashem the decree of every person like we say on Rosh Hashanah every year Lchaim Vlo Lamavess. (To life and not vice versa to death Chas Vshalom) When Klal yisroel is not doing Teshuva and forgets who really runs the entire world then Hashem has to remind us who is the real ruler of the world by making world wars happen R”L with millions of lives being killed.
Do YOU think you can find this shocking message in any Sefer in the entire world? Do you think maybe I heard it from a Gadol Hador speaking in a shiur or Shmuz or read it in a newspaper article? And it’s not either from me a internet writer businessman. The only truth is that this shocking message comes DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM and you can just open your eyes and see Hashem directly in the message waiting for all of klal yisroel to gather together for serious Teshuva and Achdus so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov.
May we all do our hishtadlus and show Hashem our loving father that we are deserving and ready for the geula shleima bkarov.
Sam KleinParticipantNothing is just coincidence but everything is actually a direct wake up call message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM.
when will we finally stop living in denial and FACE REALITY and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov? Why have our gedolei Hador and leaders of klal yisroel not instituted yet a time for serious Teshuva kinnus and taanis like Mordecai and Esther did in the story of Purim? What are we waiting for? How much more horrific tragedies C”V do we need to be put on klal yisroel God forbid for us to openly confess to Hashem that yes we get Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus and will start immediately together as one loving nation?
May we all do serious Teshuva together ASAP so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov
Sam KleinParticipantThe numbers tragically keep going up higher until we wake ourselves up and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP together as one loving nation so Hashem can send this terrible war and send Mashiach already bkarov
Sam KleinParticipantSpeak to your wife whose doing all the threading on the children’s clothing and see if she can help you close this thread.
Have a gutten Moed everyone
Sam KleinParticipantStart to live on and remember one sentence in order to keep your life and funding from going C”V Bankrupt
“GET WHAT YOU NEED NOT WHAT YOU WANT ”now let’s discuss….
Sure a person can go to a restaurant or go on vacation but there’s no need to travel from the east coast of America all the way to Florida or Israel. Sure you can go on a date to the restaurant or with friends but to go just because you desire to eat a good steak dinner is called crazy. You can go with your entire family on a beautiful vacation to Pennsylvania with so many places to go out and enjoy together versus going all the way to Florida and your family won’t be able to tell the difference between the two locations. I.e. it’s all in the person’s psychological mind about going to Florida and really it’s completely unnecessary and ridiculous.Many other different examples of no need to live like the Jones and remove it from your mind and don’t let it ruin your life but I’m not going to discuss it.
Sam KleinParticipantSo let’s be really honest here and give true answers to this question
Question: why has DIVORCE become so popular just recently in the last decade or two? What has made it start happening so much so often versus earlier decades when it was not popular?
Please only reply if it will be with TRUE HONEST ANSWERS
Thank you
Sam KleinParticipantCoffee addict
Do you think now on Erev Yom kippur when all our lives are on the master scale shaking in fear between life and C”V the opposite of not worthy for another year of life. Do you think now is the time for ANYONE to be trolling around? You should be preparing for the holiest day of the year and start now already begging Hashem forgiveness for the past year mistakes that took place and anything else that could’ve been avoided from happening and many tragedies that sadly occurred that Hashem our loving father had no choice cause we are not accepting Hashems wake up calls for serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP together so Hashem has no choice but to keep sending us more wake up calls Rachmana litzlan…..
Now is a time for all of us to be shaking in fear and NOT A TIME FOR TROLLING AROUND but instead begging Hashem forgiveness.
Sam KleinParticipantSeems like it’s time for SUPER SUPER SERIOUS TESHUVA AND ACHDUS TOGETHER not only due to being the time of Aseres yemei Teshuva but also seeing a double Rainbow calling for a reminder of chas veshalom destruction…… If we don’t immediately accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP together as one loving nation begging Hashem forgiveness and to make us Worthy of the coming of Mashiach already bkarov…..
Do YOU YES YOU think we can make ourselves worthy for the coming of Mashiach already finally by finally waking up and FACING REALITY instead of keeping on living in denial when Hashem keeps on sending klal yisroel as one loving nation non stop horrific tragedies worldwide relating to klal yisroel.
