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  • in reply to: Mandatory Vaccines #1922455

    Syag, have you checked the stats on how many recover from this virus? How come you weren’t this vocal about everyone getting a flu shot?

    And what if people already had it and have antibodies
    Do they also need a vaccine?

    Aside for the fact that fauci and co. still want everyone masked up and apart vaccined or not. Is that telling or something? Population control? Hmmm makes you wonder…

    Who said everyone on the planet is sick with the virus or carrying it! If a number of individuals choose to take the vaccine then that should already lower the pandemic numbers or be close to stopping it if that’s even possible.
    So why stop there, why don’t everyone be required to take every vaccine out there in order to eliminate the chance of ever getting sick?

    in reply to: Mandatory Vaccines #1922352

    Syag,” It was tested, we just don’t have any long term data”

    Yes the long term data, exactly. Practically the same as untested. If someone is fine the next day after the vaccine, that is not a long enough test.

    And yes it is sickening that we’ve come to a point where people feel they have the right to demand what others do regarding their own health and what they put into their body. You want to get the vaccine so do it but don’t demand that others do as well. If you feel others need it too then obviously you don’t believe the vaccine is effective at all.

    in reply to: Mandatory Vaccines #1922162

    Wow. Your comments are all sickening. What do you mean take the vaccine! If you want to take a vaccine, no less a potentially very dangerous and untested vaccine go ahead. What right do you have to tell others to take it?

    Dorah, if you want to sew a mask over your face then do it. Maybe you’ll be safer that way.

    in reply to: Election Fraud #1919366

    @emesnisht-“Hillary never said it the way you suggested. She just said if the election is close Biden should not concede as Trump will try to interfere with the absentee ballots. In any case, Hillary was not running for election, and her one comment about not conceding is a ridiculous basis for Trump’s deplorable actions alleging fraud when he has not presented evidence of such widescale fraud”

    Wrong sir. Hillary said it exactly as that, and they were planning much worse if Trump wins. She clearly said biden should not concede under any circumstance and that she believes if they drag it on and fight they will win after recounting. She said they should not give an inch and she didn’t say trump will interfere with the ballots she said the Republicans will surely meddle.

    What proof do you need? They have not accepted Trump as president for 4 years! Accused him of russian collusion, tried impeaching him, spoke about 25th amendment to replace him, said he is not mentally fit, rioting for the past year burning cities to the ground and killing innocent civilians and officers , planning to riot if Trump wins election, Harris saying riots won’t end after election, pelosi said that Joe Biden should not concede and tried cancelling debates so he doesn’t mess up…..how ignorant can you be!

    Even if you despise Trump and think all he can do is wrong, open your eyes or more importantly your mind and see all that the democrats have been and still are doing to defeat Trump! Are you that brainwashed?!

    in reply to: Election Fraud #1919367

    Suddenly the democrats are the adult in the room? When clearly there was fraud in this election! Voting machines conveniently broke down in republican voting areas!

    in reply to: Election Fraud #1919107

    Er-The scary thing is Trump has done all of these things. 1. He began predicting massive fraud months earlier when polls showed him losing”

    How about when Hillary said in a recorded video interview that Joe biden should not concede under any circumstance and that they should wait because surely after recounting the democrats will win. Since the republicans will tamper with the absentee votes. How about pelosi calling to cancel the debates which they did for at least the second debate and also calling for biden not to concede.

    How about the riots which were ongoing and planned for after the election which sneaky harris said will continue after the election?

    All this was before the election results. Need I say more?

    in reply to: Trash bags #1915249

    Majority bags are white. They are also cheapest. As if that’s the standard.

    in reply to: Trash bags #1915156

    They don’t make bags only for nyc but you would think most people would rather black garbage bags which conceal garbage.
    Yes white bags are not see through like recycling bags, I meant they are translucent. You can definitely see a lot of the content they are holding.

    in reply to: Hoarder vs Minimalism #1915153

    Well there is an effect on people living in clutter vs organized open space. Whether you notice or not living in a mess has a strong negative effect on the mind causing difficulty thinking rationally or having a clear mind.

