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Sam KleinParticipant
Daven directly to Hashem for help and have faith and trust in Hashem. He will definitely come to your aid immediately. Vdorshei Hashem lo yachsiru…. For one that seeks out Hashem lacks nothing that is good.
May we all stay safe in the storm and put our faith in Hashem who is the one sending this major storm
Sam KleinParticipantEverything we wear has a reason behind it. A yarmulka or as others call it a kippa. Which brings me to my point each kind of clothing has SOOOOOO MANY kind of that same clothing for people that come from so many different backgrounds and raised in different ways. From the velvet yarmulka to the knit to the leather ones etc…. And each person wears his type that he grew up wearing on his level and in his family.
Going to tzitzis, there are the regular white ones then there are people with just one string of blue and others with more all with their own minhagim in which they were raised in how their clothing dress code should be and there’s nothing wrong with their level their all kosher and orthodox just some are more serious or for different backgrounds etc…..
Same works for regular clothing to hats which others including hasidic switch that over to streimels or spudicks etc…. On shabbos for various reasons
Sam KleinParticipantThe famous pine line says “DON’T JUDGE A BOOK BY IT’S COVER”
the problem is we do. A person-sadly-gets judged by most people by his/her look. How handsome does he look? How well built and fed does he look? When a person looks at the outside of a house interested in buying he judges THE ENTIRE HOUSE by how the house looks on the outside and honestly that’s very sad cause the condition of the inside of the house can be brand new and updated ammenities etc…. Then what the old outside 50 year old house looks like. When a person enters a ballroom for a fancy event. His physical human mind IMMEDIATELY JUDGES in the first minute he’s at the event how much he’s getting for the ENTIRE NIGHT from the food to the entertainment to the services etc….
May we all stop judging people by how they dress and know that it’s a person’s inside that really counts
Sam KleinParticipantDear n0mesorah
If someone was tested positive for coronavirus C”V the person has to immediately do his/her hishtadlus required for that situation which for Covid-19 requires a person to completely go into quarantine and stay away from people to prevent the sickness from spreading out to others until the person does his spiritual part of hishtadlus of tefilla begging Hashem to send him a refuah shleima ASAP so s/he can go back out like normal and serve Hashem with all the mitzvos.
This is why you will definitely see more older people versus younger people wearing masks. The coronavirus is more of a risk for older people then young adults or kids etc…. And they are all doing their hishtadlus required by wearing masks and some still davening outside minyan even though they can really daven inside a shul
May everyone stay safe and healthy and always put safety first. BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY.
Sam KleinParticipantIf these normal frum teenagers are holding at a frum level still boruch Hashem then they should still be in Mesivta/ high school with a full day schedule which includes secular studies and sports also with your friends besides for hebrew first.
AND YOU KNOW WHAT? if the teenager is not on this regular frum level anymore C”V then these places I mentioned above opened almost 24-7 including shabbos with programs, food and mentors all completely free paid for by community sponsors. ARE FOR KIDS AT RISK ON ALL LEVELS not only at a certain level and they are loved by their mentor and Rabbi who runs these houses in each community.
If you are a regular mesivta boy and need some kosher fun and entertainment (mesivta high school actually is a pretty busy day going until late at night) then ask a classmate to join you for some fun ices to Rita’s or a game in basketball etc….
Sam KleinParticipantI’m not sure if your aware of this but there are quite a few large jewish communities that already have kosher hangouts open day and night for anyone to come anytime and take a break with full entertainment and food provided all free of charge etc… Compared to them going and buying a drink etc….
I’m not sure which community you are living in and how large the situation of kids at risk is there. If it’s a large community and the amount of kids at risk is growing then perhaps it’s time for YOU to go to your community leaders/askonim and speak to them about this very serious issue before anyone C”V goes off the derech.
May Hashem give you lots of Hatzlacha in everything
Sam KleinParticipantIt’s not for enjoyment it’s just for background noise as a person reads the screen between speakers
Sam KleinParticipantThere’s whattsup groups you can join of people always giving away free stuff
Sam KleinParticipantDo you actually think these shocking wake up call messages directly from Hashem are just coincidence? Who made this coronavirus apedemic be called Covid-19? What does Covid/honor do to a person? It removes a man completely from this world as does the sickness of Covid-19. Do you actually think this name and message is coincidence? A person would need to be crazy and living in denial to think this straight up message of exactly the name of the virus is just coincidence.
May we all do teshuva ASAP. So this virus can come to a complete stop and Hashem can send Mashiach
Sam KleinParticipantDear n0mesorah
You were correct in your assumptions
1)when a person starts to feel coronavirus symptoms or a lightness of a common sickness, Hashem can change the decree and with a person’s proper faith and davening it can be turned around immediately to positive to recover before it becomes a serious sickness C”V2)in regards to a person living in denial and putting his face in the sand in today’s day as many of us are sadly doing when we face issues from financial to chinuch issues etc…. Due to a major problem affecting the entire world today called FACING REALITY. in regards to this we always need to face reality before a problem gets worse C”V and deal with it immediately. A person can never solve an issue by living in denial and just putting his face in the sand.
