Sam Klein

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  • in reply to: Why do YOU want Moshiach to come? #1807338
    Sam Klein

    If we want mashiach to come then we all have to do our part/hishtadlus myself included. We need to all come together as one loving nation for a time of serious pre-geula teshuva. Not the personal yom Kippur teshuva but the teshuva of bein Adam lachaveiro and achdus. Of everyone coming together as one loving nation on all levels from frum to Frei to chassidish etc….

    May it happen very soon so we can be deserving of mashiach ASAP

    in reply to: Proof Avraham Avinu Ate Kitniyos #1806851
    Sam Klein

    Even if Avrohom avinu did eat kitniyos that doesn’t matter due to the fact that he lived before Kabbalas Hatorah and before the yom tov of Pesach even existed.

    Even if we all know it says that Avrohom avinu kept the entire Torah

    in reply to: Auto body repair at home #1806662
    Sam Klein

    For which city and state do you need?

    in reply to: Thanksgiving Day #1805778
    Sam Klein

    Thanksgiving holiday is completely a American holiday and has no religion or Christianity related to it which is why there are some frum families that eat a kosher turkey on thanksgiving day. We yidden are also Americans (for those living in the United States) And need to appreciate the freedom we were given to live openly as frum yidden and dressed as yidden without living in fear.

    May we all start to be thankful directly to Hashem for everything we are given 24-7

    in reply to: Lakewood School Times & Busing #1803935
    Sam Klein

    Yes they having busing both ways in Lakewood and the older the kids are the earlier their buses come in the morning

    Sam Klein

    It might not be illegal

    But it’s for sure pure dishonest and corrupt

    in reply to: If only #1802821
    Sam Klein

    Why weren’t my earlier posts posted from yesterday?

    Please post them Yeshiva world so it doesn’t ruin your credit of a true news website and not a fake news media that ONLY posts what they want on their agenda posted

    Thank you

    every time your posts are deleted you make the same threats. We approve and delete at our discretion. Just like always.

    in reply to: Tips for being happy #1801970
    Sam Klein

    Live a life of bitachon and emunah in Hashem (faith and trust) when a person’s entire life is around bitachon and emunah then you get to be the happiest person in the world cause nothing in the world can effect you. EVERYTHING in your life from your health to livlihood and family etc… Is ALL around Hashem the king of kings and ruler of the world. And not aroaround your job, Rebbe or doctor etc…. These are all middlemen and just agents of Hashem but ONLY HASHEM can help you with anything from health to livlihood to happiness etc….

    Start to make a daily learning time of the Sefer Chovos Halevovos (Duties of the heart)

    May Hashem help you with all your needs whenever you Call out directly to Hashem from your heart

    in reply to: Do you love all Jews… #1800902
    Sam Klein

    We all have a Mitzva in the Torah to keep of ” V’ahavta l’reiacya kamocha” love your brothers as yourself. No matter how Jewish or not they are.

    in reply to: The zoo needs to change its attitude about tigers (T) #1795062
    Sam Klein

    Look at how beautiful Hashem created these amazing tigers 🐅 with their lines and beautiful colors and power they have etc….

    Open your eyes and see the amazing beauty of every animal and creature that Hashem created in the 6 days of creation.

    in reply to: Rehanging sukkah decorations #1795063
    Sam Klein

    Ask your local orthodox Rabbi but one thing for sure is don’t get your FINAL DECISION answer from what people write in the coffee room.

    The coffee room is just a chat to talk about different things and hear peoples opinions but NEVER to get a poisek on a halacha question.

    in reply to: Following Halacha #1794024
    Sam Klein

    Don’t let your personal physical life, corrupt your mind to doing things the way YOU want to personally do it which is the wrong way halachically and cause you to C” come to win alli because YOU want to do something your way and not the torah law way.