    On the other hand an organized open space can make one feel very relaxed and have harchavas hada’as. And to achieve that and make it easier is by having less stuff. Again that doesn’t mean you should throw out things you need. But take a look, how many things are just sitting around taking space which you never use or intend to use?

    in reply to: Election War 2020 #1912421

    *states bracing

    in reply to: Heshy HaGever #1910431

    I think we need a good advocate for us to speak up. We don’t have a choice. Heshy is good with the media. Yes he got carried away before and apologized for it. But he knows how to deal well with them and it shows In media and radio interviews.

    in reply to: Heshy HaGever #1910303

    He’s a little controversial to some as is apparent and some don’t support him but even if he was a little too loud (which he was modest enough to apologize for) I think at this point everything is out in the open about jews so keeping silent won’t cut it anymore. We just need to fight this tyranny and false representation of us in media and social media. The news outlets and private photographers are relentless and keep trying to photo and document us in order to catch any fault or non compliance whether justified or not. And if they don’t catch us they make a big story out of nothing. So keeping quiet will not stop them quite the opposite.

    So try keeping an open mind. True we were always quiet about things but on the other hand we have gotten so exposed recently (albeit fabricated) that we are the talk of town. So we have to balance it out somehow.

    in reply to: Yiddishe Meshugas #1910076

    Schnitzel “couple of months ago I wrote a letter to a certain magazine asking them to stop putting in pictures of rebbeshe tishen”

    Just as you can’t explain crazy liberals so to we can only label this as yiddishe meshugas. These sites including ywn are stubborn and will davka keep showing “cute and heartwarming” photos of people hugging, and smiling, and happy (awww I’m melting) and especially at a time like this without masks or social distance! Even if they wear a mask but take it off for the pictures, this is what everyone sees! Jews without masks and ignoring social distancing!

    Shoitim! Stop publicizing the yiddishe people! This goes against all our generations where we stayed out of public eye and kept to ourselves. You got so confident and prideful and comfortable enough that you forget our place in the world? We are a minority in the world and don’t need to show off ourselves to everyone.

    Anti semitism has broken out here in nyc and is coming from government not just from a few shmata on the street who might yell out a slur here and there and that’s it. Government has huge influence on people especially controlling them by fear and turning them on whoever they want.

    Stop publishing pictures and revealing articles. JUST STOP! And this goes for the chabad and any other jewish websites who just won’t stop publishing photos of events, holidays, yom tov, or any other cringy pictures who no one wants to see except for the reporters and social media nasty people who share this all over! What do you gain from this boone even comments on these type of articles and photos. We don’t need to document every holiday or event every year it’s the same thing we see it that’s enough, no need for pictures.

    You think only jews have access to these sites? Where are you living?? Government hounds and reporters and any other scumbags are looking for this and sharing all over media and social media.

    JEWISH WEBSITES STOP HURTING US! They are taking enough pictures of us they don’t need your help.

    in reply to: New World Order #1908992

    Well it seems Israel has already ushered in the new world order with their inhumane restrictions and penalties.

    in reply to: Tischler in jail #1908987

    Hes not black

    in reply to: Labeled as anti mask #1908981

    The only reason I can think of jews having an issue with mask is a subconscious of being forced to wear something throughout the generations to distinguish us. But everyone has to wear it not just jews. Maybe the other reason is because we feel we can see past this whole conspiracy and not brainwashed by media. Nevertheless we need to do it since the sheep are wearing it even when driving alone in the car with
    the windows closed. You can’t fight that.

    in reply to: Americans at fault? #1908613

    You think If it starts in nyc which is the central Jewish population it won’t spread to other states! Meanwhile we see more and more published photos on JEWISH websites of yidden being “happy” going about celebrating the holiday without masks and close together. Foolish websites do you think no one is monitoring you! The crown heights website(as well as others) won’t quit publishing cute photos of jews preparing for yom tov while not wearing masks and gathering in masses including packing up 770 for hoshanos and broadcasting it live on the 770 stream! Foolish yidden what are you doing endangering us all! It’s not enough what they see on the streets you have to make it easier for them!

