Sam Klein

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  • in reply to: Americans at fault? #1908520
    Sam Klein

    Your absolutely right and it’s time for all of us to wake up to reality and realize the real truth and situation going on hear with klal yisroel ALL DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM

    may we all wake up and do serious teshuva ASAP together

    in reply to: shocked at the lack of parental supervision #1907756
    Sam Klein

    Sadly in today’s new generation alot of parents do not have control over their children and rather then be a mafia mob boss on top of their children with being on bad terms with them. They let them sadly live a life of free for all to come and go and do whatever they want whenever they want with putting their yiddishkeit at risk all for the price of hopefully keeping a relationship with them if they don’t run away.

    What they forget is that this is all in the hands of Hashem and Hashem has a plan for each person and child.

    As parents let’s make sure to be role models 24-7 and remember 2our children will follow in our ways and values and pass it on to their children when the time comes. One parents mistake can C”V Coat many future generations of grandchildren and great grandchildren to follow that wrong way of yiddishkeit

    in reply to: Trump says no more stimulus #1907553
    Sam Klein

    Stimulus check or not everyone’s total income has already been decided on rosh hashanah this year by Hashem the king of kings ruler of the world.

    Worker fully employed or learning in kollel every person is going to be making the same exact same amount of money that Hashem declared for them this year on Rosh Hashanah. And if it doesn’t come through a country stimulus check them it will come in so many other ways. From a gift check from the in laws or a nice bonus from your boss at work etc…. The important thing we all need to remember is that Hashem runs the United States and entire world for that matter and it’s not run by Donald Trump and the congress etc…. Making a decision if there will or will not be a stimulus check this time.

    Start working on your faith and trust in Hashem and stop depending on others thinking they have the power to save you or make you rich. From rebbe’s to segulahs to doctors and lawyers etc…. Only Hashem can help you and we all need to turn DIRECTLY TO HASHEM FOR HELP

    in reply to: Do your children drive you nuts? #1906463
    Sam Klein

    Look at the positive and sweetness of your children in each situation and speak to them on their levels each to help then to avoid and prevent these troubles and messes from happening again.

    Like someone wrote earlier make a small investment to make preventive measures to avoid tragedies from poison or dangers happening C”V in the family by putting up child locks and a security camera system etc…. It’s all worth the investment AND THE PRICELESS PEACE IF MIND YOU’LL GET FROM IT knowing your children and family are safe from dangers and your entire home is under video security recordings from robbers or dangers happening etc….

    I’m sure if you search online on google
    HOW TO MAKE MY HOME MORE SAFE FOR MY FAMILY you will find lists of pages of things you can do in which you will also get a great peace of mind and return to a very happy person shepping nachas from your children

    in reply to: Dirty tissues in shul #1905614
    Sam Klein

    Reb Eliezer

    On behalf of whose Pesak Halacha of Pikuach nefesh did you get this heter to sanitize your hands on yom Kippur? Which is one of the 5 things that’s not permitted on the holiest day of the year.

    in reply to: Why are massive protests okay, but davening in a minyan is not? #1904537
    Sam Klein

    Protests are not ok but their too large with thousands of angry screaming looters for the police department to stay in control so instead they corrupt YOU and everyone else and come up with an excuse to allow it although it breaks all the laws of coronavirus safety precautions of social distancing and other laws etc….

    Welcome to the corrupt democratic and political world and generation

    A person very ashamed to be living in such a corrupt world

    in reply to: Davened for Trump? #1904046
    Sam Klein

    No I did not have it in mind and that’s for various reasons.

    First of all the presidential election results have already been decided by Hashem himself directly who win or lose the election.

    Second, there are more important things for a person to focus on rosh hashanah on when a person is sitting in Hashems court on a scale between life and death and being decided on who will live and who will C”V Die this year etc…

    Closing. Yes when it comes to elections we all have to do our hishtadlus and go out and vote but in Truth we all know who really is running the entire united States and the entire world for that matter

    May everyone have a gmat chasima tova

    in reply to: Abortions for Goyim #1903804
    Sam Klein

    The goyim are raised and brought up with the 10 commandments (the aseres hadibros given on har sinai) does it say anywhere in there that abortion is forbidden?

