Sam Klein

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  • in reply to: Pesach Dvar Torah #2380266
    Sam Klein

    Pesach is the Yom tov where we celebrate our freedom together as a nation from Egypt. We need to be thankful to Hashem for this freedom 24-7 but mostly we need to be thankful for our freedom today to live as frum yidden rather it’s in the United States or Israel or anywhere else for that matter. So many recent generations not long ago had to live undercover to remain Jewish rather it was in Germany with the Nazis Yemach shemam or the Morranos back in Spain over 500 years ago that had to live undercover or if discovered to be Jewish we’re immediately sentenced to death Rachmana litzlan. Today we are blessed and fortunate to live free as open and frum yidden in a free country and can celebrate Pesach with our families and need to be thankful to Hashem for that each day we live.

    in reply to: Bli Neder no music until all hostages are free #2373553
    Sam Klein

    May you keep up your non-music as a zchus for klal yisroel and may all of klal yisroel finally wake up and accept Hashems Wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov.

    in reply to: Trump – Unconditional Discharge #2353019
    Sam Klein


    if you look up the seforim you will see that Hashem actually created the gift of Teshuva BEFORE the world was created cause the world cannot exist without Teshuva in it’s midst as Hashem awaits every second for the serious Teshuva of his loving children klal yisroel so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov.

    in reply to: Has YWN abandoned the CR? #2336446
    Sam Klein

    YWN is running very tight on time and is looking to hire a coffee room manager.

    Job includes, checking all comments with your check book and signing them, making fresh Starbucks coffee with kosher certified milk and delivered to each member of the coffee room as soon as comment is posted, and other job responsibilities.

    For full job information contact the YWN coffee room editor to setup an interview for the job position.

    Pay is great with unlimited amount of coffee allowed each day.

    in reply to: What’s the first thing you think of? #2336247
    Sam Klein

    The first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning is “HASHEM” Our loving father and king of Kings and I thank Hashem for giving me another chance to serve Hashem and breathe another day of life. “Uvacharta bachaim” you should choose life. Hashem doesn’t just say that this person will live to 98 and this person to 104 but every day and hour is a decree you should live another day.

    Start appreciating every moment of life today and stop taking life for granted.

    in reply to: Women and status #2334742
    Sam Klein

    Each woman no matter which community they are from is different then the next woman. And it really depends on many important factors including:
    1)how much self-esteem and courage her husband gives her for being a great wife and mother

    2)how hard her life currently is from her work job to house work this can all affect her.

    3)many other issues that are too many to list but each woman will know what applies to her and husbands will also know what is effecting their wife and my tip to the husbands is to help your wife by giving her daily encouragement for her amazing family work and everything else she is doing and then watch her life change positive and your entire family all for just a few words.

    in reply to: All good things must come to an end #2334741
    Sam Klein

    Where does it say from the Torah or from the wise that “all good things must come to an end”? Is this your own prediction?

    There have been people in Jewish history that although they went through a life filled with difficult tests from Hashem which brought them closer and closer to Hashem upon each difficult test they passed but they still had very happy lived and their happiness lasted throughout their life all the way until the end due to their faith and trust directly in Hashem and not through messengers like rebbas or segulas from the spiritual department to any physical messengers of doctors and others but lived a life completely with full faith and trust directly in Hashem.

    Start today living a life of happiness 24-7 by living a life of bitachon and emunah in only Hashem our loving father and king of Kings ruler of the world who knows what’s best for each person and only gives him/her what’s for their own good and then you’ll be the happiest person in the world cause nothing in the world will be able to effect you even uf someone Chas VShalom injures or robs you a million dollars cause YOU will immediately know that it’s for your good and accept it from Hashem wirh love and happiness.

    in reply to: Israel Seminary – Pros, Cons Etc. #2331896
    Sam Klein

    I didn’t attend any seminary not in Israel or in America etc….. and went straight to work after high school but personally IMHO seminary is a important experience to help a person go to the next level and also get ready for marriage BUT IT’S COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY AND A WASTE OF PRECIOUS MONEY-especially when people are very tight and living paycheck to paycheck-TO MUST GO TO ISRAEL FOR SEMINARY especially when the American seminary includes in the year a trip to Israel so it’s not like they don’t get to see and spend time in Israel.

    in reply to: President-Elect Donald J. Trump #2331885
    Sam Klein

    Coffee addict

    That message is back from 2016 when donald Trump was going against Hillary Clinton

    In the year of 2016 when the American presidential elections were against Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton Hashem sent a message that The gematriya of “Donald Trump” is “Moshiach ben David”!
    דונלד טראמפ = 424 = משיח בן דוד
    טראמפ= 330
    Unbelievable! And shocking

    It only gets more shocking.
    In 2024 when Donald Trump won the presidential election against Kamala Harris
    His name in Hebrew With Nasi (leader) comes to the same Gematria amount as the year of winning this election of תשפ”ה The year of 5785 in the Jewish calendar.
    דונלד טראמפ = 424
    טראמפ= 330
    and comes to the same total of 785 as the Hebrew year he was reelected president of his new term for the second time.
    Unbelievable! And shocking. How does that grab you? How does that shock you? Do you think it was just a coincidence?