    in reply to: Cuomo #1908562

    Anonymous jew, there is no fair anti semitism is irrational. It starts with something somewhat true like saying most jews didn’t wear masks which even then is exaggerated and then it turns worse and worse. Everything becomes the Jews fault. I’m afraid there is no way to stop this.

    in reply to: NYC lockdowns again #1907843

    Are these protests going to help or hurt us more. Just curious.

    in reply to: Testing the Trap #1907492

    Rava “The only option is to have the leaders organize en mass the people who had it already should test and noone else should test. This way we will flood the market with negative test”

    Yes but are they going to include the negative tests? Not only that, as we already know there are false positives whether purposely or not, who’s to say we aren’t giving them opportunity to turn those negatives into positive on the charts?

    Conspiracy you say? Is it a conspiracy that they labeled anyone in the hospital no matter the issue as a covid patient to make more money? No it’s not not a conspiracy.

    in reply to: New World Order #1907034

    Something unnatural is happening and it seems anti semitism is breaking out. It looks like day by day the government is getting more brazen about calling out Jews for spreading the virus. Things are getting out of hand fast. Do we need to pack up?

    in reply to: New World Order #1906872

    Ywnjudy,”nightwriter, let’s say it like it really is. Which is that many frum authorities from within our communities also compliantly call out those who don’t wear masks, or who are anti-vaccines”

    Judy, at this point we have to wear masks whether we like it it not. They are publishing articles every day showing Jews without masks and blaming Jews for the virus. They are shutting down ONLY Jewish neighborhoods to punish us. It’s not a good sign. Quite scary actually

    in reply to: New World Order #1904062

    What exactly did Trump mean by saying that “Jews are only in it for themselves” and “stick together”?
    And what about De Blasio calling out 6 Neighborhood which “happen ” to all be Jewish neighborhoods, as part of the Ocean Parkway Cluster?

    It is very troubling that such blatant anti semitism is coming out of Government. Are these warning signs? As usual in history, diseases are blamed on Yidden. We’ve known this throughout our generations. Such a scapegoat are the Jews that we almost forgot that the virus came out of Wuhan China!

    Anyone who cant face these facts is putting their head in the sand. Anti Semitism is breaking out once again. If the Mayor and Governor of New York are being openly anti semitic, and the media and social media is spreading nonstop propaganda showing how Jews arent following guidleines, and even the President of the Country is saying anti semitic statements, this is a serious issue. Yes the Israeli Government is totally corrupt, but we might have to leave to Israel very soon. Virus+Riots=attacks on Jews. Simple. And scary.

    in reply to: Social Mania #1901433

    Not “someone” will stop it. As I said they depend on you to keep going. If people disconnect, it stops.

    in reply to: Social Mania #1901322

    @tehillm, it’s a good point that even if we were to disconnect from smartphones, internet, and all social media all the data is still there. If you ever used a phone gps/google they store all the data you input. But that’s the world we live in so nothing to do about that. And it’s a separate topic.

    Not saying to disconnect from ever using a phone gps or Google search obviously people have no choice in today’s internet reliant world, but social media definitely should be shut down. It is harmful, full of fast spreading hatred, and has made the world situation worse including the covid situation. Governments would never have been able to scare people so much without social media or to turn people against each other so easily via video sharing in seconds throughout the platform, of people not wearing masks or not social distancing. I’ve seen many random strangers taking pictures of people who weren’t wearing a mask. What would they do with those pictures if not for posting and publicizing then on social media to “shame” them.

    Social media has sickened the world and it must be stopped eveb though it is long overdue. Yes it’s a waste of time and energy, but the worst id all the fake news and false or half truth videos and info which csue so much hatred and fear amongst people especially this who are already unstable.