    On the other hand we know that all goyim from all religions have the 7 laws from Noach. How about there, does it mention anywhere among the 7 that abortion is forbidden?

    If the answers to both questions above are no then from which perspective and for what reason should it be forbidden for a guy to do abortion? As much as it’s a terrible thing to do to a live fetus. And some would consider it Murder even though it has not been born yet.

    in reply to: Just for laughs… #1903800
    Sam Klein

    I always thought that the days of the aseres yemei teshuva was a very serious time for personal repentance between each person and Hashem and definitely not a time for laughs.

    So I have something wrong in the picture?

    May everyone have a happy and sweet new year ahead with lots of fresh coffee from the coffee room

    in reply to: The End of the Medina #1902795
    Sam Klein

    Let the Israeli lockdown be a reminder to everyone-myself included-that Hashem runs the state of Israel and the entire world for that matter and everything is decided and in Hashems power what will happen and be in the future.

    May we all stop thinking that Israel or any country in the world is run by it’s government when in truth these rulers are just middlemen actors-agents of Hashem to act as rulers-with Hashem really running every tiny aspect of the entire world.

    in reply to: Deblaz is taking time off #1902527
    Sam Klein

    New York will probably function better without him even with the cost of his vacation coming from our taxes

    Stay away from NY de Blasio and get yourself a new responsible job

    in reply to: A Harris-Biden Administration #1902523
    Sam Klein

    Actually if I remember correctly Harris will not take over Biden if C”V he wins the presidency. Due to Harris parents from different countries (although she might be american) she cannot become the president of the United States so instead it would C”V go to the speaker of the house and that would be even worse that would mean Pelosi would become the president of the United States C”V

    I think it’s time for all of us to daven seriously to Hashem that this doesn’t happen or then we will all have to leave the USA immediately and make Aliya to Israel ASAP for there will be no other choice.

    in reply to: Rosh Hashanah Contradictory #1900538
    Sam Klein

    No mesorah

    The yomim noraim days of rosh hashanah and yom Kippur is a SERIOUS time of teshuva and starting the year with Hashem with a fresh start however it should not be a stressful or depressing time as much as yom Kippur is a day of fasting and lots of davening etc…..

    In regards to your question. I know that not the entire day but
    ANYTIME that I will THINK about it I am fortunate to immediately appreciate and count my blessings for everything Hashem has given me and continues to give me bli ayin Hara and that is more than enough to be thankful and appreciative to Hashem and happy with my lot in life no matter where a person is holding. If it may be in how his financial balance is daily or in life’s issues he has to deal with. These are all for a person’s good and benefit and that reason in itself is enough for a person to NEVER have any excuse to complain or be sad against Hashem like the complainers did in the desert and we’re punished for it.

    May we all see the beauty in our lives and appreciate and count our blessings every day and thank Hashem for everything

    in reply to: Rosh Hashanah Contradictory #1900438
    Sam Klein

    No mesorah

    ”Being excited that it is Rosh Hashanah. And not starting the year with two unproductive days.”

    You said you want the secret to starting the new year excited that it’s rosh hashanah again? How about feeling blessed that another full year went by since last rosh hashanah-with this past year still in the midst of very hard times of coronavirus etc….-and boruch Hashem you are still healthy happy and smiling that Hashem has granted you to make it to the next year of rosh hashanah since you have stood in fear in front of Hashem a full year ago on rosh hashanah and yom Kippur etc…..?

    And this is actually a very powerful thing every person should think about on their birthday. Today I’m becoming ?? last year on this day I was a year younger and I was blessed directly by Hashem to another year of life and health etc…. Have I given my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Hashem for granting me another year of life? Have I spent my past year wisely? Or as human nature let’s most of us just take life and the beauty it comes with for granted. Start appreciating your blessed life and everything that it comes with by thanking Hashem daily with heartfelt thanks and not taking life for granted.

    I wish everyone a ksiva vchasima tova

    in reply to: Rosh Hashanah Contradictory #1900059
    Sam Klein

    No mesorah

    “They tell me that in Umann there is a good balance between serious and happy.”

