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  • in reply to: Mincha Time #1139923

    Rabbi Reisman had a shiur regarding this a few years back. IIRQ he said there are basically two shitos, Shitas Hageonim and Rabbeinu Tam. Both Shittas hold that the time is divided into three parts, vadai yom, safek yom safek lialah, vadai lialah (tzeis).

    Rabbi Reisman then went on to discuss the timing in America according to Reb Moshe. He said that Reb Moshe held tzeis for shitas hageonim is 35 minutes after shkiah and 50 minutes after for Rabeinu Tam. According to this, vadai yom is until approximately 8 minutes before tzeis therefore mincha would be until 27 and 42 minutes after shkiah respetively, then it would be bdi’eved until shkiah. If one were to not hold y Reb Moshe’s calculation and use the standard 42 and 72 minutes then IIRQ the vadai yom is until 18 minutes before tzeis according to Rabeinu Tam (I don’t remeber the timing for shitas Hageonim).

    in reply to: Swimming Pool in Flatbush / Boro Park #694515

    How much and what are the hours of the yeled v’yalda center. Where can one get information

    in reply to: Vitamin D #715887

    to OP,

    Is this the same Reuters with the totally honest and true reporting on Israel? Like the time with the extra missiles in the picture or the reporting as truth and fact the productions of Pallywood? There is a risk in everything. But doesn’t the risk of death if the vaccine is not taken also have to be considered. You state from the article that the risck of siezures increased. By how much? from 1 in 100 to 2 in 100 or from 1 in a 100,000 to 2 in 100,000. Big difference between the two. Remember 1+1 can be proven to equal zero and statistics can always be manipulated to show whatever you want.

    in reply to: Rebbeim Strike #693970

    I beleive Reb moshe may have paskened at one time that it is assur for a Rebbi to strike.

    Also, since it is assur to receive money for teaching Torah, what are they striking about.

    in reply to: Whats wrong with chumros? #692915


    Rabbi Reisman asked in his navi shiur why does the mishnah berurah bring down in many places hamachmir tavo alav brachah. He answered that if you are machmir in all the cases you are a fool. hamachmir tavo alav brachah means you need to take on some chumras that’s when you get a bracha. you can choose your chumrahs. if you are machmir on everything, you are a fool.

    in reply to: Watching Children Carefully #692960


    I don’t know how old you are, but when I was a kid growing up 30 years ago I would leave the house in the morning, and if I remembered maybe come home for lunch. When it started getting dark we would know it’s time to go home. I things are different today, but to say the kids can’t go outside and play by themselves is beyond the pale. It is thinking like this that has contributed to the thinking that a 25 year old with 2 kids still needs to be supported fully. Kids need to learn independence. If they are coddled all there life, they will need to be coddled as grownups also.

    in reply to: Good Forwards (Emails) #1059539

    Why I Voted Democrat

    Pick Your Reason

    When your friends can’t explain why they voted for Democrats, give them this list. They can then pick a reason .

    10. I voted Democrat because I believe oil companies’ profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn’t.

    9. I voted Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.

    8.. I voted Democrat because Freedom of speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.

    7.. I voted Democrat because I’m way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves.

    6.. I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can’t tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don’t start driving a Prius.

    5.. I voted Democrat because I’m not concerned about the slaughter of millions of babies through abortion so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.

    4.. I voted Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits.

    3.. I voted Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the democrats see fit.

    2. I voted Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters.

    1. I voted Democrat because my head is so firmly planted up my ass that it is unlikely that I’ll ever have another point of view.

    I’ll keep my Freedom, my God and my Guns… You keep the Change…

    Get out and vote November 2nd, 2010!

    in reply to: Girls Congregating the Streets on Shabbos #691714

    People used to go swimming in the nude. When is this sefer from? maybe it’s from that tim frame and therefore it owuld be assur. But a bathing suit is not assur.

    in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1025966

    If the husband does not protest right away then he loses the upperhand of ‘Yotzah Blo Kesuba’

    in reply to: Hats and Jackets by Davening #690589

    If you tell me Poskim are saying something based on what’s customary, then they need to be updated on the customs currently being observed. If a shirt and tie is more “smart” and the custom, maybe there should be a change. I think that’s basically what Wolfish is saying

    in reply to: Kohanim at Liberty Science Center? #690864

    I disagree, I had a great time with and teaching my kids all about science last time I took them.

    in reply to: Hats and Jackets by Davening #690578

    Outside of flatbush, BP and the such a jacket is never an entire appearance. When someone dresses down they will wear a blazer without a tie but that is dress down mode. Are you saying we should dress sown fro davening?