    Example. Don’t go running to restaurants and vacations etc… When the Torah doraisa says directly “don’t go after your heart-desires-and your eyes-what they see”. There is no excuse. It is written directly in the Torah and comes straight from Hashem (sure you can go to the restaurant if you have a business meeting or family dinner together with them. That’s not running after your desires….)

    in reply to: Following Halacha #1793748
    Sam Klein

    We all have a responsibility-if we see any of our loving brothers C”V sinning-to stop them and let them know what they are doing wrong, rather they will listen to us or not and stop what they are sinning is between them and Hashem.,but you still have a chiyuv from the Torah to stop someone from sinning and let them know what they are doing wrong.

    in reply to: Help with iPhone not working #1793549
    Sam Klein

    If she has insurance on it then if they can’t fix the issue of the phone then they should legally be required to replace the phone with a new one


    in reply to: ומי במים – Anyone else think about the summer? #1791688
    Sam Klein

    Sure I did. How can you not when klal Yisroel was struck with FIVE horrific tragedies involving water from drownings to other water accidents R”L

    Has anyone woken up together with their brethren to come together as a nation to a time of serious teshuva, Kinnus and Taanis? Like in the story of Purim or Yonah hanavi with Nineveh? Is it possible that we can still be living in a generation of denial and think we can just sit and think these horrific tragedies were just coincidence?…. Don’t we all know that here is no such a thing as coincidence and Hashem has a plan and reason for every tiny thing?…. Every person’s life is planned out by Hashem from a to z….


    in reply to: pain #1791689
    Sam Klein

    Reb Eliezer

    I am on the same page as you and we should all follow on your page

    in reply to: 10 Proofs That Moshiach is Coming Now! #1790482
    Sam Klein

    I agree with you, and it’s shocking how we can stoop so low in klal Yisroel and watch klal Yisroel suffering and still have not woken up together as a loving nation to do teshuva in the merit of begging Hashem for the coming of Mashiach. How many seasons of non stop horrific tragedies can it possibly take us to stoop so low-from wars to terrorism etc….-in almost 2000 years since the last bais Hamikdosh was destroyed R”L for all of us to come back together to do teshuva and beg for the coming of Mashiach to please come as soon as possible?

    Here’s a live parable to bring it live for today’s day. How many texting and driving accidents need to C”V occur to wake us up and put our phones away on the side while we are driving to avoid any more accidents C”V?

    May Hashem help us all wake up to LIFE AND START FACING REALITY INSTEAD OF LIVING IN DENIAL and thinking we can fool Hashem that we don’t get his non-stop tragic messages of horrific tragedies? I daven to Hashem for all my loving brethren that it happens very soon.

    And I wish all my loving brethren gmar chasima tova ahead.

    in reply to: Money in the garbage! #1790478
    Sam Klein

    Be a role model for your family of “Living with what you need and not what you want” and teach them how to hold themselves back from unnecessary things when money is sadly very tight-especially with the upcoming holiday season or upcoming family events that cost a lot of money.

    YOU be the leader and role model and start to live with the minimum and then you and your entire family will start to live with the fact of “OUR CUP IS HALF FULL not half empty” and we are bentched to be a very happy family with everything Hashem has given and continues to bench us with.

    Turn directly to Hashem for all your needs (from shidduchim to health to children etc….) you don’t need middlemen to help you get what you need. Don’t feel like you can be on such a level and have such a relationship with Hashem? Start today and make a daily learning Seder of sefer chovos Halevovos (duties of the heart) and build up your relationship of faith and trust in Hashem directly with Hashem.

    May Hashem help you in all your needs 24-7 and Grant you a year of health and happiness ahead.

    in reply to: Hashovas aveida site #1790476
    Sam Klein

    Search on the website for how to register and then move forward with registration and doing the great Mitzva of Hashavas Aveida.

    May Hashem give you Hatzlacha in this big Mitzva and May it be a big kiddush Hashem.

    in reply to: I got my flu shot today, did you? #1788783
    Sam Klein

    Your health and flu situation is all in the hands of Hashem. We all need to do our part in all aspects of our life-from health to livlihood etc…-but Hashem runs the world %100 not trump and Zuckerberg or Netanyahu etc… They are all just Hashems messengers.

    YOUR health is run by Hashem (a person can have ZERO vaccinations and be the healthiest person around and vice versa a person can have all 35 vaccinations and C”V be sick in bed with serious pains suffering from illnesses R”L.

    turn to Hashem directly for all your needs including any health issues from light to serious. And don’t go to middleman agents. Only Hashem can help you.

    in reply to: Jewish people being attacked when it (seemingly) could have been averted. #1787609
    Sam Klein

    Every physical human being is given from Hashem the gift of free-will. The choice to pick good or bad what they want to do and whatever a person chooses they are held responsible for it %100 in the olam haemes, versus nothing else in the world has the gift of free will “only man was given this gift”

    The human psychological mind (yetzer tov/hara) tells a person what to choose to do something or not etc… This is what was going through the Jewish lady’s mind as she was being screamed at…. And she has the right to defend herself and MUST defend herself lest she C”V sit and do nothing and get injured.

