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Sam KleinParticipant
No need for all of us to waste our time arguing who will win the presidential race for election season cause we all know the Truth. HASHEM HAS ALREADY DECIDED WHO WILL BE HIS SHLIACH TO RUN THE USA NEXT TERM so only serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation can bring Mashiach and avoid this whole entire upcoming election season from effecting us yidden in Klal yisroel.
July 23, 2024 7:49 am at 7:49 am in reply to: Pray God should inspire everyone to cry for Mashiach. #2299106Sam KleinParticipantThis is one of the biggest reasons why Mashiach is not here yet. Cause sadly klal yisroel is Missing the TZIPISA LIYESHUA the YEARNING for Mashiach to come already. We’re so happy today living in a free country and a world of technology with planes and computers etc….. when klal yisroel starts to YEARN and cry out WHOLEHEARTEDLY for Mashiach to come then Hashem will send Mashiach already bkarov to redeem his loving children Klal yisroel from their suffering and Time of non stop horrific tragedies.
Ask yourself with 100 percent honesty. If you heard Mashiach coming this minute would you completely throw away your fancy expensive home and physical life of pleasure and jump onto a plane to join Mashiach in Jerusalem? We all sadly know the truth and that is the proof that we are missing out on the most important thing holding back Mashiach from coming. WE ARE MISSING OUT ON THE YEARNING FOR MASHIACH
may we all finally wake up and face reality and realize that this physical pleasure world is only temporary and not why we are sent here, to run after our physical pleasures and instead serve Hashem directly with love.
July 22, 2024 1:07 am at 1:07 am in reply to: Why b’davka Trump was shot, and why b’davka in the ear #2298773Sam KleinParticipantGadoltorah
Thank you for letting Hashem know that you openly deny and don’t accept Hashems wake up call for serious teshuva and Achdus. So now we know who to blame and why we are still in golus today as we head into the 3 weeks of mourning for the destruction of the Bais Hamikdosh.
I was hoping as we head into the mourning season of the 3 weeks we can do a little more hishtadlus and show Hashem that we are a loving nation deserving of the coming of Mashiach already but not if we go around with this negative attitude and keep living in denial instead of openly FACING REALITY and openly confess to Hashem and accept Hashems wake up call for serious teshuva and Achdus together so Hashem can send mashiach already bkarov.
July 21, 2024 12:06 am at 12:06 am in reply to: Why b’davka Trump was shot, and why b’davka in the ear #2298590Sam KleinParticipantGadolHadorah
Let’s remind ourselves to stop living in Denial and FACE TRUTH AND REALITY. First our loving father and king of Kings Hashem rulercof the entire world, sends wake up calls through other nations to bring us to Teshuva but if that Chas VShalom doesn’t work then we leave Hashem no choice but to Chas VShalom hit his loving nation klal yisroel directly with non stop horrific tragedies as we have all see just in the last few months alone. ARE WE GOING TO CONTINUE LIVING IN DENIAL? and then ask ourselves why there’s so much tzaros in Klal yisroel? When it could’ve all been avoided if we only accepted Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation.
Do YOU know any father in the entire world that likes to hit and punish his child? Sometimes the father has no choice, the kid won’t do his homework or listen and go to sleep when told. What do we call that? A potch of LOVE, the parent has no choice and it’s completely for the kids benefit of chinuch and when he grows up if he remembers the story he might even come back to his parents and thank them when he now as an adult knows it was completely out of love and for his good.
It pains Hashem to see his loving children Klal yisroel suffering but there’s no one else to blame except ourselves who openly see the horrific tragedies hitting klal yisroel and Instead choose to continue living in denial and doing nothing about it versus waking up and showing Hashem that we accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva kinnus and taanis like we did in the story of Purim and our lives were saved because of it.
July 19, 2024 6:53 pm at 6:53 pm in reply to: Why b’davka Trump was shot, and why b’davka in the ear #2298438Sam KleinParticipantLet us remind ourselves directly and not need tragedies hitting klal yisroel DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM to remember
a)that Hashem runs the entire world from big countries down to little cities and all the way down to YOUR breathing from second to second to keep you alive
B)we all know the famous line of “ain poranius baolam Ela bishvil yisroel” which means EVERYTHING going on in the world even when there’s not a single jew involved is still always a message and wake up call to klal yisroel DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM for serious Teshuva and Achdus together.
