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simple solution, ban the country excersion all together. Think of all the isues like this that can be resolved by keeping school going to Rosh chodesh Av. Think of the millions of dollars spent on the country vacation that even if half would flow back into the yeshivas and other schools how much better financing could be. Why do the kids need a 10 week total vacation? The claim that the reason to go to the country is to get away from pritzus apparently does not apply anymore according to rosh chaburah, therefore we should stay in the city.
June 3, 2010 3:44 pm at 3:44 pm in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1025245rescue37Participant<Its frightening whats happening…..wearing no stockings and so on.>
Please provide original source for requirement of women to wear stockings. (chumrah is not a requirement)
rescue37ParticipantIt would be simillar to thr vietnam war where a very very large percentage took an exemption to study in a seminary.
rescue37ParticipantDaas Yochid,
You can’t say ideally and then say it’s muttar. Either you can eat it or not. Bottom line is that if you don’t remove the bugs you can still eat it, therefore the ideally removing is a seperate issue. It would be similar to blood in the yolk of an egg that was never fertilized. It is muttar to eat the egg, would you eat it without removing it? It is muttar to eat the fish. Period. Therefore anaskis is not an issue.
Ideally one whould remove it, seperate issue, but the reason for removing it is not because there is a safek if the anaskis in the fish is an issue.
rescue37Participanton another news site it was reported the Rav Vaya from E”Y who is considered the foremost expert in bugs said in a nutshell that the fish a muttar and that it is not an issue.
On another note, he also said that we shouldn’t be eating raisans and corn on the cob
rescue37ParticipantTrying my best,
On the other hand, other Dass Torah did not support land for peace. How can Daas Torah disagree? If Rabbi A says vote for X and Rabbi Y says vote for B, what are you supposed to do? not vote?
rescue37ParticipantIf you read the indroduction to Igros Moshe, it says that the sefer is not halacha l’maaseh. Rather it is for someone to learn and also also learn the sugya and then come to his own conclusion.
May 18, 2010 2:17 am at 2:17 am in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1025064rescue37ParticipantTrying my best:
First, who says these types of issues weren’t addressed?
Second, It is called the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation, hence it is apparent that they are purporting the halacha based on the seforim of the chofetz chaim. I would venture to say that there substantilaly less disagreements on what the chofetz chaim meant when he wrote his seforim then on the difference in opinions on tznius. (Wolfish’s example for instance, or the machlokes of shok between the Chazon Ish and the Chofetz Chaim)
May 17, 2010 10:02 pm at 10:02 pm in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1025055rescue37Participantwhat about if there is a machlokes on how to interpret? Will it be Cazon Ish’s standards, Chofetz Chaim standards? Reb Yoshe Ber Soleveitchik (Boston) standards? Toldos Aharon standards? Lubavitch standards? If you choose one of the above, what about if my Rav says we should use a different standard?
May 17, 2010 9:50 pm at 9:50 pm in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1025053rescue37ParticipantTrying my best: Whose definition of tznius are you going to base it on?
May 17, 2010 9:30 pm at 9:30 pm in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1025049rescue37Participantbig difference between CCHF and OP
CCHF – Lashon horah is a problems, let’s teach klal yisroel the halachos and give shiurim on the issue.
OP – “I wish to protest this very recent phenomenon of such public breach in tznius”
CCHF never protests or calls out a segment, they work to improve us. OP has compaints and protests.
A person should not be worried about yenems ruchnius, he can be worried about klal yisroel, but if someone is truly worried about klal yisroel, then the approch would be like CCHF.
May 17, 2010 8:03 pm at 8:03 pm in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1025043rescue37ParticipantSqueak,
I beleive we should all be involved in worrying about yenems gashmius. It should be my worry that yenem has enough of it. worrying about to mush of it, would relate to his ruchnius.
May 17, 2010 6:44 pm at 6:44 pm in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1025036rescue37Participantchesedname
It is absolutely not only a reflection of the mother. You can see plenty of cases that go either way with the daughters not following what the mother is doing in this regard. Look at pictures from the 60’s & 70’s and you will see that skirt lenght is approxiamtely the same as now. This means, that not much has changed other than there are more people worried about yennems frumkeit now than there was then. how about worrying about yennems gashmius and your own frumkeit. I know from my mife and daughter that going to a yiddish store to by a longer skirt that will cover the knees is sometimes an act of futility. If the longer skirts would sell, there wouldn’t be problem in finding them. Which would indicate that there is a large percentage that don’t care. Maybe that is what should be addressed, or maybe it is a sign from himmel that the lenght may actually be ok and all the shreing is about chumras.
May 17, 2010 6:30 pm at 6:30 pm in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1025033rescue37ParticipantIf the girls after over 12 years of “indoctrination” still do not follow what was taught to them, maybe there is something wrong with what is being taught. If one or two kids fail a test it is a refelction on the kids, if 50% of a class fail it is a reflection on the teacher.
rescue37Participant$2.99 a gallon for chalav ha’companies vs. a similar price for a 1/2 gallon of chalav yisroel that generally spoils faster.