    What will you lose by shutting down your account? Your “virtual” friends? Your virtual life? You won’t be missing out on anything especially if most people shut it down which many have been doing recently. You think it isnt possible? True facebook and others have been long running, but don’t forget how myspace was number one and slowly disappeared from existence. It all depends on people’s choice. You are the ones keeping social media alive. They depend on you not the other way around.

    in reply to: New World Order #1901315

    @leah can you publish that letter here?

    @apukerma the worst is happening is israel so far. And besides this never happened in history, especially not on a global scale.

    in reply to: Social Mania #1900866

    Gadol, bochurim what? What does this have to do with bochurim? Social media is used by the whole world. And no, social media has barely any positives. Aside for a good way to advertise and connect with others, which could be done without all the nonsensical comments or “wise” opinions from all the gifted people out there.

    So basically you can just have a platform for ads and listings and that would be more beneficial.

    in reply to: Social Mania #1900831

    Random, any stupid idea is a trending challenge.

    in reply to: Social Mania #1900068

    I don’t use any social media and haven’t basically ever. Maybe for a month or so. And yes it’s different than real life since it’s an illusion and much easier to portray a fake life in a fake Virtual world.

    in reply to: Social Mania #1899825

    Just being on social media is already toxic since you will keep seeing photos and feeds of people you know or not. The question is if there will be a mass disconnect or will people keep saying they will “disconnect soon” but keep destroying their lives and the world with this nonsense

    in reply to: Civil War 2 #1897602

    Sam klein, London or canada? Those in particular suffer from anti semitism. Besides, if there would be anti semitism in the U.S., do you think other countries would hold back? It would likely be global since it already is an issue in many other countries. America is pretty much the only country still being contained.

    in reply to: Civil War 2 #1897392

    So we are in the midst of a Civil War in America. It will likely only get worse after the Election no matter who wins. Obviously its a matter of time once they turn on the Jews as we already hear them chanting free palestine (whatever that place is) and painting graffiti on shuls. What are we to do? Not to spread fear im just asking a serious question since we need to know what to do before things happen. Some people say “oh stop worrying, only worry if something happens”. Such stupidity, wait till its too late?! Honestly is it time to consider getting out of America? Obviously Israel is not ideal in present time(so please dont comment saying Israel is worse we get it), but what other choice do we have? People have been leaving New York City in droves and still are, and many Jews even leaving America totally. Seems to be a serious situation we are in. Any opinions?

    in reply to: Civil War 2 #1897266

    Kollelman”Make no mistake about it, this doesn’t end well, especially for Jews.”

    -its a chilling statement. And we know it always ends up with the Jews. What do we do then? Is it time to leave America?

    in reply to: Civil War 2 #1897074

    @akuperma- well say it isn’t officially declared a war. And it wouldn’t necessarily be between red and blue states so goods and food wouldn’t be an issue. In this civil war I was mostly thinking of the probability of in-state and in-city fighting between 2 groups. Blm,antifa,Dems,libs,left vs anyone who is Trump,police,right wing,religious, conservative. In a way it would be harder to stop such a war since it would be in-fighting in most major states and cities as we are seeing now in Portland,Wisconsin, Seattle and even a little in NYC or any major city for that matter.

    And gadolhadora what on earth are you talking about. It’s the Dems who will have you believe this is all caused by Trump since it’s part of their agenda to get votes. They even keep threatening that riots will continue as long as they don’t get their way. Except it all backfired on them and many Dems and news anchors have said the riots should stop since it’s affecting their votes. So what does that tell you? If anything Trump will gain more votes from so many people who are waking up to the situation and reality. Dems really messed up on this one.

    Besides how is it trumps fault? It all started with police against criminals and has nothing to do with Trump. And ever since the one black man was killed, blacks have killed more blacks than ever police have. So what’s the logic here.

    in reply to: LIbrary Books? #1888509

    hu bacha- you forgot to mention goggles. What will mask and gloves help without the newly advised goggles?