C)as the author said we’re so happy in America and missing the most important part holding us back from Mashiach already coming. WERE MISSING THE TZIPISA L’YESHUA the YEARNING for Mashiach to come already……. If Klal yisroel was really yearning for Mashiach to come already then we wouldn’t all be looking at our clocks on Tisha B’av for Chatzos so we can go back to sitting on a couch but it would actually be vice versa where the person would say for the sake of the churban Bais hamikdosh, forget about chatzos but I will fast a full extra day all I ask is that Hashem please rebuild the Bais hamikdosh……. But we all know that this is not what’s going through our minds just even one day a year of mourning. Instead we just want to get back to ourselves and our self-centeredness of Sedom were currently living in
May this be a wake up call for all of us to finally stop living in denial and FACE REALITY and openly accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov
Sam KleinParticipantJews are finally quitting the democratic party cause they finally woke up and openly see the corruption of the democratic party that will do anything to stay in power even if it means shooting someone or killing him in a large crowd.
Sam KleinParticipantEach person is only responsible for what Hashem expects the person to accomplish and do according to the level Hashem put him on and the surrounding atmosphere Hashem put him with. Hashem does not expect everyone to be a Moshe Rabeinu and leader of klal yisroel, just the level that he was made to be with the family and atmosphere that he’s surrounded with throughout his or her life
Sam KleinParticipantThanks for serious advice to help us all realize that life is not a joke and every tiny thing is accounted for and held responsible by Hashem and Bais din Shel maala.
May it always remain in a person’s mind so you will think before you act about doing anything throughout your life
Sam KleinParticipantThen halachically they should go forward with the marriage even though there’s a chance for divorce, due to the fact of the chiyuv of the mitzvah of Peru urivu,, the mitzvah of having children and there’s a possibility that the mitzvah will be completed before they Chas Vshalom start heading towards divorce and will at least leave them with having accomplished the responsibility of having children which is a mitzvah min Hatorah
Sam KleinParticipantDoes anyone even know or remember what the shocking message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM of the current Hamas gaza war that is still going on 9 MONTHS ALREADY? the message came DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM as soon as the war started on shmini Atzeres but was not revealed until 6 weeks later as you will see in Hashems message below.
Every tragedy has a wake up call message directly from Hashem that you’re not going to find in any sefer in the world or read in any newspaper from a Gadol Hador or speaker saying about the tragedy. And neither is it from me a Internet businessman writer.
Parshas Vayaitzai which talks about Yaakov Avinu traveling from one city to a different city was one of the weeks that was in the midst of The Israel-Gaza war against Hamas terrorists that started on the Yom tov of Shemini Atzeres which is Together with Simchas Torah when in Eretz Yisroel and happened on October 7 2023. When you put the numbers of the date it happened on together you get 107 the word Vayeitzei is Gematria 107. Do you think it’s just a coincidence? We all know the truth that “ there’s no such a thing as coincidence” so what does this have to do in relation to this tragedy happening to klal yisroel? The Hamas terrorists were supposed to on their original plans go to Shuls to shoot on C”V and Hashem did a miracle and sent them to a different city-just like Yaakov Avinu-which happened to be a non frum Simchas Torah festival in a different town. Do you think this is just coincidence or does it come directly from Hashem?, at 6:30am Israel standard time (which means it was the Hebrew date of 1/22 and in America 7 hours earlier it was still 11:30pm on the Hebrew date of 1/21) when the Hamas terrorists secretly snuck into the South border of Israel and Shot over 5000 people and also broke into hundreds of homes and took over a hundred young women and children as innocent captives into Gaza. What was the shocking message from Hashem directly to klal yisroel? Why did Hashem make this happen to klal yisroel Rachmana litzlan? And on such a happy Yom tov of Simchas Torah when klal yisroel is in the middle of the Yom tov of Zman Simchaseinu and Hashem gave an extra day of Shemini atzeres to be attached to Hashem? When this war started-as mentioned earlier it was still כא תשרי that’s makes 121 when you put them together and gives you the chapter of תהלים said in times of Tragedies and repentance begging Hashem to forgive Klal yisroel and to please accept klal yisroel’s serious Teshuva that Hashem is waiting for us to do together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already b’karov. Do YOU think this is just a coincidence? Do you think it was just an accident that just happened to come out on this date and also on such a holy Yom Tov of Simcha? And then in a split second to be changed over to a time of instant fear, anxiety and aggravation without even knowing what the next minute will bring?Let us hope that we finally accept Hashem’s wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already b’karov.