    in reply to: SURVEY: Yeshiva Tuition Costs #1136276


    I don’t know exactly where on the spectrum of yeshivos your son is attending. If it is one that is saying that they have to continue in beis medrash you can do what my parents did. They told the yeshiva that we respectdully disagree, if you maintain that my son has to continue in beis medresh, he is all yours except for th ehours I expect him to be in college learning a trade, since that is my obligation towards him. I received some goernment grants and a 3rd party scholarship that went to the yehsiva and my parents didn’t pay.

    in reply to: Hats and Jackets by Davening #690540


    Everything is clear cut nowadays. I’m right you’re wrong. Doesn’t matter what the issue is. There is only one way of avodas hashem and that is my way. Didn’t you learn that in yeshiva? ;o)

    in reply to: Girls Congregating the Streets on Shabbos #691489

    If it offends me that people wear dead animals on their heads, should it now be assur for streimels to be worn? Why kill animals for no reason other than to make a head covering when such warmth is not needed.

    in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1025785


    I need to knoe the daily happenings of Dilbert and Garfield.

    in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1025781


    I need yesterdays news today not 2 days ago news today, that’s why I don’t bother with jewish papers. Also, there are types of news that are not covered in the jewish papers that a person may need to know.

    in reply to: Hats and Jackets by Davening #690529

    When the mishna talks about ha’umanim davening b’rosh ha’ilan or having to come down for shmoneh esreh, do you honestly think they brought their “hat & jacket” to the orchard so they should be able to daven with them?

    in reply to: Hats and Jackets by Davening #690528

    R’ Kanievsky probably has this kabalah from the Steipler or the Chazon Ish (I don’t remeber which one). The same question was asked to them and they gave the same answer BUT it was also noted that they said that this halacha pertains to someone who ALWAYS wears a hat and a jacket by davening. In such a case it is better to daven beyichidus. For one who does not always wear a hat and a jacket by davening it is better to daven with a minyan without a hat and jacket than to daven beyichidus with a hat and jacket

    in reply to: Before the fast recipes #690325

    it tastes good?

    in reply to: Before the fast recipes #690322

    I mix a package of wide noodles with fried onions, a container of cottage cheese and sour cream and bake it until the top is a little crispy. salt and pepper can be added to taste. I find that carbohydrates and protein tend to work well in this fashion.

    in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1025765

    actually, the tradition was to wear a head covering. Yidden were secluded from goyish coulture in the previous few hundred years due to goyim forcing seclusion. Since the time of the churban yidden have lived with goyim and in times held high positions within governments. If yidden were so secluded, why would there be discussions in the gemarah on how to build an eruv whe a goy owns a house in the chatzer, asking a goy to do melacha on shabbos etc. This seclusion is an outcrop from the dark ages when it was thought the jews had heebie geebies. It also didn’t help that every few decades they goyim decided to go on a jewish killing spree.

    If kids were actuially taught the halacha and the beauty in it, some problems would disapear by themselves. If someone is mechalel shabbos, yelling in the street shaigetz does not help. If the person is taught hilchos shabbos and the rationale behind them (not because g-d said so) there is a infintestinal better chance of seeing the behavior change.

    in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1025763


    black hats did not start out intending to differentiate ourselves, we just haven’t chnaged our way of dress from the 40’s. If you want to see a goy in a streimel look at old pictures, that hat won’t be exactly like streimels worn nowadays, but gues what, neither will the streimels from the old pictures. When yidden live in E”Y they are meant to be secluded, but guess what, we’re not in E”Y we’re in galus. There is no doubt that the culture affects us, but that does not mean it is to blame.

    in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1025759

    It’s very convienient to blame everything on the goyish environment, but that is a bunch of hullabaloo. The pasuk says “or lagoyin n’saticha” yidden were never meant to live in a ghetto. Most of everything that his heals so near and dear to what is called the mesorah nowadays has goyish influence in it. Black hats are from a style generally disabanded by goyim now,. Streimels were modeled after nobility hats. Plenty of foods have very similar goyish counterparts. Scotch, beer and other alchaholic drinks are goyish. I will admit that we may use some of the things in a better way, but it doesn’t negate the fact that they are goyish. If all the issues that are causing everyone palpitations along with hashkafah were taught in schools in a proper manner these issues could be less. But as the educational system is set up now, kids are taught it’s assur. doesn’t matter what the question is or that there may be cholkim, it’s assur. Kids are not taught reasons, including historical, behind certain minhagim and chumrahs. So if a kid is bombarded all day with it being assur and you’re a shaigetz if you do it, they start loosing faith and say I’m a shaigetz cause I do x, y or z so why should I bother, or everybidy else is doing it and they get honored by all the tzedakas for there wonderful help, so it must not be so assur. There is a generation or more of hypocritical kids, and it’s not getting better.

