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  • in reply to: egged puts passengers convenience before their safety? #784239

    haifagirl, i think he means that the money it will cost to install wifi on the inter city buses should be used for an updated fare system on the city buses, since Eged runs them both.

    in reply to: Cell Phones For Seminary Girls In Israel #689535

    wow ramat eshkolian, thanks for posting that! 400 dollars the first month! you know , it already costs so much to send to sem, the sems should be helping the student save their parents money and recommend the certified kosher prepaid phones. also, the sems should brief the girls (before they arrive)on how much things should cost them starting from the sheirut at the airport , taxis to the kosel and other services they will need during their stay so they wont be taken for a ride during their first days in israel. dont the sems teach that part of spending the year in israel is learning that we can live with less than what we are used to in the states and be very happy? so why the expensive plans?

    in reply to: Cell Phones For Seminary Girls In Israel #689530

    there are lots of sems that have partnered with cell phone rental companies in israel. i am sure that they both make money on the deal. thats fine, but the threats that ‘we cannot accept a girl that does not get a kosher phone on a kosher plan through the sem(of course) is something i dont like.for two reasons- 1)you can buy an older (no internet capabilities)israel capable unlocked cell phone in the states for 20 bucks, AND 2) avoid the CRAZY BILLS she will incur with these companies by using prepaid cards(talkman or bigtalk.)they also have free incoming calls, even from the states.does she really need unlimited calls to her friends on the sem plan? added bonuses: your daughter will learn to limit her time on the phone and use the time to study instead and you will have a few hundred dollars more to help marry her off when she comes back!(of course the sem will try to scare you by saying that they need to know where she is at all times – as if they cant do that if she is on a prepaid system

    in reply to: Anyone Else Worried About Today’s Frum Music? #793048

    not a simple matter…also many peoples parnosa depends on this industry. but i suspect that all hope is not lost – if you look at the impact gedolim have had on womens fashions- progress has been made there. it just needs the proper approach in order to make is successful with no one feeling that they will have to look for a new job.

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