Ain poranius baolam Ella bishvil yisroel……
Yes you read that correctly…… Everything going on in the world today -even if there’s no yidden Involved in it-is all on account of klal yisroel and where we are all holding today as one nation together and with our loving father Hashem king of kings ruler of the entire world.Sam KleinParticipantYell out to them
IT’S IN MIDDLE OF ASERES YEMEI TESHUVASeptember 14, 2023 2:55 am at 2:55 am in reply to: Relating the Tisha B’av message from Hashem in Today’s generation #2225526Sam KleinParticipantUbiquitin
Let’s all stop living in denial and FACE REALITY we all know that in today’s generation that we are living of golus we are about to start the new year in less then 48 hours with the new Rosh Hashanah Yom tov starting the new year number changing over to the new year. And if we were REALLY living in today’s generation that Nissan was the first month like it says directly in the Torah then:
a)the new year would start from 1 Nissan changing over to the new year and not 6 months later.
b)then Hashem would have made all the tragedies relating to the first time when Klal yisroel cried on Tisha b’av in the desert and Hashem said your crying now…… I will make this day become a day of crying and mourning tragedies…….. And instead the counting would start from Nissan.But we know the real truth which comes DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM and not from any sefer or gadol hador speaking and neither is it from me a Internet businessman writer but actually DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM is the only true answer.
May we all finally wake ourselves up from living in denial and instead do the opposite of showing Hashem our loving father oyr Yearning and searching for the coming of Mashiach already together with serious Teshuva and Achdus ASAP so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov.
I wish everyone in the YWN coffee room and all of klal yisroel a ksiva vachasima tova ahead with only Happiness and May Mashiach come already bkarov.
September 13, 2023 6:43 am at 6:43 am in reply to: Relating the Tisha B’av message from Hashem in Today’s generation #2225218Sam KleinParticipantYeshivaguy45
Yesterday was the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 tragedies that hit the world. Does anyone even remember what the shocking wake up call message was DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM relating to the 9/11 tragedies that were sent down as the planes hit the buildings.
Do you know that 9/11 is our sad day for over 2000 years? תשעה באב, 9 is תשעה Av is 11 אלול is 12 & תשרי is 1, how does that grab you? How does that shock you? What about the phone number 911? A number only used for emergencies and tragedies, that’s also תשעה באב. That’s America’s emergency number for a minimum of 50 to 100 years, why didn’t they pick 111? Wouldn’t that have been a better number? Are you going to tell me because a baby running around the house might play with the phone & press 111 by mistake? These 2 tragedies-above-were only hint’s to tisha b’av, but it wasn’t enough to bring klal yisroel to start doing teshuva. So what happened ON tisha b’av 2005, i.e. no more hints to tisha b’av? Gush Katif/the Gaza Disengagement, it was supposed to happen on tisha b’av but they waited until Motzei tisha b’av, they did not even wait till the next morning, which means it was still tisha b’av in Chutz La’aretz (diaspora). Now let me ask you something, are these 3 tragedies-relating to tisha b’av-coincidence or is it a straight message from Hashem that its time for klal yisroel to wake up & do תשובה? You think about it, this is not between people, this is between each person & Hashem.
May we all accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov
September 12, 2023 9:18 am at 9:18 am in reply to: Relating the Tisha B’av message from Hashem in Today’s generation #2224774Sam KleinParticipantToday was the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 tragedies that shook the world. Does anyone even remember the wake up call DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM that was sent down to the world as the planes hit the buildings?
Read the original message from the writer many years ago that was sent down DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM on 9/11/2001 and not 10 years later but actually as the planes hit the buildings.
May we all finally break out of our lives of living in denial and immediately accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov. Especially now when we are all less than a week before yom Hadin and Rosh Hashana.
Sam KleinParticipantLook at the SHOCKING MESSAGE DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM above written on March 13 that comes from this week’s Parsha of Netzovim from Thousands of years ago.