If my family drank a lot of milk, the gallon containers would be the way to go.
Did they conscript him? He probably wated a day getting papers in order. They recognize the situation and aren’t interested in drafting someone from elsewhere that has no interest. It’s a beaurocratic counry, but chances are that kids would not even be noticed.
rescue37ParticipantI wouldn’t worry so much. One parent was born is Israel and my family made aliyah when I was 10. I left Israel after I turned 16 (about 2 weeks before by conscription notice came). When I went back for a visit about 8 years later on my american passport (I also have an expired Israeli passport), I had no problems at all. My younger brother went back a few years ago and had no problems either. It is not worth their time to conscript a kid who is coming for a short visit or to learn for a year.
rescue37ParticipantWhy isn’t the quesion asked; does the minhag of issur of kitniyos ruind pesach? Maybe if kitniyos weren’t assured there wouldnt be such a pudh to use todays technology to come up with these things. There is only so much meat, potatoes and eggs a person can eat.
rescue37Participantthe editor forgot three dots … after the last number
Frumster is on the internet, and the internet is only allowed for parnassah reasons. So firstly, the young maidel or bochur need a heter from a rav to have the internet at home. Secondly, since the internet is only allowed for parnassah and bochurchik should only be spending his first 10 years of marriage learning, there is no way he should be allwed to use the internet. Therefore the bochur has to have a higher level of special permission for the internet, and once he is allowed on the internet, only approved places are allowed. Concluding that for the young maidel to find the right bochur, the site needs a haskama so bochurchik can go to it and for maidel’e to find the right type of bochur.
rescue37Participantsounds goyish to me
rescue37ParticipantI have heard the Rabbi Belsky from the OU said there is no problem, you will probably want to confirm by calling the OU.
The institution should not be deducting the amount without your approval. Also, don’t forget, the total amount is taxable and ma’aser is after taxes.
rescue37Participantmy babies all started around 6-7 months, which my wife tells me is about average, but some don’t start till around 10 months. I don’t think you need to loose sleep yet, but it is something you should keep your eye on.
rescue37Participantlooks like has just posted the story without any attribution to YWN.
the yentas want to know
rescue37Participant<<<Apparently, she was with some of them the other night and one of the other girls made a remark about Stranded’s “giving up” and “settling” for someone who is not “k’lei kodesh.”>>>
We have just seen the crux of the shiduch crisis. It’s all about outwards perception and having to conform to what other people think.
rescue37Participanttry a Dermatologist, they may be able to help you better
rescue37ParticipantShalom Bayis issues and the such should not even be mentioned in high school. These are a bunch of teenagers who have yet to grow up (rightfully so). Let them be kids.
rescue37Participantfound on
where it says that the psakim are from Rabbi Webster of Yeshiva Emek Halacha
Question: Is one permitted to use babywipes on Shabbos?
Answer: There is a machlokes between various Poskim on this subject. If the wipe is paper then it really is no different than wiping a spill on Shabbos with a napkin. According to Rav Moshe Feinstein (Vol. 1) zt”l, there is no prohibition on squeezing a napkin since the intention is not to get the water, but rather to soak up the spill (although, water will come out of it). Rav Binyamin Silber Shlita, (in his Sefer Az Nidbiru) disagrees and holds that it is prohibited. (For deeper research into the topic, see Shallos Utishuvos Machza Eliyahu)
The Poskim of this generation are in dispute about babywipes. Some wipes are so saturated that liquid will be squeezed out at the slightest touch. In this case it would be prohibited (one must experiment with the different brands). If your type does not have alot of liquid (usually the first half to three-quarters of the box) than you may use it. In this case, one should refrain from using the last quarter of the box. Wipes that are medicated should preferably not be used since it is a Refuah and the substance on them could smear which is prohibited on Shabbos. If the baby has a rash and needs ointment one may dab it onto the area but not smear it, just cover it with the diaper and the diaper will do the smearing.
rescue37ParticipantFound on
I don’t know who wrote or if they are correct, but they bring some heavy hitters in the realm of psak
— “Shoshanah M. & Yosef G. Bechhofer”
<sbech…> wrote:
> While I do not wish to get involved in long discussions of the
> issue here,
> I will give some brief background notes:
> 1. May Poskim hold there is no sechita mishum mefarek by niyar,
> including
> R’ Moshe, the Har Tzvi, the Tzitz Eliezer, RSZA and the Shemiras
> Shabos
> K’Hilchoso. Even if it were an issur d’rabbonon (which these poskim
> do NOT
> hold), we shall see, b’nidon didan yesh l’hattir.
Could you please give me mar’ei mekomot for these poskim?