    The Mishna says no-one should talk until they are in that persons shoes/situation and what they went through before talking. Every human being has a different thinking psychological mind and each situation different people think of different things about the same situation. So let’s judge everyone favorably in life in all situations and hope we never fall into these dangerous situations.

    May we all have a ksiva v’chasima tovah ahead of us

    A psychologist

    in reply to: Relating the Tisha B’av message from Hashem in Today’s generation #1785835
    Sam Klein

    Today is September 11. A day we will never forget and May we all together take the message of 9/11 from Hashem and so Tesuva so mashiach can come already

    in reply to: Whats the worst thing about smartphones #1784542
    Sam Klein

    Will there still be a printing press in 15 years? Will you find any seforim or siddurim in shuls anymore? Or will everyone just be davening and learning from their smartphones?

    The kedusha in klal Yisroel has definitely gone waaaaay down in today’s generation of technology since the internet started being used and glued to everyone’s life every minute of the day.

    in reply to: Whats the worst thing about smartphones #1784527
    Sam Klein

    The hundreds of hours wasted using it online on unnecessary websites and just sitting around using it and

    All the tumah viewed from it that ruins your frumkeit and ruchnius forever without you even realizing it. You corrupted human psychological mind (yetzer hara) makes you think you did nothing wrong online so why can’t I use it when in truth a person knows there was so much unnecessary things you looked at.

    You can thank our Jewish friend Mr. Facebook=the website that has caused thousands of intermarriage and divorces R”L

    In regards to running out of battery too often. A free tip I can suggest to you is to have an Android phone and not a iphone and then you have the option to have an extra battery with you and just change it and minute later your is back to full power. This is very important for businesses who use their cell phones as their business telephone number and can’t afford to have it shut down until you get a chance to recharge your phone

    in reply to: Who will be מסיים by the Siyum Hashas #1784121
    Sam Klein


    Sure if the program has both hechshar of OU and OO (open orthodoxy) lol

    in reply to: Satmar Rav R’ Yoel Ztz’l 40th Yahr Zeit #1784120
    Sam Klein

    “Similarly, once we do teshuva we come a new entity.”

    I pray that happens ASAP
    Hashem is not waiting for our personal bein Adam lamakom teshuva, that done by every person on yom Kippur. Hashem is waiting for our international teshuva of achdus and bein Adam lachaveiro with a complete removal of the sinas chinam in the midst of klal Yisroel today. How can we expect mashiach to come when the sinas chinam today is worse than the days of the 2nd bais Hamikdosh that was destroyed because of it?

    Mourning and suffering in pain as we continue to live in Denial and ust watch the suffering get worse and worse R”L thinking we can fool Hashem-the king of kings, ruler of the world- that we don’t get his horrific wakeup calls for teshuva

    in reply to: Younger siblings waiting for older to get engaged #1784119
    Sam Klein

    A big zchus for a person to get-any-kind of help they need from Hashem. Daven for someone ELSE who needs the same shidduch/child that you are waiting so long for. And the seforim say when you daven for someone else YOU get answered first.

    May Hashem always answer your heartfelt tefillos right away. As we say 3 times a day karov Hashem…. Hashem is close to all who call out to him WHOLEHEARTEDLY (and not just reading from a siddur or tehillim)

    in reply to: Rosh Hashanah Contradictory #1784122
    Sam Klein

    If a person was blessed to realize and always remember in his mind 24-7 that Hashem is king of kings and ruler of the world then he would be so fortunate to never sin. Would you sin and break the American law right in front of President trump? Just remember 24-7 That Hashem is watching you 24-7 and you will be in such awe and holiness for Hashem to allow yourself to come to sin

    May everyone be blessed directly from Hashem for a sweet new year ahead

    in reply to: Who will be מסיים by the Siyum Hashas #1783753
    Sam Klein

    Everyone is invited to bring a Gemara with them to the Siyum Hashas and be mesayam at the same time with the one doing it at the mike.

    in reply to: Where are our leaders? #1783174
    Sam Klein

    How could ANYONE-for sure a leader-sit in Denial and not facing reality, as our brethren are sitting suffering in pain as they are mourning over their lost one’s murdering by terrorists or many other ways? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT…

    1)stop the talking in shul and being mevazeh the house of Hashem as we also look at our phones during davening.