Sam KleinParticipantBoruch Hashem you are still alive today to serve and thank Hashem for every day of your life and may it continue in health and happiness.
Welcome to today’s generation of living in denial instead of waking up and FACING REALITY and doing something about the issue….
Let’s be honest. What happens today when Chas Vshalom a tragedy strikes klal yisroel? %98 of people -yes yóu read that correctly-will block it from their face and let their corrupt mind tell them what does this have to do with me, I’m not from Lakewood or even know the family etc……? When the truth is that in the back of our heads we ALL get Hashems wake up call for serious teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation and we also know that there’s no such a thing as coincidence including the famous truth of “ain poranius baolam ela bishvil yisroel” which means even if Chas Vshalom a tragedy happens in China with not a single jew involved we all know the truth that it is still a message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM AND STRAIGHT TO KLAL YISROEL sometimes the wake up call message is for serious teshuva and Achdus together while other tragedies rachmana litzlan have been wake up call messages relating to the tumah of the technology generation of smart phones that are destroying the kedusha in yisroel.
May we all finally wake up and FACE REALITY and openly confess and accept Hashems wake up call for serious teshuva and Achdus together so Hashem can send mashiach already bkarov.
May the innocent neshamos have an aliya.
Sam KleinParticipantDoes anyone even remember what the shocking message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM was of hurricane Irma and Harvey were? Among other tragedies that hit directly after.
In September of 2017 the states of Florida & Texas of the United states was hit by Hurricanes Irma & Harvey followed by a major earthquake in Mexico & the biggest wildfire in LA… With millions of people losing power & over $500 billion dollars worth of damage & many people gripping in fear to see what will happen at the end. Everyone is asking why such shaking hurricanes & earthquakes would be sent by Hashem? The message from Hashem is Obvious: The Ariza”l, the father of Kabbalah, lists the four elements of creation as: “Earth, water, wind and fire. which in hebrew is Afar/Adama, Mayim, Ruach and Aish.” The Kabbalists explain that when man becomes corrupt, the elements of the earth follow suit. This is Hashem’s way of showing man that he must change his ways. The first Hebrew initials of the four elements are aleph, resh, mem and aleph. Guess what they spell – “Irma”. how does that shock you? Who else is speaking if not Hashem? Let’s not forget that all this happened in the month of Elul, the month of Teshuva. The Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh and the Chasam Sofer, osb”m, say that when Moshiach is about to come, calamities will happen one after the other in rapid succession, in order to stimulate people to repent and come back to HaShem. There’s Harvey, Irma, earthquake in Mexico, biggest wildfire in LA. Wind, Water, Earth and Fire.. Again the four elements. Time for us to do our part with Teshuva, Tikun, & Geula.Sam KleinParticipantPekak
Lakewood changed and now doesn’t have any bein hazemanim. As soon as Tisha B’av is over they give you a Danish and start Yarchei Kallah. As soon as Yom Kippur is over they give you a Danish and give you four days to learn Masechtas Sukkah for the Yom tov of Sukkos.
June 28, 2024 10:32 am at 10:32 am in reply to: Why do we mainly ignore the Lakewood tragedy? #2293546Sam KleinParticipantWelcome to today’s generation of living in denial instead of waking up and FACING REALITY and doing something about the issue….
Let’s be honest. What happens today when Chas Vshalom a tragedy strikes klal yisroel? %98 of people -yes yóu read that correctly-will block it from their face and let their corrupt mind tell them what does this have to do with me, I’m not from Lakewood or even know the family etc……? When the truth is that in the back of our heads we ALL get Hashems wake up call for serious teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation and we also know that there’s no such a thing as coincidence including the famous truth of “ain poranius baolam ela bishvil yisroel” which means even if Chas Vshalom a tragedy happens in China with not a single jew involved we all know the truth that it is still a message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM AND STRAIGHT TO KLAL YISROEL sometimes the wake up call message is for serious teshuva and Achdus together while other tragedies rachmana litzlan have been wake up call messages relating to the tumah of the technology generation of smart phones that are destroying the kedusha in yisroel.