    DO YOU think you can find any of these shocking messages in any Sefer in the entire world? Do you think I heard it in a shiur or shmuz from a gadol hador speaking? Neither is it from me a Internet businessman writer. But it’s actually DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM.

    in reply to: Should bochrim be going to goisheh sport games? #2331484
    Sam Klein

    Ask your local Orthodox Rabbi or your Mashgiach for true answers and not coffee room answers

    in reply to: Trump Cheated The Election’s! #2331483
    Sam Klein

    Hashem the king of Kings ruler of the entire world will be running the United States and the rest of the world also.
    Not Donald Trump, he’s just an actor and messenger sent directly from Hashem to act as the physical fake ruler of the United States and we all know that this is the pure truth from the fact of “Lev melochim vesorim byad Hashem” which means that all decisions and rulings decided from large kings to local township mayor’s are all actually decided by Hashem directly the king of Kings ruler of the entire world.

    in reply to: You wanted an insane dictator? You got him! #2330539
    Sam Klein

    Which dictator? It must be you since you wrote this letter and message.

    Please let everyone know your complete name and address with contact information so they xan contact you their dictator.

    in reply to: Imagine if ALL of Klal Yisroel acted this way #2330538
    Sam Klein

    What a special loving jew. Feeling the pain of his brethren brother in Klal yisroel. We need to improve a lot in the mitzvah of nosei b’ol which means feeling the pain of another Jew in any situation and standing with him at his side knowing that you are always there for him or her. Then we will truly be worthy of the coming of Mashiach already bkarov.

    in reply to: Trump’s presidency #2330535
    Sam Klein

    So do your hishtadlus and daven to Hashem that Hashem should make these things happen. Don’t you remember the famous true fact about physical leaders around the world called “Lev melochim vesorim byad Hashem” ? Or did you completely forget the Truth that Hashem is the King of Kings ruler of the entire world.

    in reply to: WHY DO WE KEEP FIGHTING? #2328379
    Sam Klein


    I answered you over 2 years ago already above.
    Read it again so you can see that it’s the truth coming from a psychologist dealing with people in fights all the time and that’s my job, to help them make Shalom and move on in life and be happy people versus keep on bearing a grudge against each other -which is a separate sin in itself -and staying in a sad fighting situation forever.

    in reply to: please vote who you thinks gunnu win the election #2327923
    Sam Klein

    I think you need to be reminded that Hashem is the king of Kings ruler of the entire world and all physical messenger ruler’s from presidents to kings and senators etc…. are just actors playing a role that Hashem has sent them as a messenger to run their country but in truth everything is completely run by Hashem. And Hashem has already decided many years ago who will win this election and the next election in 2028 if klal yisroel Chas VShalom is still in golus and hasn’t done serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov.

    Didn’t you hear of the famous line of “Lev melochim vesorim byad Hashem”? Yes of course we all need to do our hishtadlus when it comes to elections and go out and vote no matter how small of a chance you think it is and whatever Hashem has already decided who will win this election.

    May we all do serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov and this entire Presidential election won’t apply to anyone in Klal yisroel and we can openly have Hashem as our king of Kings from Yerushalayim.

    in reply to: תפקיד vis a vis גלגולים #2322919
    Sam Klein

    Seforim say that due to your reason of people accidentally sinning new sins while coming back as a gilgul to solve an issue from a previous life, most people in the world today are gilgulim.

    In regard to every person having a tafkid to accomplish in this temporary physical world. For some people it takes a full 120 years to accomplish their mission and others I personally know have left the world as infants as early as weeks to months old cause maybe their only mission in life was to bring happiness to the world due to in their previous life they gave someone pain so they needed to return to this temporary physical world to give happiness to their new family or others just for a short time and Hashem chooses who their family should be based on many things including only a family that can handle the test of faith of chas Vshalom losing an infant child so young. Cause in truth we all are sent to this temporary physical world to be tested by Hashem and each test you pass brings you closer to Hashem and also immediately brings you to the next test ex. As soon as you finish the test of faith of finding a shidduch you immediately start working on the tests of having children and Shalom bayis tests etc…..

    Sam Klein

    We all have to do our hishtadlus and vote and make sure to vote for the best of klal yisroel but I think we’re missing and forgetting the most important thing when it comes to elections and rulers running countries and even little cities.