Klal yisroel needs to wake up and FACE REALITY with the direct message from Hashem for immediate teshuva with Hashem calling out to us with his direct message of CARA-NA-AVAEIROS i.e. no tragedy is just coincidence but each has a direct message from Hashem and now Hashem is waiting for all of us to come back together as a nation and do serious teshuva and achdus ASAP together so that this Tisha bav can be a yom tov for all of us in Yerushalyim
Sam KleinParticipantHashem runs the entire world and decides the life and health condition of every person throughout their life, with some conditions being for tests of faith and trust etc… To others being punishments in this temporary world instead of in the next olam haemes…. And many other reasons….
When a person starts to live a life a bitachon and emunah in Hashem and always turns to Hashem directly for help instead of going through messengers-gedolim, doctors or segulahs etc…..-then it is not a lack of hishtadlus if he doesn’t take a Covid-19 test cause he knows so deep inside him that his entire life is run by Hashem and everything is decided by Hashem.
May we all start to turn directly to Hashem in our time of needs, be it for health, livlihood or children etc…
Sam KleinParticipantHashem runs the world and is the true healer. Go directly to Hashem for a Covid-19 test it’s much easier then going to a doctor. Test your faith and trust in Hashem and see if your results come back positive or negative. In this test with Hashem we always want to come out positive with the best results and it’s the secret to a worry free life and a life of happiness 24-7
Sam KleinParticipantIf you are an honest organization of a school or shul etc… Then you should have no problem or worries of opening your books to going public. Show your honesty and proudness of your avodas hakodesh for all the amazing work you do Mr. School/shul administrator
Sam KleinParticipantTuition prices today are way tooooooo high and completely unaffordable for Yeshiva families living on just simple lives and not fancy vacations etc…. To afford. Prices were always much lower and more affordable to help them so they can pay full tuition prices.
July 22, 2020 9:23 am at 9:23 am in reply to: Why does the government give benefits to kollel yungerleit? #1885353Sam KleinParticipantIf you live a life of faith and trust in Hashem by staying in learning full time. Then Hashem has his messengers-in this case it’s SNAP and WIC etc….-to support you and send you money instead of your physical working boss at a job paying you.
Let’s explain this on the next level which is a higher level. If a person is devoted to a life of Torah and mitzvos like a kollel yid all day and night then he is not put on the curse of Adam Harishon who ate from the tree of knowledge without permission and was punished with a lifetime that he will have to labor and work hard for his money etc… . To stay alive and feed himself and his family etc…..
May we all start to live completely attached to Hashem knowing that every aspect of your life comes directly from Hashem. Even the money that yes you did work hard for, it still comes from Hashem who sent you that job and livlihood to support your family. So let’s stop depending on physical bosses, doctors and others etc… And turn directly to Hashem for ALL OUR NEEDS and Hashem will always be there for you to answer you for whatever you call out for (if it’s for your good and the right time etc….)
Sam KleinParticipantSomeone with anorexia, bulimia, binge disorder should be reminded that all his/her strength doesn’t come from food and sleep etc…. And that food comes and goes etc…. But that a person’s strength comes directly from Hashem. Boruch hnosein layoeif Coach….. Hashem who gives everyone strength and we say every morning in davening. Yes sure we all have to do our part and stay healthy with eating etc…. But if ANY person starts to make this a part of his life and thinking mind then he/she will start to be satisfied and full with eating much less food then they used to and can then take themselves to losing alot of weight with Hashems help.
May the person have a full refuah shleima
July 19, 2020 12:18 am at 12:18 am in reply to: YWN forums/ coffee room. MY OPINION, WOULD LIKE TO HEAR OTHERS #1883461Sam KleinParticipantPeople are trying to help by replying back to someone’s letter in the coffeeroom and give him advice that he asked for help on his/her question.
In my opinion the person who started the topic should appreciate all the replies he gets from many people and their information and advice but there’s no need for anyone to curse or scream out angry even if it’s about crazy Biden or de Blasio etc….
Sam KleinParticipantThe seforim say that a dream is 1/70th of prophecy
So part of the dream is destined to come true and also has a message from Hashem to it we just don’t know which part of the dream it is.
Sam KleinParticipantDepends what kind of eating disorder. There are many kinds, from people who need to eat through tubes and can’t eat directly into their mouths, to people who have a loss of taste so all of their eating has no taste etc… Like one of the symptoms of the coronavirus.