No one in the last 80 years has written it in any sefer in the world or heard it from any Gadol Hador speaking in a shiur or Shmuz and neither is it from me a internet writer businessman. Only A DIRECT SHOCKING MESSAGE FROM HASHEM…..
may we all wake up and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov
August 30, 2023 12:46 am at 12:46 am in reply to: Going local for Mesivta versus out of town #2221129Sam KleinParticipantHow many mesivtas are there today throughout the entire Brooklyn NY area to cover all the bochrim that want to stay local for Mesivta? And what about Lakewood NJ and Monsey? Where are they holding today with approximately how many mesivtas and Bais medrash Yeshiva to cover enough kinds and levels for all bochrim that want to go to a local mesivta? Is there enough in each town for the growth of families at a quicker speed boruch Hashem?
August 30, 2023 12:34 am at 12:34 am in reply to: Silicon Valley bank and the economy crashing #2221119Sam KleinParticipantAnonymous Jew and Jack
Sounds like you both never heard of the famous Jewish saying of “Ain poranius baolam ela bishvil yisroel” which means there are no tragedies that hit the world-anywhere worldwide even with no Yidden involved in the tragedy-that is not on account and due to the cause of something that happened to klal yisroel that made Hashem make this horrific tragedy happen.
Like the earthquake a few months ago that hit Turkey and Syria and inside of Israel they even felt the shaking tremor of the earthquake but boruch Hashem not even a single person in Israel was killed or even injured. Do you think that’s completely coincidence?
(Every tragedy has a wake up call message directly from Hashem that you’re not going to find in any sefer in the world or read in any newspaper from a Gadol Hador or speaker saying about the tragedy. Neither is it from me a internet writer businessman)
On February 6 2023 Turkey and Syria we’re both hit with a major Earthquake followed by another earthquake shortly after causing the deaths of over 35,000 lives and hundreds of thousands of injured with their homes destroyed and jobs lost etc…. There’s a famous fact and truth when it comes to things happening throughout our lives. It’s called “There’s no such a thing as coincidence” and the truth of the matter is that it’s really so true cause actually it’s all as we say it “everything that happens is Ka-incidence” which Ka in Hebrew is actually Hashem’s name and in Hebrew means that everything that happens throughout our life-from our every second of breathing to major horrific tragedies Chas V’shalom-is actually a act coming directly from Hashem who runs the entire world. Cause actually the shocking date this earthquake happened on February 6 2023 is actually 2-6 which when you put it together you get Hashem’s name and when you put the year together of 2023 you get Directly from Hashem the Shocking 2 chapters in Tehillim referring to tragedies which is Chapter 20 & 23 which many of us say daily in davening Shachris. So we need to all start opening up our eyes and openly realize that every tiny thing happening anywhere in the world is actually a decree coming directly from Hashem and everything is actually a direct Ka-incidence.
August 28, 2023 12:48 pm at 12:48 pm in reply to: Who’s job is it to get the Shul involved in lecha dodi #2220469Sam KleinParticipantCommonsaychel
Nothing Hashem created is just coincidence. Everything has a good reason and use for it and this is why a person of true faith and trust in Hashem accepts everything and never had any questions to ask Hashem. Even when things going on around his life sound strange or might not be going exactly as planned. As the famous saying in the Torah says “Vayidom Aharon” there was no questions and it was accepted immediately with complete true faith and love in Hashem our loving father and king of kings even at the expensive price of losing 2 of his precious and priceless children Nadav and Avihu.
August 28, 2023 6:13 am at 6:13 am in reply to: Who’s job is it to get the Shul involved in lecha dodi #2220349Sam KleinParticipantEvery community and level of shul will have a different opinion for you about this issue. AKA conservative and reform temples will Tell you that ladies also should be involved in the singing but we know the truth that halachically that is not permitted etc…. And many other opinions on whose responsibility it is with each one based on a different reason even if they are all true.
BUT THE BOTTOM LINE IS ARE THEY ALL PERMITTED???? and that is always going to end with the special gift Hashem blessed only humanity with of free-will and choice. But whatever each person own decision is at the end of the day we are all held responsible for our decisions we make so make sure that “YOU THINK AND MAKE A SERIOUS ACCOUNTING BEFORE DOING ANYTHING THROUGHOUT LIFE” asking yourself if something is permitted to do or not and just something your physical evil desire wants you to do and run after even though it’s not permitted.