    What happened to the famous true fact of “Lev melochim vsorim byad Hashem”? Which means that all the final rulership and closing of all governments decisions-from large countries to tiny cities-are COMPLETELY in the hands of our loving father and king of kings Hashem and that means that in truth all these political rulers-rather it’s King’s to president’s or local town Mayor’s-are just actors and messengers of Hashem chosen to run each of Hashems hundreds of countries across the entire world but Hashem has already decided years ago who will win the American presidential election race for 2024 and yes for 2028 also if we chas Vshalom have not done serious teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation yet and need to remain in golus chas Vshalom under the fake leadership of these actors playing out as presidents and governors etc…. when we klal yisroel don’t need these actors cause we have our loving father Hashem also as our king of kings over the entire world. Don’t you remember navi? What happened in the Days when klal yisroel entered Eretz Yisroel and asked Hashem for a physical king so we can be like all the other nations? Hashem was very upset and replied back am I not your loving father and also your king of kings? So my children klal yisroel you don’t need a physical king that’s just an actor.

    Let’s all remember this most important fact in life when it comes to politics of “Lev melochim vsorim byad Hashem”

    in reply to: Giving credit where credit is due #2319642
    Sam Klein

    Why don’t you thank Hashem directly who we know not only runs the entire world but also the famous line of ” לב מלכים ושרים ביד י-ה-ו-ה” which means that the ruling and the minds of thinking of rulers worldwide -from large kings to small local town mayor’s-are ALL in the hands of Hashem.

    So why don’t you take out a siddur or tehillim and thank Hashem directly?

    in reply to: Question for those who don’t think Charedim should join the IDF #2319625
    Sam Klein

    You asked what the chareidim are doing to help with the army if they can’t join the army, did I read that correctly?

    Don’t you know that they are spending their time learning Torah and don’t you know how powerful it is and how much of a merit it is to help the Israeli army in this war?

    in reply to: Capitulation #2319624
    Sam Klein

    A yid should never capitulate when it comes to Avoda Zara even if it means giving up his life. And guess what? TODAY’S AVODA ZARA IS MONEY we bow down to money, run after it and depend on it etc…. and serve it like a God this this is why the economy crashed cause we left Hashem no choice but to take it away from us BUT YOU CAN STILL SAVE YOURSELF if a person can show Hashem that it’s not Avoda Zara to him and that it all belongs to Hashem-even though your absolutely right that you did work hard for it-and it’s just a loan to get you through the year, then he’s the perfect person to keep Hashems money and maybe he can even be a shliach for Hashem and give it out for tzedaka in large amounts.

    in reply to: Jewish Boy Dies from Bullying #2319621
    Sam Klein

    May nobody ever have to go through the experience of bullying on either side of the story rather being bullied or chas VShalom making a chillul Hashem and being a Bully.

    May everyone be blessed with a year of happiness together as one loving nation and have a ksiva vachasima Tova ahead.

    in reply to: Zohor how to bring Mashiach #2318055
    Sam Klein

    A message from the Zohar that is actually DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM from this weeks parsha of Nitzovim from thousands of years ago


    The holy Zohar states that starting from the beginning of the torah, each posuk relates to a year in the jewish calender-starting from the first pasuk being year 1 etc…-I am just going to mention a few pesukim & they are the pesukim relating to the hebrew year that comes out in the English year from 1939-1945 (WW II). It begins in parshas Netzovim perek 29 pasuk 22. each pasuk relating to that year. 1-1939) Sulphur & salt a conflagration of the entire land, it cannot be sown & it cannot sprout, and no grass shall rise up on it; like the upheaval of sodom & gomorrah, admah & Zeboiim, which Hashem overturned in his anger & wrath 2-1940) And all the nations will say, “for what reason did Hashem do so to this land; why this wrathfulness of great anger?” 3-1941) And they will say, “because they forsook the convenant of Hashem, the god of their forefathers, that he sealed with them when he took them out of the land of Egypt; 4-1942) And they went and served the gods of others and prostrated themselves to the-gods that they knew not and he did not apportion to them. 5-1943) So gods anger flared against that land,to bring upon it the entire curse that is written in this book; 6-1944) And Hashem removed them from upon their soil, with anger, with wrath, and with great fury, and he cast them to another land, as this very day 7-1945) The hidden -sins- are for Hashem, our god, but the revealed-sins- are for us and our children forever, to carry out all the words of this torah. Now if I skip 3 years to 1948 which pasuk comes up? (perek 30 pasuk 3) the 3rd pasuk in Parshas Hateshuva-which i’m sure a lot of us here say every day-what does that pasuk mean? Then Hashem will bring you back from captivity, & he will have mercy on you & he will once again gather you in from all the people that Hashem scattered you around. Now what happened in 1948? Israel became a state of independence & millions were gathered & brought back to Israel. I would now like to move forward to the pasuk that relates to the year that 9/11 happened. What does that pasuk say? Is it to hashem that you do this, O vile & unwise people? Is he not your father, your Master? Has he not created you firmed you? What is this pasuk telling us relating to the generation of todays society & 9/11 happening? In todays society we all depend on others (from Rebbe’s to money etc…) & do not depend on Hashem-turning to him when we need help-causing us to lack in one of the most fundamental parts of Yiddishkeit. The part of Betuchin & Emuna (faith & trust in Hashem). Last but not least I would like to go to the pasuk relating to the year of 2011. What does the pasuk say? They (klal yisroel) would provoke his (Hashem) jealousy with strangers; they would anger him with abominations. What does this pasuk tell us relating to the generation of todays society? The same message as 2001 & that message is that Today-sadly-we turn to other things/people for help lacking our dependance in turning STRAIGHT to Hashem for help-rather its through tefilla or teshuva etc…-& are R”L an abomination to Hashem. Now that everyone knows which pesukim relate to which year-in the Hebrew calender-everyone is now free to look up any pesukim & see what Hashem says for that year. How many years will it be until Mashiach comes?