    If a person wants a good balance…. Then he should make sure to always give tzedaka with an open hand and Hashem will take care of all his needs and make sure he always had a good balance as we say in shema every day ….. If a person serves Hashem with all his soul, body and money then he will always be satisfied and his needs will always be taken care of by Hashem himself directly.

    in reply to: Mainstream Media Bias #1899456
    Sam Klein

    “If they are not actively suppressing any good news the Trump administration is doing then what is the explanation?”

    Cause the media is pure democratic and pro biden and they have their agenda-just like every media does-if they mention trump it has to be bad about him otherwise everyone will say their news is republican and supports Trump

    Speaking about these amazing accomplishments of Peace between these countries and Israel through Hashem and his Shliach Donald Trump would give the republican party points in elections and this is not something these demorats are willing to do for their life

    in reply to: Social Mania #1899123
    Sam Klein

    Social media has caused so much divorces and intermarriage and made thousands of thousands of people go off the derech. If you have close friends and family then there’s better ways to socialize with them then through Facebook and other social media platforms

    Save your neshama now before it’s too late

    in reply to: Let’s Go To The Holy Land #1898743
    Sam Klein

    Right now during the coronavirus pandemic rumor said that everyone even Satmar is davening by the Kosel….

    So in that case I guess I should believe their all in Israel now cause in truth actually it’s really a miracle but their numbers in cases and deaths in the coronavirus pandemic are lower then any other country I heard their numbers of.

    May there be no more coronavirus deaths ahead if we all wake up to the message wake up call of Hashem for serious teshuva and achdus ASAP together. Besides actually being in the month of elul for teshuva now anyways but that’s more for personal teshuva between each person and Hashem. At this serious lifetime moment when thousands of lives are still at their last Chance between life or death this is a time without delay for all of klal yisroel to come together as a nation ASAP for serious teshuva and achdus.

    in reply to: any predictions on what will be with the economy? #1898640
    Sam Klein

    Hashem runs the entire world and the stock market etc…

    Just to give you an example. Look how even during coronavirus situation and with everyone running away from NYC etc…. This week the stock market boruch Hashem went up by alot and we pray that it continues to go up cause it affects everyone in the country and the entire economy. This just shows us all proof that Hashem runs the entire world and the stock market cause normally with everyone running out of NYC and the coronavirus situation etc…. The stock market would be way down.

    I hope everyone is ready to finally wake up and openly admit to Hashem that the stock market doesn’t depend on sickness and airlines etc… But is all run by Hashem. It’s just a person’s corrupted human mind (yetzer Hara) that fools you into thinking that it’s all in the hands of the market.

    in reply to: Let’s Go To The Holy Land #1898527
    Sam Klein

    Why don’t you take the first step with your family and we’ll work on moving there after you move there?. Someone has to always be first. Do you already live in Israel?

    in reply to: Craziest thing so far in 2020? #1898110
    Sam Klein

    Hashem runs the entire world and has already decided whi will win the 2020 election for President of the United States.

    I.e.these presidents, politicians, mayors and senators are just actors and messengers of Hashem to cover up and make it look like they are running their community but we all know the truth. And any politician can be removed from his position at any time by Hashem if he doesn’t appreciate and use his executive authority position with honesty.

    We Boruch Hashem have many Jewish politicians and leaders too on all different levels throughout the country (of course were not talking about our Rabbonim but in the american government on all different levels there are frum yidden serving the country and their community. This is only guaranteed to continue as long as he remains honest)

    in reply to: Civil War 2 #1897781
    Sam Klein


    I think your absolutely right

    I think we should all panic this moment at the fact that we have gone through so many years and in those years tons of horrific tragedies and millions of lives lost and Mashiach has still not come. Are you going to tell this is not a reason to wake ourselves up and panic with each asking ourselves is it actually possible that we can still be in golus today after going through so much tzaros in klal yisroel but nothing has ever been bad enough to wake us up as a serious nation together to do serious teshuva and achdus ASAP. Not even the terrible holocaust that cause us over 6,000,000 innocent lives was enough to wake us up to asking ourselves how can we still be living in denial and thinking that everything is just coincidence when in truth it’s just the opposite and we all need to wake up and FACE REALITY ASAP so that Mashiach can come already.