    2)say tehillim with heart and feeling

    3)bring the unity back to klal Yisroel together as one loving nation, and do something together to bring a COMPLETE HALT to all the suffering in klal Yisroel today.

    4)stop the lashon hara and sinas chinam happening all over klal Yisroel

    5)be more serious about your tznius and how it makes an effect on everyone around you.
    May all these help to bring mashiach very soon and stop all suffering in klal Yisroel

    in reply to: Where are our leaders? #1782071
    Sam Klein

    Our leaders should have already a long time ago-after see8my soooooo much non stop horrific tragedies hit klal Yisroel and never stop R”L- immediately brought klal Yisroel together to a time of serious teshuva, Kinnus and Taanis like Mordechai Hatzadik did in the days of the Purim miracle
    and the king on Nineveh did when Yonah Hanavi was sent there ordering a decree for the entire city of no eating or drinking is allowed in the city with everyone doing teshuva and if anyone breaks the law they will be punished.

    May this happen very soon ASAP so that Hashem should not need to put upon us any more tzaros in order to wake us all up to national teshuva together as a nation so mashiach can come aleady.

    in reply to: Where are our leaders? #1782011
    Sam Klein

    Cause right now at today’s tumah technology and internet generation, we sadly need constant horrific wake up calls to start waking up to do teshuva so mashiach can come.

    BUT SADLY this is not doing the trick so even the most powerful leaders can’t stop it since what really has to be done to make all this come to a full halt is TESHUVA

    May we all wake up and face reality to today’s situations in klal Yisroel and do teshuva together ASAP

    in reply to: Satmar Rav R’ Yoel Ztz’l 40th Yahr Zeit #1781528
    Sam Klein

    Fortunate is a person who lives a life of faith and trust in Hashem. He is so fortunate to always be in Hashems presence (feel Hashem with him 24-7 I.e. see the beauty of every tiny product n the world tha5 Hashem created) and he is completely %100 allergic to the word WORRY it doesn’t exist to him, not to a person that is living a life of faith and trust in Hashem. On his level He knows so deep in him that Hashem is watching I’m and taking care of him every second of the day and night 24-7

    I wish I was fortunate to be in such a level (maybe if I started a daily learning sefer of chovos Halevavos-duties of the heart-i would reach up to such a level.

    May we all reach such a level very soon and get closer to Hashem

    in reply to: Satmar Rav R’ Yoel Ztz’l 40th Yahr Zeit #1781467
    Sam Klein

    Rav Eliezer

    You need to start to believe in yourself and the priceless power each of a person’s tefillos has on the person to be helped directly from Hashem.

    Itz a long journey, to reach the level where it’s in your mindset 24-7 where your ENTIRE LIFE is run by Hashem and only Hashem can really help you.

    Once a person has reached this level and mindset of thinking, for the rest of his life he will always turn directly to Hashem when he needs help. Cause he knows so deep in him that ONLY Hashem can save him from his problems he’s currently having.

    May we all reach this high level soon and then Hashem will always answer us right away when we call out for help.
    Hashem loves all his loving children klal Yisroel and is just currently waiting for all of us to call out to him whole heartedly for mashiach to finally come

    May it happen very soon

    in reply to: Younger siblings waiting for older to get engaged #1781466
    Sam Klein

    Every person is put down here on this temporary physical world to be tested by Hashem, and if there’s one thing that every jew knows-even reform jews-its the fact that IF A PERSON COULDN’T HANDLE A TEST YHEN HASHEM WOULDN’T PUT HIM INTO THAT POSITION FOR THAT TEST” so no one could ever ask why am I not married yet or why don’t I have a livlihood now C”V cause every test a person is in they can handle otherwise they would not have that test.

    The good news and happy ending of the other side of the story is that, every test a person passes from Hashem raises him/her to a higher level and brings the person to another harder test from Hashem and each test you pass brings you higher up in kedusha and closer to Hashem and accomplishing your mission in this temporary physical world.

    Remember from pirkei avos: this temporary physical world is just a sidewalk path to get us to the real world upstairs.

    in reply to: Younger siblings waiting for older to get engaged #1781395
    Sam Klein

    Sure every person must do their hishtadlus.

    But in regards to a doctor or medicine, if someone is on a high level like a gadol hador and he wouldn’t take the medicine for him it wouldn’t be a lack of hishtadlus cause the tzaddik doesn’t just know that only Hashem can heal him. The pills are like avoda zara to him so it’s not a lack of hishtadlus.