    May we all finally stop living in denial and wake up and FACE REALITY and openly accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov especially now in the month of Elul which is the month of Teshuva and preparing ourselves for Yom hadin and the new year ahead of us.

    I wish everyone a ksiva vachasima Tova ahead with the coming of Mashiach already bkarov

    in reply to: Exploding Pagers #2316831
    Sam Klein

    Square root

    Actually you’re mistaken
    Hezbollah and Hamas as well as Iran and saudia Arabia and many other countries and nations are all Muslim BNEI Yishmael nations. While Amalek is the grandson of Esav a completely different family member from thousands of years ago. Hashem gave us the mitzvah to destroy Amalek but these nations plus many others not mentioned above are all BNEI Yishmael and not BNEI Amalek. Do your research and see for yourself.

    in reply to: Voting for Trump Re Israel #2315226
    Sam Klein

    With today being the second time in the span of just a little more then a month since former president Donald Trump first assassination. Does anyone even know or remember what the shocking message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM was of the first attempted assassination?

    On July 13th 2024, former president Donald J. Trump was speaking at a presidential campaign for the upcoming election of his second presidential campaign and then while he was still speaking he was shot in the ear from the roof of another building across the campaign and everyone is asking what is the message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM and why would Hashem have him shot in the ear versus anywhere else in his entire body that could’ve killed him? And Then a week later a major tragedy hit klal yisroel, 2 innocent people driving in the Catskill mountain went over the road and we’re immediately niftar Rachmana litzlan leaving wives and large families of orphans without a father and everyone is asking what is the message from Hashem? The shocking message is that First our loving father and King of Kings Hashem ruler of the entire world, sends wake up calls through other nations to bring us to Teshuva but if that Chas VShalom doesn’t work and we don’t LISTEN WITH OUR EARS and openly accept Hashem’s wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus then we leave Hashem no choice but to Chas VShalom hit his loving nation klal yisroel directly with non stop horrific tragedies as we have all seen just in the last few months alone. ARE WE GOING TO CONTINUE LIVING IN DENIAL? and then ask ourselves why there’s so much tzaros in Klal yisroel? When it could’ve all been avoided if we only accepted Hashem’s wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation?.
    Do YOU know any father in the entire world that likes to hit and punish his child? Sometimes the father has no choice, the kid won’t do his homework or listen and go to sleep when told. What do we call that? A potch of LOVE, the parent has no choice and it’s completely for the kids benefit of chinuch and when he grows up if he remembers the story he might even come back to his parents and thank them when he now as an adult knows it was completely out of love and for his good.
    It pains Hashem to see his loving children Klal yisroel suffering but there’s no one else to blame except ourselves when we all openly see the horrific tragedies hitting klal yisroel and Instead choose to continue living in denial and doing nothing about it versus waking up and showing Hashem that we accept Hashem’s wake up call for serious Teshuva, Kinnus and Taanis like we did in the story of Purim and our lives were saved because of it.

    May we all accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov

    in reply to: Relating the Tisha B’av message from Hashem in Today’s generation #2314587
    Sam Klein


    As much as I’m a businessman, you never know how many Tisha B’avs a working person goes through the entire Megillas Eicha deep in learning it while crying in a state of mourning and ashes like the neviim did when it was actually happening from Yermiyahu to Daniel and Mordechai Hatzaddik etc….. who put themselves in a state of mourning on behalf of the entire klal yisroel and their suffering from the destruction of the Bais Hamikdosh and begging Hashem to rebuild it. Versus a regular person of today’s generation where we are all welcome to the generation of self-centeredness and Instant gratification where everything is ME, ME, ME AND ONLY ME maybe if I have time I’ll think about my friend or neighbor etc……