May we all finally wake up and FACE REALITY and openly confess and accept Hashems wake up call for serious teshuva and Achdus together so Hashem can send mashiach already bkarov.
May the innocent neshamos have an aliya.
Sam KleinParticipantSo you answered and solved the question yourself in your last paragraph when you wrote the honest halacha that a wife is required min Hatorah to serve her husband her entire life while her father she is not required to but if she does it’s a merit for long life.
In regards to this topic it’s important when a wife has her husband and father together to serve at the same time. For the father to see the respect his daughter gives to her husband his son in law and he will not be hurt or insulted for keeping him waiting but proud that his daughter takes care of her husband so devoted full time
Sam KleinParticipantA good man who uses his riches for good things and doesn’t go around the world showing off his money or riches but instead just doing his job to expand in his experiments rather it’s Tesla or send to space in his SpaceX etc,…. And many other things he does. But at least he uses his time and money wisely versus wasting his time on vacations cause why not? He can afford it and let his top CEO run his company’s for his 24-7
June 19, 2024 9:41 am at 9:41 am in reply to: Legal / halachic advance directives in healthcare #2291185Sam KleinParticipantAll these situations define we’d a serious Orthodox Rabbi who is also experienced in Health situations and situations between life and death.
Cause halachically even if a health situation will cost millions of dollars to heal with serious operations and surgeries etc …. A person is still never allowed to choose death versus life although every person is given the gift of free will and to make their freedom of choice but not to choose death versus life when it’s based on the reason of financial money cost millions to get healed
Versus if a person’s health situation is extremely painful-no money issues involved-to stay alive and nothing is helping the pain he is currently in the there are situations that halachically permit a person to end his or her life.
Approach your local Orthodox Rabbi who is also experienced in Health situations for serious issues like this
Hatzlacha rabba and refuah shleima to anyone worldwide who needs it
Sam KleinParticipantWolfmusings and anyone else
So what is the honest answer to where the minhag of making a vach nach seuda the night before a bris come from?
Can anyone tell me and how many generations back does this minhag go from?
June 18, 2024 1:17 pm at 1:17 pm in reply to: Music Blasting at Philadelphia While Jewish People are at War in Israel? #2290909Sam KleinParticipantThey didn’t forget their loving brethren in Israel and even prayed for them tehillim during the schedule of the entire
night. Could you just imagine the power of their prayers of 25,000 people all together praying for their loving brethren suffering in Israel and asking Hashem to please send mashiach already bkarov?This is very powerful prayers done all together at the same time but the truth is that Hashem is at this very moment waiting for BOTH serious teshuva AND Achdus together as one loving nation versus this event was a great Achdus together but it was not the entire klal yisroel and it was not a gathering for serious teshuva, kinnus and tannis like Mordechai and Esther did in the story of Purim and that’s really what Hashem is waiting from his loving children klal yisroel so Hashem can send mashiach already bkarov.
Sam KleinParticipantIt honestly depends on what level of graduation celebration it is.
From elementary school versus high school or a college degree accomplishment graduation celebration and each one comes with it’s own level of celebration.
Sam KleinParticipantThis entire Trump lawsuit is a complete corruption of the Democrats willing to do anything to lock Trump away so that they the corrupt Democrats don’t lose their power of running this country with their puppet Biden just reading off their written papers what he should speak at each presidential speech.
Trump might have some guilty fraud charges in his account but as a business man that he is-and ran the Entire USA while he was president as a business which was a good thing and helped the USA work with negotiations with other countries etc…..-that is destined to happen but it’s not an excuse to put him behind bars in prison and if they try to let’s all be honest it will only strengthen his election race votes and people voting for him versus a corrupt dementia old Biden that current no hospital or nursing home can help him out. Only the Cemetery together with Misaskim services can help him and prevent the entire USA country from becoming a complete communist country that it’s heading towards with the Democrats trying to do everything corrupt.