Now in the month of Elul which is the month of Teshuva/repentance and Preparation for the new year is the perfect time to start working on this new way of life of making a self accounting with yourself before doing anything throughout the day and throughout life ahead.
I wish all our YWN coffee room friends a year of happiness and success ahead with Hashem always answering your call for help when you call out to Hashem wholeheartedly for anything.
Sam KleinParticipantPrice wise Tropicana is even more expensive and known to be the most expensive orange juice company. Do you know any orange juice company that charges more than Tropicana?
Sam KleinParticipantThey sell shirts for much more affordable prices at Burlington coat factory for much cheaper and also can be washed at home without the need to be dry washed
August 23, 2023 11:35 pm at 11:35 pm in reply to: Chris Christie – why can’t Jews rally around him? #2219026Sam KleinParticipantYechiel
As a frum yid
Instead of voting for yoshke Chris Christie why don’t you vote for Jew Jewsie? This way there’s at least a chance of your vote winning
August 23, 2023 9:44 am at 9:44 am in reply to: Is there really a Shidduch crisis because of too many available women? #2218804Sam KleinParticipantTHERE IS NO SHIDDUCH CRISES
Hashem already setup your sons and everyone else’s son/daughter zivug 40 days before they were even born. Forget about the fact that now they are holding at around 20 or so years later since they were born. Hashem has their zivug waiting for them and can send it to your son/daughter immediately but is just waiting for each person involved in shidduchim to do their RUCHNIUS hishtadlus of Bitachon and Emunah(faith and trust in Hashem) together with Tefillos/Prayers.
Mrs. Seminary girl,/Mr. Learning/working boy Are YOU doing your RUCHNIUS hishtadlus? Not just your gashmius hishtadlus of dating and speaking to shadchanim etc….?
Start turning directly to Hashem for help in all your needs, especially shidduchim that they say is a bigger miracle than the splitting of the Yam suf.
Why are we not putting our faith and trust directly in our loving father, king of kings, ruler of the world Hashem? Especially when we all know the truth that Hashem has everything down to every person’s breath and penny of income already decreed since Rosh Hashanah for the entire upcoming year? Of course we need to do our Hishtadlus but the ultimate secret for success in our needs is to turn Directly to the source Hashem for help in anything.
Sam KleinParticipantRabbi Troll
Don’t you remember?……
The gematriya of “Donald Trump” is “Moshiach ben David”!
דונלד טראמפ = 424 = משיח בן דוד
טראמפ= 330
Unbelievable!Not wanting to be a one-party animal, I took the liberty of gematrifying הילרי קלינטון. Hillary Clinton
Look at what I found. First of all her first and last names have identical gematriyas
הילרי = 5+10+30+200+10 = 255
Now 255 is gematriya עמלקיה –
Amalekia that’s a female member of AmalekDo you think all of this is just coincidence or is it a message coming DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM? Think about it…..
As the famous saying goes “there’s no such a thing as coincidence” and everything has a message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM.Let’s wake ourselves up and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov AND THEN WE WON’T NEED TO BE IN GOLUS ANYMORE IN AMERICA AND Instead serve Hashem in Yerushalyim with the Bais Hamikdosh bkarov
Sam KleinParticipantThe Bnei Yishmael AKA the Muslims will be the last ones to fight klal yisroel before Mashiach comes. And if you look deeply into your research you will see that THEY ARE ALL FIGHTING KLAL YISROEL today. From Iran to Iraq to Afghanistan to Pakistan to the Palestinians etc … The list goes on and on cause this is what Hashem said directly thousands of years ago to our prophets when they were shown what will happen in the days of pre Mashiach coming. From Yirmiyahu Hanavi to Daniel to Zechariah and many other Neviim that were shown directly with prophecy and direct messages DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM.