    in reply to: A Moment of Unity: YU & Telshe #2314586
    Sam Klein

    If we really wanted Mashiach already to come then everyone would just put aside their differences and stand together as one loving nation and do the required serious teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation that Hashem is waiting for and if we really were YEARNING FOR MASHIACH then we would be willing to do anything to help bring Mashiach already which right now the top two things holding back Mashiach from coming is the serious teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation which would remove the current state of sinas chinam we are currently in that is worse than when the second Bais Hamikdosh was destroyed because of it and the second most important thing almost all of klal is missing today is the TZIPISA LEYESHUA the YEARNING FOR MASHIACH, let’s face ourselves with full honesty. Are we truly YEARNING for Mashiach in today’s generation? We all know the true answer, we’re so happy living today in the generation of technology and planes where a person can run his entire life live locked up in his room running a multimillion dollar business…….. When we start to YEARN for Mashiach already then Hashem will send mashiach immediately.
    Let’s face the truth instead of living in denial, if we really were YEARNING for Mashiach then just one day a year of Tisha B’av the day we mourn the destruction of the Bais Hamikdosh we would beg Hashem WHOLEHEARTEDLY for Mashiach, but what are we doing? We’re all looking at our clocks for chatzos so we can go back to sitting on the couch from the floor, if we were seriously mourning the Bais Hamikdosh for serious
    teshuva kinnus and tannis, we would throw away the couch and even tell Hashem we’ll fast a full extra day from when the fast is over tonight and not from now chatzos, all that were begging Hashem for us to send mashiach already and rebuild the Bais Hamikdosh.

    May we start doing our own Hishtadlus above that Hashem is waiting for so Hashem can send mashiach already bkarov.

    in reply to: Relating the Tisha B’av message from Hashem in Today’s generation #2313866
    Sam Klein

    Were just a few hours away from the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 tragedies that shook the world. But the big question is, Does anyone even remember the wake up call DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM that was sent down to the world as the planes hit the buildings?

    Read the original message from the writer many years ago that was sent down DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM on 9/11/2001 and not 10 years later but actually as the planes hit the buildings.

    May we all finally break out of our lives of living in denial and immediately accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov. Especially now when we are all less than a few weeks before yom Hadin and Rosh Hashana.

    in reply to: A Moment of Unity: YU & Telshe #2313863
    Sam Klein

    Klal yisroel needs ful time and pure unity of loving Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov. Do you think its possible for Hashem to send Mashiach today when the Sinas chinam today is worse than when the second Bais hamikdosh was destroyed because of sinas chinam? We need to resolve and restore our Ahavas chinam today immediately to show our loving father Hashem that we are deserving of Mashiach already bkarov.

    It doesn’t matter what kind of news they are from Democrats to NK to reform etc…. we all need to return to loving unity to be deserving for the coming of Mashiach. The world with Mashiach coming can’t exist with the current Sinas chinam today.

    May we all do Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov

    May his neshama have an Aliyah and what a major loss to klal yisroel

    in reply to: עד אחד נאמן באיסורין #2312138
    Sam Klein

    To avoid making any mistakes for such a serious question in Halacha ask your LOR

    in reply to: The Nonsense of “Bein Hazmanim” #2311578
    Sam Klein

    Bein hazemanim in Lakewood has already ended with the Elul zeman starting already and the freezer locked up until tu bishvat for those in the parsha of Shidduchim so for the next few months is the best time to work on your bitachon and emunah directly in Hashem cause even if the best Shidduchim are redt to you, it will have to wait but Hashem already has your zivvug waiting for you on a silver platter and us waiting for your Ruchnius HISHTADLUS of bitachon and emunah and tefillah for Hashem to send you your zivvug immediately.

    in reply to: Terrorists Murdered Hostages Shortly Before They Were Located #2310780
    Sam Klein

    Agreeing to a cease fire will just cause more terrorism Chas VShalom showing these terrorists that terror rules and pays off best and always wins. This is something serious that you can’t let terrorists win or it will just cause more years of terrorism Chas VShalom

    in reply to: What is Sinas Chinum? #2310774
    Sam Klein

    @square root

    So when will klal yisroel get the message from Hashem from almost 2000 years ago that we can’t expect Mashiach to come if the Sinas chinam today is worse than when the second Bais hamikdosh was destroyed because of sinas chinam? And instead work on improving ourselves on Ahavas chinam showing Hashem our love for every yid in Klal yisroel no matter what kind of jew or level of yiddishkeit they are on but they are all our loving brethren. And this will show our loving father Hashem that klal yisroel is ready and worthy for the coming of Mashiach already bkarov.

    in reply to: The Nonsense of “Bein Hazmanim” #2310196
    Sam Klein

    Being hezemanim in the Yeshiva learning world is only 3 weeks Long from Tisha B’av until Rosh chodesh elul and not months long line you mentioned or as long as the children’s summer season months between school ending and the new school year starting again

    I think you need to remind yourself that bein hazemanim is just a short time for them to refresh themselves for the entire new upcoming year ahead starting from elul already. learning yungeleit are humans too and need a break to refresh themselves for the new year of learning ahead.

    in reply to: Trump and Covid #2309760
    Sam Klein

    Trump is not responsible for killing thousands of COVID people. Let’s dig ourselves out of the sand and wake up and FACE REALITY

    Klal yisroel is responsible for every person niftar Rachmana litzlan during COVID with millions niftar including thousands of them yidden.

    We all know what The Rambam says אין פוראניות בא בעולם אלא בשביל ישראל, “there are no Tragedies in the world except because of “כלל ישראל even if there are no yidden involved it’s always a wake up call message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM directly to his loving children Klal yisroel.