Most importantly we must remind ourselves that it is really Hashem who is really running this country and the entire world and all rulers of little towns to big countries are just ACTORS messengers for Hashem to run a country. And Hashem already decided who will win the American presidential election race for 2024. Hopefully with serious teshuva and Achdus together Hashem can send mashiach already bkarov and the American presidential election race for 2024 won’t make a difference for klal yisroel all being in Jerusalem with the Bais Hamikdosh
Sam KleinParticipantUJM
we must remind ourselves that as much as Netanyahu has said the war will not end until Hamas is defeated and now breaks his word etc….. we need to remind ourselves of the real truth fact of “Lev Melochim vsorim byad Hashem” which means that all kings, rulers, countries and tiny towns are in truth run DIRECTLY BY HASHEM and the politicians are just actors playing as rulers of the country or town etc ….
When we start to remember this fact above AND DO SOME IMMEDIATE WAKE UP CALL HISHTADLUS THAT HASHEM IS WAITING FROM US. then Hashem can end the war immediately. I daven that we finally wake up and do our HISHTADLUS of serious teshuva and Achdus together so Hashem can end this Israel-Hamas war already bkarov.
Sam KleinParticipantMazel tov on your beautiful Simcha.
Sam KleinParticipantLet’s get one thing straight and clear
“Hamas and neither any other Muslim Palestinian group rather terrorists or not will NEVER make peace with Israel”
due to the truth and religion they believe in. Just like we believe in the mitzvah to destroy Amalek-which even woman are responsible to keep, and have a Torah responsibility to hear Parshas Zachor every year- Muslim’s are bnei Yishmael and in their Bible study are raised in which one of the sentences mentions “there’s a rock behind you,kill him” and are brought up in life to believe that the word Rick refers to a jew. And this is why there’s so much terrorists from the Muslim people aiming straight at klal yisroel.
May we all do teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send mashiach already bkarov
Sam KleinParticipantHashem runs the entire world and has already decided a long time ago who will win the American presidential election race of 2024 but at the end of the day whoever wins. They are just ACTORS messengers of Hashem to run the country.
Sam KleinParticipantSquare root
Hashem told Moshe to tell the yidden in Mitzrayim that even though the Egyptians were very wicked people, klal yisroel should not celebrate and be happy while the Egyptians are suffering through the 10 makkos and each one was getting worse and worse.
If Hashem had wanted Hashem could have had all the Egyptians killed during the ten makkos and not just the first-born at the last makka. But Hashem has a plan for everyone and every tiny thing going on in the world and wanted to show the Egyptians the miracles Hashem did for klal yisroel at the splitting of the yam suf with hundreds of miracles happening there AND ONLY THEN AFTER THAT HAPPENED then the Egyptians drowned in the Dead sea.
Open up your eyes and you too can start seeing the amazing work of Hashem in every tiny thing going on in the world to major wars happening when we don’t wake ourselves up and FACE REALITY immediately and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together so Hashem can send Mashiach already Bkarov
Sam KleinParticipantYes kings Shaul and David were very righteous Kings and killed thousands of wicked people from other nations BUT WHO DO YOU THINK ACTUALLY SENT THEM????? They were direct messengers of Hashem chosen by Hashem to be the one’s to kill these thousands of wicked people.
Just like every single person has a mission to complete in this temporary physical world before being able to enter the true olam haemes of the world above and serve Hashem openly with complete spirituality.
May we all come to the level of realizing that everything going on in the world-from tiny bugs to president Biden-is actually the doing of Hashem directly as the famous saying we all know says “Hakol biyidei shomayim chutz miyiras shomayim” which literally means that everything going on in the world is in the hands of Hashem except for fear of Hashem.
May 19, 2024 7:39 pm at 7:39 pm in reply to: Bunch of Four lanes street & cheep houses in Cleveland #2284274Sam KleinParticipantAAQ
I’m not from Cleveland but I have family members living there and I believe vouchers are fully covered by the government for private school education versus other states where all yidden need to pay a large amount of their income to cover their family’s tuition coverage otherwise I wouldn’t have written it as a post
Sam KleinParticipantTry to look at the positive and look at the thousands and possibly millions of people that learn daf yomi only because they get that desire to complete the entire Shas even if it’s not learnt deep with all meforshim and details and then they restart it again immediately.
That otherwise might be possibly learning nothing or much less. You think automatically that if they weren’t learning the daf yomi that they would be learning something else? Not such a big chance. They joined their friends in the daf yomi group.