    May you one day reach this high level of a gadol hador and start to realize that every act in your life and every breath you take is a gift and coming directly from Hashem. (not only cause you went shopping or made money. Everything comes from Hashem it’s just a matter of how Hashem sends it to you. One person can make a million dollars from 20 years of work at 50k a year and another person Hashem can send in an instant with a lottery ticket winner that just happened in Israel last week to a poor man and it was his first lottery ticket he bought in his life, he didn’t always buy tickets all year long)

    in reply to: Satmar Rav R’ Yoel Ztz’l 40th Yahr Zeit #1781380
    Sam Klein

    When a person davens by a person’s kever he is still davening directly to Hashem-from his heart-just at a holy location but when a person goes to a Rebbe to daven for him, he makes a major drop in Faith in Hashem by turning his dependence on another human being when he really should be going DIRECTLY to Hashem from his heart for help.

    Do we now see the real difference between going straight to Hashem from your heart versus going to a middleman shliach and asking him to daven for you?
    Sure he’s a big tzaddik and Hashem could say I don’t want to n the tzaddik so let me answer his tefillos…. But at the end of the day person going DIRECTLY to Hashem from your heart still has a bigger chance of his tefillos getting answered then going through a middleman

    Start working on your direct relationship with Hashem today and build it up as you get closer and closer to Hashem

    in reply to: Younger siblings waiting for older to get engaged #1781184
    Sam Klein

    When I was single many years ago, I had MANY younger silblings get married before me and each one that approached me I told them with Faith and trust in Hashem “don’t wait for me, Go walk down the chuppa and don’t worry about me”

    If you maintain your life to a life based on Faith and trust in Hashem then you will never be worried about you or your daughters getting married based on the shidduch crises or for any other reason, for we all know that Hashem is the real shadchan who is mezaveg zivugim already 40 days before the neshama was born and when the time is right for the person to get married Hashem will setup the shidduch up through a shliach physical shadchan

    May all the girls in the shidduch crises find their zivug very soon with putting their Faith in Hashem

    in reply to: The Significance of Chodash Elul #1781034
    Sam Klein

    As it says in pirkei avos:

    A person should do teshuva the last day before his death
    But since we don’t know when that will be a person should do teshuva EVERY DAY.

    in reply to: Satmar Rav R’ Yoel Ztz’l 40th Yahr Zeit #1781007
    Sam Klein

    Amazing story of the Satmar Rebbe and his life. But let’s all wake ourselves up to reality EVERYTHING that happens in the world is coming directly from Hashem , whoever is involved in the story-rather it’s Donald trump, Rabbi Kanievsky Shlita or the Satmar Rebbe ZTL-Are all just shluchim/messengers of Hashem. So at the end of the day let’s all admit that all the people that helped you were sent directly from Hashem and Hashem runs the entire world and the one to give thanks and praise to is Hashem. You can give thank you to the shliach too (for fixing your car stuck on the road or for saving thousands using the holocaust) but the real thanks goes directly to Hashem the king of kings And ruler of the world.

    in reply to: Satmar Rav R’ Yoel Ztz’l 40th Yahr Zeit #1780873
    Sam Klein

    For those of us who feel. The need to go to a Rebbe for help when an issue in life arises and don’t feel they have the power to speak directly to Hashem from your heart. Here is the answer for you:

    Make for yourself a daily learning session of Chovos Halevovos (duties of the heart) most importantly he gate of faith and build up your faith and trust in Hashem and put your entire life directly into the hands of Hashem. And let all of your issues that you Need help with be solved and handled directly by Hashem-the king of kings, ruler of the world-and build up your relationship with Hashem as you get closer and closer to Hashem level by level as you depend more and more ONLY on Hashem and no one else.

    May Hashem give you Hatzlacha in all your needs and answer all your tefillos when you all out to him wholeheartedly

    in reply to: The Significance of Chodash Elul #1780867
    Sam Klein

    On aseparate note regarding chodesh elul.

    The entire year a person should be doing teshuva with being more serious and focused during the month of Elul and aseres yemei teshuva. Versus a person thinking he can just be free and do what he wants for 11 months of the year and he’ll wake up and do teshuva when it comes to Elul.

    Very sad situation for a person who is currently living with that way of life in his mind.

