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A tax prepararer cannot prepare a fraudelant return and no amount of indemnity in an engagement letter will protect them. There are penalties called tax preparer penalties and they could also lose their license. While the tax preparer may only prepare the return based on the information proided to them, it is the preparer’s responsibility to know the law and apply it and ask question to ensure compliance. So if someone is a dual citizen and is filing a US return, the preparer can’t say they didn’t know that the income was subsect to US social security. If there is income which is questionable if it is, it is the preparer’s responsibility to research the issue and they cannot rely on the tax payer saying to them, this income is exempt or anything similar.
rescue37Participantwrong, wrong and wrong. Especially if you talking about 30 years ago
1.30 years ago the requirement was 120 hours with a certain amount of accounting credits in New York. some other states started earlier but most states with frum populations were later
2. so what, you still need work and experience. The is no difference in salary for the first few years whether you have a license or not. It will prevent you from promotions and more money after a few years, but not starting ut
3. the salary of any job plateaus, basically if you want to make more money you need to move up in position and responsibility.
4. There is reciprocity between most states as long as you have been working long enough,rescue37ParticipantDid Reb Moshe change his psak?
rescue37ParticipantI don’t know if you are aware of what is really going on then with such a question. A lot of bochrim want and/or have smartphones. Excluding the bochrim who are really serious about learning, based on my own experience and observations the more stringent a yeshiva is about ossuring them the more bochrim want and hide them. My son was in Mir Yerushalayim last year and while Mir has a policy, the facts on the ground are the a lot just have 2 phones at the begining of the zman when they do their check and then get rid of them. When my son needed wifi for a certain period, he went to look to buy a hotspot, and was offered to borrow one from someone he met in the store learning in a yeshiva which is much more choshuv on the resume than the Mir. When I asked why a bochur in that yeshiva would have a hotspot he told me that half the place there has, they are only there for the resume. Asking why a bochur needs one is akin to asking why does there have to be chulent and schnapps by a kiddush in shul, what’s wrong with just some herring and kugel or even just herring. This is the world we live in, sticking our head in the sand and asking why they need instead of developing a way to teach them to use it the right away as needed is just poor parenting. There are Roshei Yeshiva that get this and there are those that don’t. When I spoke to my son’s Rosh Yeshiva about the 2 phones at Mir clearly against the policy the Rosh Yeshiva (the son of a big well known Rosh Yeshiva/talmid chacham who is involved in setting policy for this yeshiva) said to me and I quote “They just don’t understand the bochrim over there” and encouraged me to follow the 2 phone plan.
rescue37ParticipantThere is no wifi in yeshiva. This was more for off shabbosim and bein hazmanim. While in yeshiva the yeshiva provided flip phones, so this was to encourage them to get rid of the smartphone at those times.
rescue37ParticipantOne plus of a tablet that only works off of wifi is that is limits the screen time. Instead of walking around with a smartphone all day and playing with it, it limits you to where and when you could be wasting time. I know of a yeshiva that encouraged the bochrim to get rid of their smartphones (which were all filtered and monitered by the yeshiva) for a simple flip phone and have a tablet instead.
rescue37ParticipantTo quote Rabbi David Silver (son of Harav Eliezer Silver TZ”L) stated to me personally a few times. I learned in YU before it was YU when it was Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitchok Elchanon. I don’t think based on the conversation I had with him that he considered YU in the current format to be the same makom Torah that he learned and received smicha from. (but I could be wrong, I never asked him that question specifically)
rescue37ParticipantThere was a story where some girls came to Rav Shach asking for a bracha for ashidduch and he told them, you already met your bashert, the problem is you turned him down for some silly reason.
rescue37ParticipantI have a resmed with a humidifier. I spoke with resmed and they told me that running the machine for the whole shabbos even if the water runs out will not affect the machine other than normal wear and tear. I also looked into filling up the water on shabbos and the model I have has 5 heat setting which are also effected by the atmospheric conditions as to how hot they get, but each setting has a max temperature, For Shabbos I leave mine on number 3 of 5 which will not reach yad soledes bo and then fill up the reservoir as needed. (All this was done in consultation with my Rav.) I also tuned off the auto on/off. I know there are Rabbanim out there that say the auto on/off is ok on shabbos. My Rav said no.
rescue37ParticipantCan’t contact TAG, since the school s requiring an ishur from Machne Kadosh that we signed up. I figure changing settings is not as bad as lying and bringing in an old cell phone and then swapping out the simm card when done.
rescue37ParticipantI don’t remember the vort exactly but it is something to the effect of take the gimatria of rasha and subtract from it shinav and you get the gimatria of tzadik. What the hagadah is telling us is that sometimes you have to be blunt to get the point out and the results that are necessary. It depends on how the question is being asked.
December 9, 2016 1:22 pm at 1:22 pm in reply to: problems with not jewish college and this is why you should go to touro #1214980rescue37ParticipantYou forgot the biggest problem – “IT WILL HURT THE SHIDDUCH”, although almost all the teachers in my daughters school this year (who is in 12th grade) have been telling my wife and I that Touro is no good either. One teacher just said to us a PTA, well you know, there was just a story of a girl running off with a professor at Touro. I told her, that may be, but there are also stories of molestation in some yeshivas, so does that mean I shouldn’t send my sons to yeshiva? I think she may still be in the ICU as her bubble was popped.