Please let everyone know what kind of eating disorder so you can get the best answers applying to your question
Sam KleinParticipantHe should start to act, live and do the life and role model of the HE that Hashem was talking about.
Sam KleinParticipantWhy do they charge so much for these black hats? Making it unaffordable for many people. You can get a black hat that looks exactly like it until your right in front of the person for as low as $10 to $20 in a large clothing store like Burlington coat factory.
Sam KleinParticipantMake sure you also don’t forget to thank Hashem who sent all the messengers from the lawyer to the township approved to the pool contractor etc….
Sam KleinParticipantIts complete Human nature to take things from this amazing world Hashem created for granted. Take something away from you for just one hour when you need it. Example your cell phone in middle of the busy working day and go back to using it an hour later. Your thanks to Hashem will be endless and unlimited. I mean the beauty of a wireless phone with internet and Wi-Fi etc…
Sam KleinParticipantLife goes by very quick even in normal life. Before you know it we’re all going to be hearing the shofar again when it sounds like it was just a few months ago that we heard it but no where near a full entire year since last time…..
“Uvacharta bachaim….. Choose life” life is too short and precious to be wasted. Let us learn it now while we are hopefully still young and not take life for granted and appreciate every day and hour Hashem blesses us and grants us to live…. Hashem doesn’t say this man will live until 97 and this woman will live until 102 etc…. Every day and hour is a decree from Hashem you should live another day….
Sam KleinParticipantTo help out another brother asking for help or advice on a certain topic
April 28, 2020 7:42 am at 7:42 am in reply to: Now What?? post pesach covid thoughts. Entitled generation being challenged #1854164Sam KleinParticipantUnfortunately in today’s generation when a person or klal yisroel as a nation faces a problem we have a major problem called FACING REALITY almost everyone will block it from their face and convince themselves that what does this horrific coronavirus wake up call coming directly from Hashem have to do with me? What do you want from me Hashem? But in the back of our minds we all know the truth-myself included-were just not ready 3 FACE REALITY and admit to Hashem that we get your wake up call for serious teshuva ASAP together as a nation and we will all do teshuva ASAP, so we tragically continue to live in denial and leave Our loving father Hashem no choice but to continue hitting us with Horrific tragedies R”L.
How much longer will it take for us to wake up and FACE REALITY? How come the gedolei Hador have still not made a time for serious teshuva achdus and tefilla with fasting like they did in Nineveh and in the story of Purim? How much worse do we need it to get C”V?
I daven on behalf of the entire klal yisroel that we wake up ASAP together to serious teshuva and achdus so it doesn’t get worse C”V
Are we all seriously blind and think the Coronavirus situation is just coincidence shutting down the entire world and locking us all into our homes? WAKE UP MY LOVING BROTHERS.
Hashem loves his children klal yisroel and is waiting to bring Mashiach as soon as we do teshuvaSam KleinParticipantAs a separate tip did you try to double up by having him wear 2 pullups at a time to make it thicker and see if that at least prevents it from bed wetting and just damaging the pullups?
Sam KleinParticipantBoruch Hashem were alive and blessed to live another day
Sam KleinParticipantGet yourself a nice haggadah with alot of divrei Torah to tell over to your wife during the Seder.
Sam KleinParticipantThe best way to cope these days is with full bitachon and emunah in Hashem (faith and trust in Hashem)
There are many shiurim online on and many other websites like chazak that have many shiurim on this topic
Make a daily learning Seder of chovos halevovos.
May Hashem help everyone wake up to face reality and start doing serious teshuva achdus and tefilla ASAP together as a nation
May Mashiach come ASAP so we can all bring the korban Pesach this year
Sam KleinParticipantAt this point in time all camps and bungelows have been shut down completely for this coming summer and nobody has any residency permits to be open
May we all do teshuva together as a nation ASAP so this mageifa ends
Sam KleinParticipantSerious teshuva with fasting
Learning with your children
Getting ready for Pesach in all ways from cleaning to kashering to cooking to shopping etc….
Sam KleinParticipantPerhaps it’s time for all of us to wake up and face reality and accept the wake up call directly from Hashem the king of Kings and ruler of the world that it’s time for all of klal yisroel together to do serious teshuva achdus and tefilla ASAP.
This is not a joking situation and thousands have already died just in Italy alone with even thousands more in China where it started. American citizen are already hit with hundreds already dead R”L
we need to wake up and do serious teshuva achdus and tefilla ASAP together like we did in the ness or Purim and they did in Nineveh as soon as Yonah Hanavi came to tell them they were about to die C”V
may we all do teshuva ASAP and may everyone stay safe and healthy with your family
Sam KleinParticipantTotal insanity and out of control.
Our Torah and tefillos are what keep the world up and running. The gedolei Hador said not to shut down the schools.