    DOES ANYONE EVEN REMEMBER HASHEMS SHOCKING MESSAGE FROM THE CORONA VIRUS PANDEMIC MAGEIFA? WHICH could’ve been completely avoided if klal yisroel had only accepted Hashems wake up call BEFORE THE MAGEIFA STARTED for serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach. But sadly we chose to continue living in denial as we do today almost 5 years later.

    every tragedy has a wake up call message directly from Hashem that your not going to find in any sefer in the world or read in any newspaper from a Gadol Hador or speaker saying about the tragedy. What is the shocking message of the Coronavirus Pandemic-that shut down the entire world starting January 2020-that has already killed millions of innocent lives of all ages, with thousands of them being Yidden Rachmana Litzlan? what does Coronavirus mean? Kara-Na-Aveiros,, call out to your aveiros-my loving children klal yisroel-to wake up & do teshuva. But the message from Hashem doesn’t end there, what’s the other name for Coronavirus that everyone calls it? i forgot, Covid, what does that mean? what does Covid/Honor do to a person? what does it say in Pirkei Avos? it removes a person from the world, & that’s exactly what Covid is doing right now, its removing millions of people from the world thousands of them Yidden Rachmana Litzlan as we are still in the midst of this terrible mageifa effecting the ENTIRE world. Let us all ask ourselves who made it be called these crazy names? Dr. Fauci in the White House? where does it come from? the dictionary? is this just coincidence or is it a straight sign & direct message from Hashem that its time for all of klal yisroel to wake up & do teshuva? you think about this.

    I daven to Hashem that we finally wake up and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov. We don’t need WW3 to Chas VShalom shake up the world or for this country of the USA to be destroyed for us to get Hashems wake up call…..

    in reply to: gemara brachos #2308744
    Sam Klein

    You asked “when does davening for 9 hrs, come before learning torah?”

    Ever heard of Yom Kippur? The holiest day of the year. Davening in most shuls on Yom Kippur is longer than 9 hours and people on higher levels spend their entire Yom Kippur in the Bais medrash begging Hashem for teshuva. They sit and say tehillim between musaf and Mincha and never leave the Bais medrash begging Hashem forgiveness.

    in reply to: I’m back. Cue the things that are Cued. #2307871
    Sam Klein

    So I think you coming here was a major mistake and you should immediately return to the Bais medrash and continue learning Torah and have everyone from the coffee room in mind as you drink your coffee during learning and we’ll all do our part and have you in mind when we post in the coffee room

    in reply to: What is your most unpopular/controversial opinion or hot take? #2307464
    Sam Klein

    Klal yisroel should stop sleeping and living in denial and instead wake up and FACE REALITY and openly accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva Kinnus and Taanis like we did in the story of Purim and our lives were saved because of it and doing it today would bring Mashiach already bkarov.

    Let’s not force our loving father Hashem to put any more tzaros Chas VShalom on klal yisroel in order for us to wake up and return to Hashem with serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation. “Ain poranius baolam Ela bishvil yisroel” nothing in the world -rather good or bad-happens that’s not on account directly as a message to klal yisroel as a wake up call. Even if everyone involved in a tragedy is all not yidden the wake up call message still is a message for klal yisroel.

    in reply to: Judaism’s Lower Class #2307035
    Sam Klein

    So based on everything you have written above when will klal yisroel stop living in denial and FACE REALITY with immediately coming together as one loving nation for serious teshuva and Achdus together so Hashem can send mashiach already bkarov?

    Have we not recently and in the past rachmana litzlan already had enough tzaros to openly confess and accept Hashems wake up call for serious teshuva and Achdus together? Do we need anything to get worse Chas Vshalom?
    First Hashem recently HINTED it to his loving children klal yisroel through the goyish nations by having presidential election candidate Donald Trump hit in the ear but when klal yisroel doesn’t openly LISTEN FROM OUR EARS and accept Hashems wake up call for serious teshuva kinnus and tannis like Mordechai and Esther did in the story of Purim and our lives were saved because of it, then we leave our loving family and king of kings Hashem no choice but to hit klal yisroel directly with non stop horrific tragedies rachmana litzlan of 2 fathers killed in the Catskills and 2 children drowned by their own mother and many other tragedies rachmana litzlan recently.

    WILL WE FINALLY STOP LIVING IN DENIAL AND FACE REALITY AND ACCEPT HASHEMS WAKE UP CALL FOR SERIOUS TESHUVA AND ACHDUS? SO HASHEM CAN FINALLY SEND MASHIACH BKAROV. Hashem blessed all of us with the gift of free-will bechira if we continue to live in denial instead of facing reality then there’s no one to blame but ourselves and we will all be held accountable for not doing teshuva immediately as soon as possible.

    in reply to: Yeshiva for a specific type of bochur #2307034
    Sam Klein

    Did you think of maybe trying yeshiva Ohr Sameach?
    Or maybe another good suggestion for a eretz Yisroel yeshiva would be yeshiva Lev Aryeh

    There are other choices besides the one’s listed above but I suggest you do research on these 2 yeshivas and one of them might be the right one cause they are not both the same but actually totally different level yeshivas and if one is not the right level then hopefully the other one might be the correct fit for this bochur looking to shteig in Eretz Yisroel.

    in reply to: Assassination Attempt #2305826
    Sam Klein

    Does anyone even remember what the shocking message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM is of Trump being shot in the ear?