    I hope it happens very soon but if we don’t do our hishtadlus and wake up to do serious teshuva and achdus ASAP together then there’s no one to blame but ourselves. Mashiach could’ve came such a long time ago if we showed Hashem our yearning and teshuva together for Mashiach

    in reply to: Tzitzis on Shabbos #1897688
    Sam Klein

    Ashkenazim also hold it is forbidden to put your fingers through your tzitzis on shabbos for the melacha of unknotting on shabbos which is one of the 39 melachos.

    What you might not know is the middle lane…. Some people just on shabbos when they put on their tallis and make the Bracha they just put their fingers between EACH SET OF STRINGS versus during the week when a person’s fingers go into the middle of each corner set in order to get the strings untied. Thus when you are just going by the group between each corners set of strings on shabbos they may in fact still be knotted up on the middle of the 8 strings since a person’s fingers only went between the 4 corners stick of strings

    in reply to: Civil War 2 #1897691
    Sam Klein


    So how come I boruch Hashem hardly ever hear of anti semitism stories and cases happening in these countries? Or about the anti semitism getting worse in those countries? I read the news too

    in reply to: Civil War 2 #1897398
    Sam Klein


    If staying in the united States or moving to Israel are not the right choice to do at this point and time then perhaps think about these other choices.

    From the ruchnius spiritual perspective;
    Ever thought about davening straight from your heart directly to Hashem and begging Hashem for Mashiach or to remove the decree of destroying this beautiful Medina Shel chessed of the USA? Hashem can change the decree in a split second and anything is possible to happen. As an example in the days of Noach Hashem DIDN’T promise Noach he would never destroy the world again chas vshalom he promised he wouldn’t destroy it with a flood like in the days of Noach and that was the treaty and promise Hashem made to Noach. But anything is possible for Hashem to do at any given moment. Hashem has the power to bring Mashiach on Shabbos it’s just not allowed. You have to realize that everything is possible but some are simply just not allowed

    From a physical perspective:
    Ever thought of moving to Canada or London both of which are different countries and have thriving jewish communities with possibly over a million jews in some of these countries. In these countries there are many jewish locations. In Canada you have Toronto and Montreal etc…. Or do you think Canada is next door to the USA and will also be affected with this civil war chas vshalom?

    There are also other countries I didn’t mention above with thriving jewish communities that a person can move to and have a beautiful frum jewish life with their family as open frum yidden

    May Hashem help you and everyone make the right decision

    in reply to: pop up minyanim #1897336
    Sam Klein

    Many people have gone on long forest hike paths and passed other families or camp groups going on the same path rather with biking or walking just the other group was on they path out of the forest already cause they started their hike earlier.

    Start your hike today and bring yourself closer to Hashem as you start to talk and feel closer to Hashem on a one to one relationship and this is actually what hisbodedus is and once a person has reached this level you can ask Hashem for anything you need and to help you complete your hike through this temporary world (forest) so you can come up to the real world and serve Hashem face to face

    No I’m not Breslov at all and never plan on going to uman even on a tourist trip in middle of the year. A person doesn’t need kevorim of gedolim or segulahs to get help from Hashem. All a person needs to do is call out open heartedly to Hashem for help as we say on Ashrei 3 times a day karov Hashem meaning “Hashem is close to all who call out to him, to those who call out to him wholeheartedly”

    May we all start to turn directly to Hashem for help in our times of need and stop depending on middlemen agents (Rebbes doctors segulahs, lawyers etc….)

    in reply to: pop up minyanim #1897275
    Sam Klein

    Have you ever met a new walking through a empty quiet forest doing hisbodedus and talking to Hashem like ten Nachman of Breslov used to do every day

    in reply to: What to do in upcoming Thunderstorm #1896796
    Sam Klein

    When is the REAL STORM going to hit klal yisroel? Coronavirus already shook and shut down THE ENTIRE WORLD directly straight from Hashem who runs the entire world.