May 16, 2024 5:38 pm at 5:38 pm in reply to: Bunch of Four lanes street & cheep houses in Cleveland #2283897Sam KleinParticipantYou forgot to mention that Cleveland as well as the other Jewish communities in Ohio including Cincinnati and Columbus come with free education VOUCHERS covering one of our biggest expenses for paying for sending our children to private schools for chinuch.
May 16, 2024 5:38 pm at 5:38 pm in reply to: The Four Contemporary Sovereign States That Contain Portions of Eretz Yisroel #2283894Sam KleinParticipantUJM
I’m afraid your mistaken the chofetz Chaim is referring to reshaim and kofrim FROM OTHER NATIONS other then yidden.
And this was the main reason why Yonah Hanavi ran away from Hashem when Hashem sent him on a mission to go to Nineveh and give over the dvar Hashem and bring them to Teshuva. And they were not Jewish. Cause Yonah was afraid it would be mekatraig on klal yisroel and Hashem would say look at the people of Nineveh doing serious Teshuva but my loving children klal yisroel won’t do serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation……. And Yonah Hanavi as every Jewish Navi loved Klal yisroel and would never be mekatraig on klal yisroel.
May we all wake up in today’s generation and face reality as we are in a time of serious horrific tragedies hitting klal yisroel and start doing serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov.
May 16, 2024 8:39 am at 8:39 am in reply to: Bli Neder no music until all hostages are free #2283657Sam KleinParticipantSQUARE ROOT
I am extremely jealous of your bravery and reward that awaits you for what you’re still keeping up with to this day and not stopping for the sake of our loving brethren suffering in Gaza and not even knowing what their conditions are currently.
May Hashem give you lots of Hatzlacha in everything and may it be a great merit for them to all be freed quickly very soon.
May 16, 2024 8:39 am at 8:39 am in reply to: The Four Contemporary Sovereign States That Contain Portions of Eretz Yisroel #2283656Sam KleinParticipantUJM
You letter is a complete letter of pure Sinas Chinam against Israel and every yid living in Israel no matter which part of Israel it is. And with such Sinas Chinam it’s sad to face and say the truth but there’s absolutely no way that Hashem can send Mashiach today or any day soon when the Sinas Chinam in klal yisroel today is worse than in the days of the second Bais hamikdosh that was destroyed because of Sinas Chinam.
I pray that you realize quickly your mistake and wake up to face reality immediately if we ever want Mashiach to come already b’karov
Sam KleinParticipantOpen up a mussar Sefer and learn some serious mussar and make a Seder for Chovos Halevovos which they have in English too called “Duties of the heart” and start living a life of true faith and trust directly in Hashem our loving father and ruler of the world. As we say at the end of benching from tehillim “vdorshei Hashem….. Which means for one who seeks out Hashem DIRECTLY lacks nothing that is good. And Hashem is watching you every minute and put you into the current situation you’re in and knows you can handle the rest of faith in Hashem otherwise Hashem wouldn’t put you into that situation and test.
You can also besides for first doing the above which is the most important. You can then look out for your physical needs and seek out a job of livelihood not only cause we all have bills to pay but also for your health it is good for a person to keep a daily schedule rather it’s working at a job or learning full time. And then you will start to feel accomplished and it’s important for a person’s self esteem and self image.
This is just a start but there are many other things you can do to feel accomplished and successful in life.
When you have started a daily schedule for everything listed above let us know and I will post the next step that raises a person to the next level in life both in spiritual and physical
May Hashem give you hatzlacha in everything ahead
May 7, 2024 9:45 am at 9:45 am in reply to: Do you honestly believe that Moshiach WILL be here within 12 months #2281490Sam KleinParticipantMashiach is already waiting to come on a gold wagon but can only come after klal yisroel wakes up to return to our loving father Hashem and king of kings ruler of the entire world.
When we show Hashem serious Teshuva and Achdus together like we did in the story of Purim with all kinds of Jews from frum to frei to chassidish and reform etc…… with love as one nation and no Sinas Chinam against any of our brothers in klal yisroel no matter who they are. Then we will show Hashem we are worthy for the coming of Mashiach already bkarov.
May we all wake up immediately to serious Teshuva and Achdus together so Mashiach can come already b’karov.