September 12, 2016 8:53 pm at 8:53 pm in reply to: Why Brooklyn Bais Yaakovs Need Unity Now #1178796rescue37ParticipantThis whole article appears to be much ado about nothing. There was a school that closed due to lack of funds. There were requests that went out about 3 weeks ago stating that they did not have the funds to operate and may have to close down. Apparently, they did’s raise the funds and closed down at the last minute. It cannot be expected that a school closes down and the girls find a place to go within a few days. It does take some time. The fact that Macon Bais Yaakov agreed to accept the whole 12 grade is definitely a good thing, but even they couldn’t do it immediately. When Machon had orientation for they were still “interviewing” the girls and they were not necessarily going to start the first day of school. Things take time. As the author of the article doesn’t even say how many girls may be having issue, we don’t know if there is an issue or not.
rescue37ParticipantThe point is to make it darker earlier on the clock so the kids will go to sleep earlier and/or to give them more dark time at night for night activities. This way a night activity can start at 8pm and not 9pm
rescue37Participantummmm, kollel guys are not a pillar of the world. Torah is. And there are many people not in kollel learning also. Plus kollel guy is not a job.
rescue37ParticipantMy father used to tell me he was a counselor there, but all he ever mentioned was that I shouldn’t complain about my camps as he had outhouses there.
rescue37ParticipantWhile you can pay someone elses tuition, it is not a bonafide charity expense and you cannot take the tax deduction (it doesn’t matter if the school gives you a receipt). As an individual giving money to pay someone elses bills is not tax deductible. Even giving money to a 501c3 for the specific benefit of someone is not tax deductible. In order to get a legal tax deduction, you must relinquish any right over the use of the funds for a specific person. You are allowed to restrict the funds by broad categories for a purpose such as to the tuition fund, scholarship fund, building fund, etc.
rescue37ParticipantI have been happy for the past 38 years using norelco shavers. There are some Rabbonim who say lift and cut is not a problem. If you don’t want to rely on them just have them removed.
rescue37ParticipantIf you’re willing to work evenings and Sundays, there is still plenty of openings. You may have to work at 2-3 different stores, but they are almost always loking for someone for these times
rescue37Participantbesides the cost which has gone up very significantly since the requirement for a Pharm-D degree, you also need to keep in mind that most retail settings, even if you can get out of the shabbos issue or if they are closed on Shabbos, will want at least one evening a week and some Sundays. This may not be a big issue as you start out, but as kids get older it can cause child care issues that are not always so easy to deal with.
rescue37ParticipantI don’t know what bnos yaakov is like, but I believe bnos yaakov was built to be similar in image to bnos yisroel. I don’t know what the ultimate mix of girls ending up in bnos yaakov are. I will say this about bnos yisroel, there is no question on the application asking if you have a tv, if you have one bnos yisroel is just not the place you are going to send your daughter. That being said, the school is a mix of kollel families, Rabbeim families and fathers and mothers who work. It is not “advertised” as some other schools as for “yeshivish” and we don’t want others. It is for the commited frum family.
rescue37ParticipantSince Bnoy Yaakov is only a high school it needs to attract girls from other schools i.e to feed them girls, hence the term feeder school.
Bnos Yisroel is a school in Flatbush run by Rebbitzen Groner (wife of the mashgiach of Chaim Berlin who passed away a few years ago). Bnos Yaakov was started by a former teacher at Bnos Yisroel. I beleive there are around 10-15 girls from this year’s 8th grade at Bnos Yisroel who will be going to Bnos Yaakov.
rescue37ParticipantA big feeder school (at leat in the past) is/was Bnos Yisroel. Don’t know what happens in the school, but they do have a website and have posted there pictures of the girls, which is a little concerning to me.
rescue37Participanttake the $30-$50k you would have wasted and spend some on a seminary here in the US where you will most liekely gain more. Take the rest and invest it so when you get married you will have a nest egg to start off with or a larger downpayment on a house.
rescue37ParticipantIs it really apropriate for gorls to go outside at all? Men might look at them and we all know what shkutzim men are when women are around. I must say this is one of the most rediculous comments I have seen in a while. I vote all girls should only wear approriate sweatshirts. They are comfortable, economical and warm. Makes much more sence than a blouce with a vest and a wool coat.