The situation in Eretz Yisroel & in the Diaspora is very bad from Terrorists to the entire Economy going down etc… If anyone should ask why all these Tzaros are Happening to Klal Yisroel he only needs to look at what the Rambam says. Saying that as long as we remain ignorant of the present troubles that we have & what the reasons are that they are happening. The situation can only get worse until Mashiach comes. With the society we are living in today we (sadly) CONSTANTLY need reminders (wake-up calls) from HASHEM for us to do T’shuva & return to HASHEM so all this Tzaros can end & Mashiach comes.
May we all finally wake ourselves up and FACE REALITY to accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov
Sam KleinParticipantSomeday
Perhaps the reason why these people talking about their father or Rebbe who was Niftar instead of saying all the words you mentioned and only say ZT”L perhaps it’s because of Humility for their greatness of their father or Rebbe even if he’s no longer alive but they still want to keep their rebbe’s humility and simplicity instead of speaking out about all his greatness so they just keep it simple and say ZT”L
may all the Niftar we have lost in the past have an Aliya rather they we’re leading Gedolei Hador Worldwide or not. Maybe in truth in their simplicity and humility without being a leader in klal yisroel they really were great people staying simple and humble and running away from honor and respect.
Sam KleinParticipantWhat is the secret to success in business? A person came to me for some חיזוק (encouragement). He told me he was a Rebbe & was not having a lot of Hatzlacha with his students. He then asked me if i had any advice for him. I then told him don’t be a rebbe for the $40,000 paycheck, do it for the sake of Hashem (not for the sake of money)& then you are guaranteed to be successful by Hashem Himself. He got back to me a few weeks later & told me he was doing much better B”H based on that now he was doing his job from a complete different perspective. This can apply to ANY livelihood. (ex. 1) A contractor-if you build a house with the intention for a Jewish family to move in & raise a jewish family then you are guaranteed success from Hashem. 2)A plumber- before you came to your customers house there was a mess & a lot of screaming with Shalom Bayis problems. But now you fixed the bathroom & there’s peace in the house) Bottom line: When a person does his job for the sake of Hashem then he is guaranteed success & he still gets the same paycheck.
In your situation to becoming a professional psychologist or therapist don’t focus on the job and money for each patient but focus on helping people return back to a happy life from the current situation they are coming to you for help now and then you are guaranteed success directly from Hashem in your job.
I wish you lots of Hatzlacha in your future livelihood to support your family directly from Hashem as long as you remember that in truth and honesty all your livelihood is actually coming DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM and Hashem is just sending them as messengers middlemen to help support your family and pay your bills.
A psychologist myself
Sam KleinParticipantPekak
Very sad what happened to what was once a beautiful Torah community that people moved to special to devote their life to Torah. Not anymore today. If someone wants to do that today let them move to a more simple town like Detroit or Cleveland etc…. -which still have restaurants and all your Jewish needs taken care of-to attach themselves to living a frum Torah life and raising a Torah family. Lakewood now became Brooklyn NJ….. Very sad what happened to it and it will only be a little longer before people start calling it the 5 towns (referring to Lakewood, Jackson, Toms River, Howell and Manchester or Brick)
Sam KleinParticipantWhy don’t you the next time you need to travel
somewhere far rather it’s for business or pleasure. Why don’t you instead find a different way of travel if it means driving yourself on a long trip through the country or maybe take the train instead and I think when your trip is over you’ll have a complete new perspective and real appreciation for planes and flying even with bad customer service provided.Looking forward to all of us flying soon on the YWN coffee room private plane to Yerushalyim with Mashiach and the rebuilding of the Bais Hamikdosh bkarov.
July 26, 2023 2:57 pm at 2:57 pm in reply to: Relating the Tisha B’av message from Hashem in Today’s generation #2211346Sam KleinParticipantTisha B’av is just around the corner-and has already started in Eretz Yisroel-can we still turn it into a Yom Tov this year with Tisha B’av in Yerushalyim? Can we all remove the sinas chinam (baseless hatred) amongst our loving brothers worldwide as a merit to help bring the coming of Mashiach already bkarov?
July 25, 2023 1:54 am at 1:54 am in reply to: Chris Christie – why can’t Jews rally around him? #2210696Sam KleinParticipantCause he’s always screaming against Trump who’s on the same republican side as him and is Israel best friend so would you go against Trump and Eretz Yisroel?