    in reply to: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel #1025723

    Rabbi Reisman spoke on this once (heard it in one of his recordings) and he said when you are walking down the street and see a lady puching a carriage not dressed up to standards what YOU should be thinking is ow wow, look how much this lady cares about rasing her child and taking care of it.

    in reply to: Hats and Jackets by Davening #690485

    If we need to wear the uniform of our time, then wouldn’t a suit be required at davening during the week and a nicer suit on shabbos? How does wearing an old shabbos hat and mismatched old shabbos jacket become a presentable uniform?

    in reply to: Hats and Jackets by Davening #690470

    I rather daven with a minyan of non hat jacket wearers than of that with wearers that chap a minyan on the quarter hour. That is much less lavod hatefilah to have a minyan factory.

    in reply to: Lap-Band Surgery #690821

    BP Totty,

    What are your qualifications to help in such a matter?

    in reply to: College – Appropriate or not? #689767

    Kvod Hatorah,

    Living off government handouts and worrying (and even getting sick or hypertension) where your next emergency expense or upcomming bar mitzvah or wedding is going to be paid from is not called financially surviving. having to juggle loans from gemachs and such is not called financially surviving. Having to go collect from door to door is not called financially surviving. Relying that there will be substantial tuition help for school or camp is not called financially surviving. Living off forced support (it may be willing, but it is still forced) is not called financially surviving. Not being able to buy life insurance and relying on collection letters or ponzi scheme life insurance setups is not called financially surving. It is called barely getting by and surviving, but definitely not financialy surviving.

    in reply to: College – Appropriate or not? #689759

    Just like there are other things that had their metzious change since the time of chazal, maybe this is one of them also. In the time of chazal there was no need for education well into someones 20’s, so maybe they would think differently now?

    in reply to: Best Profession #693434

    The best job is a legal one that pays the most for the least amount of hours and pressure.

    And as my Pre 1a boy says “Torah is the best schorah”

    in reply to: College – Appropriate or not? #689743

    how about providing a source for your opinion on this chiyuv?

    in reply to: College – Appropriate or not? #689739

    why would the chiyuv of talmud torah include a chiyuv to become a talmid chacham? Does it require you to become a sofer also? Does the chiyuv of tefilin require you to become a tefilin macher? Do the halachas of treifos require you to become a shochet? There is no chiyuv to become a talmid chacham. When the gemara talks about halachas of chaveirim and tzurba d’rabanan the connotation is that these people were there by choice.

    in reply to: College – Appropriate or not? #689736

    Tam, what makes you think otherwise. There are 612 mitzvos and 7 mitzvos D’rabanan. None of them state one must become a talmid chacham.

    in reply to: College – Appropriate or not? #689722

    A Jew has an obligation to learn Torah, there is no obligation to be a talmid chacham.

    in reply to: College – Appropriate or not? #689679

    Derech Hamelech,

    The point is that there is no one absolute derech. There are those here, that think there way is the only way and if you don’t follow there derech you are an oisvarf. The facts are that there are gedolim who attended, allowed people to attend or encouraged people to attend. On the flip side, there are those that said it’s assur. But was is missing from the assur side is the detail on why it is assur. If someone went to one of the gedolim who say college is assur, and told them I want to be a doctor, psychyatrist, actuary, lawer, etc… would they say it’s assur? I’m not so sure they would make a blanket statement that it is assur.

    As far a Rav Hutner is concerned, not only did he attend university (I don’t know if he ever got a degree, but he attended at the same time as the Lubavicher Rebbe and Rav Solovechik) I have been told that the reason he was offered the job in Chaim Berlin was because he attended (or got a degree from a) university. It is also known that he wanted to start together with R’Shraga Feivel Mendelowitch a yeshiva college and went as far as getting approved by the state for it, but when R’ Aaron found out and told them he was against it, in defference to him they abandoned the plan. College nowadays in basically a training school, years ago college was a place you went to to study for studying sake. The tshuvas from previous generations may not be relevant as the facts and circumstances have changes as to the nature of the purpose in college. There may still be other issues with attending, but everything needs to be looked at, not just the mere fact that the word college is used.

    in reply to: College – Appropriate or not? #689667

    Can someone please explain then on how the following gedolim atended university.

