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  • in reply to: 1 in 10 girls will not get married #913412

    Please advise: where can one see ‘the advertisement’ discussed above?

    in reply to: ALL SHIDDUCH Q's WELCOME #917659

    I dont think its a secret that the ‘guy’ or the ‘male’ as you refer to him – essentially controls the relationship at least pre-marriage. That is because girls today are so desperate to get married they will take verbal, emotional (and help me G-d I hope not) physical abuse? even during the dating stage.

    I do not think any couple from any crowd sits down at the date’s inception to discuss what lines to cross, etc… and would think things just fall as they please – or as the guy makes it happen.

    in reply to: Is there a Shidduch Crisis? #1137172

    I think the Shidduch Crisis should be renamed the Shadchan Crisis. It is no secret that there are both boys and girls out there just getting older every day – either waiting by the phone or sitting through mindless dates with ppl who ‘dont make sense.’ I think the shadchonim of today need to be taken out back and shot. After all it is very often THEY who control the situation. They get miffed by a girl just once, she is black-listed. Meanwhile, an eligible guy (possible bashert?) never gets call because ‘there arent the right girls out there. I wonder if the shadchonim decided to think for once about the SINGLES instead of themselves or their grande silver menorahs they might earn for shadchonus maybe more people would be married today. Think about it – we do not have the bais hamikdosh for a variety of reasons including the lack of chesed in today’s world. Since when did ‘setting someone up’ become a $10,000 fee up front? These people make me embarrassed to be a frum Jew.

    in reply to: ALL SHIDDUCH Q's WELCOME #917657

    I think if she is hooked up to an IV – she is probably just about right. At least according to 2012 Conventional Shidduchim Wisdom.

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