January 17, 2013 9:56 pm at 9:56 pm in reply to: NYC School-Bus Strike – Time To Get Rid Of Union Thugs! #921252rescue37ParticipantVarious articles have said that the average salary is $35,000 a year. While I am geenrally not a union believer, even accounting for the vacation and summer they get, I fully understand the union trying to protect the drivers.
rescue37ParticipantThe words I was told by someone who asked someone (I will not name names) who is the head of a kashrus agency is that the cup-k (Israel Mayer Steinberg) is ma’achil treifos. He gives the “hechsher to Ben’s deli and othe places which are open on shabbos.
rescue37Participantactually IIRQ the REMA actually says an hour
rescue37ParticipantIf you think the chassidishe hechsherim are better you are gravely mistaken. the chips don’t say parve, so you can’t assume automatically it is parve. You need to use some common sense.
rescue37ParticipantI worked the night shift for a while when i was in college. The only way I found to really adjust was to not go to sleep the day after the last night shift and force myself to be active during the day. I then went to sleep about an hour or two earlier that night and woke up at what I needed to be my regular time for the rest of the week.
rescue37ParticipantI saw a guy last year dressed as a monk with a big sign that said Ha’galach Ha’moel
rescue37ParticipantThe simple solution is that the parents should no longer be involved with any aspect of setting up a shidduch. The shadchanimshould deal directly with the bochur and maidel and they in turn should not be allowed to discuss with their parents any questions they have related to the finances of the shidduch. They can ask/discuss questions about midos and such. Leave the financial consideration off the table from the parents and you will have plenty more bochrim saying yes a lot quicker.
rescue37ParticipantYou do the same thing you would do if you were waiting for the bus and had to go and couldn’t hold it. You take the child to bathroom and get them to school late.
rescue37ParticipantAs evidenced by the recent demand for busses on Thanksgiving, I think the lack of common sense is the clincher in my dislike of lakewood. There are 2 holidays a year that most americans hold as very important family holidays. To even think of requesting or requiring them to work goes beyond the pale.
rescue37ParticipantFeif Un: That’s why I added in parenticies that R’ Yosef would not agree. The problem with R’ Yosef is that the Ben Ish Chai says that enunciating the pasach as ahhh instead of ohhh is incorect and that he would change his kehillah to ohhh if he could.
rescue37ParticipantRav Ovadia Yosef has paskened numerous times in the past that a sefardi cannot be yotzei listening to an ashkenazi leining, it would come out from that that an ashkenazi cannot be yotzei from a sefardi leining. (I don’t think Rav Yosef would agree though, as he holds the ashkenazi mesorah is wrong)
rescue37ParticipantJosh 31,
Why are you only worried about non-jewish neigbours? You must be freinds with my neighbour. I thank him every year for keeping my kids up half the night making noise.
rescue37ParticipantWhat a wondeful way to start off a marriage. BY LYING.
rescue37ParticipantIf you are getting by just barely, who says you have to make those big expenditures in the future. Why would you want to finance todays groceries for 30 years.
August 29, 2011 5:52 pm at 5:52 pm in reply to: Causing Someone to Carry on Shabbos in an Invalid Eruv #802914rescue37ParticipantI went to boro park for shabbos to somebody who uses the eruv and we knew in advance would want to take our baby to shul on shabbos. We asked a posek and were told you don’t say anything to her and you don’t stop her.
rescue37ParticipantI think Mr Taxman is wrong. I would hask a Rov that is familiar or in the kashrus industry. A Rov that is not, will not know.
rescue37ParticipantI don’t remember, but Rabbi Reisman had a shiur a few years back called “Fargin, Farkook, Fargess” where he tried to define them in english.
rescue37ParticipantYou should be replacing your mask and tubing every 3-6 months. Check what your insurance will pay for. I have found that they generally pay new ones somewhere in that range.
rescue37ParticipantMake sure you get the correct mask for you. I had to fight my doctor and actually change doctors to get a full face mask since my nose would get to congested. You may want to start by sitting in a recliner or on your couch in the begining for an hour or two breathing with the mask. I know someone who bought a recliner for his room, and slept in the recliner for a few months until he could et used to the mask and the machine. Also play around with the humidifyer settings to get the most comfortable for you. If you don’t have one with a humidifyer, get one.
June 21, 2011 6:43 pm at 6:43 pm in reply to: Many attempts were made for the Kallah. How would you proceed? #791134rescue37ParticipantOut of curiosity, what is the going rate?
rescue37Participantif the feminist and equal rights movements want to equate women and men, then they can be just as equal and stand in the subway.
rescue37ParticipantI heard a shiur from R’ Pearl this morning and he said there are many different shittos. He said according to R’ Moshe it is required only after biah rishonah. He said there was a case where after a year that still hadn’t happened and I think he said R’ Dovid said (could’ve been he said R’ Moshe) that the women did not have to cover her hair.
R’ Feivel told you it was ok to get a salad? What about bedikas tolaim in the lettuce?
rescue37ParticipantPac-man I will let you continue to live in your fantasy land. Foecefullness can be done in a passive manner also. When a daughter comes home (brainwashed or not) from seminary that they have to only marry a guy that will sit and learn and there are other yet to be married children behind her, the forking over of money is not always so willingly. Every parent wants to see their child get married, and they will occasionally do things they do not believe in or can even afford in order to move along. Because if they don’t do those things the possibilities of shidduchim for the other children becomes a lot harder. Also, parents love for their children is to such a great extent that they will do thigs to thier own detrement just to take care of thier child. But don’t for a minute believe that just because they are doing it, they are doing it willingly. It is not a sentiment that will ever get passed the censorship of the yated or hamodia and end up there, but if you listen carfully to how people talk you will see that even the gvirim that give a lot sometimes feel their hands are tied and they give anyways to avoid confrontations etc.