    On July 13th 2024, former president Donald J. Trump was speaking at a presidential campaign for the upcoming election of his second presidential campaign and then while he was still speaking he was shot in the ear from the roof of another building across the campaign and everyone is asking what is the message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM and why would Hashem have him shot in the ear versus anywhere else in his entire body that could’ve killed him? The message from Hashem is that First our loving father and King of Kings Hashem ruler of the entire world, sends wake up calls through other nations to bring us to Teshuva but if that Chas VShalom doesn’t work and we don’t LISTEN WITH OUR EARS and openly accept Hashem’s wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus then we leave Hashem no choice but to Chas VShalom hit his loving nation klal yisroel directly with non stop horrific tragedies as we have all seen just in the last few months alone. ARE WE GOING TO CONTINUE LIVING IN DENIAL? and then ask ourselves why there’s so much tzaros in Klal yisroel? When it could’ve all been avoided if we only accepted Hashem’s wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation.
    Do YOU know any father in the entire world that likes to hit and punish his child? Sometimes the father has no choice, the kid won’t do his homework or listen and go to sleep when told. What do we call that? A potch of LOVE, the parent has no choice and it’s completely for the kids benefit of chinuch and when he grows up if he remembers the story he might even come back to his parents and thank them when he now as an adult knows it was completely out of love and for his good.
    It pains Hashem to see his loving children Klal yisroel suffering but there’s no one else to blame except ourselves when we all openly see the horrific tragedies hitting klal yisroel and Instead choose to continue living in denial and doing nothing about it versus waking up and showing Hashem that we accept Hashem’s wake up call for serious Teshuva, Kinnus and Taanis like we did in the story of Purim and our lives were saved because of it.

    in reply to: I’m not voting for Harris or Trump #2305632
    Sam Klein

    Then your vote is worthless and your wasting your time cause everyone knows that she’s not going to win and already dropped out of the race and she is now a supporter of Trump.

    Don’t waste your time and as crazy as these 2 candidates are of Trump and Harris at least your vote of the better of the 2 will help Trump win a better chance.

    in reply to: What is Sinas Chinum? #2305438
    Sam Klein

    Baseless hatred, which Interprets to hating your loving brother when it can be avoided and is not necessary to come to the level of hate, versus sitting down with your loving Jewish brother that your currently having an issue with -rather it’s a financial or a family issue etc…. -and working something out together wholeheartedly and stay loving brothers together.

    in reply to: Zohor how to bring Mashiach #2305201
    Sam Klein

    The way to bring Mashiach is to solve all the things that are holding Mashiach back from coming

    1)how can we expect Mashiach to come when the Sinas chinam today is worse than when the Bais hamikdosh was destroyed because of it? So to solve this issue we all need to change our attitude to Ahavas chinam.

    2)we are missing the most important thing to help Mashiach already come. We are missing the TZIPISA LIYESHUA. So in order to solve this issue we need to start mourning for the Bais hamikdosh WHOLEHEARTEDLY and feel the loss versus watching videos until the fast is over but this applies to the entire year not just on Tisha B’av. We are so happy today living a life of technology gashmius and how fast would you be ready to give that up if you heard Mashiach has arrived?

    3)avoda Zara was also a reason the first Bais hamikdosh was destroyed. Today’s avoda Zara is MONEY we run after money, we bow down to money and serve it like a God and this was the message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM why the market crashed, cause it was an avoda Zara to us. So in order to solve this issue we need to remind ourselves that it really all comes directly from Hashem to help us live and take care of our families and that it’s just a loan from Hashem to get us through the year. True we did work hard for the money but it’s still not our money. Who sent YOU the customer’s? Who kept you on good terms with your boss? Everything comes directly from Hashem.

    Many other issues to solve in order for Mashiach to come but too many to list now maybe if enough people want more I will post more

    For now let us work on solving the issues above that are holding back Mashiach from coming already now with the rebuilding of the Bais hamikdosh

    in reply to: Republicans Due for a Hard Reset #2304899
    Sam Klein

    So it sounds like you’ve given up hope on Trump? Don’t you believe that Hashem has a plan for everything? And Hashem has already decided who will win the American presidential election race a long time ago even before Biden dropped out of going for another chance of presidency.

    Put your faith and trust DIRECTLY IN HASHEM (versus messengers rather they are spiritual or physical I.e. rebbe’s and segulas etc…. or doctor’s and Lawyers etc…..) and then you will openly see the hand of Hashem and the plan of Hashem and how it’s for the best of klal yisroel.

    in reply to: Should Tisha B’Av Be Movie Day? #2304470
    Sam Klein


    You are so right and this is one of the biggest reasons why we’re still in golus today, cause we’re missing the TZIPISA LEYESHUA.