> But even if it were a d’rabbonon, the halocho is that for tzorchei
> choleh
> she’ein bo sakono one may transgress d’rabbonons on Shabbos
> (tzorech – not
> just refu’ah!). The halocho is that a tinok has the status of a
> choleh
> she’ein bo sakono. Therefore, it is permitted to use baby wipes
> even if
> one might think that it would be assur d’rabbonon to use such wipes
> (such
> as Wash and Dries) on a gadol.
rescue37ParticipantLooking at the Non-Jewish system cannot be used as a comparrison since the attitude and behavior is different. To compare you need to look at similar attitudinal populations such as the non yeshia/chassidish population or the religious non-jewish population.
October 28, 2009 4:47 pm at 4:47 pm in reply to: What Do You Do When There Is An Incentive To Be Irresponsible? #664168rescue37ParticipantWolf,
The bottom line is, you have to be able to sleep at night with yourself. I made the decission to not load myself up with debt and refinish my house more than I had to until this point. When I needed a new car, I bought used and spent less, all so I could pay as much tuition as I could. I firmly beleive that the one above will provide me a new kitchen/floor/bathroom/car/ etc when I need it without having to go into unecessary debt and without affecting what I pay in tuition. The fact that others I know borrowed and spent all the money and are going on vacations while paying less tuition does not bother me. Hashem gives me what I need when I need it.
rescue37ParticipantSave the money and have her stay home. Be a leader not a follower.
rescue37ParticipantAnd why do we have to start earlier? Maybe the girls should start later?
The boys are marrying girls that have a more realistic view of what they want. For simplicity let’s call the good boys (A) the ones that are going to learn 5+ years and the not good boys (B) the ones learning less than that. When a new class of girls start going out 90% of the girls want a type A boy. The problem is that only 75% of the boys are type A. The type B boys now have the pool of 10% of the girls and whatever percentage from older classes that have changed their view and will now settle for a type B. The problem is that there are many sub levels of type B, and the girl may only want type B-1 & B-2 but there may be more B-3 & B-4 boys out there which the girls is not willing to consider yet. Along with this, is the problem that to be a good girl all you have to do is say you want a type A boy and give off a good impression. To be a good boy, you have a laundry list of things that you have to do such as daven with a minyan and learn. Within that, there is how many times a week do you daven with a minyan, where do you daven, do you only wear a hat when you daven, what color shirt do you wear when you daven etc. and the same with learning, and if the guy leaves yeshiva to work because he looks towards the future and realizes it’s better for him to start at a certain point instead of waiting for tuition bills, it makes him a Tyoe C. The girls that realize early on that a type B-10 boy could be good also, usually don’t have a problem. Based on my experience (I married at the late age of 26 and my wife was 26 also) The girls looking for a tyope A usually start lowering their standards when the type B level they are looking for is almost depleted. As they say, the early bird catches the worm.
rescue37Participantunmarried boys don’t stand out as much as unmarried girls. Also, the boys will more easily pick upi and move to an out of town community where they are off the radar screen. Once they leave yeashiva they are no longer considered a “good” boy so they are summarily dismissed by the girls. For every “good” girl that comes back from seminary (aren’t they all “good”) there is not one good boy per girl. By the time the girl is willing to lower her standards, the guy is already taken by a girl who was more realistic in the first place, so the “good” girls can’t find anyone to what they want
October 21, 2009 10:52 pm at 10:52 pm in reply to: Working Mothers – How Do You Find the Strength? #663364rescue37ParticipantIsn’t it interesting that as the push became stronger foe everyone to learn in kollel and the numbers increased that the numbers of “at risk” kids also increased.
[My point is hats and jackets are the cloth of the Jew. Ties are not in the same category]
I highly doubt the the Mechaber, the Ben Ish chai, Rav Ovadya Yosef etc and even the Chofetz Chaim would agree with you. The Chofetz Chaim did not wear a borsalino or a black hat for that matter. And please don’t try to tell me that by hat you meant any type of hat.
you are right, but since tefilah is called avodah, we are therefore working.
rescue37Participantyou are absolutely right, a shirt is not required by davening. One may wear a tunic or any other coverings that cover the required body parts as discussed in the halachic literature. Additionaly, whereas some presidents may have required a jacket in the oval office, most did not. Those that work closely with the president everyday do not necessarily put on a jacket when interacting with the president. Kal Va’chomer us, who are bnei bayit with HKB”H.
Do your daughters cover their elbows and knees starting from the age of 3? (It says so in the mishne berurah.) Just wondering if you’re being consistent here. Secondly, you quoted the M”B as saying one is required a hat and jacket, whereas the M”B never mentions a jacket, so how can we say any of your sevaros have credence? You started off with a falsehood.
rescue37ParticipantWhat they don’t tell you in (or if they do, it’s in really small letters)
1st – the value of the gift is not tax deductible, so you may send $250 and get the gift to find out that they value the gift at $70 which is not tax deductible.
2nd. – Raffle tickets are not deductible at all according to the IRS. (Don’t ask me how they can send out charity receipts. It’s probably a different thread that should be started)