    So when is the REAL STORM of serious pre geula teshuva going to happen to wake us all up from our dream lives of living in denial instead of doing the right thing and FACING REALITY and doing something immediately when a serious issue hits klal yisroel like non stop horrific tragedies and deaths like coronavirus with so many of them gedolei Hador R”L? How much longer will it take Hashem to wake us up from our dream lives of gashmius and pleasures to the real life and real world? To bring this down a notch to our level let me give you an example: how bad does a child who needs a little extra help in school need to get before both parents will wake themselves up and admit to themselves YES we need to wake up and FACE REALITY that our child needs some extra help in school then a regular student and we need to do something about it now when the problem is small and he’s still young cause if we wait the problem is only going to get worse and much harder to get him back on track with his classmates.

    May we all wake up and FACE REALITY very soon to the real storm of serious teshuva ASAP together as a nation

    in reply to: Kiddush Hashem #1896061
    Sam Klein

    There were recently 3 jewish bochrim in the news helping a man stuck on route 17 in the Catskills fix his car for a total stranger non yisroel. That’s a big kiddush Hashem of being there for everyone

    in reply to: Plan to Move to EY #1895678
    Sam Klein


    Your absolutely right. But we still all have to do our hishtadlus. You make it sound like we don’t even have to vote since it has already been decided by Hashem who will win the election for this coming year.

    May Hashem answer all our tefillos and keep america in great hands of the republican so the Medina Shel chessed is not destroyed

    in reply to: Plan to Move to EY #1895677
    Sam Klein


    Your absolutely right. But we still all have to do our hishtadlus. You make it sound like we don’t even have to vote since it has already been decided by Hashem who will win the election for this coming year.

    May Hashem answer all our tefillos and keep america in great hands of the republican so the Medina Shel chessed is not destroyed

    in reply to: Plan to Move to EY #1895553
    Sam Klein

    If chas vshalom Biden and Harris win the election. Then all yidden will have to make Aliyah immediately. There will be no other choice

    in reply to: Whos getting hurt most #1895552
    Sam Klein

    The kids themselves and their distraction from staying focused in life and also getting very tech savvy at such a young age when it’s totally unnecessary and unsafe for their frumkeit and yiddishkeit.

    If your child is in need of a cell phone to stay in touch with parents and others then get them a kosher text free and filtered phone.

    It’s not worth the consequences trust me before it’s too late C”V and the innocent child had already started to be affected.

    in reply to: Chassidim #1894851
    Sam Klein

    So can should a ashkenaz person running late still run into a after shkia mincha to daven with a minyan or he already missed his ashkenaz psak halacha and missed already anyways to his halachic holding before sunset daily Mincha?

    in reply to: Jewish music #1893599
    Sam Klein

    Jewish music is spiritual music with feeling in the song and tune it comes with a feeling of chizzuk as you sing and feel stronger the longer you sing and dance to it etc….

    in reply to: Gemara Categories #1893207
    Sam Klein

    Open up a artscroll siddur to rebbe Yishmael oimer before pesukei dezimra and read the English of what these 13 ways that a Gemara can be learnt and figured out etc….

    in reply to: Rabbi Keller #1893208
    Sam Klein

    They both had the same kesher to Torah and love for Torah.

    May his neshama have an Aliya

    in reply to: Summer Travel 2020 #1893077
    Sam Klein

    People and families this summer are more desperate to get away from home and on vacation after being stuck AND LOCKED UP inside their homes for over 4 months or so

    in reply to: Jewish music #1892665
    Sam Klein


    just because FFB people aren’t educated in making songs for singers that doesn’t give them a right to copy songs straight from the goyim with a goyish taam and effect the yiddishkeit and kedusha of klal yisroel of millions of people with holy neshamos.

    in reply to: Jewish Genealogy #1892565
    Sam Klein

    Try the website of http://www.ancestry .com

    in reply to: Jewish music #1892354
    Sam Klein

    Sadly in today’s generation Charliehall above is correct and most music that is sung today by Jewish singers is actually pure goyish music that comes straight from the goyim with the composer just changing the words into Jewish words.