Sam KleinParticipantHashem Is waiting for us to wake ourselves up from living in denial and blocking our faces from these tragic horrific wake up calls that are sadly hitting klal yisroel non-stop and instead FACE REALITY and openly accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation like we did in the story of Purim on all levels of Judaism from frum to frei to chassidish and reform etc…. and come back as one loving nation together doing serious Teshuva with kinnus and days of fasting begging Hashem with heartfelt tears of sincerity that it’s please time already for Mashiach and that we are the generation today Worthy due to our serious Teshuva and Achdus together for Mashiach to come now already bkarov
Sam KleinParticipantWhy don’t you use Google translate or another free translation website service to translate it exactly from polish to the language you want.??
Sam KleinParticipantI heard that in BMG in Lakewood there is no bein Hazemanim. As soon as Tisha B’av is over, they give you a Danish and they start Yarchei Kallah immediately. As soon as Yom Kippur is over they give you a Danish and then give you 4 days to learn Gemara Sukka for the upcoming Yom tov to Sukkos. That’s the latest I heard recently.
Sam KleinParticipantSo now Israel is tragically hit by Iran and sent as the Shliach directly from Hashem to wake all of klal yisroel up rather we live in Israel or the USA or any other country.
there’s no one to blame but ourselves and the choice is completely in our hands how soon this Israeli-Hamas war ends and many other horrific tragedies hitting klal yisroel. Hashem can stop it all as soon as we show Hashem serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation like we did in the story of Purim and then our lives were saved instead of Chas VShalom the entire nation of Klal yisroel being destroyed like Haman originally planned to do.
May we all quickly wake up and FACE REALITY before any more tragedies hit klal yisroel and start doing serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov.
Sam KleinParticipantIs a YWN coffeeroom writer more superior than some just reading the news on YWN?
Sam KleinParticipantSo as we can openly see from all the replies since the shocking message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM was posted and all the replies were in negativity of the shocking message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM. We can now all confess and openly admit to our loving father Hashem that we are guilty of not accepting Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus and instead we sadly continue living in DENIAL instead of waking up and FACING REALITY and accepting Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together.
In this situation I must say there’s no one to blame but ourselves and we are all guilty of causing these horrific tragedies upon klal yisroel ourselves and our loving brethren crying in pain over lost lives that could’ve been completely avoided if we only woke ourselves up to reality and accepted Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together like we all did in the story of Purim when our lives were on the final line between life and death. Don’t wait until chas VShalom it gets that bad for us to beg our loving father Hashem forgiveness for not doing Teshuva a long time ago when the message was sent directly from Hashem to us .
How can we expect Mashiach to come if we are not ready to do the pre Mashiach hishtadlus of serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation?
Sam KleinParticipantLost spark
THE SHOCKING MESSAGE DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM of the recent tri-state earthquake and the Solar eclipse:
Every tragedy has a wake up call message directly from Hashem that you’re not going to find in any sefer in the world or read in any newspaper from a Gadol Hador or speaker saying about the tragedy. And neither is it from me a businessman newspaper writer
In April of 2024 the Tri-state area of the United States was hit by a 4.8 Earthquake. On the date of 4/8/24 April 8th just 3 days after the earthquake mentioned above happened, a Solar Eclipse was in the skies of the United States that anyone who looked at the Sun during the time it happens their eye vision can Chas VShalom be badly affected. What does the Passuk of 4:8 say in sefer Shemos? Hashem is talking to Moshe Rabbeinu to be Hashems messenger to take the Yidden out of Mitzrayim and is showing Moshe Rabbeinu signs to show them for trust in Hashem with the first sign of his stick turning into a snake and the second sign of his hand becoming white like snow and what does the Passuk of 4:8 say exactly? “It shall be that if they do not believe you and do not heed the voice of the first sign, they will believe the voice of the latter sign”.
That’s the Passuk of 4:8 in Sefer Shemos earthquake at a 4.8 degree 3 days before the Solar Eclipse on 4/8/24 with all of them coming up with the same exact number of 4/8 in 3 different ways of sentence, degree and date. How does that shock you? How does that grab you? Do you think it’s just a coincidence?So what exactly is the message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM regarding this earthquake and Solar Eclipse 3 days apart from each other? If we think we can continue to live in denial and not accept Hashem’s wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together then Hashem will Have to tragically send another wake up call after the tragic earthquake already happened of the Solar Eclipse that can damage for life a person’s vision
April 3, 2024 11:30 pm at 11:30 pm in reply to: You’ll wish you davent more for mashiach after he comes. As make supper sing #2274505Sam KleinParticipantSo then what are we waiting for? Why don’t we immediately start doing serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov?