Sam KleinParticipantPerhaps ever thought of leaving NY and maybe it’s time to make Aliya.? Time to move on to the full real life with Hashem and away from this distracted tempo physical world filled with so much distractions that totally remove a person from accomplishing his/her real mission in life which is the real importance and what really counts.
Maybe you should think about it.
May Hashem help you make the right decision in life.
Sam KleinParticipantIf you want a serious cure for this serious virus going around worldwide how about trying serious teshuva and tefilla with achdus together in all of klal yisroel? Nothing just happens by coincidence. Everything has a message from Hashem.
Currently many thousands have already died from the coronavirus with thousands more in hospitals that might have caught it C”V. I pray we all wake up and do teshuva ASAP before it gets worse C”V
Sam KleinParticipantThe new 2nd wedding hall of the Lakewood cheder located on Vasser avenue is called the Kesser Moshe Yehuda hall Lakewood Cheder
February 17, 2020 7:50 am at 7:50 am in reply to: Going local for Mesivta versus out of town #1832329Sam KleinParticipantWhen a mesivta boy goes OOT for high school he gains the pro of full devotion to Torah learning with no distractions of going home every day and also worldly distractions going on around the world as he heads back and forth to mesivta every day.
Sam KleinParticipantDoes the dirshu Siyum hashas also finish it in 7.5 years like Daf yomi or do they take longer to finish since they learn it much deeper?
if they take longer then how many years does it take them to finish Shas?
Sam KleinParticipantThe ruach/spirit of the song affects your neshama. This is why today’s new rocken Jewish song’s are not good to listen to. Cause they come directly from the goyim with just changing the words to Hebrew and it affects your neshama.
Sam KleinParticipantIt’s a feeling of chizzuk the child gets when you kiss it but it’s all in the corrupted human beings psychological mind and it’s really all false.
But let’s face it everyone needs chizzuk in live even a tzaddik can always use some chizzuk
Sam KleinParticipantDoes he have a proper plan and means of support for his future wife and children to take care of? Or is he going to stay in learning for another 5 years?
Sam KleinParticipantLower
The 2020 presidential election race-and the 2024 race-have already been decided by Hashem who will win. We just don’t know who has been decided as winner and still need to do our hishtadlus but in truth it has already been decided.
I.e. Hashem runs the world and the USA not trump or netanyahu etc….
Sam KleinParticipantA nice shtender which he can also use for davening and not just for his daily daf yomi and he all always be thinking of you while using it
Sam KleinParticipantWhen such a large tragedy like this in Jersey city happens. Its time for everyone to take on together as one nation SERIOUS TESHUVA AND ACHDUS WITH LOVE for everyone together. It will also be a big zchus for the neshamos and help towards the bringing of Mashiach which will bring the neshamos lives back alive again.
May we all do it very soon as one and May their neshamos have an aliya
Sam KleinParticipantIf your still dating her this long. Then it’s time to propose to her already. If she wasn’t for you then you would’ve broken up the dating a while ago already.
May Hashem give you lots of Hatzlacha and may you both be walking down the chuppa together soon
Sam KleinParticipant“EVERYTHING Hashem does is for the good rather YOU/WE like it or not and approve it or not.”
This is a fact that all of us as yidden know, so we never have a right to question Hashem on anything going on in the world currently or already in the past rather it looks great or vice versa a tragic jersey city terrorist act.
Everything Hashem does is for the good 24/7 and any person who disagrees with Hashem has a lack of faith and need to work on him/herself and bring themselves back closer to Hashem. Perhaps make yourself a daily learning seder of Chovos Halevavos (duties of the heart) and bring yourself closer to Hashem
Sam KleinParticipantMusic makes people happy and joyful and is one of the biggest mitzvas in the Torah
Sam KleinParticipantSure we all need to make a living and a school tons of employees to pay not just teachers but secretaries and janitors etc… BUT a frum Torah school is still based on raising children in chinuch-not on money-and that’s what should be making the decisions in the CEO of a school if something should or should not be done. Of course every school has their own daas Torah Rabbonim to turn to when it comes to serious halachic questions regarding if the school should or shouldn’t do something.
But in a Torah school the difference between accepting or not accepting a child into YOUR OWNED SCHOOL should NEVER be based on if the person has or doesnt have money.
Sam KleinParticipantAny school that focuses on the money and not the avoda Hakodesh of chinuch of Torah children is a messed up school and will not be matzliach from Hashem. A school is not a business that someone invests in and Mrs profit off each child that goes to his school. It is a building of kodesh kodoshim with unlimited reward for the future directly from Hashem and for anyone that helps support Torah school or Mesivta etc…
Best invest you can make in your life is investing in tzedaka/charity it’s an internal investment that can’t go bad and you take with you forever. All of a person’s physical money is worthless to him after you leave to the olam Haemes. Tzedaka/charity you keep forever and take with you for all eternity.