    And personally it’s very sad how low klal yisroel has stooped cause this music of today’s generation with a goyish taam really affects a person’s neshama, ruchnius and closeness with Hashem.

    May we all go back to pure simple Jewish music with a Jewish taam and kedusha

    in reply to: The Damage that Biden/Harris will Cause #1892346
    Sam Klein

    Hashem runs the USA and the entire world and decides when the economy should go up or C”V vice versa if people put too much faith into their avoda Zara called money and bow down to it treati it like a God.

    Hashem has also already decided who will win the election for 2020 presidential election. Sure in life we all need to do our hishtadlus and make sure to go out and vote so these corrupt and dishonest Democrats don’t destroy this country otherwise everyone will need to start heading to Israel as soon as elections are over C”V

    Let’s all start doing teshuva and achdus ASAP together now as elections get closer before it’s too late and the gezeira is sealed in shomayim.

    in reply to: Will the eventual closure of the USPO impact you? #1892199
    Sam Klein

    Gadol hatorah

    What CTLAWYER wrote above of the 3 choices is exactly what I was talking about with these monthly online payments. $3.95 charge fee is alot compared to a check and a stamp mailing etc…. And repeatedly every month a few times adds up to alot of money just on billing fees and charges this is besides for the actual bill itself being paid.

    in reply to: Will the eventual closure of the USPO impact you? #1892055
    Sam Klein

    Gadol hatorah

    You may be right that paying for your bills online is faster and more reliable but it comes with additional fees each time you make an online payment with these companies like your electric bill or gas bill etc…. There’s an additional credit card fee added to the Bill each month you pay AND IT ALL ADDS UP TO ALOT EXTRA then a check and a postage stamp etc….

    in reply to: TAG #1891662
    Sam Klein

    Ever heard of hatzolah or Brooklyn NY or Boro Park?

    On a separate note hatzolah of Lakewood has changed their name to hatzolah of central jersey

    May everyone stay safe and healthy and not need emergency hatzolah

    in reply to: The black hat. #1891513
    Sam Klein

    Gadol hatorah

    Hashem wants your inside from your heart tefillos not your cover outside clothing that’s all fake and hardly counts or makes a difference percentage wise in the eyes of Hashem

    in reply to: Returning to Lakewood Elul Z’man – Covid update #1891202
    Sam Klein

    Daven to Hashem for their health and Hatzlacha in learning and keep them in mind in your tefillos every day you daven to Hashem.

    BMG is fully reopened to normal boruch Hashem with anyone invited to put on a mask if they wish to for their safety.

    in reply to: Do Chareidim still hold of Covid-19 #1890752
    Sam Klein

    All jokes aside noone should ever hold of Covid-honor-even a Rav. We all know what happens when a person seeks covid …. Honor pride and the want to seek respect removes a man from the world….. A Rav and leader in klal yisroel is not a covid seeker he is a humble person that is learned and always there to help his students and his people in need weather in halachic needs or other personal needs. AND FROM HIS AVODAS HAKODESH may come honor to him but this honor does not affect him since he doesn’t seek it.

    May we all become tzaddikim and run from covid which every man can do and you don’t need to be a tzaddik in order to run from covid and save yourself

    in reply to: Are the Chinese to blame for the covid-19 disease? #1890751
    Sam Klein

    A+ to you Kila for facing reality and admitting to Hashem and everyone that everything is run by Hashem and has a wake up message directly from Hashem with nothing in the world happening by coincidence.

    May everyone learn from you and go in your way. In other words if WE ALL faced reality and admitted to Hashems direct wake up calls for serious teshuva or faced reality to a financial or health issue a person has then life would be so much better and happier with so much less problems since all issues would be faced and worked on to be solved immediately

    May Mashiach come ASAP and may we all be in Yerushalyim very soon

    in reply to: What if the Witnesses Don’t Want to Kill Him? #1890320
    Sam Klein

    There’s a separate punishment for refusing to listen to Bais din and their son halacha in the person’s case. This is besides for the punishment they ordered in regards to the case itself that the person is in Bais din for.

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