Sam KleinParticipantBiden is a serious golem. Everything he does is just talking out of the teleprompter and being an actor but he doesn’t really do anything. That’s what you call a golem versus a true human being
June 26, 2023 7:32 am at 7:32 am in reply to: It’s almost Rosh Chodesh Elul, does your daughter have a school yet?!? #2203052Sam KleinParticipantIt’s much worse today then it was 15 years ago when this letter was written. You need to apply for your child getting into any school a full year before you need to start school education for your child if you want any chance of getting them into a school.
Today’s generation of raising our children has changed and parents are spoiling their children and giving in to all their children’s demands which is very bad for their ruchnius upbringing and future life ahead. Instead of doing the right thing and putting their foot down and saying NO to them you will get that toy or cell phone you want cause you’re too young for it and now is not the time for your age to be playing with smartphones. Parents sadly today are doing it completely wrong and giving in to all their children’s demands and then they wonder why their children go OTD R”L.
Very sad to see what happened.
Sam KleinParticipantI have 5 Rabbits, I took them to the bank to get a free automatic transfer that all bank’s offer and the bank took off their T in their birth certificate and they automatically became 5 learned Jewish Rabbi’s. They now each run their own synagogue with a full mixture of different animals attending.
Sam KleinParticipantSo that all the learning of the entire masechta and effort put into it with all the time involved should all be in the zchus for who the yahrtzeit seuda is for. And come to a complete Siyum on the yahrtzeit
June 7, 2023 6:13 am at 6:13 am in reply to: Classics and Beyond Behaaloscha – True Humility #2197026Sam KleinParticipantTzaddikim & poskim when approached with a question in Halacha, will most likely do 2 things. Either they will make you comfortable & tell you, come lets learn it together or they will tell you to wait a moment. BUT this is only done either as a sign of humility & to stay away from the evil act of pride or to make you feel warm. Example. A posek with a line of 100 people with questions would love to tell each one yes/no you can/not do this on shabbos etc… & you can look it up in Shulchan Aruch Siman– Sif–. He would love to finish answering everyone so he can go back to his own learning. He is only looking it up to keep his humility.
A friend of mine many years ago told me this below after many years of doing the work he’s still doing today.
Being that i am a photographer for newspapers & many others, i once took pictures of a kollel learning with Chavrusas & rabbonim. A week later a person from the kollel comes over to me & asked me why he didn’t make it into the newspaper, i then told him the difference between putting him in the newspaper & putting a rav or Rosh yeshiva in the newspaper. The difference is that when a rosh yeshiva reads the newspaper (& there’s nothing wrong with reading the newspaper a person should know what’s going on in the world or his town etc…)& then sees himself in the newspaper 80 times in 3 newspapers in-only-2 weeks, he doesn’t say to himself or to his wife look how great i am. That ego of pride does not even exist to him. & if you think it only applies to rabbonim your mistaken. Rabbonim are the honor of Ruchnius, Politicians are the honor of Gashmius. If a person could prove to Hashem that all this pride, honor & respect will not effect his relationship with Hashem, then he is ready to become a politician & be Backed up for success by Hashem himself.After hearing the above message from my friend a few years ago I couldn’t agree more with what he said and how right he is.
May we all work on our humility and drop that pride and ego inside of us that destroys a person and remember that everything we have and do all comes from Hashems help to bring us to where we are today so all the credit of our accomplishments actually goes directly to Hashem who gave us the Hatzlacha in everything.
Sam KleinParticipantBoruch Dayan Haemes
Another Tzaddik Hador Harav Ezriel Bergman ZT”L at the age of 70 has left the world and we are now all mourners including the Niftars father Harav Meir Tzvi Bergman Shlita who was on his way to America to the Adirei Hatorah event but instead Hashem runs the entire world and had other plans the Gadol Hador will continue on his trip to America but will miss the Adirei Hatorah event and be sitting Shiva in Lakewood instead of Bnei Brak
YungermanS is correct that Tzaddikim and even regular people deserve respect and instead of just squeezing them with a BDE each human being deserves it written in full and definitely our leaders of klal yisroel
May his Neshama have an Aliya