We don’t need to wait until C”V our lives are in danger like in the story of Purim to wake us up to return to Hashem with serious Teshuva like Mordechai and Esther decreed immediately upon the decree of the destruction of klal yisroel and as we can currently see the Palestinians and Iran are trying to do this very moment. LET’S SHOW HASHEM THAT WE GET HIW WAKE UP CALL MESSAGE FOR SERIOUS TESHUVA AND ACHDUS and make ourselves worthy for Mashiach to come already
Sam KleinParticipantWhy don’t you make a quick trip to the pizza shop and order pies of Pizza with Fries etc… ready to go for the party and put out some soda and other drinks and your good to go very easy to put together.
Sam KleinParticipantEverything going on in the world has a message directly from Hashem. Where can we find the story of Purim with any relation to the current Israel-Hamas war?
There are 167 pesukim in Megillas Esther.
The year of the Israeli-Hamas war that was still in the midst of the war when Purim came. That year taanis Esther was pushed back to Thursday and Thursday was 167 days since the beginning of the Israeli-Hamas war which started on October 7th 2023. How does that shock you? How does that grab you?
Sam KleinParticipantBoth holidays of Yom Kippur and Purim are very powerful days for tefilla/prayer in turning directly to Hashem for anything a person is in need of and to call our wholeheartedly to our loving father Hashem for help to give you whatever your in need of.
May we all use these days to call our wholeheartedly together and beg Hashem to send Mashiach already bkarov.
Sam KleinParticipantJust recently in the last few Years Israel has been getting closer and closer to an agreement with Iran to transfer their kevorim from Iran and rebury them in Israel after thousands of years but now their still in Iran and no deal has been completed yet.
Hopefully with serious Teshuva and Achdus together Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov and they will both Have Techiyas Hameisim together with the rest of klal yisroel and come alive to Israel Bkarov
Sam KleinParticipantUJM
that’s because klal yisroel since the current Israel-Hamas war started as much Achdus together as there has improved and with tehillim in every shul etc…. klal yisroel has still not openly confessed to our loving father Hashem and accepted his wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation like we did in the story of Purim and then Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov and the war will be able to be over and come to an end.
Nothing is coincidence. Every tiny thing going on around the world is with an account and reason from Hashem why the USA now would be run by such a old crazy person that no hospital or nursing home can help him only the cemetery with Misaskim can help him and he belongs there. But Hashem has a plan and reason for making him the president of the USA.
Let’s hope we finally accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together and then this Israeli-Hamas war can end with hopefully Hashem sending Mashiach already bkarov.
March 13, 2024 5:16 am at 5:16 am in reply to: The End of the Ashkenaz Community in Flatbush #2268598Sam KleinParticipantSorry but sadly Lakewood today has already been priced out and unaffordable for the yungerman learning in BMG which is why he came to Lakewood and even if he is a working father. Lakewood attached duplex home today is going for 1.2 million dollars which is completely insane, overpriced and out of control and the house comes with a tiny backyard and a drop of grass like Brooklyn style houses. That’s completely unaffordable and overpriced.
Today it’s time to move to many more frum communities all over that are more affordable including Detroit and Boston etc ..
Sam KleinParticipantBeautiful message above
In relation to your message above there’s a secret message from Hashem relating to tzaddikim of every generation
How is it possible for Tzaddikim to manage to live on only 4 hours of sleep a day? It should be vice versa, they need more sleep then a regular person,-due to age & how busy they are from meeting people & traveling all over the world speaking & going to Simchas etc…-the Message From Hashem is, that Hashem created each day with 24 hours & divided it up into 8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of work & then the remaining 8 hours for family time & chores BUT if you can show Hashem that you can spend your time wisely-& fill it with Ruchnius (spirituality) like Tzaddikim-without the need of work , then Hashem will not need to fill your day with chores, hard work & 8 full hours of sleep. These Tzaddikim/Leaders-that are sent to guide us in every generation-wake up every morning with full strength, ready to learn & serve Hashem although they only slept a few hours. Dovid Hamelech woke up every morning at midnight & sang praises to Hashem without stopping until Sunrise.