    Hashem says I see no reason why i should give the בית המקדש back to my loving children klal yisroel. Hashem goes to one person sitting in this corner, he has beautiful children he already bought his house he has a car, he’s so happy he’s not grieving over my בית המקדש that’s 1 less person for my בית המקדש. The next person sitting at this corner has beautiful children he loves to learn & has a rich Father-in-law supporting him he’s so happy hes not grieving over my בית המקדש thats 1 less person for my בית המקדש. what is Hashem saying to his Malachim? just look at my children down there look how happy they are i gave them everything cars, planes, computers, Electricity & phones Etc… forget if they are Makir Tov (Grateful) for everything i give them that is not today’s lesson, Let me leave my בית המקדש up in heaven with me when my children cry for it i will give it back to them, but right now look how happy they are. A perfect Mashal would be if a Principal in a Cheder took away a ball from a boy, because he was hitting people with it. If he went to the Principal & said i’m sorry i just want to have fun i won’t hit anyone with it. I give you my word he will give him his ball back. Do you think the Principal needs it? He already has a whole basket of balls sitting in his office. Hashem is waiting for Klal Yisroel to wake up & do תשובה, the gates of תשובה are never closed, the worst kings of Klal Yisroel did תשובה at the end of their life yes, Achav & Menashe look at them, after 30 years of avoda zora Menashe cried & wept out all the way from his heart for teshuva from Hashem & Hashem accepted it WHY? Because he really meant it. Hashem is waiting for Klal Yisroel to do תשובה. Hashem is waiting for the day to put his presence back in this world & bring us back the Bais Hamikdosh but we just don’t seem to be ready.

    in reply to: Should Tisha B’Av Be Movie Day? #2304321
    Sam Klein

    Their not movies but actually recorded shiurim of chizzuk on topics that klal yisroel faces currently and needs to improve in to help bring Mashiach already bkarov. Rather it’s on the topic of Sinas chinam or on Teshuva or lashon Hara etc …..

    Every year that we sadly remain in golus and need to mourn another Tisha B’av cause we still haven’t woken up and FACED REALITY to WHOLEHEARTEDLY accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva Kinnus and Taanis, different topics are chosen to make shiurim of chizzuk on to help klal yisroel work on fixing these issues so we can be Worthy of Hashem sending Mashiach already bkarov and instead Tisha B’av can become a Yom tov.

    May it come to happen very soon.

    in reply to: Venezuela Timeline #2303375
    Sam Klein

    Wake up and smell the coffee

    There’s only a short while longer that this beautiful free country of the USA will last before it becomes a complete communist country like China and all our freedoms are taken away. And you can see some of it happening already.

    Better be safe than sorry and make Aliya now to Israel before we are Chas Vshalom forced to like we have seen RECENTLY HAPPENING in France, Russia, Ukraine and many other countries sadly that just recently in the last few years has forced thousands of yidden to flee their country and make Aliya to Israel.

    Be safe and make Aliya today to Israel

    in reply to: Israeli Generals, Low on Munitions, Want a Truce in Gaza #2303292
    Sam Klein


    I’m very shocked at what you want. I thought you and millions of other yidden WANTED MASHIACH but that was not what you wrote that you want. Look back at your post above that I’m replying back to you. And this is one of the biggest reasons why Mashiach is not here yet, cause we’re missing the most important part of bringing Mashiach, were missing the “TZIPISA LEYESHUA” we’re missing the YEARNING for Mashiach to come already bkarov and the tzaros in klal yisroel to come to a complete stop.

    Tisha B’av is coming up when klal yisroel shows Hashem the YEARNING for Mashiach instead of all looking at our clocks for chatzos so we can go back to sitting on a chair from the floor. If we we’re really YEARNING for Mashiach then each person would say forget about the chair, I’ll fast a complete extra day not from chatzos but from when Tisha B’av ends tonight all I do is I beg Hashem to bring Mashiach already bkarov.

    BUT SADLY WE KNOW THE TRUTH IS THAT WE’RE NOT HOLDING THERE. Were so happy in today’s generation of technology and running after all our gashmius etc…..
    How fast would YOU jump on a plane to Israel if you heard that Mashiach has arrived???? Cause Hashem has Mashiach waiting on his horse on a silver platter ready to send him as soon as we do our hishtadlus and show our loving father Hashem the YEARNING for Mashiach.

    May we all start immediately so this Tisha B’av can be a yom tov of happiness in Jerusalem.

    in reply to: No tachnun? #2301874
    Sam Klein

    Chanukah and Purim together with all the other times throughout the year that we say Hallel are said to thank Hashem for the open miracles done to klal yisroel and saving klal yisroel NOT to celebrate our enemies destruction which is a issue straight from the Torah

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