    1. The Malbim

    2. Rav Hutner

    3. Rav Weinberg

    4. Rav Wolbe

    5. Rav Herzog

    6. Rav Etlinger

    7. The Lubavitcher Rebbe

    8. The Novimisker Rebbe

    9. Rav Hirsch

    Also, if college was so assur, how could Rav Moshe allowed his daughter to marry a college graduate

    in reply to: kid being youngest in the grade #688677

    I actually have a kid who is the youngest in the class. It never occured to us that we should think about holding him back as he was doing very well academically(as much as it is relevant)in nursery. The problem that we find is that the class doesn’t fit a bell curve at that over 75% of the kids are 7-12 months older and he is also the smallest in the class. There actually is a kid a grade lower with my sons birthday. So, while he his doing very well academically and probably in the top 10%, he struggles socially. While this couldn’t be determined in nursery, if it was mentioned to us we may have considered holding off a year to give him some more time to mature.

    in reply to: Inexpensive Family Vacations #769265

    mixed swimming is not assur. What is assur is for men to see the women in a bathing suit and for women to show themselves to men in a bathing suit. There is no inherent issur of mixed swimming. What there is though, is an issur of bal tosif, such as, swimming with your wife is assur.

    in reply to: Bungalow Colonies / Summer Vacation Problems #690167

    The question also is, of the things that you see, what are clear violaations of halacha according to ALL dayos, and what is a violation of your opinion.

    in reply to: Jokes #1201134

    and the joke from aishes chayil is appropriate? Doesn’t kavod habrios come first?

    in reply to: Making Stuff Up and Sources #687984

    And yet you continue to ignore the fact that we don’t follow Rema 100% of the time. Please address the fact (specific cases were provided earlier). btw, if I remember correctly there are numerous instances where Shach does not pasken like Rema, if that is the case, how can it be binding? (at least according to your literal understanding)

    in reply to: Making Stuff Up and Sources #687982

    “Really?? Where is this brought down? In Sifrei oomis1105 HaKodesh?”

    It is brought down in the same sefer the connotates that Rema is authoritative and we can’t variate one iota.

    in reply to: Making Stuff Up and Sources #687977


    you already stated that. It is a fact that we don’t follow 100% on everything brought down. Do you wear tefilin on chol hamoed? Plenty don’t which is farkert from Rema. How can that be if Rema is authoritative?

    in reply to: Making Stuff Up and Sources #687975

    Are those additional sources pre or post Rema? If they are post, they have no bearing on the current discussion of whether we must or do follow all piskei haRema. (which we don’t. Do you wear tefillin on chol hamoed? Rema pasken you do but GRA and previous chassidish poskim say not to) HOW DARE THEY DISAGREE AND DO OTHER THAN WHAT IS BROUGHT DOWN IN SHULCHAN ARUCH BY REMA. On a side note, don’t chassidei chabad follow the psakim of shulchan aruch harav and not the Rema?

    in reply to: Making Stuff Up and Sources #687969


    Except for the times we don’t hold like the Rema. (See hilchos shaboos discussions as related to cutting up vegetables as it relates to tochen, mi’yad and borrer. M.B. 321 s.k. 45. In this case we are more machmir, but there are times the MB is more meikel such as salting food on Shabbos which the Rema says is assur but MB says HAMACHMIR tavo alav bracha.

    in reply to: Making Stuff Up and Sources #687963

    Just because one or two sefarim mention a halacha, that does not mean that that is the halacha. We don’t follow all yesh omrim in the gemarah and we don’t follow every halacha just because it was printed in a book. The opinion may be valid, but that does not make it a universal halacha. It is impossible to follow every halacha brought down in the name of Reb Moshe while at the same time following all the halachas brought down in the name of Rav Henkin or even R’ Tuvia Goldstein, cause guess what, they had disagreements. Because you hold the halacha is one way, that does not necessitate me to hold of it.

    in reply to: When are you leaving to upstate? #687712

    BP and FB are NOT reshus harabim, they are shvilei rsus harabim, hence the machlokes

    in reply to: Seperate Swimming in Brooklyn #686912

    Isn’t there a place in Far Rockaway? Sfas Yam or something like that?

    in reply to: Yeshivish uniform #1056010

    I know a guy who weats colored shirts but gives a daf yomi shiur and is probably makpid on halacha and some chumrahs that others who wear the full regalia. Rabbi Reisman once said that when he was engaged someone commented to his future father in law about his hat not being an up at. His father in law responded that he is more worried about what is under the hat then the hat direction. There are more important factors in deciding on a spouce than the color of their clothes.

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