    May we all do full teshuva together whole heartedly so mashiach can come before Elul and the new year

    in reply to: The Significance of Chodash Elul #1780865
    Sam Klein

    “as he went up Rosh Chodash Elul and descended on the Yon Kippur with the second luchos when the sin was forgiven”

    With all information but the bottom line is in truth klal yisroels was never fully forgiven for the son of the Aigel which is also why Hashem did not give up the new luchos but this time it was man made by Moshe Rabbeinu our leader

    in reply to: Satmar Rav R’ Yoel Ztz’l 40th Yahr Zeit #1780705
    Sam Klein

    When you need something, Go straight to Hashem with your heart-and not to a Rebbe or a kever-and call out from the corner of your house for help. Hashem is waiting to help YOU for whatever you need-rather it’s a shidduch or livlihood or refuah etc….-he’s just waiting for your call with Faith and trust directly to Hashem from your heart. You don’t need a middleman of a rebba or kever to get your tefillos answered.

    Who do you think has a bigger chance of getting the help he needs, going to a Rebbe for help or you going DIRECTLY to Hashem from your heart for help? “Vdorshei Hashem lo….” for me that seeks out Hashem lacks nothing that is good. (tehillim 34)

    in reply to: Is it going to be Bibi or Tibi? #1779107
    Sam Klein

    Only Hashem knows who will win at the end

    And at the end of the day we all know that the entire world is run by Hashem the king of kings. And all these physical rulers from trump to Putin etc… Are just Hashems agents to rule

    in reply to: Learning From the Recent Drowning Tragedies #1777828
    Sam Klein

    How many THOUSANDS of accidents have happened with people texting and driving? Do you know anyone that has learnt from it and stopped texting? Were all texting still.

    So what are we really doing? We are laughing at Hashems face and saying ha ha you can’t get me to stop texting no matter how much horrific wake up calls you send us (or THOUSANDS f texting accidents) unless you make a accident happen to me C”V

    This is a true honest mashal to the Times of non stop horrific tragedies and klal Yisroel not waking up to face reality and admit openly to Hashem that we will accept his wake up call for teshuva

    in reply to: Learning From the Recent Drowning Tragedies #1777652
    Sam Klein

    Anyone ready yet to wake up and face reality, admitting directly and openly to Hashem from our hearts that we accept his message and wake up call for teshuva?

    All humans have the gift of free-will which means we can remain living in denial and think we can fool Hashem that we don’t understand his tragic wake-up calls and continue receing more horrific wake-up calls C”V. OR this can all stop completely right now if we just wake ourselves up to reality and openly talk to Hashem from our hearts telling Hashem that we will all do teshuva together ASAP And it should be a zchus in the coming of mashiach right away.

    in reply to: Are You Ready For Moshiach????? #1776076
    Sam Klein

    Coffee addict

    Obviously not in all 1900 years since the bais Hamikdosh was destroyed we have NEVER yearned for it at the amount Hashem expects from us to show our sincerity and love for missing the bais Hamikdosh.

    Regarding today’s day and generation, if we were REALLY yearning for the bais Hamikdosh and the coming of mashiach then on tisha bav-last week-we wouldn’t all be looking at our clocks for chatzos so we can get up from the floor and go back to sitting on the couch. For God sake we would say I will say an extra 24 HOURS all we ask is to please bring us back our bais Hamikdosh and the geula.

    Let Hashem know when we are all ready to show our love and yearning for the bais Hamikdosh and start doing teshuva as one loving nation together in the merit of bringing mashiach bkarov

    in reply to: Are You Ready For Moshiach????? #1775902
    Sam Klein

    To Joseph and CA

    klal Yisroel was not-and is still not today-yearning for mashiach as we need to if we want mashiach to come or if a person really wholeheartedly wants something from hashem. Anyone can take out a siddur or tehillim and daven but if a person really wholeheartedly wants something then HE NEEDS TO YEARN FOR IT. (I’m sure if you’re child wholeheartedly would beg you for something you would get it for him ASAP) Hashem loves all of us like a father o a son and a waiting to send us mashiach right away as soon as we do teshuva and call out for mashiach with all our hearts.

    May we all do it ASAP so we can all spend next yom tov together at the bais Hamikdosh

    in reply to: Recession is all the Democrats fault! #1775674
    Sam Klein

    Hashem rules the entire world and every level of kingship and government in between. All the politicians and rulers and kings are simply Hashems middlemen actors and agents of Hashem. Dont fool yourself and start to open your eyes and see Hashem clearly running the world 24-7

Viewing 50 posts - 601 through 650 (of 806 total)