    “lechoyra better to buy a book at least you will save 5 cents for returning it late”
    -well ya save 5 cents but spend a lot more on something you will likely read once if it even turns out to be interesting enough to do so. Its a shame you just cant clean books as you can a cd or any other media type.
    Or as ive mentioned just go for the books which are brand new/new condition, which is impossible currently since all you can do is order and pickup so no way to choose.

    They do update books and get new copies but unfortunately not often enough and they absolutely love to save as much as they can by keeping a worn out filthy book in circulation as long as they can.
    “No Budget” what can you do.

    in reply to: Used furniture #1888213

    You can check Craigslist or kghshuls group as well as fivetownsshuls groups. People always giving things away there.

    in reply to: LIbrary Books? #1888007

    Not gonna respond anymore tried twice I must have said something wrong according to mods. Was well thought out. Oh
    Well we all controlled

    in reply to: LIbrary Books? #1887680

    Ya you got me. What a clever detective!

    in reply to: Is EMP Strike Imminent? #1875756

    If not from China how about North Korea or more likely Iran which has nothing to and get enjoyment from seeing the world burn? These are countries that the U.S has prepared for.

    Noyb” No one is looking to start World War 3, especially in the current climate.”

    World War 3? An EMP Strike which would totally burn out the whole grid and all devices which would make that country totally defenseless and done for. There wouldnt even be enough communication to let submarines know that there was an EMP in order to strike back which in the meantime gives the striking country an opportunity to take them out. It would be devastating.

    in reply to: Is EMP Strike Imminent? #1875412

    Well being used to stay at home might be easier to control the situation/people since there would be a tendency for riots and chaos in the streets.

    Trump issued an executive order a year ago to prepare for an EMP strike and seems the news has resurfaced recently.

    Yes would be a dumb move on China but then again you are dealing with a government who doesnt care about killing their own people as shown with this pandemic, and who might do anything to be the Empire of the world. Last I checked the world owes a lot of money to China especially the U.S., not the other way around.

    in reply to: NEW YORK OVER #1875300

    @Coffee Addict-“Just like giuliani came after dinkins I wouldn’t be surprised if a exceptionally good right wing mayor will come after deblasio”

    -I think Curtis Sliwa of the Guardian Angels and Radio Host is running for Mayor

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1859640

    no Yserbius, just alot of information to cover. What proof do you want about bill gates being evil? The fact that he is so involved and excited about pandemics, smiling and nervously laughing anytime he brings up the fact that people die or someone brings it up in the interview, talking about depopulation of the world/via vaccines, pushing for chips to be installed in the population as to control the masses by easily accessing their medical information on person, should I go on or are those enough qualities of a good person?

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1859254

    ubiquitin-“These are bacteria that were already in your respiratory tract they doidnt pose ham on the first go around, why would exhaling them and re-inhaling the cause harm the second time?”

    -theres a difference when something is inside the body and once its expelled out it changes. Theres also a reason why things leave the body. I’ll clear it up for you since you are so ignorant. Theres a reason for going to the bathroom. I would not advise putting that stuff back into your system. But hey be my guest tell us how it worked out for you. If you really believe the stuff you say then there is not much more need to explain since you just aren’t capable of understanding basic medical logic.

    Anyway keep inhaling your own carbon dioxide seems to be doing wonders for you. Your replies are so ridiculous it just isnt worth answering anymore. Look up common sense.

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1859201

    ubiquitin-“Carbon dioxide doesn’t stick to your mask. and any bacteria is bacteria youve already exhaled”

    -Thanks for clarifying that doc, but yes you are inhaling carbon dioxide since its in a confined space between your nose and mask. Oh the bacteria you already exhaled? Then what a great idea to inhale it back into your system genius. How about when you clean your runny nose or cough up mucus into a tissue just rub it back into your nose and mouth great idea. After all you it came out of your own system whats the harm in putting it back in?

    “no never heard of that. Ar you suggesting using “fresh air” to treat those with sepsis?”

    -oh thats right because thats what we were trying to treat with fresh air my mistake

    “hospitals are currently well stocked.”
    -Oh so before it was ineffective to wear a mask since there was a shortage but now that hospitals are well stocked its effective once again. Sheep will be Sheep. This is the type of gullible that makes it easy for them to brainwash and control the masses. You would have to be pretty unsmart in order to not see through this propaganda. Its too obvious.

    “Recommendations change all the time, as new data/information becomes avilable. That is a good thing not bad . While masks dont do much to prevent you from getting sick (though helps a bit) they do prevent you from infecting others which you can do even if asymptomatic.”

    -masks are nothing new they have been around long enough for there to be enough research on them. Fauci himself said that most masks do nothing as the viruses go right through them and are worthless. But now suddenly they are effective enough to receive a $1000 fine for not wearing them. uh ok.

    “Ask all your questions. Its ok to be uncertain in these scary times. but get reasonable answers that make sense . We are here for you it will be ok.”

    -Thanks doc. Would you be so kind as to appear on TV interviews and Youtube in order to reassure everyone else as well? Wouldnt want to be selfish.

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1859095

    Oh and don’t forget to be the first one in line once Billy declares chips to be planted into your body to track your medical history.

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1859074

    Ubiquitin”And nonsense (eg wearing a mask makes you sick by “activating” the virus. What? How?)”

    Very simple. You breathe in h20. You exhale co2. When you have your mask on all day as they “recommend”, you are breathing in your own carbon dioxide and any other bacteria that is piling up inside your mask. It’s one thing to wear a mask for short period of times. It’s another to wear one while excercising, jogging, or even just walking around all day.
    Besides she isn’t the only doctor who brought this up.

    Did you forget about the old fashioned remedy of just good old air when you are sick to freshen yourself up and kill germs? What happened to opening up the window every now and then or taking a walk for some fresh air? How do you do that when you are wearing your muzzle all day long? Isn’t that a bit counterintuitive? Yes muzzle. Look at how people look right now following orders all muzzled up. The “superiors” love this. Yet they themselves who declare all to wear a mask are too elite to wear one themselves. It’s only for the controlled common folk.

    What happened to Fauci’s “do not wear masks! You are depleting the supply for the medical staff. Masks are only for those who are sick. If you aren’t sick DO NOT wear a mask it will not prevent you from getting sick it will not do anything”

    Strange how we went from that to suddenly getting $1000 fines or subject to arrest if we don’t wear a mask. But keep being a sheep. Along with everyone else that’s why we are at this point.

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1859008

    Millhouse, there are worse videos on YouTube which are total lies, conspiracies and other dangerous content which have not been removed. Interesting that this caught their attention.

    Ubiquitin”Waaait so they’re not behind it? I thought you said the organizers of the event were behind the outbreak?”

    They never dreamed it would play out as bad as they hoped. They also never dreamed they would be able to control the masses so easily withing 1 or 2 months taking all their liberties away without so much as a protest. This has set a course which is dangerous for everyone. Anytime they will want to control the masses it will be accepted since it’s happened before. Btw your friend Billy gates has been talking about forced vaccinations and chips inserted into your hand to be scanned for vaccines and your medical history. Will you comply with that too? Or is that also a conspiracy.

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1858982

    Millhouse”Right, maybe this will explain it. All the predictions you are bringing up were NOT predicting anything as severe as what has happened. They were all referring to the normal kind of pandemic that happens regularly, which is often (Ibut not always) a coronavirus, and often (but not always) from China”

    Not true. Check Event 201 for yourself on YouTube it’s all recorded on video. They predicted even worse. They spoke about shutting down the internet as to reduce panic upon people. They never dreamed that it would ACTUALLY play out as bad as this. They hoped it would be worse though.

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1858906

    working for who? nomesorah, did you run out of aluminum foil for your hat?

    yeserbius-“So neither of us can say what it indicates, we can only report what the experts are saying.”

    ya but you dont need to be an expert to see the break in the pattern that this time they handled it much different and tried hiding it from the world aside from letting it spread to other countries.

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1858878

    *Dr. Judy Mikovits

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